ADB Driver ( parameter incorrect ) - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have bought a Nexus 4, and im trying to settings it for my android developpement ..
So i have tried to install the ADB driver manually, and it give me this message : Paramètre Incorrecte
I have tried differents tutos with no success :/
In my registry i have 4 folders :
I have the 4.2.2 version , and the lasted Android SDK,ADB. And im in Win Vista
And the MTP is correctly installed ( i can access to my folder in the phone)
What i'm doing wrong ?
And thanks in advance,

Any help

Dchar said:
Any help
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Try using wugfresh toolkit,it will install the drivers and test if they work

Use the Universal Naked Driver


[Q] SDK Manager

Hy guys I've got a bit of a problem over here. I want to use my wildfire for testing apps as a emulator in eclipse. Problem is that in SDK manager cant ''find'' my phone. So far i download the USB driver package, revision 3. But when i connect to the computer the windows cant find the drivers in directory "....\android-sdk-windows\usb_driver". Then i installed HTC sync since it has usb drivers, but still i couldnt see it in SDK manager. I runned ddms where i'm able to see my phone. At the end i deleted the drivers and installed PdaNet, the result was the same.
I wonder what i'm i missing ?
Btw what option should i choise when i connect phone to the computer ? ( Charge only, HTC sync etc. )
And yes i set my phone to USB Debug mode
I'm using Windows XP SP3 & Wildfire is not rooted ( 2.1 android )
I hope my english is fine and thank you for your answers
Anyone ?
You windows xp is 64bit ? If yes, you can't install this. And if no, try install drivers from sd card.
No i use 32 bit system , but i'll try to install them for SD

hi ...since i updated to 2.3 can't use ADB ! :(

since updated to 2.3 ROM can't use my "Sideload Wonder Machine for Windows" APK from windows installer
it worked fine befor !
tried instaling USB drivers again ...KIES ..SDK ...
nothing work ! not ANY "apk instal with adb from windows" works ..
it won't install this no matter what i do :
any help ?
10x !
Did you make sure you enabled "Usb debugging" in Settings -> Applications -> Development
asd1301 said:
since updated to 2.3 ROM can't use my "Sideload Wonder Machine for Windows" APK from windows installer
it worked fine befor !
tried instaling USB drivers again ...KIES ..SDK ...
nothing work ! not ANY "apk instal with adb from windows" works ..
it won't install this no matter what i do :
any help ?
10x !
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the comments on this site may help you
yes i did enabled it....
Found Fix For This Issue
I had the same issue after upgrading to MIUI 2.3.4. Computer didnt know what the device was anymore, so could not run ADB commands to the device.
1. Open SDK Manager
2. Update all packages (Make sure to include Google USB drivers Rev 4)
3. Run through the window prompts to find it
4. When windows fails to find the driver browse manually
5. Find the directory where your SDK is installed to
6. Select the folder and Install

Cyanogenmod 7 Nand helper for newbies

A very easy to use tool to flash your HTC HD MINI and install Cyanogenmod 7(NAND)
I updated my tool for newbies with new schlund's rom here.
Just run "Easynand.bat" and follow instructions.
Hope you like it.
(included google windows usb drivers)
Link :
IMPORTANT ! use that fix
Credits :
schlund - for his photonic CM 7.2
cotulla - for his initial 2.6.29 kernel port
Alexander Tarasikov - for his initial lkbootloader
the whole xda-photon people for the common project
erickeir said:
Hello my name is Eric and i'm french ! I'm new here
So i created a small .bat script for windows to flash your Htc HD mini phone... it's for newbies, it's very easy to use ! also modified some little things into the image
I tested everything at least 10 times !
What is working for now ?
GSM Phone
WIFI (tested 100000 times and working !)
Battery indicator
Suspend (sleep mode)
Image capture
FM radio
Mobile data
fast battery drain....
Enjoy !
Thanks to all xda community specialy sp3dev, schlund and derefas !
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Amazing!!! Now CynogenMod 7.1 works for me no bootloop!!! Yhea! A Thanks for you
thanbk u very much, but when i run haret and try to get in to fastboot it wirtes:"[irq]: no handler for irq=0"
and nothing happens can u help me?
edit: i tried it with 2 other sd cards and it didnt work,if its even related..
that's not a problem, just connect ur phone to ur pc using the usb cable and press any key on the script to continue flashing !
liorderei said:
thanbk u very much, but when i run haret and try to get in to fastboot it wirtes:"[irq]: no handler for irq=0"
and nothing happens can u help me?
edit: i tried it with 2 other sd cards and it didnt work,if its even related..
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if your host pc is windows, you have to install a proper driver for the hd mini
if it's linux, no driver is needed.
Grab the driver here>>
I tested with Windows 7 x64, it works fine.
EDIT: Link updated, the driver is now fetched from the newest Android SDK. It should work well
Thank yout peter08po but i'm on windows and i had the same "error" and i didn't install any driver and every thing work fine for me..
erickeir said:
FM radio
Mobile data
fast battery drain.... (Battery very good version of sd????)no wi-fi
Enjoy !
Thanks to all xda community specialy sp3dev, schlund and derefas !
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can not a video guide?
you can go back to wm? how?
Hello Eric will give this to work in the future with derefas, schlund, sp3dev releases?
baggino said:
you can go back to wm? how?
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I'd like to know also
peter08po said:
if your host pc is windows, you have to install a proper driver for the hd mini
if it's linux, no driver is needed.
Grab the driver here>>
I tested with Windows 7 x64, it works fine.
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thank you so much!! ill try it right away
EDIT: it worked but now im facing another problem...when it starts copying files my computer restart itself right away..
My wifi is not working cryyyin ! :/
#edit: and if i want to connect with my pc cable, on my hd mini only the usb debugging starts.. i hope i can help you?
liorderei said:
thank you so much!! ill try it right away
EDIT: it worked but now im facing another problem...when it starts copying files my computer restart itself right away..
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That's weird... maybe a problem with the driver... do u have a x84 windows ? Maybe the driver works only for x64... i don't know this driver..
The wifi should work ! maybe a duplicated mac adress... try this :
1. turn on wifi
2. lunch terminal and type : su
3. type: busybox ifconfig eth0 hw eth "0E:00:A0:03:1E:FF"
4. try to reconnect
You can go back to wm with RUU from HTC website : htc(dot)com/europe/help/htc-hd-mini/#download
1. turn off ur device
2 turn it on by pressing power button and vol- together, u should have a multicolor screen, connect ur device to your pc.
3. run the file u downloaded and follow the steps at the screen.
To disable debug mode :
when u connect your phone to your pc u will have a notification just touch it and deactivate usb debug.
I have win xp i think its x32
Sent from my HTC Liberty using XDA App
mmm... peter08po updated the drivers link... try the new driver...
erickeir said:
The wifi should work ! maybe a duplicated mac adress... try this :
1. turn on wifi
2. lunch terminal and type : su
3. type: busybox ifconfig eth0 hw eth "0E:00:A0:03:1E:FF"
4. try to reconnect
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Hey, if i type "busybox ifconfig eth0 hw eth "0E:00:A0:03:1E:FF""
terminal say "ipconfig: applet not found"
and wifi still doesnt work
Am i the only person ?
Vogelhaus7 said:
Hey, if i type "busybox ifconfig eth0 hw eth "0E:00:A0:03:1E:FF""
terminal say "ipconfig: applet not found"
and wifi still doesnt work
Am i the only person ?
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be careful it's ifconfig and not ipconfig !
now "ifconfig: SIOCSIFHWADDR: No such device" ? hmm
How do I get back to windows mobile? ... If you can write instructions in Italian ... thanks!
I really dont know what to do..i tried two computers,diffrent drivers and sd cards but it doesnt matter what i do,i get the same result..when i try to flash it the computer restart itself.pls help me
Sent from my HTC Liberty using XDA App
erickeir said:
You can go back to wm with RUU from HTC website : htc(dot)com/europe/help/htc-hd-mini/#download
1. turn off ur device
2 turn it on by pressing power button and vol- together, u should have a multicolor screen, connect ur device to your pc.
3. run the file u downloaded and follow the steps at the screen.
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Doesnt work, i get these error message :/ i hope u doesnt destroyed my phone :/
I had the same error when i tried to go back on wm.
In fact, you can't take any roms.. the rom must be for YOUR country.
I'm french then i tried a rom with "FRA" or "Europe" in title, but same error: "bad vendor id"
I forget that one day i tried to put my serial number on HTC website, and my phone was DEUTSCH.
Then i take a Deutsch ROM with "DE" in title.
reboot with tricolor screen, put cable....
It works !
Make sure you have the right rom

[Q] Problem updating the ADB drivers

Just an average XDA noob speaking here. Reason i'm creating this topic is because I'm having problems getting the ADB composite drivers right. Previously I've rooted a HTC Hero without any problems, but with my Huawei U8800 Ideos X5 I just can't fix it, I searched in all corners of the Internet. Below are my specs.
- Android 2.3.5
- Unbranded
I've also tried to root with SuperOneClick and by replacing the boot.img, but I can't get it to work because of the drivers.
When I get to recover mode (the pink/purple screen) it isn't showing me the IMAGE folder on my computer. Also tried to install new drivers for the ADB composite by using the H:/Mobile Partner disk on my phone but that isn't helping either. It says their isn't any new hardware found in the folder, but as you can see on the image, there are still exclamation marks. I Also uninstalled the drivers a few times and tried to re-install them but that isn't working neither. Firstly my phone was recognized as an Other device > Ethernet Controller in the device manager screen. But that was possible to solve by browsing to the H:\MobilePartner\Drivers folder.
By the way, when in recovery mode plugged in the computer, it shows me two drivers called "HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES". I can't seem to find a good driver for those, they also show the !-mark.
Any help will be appreciated! :good:
The image. www(dot)dropbox(dot)com/s/tn2q2neo5362gd1/screenshot.1.png?m
maybe you can try to install this driver from huawei.. it worked for me..
Get the drivers from here
(if your problem solved click thx)
socioan said:
Get the drivers from here
(if your problem solved click thx)
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Sadly the password for the Quallcomm setting is not working :/ 0 and 0000 both didn't. Thanks for your help
@ first poster
Used that driver install, when the phone is connected and has USB Debug on this is the situation, screen: www(dot)dropbox(dot)com/s/y6x0ta8bwp1rqsr/screenshot.2.png
have u tried to uninstall/remove all related driver instances and try to do it afresh?
iamelton said:
have u tried to uninstall/remove all related driver instances and try to do it afresh?
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What's the best way to do that? Just delete them from the device manager screen and letting them re-install automaticly by the phone? Or just download drivers from the internet and install it manually?
Jordy14 said:
What's the best way to do that? Just delete them from the device manager screen and letting them re-install automaticly by the phone? Or just download drivers from the internet and install it manually?
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if u r doing manual driver installation, then its best to disallow auto-installation by windows..
delete all instances from device manager, or u may use an application called "USBDeview" to remove the usb drivers.. and i think this second way is probably doing it more cleanly..
iamelton said:
if u r doing manual driver installation, then its best to disallow auto-installation by windows..
delete all instances from device manager, or u may use an application called "USBDeview" to remove the usb drivers.. and i think this second way is probably doing it more cleanly..
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Thanks man, gonna try that tomorrow after school.
Will keep you updated.
Sorry for the late update, forgot about the topic... I threw away all the drivers, got the pinkpurple screen and connected to my pc. It's now missing this drivers when connected, Windows can't install them itself. Check the printscreen below.
Jordy14 said:
Sorry for the late update, forgot about the topic... I threw away all the drivers, got the pinkpurple screen and connected to my pc. It's now missing this drivers when connected, Windows can't install them itself. Check the printscreen below.
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this works 100%
1. Tools
a. Drivers for U800 32bit win 7 (tested and work )
b. Drivers for Android 32 and 64 bit win 7 (not tested )
socioan said:
this works 100%
1. Tools
a. Drivers for U800 32bit win 7 (tested and work )
b. Drivers for Android 32 and 64 bit win 7 (not tested )
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Gonna try that out, do I need both?
The first one i have tested and it is for 32 bit win 7
The second one i havent test it it is for 32 and 64 bit win 7
Choose one acording your windows
socioan said:
The first one i have tested and it is for 32 bit win 7
The second one i havent test it it is for 32 and 64 bit win 7
Choose one acording your windows
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Ok ty, I started over, deleted all the drivers and let Windows install the drivers themself. Still not working. I find it very strange why Android Composite ADB Interface pops up 4 times in the device manager... As you can see, he installed one by himself >> https://(w)(w)
I'll try your method.

Getting ADB to work on Windows 8? (Manual upgrade to Android 4.2)

Hi guys,
I currently have a problem with my ADB which doesn't seem to work with Windows 8. I set up everything as I did on Windows 7 before (including Environment Variables), but the ADB doesn't detect my Nexus 7 (List of devices attached is empty)
I think it might be a driver issue (see the screenshot attached). I also tried it with my HTC One X and it doesn't detect it either.
Does anyone have any idea how to get it to work? My devices are both unrooted and locked.
I wanted to install the upgrade to Android 4.2 for the N7.
Hopefully somebody can help me.
Thanks in advance!
I btw also tried the Nexus 7 Toolkit from here and I also installed the Google Drivers through Android SDK.
When trying to install the drivers through Nexus 7 Toolkit the following error occurs:
Installing Windows 7 Drivers Please wait
Operation Started
The resource loader cache doesn't have loaded MUI entry.
An Error Occured. Returning to Main Menu.
If you got the message [the resource loader cache doesn't have loaded mui entry]
during the installation procedure dont worry as the drivers have been installed.
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PCServe said:
Hi guys,
I currently have a problem with my ADB which doesn't seem to work with Windows 8. I set up everything as I did on Windows 7 before (including Environment Variables), but the ADB doesn't detect my Nexus 7 (List of devices attached is empty)
I think it might be a driver issue (see the screenshot attached). I also tried it with my HTC One X and it doesn't detect it either.
Does anyone have any idea how to get it to work? My devices are both unrooted and locked.
I wanted to install the upgrade to Android 4.2 for the N7.
Hopefully somebody can help me.
Thanks in advance!
I btw also tried the Nexus 7 Toolkit from here and I also installed the Google Drivers through Android SDK.
When trying to install the drivers through Nexus 7 Toolkit the following error occurs:
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Do you have Android SDK installed?, if so try the following, you're using Windows 8, right?
On the 'old' Windows Desktop, right-click on the bottom left corner
> Select 'Command Prompt (Admin)'
> type ' devmgmt.msc '
> Right click on the driver with warning sign and select update driver > select BROWSE and go to the extras\google\usb_driver\ folder of your SDK and then update the driver. Did that resolve the issue?
It works for the Nexus 7 when it's running, not in fastboot though
PCServe said:
It works for the Nexus 7 when it's running, not in fastboot though
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Have you rebooted the PC since installing the drivers?, if not give that a go and try again, they may need a reboot to complete the installation.
Yes, I tried to restart the computer as well as the tablet several times. When the system is running on the N7, the drivers are detected and everything works fine, even ADB. But in fastboot it shows the warning sign in Device Manager and when I try installing the drivers either from the SDK Google Drivers or the Nexus 7 Toolkit drivers it says
Windows was unable to install your Nexus
Windows could not find driver software for your device.
If you know the manufacturer of your device, you can visit its website and check the support section for driver software.
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I also tried the drivers from ASUS with the same result.
PCServe said:
Yes, I tried to restart the computer as well as the tablet several times. When the system is running on the N7, the drivers are detected and everything works fine, even ADB. But in fastboot it shows the warning sign in Device Manager and when I try installing the drivers either from the SDK Google Drivers or the Nexus 7 Toolkit drivers it says
I also tried the drivers from ASUS with the same result.
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Did you try browsing to the driver location instead of letting Windows find the driver?
This driver has helped others
PCServe said:
Yes, I tried to restart the computer as well as the tablet several times. When the system is running on the N7, the drivers are detected and everything works fine, even ADB. But in fastboot it shows the warning sign in Device Manager and when I try installing the drivers either from the SDK Google Drivers or the Nexus 7 Toolkit drivers it says
I also tried the drivers from ASUS with the same result.
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turn off driver signing and then do it.Mine works fine in Windows 8..check this for reference:-
Thanks, using unsigned drivers worked perfectly
Device Manager says I have a Galaxy Nexus though, but patching the update worked anyway!
Thanks alot!
PCServe said:
Thanks, using unsigned drivers worked perfectly
Device Manager says I have a Galaxy Nexus though, but patching the update worked anyway!
Thanks alot!
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Glad to be of help
