[Q] Android geniuses, help me! Smashed Nexus 4 screen after 6 days, options? - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys I need some advice on what to do with my Nexus 4 - I had it for less than a week when it slid right onto the kitchen tiles, and as a result I have an unrooted Nexus 4 with developer options disabled, a pattern screen lock and a completely smashed and unresponsive touch screen.
I don't want to fix the screen if I can help it as I would just end up selling it and would basically break even on just the repairs.
From my current position is there any way to get the phone functional in terms of being able to use a keyboard and mouse with it, perhaps as a server or some other capacity like that?
Please list any and all ideas of how you would proceed from here, from the research I've done it seems as though I'm severely limited by the fact I can't change certain settings without the touchscreen working (Such as getting OTG working)
PS. I don't care about getting data back, just want to be able to use the phone in some way so it's not a complete loss, if possible!

GrombleTromble said:
Hey guys I need some advice on what to do with my Nexus 4 - I had it for less than a week then I thought it would be fun to drop it on the kitchen tiles, and as a result I have an unrooted Nexus 4 with developer options disabled, a pattern screen lock and a completely unresponsive touch screen.
I don't want to fix the screen if I can help it as I would just end up selling it and would basically break even on just the repairs.
From my current position is there any way to get the phone functional in terms of being able to use a keyboard and mouse with it, perhaps as a server or some other capacity like that?
Please list any and all ideas of how you would proceed from here, from the research I've done it seems as though I'm severely limited by the fact I can't change certain settings without the touchscreen working (Such as getting OTG working)
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I wonder how did u think of such S**t with this Lovely baby.
You had FUN! Now just pay the price for having fun with the unresponsive screen. Njoy.

Rohit :/ He didn't mean it literally. you are shame for us Indians..
OP - nexus 4 can't output enough power to use a keyboard or mouse.. Boot into recovery factory reset and flash a kernel that supports OTG. Then MAYBE with a Y-Cable you could connect a device to use.. though I doubt it.. Go to your nearest LG shop and repair it and BUY A CASE.

PS. I don't care about getting data back said:
1.Cough up $150 to LG to fix it.
2. Read the return policy. In 2012, It stated you can "return the device for ANY reason within 14 days". In 2013, its been revised.
3. Sale it on amazon and ebay for $200-250.
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Dead spots on screen...

Really weird.. Out of nowhere , the bottom right corner of my screen has become almost totally unresponsive to touch. The L and the backspace button on my keyboard are nearly unusable.. Anyone have any idea as to how I may be able to fix this? Its like there is a 2 inch by 1cm gap on my touch screen that doesn't respond to touch.. Thanks guys
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Warranty exchange..
Wish I could... Bought the phone through tmobile and I'm getting the run around.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
I have the same problem, but its a band across upper 1/3 of the screen causing weird typing and such, but only in portrait.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Nexus 4 touch screen defect (dead zone, phantom touch)
I have the same problem, I have a permanent ~1cm tall dead zone spanning the width of my Nexus 4, right about the location of the SIM card tray.
On occasion it is not a dead zone, but rather a "very haunted zone" where there are MANY phantom clicks/drags on different areas of the dead zone in VERY QUICK SUCCESSION. When this happens I have found that constantly resetting the phone (maybe 5-6 times) until it returns to normal (see: dead zone) is the only way to fix it.
That whole situation can take up to an hour to sort out, especially since during the orgy of phantom clicks/drags on the dead zone, the touchscreen is essentially a write off and turning it off is next to impossible, meaning that my phone is bricked for a portion of the day. This happens arbitrarily about once every 5 days.
I purchased my phone from Australia one month ago. Was not aware of any problem until I had returned to where I am currently living in China. I'm absolutely gutted that my first android experience has soured, especially after shirking apple because of (living through years of) their own hardware/software issues.
Why can't I just have a quality, working piece of tech?
So far the warranty options available:
1) Store I bought it from says: Send it to LG Australia (1 non-international warranty)
2) Google says: No google store purchase number, no return
3) LG China? - Can't find any information about LG warranty claims in China.
If I send it back to Australia for repair I will be waiting without phone for weeks, AND I'll get taxed at least $100 by greedy China customs when the phone comes back in. (not to mention the postage there and back)
The problem has become worse and worse as have used the phone. Can any of ye android bros possibly offer any sort of advice or even better, a fix, for solving this problem?
tobiakazmer said:
I have the same problem, but its a band across upper 1/3 of the screen causing weird typing and such, but only in portrait.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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I have this right now. It's about a third of an inch located near the middle of the screen. It spans the entire width of the screen.
I sure hope it's just a software and not a hardware issue. I bought this in the US and I am now halfway around the world.
I had the same problem. For me it was right where the middle row of keys on the keyboard are or where the ring is on the lock screen.
5mm thick bar across the screen. I sent it back to be fixed and it's been fine ever since touch wood.
They replaced the entire screen on mine. This is definitely a hardware issue. I did a factory reset before I sent it back and the problem was still there.
Digitiser is too close to surface I think causing problems.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Guys i have the same problem since this morning.
I tried everything change roms 4.3 / 4,4 and finally returned to stock.
Nothing worked although i had never the same problem before.
So i tried my last chance. Changed radio image with the help of a Toolkit of our forum ( thanks N-Cry Toolkit )
It seems to be fixed for now , i just rebooted.
Hope it will be ok and you could fix yours too
denpeirazei said:
Guys i have the same problem since this morning.
I tried everything change roms 4.3 / 4,4 and finally returned to stock.
Nothing worked although i had never the same problem before.
So i tried my last chance. Changed radio image with the help of a Toolkit of our forum ( thanks N-Cry Toolkit )
It seems to be fixed for now , i just rebooted.
Hope it will be ok and you could fix yours too
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This really worked for you?
em.faris said:
This really worked for you?
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Well it worked. I cant understand the reason yet but it keeps showing after some time. I m trying changing roms / baseband / bootloader and return to stock trying to identify when it doesnt work and why. It's really annoying and i m tired of it.
denpeirazei said:
Well it worked. I cant understand the reason yet but it keeps showing after some time. I m trying changing roms / baseband / bootloader and return to stock trying to identify when it doesnt work and why. It's really annoying and i m tired of it.
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well for me its a hardware issue, but since you said it worked fine when you changed the baseband it really surprised me up
actually happy, cuz there are many users who has this problem.
do keep us updated when you find your fix for this. will be of much help may be in future if something goes wrong on my N4
em.faris said:
well for me its a hardware issue, but since you said it worked fine when you changed the baseband it really surprised me up
actually happy, cuz there are many users who has this problem.
do keep us updated when you find your fix for this. will be of much help may be in future if something goes wrong on my N4
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Had the same touch screen issue for months; had a dead spot in the middle of the screen that would interfere with browsing and games.
Updated OTA to stock KitKat just last week and the problem went away. Hope you guys get lucky as well. :cyclops:
Possible Deadzone fix!
capcanuck said:
Really weird.. Out of nowhere , the bottom right corner of my screen has become almost totally unresponsive to touch. The L and the backspace button on my keyboard are nearly unusable.. Anyone have any idea as to how I may be able to fix this? Its like there is a 2 inch by 1cm gap on my touch screen that doesn't respond to touch.. Thanks guys
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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Ok... i created an account here because ive had this same problem for the past month at least, but I think i found a fix. It may take a few people to try it as well to see if its definitive.
I have the same 1cm high deadzone spanning the width of my device just lower than halfway from the top.
My troubleshooting led me to this: If its hardware, its only because the software is telling it something it shouldnt be. I'm sure nothing is broken (i.e., from being dropped, etc.) Something is wrong, for sure, but not broken per se.
I took screen shots of temperature and voltage (using CPU-Z app) trying to figure it out. I paid attention to when it happened and when it did not. I boiled it down to two possibilities: temperature and/or voltage (i can explain how i came to this conclusion if you want... would take a bit more explanation).
I charge my phone with the charger plugged into the wall typically. I live in asia so the voltage is a lot higher (but within the appropriate range of the phone). Yet, lately when i go to sleep, I plug my phone into my laptop to charge, rather than the wall... when i wake up the problem isnt there. About 2 hours later or so the problem comes back.
I tried this for a week (charging my phone with my laptop) and the problem is dissipating. As quickly as it escalated (getting gradually worse) it is now getting gradually better.
Try it and see if it works for you. At night when your phone is nearly dead, charge your phone with your USB port attached to your laptop. Try this for a few days. Maybe it will help. Im still troubleshooting specifics to see if it is definitive.
UPDATE: today, the day of writing this, i haven't had the problem at all and it's been nearly 7 hours and the 3rd consecutive night of charging with USB on my laptop.
Nexus 4 - 4.4.2
My dead zone appeared post-Lollipop update
I created an account for the purpose of also reporting this "dead zone" issue.
I elected, on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, to opt into the OTA Lollipop update. During the process of updating, I noticed my battery drained all the way to 0, while I thought nothing of it.
When the update was complete, I started to notice a dead zone in the middle of my screen when in portrait mode.
Actually, my dead zone spans an inch of my screen.
I have performed several hard resets, soft resets, learned about the ADK & adb, and downgraded all the way to 4.2.
I took the phone, this morning, to a cell repair shop and the technician said that it's not a hardware issue (although I'm not sure he's right).
So, that's my story. If I find a solution, I'll post it.
these dead spots IMO , are because of bad battery or bad charging ...
have any of you facing these issues have used any wall charger other than the default nexus 4 LG charger ?? maybe ur battery was not charged the way its suppose to be .. or maybe ur battery is getting bad.. can sm1 with the problem replace the battery and see if the problem get solved ???and u can try charging it from the original lg charger for 12hrs straight .. it may(temporary) fix the problem /...
Any new ideas for this post? Or is it dead.
Shubhamqweasd said:
these dead spots IMO , are because of bad battery or bad charging ...
have any of you facing these issues have used any wall charger other than the default nexus 4 LG charger ?? maybe ur battery was not charged the way its suppose to be .. or maybe ur battery is getting bad.. can sm1 with the problem replace the battery and see if the problem get solved ???and u can try charging it from the original lg charger for 12hrs straight .. it may(temporary) fix the problem /...
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i could try the battery replacement on my nexus, when i get the time, ill get back to you if it works....
ok got the dreaded dead spot where the sim card is, i can't unlock my phone. i dont have usb debug enabled, i can push/pull files in recovery but not much more.
ive tried to change the dpi to move the pattern away from the dead zone by editing build.prop manually and pushing it to the phone but cm13 doesn't seem to take the change to build.prop so the dpi is stuck at 320.
now, im trying to set up usb otg and unlock my phone using a wired mouse and y-cable. but quanta doesn't have otg for marshmallow enabled out of the box and i dont have root access to enable it in an app.
is there a file that i can edit and push to the phone to enable otg_hack?
techparkour12 said:
i could try the battery replacement on my nexus, when i get the time, ill get back to you if it works....
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Did you ever try this?
buffering.... said:
Did you ever try this?
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i did it, battery has nothing to do with the screen, its better to just replace it.

[Q] Help dealing with ghost typing

It seems the problem I have is ghost typing. Based on FourPointedFreak suggestion, I activated the Show Touches option in the Developer Options menu, and now I see ghost presses on the touchscreen, always in the same place, about 1.5 inches from the bottom and 0.5 inches from the left. If I try pressing with my finger in the same spot when the mark shows up, it slides down before I can even get to the screen. If googled it, and it's been reported on some Android phones and ipads, but not on the S4, and there is no agreement if it is hardware or software.
If you've dealt with something like this before, even with a different device, your input would be most welcome. I'm planning to change ROM tomorrow or early next week, and see if the problem continues. And clean my screen with a soapy moist towel, so far I've only used a cloth for glasses to clean it.
I'm really hoping it's a software issue as I don't want to do a warranty replacement, I'd be most probably get a device on MF3. But if it is hardware I'd rather have that than a faulty device. I got it refurbished as a replacement for an Xperia Ion, and I only have one more month left of warranty.
Again, any input especially from past experiences would be greatly appreciated.
It seems the problem is hardware, as the false inputs in the screen happen also in TWRP while trying to flash the new ROM. I guess any mod can close this thread now.
josemald said:
Hi everybody, in the last week I've had issues with the display. First it started like going up and down in scroll menus, like if I was scrolling up and down around a certain position very fast. In the last two days, after that happens, the touchscreen gets unresponsive (it didn't use to happen before), including the menu and back buttons, only the hardware buttons work. Home screen button works fine, but I can't do anything in the screen. The only solution is to turn the screen off, enter PIN, and then it starts working. A couple of times the screen keyboard started acting weird when I was typing, for example if I wanted to move the cursor in an email the keyboard interpreted as if I was pressing a key, which was way below. Again turning the screen off and on solved it.
I'm using Mint Jelly ROM, which has been stable for almost two months. I recently updated the modem to MF3, but only the modem and not the firmware. The screen issues were happening before that, it just got worse today. I also tried freezing Samsung WatchOn, which started acting out by showing itself on the notification panel even though I had selected the option for it to not appear, and I uninstalled the Software Update app (used for OTA updates) using Titanium Pro, since I saw it in the list of running processes. The problem still continues.
Is it possible that this is a hardware issue? I have 1 more month of the warranty (I got it as a warranty replacement for a Sony Xperia, so it wasn't new). If I don't need to send it back I would prefer not to, since the one I'd get would probably come locked with MF3 firmware. If you have any ideas on how to debug this, I would appreciate the input. I haven't installed any new app recently.
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Well, you're definitely smart for doing your research before just pulling the warranty card.
I would do some testing and research with the phone to figure out what the cause is. It doesn't sound like something that can be just 'debugged'.
Go into your developer options on the phone and enable a few things.
To get developer options, go to System Settings > More > About Device and tap on "Build Number" until it says you've enabled it.
Then go into Developer Options (Above About Device) and under input, select both options "Show Touches" and "Show Pointer Location". Then under Monitoring, enable "Enable Traces" for anything applicable to what you're having problems with.
Some of these settings may be annoying, but continue to use the phone as you would. See if it's adding and doing things you're not, this would show clear signs of a malfunction with the firmware. Check for dead pixels too. Sometimes a dead pixel can cause things like you're dealing with. Where something is selected on the screen much lower than where you pressed and variations of that.
Also, have you tried reflashing your ROM to see if that makes a difference?
FourPointedFreak said:
Well, you're definitely smart for doing your research before just pulling the warranty card.
I would do some testing and research with the phone to figure out what the cause is. It doesn't sound like something that can be just 'debugged'.
Go into your developer options on the phone and enable a few things.
To get developer options, go to System Settings > More > About Device and tap on "Build Number" until it says you've enabled it.
Then go into Developer Options (Above About Device) and under input, select both options "Show Touches" and "Show Pointer Location". Then under Monitoring, enable "Enable Traces" for anything applicable to what you're having problems with.
Some of these settings may be annoying, but continue to use the phone as you would. See if it's adding and doing things you're not, this would show clear signs of a malfunction with the firmware. Check for dead pixels too. Sometimes a dead pixel can cause things like you're dealing with. Where something is selected on the screen much lower than where you pressed and variations of that.
Also, have you tried reflashing your ROM to see if that makes a difference?
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Thanks for the suggestions!
Do you think it´s possible that the problem was caused by a dirty screen? I know it sounds a bit insane, but yesterday I wiped off my screen to clear dust and smudges, and since that I haven´t had any issues with the phone. This is the third touch screen device I had, I've never seen something like this, but also the S4 screen is a lot more sensitive than my previous devices. Could it be that too much dust and grease made the phone interpret that there was some input?
josemald said:
Thanks for the suggestions!
Do you think it´s possible that the problem was caused by a dirty screen? I know it sounds a bit insane, but yesterday I wiped off my screen to clear dust and smudges, and since that I haven´t had any issues with the phone. This is the third touch screen device I had, I've never seen something like this, but also the S4 screen is a lot more sensitive than my previous devices. Could it be that too much dust and grease made the phone interpret that there was some input?
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I would think it's 'possible' but it would have to be thick and really caked on there to make a difference. That may have just been a coincidence of timing with your issue. But perhaps it is.
Maybe go buy a cheap screen protector to help with finger prints and dirt and see if it gets better?
If it persists, I would factory wipe and install the stock ROM through Odin. Use it a bit completely stock and see if the screen works. If the issue continues then its an hardware problem and i would take a video and e-mail Samsung about it with the video. I've actually had this problem before and that's because my phone was cold as hell. Doing a lot of benchmarks so i put it in the freezer (I would NOT recommend that) and my screen started acting up and it pressed random things like yours.
crzykiller said:
If it persists, I would factory wipe and install the stock ROM through Odin. Use it a bit completely stock and see if the screen works. If the issue continues then its an hardware problem and i would take a video and e-mail Samsung about it with the video. I've actually had this problem before and that's because my phone was cold as hell. Doing a lot of benchmarks so i put it in the freezer (I would NOT recommend that) and my screen started acting up and it pressed random things like yours.
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That's a good idea. Just make sure you flash the custom ROM appropriately as not to brick your device.
Sent from my AT&T SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 via XDA Premium Mobile App
FourPointedFreak said:
That's a good idea. Just make sure you flash the custom ROM appropriately as not to brick your device.
Sent from my AT&T SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 via XDA Premium Mobile App
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It seems the problem I have is ghost typing. Based on FourPointedFreak suggestion, I activated the Show Touches option in the Developer Options menu, and now I see ghost presses on the touchscreen, always in the same place, about 1.5 inches from the bottom and 0.5 inches from the left. If I try pressing with my finger in the same spot when the mark shows up, it slides down before I can even get to the screen. If googled it, and it's been reported on some Android phones and ipads, but not on the S4, and there is no agreement if it is hardware or software.
If you've dealt with something like this before, even with a different device, your input would be most welcome. I'm planning to change ROM tomorrow or early next week, and see if the problem continues. And clean my screen with a soapy moist towel, so far I've only used a cloth for glasses to clean it.
I'm really hoping it's a software issue as I don't want to do a warranty replacement, I'd be most probably get a device on MF3. But if it is hardware I'd rather have that than a faulty device. I got it refurbished as a replacement for an Xperia Ion, and I only have one more month left of warranty.
Again, any input especially from past experiences would be greatly appreciated.
josemald said:
It seems the problem I have is ghost typing. Based on FourPointedFreak suggestion, I activated the Show Touches option in the Developer Options menu, and now I see ghost presses on the touchscreen, always in the same place, about 1.5 inches from the bottom and 0.5 inches from the left. If I try pressing with my finger in the same spot when the mark shows up, it slides down before I can even get to the screen. If googled it, and it's been reported on some Android phones and ipads, but not on the S4, and there is no agreement if it is hardware or software.
If you've dealt with something like this before, even with a different device, your input would be most welcome. I'm planning to change ROM tomorrow or early next week, and see if the problem continues. And clean my screen with a soapy moist towel, so far I've only used a cloth for glasses to clean it.
I'm really hoping it's a software issue as I don't want to do a warranty replacement, I'd be most probably get a device on MF3. But if it is hardware I'd rather have that than a faulty device. I got it refurbished as a replacement for an Xperia Ion, and I only have one more month left of warranty.
Again, any input especially from past experiences would be greatly appreciated.
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Yeah, I have heard the term "ghost typing" before. I couldn't seem to find much information or help on the subject as I'm sure you noticed as well. To me, and many others on the internet - this doesn't seem software related to me. This would seemingly be an issue with the hardware. Maybe the screen itself, the data connectors for the screen's signals - could be all kinds of things.
If I were in your shoes and you really like the S4, i'd just take advantage of the month you have left on your warranty and get a new device. If, and they probably will, they supply you with a new(er) device with MF3 on it, it's not the end of the world. Mine got stuck with it - there are methods to root it even still.
To me, cleaning it just doesn't sound like it's a solution. I've worked for T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon. Only twice had I seen an issue like this where you can attempt to press "E" and another key was hit in place of "E". We never found a fix - this occurred on demo phones so we related the issue to it having demo software.
The only other 'solution' or fix would be to replace to screen to see if it fixes. But since you have a warranty, for the trouble - i'd just get a new device.
FourPointedFreak said:
Yeah, I have heard the term "ghost typing" before. I couldn't seem to find much information or help on the subject as I'm sure you noticed as well. To me, and many others on the internet - this doesn't seem software related to me. This would seemingly be an issue with the hardware. Maybe the screen itself, the data connectors for the screen's signals - could be all kinds of things.
If I were in your shoes and you really like the S4, i'd just take advantage of the month you have left on your warranty and get a new device. If, and they probably will, they supply you with a new(er) device with MF3 on it, it's not the end of the world. Mine got stuck with it - there are methods to root it even still.
To me, cleaning it just doesn't sound like it's a solution. I've worked for T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon. Only twice had I seen an issue like this where you can attempt to press "E" and another key was hit in place of "E". We never found a fix - this occurred on demo phones so we related the issue to it having demo software.
The only other 'solution' or fix would be to replace to screen to see if it fixes. But since you have a warranty, for the trouble - i'd just get a new device.
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Thanks, that's what I'm going to do. It must be hardware related, since the problem also came while I was in TWRP after formatting the phone. I like the S4 but a locked down Android, not so much. If rooting is enough to be able to tether, I might ask for another S4, if not, might as well try to migrate to Windows Phone. It's ridiculous that we have to pay extra just to be able to use our limited data plans to navigate through a different device.
Again, thanks for your help!
josemald said:
Thanks, that's what I'm going to do. It must be hardware related, since the problem also came while I was in TWRP after formatting the phone. I like the S4 but a locked down Android, not so much. If rooting is enough to be able to tether, I might ask for another S4, if not, might as well try to migrate to Windows Phone. It's ridiculous that we have to pay extra just to be able to use our limited data plans to navigate through a different device.
Again, thanks for your help!
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No problem - yeah there is definitely a way to root the MF3 build of the S4.
Since you mentioned it, my only note ***If apps are important to you, Windows Phone is a dangerous field. Many apps available for Android and iOS are not available on Windows Phone. I'd make sure the content you want is available before switching.
I can see why the carriers would charge additionally for tethering. If you can make an extra buck, do it. But it does suck. Especially when you have unlimited data and want to tether.
-Do some research on Windows Phone in case you're seriously considering switching. I wouldn't though

[q] getting past pattern protection screen

During this week, I dropped my 1-year old Nexus 7 and cracked bottom left 1/3 of the screen. It looks as if the device is still functional, but I am not able to get past the pattern protection that I have used as a security feature. Is there a way to get beyond this screen to see if it still is a functional device and if so, then disable the pattern recognition. I am resigned to the fact that I may have to buy a new device, but I do not like to discard it without trying if I can get some additional service out of it somehow. By the way, it is an unlocked, but unrooted device.
Thank you for any help/suggestions.
Best Regards,
the display is ON right?
RALIR said:
During this week, I dropped my 1-year old Nexus 7 and cracked bottom left 1/3 of the screen. It looks as if the device is still functional, but I am not able to get past the pattern protection that I have used as a security feature. Is there a way to get beyond this screen to see if it still is a functional device and if so, then disable the pattern recognition. I am resigned to the fact that I may have to buy a new device, but I do not like to discard it without trying if I can get some additional service out of it somehow. By the way, it is an unlocked, but unrooted device.
Thank you for any help/suggestions.
Best Regards,
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The same happened to my Nexus. The device is good. Just get a replacement Screen+Digitizer (cost around 66$ with free shipping in ebay(tools free), let me know if you need the link). And you can fix it by yourself(I did) with the help of "How to replace glass in Nexus 7" video in youtube by Android Authority!
nijom said:
The same happened to my Nexus. The device is good. Just get a replacement Screen+Digitizer (cost around 66$ with free shipping in ebay(tools free), let me know if you need the link). And you can fix it by yourself(I did) with the help of "How to replace glass in Nexus 7" video in youtube by Android Authority!
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Hi Nijom,
Thank you for your reply. Before I spend money to get a replacement glass(& digitizer), I want to see if there is a way to get past the Pattern Protection screen to make sure that my device is fully functional. I do not want to spend $66, replace the glass and then find that the device is not working. Any thoughts, Anyone?
Thank you,
The only way to do it is to erase the file that contains the password. You won't be able to do this from a booted device, at least assuming you are running 4.2+ and USB debugging is off/your computer isn't authenticated with the device. You will need to flash a custom recovery if you do not have one already. Once you boot into recovery, you have two options. You can either use the file manager built into TWRP recovery, or you can use ADB. You need to delete the file /data/system/gesture.key. Use the file manager to delete it, or run from your computer:
adb shell rm /data/system/gesture.key
This will only work if your screen is still partially functional; it doesn't disable the passcode lock, but it erases your saved pattern so that any pattern will unlock the device. If you are able to touch any of the points on the pattern lock, it will unlock the device. Once unlocked, you can remove the lock screen, assuming your touch screen is functional.
And yes, this is an inherent security risk with unlocked devices.

[q] no screen touches being recognized!!!

Hey XDA, Really need some help here, i'll bullet point my problem for ease of reading:
- 1st Nexus 4 bought from google had wi-fi issues so got replacement
- 2nd replacement nexus 4 was good for about 2 weeks
- randomly screen touches weren't recognized by phone so reboot fixed that
- got worse and more frequent
- now my phone does not recognize screen touches at all
- phone is completely unusable, power volume buttons work though.
- need to ask XDA before another replacement ///
- i was on stock, so i tried to reflash stock to get rid of gravity stock and stock kernel
- rebooting phone 3950280359283 times.
- cleared caches.
- asked google play support, they're clueless.
- problem was here before i was unrooted, on complete stock 4.4.2
- also wondering whether its a software or hardware problem. i assume hardware however.
- i still have warranty
ANY IDEAS?!? thanks.
Does a touch recovery recognize touches? If so, it could be a problem of your rom/kernel. Otherwise I think it's a hardware problem.
Creepyficate said:
Does a touch recovery recognize touches? If so, it could be a problem of your rom/kernel. Otherwise I think it's a hardware problem.
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My screen works now. However it will still come back every now and then and is fixed by a reboot. When i made this thread it did not work for a whole day, so my device will probably breakdown again. When I use TWRP it does not recognize touches. A good decider. So i guess it is hardware?
I think so, but wait for another reply confirming that.
I'd say it's a hardware issue. Definitely get it replaced again.
Kaleptik said:
I'd say it's a hardware issue. Definitely get it replaced again.
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Lmao. You're definitely right. It's really annoying they sent me another device with a WORSE problem. Gonna ask google for some sort of compensation. I don't really have time to fiddle with devices re-rooting them transferring all my data again and so on. Too much work.

Backup w/ Broken Screen? (TWRP Installed)

Hey guys, I recently broke the LCD on my Note 3 running stock KitKat ( :crying: ) and realized I hadn't done a nandroid backup in quite some time...
I tried the obvious adb pull, but for some reason I couldn't even get into adb shell or see my device in the device list like I had previously.
I'm all out of ideas now...
Could somebody please throw some help my way?
Does your phone even boot up? Do you get sound, vibration, anything to indicate it's still working internally beside blank screen?
Are you going to try to fix it? buy new one? upgrade to Note 4? Me and my wife used to own GS3 and when she broke her screen, I swapped motherboard with mine to copy pictures mostly and some other stuff, but we werent going to fix it, since I decided to get her GS5.
pete4k said:
Does your phone even boot up? Do you get sound, vibration, anything to indicate it's still working internally beside blank screen?
Are you going to try to fix it? buy new one? upgrade to Note 4? Me and my wife used to own GS3 and when she broke her screen, I swapped motherboard with mine to copy pictures mostly and some other stuff, but we werent going to fix it, since I decided to get her GS5.
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I'm getting a replacement through the phone insurance. It does turn on and function perfectly normal, the screen just has a tiny, tiny fracture point with a crack spanning across the screen horizontally, rendering the bottom half unusable. The top half is functioning though.
I cannot unlock my phone or make a backup with the bottom half not working.
Try using a bluetooth mouse or wired mouse with otg cable
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk 2
Could help, made for exactly your problem. If you manage to get it working download Nandroid Offline backup, which allows you to make a Nandroid backup from Android itself, rather than CWM/TWRP.
EDIT -- Just checked and it works an absolute treat. Providing you had USB Debugging enabled before your phone got broke, it should work fine. It even has the option to swipe to unlock or disable a pattern unlock if you had one enabled.
Pagnell said:
Could help, made for exactly your problem. If you manage to get it working download Nandroid Offline backup, which allows you to make a Nandroid backup from Android itself, rather than CWM/TWRP.
EDIT -- Just checked and it works an absolute treat. Providing you had USB Debugging enabled before your phone got broke, it should work fine. It even has the option to swipe to unlock or disable a pattern unlock if you had one enabled.
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Thank you for the link - it looks like it would be a great solution, but unfortunately I cannot enable USB debugging with the code given :\. I may be out of luck
Well, if nothing else works and data on the phone is that important, then you need to convince the insurance company to send you new Note 3 first and swap the MB as I suggested to retrieve the data, then put everything back to original. I have not done this on Note 3, but GS3 was probably one of easier electronics repairs I've done, just follow one of many youtube videos, to make sure you don't break some wire, before disconnecting. Possibly a shop could do that for you.
Well, freakin sweet deal. After being on the phone with the insurance company and US Cellular for two and a half hours and having them tell me everybody was out of Note 3's and they would only give me $400 bucks for my old phone minus my $175 deductible, I received another call from management at the insurance company apologizing and letting me know that they'd offer me $725.
It just so happens the new Note 4 is $770, so thank the Lord I'm in a good spot!

