Request: Someone port Imoseyons Lean kernel over to s4? - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshoot

Would one of our wonderful devs like to help out? I know a lot of people feel my pain as far as battery life on AOSP ROMs and I loved it on my s3...
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Don't know about if anyone would port over lean kernel - usually don't see people port kernels. But I definitely don't know about this pain inducing battery life on AOSP roms.
Have you tried Ktoonez kernel? Used it on my S3 and on the S4 the day since it came out. I get great battery life on both TW and AOSP with proper management!
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inlineboy said:
Don't know about if anyone would port over lean kernel - usually don't see people port kernels. But I definitely don't know about this pain inducing battery life on AOSP roms.
Have you tried Ktoonez kernel? Used it on my S3 and on the S4 the day since it came out. I get great battery life on both TW and AOSP with proper management!
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Aosp battery life is nothing close to what I get with stock... Even with ktoonsez and ktoonservative UVd to -50 MV across the board its like stock bloated on the s3... absolutely abismal!
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Solid and Fast Rom?

What is the ROM with the best balance of stability and speed. Want a fast ROM,but still needs to be my daily driver.
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I've been hearing wonders of the bugless beast, I'll flash it and get back to you on that. Aside from that, I tried glazed jb,, that was quite smooth and stable, and most of the cm10 ROMs are almost, if not over capable of being a daily driver IMHO. If you truly want speed, look at the motely, faux, and trinity kernels, I've also been hearing great things, I can testify on the motely kernels speed.
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How's motley with glazed ROM...I currently running glazed 1.1.2.
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Back to you, the bugless beast is super stable.
And the motely kernel should work brilliantly with it, but be warned - the higher GPU over clock, the more battery drain
Edit: the glazed jb ROM already uses the motely kernel, but if you want more battery life, flashing the kernel without the GPU of would boost your battery life
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Need Good Battery

Hey everyone I am currently running jelly beer and the battery life isn't that great and I've been looking for something that has great battery life. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks
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918273645ams said:
Hey everyone I am currently running jelly beer and the battery life isn't that great and I've been looking for something that has great battery life. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks
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Try a kernel.
People have been getting good results with franco, motley, matrix, basically every kernel except for maybe trinity. I would suggest you try franco and motley first.
Flash a custom kernel it contains the msm wake lock fix that Google has not yet implemented in the stock build. I suggest Franco and to download better battery stats to ensure no wake locks and that your phone is deep sleeping
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Androyed said:
Try a kernel.
People have been getting good results with franco, motley, matrix, basically every kernel except for maybe trinity. I would suggest you try franco and motley first.
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On said Trinity
Well nevermind then. Just install any kernel.
That guy does have perfect signal though. I would just try one and if you dont like what you see try the nextone.
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Best rom for battery life ?

Which one is better ?
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There is no real answer for this. Everybody has different results. For better battery focus more on the kernel. Try one for a few days, then another and compare performance. Keep going until you find what best fits your needs. Remember there is no overall best, but rather best for you.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Kernel, is more important for battery life, than just the ROM, plus your settings and apps make a huge difference too.
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I've tried CM, Minco, Xylon, PA, the best I get is CM with franco kernel of course.
calanizzle said:
I've tried CM, Minco, Xylon, PA, the best I get is CM with franco kernel of course.
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Which CM ? Official Nightly, or something like SlimBEAM ?
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Zorachus said:
Which CM ? Official Nightly, or something like SlimBEAM ?
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Official nightly usually is more cutting edge, but the M builds are more stable and would probably have better battery life.
Third Party Cyanogenmod, like SlimBean will most likely have lower battery life due to adding additional features, but like the other individuals said the kernel is more important than the ROM itself. A ROM can only be as efficient as the kernel itself.
hhairplane said:
Official nightly usually is more cutting edge, but the M builds are more stable and would probably have better battery life.
Third Party Cyanogenmod, like SlimBean will most likely have lower battery life due to adding additional features, but like the other individuals said the kernel is more important than the ROM itself. A ROM can only be as efficient as the kernel itself.
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More features does not equal less battery life..
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[Q] Recommended Kernel for Nexus 4?

I know with the SGS3 some of the bigger kernels were ktoonsez and lean kernel. What's good for the Nexus 4?
jeikei4life said:
I know with the SGS3 some of the bigger kernels were ktoonsez and lean kernel. What's good for the Nexus 4?
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They all are, try them and keep the one you llike the most
Pa kernel colors are great so as the battery life!
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I've been using Matr1x kernel for quite some time now. It's the best I've used. I've tried Faux and Franco and those didn't work too well for me. Try them all out though and see what works best for you.
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Franco's latest kernels have been very battery friendly. They're amazing. You do kinda sacrifice (albeit super tiny) performance though.
If you care about performance more, try Motley's. His kernels are reasonably battery friendly, but doesn't sacrifice any performance.
Trinity and Matr1x are my preferred kernels due to their speed and overall stability.
Battery go for Franco.
Hmm. I think I'm gonna try out Franco. I'm on the go a lot and battery life is a bit more important to me than performance. I wish the nexus 4 was more than a 2100 battery...
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hhairplane said:
Trinity and Matr1x are my preferred kernels due to their speed and overall stability.
Battery go for Franco.
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I agree Im a fan of matrix and trinity, francos kernels dont get the same battery for me
jeikei4life said:
Hmm. I think I'm gonna try out Franco. I'm on the go a lot and battery life is a bit more important to me than performance. I wish the nexus 4 was more than a 2100 battery...
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Yes to be honest Franco's kernel is the only kernel I'm confident with when I go out LOL
must say though the hunt for kernels has been remedied by google, for me at least. their 4.2.2 is insane. im getting 21.800 in antutu without touching the clocking frequencies. im getting 1-2 days of use and still 4-5 hours screen on. its reliable, it wont crash or screw up otherwise and best of all i dont worry about it, at all, its enough for me to settle and think of kernels no more. only thing that really bugged me on this plattform were the colors. but thats solved now. if you wanna try: start with contrasty and see if you can live with the brightness, that one has probably the nicest colors that can be possible with this panel.

ROM for improved battery life?

Is there a ROM available that will help improve battery life?
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sixtoedgunmonkey said:
Is there a ROM available that will help improve battery life?
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Any of the available Roms will.
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I was using baja rom with insane battery life up until I installed the kit kat leak. And as soon as baja gets the kit kat rom uploaded I will be going back.
Sent from my N3 4.4.2
Clean rom has always been good
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cjamison08 said:
I was using baja rom with insane battery life up until I installed the kit kat leak. And as soon as baja gets the kit kat rom uploaded I will be going back.
Sent from my N3 4.4.2
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Yeah same here. .. don't know why I humored on the hype lol
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Hulk0069 said:
Clean rom has always been good
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I second this. CleanRom is my most favorite rom. I've used all the roms just to be fair and try them out - I found Beans pretty good - Baja had similar battery life (easily 1.5x + stock) - CleanRom seemed to have the most battery life imo - I wonder if it's that Smart Network option?
Right now I'm running the Odex 4.4.2 leak and I spent hours removing EVERYTHING - and I'm getting pretty good battery life on it. It's basically a bare bones rom with everything removed.
Upset to see Google+ still burning 3+ hours of battery every morning like it did on 4.3. Greenify doesn't want to hibernate Google+ on 4.4.2 vs 4.3. Other than that, I'm seeing some of my best battery life on 4.4.2 (with everything removed (bloatware, samsung, etc)). Basically did this:
But, soon as Scott comes out with a CleanRom 1.8 KitKat, I'll get it.
Moderator Edit: Thread Closed/Favorite ROM thread.
Your favorite rom is the one that is best for you.
