[Q] HTC One ported to HD2 - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Can the HD2 be flashed with the HTC One or One Mini's RoM?

No, and never will be.
Think of it this way, if devices could be flashed with the ROMs of one another, why would each device have its own forum?

Marvlesz said:
Why would each device have its own forum?
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This whole site is dedicated to the practice of porting the RoM of one device to another, different device!

stepthehen said:
This whole site is dedicated to the practice of porting the RoM of one device to another, different device!
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But you want the ROM to be flashed, not ported!
Pick your words carefully next time.

I was only expecting, and I'm still hopeful of, useful answers from people that read the thread title before clicking on it, and know off-hand that in order to flash a RoM between devices, it will first have to be ported!

Trust me mate, Marvlesz knows that just as well as anyone else on these forums but he's right, you need to choose words carefully especially given how many people use these forums with English as their second language or by using a translator. As for your question, it's probably possible but it may not be very likely to happen in the near future since many devs have left the hd2 and AFAIK there isn't even a fully functional ICS sense ROM (although I haven't checked hd2 development in ages)
Sent from my Nexus 4

Nigeldg said:
As for your question, it's probably possible but it may not be very likely to happen in the near future since many devs have left the hd2 and AFAIK there isn't even a fully functional ICS sense ROM (although I haven't checked hd2 development in ages)
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well, sense 4 has stopped a bit, it only has video recording, weather app and abit of bluetooth problems as i remember.
for sense 5, i'm porting it, but kernel is a PAIN in the ass; first time i compiled it with ion it would reboot when using it, so i restarted from scratch (i had some mistakes )
btw, after porting sense 4+, sense 5 is possible, and the other way it's true too

stepthehen said:
I was only expecting, and I'm still hopeful of, useful answers from people that read the thread title before clicking on it, and know off-hand that in order to flash a RoM between devices, it will first have to be ported!
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I assumed you didn't know that, as well as the fact that if a Sense 5 ROM is ever to be ported to the HD2, you'd see it in the development section, no?
Also, your title completely disagrees with what your post says. Again, you should have worded your posts more accurately.
As for the "useful answers", read the above posts.


[Q] Android as the main OS. I got a question

As I'm using my mattc Android 1.5b build on my HD2 and it works almost PERFECT, I can't stop wondering if a flash ROM will be available in the future..
The reason I am asking about this is because whatever HTC winmo model I'm googling for (TD2 android, Blackstone Android..etc...etc) I ONLY find HaRET boot's.. As I haven't seen any Android flash ROM I'm wondering if that's even possible..?
You should really search before making a new post. Its not possible yet and if it was you would see a thread about it... This question has been asked about 40 times this month alone...When it comes out trust me you will know, So long as you READ and Follw this site like the rest of us
Yes I do read and follow. But I'm abit newbish on theese forums. I just found out that I should have questioned this in one of the stickys.. I apologize..
About that it's not possible, do you mean on the HD2 or in general?
My questions will go to the right thread from now on
As far as I've read it's looking like it MAY happen soonish. Currently, no all the builds are loaded off of your SD.
keem85 said:
Yes I do read and follow. But I'm abit newbish on theese forums. I just found out that I should have questioned this in one of the stickys.. I apologize..
About that it's not possible, do you mean on the HD2 or in general?
My questions will go to the right thread from now on
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OR you could search, or even browse the forums for the answer, instead of asking a question which seems to be answered at least once a day here
I'm a 'newbie' too.... and we would forever be 'newbies' without searching/browsing/reading.
Check HTC Kaiser. It has NAND Android, and is/was winmo based.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
"NAND" was the word! I didn't know that. Thanks Now I found ALOT about this

[Q] Noob considering custom ROMs

Hi im a 15 year old noob and i own the HTC Wildfire im living in the UK on the 3 network and my wildfire is currently on 2.1 update 1 and there are many things this has stopped me from doing. And to be honest im really tired of waiting for this so called 2.2 update which i was expecting to arrive in october before i even bought the phone and doing extensive research it seems this update isnt in any rush whatsoever. I currently have a 2 year warranty one i would like to keep . I hear rooting and flashing my phone will void this as the carrier will see i have modified the ROM however if my phone were to break would it be possible for me to put the stock rom back on to hide this? Also do they really check that well? And if an official update does ever arrive is there an option to return to it? I would also like to know what the best method of rooting and flashing along with the best ROM. Thank you very much even you reading this all without replying is much appreciated. But of course if you reply i fkn love you (no homo).
Hey, I doubt they check that well and you can always install a RUU (ROM update utility/Goldcard) off shipped ROMs to restore, which leaves no traces (I think).
As for the best ROM, in my opinion it is CyanogenMod 6.1 RC2, as for me it is the quickest, it has the most tweaks, and everything works really. It has a lot of tweaks and fixes, and suggestions from the CyanogenMod community are being constantly implemented. If you want a "lighter" version you can try OpenFire, but for me CyanogenMod is a lot quicker and better to use. The only thing is, neither of these ROMs have HTC Sense, which you will not miss once you find the alternatives. I'm using LauncherPro Plus with Beautiful Widgets. Sure the HTC stuff looks pretty, but it's so freaking slow! If you really need a Sense ROM I'd suggest WildPuzzleRom 8 as it's Froyo based also.
Hope I helped
NickHu said:
Hey, I doubt they check that well and you can always install a RUU (ROM update utility/Goldcard) off shipped ROMs to restore, which leaves no traces (I think).
As for the best ROM, in my opinion it is CyanogenMod 6.1 RC2, as for me it is the quickest, it has the most tweaks, and everything works really. It has a lot of tweaks and fixes, and suggestions from the CyanogenMod community are being constantly implemented. If you want a "lighter" version you can try OpenFire, but for me CyanogenMod is a lot quicker and better to use. The only thing is, neither of these ROMs have HTC Sense, which you will not miss once you find the alternatives. I'm using LauncherPro Plus with Beautiful Widgets. Sure the HTC stuff looks pretty, but it's so freaking slow! If you really need a Sense ROM I'd suggest WildPuzzleRom 8 as it's Froyo based also.
Hope I helped
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Ok so going on what youve said i now want to install CyanogenMod 6.1 RC2, what do i do now?
Hello im 19 years old, im from sweden..... and think this thread is completley wrong section of the forum.
To understand what I mean read this: http://www.xda-developers.com/announcements/a-reminder-from-the-xda-moderator-team/
keep your questions in the right section witch in this case is general.
also why would you write you age and so on no one cares! absolutly not under the developement part of the forum!
to add something that isnt offtopic in my post I got a short statement:
If you absolutly want to keep the garantue and to be sure of that the phone wont turn into a useless pice of plastic: DO NOT ROOT OR FLASH ANYTHING FROM THE XDA-FORUM, CLICK THE "X" IN YOUR UPPER RIGHT CORNER! FAST before the phone explode!!!!!
MadManMark said:
Ok so going on what youve said i now want to install CyanogenMod 6.1 RC2, what do i do now?
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Download CM 6.1 from the relevant thread in this section and then use tur42keys rooting guide, also in this section.
Sorry I can't post the links since the forum restricts new users posting links.
adeadrat said:
Hello im 19 years old, im from sweden..... and think this thread is completley wrong section of the forum.
To understand what I mean read this:
keep your questions in the right section witch in this case is general.
also why would you write you age and so on no one cares! absolutly not under the developement part of the forum!
to add something that isnt offtopic in my post I got a short statement:
If you absolutly want to keep the garantue and to be sure of that the phone wont turn into a useless pice of plastic: DO NOT ROOT OR FLASH ANYTHING FROM THE XDA-FORUM, CLICK THE "X" IN YOUR UPPER RIGHT CORNER! FAST before the phone explode!!!!!
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I understand where youre coming from i made a mistake seeing as im a noob and idk whos sad enough to read rules and i really dont appreciate your sarcasm so you can stick it.
ChrisPNE said:
Download CM 6.1 from the relevant thread in this section and then use tur42keys rooting guide, also in this section.
Sorry I can't post the links since the forum restricts new users posting links.
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Thanks very much i think ill be fine without links anyway
MadManMark said:
I understand where youre coming from i made a mistake seeing as im a noob and idk whos sad enough to read rules and i really dont appreciate your sarcasm so you can stick it.
Thanks very much i think ill be fine without links anyway
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He's only stating the obvious, this kind of post doesn't belong to the WF android Developpement sub-forum =/
Even a noob without reading the rules, one would already know to post this question in the General sub forum.
I was, and am still an android noob, however i learnt to flash, mod apk's and theme up my phone like crazy, just by simply reading and following instructions carefully. It's simple.
kevin2516 said:
Even a noob without reading the rules, one would already know to post this question in the General sub forum.
I was, and am still an android noob, however i learnt to flash, mod apk's and theme up my phone like crazy, just by simply reading and following instructions carefully. It's simple.
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But you need to have patience and not expect things to 'happen magically'.
Plus you cant call for mommy to fix it for you!
Obviously he doesn't have patience.

[Q] htc sense on mytouch?

I was wondering if anyone could help me port htc sense to my mytouch. I know it has been said that it will not work but I was wondering if anyone would be willing to try it out and see.
IronLionZion said:
I was wondering if anyone could help me port htc sense to my mytouch. I know it has been said that it will not work but I was wondering if anyone would be willing to try it out and see.
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root the phone, install a custom recovery. Try out the HTC Sense ROM in the G1 section.
Good Day
Wrong section.
Try searching and reading.
Thank you, I will have to check that out. I guess my real question was is it possible to install a .apk of htc sense on top of say, CM 6.1?
IronLionZion said:
Thank you, I will have to check that out. I guess my real question was is it possible to install a .apk of htc sense on top of say, CM 6.1?
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Most Sense UI rom system apps you cannot.
They would have to be modified for the Google framework.
It can be done but in most cases it's too much work.
It was done with the HTC Music app but I think that was about it.
Binary100100 said:
Wrong section.
Try searching and reading.
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I was not aware of that, thought this would be the right section since it is development, guess not. I did search and I did not find any thing that answered my question fully, therefore I went ahead and opened a thread.
IronLionZion said:
I was not aware of that, thought this would be the right section since it is development, guess not. I did search and I did not find any thing that answered my question fully, therefore I went ahead and opened a thread.
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No. Wrong. Unless you are developing or planning on developing then everything pretty much goes in General. 90% of questions posts that have a [Q] in the title belong in General (Q&A).
It works like this:
People with unrooted phones and just want information should go to General.
People with rooted phones but have ideas or suggesions should post in that particular rom thread for the developer... NEVER a new thread in Development! Otherwise, General.
Questions, comments or submitting of or about customizations (themes, wallpapers, etc) should go in Themes
Questions, comments or submitting (as long as it's not warez) of or about individual apps from Market should go in Apps.
Questions, comments about sdcards, cases, shields, batteries, etc should go in Accessories.
Safe rule of thumb is if you don't know... post in General.
If you don't know how to compile a rom then you should think twice before posting in Development (since it's specifically towards those that are developing or at least the members that are contributing useful information, walkthroughs, guides, etc).
Pretty simple really.
But if you DO know how to create roms and apps then use apktool to decompile the htc framework and try porting it over. However HTC doens't like to release a lot of their sources so if apktool doesn't work then it'll probably be easier for a developer to start by making his/her own as an imitation. Just don't blame XDA if you get sued.
Binary100100 said:
No. Wrong. Unless you are developing or planning on developing then everything pretty much goes in General. 90% of questions posts that have a [Q] in the title belong in General (Q&A).
It works like this:
People with unrooted phones and just want information should go to General.
People with rooted phones but have ideas or suggesions should post in that particular rom thread for the developer... NEVER a new thread in Development! Otherwise, General.
Questions, comments or submitting of or about customizations (themes, wallpapers, etc) should go in Themes
Questions, comments or submitting (as long as it's not warez) of or about individual apps from Market should go in Apps.
Questions, comments about sdcards, cases, shields, batteries, etc should go in Accessories.
Safe rule of thumb is if you don't know... post in General.
If you don't know how to compile a rom then you should think twice before posting in Development (since it's specifically towards those that are developing or at least the members that are contributing useful information, walkthroughs, guides, etc).
Pretty simple really.
But if you DO know how to create roms and apps then use apktool to decompile the htc framework and try porting it over. However HTC doens't like to release a lot of their sources so if apktool doesn't work then it'll probably be easier for a developer to start by making his/her own as an imitation. Just don't blame XDA if you get sued.
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Ok thank you for clearing that up, I will see if I can figure it out and let you know if I sucessfully port it over. BTW I love the community hero mix, I don't think I really even need to try to find a way to make sense work now that I have it, but I am still intrigued Thank you for making it, it is awesome
IronLionZion said:
Ok thank you for clearing that up, I will see if I can figure it out and let you know if I sucessfully port it over. BTW I love the community hero mix, I don't think I really even need to try to find a way to make sense work now that I have it, but I am still intrigued Thank you for making it, it is awesome
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Thanks! I've been working constantly on it and Im looking forward to CM6.1.0-RC2-DS so I can make my next release. I wonder what's taking so long.
UberMario said:
Try out the HTC Sense ROM in the G1 section.
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OMG! wont a g1 rom brick a mytouch ?
shreyas1122 said:
OMG! wont a g1 rom brick a mytouch ?
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Nope. Actually, flashing a ROM using recovery should never brick a phone. Worse case scenario, it'll throw you into a boot loop, but then you just boot back into recovery and flash another ROM.
And most G1 ROM's will work for myTouch 32B owners, since a 32B myTouch is basically a G1 without the physical keyboard.
DonJuan692006 said:
Nope. Actually, flashing a ROM using recovery should never brick a phone. Worse case scenario, it'll throw you into a boot loop, but then you just boot back into recovery and flash another ROM.
And most G1 ROM's will work for myTouch 32B owners, since a 32B myTouch is basically a G1 without the physical keyboard.
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thats some news news for me..
what have I been doing wid my myTouch 32B? lol..
(n yes I had the misconception that flashing from recoveries could brick)(thanks again)
Sent from my Nexus One
Learn something new everyday. Happy flashing.

[Q] A Very Important Question

You will all take the level of importance of this question as your own but I have had a query burning in my mind for a while.
I know that currently the Android OS is a BUILD and it takes a wm ROM to launch off, but I was wondering is there a way for the HTC LEO to run DROID ONLY and never have to associate itself or use WM ROMS ever again. Essentially I am asking is there a way to create a ANDROID ROM for the HTC LEO?
Note: Can the answers be open minded and not fuelled by programmers knowledge as most programmers I know will only give answers in the current boundaries of technology, but I do urge you to remember that at one point Computers were impossible...but they did it. I hope the programmers here do not take offence to this, I just want to know is it theoretically possible.
Thank you in advance.
norodaigh said:
You will all take the level of importance of this question as your own but I have had a query burning in my mind for a while.
I know that currently the Android OS is a BUILD and it takes a wm ROM to launch off, but I was wondering is there a way for the HTC LEO to run DROID ONLY and never have to associate itself or use WM ROMS ever again. Essentially I am asking is there a way to create a ANDROID ROM for the HTC LEO?
Note: Can the answers be open minded and not fuelled by programmers knowledge as most programmers I know will only give answers in the current boundaries of technology, but I do urge you to remember that at one point Computers were impossible...but they did it. I hope the programmers here do not take offence to this, I just want to know is it theoretically possible.
Thank you in advance.
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It's a work in progress. People is working on the bootloader and we are going to flash directly the rom in the phone.
Doesnt know yet the details.
Anyone else got more word?
Atleast a thousand threads about this, and once like yours every week. Its called NAND. Search for that
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Search and read....
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
thread moved to Q&A.
norodaigh said:
Anyone else got more word?
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we got your word but its pretty obvious you have not read enough in this community
and your topic is not in its proper forum.
norpan111 said:
Atleast a thousand threads about this, and once like yours every week. Its called NAND. Search for that
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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just report any out of topic threads using the small triangle with exclamation mark
on the right upper hand corner of the post. so to alert the mods and
then it will be moved to general discussion
NAND http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=732160
Updates to the project http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=817261
I had also wondered about this as I just got a HD2 last week, my very first smartphone. I put Android on it and love it, I didn't care to much for Windows Mobile. If people would have developed apps for it like iOS and Android I would have stay with winmo but I really wanted that Sirius XM app
jigners said:
we got your word but its pretty obvious you have not read enough in this community
and your topic is not in its proper forum
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It is pretty obvious isn't it, don't mind being a little nicer next time? Pretentious.
norodaigh said:
It is pretty obvious isn't it, don't mind being a little nicer next time? Pretentious.
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You should be glad that you got help at all. People get upset when other people want to know something and does zero research of their own. That's why first people gets annoyed sometimes ;d
Sent from my Htcclay's FroBread using XDA App
Ok guys lol,
I think the OP has got the gist of what your saying, lets keep the flames cool please, thanks.
norpan111 said:
You should be glad that you got help at all. People get upset when other people want to know something and does zero research of their own. That's why first people gets annoyed sometimes ;d
Sent from my Htcclay's FroBread using XDA App
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I understand what your saying but this is a 'community forum' everyone is here to help everyone or have I completely missed the point?
norodaigh said:
I understand what your saying but this is a 'community forum' everyone is here to help everyone or have I completely missed the point?
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There's a difference between helping and spoon-feeding. a ten second search would have avoided this whole thread.
Reno_79 said:
There's a difference between helping and spoon-feeding. a ten second search would have avoided this whole thread.
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100% agree with this (i often say it too), with a few exceptions tho
the big NAND question being 1 of them, if you are fairly new to this scene, it can be info overload & without reading every thread this info is easy to miss.
how does "NAND" translate into Android Rom? unless you've been been around for a while you wont know.
kam333 said:
100% agree with this (i often say it too), with a few exceptions tho
the big NAND question being 1 of them, if you are fairly new to this scene, it can be info overload & without reading every thread this info is easy to miss.
how does "NAND" translate into Android Rom? unless you've been been around for a while you wont know.
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as much as i hate redundant threads like this, that's true.
true, but reading the stickies @ the top of each forum would have answered it,....
infact the verry first stickie in the HD2 android general forum is all about it!
there i even linked to it for those that cant find it...
kam333 said:
100% agree with this (i often say it too), with a few exceptions tho
the big NAND question being 1 of them, if you are fairly new to this scene, it can be info overload & without reading every thread this info is easy to miss.
how does "NAND" translate into Android Rom? unless you've been been around for a while you wont know.
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Thanks dude

[Q] Full function android on HD2

I had an HD2 before but did not like windows at all and there was not a suitable android release for it so I sold it.
I really liked the phone but was wondering if there is a good android replacement where everything works available for it now?
Thanks for any help
I use the BOYPPC SHIFTPDA DHD V18 Rom (Desire HD) on my HD and it works perfectly on it.
if you have TMOUS LEO1024 i would check out this ROM. i have found that its pretty much bug free (none that i've found anyway) and a great ROM overall. also a great fast/stable ROM would be RAFDROID HD found here.
if you need a guide on re-installing Android i would check this thread out
I have not bought one yet but I'm looking on Craig's list and will find one soon.
Are the ones you guys mentioned Gingerbread?
Thanks for your help
I've tried almost all available NAND builds for HD2 and I can say that I found only one stable and fast build which is NexusHD2-Gingerbread".
I've tried those big, ram eaters - HTC SENSE ROM's
The thing that convinced me to install it was obviously HTC Sense, but I realized that it's unless if I am not using it's widgets (facebook, twitter, messages, etc).
But that wasn't the main reason why I left these roms, the main reason was the performance. Booting took much longer than on normal clean non-sense rom, I had to wait until it stabilize itself after each boot (1-2 minutes, htc sense had to load up and other processes). Scrolling wasn't smooth as on clean rom. These roms are more likely designed for 1024mb hd2's because on 512 hd2's it just doesn't fit (i don't know how it works on 1024mb but i guess the same, the only reason why I said it is for 1024mb hd2's was because mostly every htc sense build requires sd parition). The phone did not respond as quick as on clean gingerbread build. I just think that camera is better than on clean rom, pictures looks nice, sharp with good contrast.
I've also tried MUI roms.
These roms are nice and simple, eye catchy UI and advanced settings. Ability to change lots of things such as boot image and sound, custom firewall, etc. everything can be easily found, just few taps, everything is nicely designed.
However it is not as quick as clean rom, it can hang somewhere, and not always completely translated from Chinese to English. You can customize it for your own needs.
Normal clean roms are the best in my opinion.
I've used mostly all different roms, Android and Windows 7, and I always come back to NexusHD2-Gingerbread rom. I think that the only thing that makes me changing this rom is it's simplicity. It is the cleanest rom I ever seen and quickest one (you just need to change home launcher to GOLAUNCHER as it make the phone super fast and responsible, because on standard one scrolling through apps lags).
So I prefer this rom : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=905060 thanks to it's fast booting, fast responding and stability.
HTC SENSE ROM's might have better benchmarks but believe me it can't be compared with Clean NexusHD2-Gingerbread rom. Every gameloft game
work flawlessly on it.
It is just my opinion from the experience with those roms.
Do we have to have this same topic re-created and re-cycled every single [email protected]*king day?
Its not hard to use search or go through a couple of pages, Its just pure lazyness to create this topic, pure and simple.
Second vote for Gingerbread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=905060 It is just great and hassle-free, gave me no trouble of any kind.
As far as threads like this are concerned, I don't see why members can't ask for other members' opinions on what they like or dislike. Of course they can go and check out the available versions by going through the threads and posts, but personal recommendations would be the best way of finding out the outstanding work, rather than waste time going back and forth even after all the reading is done and all the problems are noted. It's not only time consuming, it can be daunting with the amount of information and releases that's out there. Perhaps we should run the best release poll and have it stickied to save time. After that whoever wants to try other things is free to rummage through the section and flash at their heart's desire.
@Gabriel51 your bound to get so many different answers because everyone likes different things as already pointed out
@dawid your right that if you dont use the widgets theres really no point at all so i have to give you that but lets talk about scores for a second. i personally clocked 41.something mflops on RAFDROID HD using linpack, a 2816 quadrant score & vellamo was only 29 points behind the dual core Sensation. now im not saying numbers are everything but you would have to admit thats pretty fast. although i really like the wifi calling feature available on the NexusHD2 ROM which im sadly missing :'( this feature alone is worth flashing that ROM
@TheATHEiST it does seem like this is covered on a daily basis from different people and a search would yeild results if people would ever use it. i will say though in all fairness that i use the search feature everytime im trying to find something but i feel the search function on this site is a little subpar causing it to be difficult at times to find what your looking for. most of the time i dont have any problem at all though.
TheATHEiST said:
Do we have to have this same topic re-created and re-cycled every single [email protected]*king day?
Its not hard to use search or go through a couple of pages, Its just pure lazyness to create this topic, pure and simple.
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I did not ask you to come here and read this post! Nor did I ask for your opinion about my ability to discover what I needed through the search.
I'm looking for the most current information on this set-up because as of last Dec. it was not in the cards for me on this phone.
You have something constructive to contribute great! If not STFU!!!
Gabriel51 said:
I had an HD2 before but did not like windows at all and there was not a suitable android release for it so I sold it.
I really liked the phone but was wondering if there is a good android replacement where everything works available for it now?
Thanks for any help
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Please tell me ARE YOU KIDDING???
enigma1nz said:
As far as threads like this are concerned, I don't see why members can't ask for other members' opinions on what they like
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They can, thats not the point, The point is this is the same question, over and over and over, Why create the same topic and ask it again instead of reading one of the other topics? You are going to get just as relevant answers by reading them as you are creating another topic. All topics like this do is clutter the place up.
For example, If I was to get a new device tomorrow, I wouldnt go and create a silly topic like this in my new devices section as its common sense it will have already been asked and answered, Instead I would go and read the topics that already exist and try some roms out for myself. The fun part is learning and adapting.
Gabriel51 said:
I did not ask you to come here and read this post!
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Yes you did when you created it.
Gabriel51 said:
Nor did I ask for your opinion about my ability to discover what I needed through the search.
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No but it needed to be said.
Gabriel51 said:
I'm looking for the most current information on this set-up because as of last Dec. it was not in the cards for me on this phone.
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Then why not do some reading? There is plenty of threads to get you started, All it takes is a couple of mins to look around and get latest info and try some latest roms. There is also plenty of "best" and "most stable" topic already created.
Gabriel51 said:
You have something constructive to contribute great! If not STFU!!!
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I did have something constructive to say and I DID say it!
Gabriel51 said:
I did not ask you to come here and read this post! Nor did I ask for your opinion about my ability to discover what I needed through the search.
I'm looking for the most current information on this set-up because as of last Dec. it was not in the cards for me on this phone.
You have something constructive to contribute great! If not STFU!!!
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You could search in the Nand development for your answer. Everybody Has their own opinion on a good rom. So do some reading and find your best choice Please be considerate with your Acronyms of speech.
TheATHEiST said:
I did have something constructive to say and I DID say it!
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+1 I've been away from the forums for a couple of months and nothing has changes, this isn't phones4u
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium App
People come to this type of forum for help, some people "troll" looking for an opportunity to open their mouth spread their disease. I don't own the anti-Christ an explanation but I did search using the words in this topic.
There is a no stupid question for most educators and then there are those that expect you to glean through hoards of information in hopes of finding and discerning information relevant to ones needs.
I intend to continue to ask those with knowledge their opinion on topics such as this and those who wish to contribute understand then need to do so.
Thanks to all those that helped.
Gabriel51 said:
People come to this type of forum for help, some people "troll" looking for an opportunity to open their mouth spread their disease. I don't own the anti-Christ an explanation but I did search using the words in this topic.
There is a no stupid question for most educators and then there are those that expect you to glean through hoards of information in hopes of finding and discerning information relevant to ones needs.
I intend to continue to ask those with knowledge their opinion on topics such as this and those who wish to contribute understand then need to do so.
Thanks to all those that helped.
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I've had this argument a few times now. The point is if you all keep creating threads on topics that have already been Answered your making it harder for people to search for their answers because your cluttering up the forums with sh+t. I'm happy to spend some of MY time answering questions but when the op could of simply typed "revert hd2 to stock xda" into Google and found his answer it becomes quite tedious because this question does get asked everyday.
/edit and the op shouldn't be installing custom roms if he doesn't know how to remove them
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium App
whynot66 said:
I've had this argument a few times now. The point is if you all keep creating threads on topics that have already been Answered your making it harder for people to search for their answers because your cluttering up the forums with sh+t. I'm happy to spend some of MY time answering questions but when the op could of simply typed "revert hd2 to stock xda" into Google and found his answer it becomes quite tedious because this question does get asked everyday.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium App
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Now how in the hell would I think of that term? "simply typed "revert hd2 to stock xda" "
It's like talking to the deliverance gang, I'm done here Bubba!!!
Gabriel51 said:
Now how in the hell would I think of that term? "simply typed "revert hd2 to stock xda" "
It's like talking to the deliverance gang, I'm done here Bubba!!!
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Good lol because I just wrote that thinking I was in a different thread lol
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htccraze said:
i really like the wifi calling feature available on the NexusHD2 ROM which im sadly missing :'(
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T-Mobile WiFi Calling on NexusHD2-Gingerbread V2.8T: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1038784
whynot66 said:
Good lol because I just wrote that thinking I was in a different thread lol
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA Premium App
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lmao ......
it doesnt really matter he doesnt even own an hd2
but he will be back probably with a new name
and start another thread just like this one
