[Q] CM10.1 Installation Problems - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I just got a I9505. I was able to successfuly root it using CF-Auto, and also install TWRP. However, when booting into the recovery to install the latest nightly build, I get this error:
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Installing update...
set_perm: some changes failed
(status 7)
Installation aborted.
I'm not able to mount the system after doing so, which forces me to flash the stock ROM via Odin. Anybody else who encountered this problem?

re: flashing issues
jorel000 said:
I just got a I9505. I was able to successfuly root it using CF-Auto, and also install TWRP. However, when booting into the recovery to install the latest nightly build, I get this error:
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Installing update...
set_perm: some changes failed
(status 7)
Installation aborted.
I'm not able to mount the system after doing so, which forces me to flash the stock ROM via Odin. Anybody else who encountered this problem?
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This should fix the problem, here is CWM Recovery for the i9505 phone,
You will need to Odin flash this recovery: http://downloadandroidrom.com/file/GalaxyS4/GT-i9505/recovery/CWM/i9505-cwm-recovery-
I would suggest that instead of flashing those nighties flash the so called "stable" ones.
Sometimes with CM10 CWM recovery works a lot better than twrp if flashing with CM10.
Be sure that the rom zip file is in your internal sdcard before flashing.
I still cannot see why anyone would want to flash CM10/AOSP/AOKP roms......
By doing that most all the bells and whistles which normally come with the
Galaxy S4 phones will no longer be found after flashing any of those roms..
Sadly, instead of bells and whistles there will be many issues with those roms like the audio
during video playback will be so quiet that you will need a headset to hear it, that's if you
have good hearing.
Other issues will arise like bluetooth not working properly and the camera in general will be
degraded not only in the quality of the photos and videos but in the actual user interface it
will look like some home made app which does not even resemble the stock camera + you
will find it only has about one half as many options for picture taking and video recording.
Good luck!

Misterjunky said:
This should fix the problem, here is CWM Recovery for the i9505 phone,
You will need to Odin flash this recovery: http://downloadandroidrom.com/file/GalaxyS4/GT-i9505/recovery/CWM/i9505-cwm-recovery-
Sometimes with CM10 CWM recovery works a lot better than twrp if flashing with CM10.
Be sure that the rom zip file is in your internal sdcard before flashing.
I still cannot see why anyone would want to flash CM10/AOSP/AOKP roms......
By doing that most all the bells and whistles which normally come with the
Galaxy S4 phones will no longer be found after flashing any of those roms..
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I hope flashing using CWM would resolve the issue. The so called bells and whistles are the ones that annoy me most about Samsung. But then again, it's just my personal preference.

I was able to successfully install CM10.1 by flashing it repeatedly until it installed. Dunno if this is a bug in the ROM or recovery, but I do hope that this gets settled soon.

jorel000 said:
I was able to successfully install CM10.1 by flashing it repeatedly until it installed. Dunno if this is a bug in the ROM or recovery, but I do hope that this gets settled soon.
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Had the same thing too, did you use the official release?
I had it with official, but it was fixed in hazanwars unofficial release just so you know



Hey guys,
so, a lot of my quetstions will be already posted, but i can´t find them all.
So i hope i annoy no one here ;-).
Ok, now to the important:
I have a SGS until 6 month. over the time i learnd a lot of android and i´m very lucky with them.
Then i heard from cyanogenmod. and all i read about it is great.
i have knowledges about root of linux an so of android.
So, during my research i have a lot of question before i flash my sgs:
- i found only one forum enty where i read i have to format all partitions.
So, how do i flash a sgs?
i have a modded boot rom with root and clockwork mod.
I tried a backup of the system.
the rom manager don´t show ne the cm7 mod for my device.
Do anyone know why? because the RC status?
When i get an error, how can i rollback my firmware with the backup?
Which pc software i need?
my plan ist to flash the sgs with the experimental version, no nightly build.
CWM makes al lot if IMG files. the cm7 zip has only one IMG.
So, i hope anyone can tell some or send my some nice links.
thanks a lot :-D
Use this
Boom, that's how it's done folks.
Sent from my I9000m running Cyanogen Mod Nightly
thanks guys.
So, can anyone explain me how i can go back to the original rom if i got any probs or even i want?
So, i made a backup with Titanium Backup (premium user) and secondly with CWM.
So, i copied them to my PC.
CWM makes some IMG files. So, how can i rollback them to my device?
Also if i try to create a rom image with the rom manager the recovery manager makes a error.
So, i get by saving my rom the following error:
-- Installing package ...
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
E: failed to verify whole-file signature
E:signature verification failed
Installation aborted.
Why do the rom manager want to install a package by making an backup?
PS: i have the rooted bootloader: PDA_XXJVK_Sbl.tar installed.
to revert back to you need to revert to a stock rom. using odin and a full PDA froyo will do the job.
so u mean, i have to download the offical rom and install them over odin.
then i have to root them and install CWM and reverse the backup.
is that right?
ravn83 said:
so u mean, i have to download the offical rom and install them over odin.
then i have to root them and install CWM and reverse the backup.
is that right?
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yes.. that will be the proper way to do it.

4.2 Update Recovery Error - Unique Issue

I'm getting an error in recovery I've never seen before in my 3+ years with Android, rooting, etc. The error is this:
"assert failed: apply_patch_check("/system/vendor/lib/hw/power.grouper.so"
I get the error when I try to apply the 4.2 OTA .zip package in Clockworkmod Touch Recovery. I am on the newest (3.41) bootloader and obviously I have root. The system files all pass the check, but I'm getting this error and despite having Googled some answers, I've come up empty handed. Apart from flashing back to full stock, I am not sure what to do. Any thoughts from anyone?
JFMFT said:
I'm getting an error in recovery I've never seen before in my 3+ years with Android, rooting, etc. The error is this:
"assert failed: apply_patch_check("/system/vendor/lib/hw/power.grouper.so"
I get the error when I try to apply the 4.2 OTA .zip package in Clockworkmod Touch Recovery. I am on the newest (3.41) bootloader and obviously I have root. The system files all pass the check, but I'm getting this error and despite having Googled some answers, I've come up empty handed. Apart from flashing back to full stock, I am not sure what to do. Any thoughts from anyone?
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dont know how to fix the error, but there is a newer bootloader version (4.13)
Have you flashed a custom kernel? Some of the custom kernels also update that file so it is no longer stock, and hence it fails the assertion check on upgrade.
You can download the original stock 4.1.2 file here:
Forgot to mention, you'll also need the stock 4.1.2 kernel installed if it isn't already, you can grab a copy here:
I have the same issue with assert failed: apply_patch_check("/system/vendor/lib/hw/power.grouper.so").
I have the stock kernel 4.1.2 and even installed 4.13 bootloader but this error is still there.
I'm under 4.1.2 stock, unlocked/rooted, that's all.
Any idea how to solve that ?

[GUIDE] [SOLVED] HOW TO FLASH CM11 ON BRAVO (Previously "Cm11 Issue, Status 0 Error")

[GUIDE] [SOLVED] HOW TO FLASH CM11 ON BRAVO (Previously "Cm11 Issue, Status 0 Error")
So, I tried to flash CM11 for the MB520 Bravo, found in this post:
So I copy the ROM .zip to the SD card in my Bravo, and I reboot into CWM Recovery version, with the name "CyanogenDefy Recovery v5.0.3.9-jordan" on the top of the screen. This version of recovery came from josuearisty's one click tool for rooting and putting a recovery on the MB520 Bravo, which can be found here:
I factory reset/clear cache like I know I am supposed to when flashing a custom ROM, but when I select the "Install zip from sd card" option and select the CM11 MB520 Nightly to flash, it gives me this:
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Installing update...
E:Error in /sdcard/cm-11-20140407-NIGHTLY-mb520.zip
(Status 0)
Installation aborted.
So then as I read on further in the CM11 install page, it says this: "For CM10,10.1,10.2 < 07.11.13 users: To install KitKat, need update recovery. Do not forget reboot, after install recovery. http://defy.bytekiste.de/cm11-nightl...e-recovery.zip". The thread is for the DEFY+ according to the title, but since I see there's also a Bravo download link, I assume that this means that I should install this updated recovery as well, since I am running the stock rooted 2.2.1, which is in fact "less than" 10.x or 4.x. I select the same "Install zip from sd card" option, and the same Status 0 is presented to me.
Then I go and try putting on CM10.x first, because then according to the thread's instructions I won't have to install this updated recovery if I am running that currently. I find a link for CM10.2 for the Bravo here:
I download it, do the same install method, and I STILL GET A STATUS 0 saying it is unable to flash the zip!
Now I've done some research, and I THINK the status 0 means the zip is not compatible with my phone. I could see that with the updated-recovery.zip, but I don't see why that is showing up for the ROM's themselves because they are in fact made for the mb520.
Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong, and if possible post a set of step-by-step instructions as to how I can go installing CM11 on my MB520 Bravo? Thanks.
UPDATE: I seemed to get around the Status 0 issue in CM10.2 so far. First, I went from 2.2.1 to CM9 4.0.4. Then, I went from CM9 to CM10.1 in quarx2k's "archive" folder on his website. This updated my recovery to TWRP From this new TWRP, I was able to flash the latest 10.2 nightly CM rom. I will keep this posted on how things go, in case anyone out there is actually following this
I got CM11 finally running on the Bravo. Here's the steps I took to get it on there. Some of these steps may be unnecessary, but I'm just going to list EXACTLY what I did in case all of these steps really are necessary:
1) I started out with stock 2.2.1. I rooted it, and used josuearisty's tool for one click root and recovery just to put recovery on it.
2) I flashed a build of CM9 from quarx2k's website. Here is a direct link to download it. Flashing this ROM also updated my cwm recovery. HOWEVER, this new version of recovery had scrolling issues with the volume rocker, so I just rebooted and pressed the vol. down button at the blue flashing LED light to boot into the boot menu. From there, I select to go to recovery, but instead of selecting "Custom Recovery" I select "Stable Recovery". This takes me back to the older recovery I got with the one click tool.
3) I flashed one of quarx2k's builds of CM10.1, which you can get for yourself here. Doing this updated my recovery again. It went from CWM 5 to TWRP 2 (I believe it was
4) I flashed a CM10.2 build for the bravo from quarx2k, which I got from here. This updated my recovery YET AGAIN, to TWRP
5) From here, I was able to flash the update-recvery.zip that is mentioned in the CM11 topic. I don't think this was necessary, because when I then booted into recovery again after flashing the update-recovery.zip, the version number for TWRP still read, the exact same as last time. But I just did it anyway to be safe. Here is a direct download link to the update-recovery ZIP mentioned on quarx's CM11 thread.
6) FINALLY, I flash the CM11 nightly zip from quarx2k's website. I get an error, but this time it's not a status 0 error, this tells me that the ZIP is not compatible with my device.
7) I give myself a facepalm, and take 3 deep breaths. "All hope is lost..." I think to myself.
7.5) A GOOGLE SEARCH TELLS ME THAT ALL HOPE IS NOT LOST!!! (that's supposed to signal you to keep reading)
8) Turns out, there is a way to disable the device compatibility check. So what I did was copy the CM11 zip to my pc, and unzip all of its contents. I go to META-INF\com\google\android\, and add a .txt ending to the "updater-script" file, which allows me to open it with Notepad++. It is possible to edit this with plain old Notepad in Windows, but it doesn't format the code very neatly like Notepad++ does. If you open the file in Notepad and Notepad++ and compare them you will see what I mean. Anyway, the line of code that reads...
assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "mb520" || getprop("ro.build.product") == "mb520" || abort("This package is for \"mb520\" devices; this is a \"" + getprop("ro.product.device") + "\"."); (ignore that winking face in the line of code, that is supposed to be a "; )" but without the space between them.)
... was the one I deleted from the updater-script file. This should be the first line of code. I save, exit Notepad++, and remove the .txt ending from the updater-script so that it returns to an unknown filetype. Now, I take the META-INF, system, and file_contexts files that came from the original CM11 ROM zip and I create a NEW ZIP with all of the NEW files and folders.
9) I reboot to TWRP with the ROM zip copied to my phone's SD card, and I flash the new, fixed ROM zip. "Installation completed."
10) My Bravo is rebooted, it boots up, and i get a "Welcome!" bubble in my brand-new homescreen in KitKat
11) I nearly cried. Seriously.
So looking back I think it was really the recovery that was the issue for the Status 0 problem, and the only real way to update the recovery and solve the Status 0 problem is by flashing all these ROMs in the order I mentioned, but that's as far as I know, there may be a better and quicker way to do this that I just don't know about.
So basically this thread turned into a how-to. I wanted to post the instructions here because on the CM11-for-the-Defy-and-Bravo topic did NOT have any instructions whatsoever for flashing the Bravo CM11 build on the Bravo. If anyone has questions about what I wrote, then you can certainly post them below and I'll respond to them as soon as I can, and I'll answer them to the best of my abilities.
Thanks for the Guide
I just wanted to thank you for this well-written, step-by-step guide. I haven't tried it since I'm a beginner and need some more reading to do. I'm glad you overcame those issues, though.
Anyway, I wanted to ask you how smooth it ran and if it was worth it. Also I'm starting with Android 2.1, would that make a difference?
Gastnow said:
I just wanted to thank you for this well-written, step-by-step guide. I haven't tried it since I'm a beginner and need some more reading to do. I'm glad you overcame those issues, though.
Anyway, I wanted to ask you how smooth it ran and if it was worth it. Also I'm starting with Android 2.1, would that make a difference?
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I think you should upgrade to 2.2.1 to make sure the one-click tool works with it because I do not know if the one click root and recovery works with 2.1. Upgrade to 2.2.1 just to be safe.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I847
Thanks for the guide
Appreciate the work. What gapps are you using.
Doesn't have much support
I tried it. A lot slower then CM7.2 and very difficult to get my most important apps working (and I don't use many).
I would not recommend it for a daily (as mentioned on the Defy link). But, has potential if a developer takes up the task.
ilikepcs said:
Appreciate the work. What gapps are you using.
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ilikepcs said:
I tried it. A lot slower then CM7.2 and very difficult to get my most important apps working (and I don't use many).
I would not recommend it for a daily (as mentioned on the Defy link). But, has potential if a developer takes up the task.
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The gapps for this KitKat ROM can be found here. This came from the 4.4 thread:
I used this as a daily driver for a little bit, until an update (I believe was from April 10th) with the Android 3.0 kernel broke the Camera. Whenever you would try to open the camera it would say "Can't connect to Camera". I'm not sure if this issue was fixed since then, and I know the versions before this had the 2.x kernel which was fine with the camera. I lent my Bravo to a family member because their phone broke, so I can't really do anything with the phone because it is not in my possession.
Anyway, check back at this thread and the link that it gives to the Bravo version of 4.4 to keep up with the latest version. This thread does not give a change log for the BRAVO version, but I assume that it's basically the same as the main version that the majority of the thread is talking about:
Help please
The procedure to install cm11 after October 1 is the same? Or did it change? @jasonmerc
Quarx on their website does not mention cm10 and cm10.1
Sent from my mb520 using XDA Free mobile app
You are not using CM11 anymore? Do you know if the camera problem has been solved (I assume that with the 2.6.x kernel the original motorola camera drivers were used which most likely do not work with a 3.x kernel)? What was your general experience (especially regarding performance) with CM11 on the Bravo?
oldschool63 said:
You are not using CM11 anymore? Do you know if the camera problem has been solved (I assume that with the 2.6.x kernel the original motorola camera drivers were used which most likely do not work with a 3.x kernel)? What was your general experience (especially regarding performance) with CM11 on the Bravo?
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Its been forever since I've used my Bravo let alone CM11. From what I can remember the new CM11 was EXTREMELY FAST compared to other ROMs. The only issue was the camera.
Sent from my LG-D415 using XDA Free mobile app
can you create a backup of it because some of the downloads don't work i got cm 9 4.0.4 im 12 and i ran into
a problem on cm 10.1 i cannot download it or flash it thx

I get error 7 when i flash lineageos.

Im using twrp 3.0.3-0. i get error 7 When i flash lineageos but other roms dont. How can i fix it?
S7 edge with exynos
did you find the fix?
When installing certain custom ROMs on rooted Android smartphones or tablets, you will encounter “Status 7″ error issues once in awhile with ClockworkMod (CWM) Recovery.
Status 7 error is caused while the ROM’s updater script file checks to see if the phone model of your phone is compatible with the ROM you are installing, called “asserts”.
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More info here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2522762
Ty. I fixed it by wiping everything the second time, tho.
I have seen some people suggesting to update the firmware(bootloader?)(not quite sure) as an alternative to removing the asserts. What is your opinion on that?

Boot loop on all roms URGENT HELP NEEDED

Help? Every rom seems to give me boot loop after install and a couple of roms get to 50 percent installing then TWRP reboots (mostly pixel rom and rr does this)
I also tried nougat and marshmellow stock roms and they both give drk check error, I flash super su like I used to do to fix drk check error and it just boot loops now
All the roms I used to be able to install fine now just boot loop
Pixel rom
Fast and famous rom
Infinity rom
Lineage os
Resurrection remix
All of these roms above I have had on my phone at some point and all worked fine now I just get boot loop after installing them.
14 views and no one can help me?
Still have no phone as I still cannot boot.
are you using a correct kernel or twrp for your device
blackbravo said:
are you using a correct kernel or twrp for your device
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I'm not sure my device is G928F Can you link me to the correct kernel? And I think the TWRP is 2.7.8 or something like that
download twrp here: https://twrp.me/samsung/samsunggalaxys6edgeplus.html
flash over odin
and choose one rom with kernel included, because you must have the correct kernel for the rom you install
blackbravo said:
download twrp here: https://twrp.me/samsung/samsunggalaxys6edgeplus.html
flash over odin
and choose one rom with kernel included, because you must have the correct kernel for the rom you install
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Okay so tried a couple roms and they all crash like sometimes at 10 percent sometimes around 50 but they always crash and TWRP restarts. Something to do with the aroma installer roms, tried multiple different TWRP versions and nothing likes the aroma installer roms, any suggestions? Also tried multiple nougat and marshmellow roms and I get drk check failed everytime.
I used to be able to flash SuperSU zip and it would fix drk check failed but it no longer does
Can someone please give me any suggestions at all as I would like to use my phone again
jacksskinz said:
Okay so tried a couple roms and they all crash like sometimes at 10 percent sometimes around 50 but they always crash and TWRP restarts. Something to do with the aroma installer roms, tried multiple different TWRP versions and nothing likes the aroma installer roms, any suggestions? Also tried multiple nougat and marshmellow roms and I get drk check failed everytime.
I used to be able to flash SuperSU zip and it would fix drk check failed but it no longer does
Can someone please give me any suggestions at all as I would like to use my phone again
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And install stock ROM via Odin? Not working ?
blackbravo said:
And install stock ROM via Odin? Not working ?
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It works but when booting I get DRK CHECK FAILED
blackbravo said:
And install stock ROM via Odin? Not working ?
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Okay I've narrowed it down to system
When installing any rom it seems to crash when it gets to installing system and then TWRP reboots
I've checked that system is mounted which it is
Also it seems system is at EXT4 file system
Dunno if that's good or bad but either way every rom is crashing when it gets to installing system
Any ideas?
jacksskinz said:
Okay I've narrowed it down to system
When installing any rom it seems to crash when it gets to installing system and then TWRP reboots
I've checked that system is mounted which it is
Also it seems system is at EXT4 file system
Dunno if that's good or bad but either way every rom is crashing when it gets to installing system
Any ideas?
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Can someone help please before I buy a new motherboard? Roms crash when it starts installing system
Download stock nougat, and flash it, but make sure csc is selected, and not home_csc, because csc will put phone to real stock settings.
Flash the latest stock firmware for your *correct variant*. Sammobile's downloads are kind of slow, but I've never had issues with any of their firmwares. Install that with Odin and your phone on download mode. I would recommend to use HOME CSC, just to make sure it is completely clean. After you set it up, flash your *correct variant's* TWRP via Odin. To save yourself some time, you can boot straight into TWRP when it finishes installing by pressing home + power + volume up when the screen goes out. From here you can load ROMs from a PC via USB. Good Luck and Happy Flashing!
