[Q] HDR Videos? - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshootin

I though the latest update would bring HDR videos, although, i'm running GoldenEye which is based off MF8 and i cant seem to find how to take videos with HDR. Anybody know?

Just went to my camera and all it did was say updating firmware bit HDR video mode for me
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No one knows how to do it.
Apparently its always on but who knows.
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jetlitheone said:
No one knows how to do it.
Apparently its always on but who knows.
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it is in fact always on. its just a tweaked algorithm that subsamples every other line, averages, and feeds that data into the compression algorithm. Gives about 0.7 stops better DR performance, so worth it. also the auto exposure methods for video and camera are slightly better, but very slightly slower.


Camera Worse since JB update :(

Anyone else noticed the camera shutter speed and focus issues since the JB update?
I use to be able to take fast, focused snaps. It takes seriously longer to get a good crisp shot.
Any pointers?
Arthur Hucksake said:
Anyone else noticed the camera shutter speed and focus issues since the JB update?
I use to be able to take fast, focused snaps. It takes seriously longer to get a good crisp shot.
Any pointers?
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I haven't noticed that issue. Are you on stock or custom ROM?
I'm on Omega JB ROM.
I'm stock all the way. Have had my JB for about a week, played with all the camera settings & it still sucks!
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I can see your point about the focus issue but the shutter speed seems similar to me.
Me To, i'm on ARHD 13 and the foucs got quite slow.
on ICS it was perfect
theslashy said:
Me To, i'm on ARHD 13 and the foucs got quite slow.
on ICS it was perfect
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I think the S3 camera is Ok, but just so... OK... nothing special.
I think my neo takes better pictures by far...
testadeferro said:
I think the S3 camera is Ok, but just so... OK... nothing special.
I think my neo takes better pictures by far...
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Really? I think the S3 takes some of the best pictures out of most android devices.
I'm getting very blurry pictures even with anti shake enabled and also poor focusing
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I have tested with s2 S3 and neo on big TV and the neo pictures where sharper. The only thing that was good was filming with full HD. But get the same results from s2.
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I'm using completely stock.
Noticed setting storage type back to phone from SD fixed the lag. Think it needs a defrag somehow.
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Although it doesnt help you. I actually found the camera to be much better in JB. Most of my shots previous would either not focus or blur and the only way I could get a decent shot was to use the Best Shot feature. Now it snaps well each time.
I hope we get the PhotoSphere in the 4.1.2 update that looks ace!
Camera is not worse. Its more grainy for videos thats what i noticed. But i prefer it that way. More noise and looks like blu-ray video. I can use deblock later if i wanna edit the file
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Check out pro capture in the play store, its a much better alternative. Which is a shame because its obviously not the hardware thats letting this phone down.
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Have you made sure your lense is clean?
For the Price Samsung could do better. You have Xperia s with 12 MP and good lens. For a top device. ..
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I didn't notice that , i am update to JB from 2 days to UAE version and it's doing great and nothing happened in the camera speed or focus .
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[Q] nexus 4 camera

We all know that N4 has a very bad camera..specially in low light photos..photos have very much dots..They seems good on mobile but when zoomed even a little its pathetic.
Was anyone able to find out what the issue is..? is it software or hardware..?
If its software related than is there any solution..?
ramkumar2000 said:
We all know that N4 has a very bad camera..specially in low light photos..photos have very much dots..They seems good on mobile but when zoomed even a little its pathetic.
Was anyone able to find out what the issue is..? is it software or hardware..?
If its software related than is there any solution..?
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Low light noise, no tap to snap picture, horrendous flash photos.
It's just not as good as the Galaxy S2+ I was going to sell.
The camera is the biggest disappointment for me as a one week N4 owner. I'm seriously considering selling the phone.
I tried the Moto X apk, which seemed to be a little better on the noise front, but I can't live with that aspect ratio. "Focal" was even worse than the stock camera.
Are you expecting the sensor performance of a 5dmk3?
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Mach3.2 said:
Are you expecting the sensor performance of a 5dmk3?
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No We are just expecting a decent camera..coz i think its a make or break feature for a smartphone..accept it or not..camera is not good enough on N4. And please i was just asking a question, its not about what i expect.
Just FYI i have a DHD and its camera is great..even in low light
agree camer not good..but it depends on what u use most..it is subjective..for me this is a perfect phone for daily driver
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chasist said:
agree camer not good..but it depends on what u use most..it is subjective..for me this is a perfect phone for daily driver
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I just wanted to know whats causing this Low light Noise..i love the phone and i am using it from last 6 months..but if someone could figure out the root cause than i guess it could be solved..
I don't in any way think the N4 has a terrible camera. The pictures of takes for me at least are clear and sharp.. Way better than my S2 and honestly look just as good as my brothers Optimus g and NY wife's Note 2..
Not sure what your talking about..
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PJcastaldo said:
I don't in any way think the N4 has a terrible camera. The pictures of takes for me at least are clear and sharp.. Way better than my S2 and honestly look just as good as my brothers Optimus g and NY wife's Note 2..
Not sure what your talking about..
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Yea, I concur. I'm able to take great pictures with this phone. I'm not sure what the issue is. I mean I did come from the Evo 4G to this though, that phone had so many camera issues so I guess anything is better.
After reading around the subject, the only thing I've that gives me any hope is someone suggested using Snap Camera HDR app and fixing the ISO at 100. I'll be giving it a try in the hope of reducing noise in the pictures my N4 makes. Ta-ta, PmT
I am not expecting a 5DmkIII quality but I was expecting the camera to be as good as the one on my Galaxy S2 Plus (also 8MP).
My camera works great for a phone.
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I think the camera is not bad but not the greatest either. What I hate about it is that you HAVE to tap the screen to take a pic. Is there a way to enable one of the volume buttons to take a pic or something?
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Give it a fair amount of light and it's on par with other smartphone from last year
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Bad camera my ass, just stop comparing it to real camera's.
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I have procapture camera app and takes great pictures. Just like any other camer at night/low light you have to mess with settings.
Sent from my NeXus 4®
konoplya said:
I think the camera is not bad but not the greatest either. What I hate about it is that you HAVE to tap the screen to take a pic. Is there a way to enable one of the volume buttons to take a pic or something?
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Have you not upgraded to 4.3? On 4.3, you can use the volume rocker to take pics.
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twowheeler said:
Bad camera my ass, just stop comparing it to real camera's.
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I never said its bad in good light..i just said in low light photos there is very noise
konoplya said:
I think the camera is not bad but not the greatest either. What I hate about it is that you HAVE to tap the screen to take a pic. Is there a way to enable one of the volume buttons to take a pic or something?
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you dont have to tap the screen. long press the shoot button until its focused, then release. or in 4.3, you can hold down the down volume button then releae when focused.
btw some recent photos..
This phone sold for $200, of you want better camera you're going to have to shell out more money for other phones with better camera.
If you want less noise in low light shoot with iso 100. Or get n HTC One.
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fernandezhjr said:
Have you not upgraded to 4.3? On 4.3, you can use the volume rocker to take pics.
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Haven't upgraded yet since there is a lot of talk that 4.3 messes up the nexus in a lot of people
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konoplya said:
Haven't upgraded yet since there is a lot of talk that 4.3 messes up the nexus in a lot of people
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I have been running 4.3 since it was leaked and have had no issues. I did have a couple of apps that were misbehaving, but once the devs updated for 4.3 compatibility, they were fixed.
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dual shot won't work

Hey I was trying the camera on the note 3 and it won't let me click dual shot button ? It worked before because when I got the phone I tried it also I did the new software update last night maybe that did somthing
Same here. And camera is slowest than my note 2 and even my old s2. One once processing, once not. Both ways is super slow.
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Poisyx said:
Same here. And camera is slowest than my note 2 and even my old s2. One once processing, once not. Both ways is super slow.
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I fixed it go into manage app for camera and clear data then it works
I had the same..had to click front camera and set auto..then back camera to auto. It then let me use dual shot!!!
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it happens because your video recorder is set in 4k format you need to set a lower resolution and then the camera will allow you to use dual shot function

Camera quality

Can anyone explain to me why all the reviews for the camera and pictures I see from others note seem to be amazing yet all I seem to get is grainy images am I missing something?
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colobos said:
Can anyone explain to me why all the reviews for the camera and pictures I see from others note seem to be amazing yet all I seem to get is grainy images am I missing something?
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For me turning off the night stabilisation mode & setting auto flash made it better in low light places. Can't say I've had any issues with daylight photos.
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colobos said:
Can anyone explain to me why all the reviews for the camera and pictures I see from others note seem to be amazing yet all I seem to get is grainy images am I missing something?
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maybe different setting
and maybe problem with ur variant and will solve by an update
and also it can be hardware problem in last step IF u become sure no software problem
1. play with settings
2. search for other users that exactly in same firmware with u and compare photo ...
3. if u find any different (bad quality in urs) try to flash another stock rom (from another regions)
4. if nothing change take it for service to check lens
colobos said:
Can anyone explain to me why all the reviews for the camera and pictures I see from others note seem to be amazing yet all I seem to get is grainy images am I missing something?
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The camera has Jeckel and Hyde characteristics.Outdoor shots are superb for a smartphone but when you venture indoor or at night,it takes pretty awful photos.Smart Stabalisation brightens things up and limits noise but you lose all detail.If you crop in, faces and objects look like cartoon drawings.There is only so much you can do with a small sensor so I think the N3 needs a dedicated night mode and better software.don't hold your breath though.Samsung will fix this issue up but only when the N4 arrives with their isocell technology.
If you want decent photos at night you need to use the flash but the flash doesn't work well past 10 ft.

Blurry pictures

Anyone else noticing that when not in PERFECT lighting conditions pictures are blurry..
Yes - it's been driving me crazy... most of the time the pictures come out blurry. I've been messing around with different modes/settings and I cannot get a consistent clear picture. Pretty frustrating!
Take the sticker off the lense?
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Yes, absolutely notice this. Brought it up in the other thread but no one thought it was worth checking. Have done tons of side by sides with Note 2 and honestly this camera is very touchy. Has a tiny field and it's often hard to see where that is in the pics. I really hope the camera gets a software update and it's not hardware because the camera has been the only thing I'm on the fence about. When you zoom in, even in good light, things in the taken pic get blurry and almost look like they have an effect.
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sleshepic said:
Yes, absolutely notice this. Brought it up in the other thread but no one thought it was worth checking. Have done tons of side by sides with Note 2 and honestly this camera is very touchy. Has a tiny field and it's often hard to see where that is in the pics. I really hope the camera gets a software update and it's not hardware because the camera has been the only thing I'm on the fence about. When you zoom in, even in good light, things in the taken pic get blurry and almost look like they have an effect.
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Also, noticed right away. I thought maybe that I was just sleepy! lol, but what are the odds of a software update helping the issue?
nickhowell25 said:
Also, noticed right away. I thought maybe that I was just sleepy! lol, but what are the odds of a software update helping the issue?
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Hopefully this new update that no one else seems to have gotten will help!!
Additionally, I feel that many times the camera has trouble focusing. Anyone else agree?
Sent from my SM-G900P using xda app-developers app
once i turned picture stabilazation off mine takes perfect pics
I tried turning mine off but seems the same.
Pictures in bright env. seem fine but indoors just flat out sucks.
I can hold my hand a little away from the camera a bit and it won't focus on it. If I tap to make it focus it sometimes turns green like it did but my hand is still blurry.
I hope they push a SW fix soon.
I don't understand it. How can you not catch some of this before release? Camera is a basic function of a smart phone...
Teeeejay said:
Additionally, I feel that many times the camera has trouble focusing. Anyone else agree?
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Turn off image stabilization n see if that helps... dont think it has an effect on blurryness tho
Sent from my SM-G900P using xda app-developers app
May be an obvious question but has anyone tried some good 3rd party camera apps to see if it helps? Just a thought.
Also, here is another post discussing this issue: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2717535&page=2
No blur here
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One thing I noticed with a Note 3: The auto-shake correct seems to do this. Try turning that off and it seemed to improve the quality.
Yeah I have this problem too, and just made a thread about it in the Q&A forum.
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I really hope a update comes out to fix all this and it's not just poor HW :/
It's just sad that these basic obvious issues make it out the door.
They should have caught these things and I understand shipments went already but we should have had updates just waiting for us to fix em.
Oh well, time shall tell I guess. Sprint won't help I'm sure given how slow they are to push updates too...
Anyone mess with any video? How's that, clear, blurry mixture mess? lol
That prob has ability to be better or worse I guess. You've got 1080P mode and 4K HD, which when enabled seems to kill off a number of features.
I've not messed with it yet but just wondering.
bryanu said:
I really hope a update comes out to fix all this and it's not just poor HW :/
It's just sad that these basic obvious issues make it out the door.
They should have caught these things and I understand shipments went already but we should have had updates just waiting for us to fix em.
Oh well, time shall tell I guess. Sprint won't help I'm sure given how slow they are to push updates too...
Anyone mess with any video? How's that, clear, blurry mixture mess? lol
That prob has ability to be better or worse I guess. You've got 1080P mode and 4K HD, which when enabled seems to kill off a number of features.
I've not messed with it yet but just wondering.
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You do realize Sprint is the best carrier in terms of updates.Just an FYI...
I simply dont get very good pictures in anything that isn't natural full daylight. Not necessarily blurry, just extremely grainy. But thats rather expected with most smartphones.
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I get great pictures until I upload them here and they get compressed and they get a littlw blurry but, looking at them on the phone or if I transfer them to my pc they look great
Sent from my SM-G900P using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Im coming over from an iPhone 5 and noticed this immediately. The camera just flat out sucks!
My camera had a habit of switching to 6 mega pixels on its own for some reason. I have to constantly check to make sure it's still on 16 when I use it.
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