Happened 3 times so far, I've noticed my phone would download a file named "st" and then reboot all by itself. I think it happens on or after I'm on a yahoo answers page.
I pasted the code below of the contents of such file. Can anybody tell me wtf this is?
<html><head></head><body><script type="text/javascript">/* All portions of this software are copyright (c) 2003-2006 Right Media*/var rm_ban_flash=0;var rm_url="";var rm_pop_frequency=0;var rm_pop_id=0;var rm_pop_times=0;var rm_pop_nofreqcap=0;var rm_passback=0;var rm_tag_type="";var rm_enable_supply_transparency=0;var rm_st_referrer="";var rm_md_purl_det_top=0;var rm_md_purl_det_if=0;var rm_md_purl_det_nif=0;var rm_enable_ck_mp=0;var rm_ck_mp_cu="";rm_enable_supply_transparency = 0; rm_st_referrer = "http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20121015092323AAaicj9"; rm_md_purl_det_top = "1"; rm_md_purl_det_if = "2"; rm_md_purl_det_nif = "3"; rm_enable_ck_mp = 0; rm_tag_type = "iframe"; rm_url = 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Me too
Exact same thing keeps happening to me. I'm on the s3 though but the file is called st. It's only 8kb but it's really annoying and I have no idea what it is. The file had no extensions or anything on it either. This only started when I installed chrome beta. It downloads even if I don't have any tabs or anything open
iTzGavin96 said:
Exact same thing keeps happening to me. I'm on the s3 though but the file is called st. It's only 8kb but it's really annoying and I have no idea what it is. The file had no extensions or anything on it either. This only started when I installed chrome beta. It downloads even if I don't have any tabs or anything open
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Yeah same here. No extension, I just opening it with the text tool to see it's contents.
Similar thing happens when you are on a download page and restart your phone or reopen chrome, it will start downloading the same file. Do you have a tab open that is downloading something? There's a url to a Yahoo answers page in your code and a url to an ad, did you click on an ad, and have that tab still open somewhere?
RichySamui said:
Similar thing happens when you are on a download page and restart your phone or reopen chrome, it will start downloading the same file. Do you have a tab open that is downloading something? There's a url to a Yahoo answers page in your code and a url to an ad, did you click on an ad, and have that tab still open somewhere?
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nope, I do use Chrome Beta, and have (well, now had) only 1 tab open both instances.
ad.yieldmanager.com is some sort of tracking cookies, it probably came from programs you downloaded.
Recommendation is to install adsblocking app or uninstall ads ridden program. Or use AFWall+ and completely deny internet access to programs you don't trust.
sent from xda premium app
I have finally discovered the best method to download youtube videos in the highest quality in playable format on our G1's.
I will update this as frequently as I can to make sure it stays current/works properly.
Alright, so steps 1 and 2 only need to be done one time.
1st: Go to the market and download MyBookmarks.
2nd: Open it, click import your bookmarks (type in 0420420420 when asked for your phone #)
Simply import the bookmark! (one by one or all at once)
3rd: Just go to the youtube page of choice on your stock browser, and once on it go to your bookmarks. Find and click the new bookmark (usually at the very bottom) called "YouTube Downloader".
Thats it. It'll instantly start downloading.
If you would like to rename the file, get a file manager such as ASTRO from the market. For Astro open it up, find the file in /sdcard/downloads and long press it. Then choose edit and rename..
Don't forget to 5* Rerwares great apps! Show them some support
Also Steel functionality has been added.
1. Go to www.xblight.com/tube.html on your steel browser.
2. Since copy and paste doesnt work too well on steel, do this. Hold down shift (arrow facing up, bottom left of keyboard) and start moving the trackball around until the code it all highlighted. Then hold down the track ball and copy all.
3. Now simply add a new bookmark and paste that in the bottom portion.
4. Now just do it the same way as before. Go to a youtube video page and click on the bookmark.
The good thing about the steel method is that it lets you rename the file on the fly
If you are on the youtube application, watching a video, and suddenly decide you want to download it, do the following. Hit menu -> share. Long press the link and copy all. Then just paste it in the URL hit enter, and click on your bookmark =)
I've also added several things which you can see below in the changelog.
Don't try to do it any other way, the steel code does NOT work in the stock browser and vice versa.
E-mail me at [email protected] with any suggestions or problems.
1.0 - Works and downloads the very highest available quality.
1.1 - Quick fix. Found out that our g1's don't like to play the HD videos so now it gets the highest quality that isn't HD.
1.2 - Now it will check to see if you are actually on a youtube video page. If not itll redirect you to the youtube homepage. (Code altered to work on steel)
1.3 [1-3-09] - It now gives you a message right before you redirect so you know whats going on =P. Also the name was changed to YouTube Downloader.
Where does it store the stuff you Download? Just wondrin...
EDIT - Never mind - I had a go and it goes in the downloads folder on the sdcard an d it works WONDERFULLY!! Thanks for this
Dais xx
I have no clue how you got that to work but great job!
Can't you just cut/paste the bookmark here instead of us needing to get it from that saved bookmark via the import bookmark program?
My guess is it must just be a URL to a site that uses the previous URL you were at (I think it's called the Referrer URL)?
I would but it doesnt work.
If you copy and paste the code in a bookmark on android it'll instantly add http:// to the beginning.
The code is in javascript and adding http:// will render it useless.
This is the only way around it.
Plus its quicker for everyone
so you are just changing the url on the fly?
can it be done with a simple http referrer check?
if you are one of the people who setup one of those sites I think you could do it that way and then it would work from any browser/phone/pc without javascript
1. goto youtube.com/foo?goo=hoo&ioo=joo
2. goto someutubehack.com/getmedavid
3. script getmedavid looks at the referrer which is the url in 1
4. script getmedavid gets the vid and sends it back to you
5. you save it
6. profit! (sorry I read to much /.)
That works, but this way is the quickest way for android phones.
And yea, it just changes the url on the fly,
and if the video has HD available, it gets that version.
Meaning best quality every time =)
Go to the URL in my first post.
There are several methods to do the same thing.
This rocks! Thanks for sharing...
I had previously used another method for downloading, but how does it get any easier than this? You just hit Youtube, find the video, and hit the bookmark.
Only downside is needing to rename the video after download, but that's the same as with any PC-based downloader as well.
worked like a charm
EDIT- So do you have to go through step 2 again everytime? I had to because i couldnt find the "DL Youtube Video" bookmark in my bookmarks..??
If you downloaded it within the past 6-7 hours it will be called Youtube Downloader.
I updated it last night and found that name more fitting.
EDIT: New instructions added check above.
am I crazy or is mybookmarks gone from the market? Lost it when I did a wipe installing 1.41
You're carzy! hehe
I just literally downloaded it from the Market myself... maybe do a search.
Hey fyi 0420420420 no longer has the bookmark. Can you reup it or give a similar solution like you gave to steel users? It was working earlier today but I went to jf1.41 and forgot to save it. Thx
Use the steel link and copy the code and save it to your own bookmarks and upload it to your own number in mybookmark. I just did this and it worked. Plus now you have your own personal copy.
Yes, it appears someone has replaced the bookmark.
I put it back up, still 0420420420.
Don't know why anyone would do that.
Also, the steel code does NOT work with the stock browser.
The easiest and basically only way to get this working on the stock browser is like this.
sweet another reason to get sidetracked at work. good stuff.
Yea don't pay any attention to me. Whoa I got 2 now I'm on a row baby. Well thanks for this anyways, I can't stop downloading from youtube.
topdnbass said:
Yes, it appears someone has replaced the bookmark.
I put it back up, 7647647000.
If this happens again then I will start constantly changing the numbers.
Don't know why anyone would do that.
Also, the steel code does NOT work with the stock browser.
The easiest and basically only way to get this working on the stock browser is like this.
If you notice that someone has changed this one let me know here or email me asap and i'll put up a new one.
Don't listen to su3ng he has 1 post .
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Thanks for the update, but is it really that easy to change a book mark, what a crappy way to set up that app then...
btw, you may want to tell people to do it one by one. cause when your old 420 bookmark was overwritten, there were about 25 bookmarks. i did one by one, and went thru each one hoping that yours was still there, but it'd be a total pain in the ass if you imported all 25 and had to delete them
thanks this is great. i love the fact that it downloads in mp4 format which is great for easy importing into your computer.
I just never thought anyone would overwrite mine.
So sad
I'm gonna talk rerware and see if theres a way to lock it.
Does anyone know where the webpage preview thumbnail for your favourite site is stored and can be changed/reset?
The reason I'm asking is that I accidently connected to a portal site for a wifi service to access the internet using Opera. In doing so, it's created a snapshot of the portal page to use as the preview for my favourite and I want to change it!
kai_ said:
Does anyone know where the webpage preview thumbnail for your favourite site is stored and can be changed/reset?
The reason I'm asking is that I accidently connected to a portal site for a wifi service to access the internet using Opera. In doing so, it's created a snapshot of the portal page to use as the preview for my favourite and I want to change it!
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Delete the one in question, then tap the favourite on the internet tab to load the page in Opera, let it load, then close Opera, you should have a new thumbnail.
Thanks for the reply. I found the directory and deleted the thumbnail in question. The thumbnail preview disappeared as expected. I then pressed the default 'globe' picture to load the page and let it finish loading, then exited Opera. The thumbnail hasn't 'set' - it's still showing the default globe pic. I've retried it a few times and no dice. Any ideas?
kai_ said:
Thanks for the reply. I found the directory and deleted the thumbnail in question. The thumbnail preview disappeared as expected. I then pressed the default 'globe' picture to load the page and let it finish loading, then exited Opera. The thumbnail hasn't 'set' - it's still showing the default globe pic. I've retried it a few times and no dice. Any ideas?
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Did you click on the favourite rather than the globe?
I tried all sorts.. click on the globe, or the text under the globe or by selecting the page through favourites. Nothing would give it a new updated image.. it just stayed as the default.
The only thing I did was to remove the favourite from the favourite shortcut, then also removed the favourite from the list of favourites. Then I readded the page and set it as the favourite again. Selected it to load it up fully in Opera and it worked!
Thanks for your help.
I seem to remember someone saying to me on another thread that the only way to add/update the thumbnail images for your favourites on the Opera tab is to load the page in question using IE.
EDIT: That works for me...
We gave up our newsprint subscription some time ago and went to reading our local rag with an app that works fine with our Nook Tablet and Nook HD. But breakfast is not the same without a few comics
So I set out to do something simple to allow us to read our favorites without a lot of scanning through lists on websites. The result is a very simple HTML page (sample attached as txt file; change extension to htm or html) with nothing but comic title links. The sites accessed are GoComics and Arcamax. Both work really well in this way with the comic coming up nicely famed in a landscape view, no need to scroll unless it's a large panel like Rubes or a Sunday version. The behavior of both sites is enhanced if you are using AdAway.
The only issue is that Android does not open local HTML files. Ah, but there's an app for that! (attached). I wish I could give credit for it, but I've forgotten where I found it in my searching to solve the problem. Install that and then you can navigate to the local HTML file, select it and be asked how to open it (might as well check the box for "always"). Once the file is open in your browser you can bookmark it or add it to speed dial. And there you are, daily comics at your fingertips (literally).
And the NST? Well, we're going on a trip and I don't want to take my NT with me but did want something to read so I decided to try this today on the NST. To my surprise it works like a charm! I use RotationLocker and Tasker to force my Opera Mobile to stay in landscape mode.
The other major on-line comics site (comicskingdom) does not work as well. The panel comes up only partially in view, etc. So if you have to have something only they carry, you have to deal with it. Sometimes you can find an on-line newspaper that has a comics section and gets it from comicskingdom but displays it in a friendlier fashion
The HTML file is really easy to edit, even if you know essentially nothing about HTML. Just open in a simple text editor and change titles and urls and you're good to go. It's set up now in a simple two-column format which you can expand by example.
How does one go about downloading the .txt file? Clicking on it just takes me to this page, and ES Downloader doesn't know how to handle it.
Um.....on my laptop clicking on the file link displays the text file contents in the browser. Let's try a zipfile?
nmyshkin said:
Um.....on my laptop clicking on the file link displays the text file contents in the browser. Let's try a zipfile?
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Excellent, thanks!
Wondering if anyone facing this problem, which started last week after I noticed that I am running out of space suddenly without installing or making any making adjustment to the phone content. I tracked down to the sudden lose of storage space to a folder named "memory-reports" inside the default Download folder. The folder content comprise multiple logfiles with each file sizes averaging 30mbs, and the number of files gradually increase make up to over 3gigs. I deleted the entire folder with the logfiles two days ago but the folder is back with six logfiles in them with the same avg file size each.
after Googling around, I found the description of the logfiles here https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Performance/GC_and_CC_logs. it seem to relate to Mozilla Firefox and I doubt this problem is specific to Samsung S7 Edge although this is the phone I am using now and the problem only occurred to me for the first time recently. couldn't find any mention of similar issue anywhere else via Google, but maybe some of you guys are better at digging them up. Seeking some comments, suggestions as to what cause, possible solutions...
nobody face the same problem ? the problem persists.. folder named memory-reports located inside default Download folder, brimming with multiple 30over megs of logfiles... adding up to 3 gigs now...
Just ran into the same issue on my moto g sencond gen. I just deleted it...
watchman.see said:
nobody face the same problem ? the problem persists.. folder named memory-reports located inside default Download folder, brimming with multiple 30over megs of logfiles... adding up to 3 gigs now...
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Nope, most would suggest to just dump the browser if that is what it is doing tbh.
Same issue here, same phone as well (GS7 edge)
It seems to happen when Firefox is running, either in the background or in front and you choose to close the app using the Recent apps button.
Just noticed it here as well, also on GS7E.
Will delete and see if/when they crop up again. Will dump Firefox if necessary, it's just the backup browser I use since Chrome stopped supporting Flash.
Just noticed it on my HTC 10. Although I have only 2 of the logfiles in the folder, I've noticed that one is as high as 66mb. If it's Firefox then I hope they come clean on this. It's my favorite browser currently, as Chrome has too many ads.
While I'm not a Firefox user, it may seem to be a firefox issue and not related to this device in specific. I suggest you guys emailing or reporting an error ticket to Mozilla regarding this bug, also you can try using the Firefox Beta instead of the stock one, maybe it was fixed in beta but still not rolled to the general public.
All the best,
Thanks for this; I'm also experiencing this on my samsung s5; they were taking up 300mb total.
wonder if it's history-related.
I have the same problem, 25gb ocuped for that files
same problem here, coincided with my installing DuckDuckGo app
Same problem for me as well on LG G5
Same problem here on a Samsung S5.
Note: I'm not using Firefox, but ADblock Browser, which is based on Firefox.
Will switch to Chrome.
kammo90 said:
Same problem here on a Samsung S5.
Note: I'm not using Firefox, but ADblock Browser, which is based on Firefox.
Will switch to Chrome.
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Yo note el folder despues de actualizar a android 7.0 y borre firefox y el folder que ya tenia 3giga
Same here, almost 1G occupied with gc*.log cc*.log files. I use Firefox beta.
Could these possibly be signs of attacks against our browsers? Maybe overflow attacks?
Searching through the two files that were located in a folder named "memory-reports" in my main Download directory, I notice that it has everything I've done in the browser. Searching for certain urls brings up places I've been.
SBTlauien said:
Could these possibly be signs of attacks against our browsers? Maybe overflow attacks?
Searching through the two files that were located in a folder named "memory-reports" in my main Download directory, I notice that it has everything I've done in the browser. Searching for certain urls brings up places I've been.
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Mmmm I wouldn't think so, it's logs that have been turned on (though I am no coding expert!), maybe by a bug? I know they can be generated manually by typing in about:memory into your FF browser address bar but you guys seem to have these generating automatically. I don't know but maybe you can turn them off by going to about:config and changing one of the values for mem.gc to false or something, but nothing stands out to me. That made me search for log, one of which is "javascript.options.mem.log" mine is set to "false" is yours set "true"?
(don't mess with settings in about:config unless you are really sure what you are doing though, I've only tweaked some security settings in there following a guide as I'm no expert!)
When we download certain file types or URLs, there can be an association that causes a particular app to open. For example, I've set an association so that when I click on a link that mentions IMDB, the IMDB app opens rather than viewing in a browser. And certain programs can be associated with downloads too, so that when we click on the download link, that app will fire rather than the standard download action.
I had this working great with an app called SabNZBDPlus. When I would click on a link for a .nzb file, that app would kick off, and know how to handle that file. But recently, I reinstalled that program. Now, rather than firing the program - or asking me what I'd like to do - the file simply downloads like any other, and none of SabNZBDPlus automation takes place. I've tried clearing application defaults, reinstall, reboot, and so on but cannot seem to clear this.
What I'd like to do, is make Android once again ask me what to do when I click on such a link. I'm sure this can be resolved by factory reset, but that seems to be overkill.
Any ideas?