[Q] Shiping cost... should I buy nexus 4 now or wait? - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Ok, I am a student of a university in Canada. I want to buy the Nexus 4 and the Wired Headset together.
In Canada the Wired Headset with Microphone is coming as
We are out of inventory. Please check back soon.
The Shipping for the phone is $16, not sure about the headphones.
What will i be charged if i buy them separately? and together?
Will i save some money if I buy togeather? [ON SHIPPING]

I'm not in Canada, but if I go to the check out, it tells me my total including shipping and taxes after you select your ship to address. You can easily just do one for each item. When I check, I see that my shipping total for nexus and headphones is 13.99USD Same as shipping just the Nexus. If the headphones are shipped to me separately I'm charged 5.99USD.
Hope that helps.


Price dropped by a whopping 10000 INR in India

Yes, thats true. The Indian SGT (GSM unlocked) which launched on 10th Nov, 2010 at 38,000 ($833) INR is now retailing at 28,000 INR ($614) on flipkart dot com.
I bought on launch at 38k from the same retailer. Never expected to fall the price this soon (barely 2 months). Feeling cheated. Planning to write to Samsung India about my feelings.
yes am getting it for 27k~ inr even in the samsung showrooms...was thinking to buy it..are u using the tab as a primary device or a secondary one ??
In India the telcos did not offer any voice/data bundle plan with Galaxy TAB?
For me over at Singapore, I bought my Galaxy TAB for SG$248 (US$193) with the signed-up SG$56 (US$43.60)
(SG$44.10 (US$34.35) in actual under my corporate plan) voice/12GB data plan for 2 years contract.
Beside that, I also getting 1 Samsung bluetooth headset and 1 Sansdisk 16GB Class 4 Micro-SD card for free.
I even enjoy the 100st customer to win a pair of tickets for free fashion show and Korean pop star Seven mini live concert.
@Dare{D}evil using it as a secondary. Can't pocket it, so can't be primary. I carry a handset just for voice and text. Tab is used exclusively for data needs at home and in office. Never regretted the device itself, it is just the timing that I messed with.
@NewForce In India they do have data plans bundled with SGT but they don't carrier lock it for the same. Means you can wall out of a plan anytime (you may have to pay a marginal penalty).
Samsung India provided BT, carrying case and a car charger free of cost after I purchased the device. The online retailer also shipped the device with a 2GB sdcard and another BT.
ruenigma said:
Yes, thats true. The Indian SGT (GSM unlocked) which launched on 10th Nov, 2010 at 38,000 ($833) INR is now retailing at 28,000 INR ($614) on flipkart dot com.
I bought on launch at 38k from the same retailer. Never expected to fall the price this soon (barely 2 months). Feeling cheated. Planning to write to Samsung India about my feelings.
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Same here. I also bought it for 37K from ebay india and now it also dropped to 29K on ebay within 1 month
ruenigma said:
@Dare{D}evil using it as a secondary. Can't pocket it, so can't be primary. I carry a handset just for voice and text. Tab is used exclusively for data needs at home and in office. Never regretted the device itself, it is just the timing that I messed with.
@NewForce In India they do have data plans bundled with SGT but they don't carrier lock it for the same. Means you can wall out of a plan anytime (you may have to pay a marginal penalty).
Samsung India provided BT, carrying case and a car charger free of cost after I purchased the device. The online retailer also shipped the device with a 2GB sdcard and another BT.
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I bought it for Rs.36500, feel extremely cheated because it's been over a month now but no sign of carry case, bt and charger. Samsung says it's out of stock and they will send it whenever. You are planning to write to them, what good that's gonna do?
Same here in the Philippines
SInce Indian Rupee and Philippine Peso are virtually 1:1, I have a sense of the scale you are talking about.
At launch, it cost around 35k to 40k here. Now, bnew and carrier unlocked can be had for as low as 27k, with weeks-old 2nd hand units going for 25k with screen protector and nice cases.
I got mine with a bundled data plan, and although the price is plunging, im still enjoying it very much (best portable media and movie player in the market tofay) so no worries
Even I feel bad that I bought it too soon. After I got it, Samsung bundled the case, charger & mapmyindia navigator.
Samsung has sent me a leather case, a bluetooth headset & the car charger later.
I still don't have the mapmyindia software.
I guess early adopters have negatives too. I guess they dropped the prices after the iPad was launched much cheaper than expected.
If you got 2gb sd card bundled with SGT, just check that card for mapmyindia installation file. This card comes with mapmyindia bundled
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App

[HOT DEAL] MOTO XOOM 32G for 249.99 at Staples + huge accessories onsale

Run to your local Staples and get the Xoom for 299.99 minus the coupon $50 below
I just bought it this morning. Also don't for get to check out the accessories:
HD speaker DOCK for 10.50
Dock $12.50 from 59.99
Car Charger $1.50 from 29.99
Wall Charger $1.50 from 29.99
Folio Case $9.99 from 49.99
Good luck guys
It's true - I was in Staples on last Friday and was able to pick up the wall charger and dock for the prices quoted above.
thanks for this
I also got the Dock for $12.50 and was in Staples today and the WiFi unit is $299. I already have a GED Xoom thou. Way better than getting SCREWED with their Crappy XYBOARD.
Hey thanks for this. I just got one from my staples for 299.99 with an extra 5% off for floor model. Now I found your coupon Ill get that $50 back and hopefully they have the accessories you listed too!!!
Edit: Returned it.
I just got back from my local Staples. The only one they had left was a return from a couple of months ago. Perfect condition. They gave me an extra 5% off for being open box so with the coupon it came out to $235 + tax!
got one today in nyc for 239 with tax included. its my 3rd xoom and this one iam keeping
I just went into my local staples and nothing was on sale? I even checked the website and everything was full price?
ghodzilla5150 said:
I also got the Dock for $12.50 and was in Staples today and the WiFi unit is $299. I already have a GED Xoom thou. Way better than getting SCREWED with their Crappy XYBOARD.
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For even more savings the standard dock is $9.99 at Verizon Wireless corporate stores. The HD speaker dock is $19.99 but I haven't been able to locate one.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
I bought 2 HD speaker docks for 10.50 each. Damme me
sweetboy02125 said:
I bought 2 HD speaker docks for 10.50 each. Damme me
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Lucky. None of the Staples near me carry the HD speaker dock. Only the standard dock.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
Thats so unfair.
Wanna know what the HD dock costs in germany? :'(
I just bought a refurbed one off of amazon for 340. FML
aeros0ul said:
Thats so unfair.
Wanna know what the HD dock costs in germany? :'(
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I traveled to Germany. Not so cheap there, especially gas price. If you close I'll give one to you.
sweetboy02125 said:
I traveled to Germany. Not so cheap there, especially gas price. If you close I'll give one to you.
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Be my guest
Grabbed the last 2 in my area. $289 out the door fully accessorized(folio case,car charger,dock).
Now to track down the hd speaker docks!
Sent from my E4GT using XDA Premium App
The Canadian Staples stores also seem to be selling the accessories on sale but not as cheap.
The Charge dock, normally 49.99, I picked up for 14.97
I did find the car travel charger for 5 dollars in a clearance bin too.
sweetboy02125 said:
Run to your local Staples and get the Xoom for 299.99 minus the coupon $50 below
I just bought it this morning. Also don't for get to check out the accessories:
Good luck guys
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Sold out everywhere here in Sacramento, CA ... best buy willing to price match but they don't longer have an store tag or online reference to show the $299.00 :-(
anyone w a pic or working link?
Sent from my Nexus S 4G
Just bought one still in plastic brand new but the box was opened. Accessories still in shrink wrap though. Not sure if I will keep or return it.
slowrey said:
Just bought one still in plastic brand new but the box was opened. Accessories still in shrink wrap though. Not sure if I will keep or return it.
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Play it for 2 weeks to see if you like it. 14 days return anyway

Anyone have an extra xoom charger for sale?

Mine got bitten up by a dog. Anyone wanna sell me theirs? Thanks!
Sent from my iPhone 4s using Tapatalk
Have a spare, sent mine back twice and got a charger each time.
i have an extra one
Go buy a charging dock from Verizon. It includes a standard charger and they are on clearance right now for $9.97. Even if you don't use the dock it'd chapter than just buying the charger which for some reason is still $30. I also heard Staples had Xoom accessories on sale for super cheap.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
ebay has plenty. I bought a non OEM one for $10 (they included a car chager as well). also bought an official moto one of ebay for $8 this past week as a backup.
rubber guard said:
ebay has plenty. I bought a non OEM one for $10 (they included a car chager as well). also bought an official moto one of ebay for $8 this past week as a backup.
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I can't use eBay looking for someone with an extra for sale
Sent from my iPhone 4s using Tapatalk
I have one but it probably wouldn't be worth it to you by the time shipping costs are included. As stated, just go to a Verizon store and get one for 10 bucks.
z06mike said:
I have one but it probably wouldn't be worth it to you by the time shipping costs are included. As stated, just go to a Verizon store and get one for 10 bucks.
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Got one from the vzn store!! Thanks man. Dock for $15 and leather folio case for the same price
Sent from my iPhone 4s using Tapatalk
I know the OP was able to grab what they needed from Verizon, but for others who may be looking, another option is the HD Speaker Dock. If you can FIND one, they're going for $20 new from Verizon as clearance (prolly to make room for the Xyboard accessories). I went in person to a VW store and lucked out, getting the last one they had. I don't think (not willing to try it) you can plug the more powerful power source straight into the Xoom itself as an alternative to using the dock, but I have to say having the HDMI port in the back of the dock and the speakers is pretty nice, at $20 a pop.
I picked up a couple at a local Staples for $1.50 each. I have one extra I don't really see using.
If you're local in central CT I'd happy to give it away to someone who would use it.
[email protected]

Car Dock availability.

What is with Samsung's delays on being able to supply their OEM car docks and other items for new model phones?
It was months before I could track down a genuine car dock for my SGS2, and it's still nigh impossible to find one for the Note.
Does anyone know somewere that'll ship internationally that has these in stock (eBay doesn't count - people insist on outrageously expensive shipping method).
Is there a good reason for these huge delays? The Samsung MHL adaptor took a good couple of months before it was available anywhere after the SGS2 release too.
I know you said you don't like ebay (New Zealand?) - but can you buy through ebay Australia? I bought mine for $53 AUD through ebay Australia with free shipping worldwide from this guy about 1 month ago:
I just went to the site to check and was able to change the post to New Zealand.
It shouldn't be much more when converted to NZ dollars. It took about 2 weeks though to ship though!
I got my official samsung car dock in January from
Amazon UK, just had a quick look, stocks seem fine...
Where are you based? I'd be happy to help order one and forward it on, guess you'd still have long shipping times... It might be worth contacting some of the sellers on amazon UK, I'm certain they'd offer international postage.
It's a damn good dock by the way. Guess the only drawback is can't have case on, and getting it out is sometimes a bit fiddly. Sturdy as he'll though, absolutely no shake whatsoever, and suction is very strong.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
I hadn't even thought of looking on Amazon UK, Amazon USA generally don't ship that sort of thing to NZ, UK appears to be happy to though.
I'll check out that bloke on eBay, free shipping makes it a bit of a no-brainer as that's half the price of ordering it from Clove. Given that I've waited for over 2 months for it to ship from them so far, another 2 weeks won't hurt.
Cheers guys!

Google Nexus 7 16gb free shipping $241.5, delivery 7/12-17

Staples is sold out but you might still get the coupon for future use
Been looking around and not sure if this is the BEST deal but this is the best I could find.
First get this Staples coupon: (you pay $7.5 for $15 gift card)
$7.50 For A $15 Staples® Gift Card
Then Staples hasthe pre-order for the 16GB version with free shipping:
Google Nexus 7 16GB Tablet (Pre-sale Only)
Once you add the order into the cart, you'll see it says expected delivery is 7/12-17. You can apply the gift card at the checkout for a net of $7.5 saving.
Note: Just found out that this is not an instant discount. After you purchase, they'll send you the gift card by mail and then you can use it to redeem at staples.com.
Additional note: I found the coupon through bigcrumbs.com For those who doesn't know about this site, it's the 100% legit cash back site supports tons of vendor online. Below are the available cash back it offers for the vendors that sells Nexus 7:
Office Depot - up to 4.2% you can use following free item coupon (not sure if you can combine them all)
336010166 - Large Beach Tote Bag or Burt's Bees Head/Toe Kit
823541225 - Dane Butter Cookies
156437297 - Free Mystery Gift
595897257 - $15 Gas card
Adorama - up to 2.8%
GameStop - up to 3.5%
Walmart - up to 2.8% cashback (crrently pre-order only)
MacMall - up to 2.8% cashback
If Best Buy ever decide to sell the Nexus 7, the bigcrumbs offers 4.2% cash back.
Again, if you want to get cash back, you must sign up with bigcrumbs.com and find vendor in the site and go through its own links.
silvscorp said:
Been looking around and not sure if this is the BEST deal but this is the best I could find.
First get this Staples coupon: (you pay $7.5 for $15 gift card)
$7.50 For A $15 Staples® Gift Card
Then Staples hasthe pre-order for the 16GB version with free shipping:
Google Nexus 7 16GB Tablet (Pre-sale Only)
Once you add the order into the cart, you'll see it says expected delivery is 7/12-17. You can apply the gift card at the checkout for a net of $7.5 saving.
Additional note: I found the coupon through bigcrumbs.com For those who doesn't know about this site, it's the 100% legit cash back site supports tons of vendor online. If Best Buy ever decide to sell the Nexus 7, the bigcrumbs offers 4.2% cash back for all purchase from Best Buy.
I am not associated with bigcrumbs but thought online shoppers might benefit from this place.
Just found out bigcrumbs also have 2.8 cashback from Adorama.com which also has the nexus 7 for pre-order.
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Just remember that if you have a Staples in your state you have to pay taxes.
This deal would still cost me about 270$
yea tax is the big killer.. but at least free shipping. too bad I missed out on the J&R deal someone else posted.
Staples' expected delivery date is interesting. Not sure if this implies delivery for all pre-orders or this is for Staples only.
Cool find, i would be buying a Nexus 7 since i no longer want android phones
We're so spoiled in Oregon, no Sales Tax and it's against the law for us to pump our own gas, we have to sit and let the attendants do it for us.
Thanks for the finds!
You really could have mentioned that it takes them 24 hours to generate the coupon code and it's not an instant ordeal.
Saintfyre said:
We're so spoiled in Oregon, no Sales Tax and it's against the law for us to pump our own gas, we have to sit and let the attendants do it for us.
Thanks for the finds!
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Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
Nexus 7 for a flat $249.00 no taxes in my case.
MacMall has it to pre order for a flat $249.00 for the 16gig http://www.macmall.com/ I've ordered a lot of things from them and never had a problem thus for.
Using my last yearly associate computer related hardware discount on this and just got a $27 gift card from a warranty on a hard drive that's still good...
Hope to walk out the door spending $200 or less
myjellio said:
MacMall has it to pre order for a flat $249.00 for the 16gig http://www.macmall.com/ I've ordered a lot of things from them and never had a problem thus for.
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bigcrumbs offers 2.8 cash back on MacMall as well.
Apparently, Office Depot shows these in stock with free shipping.
updated some additional cashback for the places that sells Nexus 7, in US only.
silvscorp said:
updated some additional cashback for the places that sells Nexus 7, in US only.
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Anyone pre-ordered Nexus 7 from Staples.com ?
I am seeing this in my order status.
We're sorry, but problems with your order may prevent us from delivering it on time.
That is probably because Google told everyone to wait until they said so
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
this last minute hold is messing up those vendor's check out process. The word is most places will start taking new per-order and shipping again next week.
Updated some free item coupon on 1st page you can use on your office depot order.
walmart is starting the pre-order as well with less than $1 shipping. see 1st post for details.
For those asking if you still get the $25 google wallet credit the answer is YES :good:
Staples is now taking orders on the website with 2 day delivery, you can also locate stores that have it in stock, but call the store first as the store I tried today said they weren't allowed to sell until next week (probably Monday) even though they have them in stock.
If "you" work for Walmart you can get 10% off, and you can pay when pickup at Walmart now s mabey preorder and pay when pickup at site to store
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
