[Q] Firefox OS on "unsupported" device? - Firefox OS General

I'm developing some apps for Firefox OS, but am currently limited to doing so on the Firefox OS Simulator. I'd like to flash Firefox OS onto a real device, but I own none of the supported devices, and of some of them I can't even find a single mention anywhere on the internet with the exception of the wiki.
Now I have this very slow Cherry Mobility Android JB (originally ICS) tablet lying around. Would there be any chance of getting Firefox OS running properly on this device, or is it a lost case? If I remember correctly, it has Linux 3.2 underneath it (the Android ROM which is currently on the tablet, I mean). Would I be able to extract the drivers from the Android ROM and use them with Firefox OS?

if you play around with the manifest xml files, you might have some success. You could have a look at the threads of the nexus (forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1924367) or samsung ports () to get a better idea of porting. You can also have a look at B2G, might help you out.


[Q] Firefox OS on Omnia 7 (and Windows 7 Phone devices in general)?

The best I've found out there is a recommendation to "try teaching your toaster French." There seems to be a few hints out there that the Omnia 7 can be flashed at least to different versions of Windows Phone 7. Is there a working way to get Android onto the phone? If so, can this method be used to hack Firefox OS on there as well? The phone fits all the hardware recommendations for the OS, and we have a spare one floating around the office I thought I might try to flash it onto.
I've already taken a look at the wiki page for the phone and found the drivers and flashing utilities (tucked away in anonymous downloads in the sketchiest parts of the internet) mentioned there. What is the procedure for putting Android on a Windows Phone? Is there a build of Firefox OS that might work, or should I just set the Omnia aside for now, roll up my sleeves, and start helping with the B2G project on GitHub?

Firefox OS on 4010x (Android)?

I have an Alcatel OT 4010x, the Android version of OT Fire (I guess). Firefox OS should be able to run on my phone, right? If yes, can I request for a rom to flash in (and steps, if it's different from flashing an android rom)? Or maybe can someone please point me in the right direction? I have look around Firefox wiki page and XDA's Firefox OS page, but, it seems there's only a guide to port Firefox OS to other phones, can't find an OT Fire's rom anywhere.
Firefox OS needs Android ICS or higher
As far as I know, Firefox OS requires that you have Android ICS. XDA has some articles on how to install Firefox OS on specific devices such as HTC HD2, Samsung galaxy and Sony Xperia.
Ron Shinde said:
As far as I know, Firefox OS requires that you have Android ICS. XDA has some articles on how to install Firefox OS on specific devices such as HTC HD2, Samsung galaxy and Sony Xperia.
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Isn't that like dual-boot or something? How about something like clean install or anything of sorts? Sorry if it's a noobish question, but, I don't really know about flashing a new OS, I only know about flashing roms of Androids.

[Q] Firefox OS on Peak

Hey guys!!
I am new around here so I apologize for any brake of rules I might be doing around here. You are welcomed to notify my about them
I just got a Geeksphone Peak. On the box it came with Firefox OS, of course. I had it for a few days and then flashed Android in there. I am not sure how, but it looks like Firefox OS is not there anymore, or I can't find it. Any idea how to flash Firefox OS again here so I can have both?
And another question, is there possible to have another version of Android, a lower one? I have Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich but probably the system would run faster in an older version of Android.
Thanks in advance!
As far as I know, it is not officially supported to have dualboot. So you have Androd or Firefox OS. You can download the old images here: downloads.geeksphone.com (sorry I cannot post links because I am new user). But Geekpshone has dropped support of Peak so there is no current built. I am trying really hard to build it but so far no success.
As for the Android - where did you downloaded it? You would have to download old built which is not built anywhere - so you would have to build it yourself.

{Q} Custom ROMS (AOSP/CM) for Galaxy A8 (SM-A800F)? Any possibility in Future??

Hello all
I was wondering if there will be AOSP/CM ROM for this device, not a single ROM is available and no dev is interested to work on such a great device.
Such a totally crap device, still stucked on 5.1.1 since launch, no dev is interested in the development either, where android n announced already, we are still waiting for Android M update, i wasted my money on such a **** device, will never buy a sammy mid range in future, m totally fed up with this
I think because there are few developer with that phone and they can't test their work. You can port ROMs such as CM to you phone by your self. There are tons of guides and forums. All u need is a linux OS (such as ubuntu, debian and others) and sources.
DeadSquirrel01 said:
I think because there are few developer with that phone and they can't test their work. You can port ROMs such as CM to you phone by your self. There are tons of guides and forums. All u need is a linux OS (such as ubuntu, debian and others) and sources.
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Ok i want to port Resurrection Remix on my A8, i need a simplest guide for android build environment startup, using windows 10, with no knowledge about programming languages such as C++ etc etc which is required to be used on Linux OS, can you plz help me, i will install ubuntu OS on my laptop, but i am worried can i install two different os in one machine, i.e. Windows 10 & Ubuntu
shubham540 said:
Ok i want to port Resurrection Remix on my A8, i need a simplest guide for android build environment startup, using windows 10, with no knowledge about programming languages such as C++ etc etc which is required to be used on Linux OS, can you plz help me, i will install ubuntu OS on my laptop, but i am worried can i install two different os in one machine, i.e. Windows 10 & Ubuntu
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yep, I'm on kali and I use windows 10 to play games, so the only thing is: take care when partitioning. After you installed ubuntu there is a bootloader called "GRUB" and there you can choose if you want to boot windows or linux

Can I run AndroidTV on armbian?

Hey folks,
I've an old banana pi m2 berry which is working with armbian.
I just found an Tutorial to install Android TV on an Raspberry via LineAgeOS.
I tried LineAgeOS but it seems to won't work on my Banana Pi.
Any fast solution? Also would be fine to switch the OS of my Device again. Just want this for streaming etc on my TV.
I'm not an expert, but my guess is it's unlikely as Android TV is a modified version of Android, and Android is a long ways away from its original source of Linux. The reason Konstakang used Lineage is likely because it's based on android.
Maybe I find some other android Version which works on my device, thanks for the hint.
