For some reason my Galaxy S4 stopped syncing text messages with my 2013 BMW X3 the Mobile Office.
I can't seem to find a setting for this in my phone.
Any help would be appreciated.
Works fine on my X5. Try deleting the phone off the iDrive and repairing
- sent from Galaxy S4
Hmm, try replacing your BMW X3. That worked for me.
Maknora said:
Hmm, try replacing your BMW X3. That worked for me.
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Maknora said:
Hmm, try replacing your BMW X3. That worked for me.
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haha. I wish I could factory reset my 1991 Toyota Tercel :silly:
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What the heck was that? I just saw a notification that announced "Samsung Update Push" and I clicked it and it went away. Where did it go? What did it do?
fukenbiker said:
What the heck was that? I just saw a notification that announced "Samsung Update Push" and I clicked it and it went away. Where did it go? What did it do?
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It makes everything taste better.
burhanistan said:
It makes everything taste better.
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[email protected] on that app page
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Haha yea what's the deal with the comments on that app? I read through a bunch of them a few days ago, and while hysterical, I don't get why or how that started?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2
Check the comments for the Google services app. Hilarious
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Thanks for helping and moving threads and cleaning up around here
kennyglass123 said:
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I have had no trouble out of any over the airwaves update pushing my phone around since I have 59 user and system apps frozen in my AT&T S4 using Titanium Backup.
Could anyone help me finding any way to record BOTH sides of the conversation with the Sprint Galaxy S4?
KeboPR said:
Could anyone help me finding any way to record BOTH sides of the conversation with the Sprint Galaxy S4?
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Are u using a rom tho??
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Son Rise said:
Are u using a rom tho??
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I am using using stock rooted android
That's why you're having difficulty with call recording apps. You're double rooted. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
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oscarthegrouch said:
That's why you're having difficulty with call recording apps. You're double rooted. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
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Come on... you know what I meant..
Yeah I know! I couldn't help but be a smart a$$. No worries.
Sounds like a good idea.
Until we get a working kernel for this mod, you can only record, thus far, through the speakerphone.
So i was a bit surprised to learn that TomTom won't run the s4 due to the sexy display... Tried copilot but not a fan..
Needing a proper offline gps tho.... Anyone come across a decent one?
I use NavFree USA and installed open street maps so I can use it with no data.
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I use Navigon, which is now owned by Garmin.
kelavine said:
I use Navigon, which is now owned by Garmin.
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Second Navigon..
Honestly Google Navigation is the best for me, plus it has the benefit of being free
I use Waze or the Google one.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app
yungskeeme said:
I use Waze or the Google one.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app
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Same here :good:
Hey everyone,
I'm ditching this iPhone 5 and moving on to bigger and better things: S4.
A few nooby questions since I haven't been on android since the G1.
I have AT&T and I heard rooting the s4 is pretty hard for AT&T < is this true? Is there anything I should look for a certain baseband or something?
Should I go with the developer edition or the normal S4? What would be the difference of me buying the S4 and just rooting it and flashing a rom on it?
Now, I'm still use to iphone jailbreaking etc and installing apps, i kinda remember stuff from my g1 because i rooted that too.
As soon as i get the s4 I'm gonna root it and is there a certian mod / update i should be going to? What is the most recommended / best one?
Also this bloatware from AT&T someone said I could remove it all with TI backup ?
And about the microSD, I'd buy the biggest sd i can fit if im buying the 16gb s4 what can be put on the sd?
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Also search before posting as the information is all over and has been asked and answered many times
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I know I did a lot of searching and still couldn't find results.
Also im not selling anything...?
honeyp0t said:
I know I did a lot of searching and still couldn't find results.
Also im not selling anything...?
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All of your questions are already in most of the att gs4 forum from the general to the Q&A section. It just takes a lot of reading.
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[email protected] said:
All of your questions are already in most of the att gs4 forum from the general to the Q&A section. It just takes a lot of reading.
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Thanks for reiterating what he just said and not reading what I replied to him.
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Has anyone noticed color emoji on our note 3's. I can see them in Facebook as well as in some other apps. Is this 4.3? Thanks
artpena2323 said:
Has anyone noticed color emoji on our note 3's. I can see them in Facebook as well as in some other apps. Is this 4.3? Thanks
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I can see them when other people text them to me. No idea how to write them though...
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adoublearonn said:
I can see them when other people text them to me. No idea how to write them though...
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I was thinking the same thing. Thanks
Just long press the mic button whenever your keyboard is open and then click on the emoji symbol... there's pages and pages of these damn things!! But... I tried a bunch of them texting to my wife's S4 and she can't see most of them... so i guess we got a bunch of cool emo's that we can't hardly use till everybody else catches up
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