Help with nexus 4 :D - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys ive just discovered nexus 4 and i think its an amazing device .. But im worried about the low price ... Is something wrong or something? :S
Please can someone who has a nexus 4 tell me everything and say how awesome this device is

Price is low because you are buying the phone straight from Google and they are interested in you using their software rather than making money off the device like other companies. It's an amazing device on par with other flagship's.
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noobletsausecakebbq said:
Price is low because you are buying the phone straight from Google and they are interested in you using their software rather than making money off the device like other companies. It's an amazing device on par with other flagship's.
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Thanks for the answer hope to see morr comments

noobletsausecakebbq said:
Price is low because you are buying the phone straight from Google and they are interested in you using their software rather than making money off the device like other companies. It's an amazing device on par with other flagship's.
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Completely agree. +1
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Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app

I dropped the at&t s4 for this phone Cuz its has more development support and the at&t s4 had locked boot loader. And so far I'm loving this phone
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium

To me, the ONLY negative is the lack of SD card slot. So you are only limited to 16gb of storage, and that's not the entire amount available to you. And coming from a device with 64gb storage it was a hard pill to swallow lol. I figured I needed a "diet" of apps and data anyways. :laugh:
I absolutely love the phone and amount of love the devs have had developing for it thus far. I also still have my old Nexus one in storage .

kpjimmy said:
To me, the ONLY negative is the lack of SD card slot. So you are only limited to 16gb of storage, and that's not the entire amount available to you. And coming from a device with 64gb storage it was a hard pill to swallow lol. I figured I needed a "diet" of apps and data anyways. :laugh:
I absolutely love the phone and amount of love the devs have had developing for it thus far. I also still have my old Nexus one in storage .
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If you want a lot of storage on hand and not in the cloud this phone is not for you. You can use thumb drives but unlike other devices you will need a power source and a y-OTG cable. As stated before the low price is simply to get you to use Google software and in my opinion the limited storage is a not so subtle push to get you to use Drive. This is my first phone with an embedded battery and it's surpassed my expectations. I get over 24 hours with minimal usage and 8 hours with what for me is heavy usage, this includes streaming music for 2 hours for my commute and my data is always on. Like the previous poster said, this is a great device. To optimize battery life, root and buy SetCPU.
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Roobwz said:
Hey guys ive just discovered nexus 4 and i think its an amazing device .. But im worried about the low price ... Is something wrong or something? :S
Please can someone who has a nexus 4 tell me everything and say how awesome this device is
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Like the past repliers, low price is there because google is focused on the software, rather than making a lot of money off of their phones. It's a really great device, and I plan on using for a very long time (unless I get a N5 when it comes out, of course.) It's well worth the cost if you can get one. Even the it isn't the best phone out right now specs wise, it's still one of the best overall. It may not have the best amount of memory, but I easily overlook that with dropbox and box.

godofwar762 said:
I dropped the at&t s4 for this phone Cuz its has more development support and the at&t s4 had locked boot loader. And so far I'm loving this phone
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Devs are the exact reason I buy phones like the nexus now. And I don't see ever buying anything but a nexus ever again!!!!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Thanks for the replies buddys just one more question ... Do the n4 overheat alot ?

if you bought it from google store you get the subsidized versions , in countries where such stores are not present the phone is bit expensive

fahadsul3man said:
if you bought it from google store you get the subsidized versions , in countries where such stores are not present the phone is bit expensive
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I know bro . Google play doesn't exist in Sweden.... But what can I do? I'm going to buy it from a trusted store and I'm hundred percent sure that they bought it from the US
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2

Roobwz said:
Hey guys ive just discovered nexus 4 and i think its an amazing device .. But im worried about the low price ... Is something wrong or something? :S
Please can someone who has a nexus 4 tell me everything and say how awesome this device is
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I was afraid about the low price as well but Google doesnt even want to make money on Nexus. They just want you to use their software and develop maybe!
So, just open your wallet and purchase one Nexus or two maybe! Then unlock it and flash custom ROMs and kernels!


Reasons why your still with the Nexus S?

Hey guys, I was a older nexus user and after getting many phones(I have a sensation) I'm getting a nexus again. I'm trading my senny for nexus S and a Samsung infuse 4g.
So why are you guys still with the nexus? Reasons?
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA
Because I can't afford another phone. Lol. Well part of the reason. I actually enjoy the community support and see no other reasons to upgrade. My phone does what I need it to without any problems. My next phone will be a GNex, but I'll probably run this thing into the ground before then. At least I'll have saved up enough by then.
Sent by pocket technology
That's cool. For spem reason, this phone looks amazingly sexy. And in hand it feels the best than any other phone
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA
I quite like my nexus, but the main reason is, that there is nothing extraordinary about new phones.
My nexus can perform smoothly, any task i need to do( i don't play games).
I'll upgrade at the end of the year,
hopefully till then , they will be able to sort the battery life and use more efficiently front panel,
to fit screen.
I'll would love, to have bigger screen, although not at cost of carrying mini tablet in my pocket.
Because I am not a fool that constantly goes out and buys the latest and greatest phones for a big e-peen.
g1user101 said:
That's cool. For spem reason, this phone looks amazingly sexy. And in hand it feels the best than any other phone
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA
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+1 This phone is smexy! Plus, I really don't see a significantly better speed increase on my friend's GNex... They do everything at roughly the same speed!
guys, what is a good extended battery that is under $20 or $15 that is good and doesnt need a different battery door?
1. cant afford
2. dont want to leave you guys behind (did that twice to others already)
3. it works!!! isn't that all you need?
It has Matr1x.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA
mathkid95 said:
It has Matr1x.
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Hahaha. I'm actually gunna flash your kernel when I get it in about a couple hours lol
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA
I use a galaxy tab for my larger screen fix, so I prefer the smaller size and weight of the NS, not to mention the it's superb performance.
mathkid95 said:
It has Matr1x.
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soo true!! Matr1x is awesome!!! NO rom is complete without it
Contact upgrade hasn't come yet lol but the development here is amazing also.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2
g1user101 said:
guys, what is a good extended battery that is under $20 or $15 that is good and doesnt need a different battery door?
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Just buy a spare. Those cheap extended ones aren't really that much better in performance from reports I've seen online. You can't bump up the maHs without increasing the size of the batteries just yet.
Sent by pocket technology
I've seen anker on sensation and it bumps up like 40% and I found a anker for nexus. Wonder if it works
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA
damn, seems like the guy im trading with is flaking out. texted him many times when he told me to and hes not responding.
mathkid95 said:
It has Matr1x.
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Sent from my Nexus S®
1. Awesome development and community support
2. NFC/Wallet. It's cool to pay with your phone.
3. It's beautiful and it works.
4. Contract still not up yet .
The nexus has the best form factor of any phone to date. Its kind of a shame all the manufacturers are moving towards making giant phones.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2
s3 costs almost 750-800 usd in my country so i rather stick to this

Is the 8gb model faster?

So far I have used about 8 nexus 4's ( I keep ordering replacements to keep them ). And I don't know how to test this but all the 8gb just feel quite a bit faster.
Anyone else feel the same, also I tried stock and then rooted to cm10.1 mako all the same way.
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Fataldesain said:
So far I have used about 8 nexus 4's ( I keep ordering replacements to keep them ). And I don't know how to test this but all the 8gb just feel quite a bit faster.
Anyone else feel the same, also I tried stock and then rooted to cm10.1 mako all the same way.
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I think that you might be feeling the placebo effect.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
I know if there was a difference it could not be major but maybe storage is a different make or something. I want to find out what is the best test that could determine this.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
You keep ordering replacements to keep them?? What are you doing with all that nexus 4? You only have 4 pockets
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
And people wonder why they are still waiting. I'm no stick up the @$$ but 8 come on dude I can see 1 or 2 but its obvious you are just buying them to jack up the price at the expense of others who need their device or really need an RMA.
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DowntownJeffBrown said:
And people wonder why they are still waiting. I'm no stick up the @$$ but 8 come on dude I can see 1 or 2 but its obvious you are just buying them to jack up the price at the expense of others who need their device or really need an RMA.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
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OP, read:
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Yes I'm the bad guy because I have to lie to Google to get more to help people in need. Who cares what happens with phone it makes somebody happy. Blame Google not me I am just a guy trying to make a dollar out of 15 cents.
Anyway does anyone feel the 8gb is faster. Also just got a mercury slim case on amazon I have to say in white or black this is the best case hands down. I pretty much ordered every single one. Guess that makes me a douche because I gave a company money in exchange for a product.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
It sounds like you're suggesting the nand chip is faster in the 8gb. We would need people to do file storage benchmark to confirm your claim.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
I had a play with both model, and to me they felt the same...
The only way I can describe it is on the 16 once in a while it will lag for a second or two but on the 8gb I never get it.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Fataldesain said:
Yes I'm the bad guy because I have to lie to Google to get more to help people in need. Who cares what happens with phone it makes somebody happy. Blame Google not me I am just a guy trying to make a dollar out of 15 cents.
Anyway does anyone feel the 8gb is faster. Also just got a mercury slim case on amazon I have to say in white or black this is the best case hands down. I pretty much ordered every single one. Guess that makes me a douche because I gave a company money in exchange for a product.
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ScooterG said:
OP, read:
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You found a way to screw a system that was meant to help people, for your own gain. That's what makes you the d-bag.
Anyways, not certain of any correlation. As another guy said, it may just be the placebo effect.
Somehow I get a feeling this is some kind of strange trolling.
Like those messages about 21xC devices without sparkling back.
Here is why: the OP goes through his 4-th device (implying he is getting replacements) and somehow manages to get his 16gb replaced with 8gb. Which is somewhat strange and I suppose such an event would trigger a very different post.
draugaz said:
Somehow I get a feeling this is some kind of strange trolling.
Like those messages about 21xC devices without sparkling back.
Here is why: the OP goes through his 4-th device (implying he is getting replacements) and somehow manages to get his 16gb replaced with 8gb. Which is somewhat strange and I suppose such an event would trigger a very different post.
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No actually it would not seeing how much I can sell one for. And if you guys don't think a lot of people are doing this now you lying to yourself. There are a ton of nexus 4's on eBay for sale buy one now and sell yours when you get it maybe you even make a profit.
My nexus 4 and my girlfriends nexus were free and that was my goal. There is no excuse for not having a nexus 4 if you really wanted one. I'm so sure I somehow jammed the system all across the world. Sorry that life has not been fair to your pursuit for a nexus 4. I'm sure someone starving in a poor country could feel your pain, I mean what a tragedy. Maybe I should just call the police and turn myself in.
Then when you break your nexus 4 that is super fragile you will wonder why you even bothered.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Fataldesain said:
No actually it would not seeing how much I can sell one for. And if you guys don't think a lot of people are doing this now you lying to yourself. There are a ton of nexus 4's on eBay for sale buy one now and sell yours when you get it maybe you even make a profit.
My nexus 4 and my girlfriends nexus were free and that was my goal. There is no excuse for not having a nexus 4 if you really wanted one. I'm so sure I somehow jammed the system all across the world. Sorry that life has not been fair to your pursuit for a nexus 4. I'm sure someone starving in a poor country could feel your pain, I mean what a tragedy. Maybe I should just call the police and turn myself in.
Then when you break your nexus 4 that is super fragile you will wonder why you even bothered.
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and the douche-baggery continues!!!!!! although now i'm thinking its more cheapness than douche-baggery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! trying to cash in at the expense of others...
& to the question of 8 vs 16 gig performance... figure that out yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're not worth the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And somehow I worse than the guy that orders 1 nexus 4 and has it replaced 3 times because it has a "flaw". Knowing damn well this is a 300 dollar phone and expecting iPhone 5 quality. I mean does anyone remember all you guys who kept replacing your nexus 7.
All of this is driven by hype and I blame Google for not making more so you can get it in your hand and realize its not all that and your tears were not needed.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
kurt.gomez said:
and the douche-baggery continues!!!!!! although now i'm thinking its more cheapness than douche-baggery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! trying to cash in at the expense of others...
& to the question of 8 vs 16 gig performance... figure that out yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're not worth the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Well to be fair I also do the same to isheep a lot more. Mainly I think I do it for that money reason. Call me crazy but money is kinda freakin cool. Its like life support for a stripper.
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Mods close this thread...............yeah I did it again.
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Fataldesain said:
Well to be fair I also do the same to isheep a lot more. Mainly I think I do it for that money reason. Call me crazy but money is kinda freakin cool. Its like life support for a stripper.
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well... to each his own i guess...
kurt.gomez said:
well... to each his own i guess...
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Well actually to be honest I didn't do them at all to sell. Kinda a long story but I ordered 4 and 1 replacement each. So its not like I ordered 1 and did this 7 times which technically can't be done due to time.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

Should I buy one?

I am thinking about buying the n4. I love my n7 but reading some of these forum's it seems quite a few people are unhappy with it. Oh what to do?
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joeZONE82 said:
I am thinking about buying the n4. I love my n7 but reading some of these forum's it seems quite a few people are unhappy with it. Oh what to do?
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Buy one.. This phone blows the n7 away
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
I think people only post if there is a problem with the phone...
That why you only see post about people being unhappy with it..
Most of the time, people wouldn't post anything about the phone if it's working fine/happy with it..
But then you do get the occasionally positive/*this phone rocks* reviews :victory:
I end up selling my N7 after awhile I got my Nexus 4... cause is such pain getting game saves around.. !
Getting mine today :good: First things to do: unlock it, flash recovery and SU and off course Franco kernel. Had it before and liked the phone, the only bad thing about this phone is the camera quality and the washed out colors out of the box.
capcanuck said:
Buy one.. This phone blows the n7 away
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No it doesnt. Lol
I have both and I love them!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Right on, I need a phone and not just any phone..had the s3 unlocked rooted, loved it. Sold it lol. Was thinking about note 2 but don't really care for the gimmicks and the price! Kinda new at whats what for tech but refuse Togo back to ifoam or bb. Android rules. Caught wind of the n4 on n7 forums n dig the specs, just need to make sure ppl that have it love it. Reading a few negative threads I had to ask cuz it looks like a badass phone.
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joeZONE82 said:
Right on, I need a phone and not just any phone..had the s3 unlocked rooted, loved it. Sold it lol. Was thinking about note 2 but don't really care for the gimmicks and the price! Kinda new at whats what for tech but refuse Togo back to ifoam or bb. Android rules. Caught wind of the n4 on n7 forums n dig the specs, just need to make sure ppl that have it love it. Reading a few negative threads I had to ask cuz it looks like a badass phone.
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You will not regret buying this phone, and a custom kernel should increase batterylife quite a lot. And you can set the colors to your own liking
As far as reports of problems go, there are just as many in the Nexus 7 forums. People with issues are simply more vocal.
I for one am finding this phone to be a perfect companion to my Nexus 7 and it's also as near to a flawless specimen as I could have hoped.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Okay I been reading up more on this phone and I can't find a good reason not to get it. Price is great specs are solid and the support and development are going to be off the charts. I'd like to know what case to get, I have been using otter box on past phones but wanna try something different.
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joeZONE82 said:
Okay I been reading up more on this phone and I can't find a good reason not to get it. Price is great specs are solid and the support and development are going to be off the charts. I'd like to know what case to get, I have been using otter box on past phones but wanna try something different.
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To be fair, most of the people in this forum are nexus 4 fanatics, so our opinions may be a bit biased
That being said, this phone is AWESOME.
Sent by carrier pigeon using xda premium
joeZONE82 said:
Okay I been reading up more on this phone and I can't find a good reason not to get it. Price is great specs are solid and the support and development are going to be off the charts. I'd like to know what case to get, I have been using otter box on past phones but wanna try something different.
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I would honestly suggest a soft gel/rubber case.. Hard cases ruined my hox, too much pressure to get them on, ended up breaking some ribbon on the board, so the screen won't turn on unless the housing is partially removed.. Which is how I have to use this phone until I fix it or order a nexus 4 if its not fixable for free/really cheap.
The only thing I'm losing is LTE. Which I don't use/rarely use as it is
You should if you can get it for $350 at Play Store. I'm happy with it, very good price for a good phone. If you can live with no LTE, non removable battery, no external SD card, somewhat low/tinny speaker output volume and just average camera quality you'll be happy with it.
I would buy it again. The price is unbeatable. If you can live with the lack of OTG (Which may be fixed eventually) and camera quality then you'll love it. I think the washed out colours thing is due to peoples love for very saturated screens. As I said in another thread, take a photo of something, look at it on the screen, if it's brightly covered in bloom, then it's over saturated. Just because the Nexus 4 is less saturated doesn't mean it's washed out.
All right just ordered it from Google. Can't wait! 388.00 total but that's cheap compared to the other ones I've had bought. Not to worried about the camera I have a camera for that. I'm still not sure on what case but thinking gel case something that won't scratch it n can clean up n not bulky. I don't know what plan to go with being in northern Mn there's not too many options.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
I have been driving myself nuts with this question. I have a note 2 now that I love but I am also thinking about getting a nexus so I can have something to play around with mods and getting into developing. I have At&t so swapping the simple won't be a problem.
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Well I got mine about a month ago and I love it. Even more so than my s3. Not worried about lte cuz it's not around here anyway and it does lack storage but I been using drop box. I haven't rooted it yet tho I am fine with it the way it is. No issues with it at all. Beautiful phone with great features and price. They got it right with this one. Love it.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
joeZONE82 said:
Well I got mine about a month ago and I love it. Even more so than my s3. Not worried about lte cuz it's not around here anyway and it does lack storage but I been using drop box. I haven't rooted it yet tho I am fine with it the way it is. No issues with it at all. Beautiful phone with great features and price. They got it right with this one. Love it.
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You can still have LTE just flash older radio when or if it comes to your area.
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Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
If you can live with a phone that has 3 hours of screen time, meaning that you don´t go from 8am to 8pm, meaning that you have to do 2 full charges every day, go for it
i´m returning mine
I recently got it and I absolutely love it.
Things to consider though:
1. no SD CARD, got the 16GB version and im still struggling with space.
2. battery life is below average, I'm coming from a Motorola defy which had much better battery life.

Nexus 4 or Nexus 7?

Hello XDA !
I am happy to have registered on this website. Lot's of nice things about Android and all other OS's.
So I have a Samsung Star and have never had a Android phone. Only time I used it was when I should try out a phone of a friend of mine.
So I have a little thing lately. I am working really hard to get the money for my car license. I am 18 and my priority is to get the money to start with my license.
But I have been talking for some time already about a new phone. So what me parents would be happy with is if I took a Nexus 7 which is around €244 here in the Netherlands. When I asked about if It should also be a phone they looked away. They found the €450 price mark for the Nexus 4 to much but I really would love to have a new phone.
The issue what I don't know what to take is also that fact that I am 18. I have been working for 2,5 years at a supermarket and my contract will end in August. Because of that I don't want to risk getting a subscription worth €28/35 per month as I will be unable to pay it when I can't find work.
So I have 2 option basically. Spare the money together and get the LG Nexus 4 Sim-Lock free without any monthly subscriptions.
Or get the cheaper Nexus 7 and have my parents also may a little bit.
My main purpose of the device is to explore the world of Android. Install apps, play games, music, videos. Pretty nice speed and I really would love to use What's App as everyone I know has it and would be really handy for when there is no other way of contacting them.
Hope XDA is capable of helping me out! Again I am happy to have joined this massive forum even trough I have never had my very own Android, WP, iOS, BB phone.
Best Regards!,
#Robert Oortwijn (ZyreHD)
Save your money, get your license, drive to a better paying job then buy both.
Seriously though the nexus 4 is more useful and functional then the 7.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
the N4 can do everything the N7 can do (and then some). i'd get the phone.
I have both but I mostly use the Nexus 4.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
alteredmass said:
I have both but I mostly use the Nexus 4.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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As do I. I use my n7 mostly for you tube and Netflix while in bed.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Also have both, i would go with the phone, the next nexus 7 is around the corner.
Sent from my Nexus 4

So it's almost the end of the journey

Alright guys,
I'll be due for upgrade in next month. I wanted to discuss it with you.
Which phone are you going for after this adorable phone. Being honest will easily and comfortably serve another year.
I would be enticed to get the s4 but the lack of full sources from Samsung seems going to repeat itself again.
I dropped this thread hear as people will biased towards their phones in the respected forums.
Many thanks
Tell me what u think guys.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
I'd wait for at least the next Nexus it's not really worth "upgrading". Whatever you're gonna "upgrade" to except Nexus or Samsung, you'll wait forever for the next Android version, unlike the S3 users.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
This year ill stick to s3.. Prob will put it on aosp..Best android experience is stock nexus one..
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
I'm going the s4 but waiting for the 32 gig one is out in Australia as I normally buy my phone outright ....
i think allot of the gimmicks we find at we first we start to use like smart stay ect on the s3. I like TW (shock horror) and in general enjoy the innovation that Samsung has developed since the original i9000 anyway good luck with your choice . better the devil you know as they say lol
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium .Siyah Kernel Rules The Galaxy
TigerCourage said:
I'd wait for at least the next Nexus it's not really worth "upgrading". Whatever you're gonna "upgrade" to except Nexus or Samsung, you'll wait forever for the next Android version, unlike the S3 users.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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Well the S3 is no speed demon with updates(still faster than the rest)
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
Sticking with S3 for awhile. I'll upgrade a generation later than S4.
I'd say S3 still got a lot of potential for tweaks.
colang said:
I'm going the s4 but waiting for the 32 gig one is out in Australia as I normally buy my phone outright ....
i think allot of the gimmicks we find at we first we start to use like smart stay ect on the s3. I like TW (shock horror) and in general enjoy the innovation that Samsung has developed since the original i9000 anyway good luck with your choice . better the devil you know as they say lol
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium .Siyah Kernel Rules The Galaxy
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Read the S4 forums in detail, there are a couple of dealbreakers for me, at the moment.
Screen seems to have issues, smearing and red pixels not turning completely off on black images. Hopefully they are software related (wouldn't surprise anyone) but they could be defects.
It seems the S4 is a greatly rushed product, what a shame...
Thank you guys for your replies, people seems to mention the s4 only. What about the new handsome HTC ONE guys?
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CHEVYbarracuda1 said:
This year ill stick to s3.. Prob will put it on aosp..Best android experience is stock nexus one..
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
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My phone functions and behaves with AOSP only , I've been on it for months do I advise to do so
The only down side is the camera !!
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
colang said:
I'm going the s4 but waiting for the 32 gig one is out in Australia as I normally buy my phone outright ....
i think allot of the gimmicks we find at we first we start to use like smart stay ect on the s3. I like TW (shock horror) and in general enjoy the innovation that Samsung has developed since the original i9000 anyway good luck with your choice . better the devil you know as they say lol
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium .Siyah Kernel Rules The Galaxy
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Same here, will wait till the 32gb version, if they release one.. But fear we will never see one..
Didn't Sammy promise a 32gb S3..?
I might just wait otherwise until the S5, the S3 is still a great phone and I'm tied for another year on contract.
Once the ports come for 4.2 and eventually 5.0 this will make my phone seem like a new one anyway..
I don't know what are you talking about, i have 32GB S3 model for almost 8 months... o.0
johnk1973 said:
Same here, will wait till the 32gb version, if they release one.. But fear we will never see one..
Didn't Sammy promise a 32gb S3..?
I might just wait otherwise until the S5, the S3 is still a great phone and I'm tied for another year on contract.
Once the ports come for 4.2 and eventually 5.0 this will make my phone seem like a new one anyway..
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and why would you want to wait rather buying an sd card on the top of the 16g model?
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drreality said:
and why would you want to wait rather buying an sd card on the top of the 16g model?
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I already have a 64gb mem card thanks.. but all programs get installed to the internal memory and I have some bigs games and i'm getting fed up of making space.. Also you only get to use 11gb, not 16gb
Because I need my mem card to be formatted FAT32 so my laptop can read it I can't save files bigger than 4gb on it, therefore no HD films which i have to download to internal mem, which as that stands I don't have a 4gb spare anyway..
Using directory bind there is absolutely no need for bigger internal space
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drreality said:
Thank you guys for your replies, people seems to mention the s4 only. What about the new handsome HTC ONE guys?
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It looks nice, but the camera isn't great, battery life is hit and miss, I hate the button layout (why put the power button on the top left, yuck) and no room for extra memory.
none of the gpu s out there is enough for 1080p atm so ill stick with s3 better game performance than new phones and really very little difference on browser performance doesnt worth for upgrading atm.
HTC one also has no removable back cover/battery, so there's another negative. I don't like the trend towards 'apple'-fying new phones, having expandable memory & removable battery are very important for me!
I will keep my S3 32GB GT-9300I at least until S5, and who knows maybe untill S6 if i don't have problems with it.
it's perfect for me.
andy55 said:
HTC one also has no removable back cover/battery, so there's another negative. I don't like the trend towards 'apple'-fying new phones, having expandable memory & removable battery are very important for me!
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Hell yes!!! If I wanted an Apple iphone I'd buy one, not an I-clone from a company who's credibilty just went down 1000 points because it jumped on the Apple bandwagon....
Leave us our expandible memory and removable battery...
tmac31 said:
none of the gpu s out there is enough for 1080p atm so ill stick with s3 better game performance than new phones and really very little difference on browser performance doesnt worth for upgrading atm.
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Better game performance than other phones? Is this true?
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