.IMG File Help - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Can someone help me extract a .IMG file in Linux and upload all the files inside it for me please


[Q] unpack and repack .tar file

i was wondering how i could edit a tar file? i need to delete 2 files and i think i need to unpack it to delete the files and then repack it as a .tar file is there software for this to be done?
thanks in advance
you can try TUGZip.
I cant´t post the Url, because my forumscounter is to low
The URL is the Name of the program plus com
Or repack it in a Linuxconsole.

extract files from firmware

I downloaded 0PGZIMG_A50ML_DTUL_L50_DESIRE_SENSE70_HTC_Europe_1.20.401.1_Radio_1514P2.P02.0501.0506_release_453730_combined_signed.zip
when i try to extract it with winrar , i only get 3 files
if i try to open with 7zip it shows 24 files
still missing system.img and some other files
is there any special program to extract all files from this firmware
best regards

Update .bin file

Anyone know how to make the .bin file after extracted and modified it.
Meaning how to make a .bin file

I need the unlock.rar file to unlock the bootloader

I have looked everywhere. All the uploads of the .rar file appear to be corrupted/invalid. Can someone help me find a functional copy of the file?

Extract QCN file from Full dump

Can QCN file be extracted from a full dump file?
If yes, how?
Any help appreciated. Thanks.

