CONTROL PC's mouse and keybord via BT - Java for Android App Development

I am developing an app for remotly controlling PC mouse and keybord for my undergradute final studies. Maybe somebody knows good tutorials, or what libraries I should use for controlling mouse and keybord.
I know that PC must run service.
Please help me
Ps I am not asking to write code for me just help.


Obtaining bluetooth connection info (Windows Mobile 2003)

Hello everybody, I´m trying to connect my XDA II device to a portable
printer with bluetooth by code (C# or VB .NET).
The problem I have is that I can´t get the data I need to connect with
the printer with the bluetooth software that comes with the XDA (the
port that has to be used on the printer to get connected, etc...).
Does anyone know some way or software (open source), that could help
me to get that information ???
Thanks in advance and sorry for my english.
look at
have a look at here you'll find a framework and samples that you can use to manipulate bluetooth in the way you need. In the namespace IO.serial there are the functions for port access and in the forum you can discuss your issue with othe BTers.
Kind regards,

Where to download WM5 mouse driver for Stowaway BT mouse?

I can't find it on Stowaway website for WM5 bt mouse driver.
Anybody can point me the link to download or could somebody upload the driver here?
Thank you
Right here -
Many have had some trouble getting this to run right, search for some threads about it to find the some hints to make it run.
Was jusssssss gonna post this link. Thanks for posting it galt. Its not that hard to find actually, its there on the support page
Thanks for the link
What about Other Bluetooth Mouse ???
I have a manhattan mouse Bluetooth mini mouse
looks exactly like the Think Outside Mouse - @ 1/3 of the price and it works flawlessly with Windows XP HID but not in WM5
Who do we Ask to get a generic driver for this
The Closest I got was a driver on but only for WM2003SE and i have a WM 5 Universal
Maybe I should ask for a WM2003Se port for Universal ... :shock:

Bluetooth keyboard for laptop

Hi everyone. I was wondering if anyone knows a bluetooth program that can make my HTC Herald keyboard act as a bluetooth keyboard for my laptop. I hooked my laptop to my plasma tv so I can use it as a Media Center. But I want to use my phone keyboard to type wirelessly through bluetooth. Say if I was using MS Word on the laptop, I want to type from my HTC herald through bluetooth instead of actually typing on the laptop. Hope you get what I mean. If anyone knows a program like that please reply. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
Maybe you can use a VNC viewer for that. Not perfect, but will work.

ppc as a desktop/laptop trackpad ?

it is just an idea. i thought it would be easier than the classic "tv remote softwares on ppc" for certain uses like net browsing.
-> would it be possible (usefull or not is another problem) to use the tactile screen of a PPC as a laptop pc trackpad to remotely controll (by wifi or internet i guess) the mouse cursor on a desktop pc or a home cinema pc or ... ?
is there a software for this ? something more specific than a tweaked VNC config ?
(and yes i know they sell wireless mouse anywhere lol)
or for the wii?
like bluetooth keyboard for the wii, or to emulate a wiimote?
Thats a really interesting idea.......
it would be great for artists who don't have tablets - you could just draw on your ppc screen with the stylus (when the ppc is displaying the computer) and if it acted as a mouse it would be like pen&paper which is much more accurate than trying to draw something with the mouse (like in paint).
hey guys...
maybe You should try this:
check on that salling app and mouse+ key combo script from tytn.
something like this?
yes ppctablet seems ok but :
1- (PPC Tablet is NOT compatible with Windows Mobile 6 yet.)
2- it is not free software even if i could pay 16$ if it run on my wm6 hermes
something else ?
i will look at the salling software script when i come back home.
it run on wm6 i use it to control my mediapc

[Q] Remote control apps

I am trying to find out if the only thing that should be keeping someone from remote controlling an NON-ROOTED android device with a PC is not being able to inject mouse and keyboard events? what other issues could arise?
I have been working with vnc server and screencast and the keyboard and mouse seems to be the only issue i can find in the site and with testing. I've tried to contact the devs of those apps with no luck.
Thanks for any help you can give.
