[Q] Notification Issues. - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshootin

Hey Everyone!
I'm a long time stalker/researcher of this forum and have usually found my answers on here to the problems I am experiencing. Thanks to all those that contribute to this wonderful resource.
About a week ago I noticed that my phone kept reminding me that I had a calendar event in the notification area. I use google calendar but still use s-planner for the notification portion. Once I have a calendar event in the notification area... my calendar sound notifies me every 1 minute until I snooze it or dismiss it. Has anyone ever heard of this? Previous to a week ago, I would get one notification and then it would sit quiet in the notification area.
I really enjoy the notification/snooze/dismiss area of splanner and it doesn't happen if I turn the notifications off in s-planner and use the google calendar ones.
Thanks in advance!



Double Notifications

So I have birthday's in my calendar setup to repeat every year.. The events that are now going on the 2nd year are sending me 2x notifications...
I used memmaid and cleaned out dupe notifications but I still get 2x notifications for events repeating the 2nd time around..
Now with that being said come around next year I can see myself getting 3x notifications for all Birthdays... Would anyone know how to fix this?
- ReDz

Stopping Those Persistent Notifications

I have paintstakenly set all of my events (including birthdays) to have a notification of NONE. However, the Incredible seems to flash the screen and "loud ping" every 10 minutes to notify me of these events anyway. I have had to resort to running Timeriffic to turn off all sounds until I wake up.
I am wondering if there is a way to get birthdays (which I believe are the problem) to actually NOT notify if you have set them to NOT notify. I dont want to completely disable notifications in case I do have a meeting or something, but this is somewhat ridiculous.
None of my events make any sounds if they are not set to notify.
Ummm ... ok ... so from that response I take it that you are unable to answer my question but replied anyway.
If anyone can actually answer it, I would appreciate any suggestions. I suspect that this may be more for events which recur yearly; perhaps those are prone to the problem.
Events can come from many sources, Google calendar, exchange, etc...
In exchange there is no difference between a birthday or any other event, they are just events.
Not sure about Google Calendar.
in addition i was wondering if its possible to make calls a notification so they dont bother me all the t ime when i am playing games. i cant do airplane mode cause i still need data and need to see who is calling but i hate that i have to mute it and then do the task swkitcher and go back to my game, i wish it was just a notifcation or an option for that or an app? anyone know of one?

Birthday Notifications from Contacts App

I recently updated my Mate 8 to Android 7.
Ever since, I have been receiving Birthday notifications from the Contacts app. These notifications are 1 week early (fine), but I do not see any settings for a way to change or disable these notifications.
I'm hesitant to disable notifications for the Contacts app (through system > app settings), as I'm not sure what effect this will have on missed call notifications, etc.
Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar issue, and if anyone knows a solution.
Thanks for any help.
An interesting question!
But I think you should not disable notifications for the Contacts app while you may disable notification for the Calendar app if you don't want to get birthday notification.
As we know, in fact, birthday notification is a Calendar event. You may go to Calendar app, and view the date for birthday of some your contact. There should be an event for the birthday. Is there an event?
Hi James,
Thanks a lot for the reply. I thought it was interesting that the notification came from the Contacts app as well.
I believe the notification is only for contacts that I have assigned birthdays to.
I use DigiCal, and the notification was not from DigiCal. I have now disabled the Calendar app, so I'll see tomorrow if I still get the unusual notifications.
Thanks again.
Hi. Any success with this? I'm having the same issue. Would like to change the notifications to the day of the birthday, but can't find where to do this.
Same Issue
Hello all i am having the same issue with my huawei nova 3i calendar. any solution to this?
Hi folk!!
Same here!! Huawei Mate 20 X.
Any idea?
No notification settings for it into calendar neither contacts
Had another notification the other day.. If I ever found a solution, I can't remember what it was.
Sorry everyone
Sorry for opening this old thread, but I updated my p20 with emui 10, and I'm receiving this birthday reminders 1 week early! I really want to disable this but I look around settings and nothing.
Anyone found the solution?
Thanks for your help

Any way to get reminders for missed calendar events?

Love the samsung calendar for the fact I can dismiss reminders without having to unlock and enter a pin
My main issue is sometimes I leave my phone on my kitchen table and a reminder will go off but I am not present to hear it/see it
The issue is after a few min the LED will no longer blink and no notification is seen showing the calendar entry
Basically is there any way to either keep the notification going or have a repeat reminder for calendar entries that where not dismissed
Anyone? Suggestions?

Google calendar notifications repeat constantly on lock screen.

I changed to the google calendar from the stock calendar as they seemed to have stripped it down since my s5.
When I set an event reminder it will pop up on my lock screen, will fade then reoccur continuously until I dismiss it by sliding the X to dismiss it.
Others seem to be having the same issue. I have tried turning off notifications, etc.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.

