Compiling my own Support library into JAR - Java for Android App Development

(This is a repost from Stack Overflow, so if you prefer to earn points there see this question: )
We all know Android Support Library has bugs. Some of them trivial and not fixed for years. I need to fix a few of them, but... how do I compile ASL source into usable JAR? What I did until now - in Eclipse created a directory in which I've put all classes from support library source. I added android.jar to the project and it doesn't show any errors after this. Then I used "Export..." into jar, which finished with some warnings and a size very close to ariginal android-support-v13.jar. Unfortunately my Android application with this self-built library fails with lots of missing classes reported at runtime (meaning it compiles without a problem).


[RELEASE] Web based ARM Assembler

As I am sure there are quite a few ppl around who can write ARM ASM application, I thought it might be fun/useful for them to have a look at my project which is a purely web-based ARM assembler. This is my university project, so I'd appreciate any feedback on it.
It's written entirely in PHP5 and it supports all instructions of ARM9. THUMB mode is not yet supported, but that's just a matter of encoding those instructions. Right now the assembler produces a single executable, but it's capable of producing DLLs and BINary ROM files too. It accepts both file-upload input and simple text. If there are no problems compiling your code, you'll get a link to executable, simple error reporting is available too. Compiled binaries are stored for 24h and then deleted.
It supports DLL linkage by .INCLUDE/.IMPORT directives, for instance:
.import MessageBoxW
Right now it only has COREDLL header prepared, but I can make it for any other DLL you want, just let me know.
The assembler is available here: - There is an example application "hello world!" included

SlimServer Client developement - HELP NEEDED with XML

Hi there...
I have embarked upon the developement of a slimserver client for the pocket pc using c#. There is no decent one around that I know of!
Anyway, it is going to be open sourced, and I have already implemented the use of the CLI interface. however, I am a bit stuck with the XML one. I have attached the relevant sources! The problem is that when it runs through the emulator, it is unable to deserialise a slimserver xml file and returns a NotSupported Exception (I have attached a sample xml file). I generated a c# class library for slimserver's xml schema using xsd.exe.
The funny thing is that when I run the compiled .exe file in windows (without the emulator), it runs smoothly, and deserialises it perfectly! It also works when compiled for a normal desktop application!
Could someone help please?

[JAR][frameworks] A little program to automate changing all those ids

Don't you wish smalis referenced xml by their tag name instead of those hex numbers? It would be so much easier to port smalis from one framework to another.
Changing every id that is different from the original fw to the destination fw by hand is feasible, but very time consuming. Thus, I made this little java program to automate the task. It runs in the command line, and takes four arguments: the smali you want to change, the smali to be created, the original public.xml, and the target public.xml
It is meant to be used with the script that is also attached, to change all the smali files in any directory. It should work also in windows, but I don't include a .bat file since I only tested this in ubuntu.
the idea is to use it like this:
./ in/ out/ original.xml target.xml > log 2 > err.log
Known issues/bugs/TODO-list:
- The bad news is that the program will throw an exception if there is an id in the smali file that is present in the original.xml but not in the target.xml. The good news is that it will output to stderr the name of the smali file and the line that has that reference, so you can immediately know which one is and add it to the target fw.
- For some reason, the ids 'ok' and 'cancel' will make this program crash. It was for me faster to temporally remove those references in the smali file and continue (adding them back later) rather than fixing the code. You're welcome to fix it if you feel like.
Source code can be found here:
Well, thank you Sine for linking me to another post in the Vibrant forum.
There is a java program made by untermensch posted 3 days ago that does the same. Except, as judging by the description and the comments, that it's well done, as opposed to the crude and amateur code I posted above

compiled jar library project

Hi all.
I need to do a close source library for my work.
I figured I could create a library project and then export all of its code into a compiled jar archive.
Then, when I need to use that library, I use the empty android library project for its resources and I import the jar file in the build path.
So far, it works when the main project that uses the library doesn't have its own resources.
But as soon as I add a resource (like icon.png) into the main project, the application fails to launch a library activity and I get this error : Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{...}: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: File res/drawable/icon.png from xml type layout resource ID #0x7f020000
I really don't get it. What's the problem ?
Thank you for your help.

Android Eclipse Plugins SQLite and Project Dependencies Import

I have developed two plugins for eclipse that aid in Android development. Both can be found on the doubletimesoft website.
The first one is Walle, it can display the contents of an SQLite database that resides on an Android device. Also any SQL syntax can be executed against the database as well. See the website for download and features.
The second one is Eve. Eve can import an Android project and all of it's Android project dependencies.
Let me know what you think.

