[Q] Application using Backend Services - Java for Android App Development

I'm new here and just starting to dabble with Android app development.
I've installed android studio and began playing around with it making a few Activities just to try it out and begin building my knowledge. I want to make an app where users will need to authenticate then pull data from a server (via an API). I followed this guide (google how-to-build-mobile-app-with-app-engine-backend-tutorial to find, can't post link) to add the app engine backend to it, but I couldn't finish it because I couldn't find the RegisterActivity so I decided to take a break and come ask here.
I'm very new to this, trying to warm up to the Android activities/layouts/things so I'd appreciate it if someone could link me some tutorials or guides on setting up a backend that will be able to interact with my app to perform things like registering, logging in and fetching data? Instagram would be a good example (I'm not making a photo sharing app but the functionality in terms of signing in then fetching your photos from the feed is a similar idea of what I want to do).
I have solid knowledge in web development languages and Java but am still trying to grasp this all.
Thanks for any and all help!


Android Web App

Hello everyone. I'm new to Android app development but I'm not new to web development. I was searching around and I found that I could do an "offline" web application. Since I'm new and can't post links, there is an example that can be found on Linux Mag. The article is called "Under the Hood of Native Web Apps for Android" and it's specific to offline app development. I'm looking for help with an ONLINE application using PHP/MySQL/AJAX using my web server to host the app - minus having to use the phone's browser.
I know you can do "web apps" for the iPhone (such as Google Voice) and I was wondering if I could do it with Android (unlike in the example from Linux Mag where the app is "offline", mine needs to be online). Any information would be appreciated as I keep turning up dry search results. Thanks very much!
This is not any of a problem with android (or java in general)
I'm just gonna give you a few catchwords & links:
Apache (Default)HttpClient - Pretty straight-forward-to-use HttpClient - http://developer.android.com/reference/org/apache/http/impl/client/DefaultHttpClient.html
AsyncTask - A pretty simple way to fetch data asynchronously (meaning you wont actually block your app while loading data) - http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/AsyncTask.html.
If your source-data is being delivered as xml you can use sax-parsers for json u can use org.json which is also built into standard android - http://developer.android.com/reference/org/json/package-summary.html
And finally a hint from my side if you're new to android application development... care about rotation-handling from the very begining of application development. You will regret later on if u didn't .

[REQ] app to fetch data from web site

Hello, XDA-Developers!
Basics: I'm looking for someone who can develop an Android app. It needs to be a simple application to fetch pages from a web site from a phone-friendly interface. It's intended to be a companion to the web site to enable easier access.
Background: I run a gaming website, gameshard.net. We're doing ok, and in order to reach out to new users and make it easier for users to access the site, I want to develop an Android app. But I have no android development knowledge at all. So I'm looking for help!
The Specifics: The GameShard.net app should be a simple, clean app designed to let users access information on the website through a touch-friendly interface. Specifically, users should be able to access the latest news, our library of reviews, features, and their profile (and inbox) from the device. The closest similar example I can think of for reference is the Eurogamer app for iOS. The app will be free, so incorporating adverts in a non-intrusive way would be welcome.
I leave it to the developer to decide what the easiest way to do this would be. It might be that the app could be a simple launcher for a custom iOS version of the website, or perhaps it would be better to fetch the data in a different way- I'm open to your ideas! And I'm willing to pay for your time, of course.
So, thats my pitch! Please let me know if you have any questions, and if you're interested in working on this send me a message.

Map app looking for suggestions and/or some help

Basically for my final project were working with an external company that want stuff done for free or very close, this includes an android app.
The app I'm going to try to make will be private for the company to give out locations using google maps and gps/geolocation.
The app will be distributed through the site we are developing to certain users and not featured on the marketplace due to privacy issues.
Problem is I've never developed for android or any mobile platforms and have an extremely basic knowledge of Java but i mainly develop for web and windows using c# so naturally I have a few questions for people with experience in android development.
And it will be compatible from android 2.0 onwards
1. Is it possible to have the app powered by google maps?
2. Any suggestions of how one user will be able to upload gps coordinates to this app?
3. Rough idea of how long it would take e.g. few hours, few days, few months?
4. Overall is it possible, any problems I might run into?
5 Any Advice, tips,or better suggestions?
Thanks a lot for reading this far, any answers or help would be greatly appreciated.

developing with eclipse

i already set up my environment and know all the basics eg am ok with hello world apps but now i want to write a messaging app like whatsapp.....am using jdk+eclipse+sdk+adt...
Congratulations, so?
Start with basic android apps first to get an overview of your possibilities before go for a big app.
Whatsapp might look simple but it's pretty huge, not a beginner job.
Start from basics, brush up your java,
Get a nice ebook like:
Begining android development
Learning android development
Sent from my GT-P3100 using XDA Free mobile app
learn using the whole android APIs (notifications , listeners, list views, data bases...etc), make some little apps and think of a big one then
Only client, No server?
Maybe make it your goal to develop something smaller than Whatsapp for the start ... maybe a very simple app, which requires some sort of client / server communication, and consists of an Android client, and a server application running on a server, which can be reached over the network (of course the server application won't be an android app). Have a look at this:
After getting acquainted with that you will have to learn about some protocols like for instance Jabber (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XMPP, for icq or skype the specs are closed making things difficult). And providing such services on the server side can become even more complex. To handle potentially thousands of requests simultaneously, for instance the shared nothing architecture can be deployed, which handles requests in a decentralized way using multiple servers.
But for a simple chat program, which you'd like to implement just for fun, the above tutorial might be enough.
Well i guess you should choice your architecture, Client/Server or phone to phone and so on.
Then you should choice how to exchange data, WS? It could be!
It isnt enought setup the enviroment!
First learn java good. Than start with android examples.

Best libraries/practices for native/cross-platform apps with DB backend

Hi, .
I am trying to figure out the best approach for an upcoming big project. Except doing small projects for Android (no web backend), most of my experience is with java, C++, and drupal programming.
The app I am looking at involves storing location for each user and a bunch of user data.
The app then needs to visualise/sort based on the nearby users on the map.
I've been reading up on current mobile technologies, which brought me to phonegap and drupalgap, although I am slightly afraid of being overly complex, and the delay of js rendering.
So I am also considering using a simpler restful service for login and user data storage (any recommendations? Do I build this myself?) and just building 2 native apps that communicate with this.
Drupalgap seems overly complicated to me and doesn't offer a good UI (would I use intelliJ and then just build a simple site in Drupal that is being rendered?). Or using the rest full services by hand (without phonegap) to do it native, as described at varunity.github.io/Drupal-Services-Android-App. Maybe there are libraries for this?
Sorry for the many questions, I just want to save myself time and do it right from the beginning. I am still very much in the process of reading up on existing libraries.

