[Q] DocumentSync ? Can its storage be changed. - Galaxy S 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

OK .. SO ... DocumentSync (whatever that is) is eating space continually ?
Any idea what it is ? Can I point it at the SD cards ?

An inexplicably set up feature - disable it via settings - accounts - cloud - Documents at the bottom of the page, or else it will dump your Dropbox contents onto the internal card and fill it. Really annoying.

Not much point having 50gb Dropbox storage then if it does that.

Root + FolderMount app.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2

Excellent - Many thanks Ian ... surely that should be optional from the start.
That and the lack of Apps2SD are shear madness... Anyone fixed that yet BTW ...

im having this same issue...how do we stop this?
---------- Post added at 03:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:03 AM ----------
just found this
"A big word of warning on the Dropbox integration. I just discovered that 4GB+ of the storage used on the phone was because it decided to auto-sync everything from Dropbox. Everything! Eventually I ran out of storage on the phone and it stopped syncing. To avoid this, disable the “DocumentSync” feature in Settings->Accounts->Cloud. Stupid stupid default Samsung, what were you thinking?"


Something's not right here... what's using up all this space?

I deleted all my music, ISOs, and movies, because I was running out of space. After I deleted it all it showed:
Saying 6.48GB (13.2GB-6.72GB) is being used.
There's no way I have 6.5GB worth of stuff on my tablet... so I Ctrl+A, Right Click, Properties:
That shows 471MB... so um... what's going on with the rest of ~6GB?
Went through settings and checked out the internal storage:
That doesn't match my PC readings at all. And in fact, the math doesn't work either:
1.13 + 1.75 + 6.29 = 9.17GB
13.24GB - 9.17GB = 4.07GB.
Where's that 4.07GB, according to the tablet?
(click the images for a bigger version)
did you download the transformers movie? that uses up about 2gb... to delete i had to go into play movies app, manage space and delete from there
Printerscape said:
I deleted all my music, ISOs, and movies, because I was running out of space. After I deleted it all it showed:
Saying 6.48GB (13.2GB-6.72GB) is being used.
There's no way I have 6.5GB worth of stuff on my tablet... so I Ctrl+A, Right Click, Properties:
That shows 471MB... so um... what's going on with the rest of ~6GB?
(click the images for a bigger version)
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micks_address said:
did you download the transformers movie? that uses up about 2gb... to delete i had to go into play movies app, manage space and delete from there
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I checked just now, and nope.
I'm aware that the Nexus 7 uses the internal memory for apps as well, but there's no way I have ~6GB worth of apps installed... that must be several thousands of apps (note that app data are installed on the 'SD Card', so it shows up in the /data).
After your, 'CTRL+A' and right click properties how long did you wait to get your value?
Go away for 5mins leaving it running and you will probably find it has changed sum what, you find it does stick for 30secs or so at times.
I had to switch my Nexus off then back on before the storage space updated when id deleted a few things.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
I don;t supposed you know what the free space was reported as when you first got your nexus 7 ? If there is something hinky, then it may have been misreporting fr omthe get go.
All I suggest is backup everything you want to keep and then factory reset your Android. Run through config and see what it reports used and free as. If it's still wrong, then return your tablet.
Oh - are you using a custom rom? If so, that could be the cause.
---------- Post added at 10:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 AM ----------
Dazzh82 said:
I had to switch my Nexus off then back on before the storage space updated when id deleted a few things.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
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Yeah thats because the MediaStorage (or MediaStore or something like that) service / task takes a while to update sometimes. Waiting normally results in an update, but a reboot will always do the trick.
MTP is pretty buggy. It doesn't show every file or folder that's currently on the device through Windows Explorer. Hoping Google will acknowledge and fix it soon, or even better - bring back USB Mass Storage.
you will also find that windows does not indicate the free space on a drive gained by deleting files until the recycle bin has been emptied, this is because the files arent cleared from the drive until you do this. did you empty the bin before checking the free space?
MTP is buggy.
I recommend downloading ES File Explorer and add ur desktop to local server, and send the files through the network.
also, ESFE has an SD card analyst that can check what's using up ur space.
If you are rooted and have made any Clockworkmod backups, they take up a healthy amount of storage
Dazzh82 said:
I had to switch my Nexus off then back on before the storage space updated when id deleted a few things.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2
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uberNoobZA said:
Yeah thats because the MediaStorage (or MediaStore or something like that) service / task takes a while to update sometimes. Waiting normally results in an update, but a reboot will always do the trick.
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Rebooted my tablet and it now says about 9GB of free space.
micks_address said:
did you download the transformers movie? that uses up about 2gb... to delete i had to go into play movies app, manage space and delete from there
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are you sure the movie is downloaded to the tablet or streaming off gplay?
I have similar problem
Printerscape said:
Rebooted my tablet and it now says about 9GB of free space.
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Deleted movies do not release space, until a reboot. Is there any method to make it release space without a reboot? Now it makes the use very inconvenient. Thanks.

[Q] Some questions and suggestions for my S5360

hi there.
this is my very first topic on xda developers. so be gentle to me please. first of all sorry for bad english.
i was using sonyericson w610i for past 6 years. but it get older so i need new phone. i bought Samsung Galaxy Y s5360 3 days ago and have some questions.
when i got it i almost no idea what is smart phone but i eager to learn so i read a lot of thing and Rooted my first phone after i take it from cargo company
here my questions.
with easy task killer startup auditor ram manager. i get this 112mb/290mb
i have SS but cant send cuz of safety policy of XDAf
is it good? i deleted ram manager, easy task killer , startup auditor after that. but still have Link2sd and doing my cleaning RAM in default task manager. getting +10+20 mb i think but it is still good 129/290. is it?
i make a 300 mb ext3 partition on my 2 gb sd and try to link APP's to it. i first partition then open link2sd. link2sd said it is okey now restart then you can link. i said k and restarted. everything working fine. i started to link " facebook, foursquare,youtube,banking apps, etc..."
after that i looked memory info and suprised.
istill have 147 mb of 180 on internal hdd. i checked my new parttion and it is alright. it has 101 mb of linked app data on it.
so why my internal hdd storage did not rised?
3) can you offer me a good apps for every thing. for managing for controlling. for internet browser? funny not LAGGY games ( of course all of them must be free) what do you use?
1. the taskkiller apps just consume more battery
This thread will get you started
Link2sd doesn't links all the files.
Actually no one can.
Only movable data is linked.
So even if you link an app that consumes 20 mb you may find your internal storage decrease by 15 mb.
Don't say. Just press....
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 08:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:09 PM ----------
For apps....
Save some battery life by Juice defender.
Titanium backup for backing up apps, data etc.
Friendcaster for Facebook.
Wikipedia etc etc...
Oh and dont forget the XDA app..
Don't say.. Just press......
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda app-developers app
Well to get the most of link to sd
1. Link those apps which are on internel phone memory and not those which install on your sd card
2. Periodically use clear all app caches in link 2sd
3. Keep the ads which do not consume much data like you can try fbtouch for fb instead of official Facebook app
4. try using relink application files in link2sd.. it may help increasing free memory..

16GB: Essentially crippled?

I decided to get the 16GB Moto X Pure, figuring I'd save music, photos, and videos to the (32GB) extsd. I probably wouldn't be able to install more than one large game on the phone, but I was fine with that.
I thought it was working well, until yesterday I tried to install a weather app, and was told "Insufficient Space". I was shocked. I do have a lot of apps installed, but nothing very graphical -- the according to DiskUsage, the biggest culprits in "App Data" are Amazon, Firefox, and Google Play Services (adding up to < 1 GB together), leaving me with 958 MB free. On "Storage Card" (apparently a separate partition of the main memory), the main culprits are 7.7 GB of "System data", distantly followed by my NewsPlus cache and an "Android" directory.
This is after I've used "Move to SD Card" on these larger apps.
I'm not sure what else I can do, aside from returning the phone. How have you dealt with this problem?
I haven't had any issues with my 16gb. Around 50 apps or so installed, and anything media related goes on my 128gb sd card.
With Android m around the corner, 16gb phone will be sightly irrelevant, since you'll be able to format your sd as internal storage.
I do regularly have to go and move my downloads to the sd card though.
6.0 can use your SD card and internal and merge it. Be patient
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
No. You're fine. I got a little freeze action finally, using one dialer, another text messenger, and yet another theme, and yet another keyboard, all in the same space at the same time, and it took a minute for the phone to figure it out. I restarted the phone and have not had a problem since.
I have a 16 GB, and I decided that my rule of thumb, was going to be, always keep five GB free, no matter what I was doing. On the other hand, I am not a gamer.
My first move, was to confer with people here, get rid of all the unnecessary programs, ( see the conversation on how to put my Moto X pure on steroids), then went to every single app one by one, and any time I saw an option to move it to the SD card, I did so.
I ended up freeing up about seven GB worth of space, and the phone is running fine.
What I'm wondering is, is there a single "clear cache" function on the phone somewhere, or have I finally arrived at the point where I need to route this phone?
Good luck! Since we have the same kind of phone, we can share tips.
---------- Post added at 12:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 AM ----------
patt2k said:
6.0 can use your SD card and internal and merge it. Be patient
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
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what's that you say? Merge? This is different from moving functioning after the SD card?
do tell!
papamalo said:
No. You're fine. I got a little freeze action finally, using one dialer, another text messenger, and yet another theme, and yet another keyboard, all in the same space at the same time, and it took a minute for the phone to figure it out. I restarted the phone and have not had a problem since.
I have a 16 GB, and I decided that my rule of thumb, was going to be, always keep five GB free, no matter what I was doing. On the other hand, I am not a gamer.
My first move, was to confer with people here, get rid of all the unnecessary programs, ( see the conversation on how to put my Moto X pure on steroids), then went to every single app one by one, and any time I saw an option to move it to the SD card, I did so.
I ended up freeing up about seven GB worth of space, and the phone is running fine.
What I'm wondering is, is there a single "clear cache" function on the phone somewhere, or have I finally arrived at the point where I need to route this phone?
Good luck! Since we have the same kind of phone, we can share tips.
---------- Post added at 12:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 AM ----------
what's that you say? Merge? This is different from moving functioning after the SD card?
do tell!
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You will be able to use micro SD AS internal. Example 16gb and 32gb SD card will both be used AS internal.
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
papamalo said:
what's that you say? Merge? This is different from moving functioning after the SD card?
do tell!
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Marshmallow has a feature called "adoptable storage." "Adopting" a piece of external storage lets the system reformat it and treat it just like internal storage. The external storage can then become the primary storage the device uses for apps, private data, and media.
Marshmellow allows you to use SD card as internal space, not as separate removable storage. So the update will help you gain more usable space.
Be aware if you merge storage I don't believe you're supposed to remove the card or am I wrong?
Sent from my SM-T230NU using XDA Free mobile app
benjamminh said:
Be aware if you merge storage I don't believe you're supposed to remove the card or am I wrong?
Sent from my SM-T230NU using XDA Free mobile app
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Removing storage you have adopted is generally a bad idea. Apps that have critical data on the removed storage will no longer work.
jase33 said:
Removing storage you have adopted is generally a bad idea. Apps that have critical data on the removed storage will no longer work.
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Worst case scenario you re install apps thats all
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
I am not sure if I am willing to give up root for Android M. I am hearing it will be very hard to root Android M since it will require modify bootloader.
paoloroeseke said:
With Android m around the corner, 16gb phone will be sightly irrelevant, since you'll be able to format your sd as internal storage.
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I CAN'T WAIT! I have around 60-70ish apps that I use, and all of them are on my SD, but still leaves a little over 7GB of app data on my internal storage, so this will be a major benefit for many I believe
I can't wait for that!

Google Play Music Marshmallow Saving to Internal Storage

I have the Moto X Pure Edition US running marshmallow. The phone is 16 GB with a 64 GB SD Card, when I download playlists from Google Play Music they save to the internal storage and not the SD card. How do I change this behavior? I have the SD card as adoptable storage.
when you have the sd card integrated with the internal storage, the phone will automatically determine where to actually place content depending on amount of space free, speed of sd card, and what the content is. Otherwise, google play music would have an option to save to sd card in its settings. Since the sd card is "adoptable", everything will be recognized as "internal storage".
Good question. I have the same setup and regretting not getting 32GB internal. I don't know how it saves things to certain areas. I had to manually move a bunch of apps to SD card to free up internal space even though everything is recognized as internal storage. I have to do that after every flash of a new ROM?
sp44 said:
Good question. I have the same setup and regretting not getting 32GB internal. I don't know how it saves things to certain areas. I had to manually move a bunch of apps to SD card to free up internal space even though everything is recognized as internal storage. I have to do that after every flash of a new ROM?
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I am in the exact same boat. I bought the 16 gig(that's all best buy had) thinking that MM will negate any storage issues I may have.
lazerus06 said:
I am in the exact same boat. I bought the 16 gig(that's all best buy had) thinking that MM will negate any storage issues I may have.
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What If you removed play music using tibu and downloaded it so it's not system app, then move play music to your sd card using the adaptive storage option? I tried that with spotify but it tells me to re login each time.
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
patt2k said:
What If you removed play music using tibu and downloaded it so it's not system app, then move play music to your sd card using the adaptive storage option? I tried that with spotify but it tells me to re login each time.
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
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I am not rooted.
lazerus06 said:
I am not rooted.
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Then I don't know lol
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
Glad I'm not the only one with this issue. It's really disappointing I bought this phone in a hurry there was only a 16gb available, I thought adoptive storage would be fine it's not. Google Maps saving maps offline also saves to Internal Storage also with no option to put the stuff somewhere else. I already have my regular phone storage almost full with no way to move stuff around.
pauldavid77 said:
Glad I'm not the only one with this issue. It's really disappointing I bought this phone in a hurry there was only a 16gb available, I thought adoptive storage would be fine it's not. Google Maps saving maps offline also saves to Internal Storage also with no option to put the stuff somewhere else. I already have my regular phone storage almost full with no way to move stuff around.
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Same here, I figured the new storage option would take the internal and the sd card and basically format it into 1 storage option.
lazerus06 said:
Same here, I figured the new storage option would take the internal and the sd card and basically format it into 1 storage option.
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Did you by any chance do migrate data? after I did that (not using play music) my sd-card would show as internal.
my 32GB space only shows in the storage & usb section and everything is being used off the 64GB card.
The issue is raised on google forums here https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/play/CgNiUtLjC1I
I am trying to see if i can move GPM to userland with tibu but the real solution would be for google to fix GPM to store data on the sd card when in adoptable storage mode. Suggest upvoting / commenting on the issue if you have the problem.
---------- Post added at 05:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 AM ----------
I tried tibu but after a series of hung tibu "processing" boxes, and reboots I finally had it as a user app and could move it to sd card. I then went to reboot again to clear an erroneous tibu notification and suddenly the gpm app is back to a system app on internal storage. Wtf.
Anyone else had success?
sweets11 said:
The issue is raised on google forums here https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/play/CgNiUtLjC1I
I am trying to see if i can move GPM to userland with tibu but the real solution would be for google to fix GPM to store data on the sd card when in adoptable storage mode. Suggest upvoting / commenting on the issue if you have the problem.
---------- Post added at 05:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 AM ----------
I tried tibu but after a series of hung tibu "processing" boxes, and reboots I finally had it as a user app and could move it to sd card. I then went to reboot again to clear an erroneous tibu notification and suddenly the gpm app is back to a system app on internal storage. Wtf.
Anyone else had success?
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Uninstalled with tibu. All sorts of ugly errors. Installed apk version of gpm. Reported it was in user land but couldn't move to sd. Rebooted. Moved ok and gpm reports full adoptable storage space. Not game to restart. Working so I'm happy.
I have an HTC M8 16gb I integrated a 64gb SD card and it seems to work fine, except for the fact that regardless of the music player that I use it can't seem to find my music but it is there on my phone
Is there any fix yet ?

Adoptable Storage guide

For those that are interested:
This does work on our phone. Keep in mind that it will FORMAT your sd card so back it up first. This isn't my info and its mentioned in another thread in the international S7 forum (on my phone so I'll update with a link since its buried in a thread). So thank those that did the actual work.
PSA: if you have a slow sd card I don't recommend this. Class 10 should be fine but UHS*x* is best.
Edit: Here's the thread in the International S7 forum
Also there's a post in there saying we should replace "private" with "mixed". This is the post in that thread regarding it.
For some more reading:
Another Guide on enabling AS
Any issues like the ones reported in the reddit thread?
pottyvick said:
Any issues like the ones reported in the reddit thread?
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I don't know. I have no need to expand my internal storage right now so I haven't tried it. I just posted it up for everyone here in case anyone needed it. Maybe it will calm a few people down out there who are upset that adoptable storage wasn't "included" even though it was originally going to be.
Thanks a lot for this great work. FYI, when I did this, I couldn't get Google Music to download to the SD card. I guess it downloads to internal storage first, and when the SD card is not adopted storage, Google Music sees that it's there. But when it is adopted storage, it doesn't - which I imagine is as expected. So it pushed the music to primary storage. I imagine the workaround is to use a 50/50 split or something, and then the SD card will still show up.
One last thing needed
Go into sd card and select migrate
works great! did this w/ my new 128 GB sandisk. i was a little confused as to why my storage was already full, but that was b/c I never did the migrate step. The system doesn't see storage correctly, but a small price to pay for adoptable storage...now I just wish it didn't take a day and a half to transfer to/from the damn thing
PunishedSnake said:
One last thing needed
Go into sd card and select migrate
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At what stage do you do this migrate step? Is it after the whole process is done?
Yes at the end
---------- Post added at 03:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 PM ----------
Keep in mind I haven't done this to the s7 as right now I intend on swapping for the HTC 10 but I did do it to the HTC m8
