Small Devellopers let's Reveiw each other - General Marketing & SEO

Hi guys
For all small developers under 100 Review let's get nice start up , let's review each other and make strong community : if you have apps replay with your links
My apps on play store :
Let's help each other : thank you

Great idea
+ 1
Great idea and happy to help out once I have enough posts which allow me to post links!

kevin-kor said:
Hi guys
For all small developers under 100 Review let's get nice start up , let's review each other and make strong community : if you have apps replay with your links
My apps on play store :
Let's help each other : thank you
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Nice idea Kevin
Your phrase "small developers under 100 Review" makes me laugh, i am can't participate as acording to your speech i am not a small developer haha. I can say that if you have less than 1000 reviews or less than 1.000.000 downloads (free apps) you still a small developer, do you agree?
Anyway i will review your first as i want to remeber all that stuff from chemestry at high school
+1 from great small developer haha

Millenium Apps said:
Nice idea Kevin
Your phrase "small developers under 100 Review" makes me laugh, i am can't participate as acording to your speech i am not a small developer haha. I can say that if you have less than 1000 reviews or less than 1.000.000 downloads (free apps) you still a small developer, do you agree?
Anyway i will review your first as i want to remeber all that stuff from chemestry at high school
+1 from great small developer haha
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That's great I agree , I got +1 form you lol any way less than 100 review it can not be for 1.000.000 download free apps let me Review your apps

good idea! I will review your apps when i get my phone back (few days) ^^. If you wanna check out my game, look up "Zombie Kill of the Week" on google play

Hello guys,
I made a website for exchanging reviews by developers. You can check it out at


[INDEX] Community help with marketing

Community help with marketing
Here on XDA I have seen many members collaborate which is great. Nobody is perfect but we can combine our knowledge and create something which is really amazing. This is one of the reasons I like XDA for. :good:
Currently there are threads for developers who are looking for testers, translators and designers.
However, it is a shame if we create fantastic apps and nobody is downloading them.
To bring the collaboration to the next level I set up this thread.
Developers, here are your marketing experts.
This thread is divided into different sections for different purposes.
If you want to participate, send me a PM with a link to your profile and tell me what you are skilled in. I will add you to the list.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
Your app needs to be found using search.
Waiting for you to be the first one...
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Demo videos and screenshots:
If you present your app in an app store, the first thing in addition to the description your consumers see are the screenshots and the demo video. Providing a demo video is a huge advantage. It is one of the best opportunities to present your app to your costumer.
Waiting for you to be the second one...
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App reviews:
One of the most important criteria for the user will be app recommendations and reviews on websites. So here is a list of people with app review sites:
kornett (
out of ideas (
Hectopixel (
More to come...
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(Check out this thread as well: Beam me Up Scotty !)
Big thanks to @QuantumFoam for the idea. :good:
By the way, if you have got ideas for new categories, tell me.
Cheers. This will help us app developers a lot
Sent from my Nexus⁴
Yooo man you always come up with something special for us Developers...
Really great idea and something i could do with right about now! Hope this goes to plan
If I have the time, I'll see if I can write up a more comprehensive marketing guide covering the pricing and promotion strategies and aspects of marketing. Both are really important, especially for this market, and quite a few times I've seen apps that seem to have potential hindered by a not-so-smart/appropriate pricing/promotion strategy that the dev have in place :/
SammiSaysHello said:
If I have the time, I'll see if I can write up a more comprehensive marketing guide covering the pricing and promotion strategies and aspects of marketing. Both are really important, especially for this market, and quite a few times I've seen apps that seem to have potential hindered by a not-so-smart/appropriate pricing/promotion strategy that the dev have in place :/
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Would be amazing! :good:
Added app reviews category.
Exchange Reviews with other developers
Today Android marketing is very expensive right now, so why not a review exchange?
Androidki is a exchange review web totally for free, your app can be reviewed by the web authors and also by other users in the web.
Also reviews are standarized so the reviews will also appear on google results
Best of luck with your android app!
kornett said:
Today Android marketing is very expensive right now, so why not a review exchange?
Androidki is a exchange review web totally for free, your app can be reviewed by the web authors and also by other users in the web.
Also reviews are standarized so the reviews will also appear on google results
Best of luck with your android app!
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Looks like a cool website. Thanks.
I will add it.
(Sorry for not answering before. I was not at home, so I was unable to answer.)
Thank you! It is hard marketing an app! Specially when there is SO MANY!! This is a very helpful subject
Gabilheri said:
Thank you! It is hard marketing an app! Specially when there is SO MANY!! This is a very helpful subject
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Yeah, I hope that there will be more people participating.
nikwen said:
Yeah, I hope that there will be more people participating.
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Well I guess I'll toss my hat into the ring for some more reviews.
I'm doing a little android blog/review thing. It's in VERY early beta and i'm playing with it everyday so it'll be changing plenty.
That's the reviews page, I already got a few big apps up, and bunch more I have to upload.
Basically its gonna be the standard bigger apps, and I want to have a good section focusing on the smaller and indie developers. Give some love back to XDA and all that.
Every little bit helps, so if you need a review feel free to message me on here or mail me at [email protected]
out of ideas said:
Well I guess I'll toss my hat into the ring for some more reviews.
I'm doing a little android blog/review thing. It's in VERY early beta and i'm playing with it everyday so it'll be changing plenty.
That's the reviews page, I already got a few big apps up, and bunch more I have to upload.
Basically its gonna be the standard bigger apps, and I want to have a good section focusing on the smaller and indie developers. Give some love back to XDA and all that.
Every little bit helps, so if you need a review feel free to message me on here or mail me at [email protected]
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Thanks a lot.
Added. :good:
Great idea, I just sent an app for review to the links you provided. Thanks!
Great ideas here.
I've launched a game one week ago and it's really hard to be discovered and increase visibility.
Hartok said:
Great ideas here.
I've launched a game one week ago and it's really hard to be discovered and increase visibility.
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Yeah, that's right. I hope that more people will be participating.
Thanks for this great thread! I have sent a link for Review to androidsexplained of my game Number Play Free on google playstore. This game is published by Kjas Labs.
It is a Educational Brain Game suitable for all age groups.
Hartok said:
Great ideas here.
I've launched a game one week ago and it's really hard to be discovered and increase visibility.
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Seeing your avatar, I guess that it is Feed the Sheep.

[I WILL FREE REVIEW YOUR APP] Let me introduce me and my new FREE app - Run Alien

Hi guys
I'm new on this forum but I hope I'll get opportunity to meet each of you. My name is Michal and I'm from Poland.
A few days ago mine and my mate's first application has been published. It's name is RUN ALIEN and it's funny and lovely game with easy rules - however the game itself is challenging rather. I encourage you to try this and left yours opinions which would be very valuable for us just to know if game is good and if we should do another games (or improve this)
I'm very interested in what you created or creating now so I will be happy to look at your apps - you can left links to them beneath.
Of course I will rate/review your apps if you'll rate mine! Just write about it underneath my post
i ve rate your app "Отлично зеленые человечеки жгут"
Please rate my[
lordshlem said:
i ve rate your app "Отлично зеленые человечеки жгут"
Please rate my[
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done as Michał Antkowicz
Run Alien got another update. This time we added two new obstacles. Check it out
Hey! Thanks for doing this for everyone! My apps are:
Stats Monitor Widget Free:
Feather - Music / Video Free:
And to any other developers, PM me if you review my apps, and would like yours to be reviewed in return!
P.S I am Aaron Turner when I review
Hi I rate your app,
Please rate my :
app name: Attachment INBOX Free
How many times did you try to search your mail box using Android?
for those who tries, searching for attachment inside mobile email's is frustrating task, usually you need to search one by one since name search is not working in most of the email clients.
With INBOX you can save your time and start searching for those local downloaded attachments in your device.
The application searches through your mail applications cache for attachments
and provides a great search engine for your attachment
Including filtering by type and search result ordering by: date, type, size, name
This my thread - What you will get:
+ 5 review
+ 5 rating
+ 5 share +1
+ 1 install on device
And my app link this here
My Website
very easily
I'll try and rate your game "Run Alien", and probably some other here too.
My game is called Simple Twister, it is a puzzle game where you have to choose two or more of the same consecutive tiles by color or by pattern.
Great app, when will the next update?
mantkowicz said:
Hi guys
I'm new on this forum but I hope I'll get opportunity to meet each of you. My name is Michal and I'm from Poland.
A few days ago mine and my mate's first application has been published. It's name is RUN ALIEN and it's funny and lovely game with easy rules - however the game itself is challenging rather. I encourage you to try this and left yours opinions which would be very valuable for us just to know if game is good and if we should do another games (or improve this)
I'm very interested in what you created or creating now so I will be happy to look at your apps - you can left links to them beneath.
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I just rate and review Your app as Maciej Malok. If You can, do it for me too
(Tak w ogólę to witam kolegę z Polski )
Hi, I just rate and review your game as Play Box. If you can return the favor.
My game 2Math Cubes .
I can't add links so for playstore link ad my package name com.criapp.testmathgame
By the way so funny game!
test, opinion, comment, request, good relations
mantkowicz said:
Hi guys
I'm new on this forum but I hope I'll get opportunity to meet each of you. My name is Michal and I'm from Poland.
A few days ago mine and my mate's first application has been published. It's name is RUN ALIEN and it's funny and lovely game with easy rules - however the game itself is challenging rather. I encourage you to try this and left yours opinions which would be very valuable for us just to know if game is good and if we should do another games (or improve this)
I'm very interested in what you created or creating now so I will be happy to look at your apps - you can left links to them beneath.
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Hi Michal,
In general the runner is OK, tested for 2 min and rated your game 5 star with a small comment.
The game developed with taste and I really liked it. Good first start.
- Sounds are great, but some background music should be added.
- Ingame control tutorial is OK, but it needs to be a bit longer for users to get fully adopted to the gameplay and controls.
- Game is getting difficult from the start, needs to be more easy to encourage players (retention)
- Banner ads place is not chosen correctly - it covers main menu (Samsung GT-S7500 test)
that's it for now ....
What is your eCPM?
How did you generated about 180 reviews for 1000-5000 downloads?
How long this game was developed?
How many people worked on the project?
Who have chosen sounds?
Let's not to forget that we should review each others apps as well . Our apps are as follows:
God Toys (priority!)
My Movie Quiz
Talking Putin: Machete
GraviTire 3D
GraviTire 3D HD
Talking Obama:Terrorist Hunter
Слова и Фотки
Words and Pics
Palabras y Fotos
Hope the list is not that long
Looking forward to your response.
p.s Once met a Polish couple in our country, nice people ...

[Free] I will rate/review and install your apps.

Hi Guys,
A few months back i started mobile game development since it was easier for me enter this market without a team behind me and of course a tight budget so i know how hard is to compete here. Since i recently joined this forum, i decided to help my fellow developers with genuine ratings, reviews, and most importantly i will install and keep the apps on my devices for a few days, weeks, a thing that many dont do, and it matters in the long run algorithm.
So i will rate the first 20 apps for free, link them here.
What you will get:
If i find your app/game awesome: You will get 5 stars+genuine review+1 google + 2 installs on two devices for a few days, maybe weeks, so no instant uninstall. If you have leaderboards i will also check in there.
If i find your app/game mediocre, but good enough: You will get 4 stars+review +1 install on one device for a few days, maybe weeks,
If i find your app/game bad(subjective since its my taste), i will not rate or you app, i will install it to test ofcourse but unistall after, so you still get one download.
LW Games said:
Hi Guys,
A few months back i started mobile game development since it was easier for me enter this market without a team behind me and of course a tight budget so i know how hard is to compete here. Since i recently joined this forum, i decided to help my fellow developers with genuine ratings, reviews, and most importantly i will install and keep the apps on my devices for a few days, weeks, a thing that many dont do, and it matters in the long run algorithm.
So i will rate the first 20 apps for free, link them here.
What you will get:
If i find your app/game awesome: You will get 5 stars+genuine review+1 google + 2 installs on two devices for a few days, maybe weeks, so no instant uninstall. If you have leaderboards i will also check in there.
If i find your app/game mediocre, but good enough: You will get 4 stars+review +1 install on one device for a few days, maybe weeks,
If i find your app/game bad(subjective since its my taste), i will not rate or you app, i will install it to test ofcourse but unistall after, so you still get one download.
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Hey thanks for your advice earlier. Let me know what you think of my app
slamtastic said:
Hey thanks for your advice earlier. Let me know what you think of my app
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helpful with clean interface, simple, 5 out 5, review with LWGames Main, also i am gona keep the app installed on both of my devices
Thank you for the initiative, this is my first game (yet simple) on the Play Store
LW Games said:
Hi Guys,
A few months back i started mobile game development since it was easier for me enter this market without a team behind me and of course a tight budget so i know how hard is to compete here. Since i recently joined this forum, i decided to help my fellow developers with genuine ratings, reviews, and most importantly i will install and keep the apps on my devices for a few days, weeks, a thing that many dont do, and it matters in the long run algorithm.
So i will rate the first 20 apps for free, link them here.
What you will get:
If i find your app/game awesome: You will get 5 stars+genuine review+1 google + 2 installs on two devices for a few days, maybe weeks, so no instant uninstall. If you have leaderboards i will also check in there.
If i find your app/game mediocre, but good enough: You will get 4 stars+review +1 install on one device for a few days, maybe weeks,
If i find your app/game bad(subjective since its my taste), i will not rate or you app, i will install it to test ofcourse but unistall after, so you still get one download.
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Hi there
Try out my first app - Run Alien
I hope you'll like it And if you can please write here what you think - I'm really curious about your opinion
mantkowicz said:
Hi there
Try out my first app - Run Alien
I hope you'll like it And if you can please write here what you think - I'm really curious about your opinion
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Haha! excelent app! my review is by George Neguceanu.
+1 google, installed and kept one two devices, score submitted to the leaderboard as LWGames Main.
Great job
victory144 said:
Thank you for the initiative, this is my first game (yet simple) on the Play Store
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Simple little game, but its a good start, reviewed as George Neguceanu.
Nice idea
Thanks man. Here is link for my game
LW Games said:
Hi Guys,
A few months back i started mobile game development since it was easier for me enter this market without a team behind me and of course a tight budget so i know how hard is to compete here. Since i recently joined this forum, i decided to help my fellow developers with genuine ratings, reviews, and most importantly i will install and keep the apps on my devices for a few days, weeks, a thing that many dont do, and it matters in the long run algorithm.
So i will rate the first 20 apps for free, link them here.
What you will get:
If i find your app/game awesome: You will get 5 stars+genuine review+1 google + 2 installs on two devices for a few days, maybe weeks, so no instant uninstall. If you have leaderboards i will also check in there.
If i find your app/game mediocre, but good enough: You will get 4 stars+review +1 install on one device for a few days, maybe weeks,
If i find your app/game bad(subjective since its my taste), i will not rate or you app, i will install it to test ofcourse but unistall after, so you still get one download.
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22498545 2175
Thanks a lot. My game Name is "TrashFall"
Hi LW Games,
Could you take a look at my app?
Thank you a lot! (oh and let me know if you have feedbacks on how to improve the game)
App Name: Thermal
Genre: Puzzle Game
THERMAL is your traditional 15-tiles sliding puzzle with a twist.
Manage your moves carefully to finish the game in the least amount of moves and time!
Link to Google Play:
Optional paid version:
Ok men, i think this thread share +1 or install, fix the problem or If you have an issue or have some ideas to implement in Play Store Review. Help developer fix error or update new version for User, Good for end-user and developer too
Please review my navigator app.
App Name: Me Here Where You
Description: Me Here Where You is a fun app to help your geographically challenged friends and family find their way to your location easily.
Me Here Where You help you find to exact location on app’s map directions, follow your friend or family when they go to shopping at the supermarket, walking parks, eco-tourism, camping in the great outdoors, meeting or party … without having to send or respond to an endless stream of “where are you?” text or call “Can you safe?”
Play Store URL:
App Store URL :
XDA Thread :
We'd really love to get your feedback from you, Doesn't work? Please, contact me and we'll fix the problem or If you have an issue or have some ideas to implement. Let me know on Play Store Review. THX
- For those who needs help, use this post.
- If you feed it’s amazing or , please vote start
- Thanks and feedbacks are apreciated !
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Travel Swop - Backpacker sale
Please review my travel app.
App Name: TravelSwop
Description: Your one stop travel swop shop for buying, selling, renting and looking for jobs while travelling.
Play Store URL:
LW Games said:
Hi Guys,
A few months back i started mobile game development since it was easier for me enter this market without a team behind me and of course a tight budget so i know how hard is to compete here. Since i recently joined this forum, i decided to help my fellow developers with genuine ratings, reviews, and most importantly i will install and keep the apps on my devices for a few days, weeks, a thing that many dont do, and it matters in the long run algorithm.
So i will rate the first 20 apps for free, link them here.
What you will get:
If i find your app/game awesome: You will get 5 stars+genuine review+1 google + 2 installs on two devices for a few days, maybe weeks, so no instant uninstall. If you have leaderboards i will also check in there.
If i find your app/game mediocre, but good enough: You will get 4 stars+review +1 install on one device for a few days, maybe weeks,
If i find your app/game bad(subjective since its my taste), i will not rate or you app, i will install it to test ofcourse but unistall after, so you still get one download.
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LW Games said:
Hi Guys,
A few months back i started mobile game development since it was easier for me enter this market without a team behind me and of course a tight budget so i know how hard is to compete here. Since i recently joined this forum, i decided to help my fellow developers with genuine ratings, reviews, and most importantly i will install and keep the apps on my devices for a few days, weeks, a thing that many dont do, and it matters in the long run algorithm.
So i will rate the first 20 apps for free, link them here.
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If you have the time give my game a tap
App Name: 2048 Numbers Mania
Description: The 2048 app is a fun, addictive and a very simple puzzle game. Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile!
Thanks for the offer, please review my simple game app.
App Name: Best Minesweeper
Description: Best minesweeper game on android market is here.
Minesweeper wil exercise your mind, the goal of the game is to uncover all the squares that do not contain mines without being "destroyed" by touch on a mine. The location of the mines is discovered by a process of logic.
Play Store URL:
its only 1 MB in size, thanks
Try my app out!
Hi there!
this is the first game i have ever built!
I would be more than happy if you could review my app!
It is a pretty simple game!
App name: Paper Plane Fall
Play Store link:
Please see the app : Attachment INBOX Free
Description: With INBOX you can save your time and start searching for those local downloaded attachments in your device.
The application searches through your mail applications cache for attachments
and provides a great search engine for your attachment
Including filtering by type and search result ordering by: date, type, size, name
Play store link :
Hey! Thanks for doing this for everyone! My apps are:
Stats Monitor Widget Free:
Feather - Music / Video Free:
PM me if you review my apps, and would like yours to be reviewed in return!
Thanks a lot for your efforts on helping other devs, if you need anything from me, just let me know.
My game is called Simple Twister, it is a puzzle game where you have to choose two or more of the same consecutive tiles by color or by pattern.
If anyone wants to exchange reviews here is my game.
When you complete your review send me a message or reply with quote and I will do the same.

How did I reached 46,000 downloads in less than two months full details

It's was very hard and almost impossible if you don't have at least a small marketing budget. I am making this thread to help developers learn.
I want to stress that all my marketing was free. I didn't use paid advertisement.
Deciding what I am going to make
1) I decided to make a platform game that had very simple controls, anyone can understand how to play it without instructions.
2) I decided to use some cartoon images that, almost all I made myself. There is no some "Complicated graphics".
3) I made the game easy enough so that a gamer can play it without instructions.
Before Launch
1) After I finished the game I didn't release it to the google play store , that would equal a fail. I opened a small community in Google+ and collected some people that want to hear when I release the game to production.
2) I posted on facebook groups screenshots about my game that going to be published. I did it in 5-6 groups and I spend on it 3 days.
3) I went to some games forums and also a create a post and trying to make people waiting for this game to be published.
1) Launched my app on Google Play , posted on facebook and on Google+ that its finally arrived. And here comes the numbers:
After one week my app got more than 10,000 installs!
And now my game has 46,000 downloads at Google Play!
And I am still fighting to get more downloads. Hopefully I can reach higher but for last couple of days the downloads just decreasing Any questions ask away.
Game Link
My community page in Google+:
Please tell me if this thread help you
I don't think you got the downloads for the reason you think. I am unsure what you did, but almost 800 ratings is good.
congrats on your successful launch that is a lot of downloads for that type of game.
Tomer Trier said:
I don't think you got the downloads for the reason you think. I am unsure what you did, but almost 800 ratings is good.
congrats on your successful launch that is a lot of downloads for that type of game.
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So, If can I ask, why do you think all the downloads come from?
And thanks for replaying
Pretty interesting read, thanks!
Do you have a facebook page or something where people can follow you as a developer? I'm not sure if I should do that for the future.
4 days ago I published my first Android App. I prepared my release fairly well, I've read a lot about marketing apps.
- I've posted my app on forums where I'm active, inclusive a niche forum for the app.
- I've posted it on my personal facebook and tumblr.
- I've made a pretty good YouTube video for it.
- I've send it to over 30 review sites.
The reviews I've received are all very good, but I'm still struggling to get downloads. I'm still at 50-100 and I've done the best promoting I could.
Any tips?
The app:
Nebulic said:
Pretty interesting read, thanks!
Do you have a facebook page or something where people can follow you as a developer? I'm not sure if I should do that for the future.
4 days ago I published my first Android App. I prepared my release fairly well, I've read a lot about marketing apps.
- I've posted my app on forums where I'm active, inclusive a niche forum for the app.
- I've posted it on my personal facebook and tumblr.
- I've made a pretty good YouTube video for it.
- I've send it to over 30 review sites.
The reviews I've received are all very good, but I'm still struggling to get downloads. I'm still at 50-100 and I've done the best promoting I could.
Any tips?
The app:
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I have a community page in Google+ at the link:
You are more than welcome to join my community
1) A bunch of facebook groups are here where you can post some screenshots of your app:
> Innovative APP Users & Developers for iPhone, iPad, Blackberry & Android (Huge group, more than 9k people are in this group)
Publish your app in these groups and you will get downloads for sure.
I very recommend using this Forum, post there some screenshots of your app with description and I'm sure you will receive more downloads:
Can you show statistics of sources of installation? Just to compare how many people comes from reviews, Facebook, YouTube and other places.
Thanks for sharing. But REALLY???
I'm trying hard to get only 100 down per day. It seem a hard target to reach. Could you give me some advices
My game on GG Play name Vivid Juicy Kool YOLO
INDY devs paying it forward!!!
We've hit the wall getting a 100 a day, and actually we did pay for advertising, I like your strategy and will try that with our next title. Indy devs paying it forward i like it!
inoutsider said:
Thanks for sharing. But REALLY???
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I am not lying
honghoand said:
I'm trying hard to get only 100 down per day. It seem a hard target to reach. Could you give me some advices
My game on GG Play name Vivid Juicy Kool YOLO
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100 download per day is pretty good!
Look at my first comment. Publish your game in facebook groups and forums and try to get people knowing about your game, If they like it they will share it with their friends and you will get more downloads.
BTW I saw your game. Its looks very nice Keep updating this game.
This is cool!
hi , cool game you have there
thanks for sharing your experience
Thanks for your sharing
Some pretty good numbers. Best of luck with your app
Tomer Trier said:
I don't think you got the downloads for the reason you think. I am unsure what you did, but almost 800 ratings is good.
congrats on your successful launch that is a lot of downloads for that type of game.
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Agree with it
but truly graphics sucks
Juste to be more helpful what's the list of forum where you have annonce jour game,
From my own experience I can say, that it's very hard to find the right formula. There are so many variables and sometimes one method will work for specific app, sometimes not. But I agree that social factor has the best influence in downloads. The more people see, hear about your app - the more likely they will tell their friends and etc.
Thanks for the information really helpful, I will open a community in G+ right now for my current project.
Good luck with your platformer

Cheap marketing for your app with @Apps_and_Game

Heya guys, im here to share some news with you all.
I started working with a Marketing Company a month ago, and one of their branches does marketing services for Apps and Games developers, specially for Indies... They have a big community in Instagram with over 20.000 users, being one of the biggest Apps Page on Instagram, their page is called @apps_and_Game.
I proposed to my Boss to do a special offer to our community developers since im from this community and so on, I've found it usefull and could be useful for you guys as well, to shoutout about your games and projects... but more important than that, to do it CHEAPLY.
From my personal point of view as a Game Developer, I've found this Advertising option incredibly good for us around here, specially for mobile developers.... why?
-Instagram is a Mobile Social Network... This means if the user is checking the @apps_and_Game page, and reading about your game, they are doing it through their mobile devices, and if they like your App they will directly download it since they have the device on hand! Its a different effect than getting the advertising while surfing on their PCs.... People are more likely to jump to the Appstores and get the app they just saw in the palm of their hands, even if its awesome or kinda good since there is no need of a big effort.
- Instagram is a combination of Visual and Textual Advertising (since you publish pictures and images) but also text and information can be added, so its a quick method to catch attention of any kind of public.... and you can even ask to publish videos of your app!
- Followers are from your niche.... This means that if you like a page on instagram, you click to "Follow that page", that way the 20k+ community they have on @apps_and_Game are all people that are APP HUNGRY, they want to receive news about...well, apps and games to install them right away
- But the most important... Its economical dude. When i was in my pursuit to advertise my game i found tough options, coming from 50$ to up to 500$ to get a featuring, which is a hard investment when you are starting on this business, but this guys have friendly prices for developers, and much more with the nice discounts i proposed for our community, being as low as 5$ for publishing and talking once about your Product, and you can repeat it as many times as you might need, adapting your strategy to your budget since they show different prices and offers.
Hope this info is useful for you guys, ill also keep you informed around here the following weeks!
I've seen this work well with Instagram and Vine influencers extremely well. However it's more for LIfestyle/Social apps, but still another channel that definitely is underutilized.
GarrettThalamus said:
I've seen this work well with Instagram and Vine influencers extremely well. However it's more for LIfestyle/Social apps, but still another channel that definitely is underutilized.
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thats pretty accurated! by other side , we have looked and performed to have followers from an active gaming niche as well, thanks to the partnering with other influencers and to the hashtags smart strategy.
I am interested. How to get connected with you?
[email protected] said:
I am interested. How to get connected with you?
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Feel free to send an email to [email protected]
Add basic information of what you want to promote so they can reply you with the plans and packages
joraanpe said:
Heya guys, im here to share some news with you all.
I started working with a Marketing Company a month ago, and one of their branches does marketing services for Apps and Games developers, specially for Indies... They have a big community in Instagram with over 20.000 users, being one of the biggest Apps Page on Instagram, their page is called @apps_and_Game.
I proposed to my Boss to do a special offer to our community developers since im from this community and so on, I've found it usefull and could be useful for you guys as well, to shoutout about your games and projects... but more important than that, to do it CHEAPLY.
From my personal point of view as a Game Developer, I've found this Advertising option incredibly good for us around here, specially for mobile developers.... why?
-Instagram is a Mobile Social Network... This means if the user is checking the @apps_and_Game page, and reading about your game, they are doing it through their mobile devices, and if they like your App they will directly download it since they have the device on hand! Its a different effect than getting the advertising while surfing on their PCs.... People are more likely to jump to the Appstores and get the app they just saw in the palm of their hands, even if its awesome or kinda good since there is no need of a big effort.
- Instagram is a combination of Visual and Textual Advertising (since you publish pictures and images) but also text and information can be added, so its a quick method to catch attention of any kind of public.... and you can even ask to publish videos of your app!
- Followers are from your niche.... This means that if you like a page on instagram, you click to "Follow that page", that way the 20k+ community they have on @apps_and_Game are all people that are APP HUNGRY, they want to receive news about...well, apps and games to install them right away
- But the most important... Its economical dude. When i was in my pursuit to advertise my game i found tough options, coming from 50$ to up to 500$ to get a featuring, which is a hard investment when you are starting on this business, but this guys have friendly prices for developers, and much more with the nice discounts i proposed for our community, being as low as 5$ for publishing and talking once about your Product, and you can repeat it as many times as you might need, adapting your strategy to your budget since they show different prices and offers.
Hope this info is useful for you guys, ill also keep you informed around here the following weeks!
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I hope it helps
This one's useless
The majority of their subscribers are bots, you can see it from the likes amount on all the posts being incredibly low.
keenmobi said:
The majority of their subscribers are bots, you can see it from the likes amount on all the posts being incredibly low.
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Bots? how can u say that by the likes? engagement comes from content type, not from users amount... and if it was the case, still an average of 600likes and more than 4k views in videos for only 5$ per post is WAY TOO ECONOMICAL for any developer, a single instal costs around 2$ depending the country so do your maths my friend
I do understand all that instagram thing, the average likes per subs percentage is around 5% however yours one is 10 times lower. But yeah perhaps it still provides a bit of effect to your client.
I didn't intend to post more negative things, don't know why you are willing to continue this discussion.
keenmobi said:
I do understand all that instagram thing, the average likes per subs percentage is around 5% however yours one is 10 times lower. But yeah perhaps it still provides a bit of effect to your client.
I didn't intend to post more negative things, don't know why you are willing to continue this discussion.
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Im not continuing the "discussion" im just replying your post because it did seem as a negative post and may affect an honest business reputation, specially if coming from you under a -dont really understand the instagram thing- state, just chill! Only making sure things are clear enough im sure you might understand hehe
