How to: install cyanogenmod 9 apps. - Galaxy Y GT-S5360 and Duos 6102 Q&A, Help & Troubl

Can anyone tell me how to install cm 9 apps manually on other rom ..
Sent from my GT-S5360

Can u explain more...
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djraje said:
Can u explain more...
Sent from my GT-S5302 using xda premium
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If u extract any apk from cm9,
It says invalid apk ..
Means u cannot directly install apps from cm9.....
So is their any way to install it?
Sent from my GT-S5360

Try to extract in ur pc and then go to pc»cm 9 folder» find the apk there
Sent from my GT-S5302 using xda premium

djraje said:
Try to extract in ur pc and then go to pc»cm 9 folder» find the apk there
Sent from my GT-S5302 using xda premium
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I tried it..
Doesnt work...
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda..

API Difference!
GB 2.3.6/2.3.7 is API 10 whereas CM9 is API 15 :/ It will never work :/


Cant resume download for AOSP

I am tryin to compile froyo aosp for testing on my phone but whenever I pause my vm, the download either stops responding or cancels when the next time I launch my vm. Any way to get a download manager for linux machines which support resume n pause support?
Sent from my GT-S5360 using XDA
And froyo for galaxy Y?
I really wanted that to happen
Sent from my Galaxy Y - A phone with Small Screen and Big Buttons
Which dl manager u use in linux..
Fir wget use....
$wget -c "link name"
Sent from my GT-S6102 using Tapatalk 2
Wait froyo? Nooo
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Filip98 said:
Wait froyo? Nooo
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For testing!!
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manoranjan2050 said:
Which dl manager u use in linux..
Fir wget use....
$wget -c "link name"
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I've never had that good of luck in VM, dual-boot is the way to go if you don't have another computer IMO.
tjsgy said:
And froyo for galaxy Y?
I really wanted that to happen
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You actually want Froyo even if we already have GB? All of my wat.
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blagginspaziyonokip said:
You actually want Froyo even if we already have GB? All of my wat.
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No specific reason, I just want it to try
Sent from my Galaxy Y - A phone with Small Screen and Big Buttons
You cant resume it as some sites dont allow that including the one you are trying from.. also i feel you would have to use google for resume supported downloader for your distro.. because u will get better chances of finding compatible one there..

[Q] A little question

I know how to edit a SystemUI.apk, I know everything, but when I open t from my PC/Phone, I can't find my battery's png images in \res\drawable-ldpi. Can somone help? I am using GT-S6102 with ICS Fusion.
I think they r present in framework.res.apk try to decompile it
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tejkkarani said:
I think they r present in framework.res.apk try to decompile it
Sent from my GT-P3110 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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ahh didnt think of that, I will try it now Thanks, will post after.
Edit: Yep. there it was. thanks for the help bro
I think it should be in q&a.
Sent from my GT-S6102 using Tapatalk 2

can we add google keyboard to costume rom???

can we add google keyboard to costume rom???
arjunrambz said:
can we add google keyboard to costume rom???
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download google keyboard from a normal website and install that apk on your phone(not from play store) after install go to setting and in input keyboard set google keyboard .
its very easy but i think google keybord its better on high quality screen on my phone it has very big button!
thankz for that info,i asked whether it can be added in system/apps ?
Sent from my LG-P700 using xda app-developers app
arjunrambz said:
thankz for that info,i asked whether it can be added in system/apps ?
Sent from my LG-P700 using xda app-developers app
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Yes you can, just put it under apps
And if keyboard need somes libary you get crash error - check'it first
yah i have checked it.up on adding it give crash report ,can u tell me a solution
Sent from my LG-P700 using xda app-developers app
arjunrambz said:
yah i have checked it.up on adding it give crash report ,can u tell me a solution
Sent from my LG-P700 using xda app-developers app
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Send me logcat on PM
hoo i don't have it ,,i have shifted to other rom
Sent from my LG-P700 using xda app-developers app
its sooooo easy,download the apk,open the apk with Rootexplorer(on Device)or 7zip(on PC)and extract the libfiles,now copy the libfile to system/libs and set permission to rw-r-r--,just copy the Keyboard apk to system/app and set same permission like the lib.Reboot,done!
thanks for the reply,, even it's late
Sent from my LG-P700 using xda app-developers app
arjunrambz said:
thanks for the reply,, even it's late
Sent from my LG-P700 using xda app-developers app
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It doesn't matter. You found a solution for your question.
yah for sure
Sent from my LG-P700 using xda app-developers app
yes of course man

How to Change battery icon without pc in galaxy y??

Help me,my pc is broken
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[email protected] said:
Help me,my pc is broken
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is it rooted? also what version of android is it on? Gravity box can help you with that if you are on Jelly bean+, if you aren't, you can open up the play store and search for status bars, and you can use these without root.
My galaxy y is Gingerbread (2.3.6)
And I don't want custom statusbar...I only want to change battery icon
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
use ninjamorph
[email protected] said:
My galaxy y is Gingerbread (2.3.6)
And I don't want custom statusbar...I only want to change battery icon
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didnt I give you the answer yesterday? you need to be rooted and deodexed
use a root browser to copy framework-res.apk from system/framework to your sd card
rename framework-res.apk to
extract it with a zip app like zarchiver
replace the pngs and only pngs on a like for like basis - same filenames - dont touch xml files or anything else
change back to .apk
put in a flashable zip and flash in cwm with system mounted or push to system with rw-r-r but flashing is better
and questions go in Q & A section
You give me answer yesterday but don't know why It was deleted...I can't see it in xda but i can see it in my gmail
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
[email protected] said:
You give me answer yesterday but don't know why It was deleted...I can't see it in xda but i can see it in my gmail
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
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wasnt deleted its still
please post threads in the correct section - I will have this thread move to Q & A
ok sir
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
Sir plz help me when I rename it to suddenly There is an extra res file created automatically..It's confusing for me!!!
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
Sir help me,when I rename it to and open it I got two "res" folder so I'm confused that where should I copy the pngs
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
[email protected] said:
Sir help me,when I rename it to and open it I got two "res" folder so I'm confused that where should I copy the pngs
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
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use ninjamorph you can easily change whatever png without pc go to playstore & search it....
Can u tell me how to use that???
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
[email protected] said:
Can u tell me how to use that???
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
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go to here LINK:
Thnx sir
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[Q] How To Make or Build a Rom

İ don't know about building or making a rom can you help me sgy users?
Note: My Pc Don't Running Linux
I'm using Windows 8.1
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try this
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Lemon_Lime`s said:
try this
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
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Thanks bro
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