Launch MetroTube's YouTube player from within you app - Windows Phone 8 Development and Hacking

Hey All!
We've finally set up a URI schema so that other developers can take advantage of our YouTube player UI.
A detailed blog post on how to get this implemented:
One of the articles written about the update:
If you do implement this, make sure to give us the heads up so we can see how others are making use of it.


[APP] Barcode Scanning Application

Hello all,
I was hoping you could take a moment and provide some feedback on a software project that myself and a group of others created for a business module we are taking.
The idea is a simple (and certainly not unique!!) one.
1. Take Picture of Barcode
2. Decode
3. Get Amazon results for that barcode
The software (attached) has been thrown together just to demo the concept. It uses a web service to do the decoding which makes it pretty slow, it is not production quality software, it is just for testing the concept.
If you have a second and give it a go, please take a second and answer the following:
1. Did it work?
2. Would you use it? (If not, why not)
If you don't feel like downloading it, it would be great if you could take a second and reply saying why you don't want to, e.g. "I just don't think I would find it useful.."
P.S. Sorry if this is not the correct place on the foum to post this, but it seemed the most appropriate.
P.P.S. I tired to attach the source to this as I am not sure how to create a cab and so this might not run correctly on peoples phones that have not run .NET apps before, but the attach page kept timing out...
Great stuff!!!
I have not downloaded the app.
Here's why:
There are other FREE barcaode apps out there that do the same but query more than one system.
Expand your query to other database
Market your product by telling what's different from the others
Will try this...I'll give some feedbacks after few days...cheers
Definetly going to try this out. Thanks for posting, and ill report back also, after some testing. Thanks again.
Cheers for the feedback. Just a word of warning, this is a really really REALLY rough prototype.
@tricsio: Thanks for the feedback, this is exactly the sort of feedback we were looking. Our plans to expand this are:
1. Do image recognition on the device to remove need for sending big files
2. Instead of querying amazon directly with barcode as we do now, send it through an intermediate webservice that we control, which will search multiple sites and return this list back to the device.
3. We also considered things like integrating it with our University's library system to check if a book is available, on loan, the shelfmark etc.
@admins that may read this, I didn't notice the sticky before posting, I am going to read it now and edt the post if it violates any of the rules, sorry about that.

[PRJ] [OSS] Updated: Trailcompanion - GPS Application for trekking/walking

Hi there!
I've started this project to make an application to track myself when i'm out walking with my lovely touch pro.
Now i would like to make it open source and free for all trekking amateurs, and i'm posting this here to get some advice and to see if someone is interested.
I would like to make a simple and beautiful application, that doesen't drain the battery and that allow to record and repeat trails, store waypoints, integrate some mappings and exchange data with google earth or others apps. It might include some geocaching features and online sharing stuffs as well...
The project is hosted on
and i've set up a development blog here:
I'm not releasing any cabs soon, just some source code to start and see what we can get...
however, if someone would like to be involved just show up here!
*Edit 2009-08-30:
I've posted some updates and sample screenshots on the devel blog:
You could take a look at TrackME.
They also have a web interface.
It's all good, except for the sql requirement.
For my part, for small data, I prefer flat files.
Here the screenshots:

HTC Music Player

Hi Folks,
I hope I am not being lazy here, but I have looked around for a few days through many of the related forums to the HTC HD2 and Windows Mobile forums.
What I am interested in would be adding functions to the music player on the HD2.
I listen to a lot of audio books and have tried some of the (rather useless) audio book add-ons or stand alone apps for the phone. One or two of them just showed a list of books that would not or could not open; others just would not open at all or could not load on the phone.
Thinking laterally, as I do, the issue is I don't want a new app or an add-on to the tabs already available, just a change / addition to what is there already.
The Music Tab, great place to start. Why can't we have a little button the rewinds the book, or any other audio file, back 30 seconds every time you tap it. And why does the player not hold on to “where you stopped listening" and start from that point when you start play again later. A media book mark if you like.
So here is my request;
1. Can these be added to the music player? I do not have the skills to even work out if it is possible.
2. Could one of the many well accomplished coders who frequent the site manage to take this one. would it be a allot of work? Can it be added as a cab install?
I wish I knew the answers to at least one of these questions. You guys seem to be able to tweak and mod everything else on the phone. Or do I just need to learn coding, hacking or making .aa files from mp3s.
Hope someone can answer this, I for one think it would be a great addition to an already great phone.
Thanks guys (non-gender salutation)

[Tutorial] Smart List Adapters - Singleton Observable Lists can improve your app

I am not really sure what the guidelines are for linking to other sites here... so I hope I am not breaking the rules... but I wrote a tutorial today that I think could help alot of other Android developers when dealing with Lists and ListAdapters and I wanted to share it... I don't really want to rewrite my tutorial here... so I am going to link it.
Basically, this tutorial will show you how to make intelligent lists that only exist once in your app and inform the consuming object (such as a ListAdapter or Service) of any change that is made to the list. This will eliminate the need to call setAdapter everytime you need to change the contents of a ListView or get a new copy of the list before you need to do a loop... or whatever. This has really helped me to eliminate a TON of code dealing with the list in multiple activities and in my Service. I hope it helps you out as well.
Smart List Adapters - Singleton Observable Lists
I posted a second installment to this turorial today because the more I messed around with these Observable objects the more I realized that I had stumbled across a literal gold mine of functionality. Check it out.

[Library] Photo Handling / Capture Library

Hello everyone,
Been working on a new Library called picturePerfect ( which is being made to take the pain and confusion out of allowing your users to select photos from their gallery, and capture photos from their camera. So far in the README file, you will see that I am starting off with selecting and processing images from the Gallery.
As of now, I am looking for any feedback that the community here may have as to what they would like to see in this library. The question really is "In photo selecting, capturing, processing and handling, where do you feel your code getting messy or out of control?"
By providing some feedback with the answer to that question, I believe it will help me build this library to the very best it can be.
Keep in mind the library is under heavy development and is still in very early stages, if you would like to stay updated on the development, feel free to give the repository a "star" or "watch" it on GitHub.
Thanks a lot for the feedback, and I hope this library will be able to help you sometime in the future! :good:
-Dylan R.
Nice library , easy to use , I would recommend you to publish some of the repo , so you can import directly from build.gradle! :good:

