Dolphin is having issues so which browser should I use? - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

In dolphin if I full screen/expand an embedded video the nav bar pops in and out in landscape, I gave firefox a shot but that won't even play embedded video (audio plays but no video) unless it is youtube.
So which broswer should I go with, or if you guys have a fix for the above issues, I'd prefer something with a lastpass addon but I can do without.

AOSP browser is still my favorite after using a couple alternatives

Chrome or stock are the best ones imho

AOSP is just soooo slow, chrome is still working fine but no plugins means I have to use lastpass to launch websites.
I was hoping there was something better but it seems like I'm SOL.

When I used Dolphin browser, I found it to be close to the stock browser, just more feature rich. I tried using Chrome, Firefox, and Skyfire, but found the stock browser to be more of a favorite. I did try a lil browser that was really good with functionality with no bells and whistles at all, Naked Browser. I liked it and it is Flash enabled. Still, I keep coming back to the stock browser.

fernandezhjr said:
When I used Dolphin browser, I found it to be close to the stock browser, just more feature rich. I tried using Chrome, Firefox, and Skyfire, but found the stock browser to be more of a favorite. I did try a lil browser that was really good with functionality with no bells and whistles at all, Naked Browser. I liked it and it is Flash enabled. Still, I keep coming back to the stock browser.
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What is the stock browser ?

lapocompris said:
What is the stock browser ?
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This one here. I guess I should call it AOSP browser:

aosp browser. and in no way is it slower than chrome, thats just silly.

I use Chrome and Firefox beta.
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simms22 said:
aosp browser. and in no way is it slower than chrome, thats just silly.
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I've found AOSP to be far slower than dolphin (jetpack didn't make much difference for me though) and just slower than chrome.

threeclaws said:
In dolphin if I full screen/expand an embedded video the nav bar pops in and out in landscape, I gave firefox a shot but that won't even play embedded video (audio plays but no video) unless it is youtube.
So which broswer should I go with, or if you guys have a fix for the above issues, I'd prefer something with a lastpass addon but I can do without.
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Not sure what you mean about the nav bar popping in and out as I've had no issues with dolphin, When you view embedded videos make sure to have jetpack turned off (if you have it installed)

Opera Beta
It's based on webkit and extremely smooth.

tarroyo said:
Not sure what you mean about the nav bar popping in and out as I've had no issues with dolphin, When you view embedded videos make sure to have jetpack turned off (if you have it installed)
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When I view embedded video fullscreen in landscape the navbar pops up then, goes away, then pops up, ad nauseum. This has been happening ever since I first installed dolphin (5+mos ago) and way before jetpack was ever installed.

They seem to have fixed it for youtube but try this it's a bill maher whosay link, if you view it full screen landscape in dolphin you'll see what I'm talking about.
So a little testing:
AOSP - Runs fine but it doesn't expand to fill the screen once the navbar hides
Opera - Won't expand the video
Chrome - Runs fine but it doesn't expand to fill the screen once the navbar hides
Firefox - Audio plays but no video

threeclaws said:
They seem to have fixed it for youtube but try this it's a bill maher whosay link, if you view it full screen landscape in dolphin you'll see what I'm talking about.
So a little testing:
AOSP - Runs fine but it doesn't expand to fill the screen once the navbar hides
Opera - Won't expand the video
Chrome - Runs fine but it doesn't expand to fill the screen once the navbar hides
Firefox - Audio plays but no video
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Just tested that out, not seeing any issues with the navbar. Only thing I notice is the video gets cut off a bit in landscape

tarroyo said:
Just tested that out, not seeing any issues with the navbar. Only thing I notice is the video gets cut off a bit in landscape
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Not sure why it would behave differently from phone to phone unless maybe it is a CM/Dolphin issue, although I was running AOKP for a while and it had the same issue, not going to put a new ROM on my phone to check though
Here is a vid of what it is doing

threeclaws said:
Not sure why it would behave differently from phone to phone unless maybe it is a CM/Dolphin issue, although I was running AOKP for a while and it had the same issue, not going to put a new ROM on my phone to check though
Here is a vid of what it is doing
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Took a look at the video, Haven't had that problem.

tarroyo said:
Took a look at the video, Haven't had that problem.
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To be honest, that makes it even more frustrating.

Just use AOSP browser and install ICS flash player apk so you can watch all your naughty flash videos with low hassle :thumbup:
Sent from my Nexus 4

threeclaws said:
To be honest, that makes it even more frustrating.
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Maybe it's just that one site? Or have you seen it on several sites???


YouTube videos playing now in browser--poorly.

A very strange thing started happening in the last few days. BTW, I am running stock 2.1, rooted, nothing much exotic done to my phone besides that.
I use the stock browser and the way YouTube videos have always been displayed is with a still image that has a "play" arrow icon in it. Once I clicked this, the YouTube app would take over and do a pretty good job playing the video. At worst, I would first be sent to the YT mobile site and would launch the video app from clicking there.
But now, in the stock browser Google Reader site (formatted for mobile) the videos have taken a flash-like appearance, which messes up the mobile page formatting, and when I click it, a lower-res and far choppier version plays! I am not sure if this is only happening on Reader or on all sites yet. (I can try to take a screen capture if it helps you.) Now if I'm not mistaken, there's supposed to be no flash support until 2.2, and I made no deliberate changes to cause this. The videos look like crap, are formatted badly on mobile pages, and unchecking the plugins option in the browser just replaces them with a black square I can't do anything with.
Anyone else seen this, and maybe have any idea what's happened and how to make it go back to the way it was?
you should try another browser besides the default you wont go back lol
i don't have this problem on dolphin hd
Anyone have a suggestion *not* involving switching browsers?
I had the same issue and I just cleared browser defaults and it cut it out.
(As a note, I have switched to dolphin mini and love it, waaaay better than stock browser. Liked opera too.)
Epic is as Epic does
PokeAsheep said:
I had the same issue and I just cleared browser defaults and it cut it out.
(As a note, I have switched to dolphin mini and love it, waaaay better than stock browser. Liked opera too.)
Epic is as Epic does
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Was worth a try, but no change. Have figured out how to launch the app by clicking on the window again, although oddly enough Google Reader no longer does *anything* now when clicking on the video image. I'm not against trying an alternative so will check out Dolphin anyhow. Thanks.

Best Android Browser [POLL]

hi all, i decided to start this thread so users can poll for their favourite browser and also discuss the pros and cons of each browser
the aim of this is to hopefully help other users, who have trouble on deciding which browser to go for - to make up their mind
all input and feedback would be much appreciated. thanks
ill get the ball rolling here. my fav browser is dolphin 5.0. yes, they have finally gotten 5.0 out of the beta, and its now public and official, effective june 1st. apart from the dozens of add ons and themes, what really won me over is how all these add ons never seem to slow the performance (or at least none that i have noticed).
in addition, i noticed that every time i click the home soft key while my facebook mobile page is open in the stock browser, the next time i open the stock browser, it forces a close; a problem i have never experienced with Dolphin thus far. i also like how the bookmarks slide out almost instantaneously compared to a black screen before u see thumbnails on the stock browser.
in my opinion, i have used opera, stock browser, firefox 4 and dolphin HD, and if the others are pairs or 3 of a kind or straights in a game of cards, this would be the royal flush nuff said
In my WinMo times I prefered SkyFire...Of course, stock was more than unusable...But now it IS stock browser. It's fast! It's easy to control and without unnecessary add ons. My choice!
Dolphin HD is the most complete (addons, themes, Desktop U.A.)
but stock browser is the fastest
patton82 said:
but stock browser is the fastest
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i have to agree that the stock browser is fast, but unfortunately what put me off was the force close every time i leave it running in the background with facebook mobile as one of the pages. the only way to stop this from happening is if i close the facebook tab and then leave the browser running in the background. does anybody else have this issue or is it just me?
apart from that, sad to say, its very annoying the way you have to alternate between tabs (by pressing the menu button > windows) or even to open a new tab for that matter.
Opera, the best.
Sent from my A953 using XDA Premium App
no opera mini ?
waigx said:
no opera mini ?
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oops it seems i might have left that out. i suppose you can put ur vote under opera mobile sorry about that
Dolphin Browser HD. Definitely
[email protected] said:
Dolphin Browser HD. Definitely
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I've tried them all, but none of them seems to satify my needs. So currently, I;m using Stock Browser. Need something similar and clean.
My thoughts:
Stock Browser -> No exit button, always have to close window then close browser so it doesn't open my last opened page
Opera Mobile/Opera Mini -> Force closes on me sometimes, I do not know what the cause is.
Dolphin Browser HD -> Heavy ram usage, slow to load pages and the add-ons load it down.
Firefox -> No flash.
Skyfire -> Too much clutter on user interface. Dislike the useful functions on the bottom bar which I will probably never use.
Miren -> Bad reviews make for a bad product.
xScope -> No moneyz.
Maxthon -> IE? No way.
Others -> Unknown and never tried.
Conclusion: Help me.
Solution: Opera
Sent from my A953 using XDA Premium App
boat browser
simple and faster than stock
MegaBubbletea said:
Dolphin Browser HD -> Heavy ram usage, slow to load pages and the add-ons load it down.
Conclusion: Help me.
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Dolphin Browser Mini -> Light, fast, the same as Dolphin Browser but without crapping addons. It`s my favourite.
Boat browser was ok. I liked it but the UI was a bit unpleasant. Ill give Dolphin Browser Mini a go. I hope it will support flash.
Sent from my MotoA953 using XDA Premium App
I use Firefox for android because there is the synchronisation with computer but it is so slow ... well, as much as on the computer.
When Firefox is too laggy. I use stock one, so cool, so fast.
For me the best browser is Opera Mini because it is faster and it uses little ram.
Inviato dal mio MotoA953 usando Tapatalk
Dolphin HD has lots of features, but is usually slower than the rest, good if you want a browser with lots of extensions.
Opera Mini is very good for people with slow service/capped data because the webpages are compressed through Opera's servers.
The stock browser is good enough for me because it's moderately fast and just works fine, I've never had it crash.
The only complaint I have on the stock browser is that it has windows, not tabs. If there were tabs at the top of to switch instead of having to go through 2 menus to get to windows, I'd like it a lot more.
I would say Dolphin Browser HD is something like the Firefox on PC?
Smooth, great, unless with tons of addons.
My personal favorite after trying out all. Can't deny Opera is good too, for Android.
Used it on Symbian on my previous phone and was the best browser then.
From all the Browser i try i like the Firefox most because its clean and easy and it syncs with my desktop Browser.
But after i see the results of the Poll i might give the stock Browser a shot.
I prefer opera over the rest.. though firefox team has made vast improvement over past few months, still it can't surpass the experience you get in desktop version, in fact its awesome for me, with lots of plugins and innovative ideas keep popping out.. I usually export the bookmarks then import into phone via opera link then con't browsing on the phone.. on the other hand, opera has made its name in handheld device.. though its not the fastest but it renders it well to fit my personal preference.. I like the tabbed browsing very much..

Best Browser

Im finding Opera to be the smoothest browser experience, over Dolphin and the built in one.
Especially on a page with very wide content, maybe a picture to (craigs list) where you must slide the page way to the side to see pic.
+1 for Opera Mobile, fantastic browser.
Opera did some strange stuff on my a500. No keyboard, black screen...
maxthon for tablet for me
I've pretty much tried them all! I still go back to stock browser. Only take a little time to load flash images.
Been a Dolphin fan, they all seem to work but I am currently using "Dolphin for Pad" it's a beta
Dolphin browser mini is best I've used
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gramps50 said:
Been a Dolphin fan, they all seem to work but I am currently using "Dolphin for Pad" it's a beta
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going to give this ago thanks!
maxthon for tablet for me
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Maxthon mobile for 10" is a real good browser and quick also.
I've been using Dolphin for pad and it seems pretty good. I'm wondering how maxthon measures up to it.
is it just me or the browsers seems not so responsive...
like the stock browser when i type something, there is a delay from the moment i hit the key to it showing up on the screen...
then other browsers like dolphin, opera loads the screen fairly slow compared to my phone on the same wifi connection.
also, anyone else having trouble with flash videos playing poorly? when I skip ahead on a flash video, the picture freezes a while
Ive tried opera, dolphin as well as the less than useful stock browser..
personally so far MX has been by far the best, mouse gestures and speed have the others licked..
Dolphin Tab beta has been pretty good so far!
I prefer the stock browser:
I don't like Opera because it works in mobile mode and I can't get it to work in desktop mode (I even used custom user agent but it didn't work).
I don't like Maxthon because it shows google results on or whatever is the chinese google webpage. I hate it.
Dolphin Tab is ok but I feel like it's slower than all the rest.
I tried a lot of browsers and I'd really like to switch to another but so far every single browser had some problems or issues.
i stick with stock browser
But I admit - typing in a text forum depending on how the software is set up was painful when i first bought my Iconia - 3.01 had some serious lag.
3.1 helped a lot - i find the browser to be a lot faster and more stable, but still the text lag was a little annoying. Once I learned how to over clock and run at 1.54GhZ when using the browser, I am finally happy with stock.
mystik. said:
maxthon for tablet for me
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Awesome browser, thanks for your suggestion.
maxthon got a great UI but it is slow.
Opera doesn't save movie links.
Dolphin makes bookmarks very inaccesible.
Not true, dolphin has your bookmarks very accessible.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Really.are they one click accessible like on the native browser? If so then I never found the button.
best browser?
I haven't tried maxthon...
I use Firefox, Opera, and Stock...
Firefox... only because I can synch my bookmarks and passwords with my desktop (very useful) but flash sites don't always work and flash videos never works.
Opera - strongly considering this as my favorite... but occasionally some sites don't work right, flash works very well and I like the UI
Stock - only use it for certain flash sites.
All-in-all at the end of the way if I had to dump two I would keep Opera

Flash Compatibility With The N10 - Browsers

So can others shed some light on what the compatability is of Flash on JellyBean and the N10. I know the background on it all already and that you have to sideload it. I installed the 11.1 APK and its showing as installed. Chrome I think doesnt do flash right? What about Boat Browser? Because I can't get flash sites to show up in that either.
What am I missing, or is there a guide or something I may be doing wrong either browser wise or other?
It definitely works in Boat. Just go into settings, then page content settings, and change the "Enable flash/plug-ins" toggle to "always on". That did the trick for me, anyway...
It works on boat, but I haven't been able to get it to work on dolphin yet. Anyone have any luck?
digitalrelic said:
It works on boat, but I haven't been able to get it to work on dolphin yet. Anyone have any luck?
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I've got it working in Dolphin, just sideloaded flash using this post (
It just seemed to work when I closed and opened Dolphin up the next time.
note you may have to restart the app/nexus to get it work if you installed flash after the browser is open. flash works in boat/dolphin/firefox here
I had no problem getting flash to work in Boat Browser. I couldn't get it to work in Dolphin. I had to get an older version of Dolphin from this thread for it to work. That was just for testing. I much prefer Boat over Dolphin (or any other browser).
Are live streams completely smooth? (you never no with Flash)
BoneXDA said:
Are live streams completely smooth? (you never no with Flash)
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I don't know if you would consider it live, but I watch a lot of streaming movies on Amazon with no problem.
BoneXDA said:
Are live streams completely smooth? (you never no with Flash)
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I just watched an hour-long programme on BBC iPlayer in HD stream on Boat, and it was smooth as silk, and sharp as cut-glass.

Cyanogenmod Kit Kat Browser?

Now that the aosp browser is basically useless on 4.4 Kit Kat, will it still be the included browser for CyanogenMod or will they be using Chrome?
Cm11 is using the aosp browser, not chrome
jd1639 said:
Cm11 is using the aosp browser, not chrome
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I was just wondering if they were going to change since 4.4 basically breaks the aosp browser. No text reflow, slow and unresponsive at times, odd zooming behavior, and a black bar that appears at the top of the screen for no apparent reason. Browsing posts on xda forums is almost impossible with it. I guess we'll just need to find a browser from the play store.
calvin35 said:
I was just wondering if they were going to change since 4.4 basically breaks the aosp browser. No text reflow, slow and unresponsive at times, odd zooming behavior, and a black bar that appears at the top of the screen for no apparent reason. Browsing posts on xda forums is almost impossible with it. I guess we'll just need to find a browser from the play store.
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Yes there is only one little problem : the only browsers that you can use with resize etc are UC browser and Dolphin. But they are slow and they eat a lot of battery. Chrome is even worse...

