[IDEA][Q] How can I use an elliptic encryption library usefully - General Marketing & SEO

Hello all,
First of all, thank you for reading me, and sorry for my approximative english (sometimes ^^).
I am quite not good at marketing, and so I am asking myself a lot of question. At my university, I was specialized in software security, and I worked for a french computer science laboratory, itself specialized in discovering elliptic curves for asymmetric encryption. So, my internship at this lab was to make an encryption library, using weirstrass curves, instead of the ones that NSA advised to use.
Just for feedback, in encryption, elliptic curves are like the next generation encryption system. For instance, a 521 bits key in elliptic is equivalent to 15360 bits in RSA standard system. It is simply more efficient and less consumptive.
The NSA advised to use 2-3 different curves and give them freely on internet, but it is not without knowing that they can crack it fastly than normal curves. For instance, with Weirstrass curves, a super-computer can take 1 month to decrypt only a 150 characters long message.
So, I come with this next-generation encryption library (except the bugs ^^), but I really do not know how to use it efficiently.
I am currently a Mobile Application Developer, so I thought about mobile applications, in SMS apps, or email apps for instance, but there are plenty of this apps which already exist, and I have just this elliptic thing that gives me an advantage, but I think that average people will not even look at it ! ^^
So, this is it, do you think my ideas could be interesting, or without a real future, since the concurrence is too strong and my advantage not so well-known ?
And another question, in my SMS app idea, could I get for instance the Cyanogenmod SMS app sources, since they are open source, modify them and publish them on my own account, with of course mentions to the creator etc.. ?
Thank you again for reading me.

I think this sounds very cool.
the truth is, there usually ten or twenty other apps that do the exact same thing. And your method seems to be a big leap forward.
I think you should go for it.

Thanks for you answer.
That is true that there are plenty applications for the same thing.
My fear is most that "normal" people will not be attracted by the product if they do not even know what it is talking about (it is true that it is very technical and mathematical).
And I forget, as I am french, and the library was initially developed in C++, could I freely and without beeing attacked by Copyright or else reproduct the library and its algorithms (which are public) in JAVA ? (it is more a juridic question though).
And for the CyanogenMod SMS app, do you think I can take the sources and modify them ? I am truly bad at design so it can be a very good step for my app xD
Thank you beforehand.


Capture Voicestream to encrypt calls

Is there anyone who has done this, kind of like recording the phonecall... Though my query is slightly more advanced, I would like to see a Crypto program creating secure phonecalls using WM5...
So we would need to capture the datastream incoming(to decrypt) and outgoing to crypt, this creating a nice safe way to talk to your...friends... Anyone else up for this project?
Or any feedback on the concept?
i dont think its only me intrested in this so ill send this source code aswell from a company that works from a PC via isdn... This company sells cellphones with encryption...
Dont know if this could help in the initial stage?
A similar software does exist (180 dollars per phone + all your details are sent to australian gov) www.securegsm.com
Anyone up for the task?
Re: ...and...
it is impossible to intercept the audio data coming through PPC unless your hardware is specially designed for it and it provides you a specialized API for doing that. All crypting software encrypts calls via doing CSD calls and senging data. There is another program - www.cryptophone.de
this looks like a HTC anyway...
Then how can secureGSM do it in a software made for any WM5?
So theoretically i dont think there is a problem there....
SecureGSM is an end to end app, which I suppose all such apps would have to be.
As such, it almost certainly doesn't need to pick up the phone/modem audio path (which as Mamaich says, seems to be impossible without a particular hardware implementation), but just use the normal microphone and loudspeaker recording/playback functions.
Vijay is right. SecureGSM is working on the same principal as criptophone.
Establish a modem connection between two devices running the same software run a negociation with the network (v.110 is much faster then v.32) start a data connection with the other dude...the stream that the mic receives is encrypted and sent over to the other party there the software decrypts the stream and plays it troughout the speaker.
There were quite a few threads regarding csd connections between phones so could start from there.
The only thing that you're going to miss in this deal is the logistic for selling the software + phone.
I often thought of adding this as a feature of GSMbeam but I just can't think when I would ever really need it. It would be cool to communicate without the possibility of Big Brother knowing what is said, but what would you say?
To sell this kind of software may also bring you in contact with undesirable groups, criminals or terrorists are propably in need of good voice call encryption.
To do this it will have to have a reletively low quality of sound because of the poor data rate on voice calls. How would one go about encoding the sound to data? Are there any off the shelf open ended codecs for this purpose or would the work need to be done from scratch?
OdeeanRDeathshead said:
......To sell this kind of software may also bring you in contact with undesirable groups, criminals or terrorists are propably in need of good voice call encryption....
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as per SecureGSM FAQ:
Is your software designed to support criminals and terrorists?
Absolutely not! We do not condone any such activities, and take extreme care to ensure that our products are used to prevent, rather than encourage criminal or terrorist behavior.
AddeBC said:
A similar software does exist (180 dollars per phone + all your details are sent to australian gov)
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End User Details are being collected as part of identity verification procedure.
First name, Second Name, living address, phone number and contact email address. I suppose, this is standard practice. We do not support criminals and terrorists and would not sell if in doubt.. At the same time our software does just what is says to do: encrypts phone conversation end to end to the military standards and beyond.
It is buyer's resposibility to provide correct information on the order form.
see this page for details:
Also, I suppose providing end user information to the Australian Government does not automaticaly lead to the conclusion that SecureGSM is flawed or insecure, has master key, back door or leaving any other way to interfere with contents of SecureGSM encrypted conversation. And no! Big Brother does not know what is said..
Any way, if terrorists or any of the countries listed there want call encryption they would not trust their lives to someone elses software. I am sure they are smart enough to write their own.
As for the laws governing the sale, that just makes me mad. I do not trust John Howard, I think I should have the right to a private conversation without registering it with him. I guess that is the beauty of computers. Computers make the world go round and its the size of your brain that gets results not politics.
Well, for a less.. 'big brother-ish' scenario, I would, personally like to have my line phone to be encrypted, as it is way much easier to have someone bugging your phone line.
However, for a cell/mobile phone, it is relatively difficult for amateur people to bug it, right? What are the chances that someone around you that is interested on your conversations, is capable of intercepting your mobile/cell phone calls.
Raseac Secure Phone - for WM 2003 and WM 2003 SE
This looks worthwhile! Downloads are available from the website for testing.
[Also, as a side note, I have been in touch with Phil Zimmermann, the creator of PGP, and lately of Zfone (crypto SIP phone for XP/Linux/Mac), and he says he realizes the importance of the Pocket PC platform and is considering ways of implementing Zfone for Pocket PC.]
Encryption system for end-to-end secure voice communication. It was developed to be used in palmtop computers running Microsoft PocketPC 2003 e 2003SE (Intel).
When installed in a palmtop connected via modem to a telephony system (fixed or mobile), it allows your company and your business a secure means of communication anywhere around the world.
Since Raseac encryption technology was developed for high capacity processors, it allowed for the implementation of state of the art security, featuring:
* Exceptional sound quality;
* 256-bit encryption key;
* Encryption technology based on the Rijndael block cipher (AES);
* CBC, Random IV, Time Stamp, Integrity check by MAC/SHA-256;
* 100% protected against "man in the middle attack";
* No backdoor.
Need for secure phone line; the brazilian site and others
Well, I'd say that common people don't have much to worry about being tapped... Usually, nothing that sensitive is talken EVER over line.
Things begin to change when you are involved with something sensitive, be that legal or not. Most of the guies who work with corps, above management level may have some need from time to time, to be contacted that way by a superior. From director and up, depending on what kind of business the company is into, it IS a must!
People who work with security, government and other agencies may need it. As already said, people who work with barely legal to blatantly criminal stuff are always in need of such trappings. I think terrorists end-up on that class.
Equipment, hard and soft is always expensive and cost prohibitive for most of us.
Paranoid, techno-junkies and just curious people may want it, just to have.
Since I fit two or three of the said categories, I would like to put a program like that on my cell phone...
Just for the sake of having it there!
(mind you! Curious, telecom and management+ position...)
That said, a basic voice scramble-de-scramble program is OK for me!!!
(the more open-source, the better!)
About the brazilian company, they changed the site's name to secvoice. I tried to have a look-see on their specs but they ignored my e-mail and so I've done with it.

Job offer ......of sorts!

Hey guys I hope you dont have any objections to this, if it is against any policies you have just let me know.
Ok the meat is, I am forming a very early stage start up.
I am UK based with (sadly!) no language skills so youll have to be English speaking.
I am seeking a developer to help me put together a prototype software suite.
I do not know this platform AT ALL, so youll have to know how to acces databases via vpn.( may need knowledge of the server side too) youll also have to understand the operations of the bluetooth stack with regards to sending print files.
And lastly you will need to be able to implement and debug a visual input sytem.
Its actually quite basic stuff, but I have no time to learn it as my bank wants to see a prototype ASAP.
Again I apologise if this is against your policy, but I need to get the ball rolling.
To clarify, as I am currently in patenting process I cant discuss much yet, but this can go two ways;
1: If you have the skills I need and spare time we agree on a price and timescale, I pay you for your work, then you walk away.
2: We discuss the project, you come on board with skills provided in return for a percentage of company.
This could be a great oppurtunity either way.
Thanks for listening.
I would prefer an email at [email protected]
What will it take?
I was disappointed to see no responses but oh hey!
SO? what am I doing wrong? what would it take to get some development skills in my pocket?
I would offer a go on the missus but shes not speaking to me right now for ignoring her.
Any advice pos' or negative would be cool.
Cheers guys.
If I were you I'd scan the Development forum and look at our community developers to see what they have done. Some of the more popular and highly respected are
A_C for S2U2 and S2V
Tene for PocketCM and PCM Keyboard
Thundershadow14 for PocketMelody and PictureFlow
DotFred for TaskManager and PPCPIMBackup
Vijay555 for (too much to name)
Slither2006 for SCLPC++
Grumps for iPhone App
I'm sure I missed out a lot of others with some real quality stuff. But I'm just naming off those who has produced software that I use most frequently and/or always see at the top of the Development forum cause the thread is so active. Sorry if I offended anyone by not naming them.
So check out the guys that I listed above and see if they have exhibit the skills that you need require for your project. Also if you need help with the design-side we also have plenty of good GUI/skinning guys.
I will go check the area you suggested, so thanks for the heads up.
At the moment I am just interested in a rough and ready usable system to show the bank, but Ill definately remember your offer if they like what they see.
Again, thanks bud. And wish me luck.
PS If I wanted to learn the coding myself, do you think it would be completely improbable to do so myself in say 4 weeks?
(I am a mechanical engineering student so not completely dense but pretty busy).
And where would be a good place to start?
Thanks in advance.
You have to find a C++ book and get comfy with that. Then you'd have to look at the Windows Mobile SDK and combine the knowledge of both. Plus its trial and error because its running on different hardware.
Its a daunting task. It took me a good year fulltime to become a decent website developer. The hard part is thinking like a "programmer". Otherwise it'll look like its an alien language
Good luck with it.
Hey Mate,
I'd love to help although I've never worked in the areas you require. I'd recommend posting a slightly more detailed job requirements criteria so you may attract the right young budding enthusiast.
If you're creating software a bank will wish to use then the security side of the VPN will need to be top notch along with the methods in which the app will access data.
Unfortunately I'm more of a GUI designer and the only databases I access are the MS POOM databases for Outlook.
Good Luck!
Can I add I'd _never_ take someone seriously who's asking to reply to a hotmail.* / gmail.* / yahoo.* etc etc, address.
kirstan said:
Can I add I'd _never_ take someone seriously who's asking to reply to a hotmail.* / gmail.* / yahoo.* etc etc, address.
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Erm Ok !!! I dont know what to say to that. That is the account I use most often. I didnt claim to rep IBM! This is a personal project and Im just trying to make contacts.
Regarding an other post above, The VPN is further down the road and not needed yet. Also the software will not be USED by a bank just shown to them as a proof of concept.
At that point I would be able to go beyond an overdraft to an actual business loan and be able to contract a developer.
It is hard for me to Give much detail without an NDA as my idea is not revolutionary but the application is novel.
If I were to discuss openly I would lose the ability to patent down the line.
It is essentially A GUI that I need, and a simple underlying app which will give me the ability to enter a small description in 30 odd fields.
When each field is selected a score of -1 is applied (the field value is initially zero).
At the end of a session, ( there will be an option to open new or close a session) a score is given to each field and depending on score, one of 90 text files (3 per field) is linked to.
A print file containing these 30 text files on one page and a score from 0 to -10 for each field in a table on the other page is then produced.
The database access and VPN would come later on but in the prototype that is all thats needed.
Im sorry thats about all the exp' I can give in open. But if you feel you could help and would like to get involved I could arrange an NDA.
I am currently speaking to a couple of people but there is nothing concrete yet so if at all interested, do get in touch.
Thanks for reading (and please take me seriously whatever my Email.)
Just in case anyone was interested, I finally found help on a site called Rentacoder so if anyone else is looking for development help, try there.

Android Software Development

Hi all,
I work in IT but have never done any programming at all before. I would like to get started in developing apps for Android. Does anyone have any pointers tips on doing this. Is Android the wrong place to start with programming or should I be ok? Does anyone know of any good resources which should get me started, either online or in book form?
Any advice appreciated,
Manning has a Developing for Android book. http://www.manning.com/ableson/ You'll need to learn Java so start there too. Or look into Titanium http://www.appcelerator.com/
Promoting your site, isn't a good idea
I don't necessarily want to discourage you, but doing proper software development isn't the easiest thing to learn. There's a pretty steep learning curve surrounding object-oriented development, and the alternative is something you'll either hate or misuse.
Most people starting to program first learn how to make things happen in code procedurally: do A, then when that's done do B, then when that's done do C. Trying to program user interfaces this way is awful because the user workflow does not necessarily follow each little action in a specific order (and the interface has to continue to be responsive while your program is working). Your code will almost certainly suck and you'll spend most of your time testing, fixing bugs, and rejecting feature requests because they are "impossible" until you learn the better way: break down the problem into discrete blocks of related data and resources (the objects), define all the ways each block can be manipulated (the methods on those objects), define the conditions under which different actions must take place (thread messaging, event handlers), and tie all of that together into an application.
If this sort of thing interests you, great! I myself used to work in IT and found software development to be a much more interesting, open, and creative field. Mobile development is an especially fun field because you can deal with smaller projects and your customers are normal people, not businesses. I caution you not to jump right into the deep end, though; read several books on java and OOP, start with a smaller project and redesign/rewrite it several times until it's perfect, then you'll be ready to take what you've learned and apply it to something incrementally bigger.

Under Dev - CAD application for Android

My team has been vigorously working on a CAD application for android. I will post some screenshots of the tool if anyone is interested, so please let me know.
It's currently being tested and developed using a Motorola Droid running 2.0.1. Although we can run the emulator and test different screens using it, we find great difficulty in knowing if the "feel" is nice on a smaller screen.
Anyway - current features that are working:
Objects: Line, Circle, Ellipse, Rectangle, 3 Point Arcs, Text Areas
Drawing Modes: Orthographic (including 45s), Grid On Off, Snap Mode On Off (Endpoints, Centerpoints, Midpoints, Quadrants)
Other Things: Undo, Redo, Erase, Modify (reshape & move), Pan, Layering System, Linetypes, Colors & Text Sizes.
In The Works: Zoom (Option for Pinch), Configurable Toolbar (Add/Remove Tools), Export to DXF & Linetypes.
We are looking for a few people that would be willing to get in on a "PRIVATE Beta" to assist us with the continued development. We have our day jobs, so this is a project that when we have time to work on, we do. However, we do spent quite a bit of time working on it .
Anyway - We want to be picky about the testers, simply because we need to have a nice round group of people. Not plumpy, just round. We need a couple guys that are good with input, finding problems, etc. And we also need a few that dont know anything about CAD and can help us to see if the average joe can figure it out.
We also need a couple good mathmeticians or programmers. Or even one would do. We are having some trouble computing certain boundaries (ellipses to be more precise) that we need to understand so that we can build in other commands like Trim or Extend. (Plus our select option on ellipses is a bit hokey, but knowing how to find an ellipse will solve that for us)
For now, the only assistance I can give you is through the board here, and help you get started. The tutorial will come soon, once we get the basics figured out as to how we want to make it really work.
Anyway - To make a long story even longer - let me know if you might be interested. I would be more than happy to post some screenshots if you like of its current state. So let me know if you are interested.
Thank you very much for sticking through the long a$$ read, or even for skipping through to the "thanks" is enough for me.
That being said - LMK! Thanks!
A capacitive touch screen doesn't seem a good candidate for controlling a smooth CAD experience. However on second thought, when coupling together this technology with a trackball, the possibilities really open up. Harness these well and I know you'll be onto something here.
Post some screens to show everyone the progress of your development and I'll let you know if I'd be interested in testing.
Well if your looking for anyone with CAD knowledge, I have a degree in engineering with CAD, and Pro Engineer. I don't have much time to devote to beta testing, but I do have time every now and then. I run a ION with 1.6. Good luck on your software!
(Unfortunately - my account has not been enabled for posting outside links or images - so this is the best i can do for you until that is enabled)
Above is a screen shot with a couple drawn elements, and the right side of the toolbar tools.
Above is a screen shot with a couple drawn elements, and the left side of the toolbar tools.
There are a handful of more screenshots posted up on my site, the links are as follows:
talon-designs.net/android/andcad/01.jpg - Layer select screen
talon-designs.net/android/andcad/02.jpg - File Operations
talon-designs.net/android/andcad/03.jpg - Display Settings
talon-designs.net/android/andcad/04.jpg - Samle Help Screen (Line)
talon-designs.net/android/andcad/05.jpg - Snap Settings
talon-designs.net/android/andcad/06.jpg - Color Picker
talon-designs.net/android/andcad/07.jpg - Snapping to Midpoint
talon-designs.net/android/andcad/08.jpg - Selection of Ellipse
talon-designs.net/android/andcad/10.jpg - Text Input Screen
That should be plenty of screens to keep interest.
@Lancealot - Thank you very much, and I completely agree, that when we started this, there was some doubt as to how precise you could actually be using a "touch based" screen. The good news, through playing with it, and given ability to set tolerances based on the size of your "touch area" as well as snapping options, we found that you can actually be quite precise.
Ill fiddle with it a little today, put together a drawing and give you a nice example of something that can be made with this.
Keep in mind, this is a work in progress, and although much of the functionality that is currently built into the tool, is at a "finished" state, there is certainly room for input and comments from others that may find use in this tool.
Anyway - here are the screenshots as promised, let me know if you have any further questions.
(Again - sorry about the inconvenience on the links)
(edit to update image types to jpg instead of png)
@zul8er - we are certainly interested in your input. Check out the screenshots and let me know if you are still interested. We dont need a huge commitment, but anything that you might be able to provide would certainly be a big help.
Android 1.6 is the minimum OS currently supported. We need to do some work on the graphics to go as far back as 1.5 to compensate for screen size, and we intend on doing so.. Just not at this current time.
I would be interested in trying out your CAD program. I've been doing CAD for ove 10 years now, started with AutoCAD but have been using Solidworks for the last 8 years.
In addition to using the touch screen for input, will you be able to enter X and Y coordinates using a keyboard or virtual keyboard?
What format will it save the files? DXF, JPG, or what?
Noob Squared said:
I would be interested in trying out your CAD program. I've been doing CAD for ove 10 years now, started with AutoCAD but have been using Solidworks for the last 8 years
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Seems there are more and more of us creeping out of the woodwork on a daily basis
Noob Squared said:
What format will it save the files? DXF, JPG, or what?
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Currently the file format is a proprietary format. But we are currently (today actually) working on saving out to a DXF format to be able to reload your files into AutoCAD or other supported softwares.
The ability to import is also in the works, but will require some massaging on the users end to make sure the DXF file is not binary etc. (MTEXT may not be supported either)
Noob Squared said:
In addition to using the touch screen for input, will you be able to enter X and Y coordinates using a keyboard or virtual keyboard?
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We have toyed with the idea of being able to put in specific dimensions on objects, and also work with x/y coords, but at this time, it only supports point to point drawing. We arent completely sure if we intend on building a "FULL ON CAD" application, or an application for people to use to simply get an idea of what they need to do for a job. The other key, is to keep the application at a price range that is reasonable for people. Most "PocketCAD" applications run around 50 bucks a copy - and rightfully so. To keep the tool at a reasonable range (below 10 or 15 dollars) it may need to be a bit lighter weight than those. Most people cringe at a 2.99 app..
IF we could devote our time 100% i am sure we could build a really nice full blown cad app Unfortunately as with most of us, the day job prohibits some of that time.
Its a WIP I'll put you on the list. Thanks for the input.
Are you looking for beta testers?
Hi, are you looking for beta testers. I'm a long year CAD user, and I'm sure I can help with the app development.
[email protected]
Have you tried using some of the java based cad software as a source for your project? There are many and some might be open source.
Yeah I am still interested. It will be neat to play with and see how it works. The coordinate input is a good idea, also, ever play with Pro Engineer? They have a cool way of building an initial drawing. You just sketch, regen, and then input your dimensions to make the object to your liking. Makes things a lot faster and easier to edit a shape if changes need to occur.
I dont know how in depth you want to go, or if that idea can be used.
My email is [email protected]
Give me a couple more days to get a good product out for you guys to test. Currently we are cleaning up a few little "we'll get that later" issues, and should be good to go by mid/late next week.
Thanks for providing the contact info, I will shoot you a message through email shortly.
Thanks agian for the interest.
@zul8er: nice. Look forward to hearing how you like the feel of it. I havent had a chance to play with ProE, as AutoCAD has been my forte for the last couple decades. Ill see if i can any kind of demo for ProE, and get an idea of how it works. Who knows Anything to make it easier for everyone is a good thing.
But yah - the indepth thing is the issue. We keep tossing with ideas and putting them "on the list" in case people start asking for them. I guess it just depends on how people really want to use this tool. (and of course, how much time we can continue to devote to it) - bah i hate day jobs
I enjoyed the screen shots that were posted. Any idea whether you guys will support rendering/raycasting, or physics with inverse kinematics? Either way it looks great; Sign me up!
haha Not sure if we are going to go the IK way. Maybe as a different project, something more suited to 3D, but for this app, we are only intending on running the 2D route.
My lack of knowledge about the OpenGL portion, really limits us with regards to 3D implementation. I spent a good 3 days just trying to get ahold of loading in a 3D model.. Still never got there (or would have probably released a 3D model viewer first).
At any rate, its hard to say where this will go. It mostly depends on the overall interest i suppose. Its certain that the sky would be the limit, if time were as available as the sky
But cool.. Glad I was able to keep your interest.
Currently (as I type even) I am finishing up all of the help documentation for the app, the inline tutorial, and what not.. A couple more days on the file handling (DXF in particular) and should be set to go for a BETA run. ('couple more days' - like we all havent heard enough of that)
@lancelot - can you send me your email address via private message? That way I can do the BETA communications through there (link to files etc). You are welcome to email me as well:
support AT talon-designs.net
Hey, I'm a high school student that has just started learning CAD, does that count as average Joe? I'd love to help beta test, I really want android to overpower iPhone 3.0 lol. My e-mail is [email protected] I use g1 with cyanogenmod 1.6...so idk if that qualifies. But anyways, Good luck!
This really sounds promising. In the last few weeks, I really had the need for a good drawing software on my mobile device. But my Tytn II lacks of power. As I soon will get the Desire, I will hopefully have a quite powerful device for all day use (my Tytn II really sux atm). And because I have the re-occurring need of a drawing app, this could be it.
I mean I don't need it for simple drawing, but for constructing things CAD style and on the go Graphics of furniture or something with measures and all that stuff.
Hey guys.. just wanted to pass you an update on status (which is so much more than I seem to be getting from Verizon on the 2.1 update).
Small rant, but its done now.
Ok - status..
DXF Export is working now, supporting layers, linetypes, colors, and elements throughout the drawing. Am having some issues with getting ellipses to export via DXF (and im not alone - faulty specs are at fault), and that combined with the other issues regarding the math behind finding ellipse edges, we decided to comment out the ellipse alltogether for now. Not that it wont be back, but having so many rules with "you can do this to anything - except an ellipse" left us with no other choice.
It's coming back, just not right now.
We have saving and opening completed (simple proprietary ascii format, but it works for what we need it to do).
Zoom is currently partially working (difficult to complete the recalculation on the elements, but its really close) touch events for zoom are coming up as well. Maybe a pinch zoom even, considering that all devices are getting the 2.0+ upgrade - but we will see.. We dont want to keep anyone excluded from being able to use the tool.
@Balrog82 - we have definately taken this tool a long way since its initial conception. We hope to be able to bring more features that are more "CAD Specific" to the application, and will if it becomes a tool that gets used. We want to release it initially as a "basic" drafting tool, and see what kind of input we get. If we see that a lot of people are using it, and would like the ability to put in dimensions the same way that cad does (within limits) we will certainly look into it.
That being said - I hope the tool is still something you would be willing to try out. I find a lot of enjoyment with working with a tool at its early conception (started using paint shop pro at version 1.42) and now its on to version 14 or something and owned by corel. I just kinda get into that sort of thing, and hope that you all will do.
Good thing is, we hope its a draw to the tool, we plan on releasing it at the market both as a free version (no saving abilities) and a full version at a low price. As the tool grows, the price may increase a bit.. Keeping of course the original buyers at a place that they can keep updating the software at no cost to them. We think that will help the advancement and development of the tool quite a bit.
Anyway - It is right around the corner for initial testing. Please to all interested - send me a PM with your contact information (just an email would be great) I am going to see if i can start a private discussion here to invite you all to as well.
@Lancealot - i got your PM.. Am very happy that you are interested in helping. Expect to hear from me again soon..
Until we can see a working model of this app, I thought I would throw out an app that has some great drawing capabilities. The paid was is called "Picso" by Tiki Move, but I used the free version to try out; it's called "Picso Lite".
It's not a CAD app, but it's different from the other Paint apps on Android in that it has tools the other ones don't. It has the usual tools a CAD user would need, such as Rectangles/Squares, Circles/Ellipses, and Lines. You can change the colors and widths of these entities.
What I like about your program is that it has snaps, and the tools are on the bottom of the screen so they are easy to get to: /talon-designs.net/android/andcad/07.jpg
A feature Picso needs is a Zoom tool so you can zoom in to an area and draw whatever you need to and then be able to zoom full screen. It also needs a text tool. Since there is no dimension tool, you could put a text for the dimension.
I want to try your app, but I am only posting this to show how someone else has put these tools on their app and also to have a comparison on ease-of-use. One other thought, you mentioned the files your CAD app will create will be proprietary file types. Will you be able to save-as .jpg or .png so you can email or text-message a sketch to someone? That way if your on-site you will be able to send someone back at the office whatever it is to explain your ideas, and also they would not have to have an Android phone to view it.
Idea sounds great. Good luck with it!
Sorry for being away for so long.. but we had something going on that we had to attend to..
More news as it allows.
Android Category Winner
Talon Designs, AndCAD
This application allows users to create simple geometric shapes, combined with notes, to describe plans associated with the art, architecture, engineering and manufacturing industries. Many of the tools familiar to CAD users are incorporated into this utility, meaning that fluent CAD users will feel right at home using this tool. However, the interface for this tool is simple enough for even the most novices of users to understand. This enables certain users (Contractors, etc) to be able to take notes while on a job site and associate them with vector elements within the drawing.
talondesigns said:
Sorry for being away for so long.. but we had something going on that we had to attend to..
More news as it allows.
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AT&T Open Call-Apps for All! Contest
Thank you to all the participants in the 2010 AT&T Open Call—Apps For All! Contest. This year's contest was filled with many great entries. AT&T reviewed over 90 applications this year ranging from games to business applications. The winners from each category will receive $10,000 and co-marketing opportunities with AT&T.
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Did you get $10,000?

Security config needed.

I am currently working for IBM, and here we are facing an issue that violates our security policies, so we cant port certain programs to our brand new android phone.
The "request" i have is the following:
We're exploring iNotes Ultra-light (web-based mail) which is also supported for Android. However, one of the item we're struggling with is implementing IBM security policy on the device. Unlike Apple iOS which has a mobile configuration utility, Android doesn't appears to have an equivalent to set device password (8 character, alphanumeric, 90 day expiration, wipe after 10 invalid attempts). I welcome input from the community on how we might address this requirement.
Why should anyone start working on it?
It would be simply for the pride. Imagine to develop a tool, that even the IBM development team is struggling with. It is a big achievement for anyone i think.
So task is open for every developer
Thank you guys.
For someone working for IBM your english isn't very good.
What exact constraints do you want to put on the phone? Make sure that the password for unlocking the phone is 8 char, alphanumeric, etc?
I thought Google had done a bit of corporate development for android 2.2 - had you looked at that stuff? I think they talked about it somewhere in Japan.
ivolol said:
For someone working for IBM your english isn't very good.
What exact constraints do you want to put on the phone? Make sure that the password for unlocking the phone is 8 char, alphanumeric, etc?
I thought Google had done a bit of corporate development for android 2.2 - had you looked at that stuff? I think they talked about it somewhere in Japan.
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Ah, yea my English might not be perfect, but IBM is an international corporation and im working in one of the European countries. Thats why
Also the "request" i did not write. It was copied from one of the insider forums and pasted here.
About the issue i think the problem is with the options (if the basic passwd requirements are configurable [ 8 char, alphanumeric]) to set a maxage and minage, and as well the wiping of the device if the password is entered 10 times incorrectly.
<too short>
Bump again
I am bumping this thread again, and i noticed there were more people interested in it, than only me. Android is just not good for Enterprise usage. I dont think the problem is a hardware problem, more like a proper softer at boot up, but i am really not into Android programming, especially not to this depth, that is why i turned to this community.
An other thread about the same issue here :

