Internet Explorer 10 Addons - Windows 8 General

Currently, I am using both Internet Explorer 10 (Metro) and Nightly(Desktop Application) (unofficial firefox 64-bit latest version). I love IE10 but the reason i stick to Nightly most of the time is because i can add custom addons - my favorite being Adblock. this is basically the only reason i use nightly. is there a similar adblock extension for IE10? if so, please instruct me on how to install it so i can just dedicate my entire internet usage to IE10. Additionally, is there any way that i can make the metro version of ie10 show up on the desktop?

you know nightly just refers to nightly builds, not just specifically firefox. Nightly builds exist for many software packages.
Metro IE on desktop, thats what desktop IE is for, they are the same render engine, just altered UI and more plugin support on desktop I think.

There are several ad-blocking extensions for IE. a quick search on "ad block ie" turns up a few of them. Some of them use AdBlockPlus filter sets, so you can use the same filters you use in Firefox.
However, there's also IE's built-in Tracking Protection filter. While technically not intended first and foremost as an ad blocker, it does the job well enough. Several popular Tracking Protection Lists, or TPLs, are available. The maintainers of EasyList (probably the most popular ABP list) build their list as a TPL as well, and there are several others that are highly rated. TP isn't quite as feature-rish as a dedicated ad blocker - for example, it won't hide the space where the ad *would* have loaded, and while you can turn it off per-site, you can't turn it off per-element - but it's built in, fast, carries no risk of malware, and I believe it works in Metro mode (I wouldn't actually know; I have no use for such a crippled browser mode).

GoodDayToDie said:
There are several ad-blocking extensions for IE. a quick search on "ad block ie" turns up a few of them. Some of them use AdBlockPlus filter sets, so you can use the same filters you use in Firefox.
However, there's also IE's built-in Tracking Protection filter. While technically not intended first and foremost as an ad blocker, it does the job well enough. Several popular Tracking Protection Lists, or TPLs, are available. The maintainers of EasyList (probably the most popular ABP list) build their list as a TPL as well, and there are several others that are highly rated. TP isn't quite as feature-rish as a dedicated ad blocker - for example, it won't hide the space where the ad *would* have loaded, and while you can turn it off per-site, you can't turn it off per-element - but it's built in, fast, carries no risk of malware, and I believe it works in Metro mode (I wouldn't actually know; I have no use for such a crippled browser mode).
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Thanks! I installed the Quero ie tpl to block ads and then on top of that i added the easylist tpl all ads are now blocked :good:


[Guide] A little guide to security & privacy on Android - Update 01.08.15

A little intro:​I spent a lot of time with malware on windows and which apps/settings can actually protect you. By working with malware you also get a lot of background info on how people / companies / governments can steal your privacy from you and how to protect yourself against it. When I decided to care about all that, I noticed that a lot of "security forum experts for PCs" have no clue about Android and its risks although probably the same if not more data is stored on our phones than on our PCs. So I decided to do some background research, worked with Android malware and played around with the different ways and options that can protect your security & privacy.
When I am looking for a security setup then I want one that is reliable & easy-to-work-with but also lightweight on the system. I don't want my security setup to cripple down my system.
I have done similar guides for Windows and as I haven't seen anything likewise for Android I thought I would give it a go.
What can you do to protect your security & privacy:​Security - Firewall: To block incoming / outcoming traffic per app or per IP/DNS/Port. Can drain the battery and be a pain to configure on Android.
Security - Antivirus: To scan files after they have been downloaded or to scan files after they have been installed. Due to the way how Android is coded it is not possible to scan in real-time (while downloading, while installing) which means you can't detect malware based on their behavior. AV's on Android can only detect malware by their signature which is easy to bypass. However is still better than nothing and a one-time scan of downloaded files or an on-demand scan while your phone is charging won't hurt your battery or slow down the device. A lot of AV-Products come with multiple features built in. Some of them are often useless (e.g. maybe anti-theft), others are worth the usage (e.g. security audits for non-fixed exploit vulnerabilities or bad system settings e.g. USB-Debugging enabled).
Security - SuperSU: To actively manage which apps will get "unlimited" root access.
Security - Password manager: Use a password manager for all your passwords. Built in password managers (e.g. browser, ftp, mail ,etc) aren't really a save solution (even with the so called "master password"). Apps like KeePass offer a lot more than just having all your passwords stored safely. It lets me open apps + automatic login with just 2 clicks (e.g. FTP, SSH, Mail, Browser,...). It let's me create unique password so that I won't be using the same password on all websites. And there is still a lot more.
Security & Privacy - DNS: Change the DNS-Server you use to something like NortonDNS which will protect you from malware/phishing sites as well as semi-bypass the tracking of browsing behavior by your phone/internet provider. The DNS provider/resolver that you use (usually your phone/internet provider) will transform the domain you want to access into the IP adress of the desired server (the one which hosts the website you want to visit). This means that what ever domain you are going to browse will be transmitted to your DNS provider... so choose one carefully ! Also the better the connection to your DNS provider is (and the better the providers connection to the world-wide-web is) the faster your domain requests will be processed.
Security & Privacy - VPN: An easy way for attackers in your network (especially open & free wifi's) to steal data from you are MITM (Man In The Middle) attacks. They can modify SSL certificates which means even using HTTPS might not always be safe or simply read your network activity (such as logins which includes accounts + password). By using a VPN all the traffic that leaves your device will be encrypted and routed directly to a safe receiver which means no one can interrupt your traffic and sniffs (read) it.
Security & Privacy - SSH-Tunnel: Using an SSH-Tunnel has pretty much the same effect as using a VPN but the difference is you have to configure each app that you want to use the SSH-Tunnel. I prefer this method on Windows as I can encrypt only the traffic of my browser/mail/communicator while playing games or other apps will use the non-encrypted (and often faster) internet connection. Sadly there is no app on Android that in my opinion works flawlessly as SSH-Tunnel client.
Security & Privacy - Adblockers: We all know adblockers. They block ads and trackers to protect your privacy and some of them (e.g. mdl-malwaredomainlist) also protect you from malware & phishing websites.
Privacy - App Ops: App Ops or similar apps let you block permissions per app which means whatever app is installed / running can be forced to not use specific permissions. E.g. you can block Facebook from using your GPS and tracking your location.
Privacy - Android 5.x disable allowed certificates: Every website and every (good) app will have a certificate that Android and also AV's check online to see if the website/app is trustworthy. Out-of-the-box Android allows many questionable certificates from governments and companies that might sell their certificates to websites/app that are not so trustworthy. Since Android 5.x you can remove/add certificates to disallow governments or companies that sell their certificates to questionable websites/apps.
Privacy - Encrypt your phone: By encrypting your phone you ensure that no one who finds your phone will be easily able to read anything saved on your phone. Not even by entering the recovery mode. It may slow down the performance a bit and increase battery drain slightly, but for me (Nexus 6) I had no troubles so far.
You can make that list longer by using only secure apps for communication (e.g. encrypted chats with Telegram or using Firefox and add-ons such as HTTPS-Everywhere) but I think that is more advanced and takes away the freedom and choice of readers/users. So I will stop here as I think I have covered the basics and most important things.
Which setup should you choose?​Well first of all I recommend using only apps/services of companies that you can trust. E.g. companies that exist for a long time but haven’t done any questionable actions in the past. I have been a long-time-user of Comodo but looking at what Comodo has allowed itself in the past made me choose something different. On Android a good example are sms/call blockers. There are many options to choose from for example one is produced by a company named "NQ Security". Now do your google work and you will find some details that either makes you think of this company as trustworthy or not. Or maybe there are other companies with the same product which you would rather trust?
One thing to notice is that in the end your setup should cover most if not all aspects that I have mentioned above. Now you can either choose to use many different products (e.g. if they are free) or use on paid solution that covers everything at once. In any case, don't forget about stuff that might get installed but be useless to you. E.g. at some point I found my setup to have 3 different call blockers and 4 different sms blocker installed.
I have made a list of a few picks that I would recommend:
Must-Have​SuperSU / Rooted device (Click for Google play): 99% of all apps & configurations listed here will need your device to be rooted. Also SuperSU gives you a good overview about which apps have root access and is a good tool to configure those apps.
Override DNS (Click for Google play): It automatically changes the used DNS Server for 2G/3G/4G/WIFI to whatever you want (e.g. NortonDNS which has malware & phishing protection but also is one of the fastest DNS providers available world wide). Currently it is the only app that works with Android 5.x.
AdAway (Click for download link): Lets you block ads, tracking, malware and phishing sites. I recommend the standard sources +
App Ops (Click for Google play): App Ops lets you block permissions per app which means whatever app is installed / running can be forced to not use specific permissions. E.g. you can block Facebook from using your GPS and tracking your location.
KeePass2Android online/offline (Click for Google play): KeePass2Android comes as two different apps that you can choose from in the GooglePlayStore. One supports online syncing via various services so that you can sync your password database on all your devices (Android, Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS,... ). The other option is called "KeePass2Android offline" which completely removes all features that would require an internet connection. The App doesn't even have permissions for internet connections ! If you don't know KeePass, it is one of the oldest password managers around. It is opensource, has a lot of plugins and the leightweight but feature rich app supports nearly every device & operating system. On Android you can even log into websites from the browser via KeePass2Android by clicking -> Share -> KeePass2Android -> Log into your database -> it will automatically get the right login data for the website you are currently browsing and pastes it into the login fields. My personal setup: KeePass2Android offline with another syncing/backup app that will sync my passwords via my own server. On my laptop I use KeePass with a plugin which replaces my browsers built-in password manager with KeePass.
GSP - Good Security Practice (Recommendations)​Disable untrusted certificates (Android 5.x) (Mozilla Firefox list of allowed certificates): Use a source you trust and check what certificates they usually allow in their software (e.g. Mozilla Firefox). Then check that with what is enabled in your Android's security settings and disable whatever Android has enabled but e.g. Mozilla Firefox doesn't.
A very recommended app is "Trust Manager (Click for Google play)" by Bluebox. It lists all certificates on the phone and sorts them by categories which makes it easy to disable all untrusted certificates within two clicks.
Encrypt your phone: Enable encryption of your Android device.
Antivirus: You can check for monthly security reviews on mobile security products and choose from there. But I recommend either "Bitdefender Free" for a simple file-scanner of downloaded files and installed apps as well as on-demand scanner or "ESET Free/Premium" which includes file-scanner, security audit, sms & call blocker as well as phishing protection and even anti-theft if needed. Both companies are in my option very trustworthy and provided good results over the past month/years (not only on the mobile market but also the PC market). Avast is a free option with lots of features from another trustworthy company but I found it to be heavier on my system than Bitdefender or ESET.
VPN if you use public WIFI: I also recommend the use of a VPN from a trustworthy VPN provider. They don't cost too much and improve your security & privacy on public wifi a lot. Avast offers a great VPN service. Actually their app makes their services superior to me comlared to other VPN providers and apps. You might want to try the Avast VPN 14-day-trial.
Firefox (HTTPS-Everywhere + Adblock Edge) > Chrome: Firefox seems to be the winner in terms of privacy and security. But on my system Chrome is a lot faster than Firefox.
TextSecure > Telegram > WhatsApp > Facebook: Telegram was my favorite choice until @muppetmania and @bmstrong informed me about flaws and trust issues with Telegram. Instead it is highly recommended to use TextSecure. It is available on iOS and Android. Feature wise it might not be as good as Telegram (e.g. missing desktop client for windows/osx/linux) but I believe that this is a fair trade for privacy.
The bottom line​
I tried to give a little overview of what kind of protection is available and what it does. I also added my choice of tools which will provide you with protection. It is up to you to decide whether it is useful in your case (based on your phone-behavior) and if you are willing to pay money for it or rather use free services. I will gladly help you with any questions or configuration/setup related things. Please let me know if you have any suggestion or corrections so that I can improve this thread !
Useful resources / links​
AV tests & comparisons:
Thanks to:
Yuki2718 for teaching me a few things
@bmstrong for useful links and suggestions
@muppetmania for pointing out flaws and trust issues with Telegram !
01.08.2015 - Removed Telegram and replaced it with TextSecure
28.06.2015 - Updated useful resources & links
08.06.2015 - Updated useful resources & links
06.06.15 - Added "Trust Manager" by Bluebox to quickly and easily disable a punch of root certificates. Also added Avast VPN app
22.05.15 - Added a good link/explenation on non-trustworthy certificates that are installed on mobile devices out of the box ( )
18.04.15 - Added ressources for AV tests and comparisons
07.04.15 - Added more useful resources & links
21.03.15 - Added more useful resources & links; fixed a typo in the changelog
14.03.15 - Added more useful resources & links; also changed the thread title to give an easier view for new updates
10.03.15 - Added useful resources & links
06.03.15 - Added "password managers" and "KeePass2Android online/offline" as recommended password manager
01.03.15 - Added a more detailed description of DNS and why you should care about it
28.01.15 - Fixed typos and grammar
zakazak said:
28.01.15 - Fixed typos and grammar
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Interesting. Would like to see sections on GPG, U2F, 2FA applications, Android with Yubikey, etc.
bmstrong said:
Interesting. Would like to see sections on GPG, U2F, 2FA applications, Android with Yubikey, etc.
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Thanks, I might add those later but I wanted to keep this guide as "easy" as possible so that every "normal" android user could increase his security and privacy with simple tools in a short time. E.g. yubikey is awesome and a very interesting topic but not very handy for the average guy?
01.03.15 - Added a more detailed description of DNS and why you should care about it.
Really decent overview of general security.
bmstrong said:
Really decent overview of general security.
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Good suggestion, I have a few more and will add both (your link) and my stuff to the thread
KeePass2Android offline + KeePass on desktop + syncing via own server = win !
bmstrong said:
Really decent overview of general security.
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Aaaaand it's done ! Added password managers to the OP.
zakazak said:
Aaaaand it's done ! Added password managers to the OP.
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Cool. You might want to touch on the open source vs. proprietary philosophy. Just being open source isn't necessarily better but I feel transparency is important part of security.
Another very good privacy and security article.
bmstrong said:
Really decent overview of general security.
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bmstrong said:
Another very good privacy and security article.
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bmstrong said:
Cool. You might want to touch on the open source vs. proprietary philosophy. Just being open source isn't necessarily better but I feel transparency is important part of security.
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Thanks ! I added all the links to the OP and mentioned you for giving such great feedback and suggestions
Interesting take on security in general.
bmstrong said:
Interesting take on security in general.
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14.03.15 - Added more useful resources & links; also changed the thread title to give an easier view for new updates
Added your link... I will soon add a few of my links that I saved in my bookmarks. I will then split the "link category" in something like "good to know and what to do" and "privacy theory articles"... if you know what I mean
zakazak said:
10.03.15 - Added more useful resources & links; also changed the thread title to give an easier view for new updates
Added your link... I will soon add a few of my links that I saved in my bookmarks. I will then split the "link category" in something like "good to know and what to do" and "privacy theory articles"... if you know what I mean
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Cool. Schneier has another book out now. Data and Goliath. This talk is worth the listen.
bmstrong said:
Cool. Schneier has another book out now. Data and Goliath. This talk is worth the listen.
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21.03.15 - Added more useful resources & links; fixed a typo in the changelog
Thanks, took me some time to add the link, at the moment I don't have much time to improve the guide.
Utini said:
21.03.15 - Added more useful resources & links; fixed a typo in the changelog
Thanks, took me some time to add the link, at the moment I don't have much time to improve the guide.
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As I'm concerned about privacy and security thanks for your thread but you forgot XPrivacy the best privacy manager I know it's not completely ready for Lollipop but works perfectly on Kitkat it's not about that fault it's Xposed it has a bug which I hope will be resolved soon.
Good luck! Regards.
Cyclu said:
As I'm concerned about privacy and security thanks for your thread but you forgot XPrivacy the best privacy manager I know it's not completely ready for Lollipop but works perfectly on Kitkat it's not about that fault it's Xposed it has a bug which I hope will be resolved soon.
Good luck! Regards.
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You are right, XPrivacy seems to be a really nice tool but I haven't been able to try it myself (as it is not compatible with Android 5.x) which is the reason why I haven't added it to the list yet
I might give it a try on my Nexus 4 with Android KitKat !
bmstrong said:
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Once again thanks for your input. I added them to the OP but I am still really busy with my job/reallife. I hope I can improve the OP soon.
Question about choices
Utini said:
Security - Antivirus: To scan files after they have been downloaded or to scan files after they have been installed. Due to the way how Android is coded it is not possible to scan in real-time (while downloading, while installing) which means you can't detect malware based on their behavior. AV's on Android can only detect malware by their signature which is easy to bypass. However is still better than nothing and a one-time scan of downloaded files or an on-demand scan while your phone is charging won't hurt your battery or slow down the device. A lot of AV-Products come with multiple features built in. Some of them are often useless (e.g. maybe anti-theft), others are worth the usage (e.g. security audits for non-fixed exploit vulnerabilities or bad system settings e.g. USB-Debugging enabled).
Antivirus: You can check for monthly security reviews on mobile security products and choose from there. But I recommend either "Bitdefender Free" for a simple file-scanner of downloaded files and installed apps as well as on-demand scanner or "ESET Free/Premium" which includes file-scanner, security audit, sms & call blocker as well as phishing protection and even anti-theft if needed. Both companies are in my option very trustworthy and provided good results over the past month/years (not only on the mobile market but also the PC market). Avast is a free option with lots of features from another trustworthy company but I found it to be heavier on my system than Bitdefender or ESET.
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Hi, I've been juggling this question for a few days now and I'm hoping you will have an answer to assist me. First, I have read your post and this is absolutely what I have been looking for for the past few weeks. Thanks has been given and I hope you keep this up. Second, I read the wildersecurity link but still do not have an answer to this question.
Why choose ESET Premium over BitDefender. Can you tell me what one offers that the other doesn't? I've been leaning to BitDefender only because I have and use an Android Wear device. Again, thank you for any assistance or time.

Why do people prefer AdAway to AdBlock Plus?

Spent this weekend putting all my root goodness back on my G4 -- thanks again to all the devs who worked on this. I didn't realize how much I missed being rooted until I was again!
I had been running AdBlock Plus on my previous phone, galaxy S4, and never thought much about it, but in the course of reading various threads while waiting for root on the G4, it seems like most people mention AdAway as the preferred ad blocking tool. I gave it a shot, and it seemed to be far inferior to AdBlock. So I feel like I must be doing something wrong and was hoping for some discussion on this.
AdAway works by changing the hosts file to block known ad sources. For me this caused several problems. Web pages still load slowly (perhaps because of timeouts associated with trying to access a non-responding server?). There are still large areas on the screen with broken link icons where the ads used to be, which is pretty ugly. I tried using the AdAway local server, to provide a response to the spoofed/blocked domains, it didn't seem to make much difference. Finally, using the default config, many commercial web sites are just blocked entirely, which is a non starter.
My understanding is that AdBlock instead creates a proxy. With AdBlock web pages load MUCH faster than with AdAway, even when running the local server. It also removes the content entirely, instead of just blocking, so the output is a lot prettier.
The difference in web browsing experience was stark for me. AdBlock was the clear winner. So I'm trying to understand why so many people seem to prefer adaway. I would rather use a more light-weight solution if it works as well, but it just didn't seem to for me. Am I missing something?
I prefer AdFree,
jamtre said:
Spent this weekend putting all my root goodness back on my G4 -- thanks again to all the devs who worked on this. I didn't realize how much I missed being rooted until I was again!
I had been running AdBlock Plus on my previous phone, galaxy S4, and never thought much about it, but in the course of reading various threads while waiting for root on the G4, it seems like most people mention AdAway as the preferred ad blocking tool. I gave it a shot, and it seemed to be far inferior to AdBlock. So I feel like I must be doing something wrong and was hoping for some discussion on this.
AdAway works by changing the hosts file to block known ad sources. For me this caused several problems. Web pages still load slowly (perhaps because of timeouts associated with trying to access a non-responding server?). There are still large areas on the screen with broken link icons where the ads used to be, which is pretty ugly. I tried using the AdAway local server, to provide a response to the spoofed/blocked domains, it didn't seem to make much difference. Finally, using the default config, many commercial web sites are just blocked entirely, which is a non starter.
My understanding is that AdBlock instead creates a proxy. With AdBlock web pages load MUCH faster than with AdAway, even when running the local server. It also removes the content entirely, instead of just blocking, so the output is a lot prettier.
The difference in web browsing experience was stark for me. AdBlock was the clear winner. So I'm trying to understand why so many people seem to prefer adaway. I would rather use a more light-weight solution if it works as well, but it just didn't seem to for me. Am I missing something?
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Just a thought, but AdBlock Plus has to be running 24/7 in the background, so some people may notice or think it takes a hit on battery and system resources. I am running AdBlock Plus now as well, but I downloaded AdFree after the user above recommended it, I'll give it a go.
geoff5093 said:
Just a thought, but AdBlock Plus has to be running 24/7 in the background, so some people may notice or think it takes a hit on battery and system resources. I am running AdBlock Plus now as well, but I downloaded AdFree after the user above recommended it, I'll give it a go.
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I'll try AdFree too, hadn't seen it before. But it seems to work the same way as AdAway does so I'm not expecting much difference...
I used to use adaway but it broke my Pandora app, and after switching to adblock plus it hasn't crashed
Sent from my LG-H811 using Tapatalk
Some people don't like ABP's "Approved Advertisers" (or whatever they call it), where some ads aren't blocked by default. I know my boss complains about it, but it doesn't typically bother me. That may be the reason some people prefer AdAway (or some other similar host blocker).
I noticed that with Adblock Plus, anytime I tried to go to Android Central i'd get a Error 400 and couldn't open the site. With Adaway it loads fine, minus the godawful scrolling ads.
I used to use AdBlock Plus but I remember there was a reason I switched over to AdBlock instead. I think they were blocking all ads, even those you should just leave alone to support sites you enjoy or something along those lines. Since switching to AdBlock I'm never bothered with ads and enable ads for sites I respect.
I've never really had any of those issues with Adaway. I haven't used ABP in a while but the last time I did (and to the best of my knowledge out still works this way) it was just a proxy, which newer versions of Android wouldn't let the app configure itself. I could never get it working without being really slow and clunky and I couldn't figure out how to use it on a data connection at all. I'm away from wifi a lot so something that doesn't work at all half the time and works poorly the other half was useless to me.
Zorque said:
I've never really had any of those issues with Adaway. I haven't used ABP in a while but the last time I did (and to the best of my knowledge out still works this way) it was just a proxy, which newer versions of Android wouldn't let the app configure itself. I could never get it working without being really slow and clunky and I couldn't figure out how to use it on a data connection at all. I'm away from wifi a lot so something that doesn't work at all half the time and works poorly the other half was useless to me.
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That's only if you aren't rooted. There is no manual config if you are. You need to be rooted for adaway no matter what so seems fair to compare root mode of ABP only.
I have been using adfree since before they pulled all ad blocking apps from the play store. Adfree doesn't slow anything down or leave broken links in web pages. Pages load fast like they should plus it blocks ads and popups in apps also which is great cause I have been going almost postal on some of these ads popping up when I close some apps. I guess I'm OCD about that.
Yea I noticed that when using Adblock Plus, my links on won't work. They get a redirect error and just fail.
Going through a Proxy is dangerous too since any and all traffic goes through them, so be careful when entering login/credit card information. You are also creating a bottleneck where all traffic must go through, so if the Proxy is overloaded or offline, so is your connection unless you change your local routing (I guess by uninstalling the app).
For me it is a back and forth issue. I prefer NOT to use a Proxy. This is a work related phone so I do not want to have any 3rd party company playing Man-in-the-middle with my data traffic.
Personally I like to just block apps on my device. Yes it causes longer page loading times while crap sits there and times out... but at least my data is safe and the page is easier to navigate once the ads are gone.
I just downloaded AdFree from the official website but it requires Root (I haven't rooted yet). I think all Ad blocking apps require root.
Many sites on slickdeals redirect through or similar for revenue. All you have to do is whitelist those [*] and it will begin to redirect just fine
player911 said:
Yea I noticed that when using Adblock Plus, my links on won't work. They get a redirect error and just fail.
Going through a Proxy is dangerous too since any and all traffic goes through them, so be careful when entering login/credit card information. You are also creating a bottleneck where all traffic must go through, so if the Proxy is overloaded or offline, so is your connection unless you change your local routing (I guess by uninstalling the app).
For me it is a back and forth issue. I prefer NOT to use a Proxy. This is a work related phone so I do not want to have any 3rd party company playing Man-in-the-middle with my data traffic.
Personally I like to just block apps on my device. Yes it causes longer page loading times while crap sits there and times out... but at least my data is safe and the page is easier to navigate once the ads are gone.
I just downloaded AdFree from the official website but it requires Root (I haven't rooted yet). I think all Ad blocking apps require root.
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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the proxy is on you own device. Not in any other server.
seb93 said:
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the proxy is on you own device. Not in any other server.
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Either way adblock downloads the whole page ads and all then removes it. Adblock app has to be running in background to strip ads.
Adaway blocks access to the ad site altogether.
As for site formatting being wrong or not pretty would be the site page programmer programming certaib spaces in the page dedicated to thr ad that was supposed to show there.
I also like no ads in apps and youtube. Hence why I prefer adaway.
Parcing a large host file may require more resources..
In both you can whitelist if youre missing content you'd prefer to see.
clockcycle said:
Either way adblock downloads the whole page ads and all then removes it. Adblock app has to be running in background to strip ads.
Adaway blocks access to the ad site altogether.
As for site formatting being wrong or not pretty would be the site page programmer programming certaib spaces in the page dedicated to thr ad that was supposed to show there.
I also like no ads in apps and youtube. Hence why I prefer adaway.
Parcing a large host file may require more resources..
In both you can whitelist if youre missing content you'd prefer to see.
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I was just saying that adblock is not "dangerous" because he thought the traffic goes through another server.
Envoyé de mon LG-H815 en utilisant Tapatalk
seb93 said:
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the proxy is on you own device. Not in any other server.
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Correct. Proxying elsewhere can be very dangerous.
I think I can answer this question...ADP sucks (and I use it religiously in Chrome) when it comes to your phone.
It COMPLETELY broke MMS for me (on Cricket). I removed ADP, rebooted, and was good to go.
I've always Adfree as it is simple and lightweight only modifying the hosts file.
Adblock kills MMS for me. Cannot send or receive.

Share the apps you like!

The best way to stumble upon an interesting app is to see what other folks are using. Using the app "List my apps" linked at the bottom of this list and using the "bbcode" option inside it I generated the following list of apps which are installed on my Idol 3. In most cases the link will take you directly to the app no matter where it came from...some will kick you to a google search which should find them fairly easily as well. Many of the pay apps have free versions available. Feel free to reply back with YOUR list of apps and if you find an interesting app from someone's post hit the thanks button to let them know! I look forward to seeing what some of you use. List my apps is open source and available on both F-Droid and Google Play.
My Apps:
Agenda Widget Plus
Amazon Kindle
Android Pro Widgets
App Redirect
App Settings
Barcode Scanner
BusyBox Free
Connection Stabilizer Booster
ES File Explorer
ezPDF Reader
Fake Wifi Connection
[*] Fix Lollipop Memory Leak
Gas Guru
Google Voice
GravityBox [LP]
GreenPower Premium
Hangouts Dialer
IVONA Amy UK English beta
IVONA Text-to-Speech HQ
Jango Radio
LBE Security Master
Lenovo Camera and Gallery
List My Apps
[*] MobileActiveRadioFix
Moon+ Reader Pro
MortPlayer Audio Books
Nandroid Manager
NetEase Music
Network Speed Indicator
Nova Launcher
Nova Launcher Prime
Pandora Patcher
Play Store Fixes
RDMissedCall Patcher
Remove Battery Saver Warning Color
Rocket Blocker
RocketDial Theme Neon Black
ROM Toolbox Pro
[*] RootCloak
Screebl Pro
Screen Off
Secure Settings
Smart Unlock
Smoked Glass Digital Weather Clock Small
Statusbar download progress
Super Star® Rewards
SuperSU Pro
SwiftKey Keyboard
Syncthing Silk
Titanium Backup
Titanium Backup PRO
Torque (free)
Totally Free VPN
TuneIn Radio Pro
Universal Init.d
Wakelock Detector Free
WeFi Pro
XBlast Tools
Xposed Installer
List made using List My Apps
That's a long list bro.. All are good apps. Let me add some of my favourites that's not in that list :
- Office Suite Premium
- Poweramp
- Musixmatch
- Aldiko Book Reader Premium
- Manga Rock
- Root Cleaner
- Greenify Pro
- Recently Pro
- Solid Explorer Pro
- Canvertpad Plus
Those are great apps! Try them and u'll love them
snugroho3 said:
That's a long list bro.. All are good apps. Let me add some of my favourites that's not in that list :
- Office Suite Premium
- Poweramp
- Musixmatch
- Aldiko Book Reader Premium
- Manga Rock
- Root Cleaner
- Greenify Pro
- Recently Pro
- Solid Explorer Pro
- Canvertpad Plus
Those are great apps! Try them and u'll love them
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Thanks for the reply. Please consider using list my apps so it will provide links for folks. I personally prefer Moon Reader Pro over Aldiko especially since I use the text to speech option to have it read ebooks as audiobooks in the car with the IVONA Amy UK tts voice. I use es file explorer over solid explorer(I'm not fond of apps that provide crippled free versions or in this case "14 day trial software") and Servicely (written by francisco franco if you recognize the name) as an alternate to Greenify that may interest you. Did you mean "Convertpad?"
famewolf said:
Thanks for the reply. Please consider using list my apps so it will provide links for folks. I personally prefer Moon Reader Pro over Aldiko especially since I use the text to speech option to have it read ebooks as audiobooks in the car with the IVONA Amy UK tts voice. I use es file explorer over solid explorer(I'm not fond of apps that provide crippled free versions or in this case "14 day trial software") and Servicely (written by francisco franco if you recognize the name) as an alternate to Greenify that may interest you. Did you mean "Convertpad?"
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Servicely is very good app and of course I know Sir Francisco with his famous Franco kernel but somehow Greenify in boost mode (need root and Xposed) works better (at least for me) because you can still received all notification from apps without the apps awaken.
Also you can use Greenify together with Nova launcher to add DT2S+greenified apps. You just double tap the home screen to put the phone in sleep + greenified all running apps.
Ahh.. yes, it's convertpad. It's the easiest to use multi-converter
---------- Post added at 11:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 AM ----------
Btw, do you know Xposed module to make battery circle icon and remove carrier name in lock screen that works for Idol 5.5?
Among those I use (not including a bunch of widely used apps):
Action Launcher 3 - Minimalistic launcher that gives me what I want and doesn't include a bunch of things I generally don't use. I like having one home screen with a minimum of clutter. This optimizes that preference with some unique features.
AppDialer Pro - Number/QWERTY keypad that "dials up" whatever installed app (and, optionally, contact) you want. Its useful widget does the same.
Draft - Dropbox friendly, searchable notes app that seems abandoned by the dev. I'd like a better alternative, but I don't know that there is one that specifically matches my usage. I prefer this to something like Evernote for privacy reasons, not that Dropbox is ideal.
ES File Explorer - I use Solid Explorer, too, but this does more. Its FTP server is an approach I often use to transfer files onto the device from a computer.
Ghostery Browser - Gives the same shield from tracking and such that the Chrome extension does on a computer.
GMD Gestures - Adds a layer of usability to my minimalistic approach. On a larger screen, like a tablet or even a Nexus 6, I don't use it as much. Still, this is a major part of my user experience, one of the first things I install.
Javelin - Good, clean, alternative browser with popup feature
JotterPad - Stylish, non-programming, writing oriented text editor.
Link Bubble - Popup browser. Javelin does this, too, but I like Link Bubble's implementation a little better.
MessagEase - Out of the ordinary keyboard that offers all sorts of features that most don't (keyboard shortcuts/macros, forward delete, easy access to special characters, pretty much every functionality you'd ever find in a keyboard). Takes getting used to, but I use it more than any other.
Minuum Keyboard - Sort of like Fleksy, but I find it more usable. It was my main keyboard for awhile, but I haven't used it much, lately.
Moon+ Reader - Another staple, well tended to by its dev. By far my favorite book reader. I stopped even thinking about the rest long ago.
Music Folder Player Full - Simple, straight forward music player. Old school approach. Direct and to the point. Once in awhile, I'll try one of the flashy ones, but find that their "features" are no more than eye candy to me and delete them.
Pocket - Read articles saved from websites.
Popup Widget - I don't use this all that often, but it's very helpful when I want it. I don't want widgets permanently on my screen that I rarely use. This allows me to tap an icon or execute a gesture (via GMS) to popup a widget when I want it temporarily (weather, calendars, etc.)
Titanium Backup
Viper4Android - Sound quality enhancement that I didn't realize how much I needed until I tried it.
Wallpaper Saver - Great for getting wallpaper from ROMs, launchers, wherever. Though I find that I tend to prefer wallpaper from sources other than those places.
I've used and liked both Greenify and Servicely, too. I also like Recently and bought it.
maigre said:
Among those I use (not including a bunch of widely used apps):
Action Launcher 3 - Minimalistic launcher that gives me what I want and doesn't include a bunch of things I generally don't use. I like having one home screen with a minimum of clutter. This optimizes that preference with some unique features.
AppDialer Pro - Number/QWERTY keypad that "dials up" whatever installed app (and, optionally, contact) you want. Its useful widget does the same.
Draft - Dropbox friendly, searchable notes app that seems abandoned by the dev. I'd like a better alternative, but I don't know that there is one that specifically matches my usage. I prefer this to something like Evernote for privacy reasons, not that Dropbox is ideal.
ES File Explorer - I use Solid Explorer, too, but this does more. Its FTP server is an approach I often use to transfer files onto the device from a computer.
Ghostery Browser - Gives the same shield from tracking and such that the Chrome extension does on a computer.
GMD Gestures - Adds a layer of usability to my minimalistic approach. On a larger screen, like a tablet or even a Nexus 6, I don't use it as much. Still, this is a major part of my user experience, one of the first things I install.
Javelin - Good, clean, alternative browser with popup feature
JotterPad - Stylish, non-programming, writing oriented text editor.
Link Bubble - Popup browser. Javelin does this, too, but I like Link Bubble's implementation a little better.
MessagEase - Out of the ordinary keyboard that offers all sorts of features that most don't (keyboard shortcuts/macros, forward delete, easy access to special characters, pretty much every functionality you'd ever find in a keyboard). Takes getting used to, but I use it more than any other.
Minuum Keyboard - Sort of like Fleksy, but I find it more usable. It was my main keyboard for awhile, but I haven't used it much, lately.
Moon+ Reader - Another staple, well tended to by its dev. By far my favorite book reader. I stopped even thinking about the rest long ago.
Music Folder Player Full - Simple, straight forward music player. Old school approach. Direct and to the point. Once in awhile, I'll try one of the flashy ones, but find that their "features" are no more than eye candy to me and delete them.
Pocket - Read articles saved from websites.
Popup Widget - I don't use this all that often, but it's very helpful when I want it. I don't want widgets permanently on my screen that I rarely use. This allows me to tap an icon or execute a gesture (via GMS) to popup a widget when I want it temporarily (weather, calendars, etc.)
Titanium Backup
Viper4Android - Sound quality enhancement that I didn't realize how much I needed until I tried it.
Wallpaper Saver - Great for getting wallpaper from ROMs, launchers, wherever. Though I find that I tend to prefer wallpaper from sources other than those places.
I've used and liked both Greenify and Servicely, too. I also like Recently and bought it.
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This looks like you used list my apps but didn't save it as bb code (share it to email and email to yourself)....the bbcode would contain links to the apps your mentioning whether they are on f-droid, amazon appstore or google play...I mention this to make it easier on others as for example some of the apps I use are xda only version and it uses a google search which should take the user to them. I have not seen a need for "recently" as I use a combination of the built in "recents" and my most popularly used apps in notification area via the app "Hanger". See Screenshot.
In place of Action Launcher 3 I'd probably use Lucid Launcher (Pro) which is what I use on my devices with less memory. (
Instead of dropbox you may prefer syncthing which is an opensource alternative to bittorrent sync...I use it to keep folders in sync between my pc and my phone unless you actually have a need to access your files from the net somewhere via dropbox. You actually have viper4android installed on your idol 3? I'm assuming you flashed the zip...and disabled the built in JBL audio enhancements? Does it strictly work on headphones or improve sound on the speakers as well? (I used it a long time ago).
why is this thread in idol3 forum? it has to be in main forum, because it has nothing to do with idol3
DallasCZ said:
why is this thread in idol3 forum? it has to be in main forum, because it has nothing to do with idol3
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Practically every device has a thread with "favorite apps to use on my xxx device" so no it doesn't HAVE to be in the main forum. Among my apps are a list of xposed modules that work on our specific version of lolipop...thats pretty relevent. Apps that work around quirks such as reboot manager which gives us "reboot to bootloader and reboot to recovery" from in the rom are very idol specific. Rootcloak can be used to make the system update checker work..thats pretty relevant and why it's in bold among the other bug fix modules.
If you must, report it to a mod and they can decide where it goes.
no apps you are listing are device specific .. reboot manager is not idol specific... Almost none device with stock rom have reboot to bootloader or recovery option.
and anyway here is subforum called "Onetouch Idol 3 Themes and Apps" (where you allready started many dead threads), so i think its better to move it there.
famewolf said:
This looks like you used list my apps but didn't save it as bb code (share it to email and email to yourself)....the bbcode would contain links to the apps your mentioning whether they are on f-droid, amazon appstore or google play...I mention this to make it easier on others as for example some of the apps I use are xda only version and it uses a google search which should take the user to them. I have not seen a need for "recently" as I use a combination of the built in "recents" and my most popularly used apps in notification area via the app "Hanger". See Screenshot.
In place of Action Launcher 3 I'd probably use Lucid Launcher (Pro) which is what I use on my devices with less memory. (
Instead of dropbox you may prefer syncthing which is an opensource alternative to bittorrent sync...I use it to keep folders in sync between my pc and my phone unless you actually have a need to access your files from the net somewhere via dropbox. You actually have viper4android installed on your idol 3? I'm assuming you flashed the zip...and disabled the built in JBL audio enhancements? Does it strictly work on headphones or improve sound on the speakers as well? (I used it a long time ago).
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I didn't use any app to list the ones I mentioned. I just used the forum's list format. I'll try and get to doing it as you would like so that the links will be there for those who might want them.
I've played around some with SyncThing and more secure alternatives to the usual cloud storage. The problem in the case of my notes is that they're synched to my Mac, too, and the program I use there is close to perfect for how I use it. And it won't sync to my own server or some of the more secure public ones. But I may migrate in those directions at some point. I'd just need to find an another Mac program that would work for me.
I didn't install V4A on the Idol 3. I put it on my Nexus 6. V4A addresses sound quality on the phone speakers, ear buds/headsets and bluetooth speakers. USB connected speakers, too. It doesn't do anything for phone call audio. It takes some playing around to get it right, a process I'm still in the midst of. But the difference is striking compared to the stock audio processing, at least when I've got it configured to my comfort. I don't know what would happen on the Idol 3. Disabling the JBL audio would be wise if you play around with JBL. As you know well, you'll want a good backup in case you want to dump V4A and restore a good working JBL. But maybe the JBL processing compares favorably.
DallasCZ said:
no apps you are listing are device specific .. reboot manager is not idol specific... Almost none device with stock rom have reboot to bootloader or recovery option.
and anyway here is subforum called "Onetouch Idol 3 Themes and Apps" (where you allready started many dead threads), so i think its better to move it there.
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It sure would be nice if you were as diligent about policing your own threads as you are about policing mine. The mod's don't agree with you. I was told general conversation like this belongs in general. Discussing installing viper4android on the idol3 is idol 3 specific. Instead of pretending to be a mod how about responding to the 5 day old request for posting @petrov.0's corrected TWRP link to the 1st post of your twrp thread?
Now I'm going to stop responding to it to the mod's and Mod's if you agree this is the appropriate location for general discussion of apps to be used on the idol then please remove his posts AND my replies so this thread can stay on topic.
maigre said:
I didn't use any app to list the ones I mentioned. I just used the forum's list format. I'll try and get to doing it as you would like so that the links will be there for those who might want them.
I've played around some with SyncThing and more secure alternatives to the usual cloud storage. The problem in the case of my notes is that they're synched to my Mac, too, and the program I use there is close to perfect for how I use it. And it won't sync to my own server or some of the more secure public ones. But I may migrate in those directions at some point. I'd just need to find an another Mac program that would work for me.
I didn't install V4A on the Idol 3. I put it on my Nexus 6. V4A addresses sound quality on the phone speakers, ear buds/headsets and bluetooth speakers. USB connected speakers, too. It doesn't do anything for phone call audio. It takes some playing around to get it right, a process I'm still in the midst of. But the difference is striking compared to the stock audio processing, at least when I've got it configured to my comfort. I don't know what would happen on the Idol 3. Disabling the JBL audio would be wise if you play around with JBL. As you know well, you'll want a good backup in case you want to dump V4A and restore a good working JBL. But maybe the JBL processing compares favorably.
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There was another user interested in running viper4android on the idol 3...I may get around to making a backup and trying to install it to see how it does on the idol 3. I use the speakers to play music when travelling and it's got great sound/volume already in my opinion but always willing to try options. I use syncthing to backup my TWRP and Titaniumbackup folders among others.....if you set your titaniumbackup to run on a schedule it keeps pretty well in sync. You will have to either patch your platform.xml to see that syncthing has full rights to write to the external sdcard or use an xposed module to accomplish the same thing.
Hmm I guess I should add xposed module "Sticky Location Icon Fix [LP]" to the list..It stops the location icon from always showing up in notification bar even when location is not being used. The dev released it "yesterday" since it's now after midnight even in pacific time.
famewolf said:
There was another user interested in running viper4android on the idol 3...I may get around to making a backup and trying to install it to see how it does on the idol 3. I use the speakers to play music when travelling and it's got great sound/volume already in my opinion but always willing to try options. I use syncthing to backup my TWRP and Titaniumbackup folders among others.....if you set your titaniumbackup to run on a schedule it keeps pretty well in sync. You will have to either patch your platform.xml to see that syncthing has full rights to write to the external sdcard or use an xposed module to accomplish the same thing.
Hmm I guess I should add xposed module "Sticky Location Icon Fix [LP]" to the list..It stops the location icon from always showing up in notification bar even when location is not being used. The dev released it "yesterday" since it's now after midnight even in pacific time.
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The V4A installation is pretty quick and easy. It's what becomes of the JBL stuff that is the potential greater issue. But, there's always that backup. I found the speakers on the Idol 3 to be one of its surprise nice features, too. I had no quarrel with the sound as is. But I didn't on the N6, either.
A couple of other apps that I use: Smart Unlock and Simple Reboot. The former has been covered here, IIRC. I used to use Llama (sort of like Tasker) to perform the same thing and it worked great for a couple of years. But it became problematic. On my wife's phone, she actually got completely locked out at one point. We almost had to wipe it clean and start over again. Smart Unlock and Lollipop's similar functionality are an adequate, if inferior substitute to when Llama worked right. Simple Reboot is Franco's implementation of a common feature set — a boot menu that'll allow you to reboot to recovery, bootloader, etc.

Stock Rom: Unreadable status bar with Firefox

When running Firefox on the stock rom, the status bar turns white while the text remains white so that the time, date, signal, and other status bar items are unreadable. I tried changing the system themes and the Firefox themes without any change. Is there any other possible solution to force the status bar to any color other than white with Firefox? I guess I could use an unofficial build, but I wanted to try out the play store version for a while.
dweekie said:
When running Firefox on the stock rom, the status bar turns white while the text remains white so that the time, date, signal, and other status bar items are unreadable. I tried changing the system themes and the Firefox themes without any change. Is there any other possible solution to force the status bar to any color other than white with Firefox? I guess I could use an unofficial build, but I wanted to try out the play store version for a while.
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This is a known Firefox bug, and they are working on it. If you must use Firefox, install the beta version, which will give the fix a little quicker.
Firefox is my favorite browser on desktops. But, It's still a little too buggy for me on Android.
tsongming said:
This is a known Firefox bug, and they are working on it. If you must use Firefox, install the beta version, which will give the fix a little quicker.
Firefox is my favorite browser on desktops. But, It's still a little too buggy for me on Android.
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Thanks, I guess I'll have to be patient since the beta and nightlies exhibit the same result.
I thought Firefox Focus was great and wanted to try Firefox Quantum across the platforms after years of using mainly Chrome. Chrome for Android still freezes and crashes on pages with heavy ads (including ESPN), and it has been that case for years. I'm still not sure why....
dweekie said:
Thanks, I guess I'll have to be patient since the beta and nightlies exhibit the same result.
I thought Firefox Focus was great and wanted to try Firefox Quantum across the platforms after years of using mainly Chrome. Chrome for Android still freezes and crashes on pages with heavy ads (including ESPN), and it has been that case for years. I'm still not sure why....
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Did you update to 5.8.21s ?
If so force close the browser and clear the cache in the browser app settings
Also try the stock browser, it's pretty decent.
dweekie said:
Thanks, I guess I'll have to be patient since the beta and nightlies exhibit the same result.
I thought Firefox Focus was great and wanted to try Firefox Quantum across the platforms after years of using mainly Chrome. Chrome for Android still freezes and crashes on pages with heavy ads (including ESPN), and it has been that case for years. I'm still not sure why....
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I tried ESPN and it works just fine. I've got a Pro3 Elite (x722) with a SD820 on 20s (a cleaned vendor ROM from Banggood). Then again, I've uninstalled all LeEco apps, save for Phone and Contacts, and I'm running Adguard for adblocking. You really need VPN adblocking, my friend. It will revolutionize the way you browse on mobile. And I'm not talking about uBlock Origin on Firefox for Android, which isn't always reliable (sometimes it simply doesn't load).
Either that, or try a browser that supports adblockers natively, like Samsung Internet. Firefox Quantum on desktop is great--I'm using it right now, but FF for Android sucks. You can try Waterfox, a popular fork of Firefox. It has an Android app too.
tsongming said:
Did you update to 5.8.21s ?
If so force close the browser and clear the cache in the browser app settings
Also try the stock browser, it's pretty decent.
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sk8223 said:
I tried ESPN and it works just fine. I've got a Pro3 Elite (x722) with a SD820 on 20s (a cleaned vendor ROM from Banggood). Then again, I've uninstalled all LeEco apps, save for Phone and Contacts, and I'm running Adguard for adblocking. You really need VPN adblocking, my friend. It will revolutionize the way you browse on mobile. And I'm not talking about uBlock Origin on Firefox for Android, which isn't always reliable (sometimes it simply doesn't load).
Either that, or try a browser that supports adblockers natively, like Samsung Internet. Firefox Quantum on desktop is great--I'm using it right now, but FF for Android sucks. You can try Waterfox, a popular fork of Firefox. It has an Android app too.
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I'm on 21s. The Chrome freezing bug has been recurring for years as far as I can remember, through my Nexus 4, 5, 6, and 6P. I think adblocking helped, but it still freezes regularly on some sites.
I installed AdGuard Premium and am still testing it (page loading delays and errors, battery, whitelisting, etc). I may just break down and root this phone to compare to Adaway for fun. I've been hesitant to try custom roms as I prefer maximum battery life over other benefits.
LeEco was a slight deviation and a breath of fresh air for battery life. It's just annoying to have merely a few months of software support from the company.
Thanks for all the suggestions!
dweekie said:
I'm on 21s. The Chrome freezing bug has been recurring for years as far as I can remember, through my Nexus 4, 5, 6, and 6P. I think adblocking helped, but it still freezes regularly on some sites.
I installed AdGuard Premium and am still testing it (page loading delays and errors, battery, whitelisting, etc). I may just break down and root this phone to compare to Adaway for fun. I've been hesitant to try custom roms as I prefer maximum battery life over other benefits.
LeEco was a slight deviation and a breath of fresh air for battery life. It's just annoying to have merely a few months of software support from the company.
Thanks for all the suggestions!
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Adaway is pretty fantastic. In fact, I haven't seen ads since installing it. You do a have a few options for ad blocking without rooting: Brokada is excellent, and blocks Ads in apps as well. But, you will see the occasional ad.
Another non root option is Ad Clear, which places a firewall on IPV6. I haven't used AdGuard premium, is there no where in the settings for filter addons/updates or firewall blocking?
If you decide root the phone, be very careful if you haven't gone through extended steps of unlocking the bootloader. As you know, you could brick your device.
If you decide to go for it. I recommend AICP, or Omnirom both will give you continued long battery life, and allows you to use the Pixel Modded camera with zero issues.
If you need help with unlocking your bootloader, rom installation and rooting, let me know and I can send you detailed instructions. Just so you know once you unlock the bootloader and install Twrp, the rest is easy and you can always return to stock if wanted.
dweekie said:
I'm on 21s. The Chrome freezing bug has been recurring for years as far as I can remember, through my Nexus 4, 5, 6, and 6P. I think adblocking helped, but it still freezes regularly on some sites.
I installed AdGuard Premium and am still testing it (page loading delays and errors, battery, whitelisting, etc). I may just break down and root this phone to compare to Adaway for fun. I've been hesitant to try custom roms as I prefer maximum battery life over other benefits.
LeEco was a slight deviation and a breath of fresh air for battery life. It's just annoying to have merely a few months of software support from the company.
Thanks for all the suggestions!
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Chrome freezing in general, or just on ESPN? If it still happens with adblocking, then the issue lies with ESPN. They're not doing a proper job of optimizing their mobile page for Android. As for Chrome freezing in general, I've never seen that happen... well, except when trying to type a reply on reddit in desktop mode. Then again, I don't visit any heavy websites. Just a lot of text-based ones.
I used to use Adaway a lot, but the lack of good lists for it makes it kind of... useless. Like it doesn't block ads in the mobile version of Or mobile version Twitter ads or sponsored tweets. It's nowhere near as useful as, say uBlock for your PC or Firefox Android (whenever it works). It's up to you to create a list of your own with all those blocked elements. Neither do AdGuard, DNS66, or Blockada, for that matter. Mobile adblocking is still in its infancy, unfortunately.
sk8223 said:
Chrome freezing in general, or just on ESPN? If it still happens with adblocking, then the issue lies with ESPN. They're not doing a proper job of optimizing their mobile page for Android. As for Chrome freezing in general, I've never seen that happen... well, except when trying to type a reply on reddit in desktop mode. Then again, I don't visit any heavy websites. Just a lot of text-based ones.
I used to use Adaway a lot, but the lack of good lists for it makes it kind of... useless. Like it doesn't block ads in the mobile version of Or mobile version Twitter ads or sponsored tweets. It's nowhere near as useful as, say uBlock for your PC or Firefox Android (whenever it works). It's up to you to create a list of your own with all those blocked elements. Neither do AdGuard, DNS66, or Blockada, for that matter. Mobile adblocking is still in its infancy, unfortunately.
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AdClear is the strongest ad blocker app that I have used. But, it seems to sometimes cause applications to hang.
The newest version of Adaway is very good. But, for it to work extremely well, I update the host files daily and use my own filter links.
I tried DNS666 and didn't see any blocking at all. There is a Adblock module that can be installed through Magisk called: Unified Hosts. Install that in conjunction with Adaway and you will not see ads.
Yeah, the issue is that Adaway, DNS66 and Blockada depend on hosts files and I haven't found any thorough ones yet. The repositories uBlock Origin uses aren't hosts files AFAIK and you'd have to convert them to hosts files for use with those apps. Adguard will accept uBlock filters though.
sk8223 said:
Yeah, the issue is that Adaway, DNS66 and Blockada depend on hosts files and I haven't found any thorough ones yet. The repositories uBlock Origin uses aren't hosts files AFAIK and you'd have to convert them to hosts files for use with those apps. Adguard will accept uBlock filters though.
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AdAway now has the ability to use links.
Here is an excellent source for links updated daily:
Go down the page to : Sources of hosts data unified in this variant
Use can either use the link and add Adaways user links, or you can generate you own host files by using tool here:
This page is in Japanese, it will convert to English if you set Chrome to always translate Japanese to English.
Instructions here:
sk8223 said:
Chrome freezing in general, or just on ESPN? If it still happens with adblocking, then the issue lies with ESPN. They're not doing a proper job of optimizing their mobile page for Android. As for Chrome freezing in general, I've never seen that happen... well, except when trying to type a reply on reddit in desktop mode. Then again, I don't visit any heavy websites. Just a lot of text-based ones.
I used to use Adaway a lot, but the lack of good lists for it makes it kind of... useless. Like it doesn't block ads in the mobile version of Or mobile version Twitter ads or sponsored tweets. It's nowhere near as useful as, say uBlock for your PC or Firefox Android (whenever it works). It's up to you to create a list of your own with all those blocked elements. Neither do AdGuard, DNS66, or Blockada, for that matter. Mobile adblocking is still in its infancy, unfortunately.
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It's a lot of random sites as well as ESPN; Business Insider is another one that will hang on me randomly. Adguard defaults don't prevent it. I've kind of just accepted Chrome freezing as normal expected behavior over the years.
Thanks for all the input everyone. I haven't really explored VPN adblocking prior to this thread, but I'll definitely play around with it further. I am rather curious what to expect from Chrome's built-in minimal adblocker in the future. I'm actually okay with some ads to support websites, but the bad ones truly ruin it for everyone.
dweekie said:
It's a lot of random sites as well as ESPN; Business Insider is another one that will hang on me randomly. Adguard defaults don't prevent it. I've kind of just accepted Chrome freezing as normal expected behavior over the years.
Thanks for all the input everyone. I haven't really explored VPN adblocking prior to this thread, but I'll definitely play around with it further. I am rather curious what to expect from Chrome's built-in minimal adblocker in the future. I'm actually okay with some ads to support websites, but the bad ones truly ruin it for everyone.
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It could be a number of things. Again, uninstall LeEco bloatware via adb. Try other browsers like Samsung Internet, which is purportedly much faster than Chrome. And use it with an adblocking add-on like Adhell. I doubt Chrome's adblocker will be very effective, considering that Google makes the bulk of its money from ad revenue and those Analytics scripts aren't exactly lightweight.
Record your screen and visit those sites in Chrome. I'm curious about how bad it gets.
I'm with you about supporting websites through ads, but too many websites run ridiculous ads that drive up your CPU use. And what about all those stupid websites that use cryptomining ads? No thanks. As long as the ad industry stays shady, and websites aren't transparent about the ads they run, I'm going to keep using an adblocker.

How to make Dns66 to work on MIUI?

Is there a way to make Dns66 properly/usefully work on MIUI?
I've set all kinds of settings I could imagine - as on screenshots, but cannot make it to work:
- Dns66 does not autostart on (re)boot, I must manually start the app and start its VPN
- When screen isblocked and later unlocked, I must again manually reopen Dns66 and manually restart its VPN
Huawei' EMUI is e.g. also very picky but yet, Dns66 can be easily (with the same/similar settings) made to work there, and without root:
- Dns66 autostarts on (re)boot and establishes its VPN for DNS
- Dns66 is not running (as an app in the background), only its service runs
- If Dns66 app is started and killed, its service still continues to run
- When screen locks, its VPN closes, but once screen is unlocked, Dns66 automatically re-stablishes its VPN
- When connection breaks and later re-establishes, Dns66 reopens its VPN
The whole point of Dns66 is that it does not require root (on 'normal' phones) - unlike e.g. AdAway (which needs root), so is it possible to make Dns66 to work also on this Xiaomi's EMUI?
Btw, the advantage of Dns66 is not only that it does not require root - it can be also easily stopped/restarted, while stopping AdAway requires to restart the phone; and restarting it requires to update all hosts sources and again to restart the phone
Moreover, with Dns66 you can whitelist URLs (allowing a particular URL blocked by proceeding hosts sources, but for all apps) and also apps (allowing all the otherwise blocked URLs, but for a particular app), whereas with AdAway you can only whitelist URLs
I always used DNS66 on Samsung phones but when I switched to Xiaomi it stopped working, always got Google ads.
I decided to switch to Adguard.
In case of, I suggest to use only stable or beta builds because the nightly ones are often battery eaters.
I had the same problem with dns66. You can use blokada and it works very good. Completely free and no "premium" features
rms112 said:
I had the same problem with dns66. You can use blokada and it works very good. Completely free and no "premium" features
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Blokada 'works' - showing green, but it doesn't really block me from ads.
With Dns66 I can define several host sources, with Blokada only one DNS server can be enabled - so which one should I use to get me free of ads and analytics?
Tried AdGiard and AdGuard Family - I see the ads
I want with Blokada (if possible) something to be of the same/similar level of protection like when using Blu or Basic EnergizedPtitection hosts sources with Dns66 (or with AdAway - currently cannot use AdAway since I didn't root my Xiaomi yet):
rms112 said:
I had the same problem with dns66. You can use blokada and it works very good. Completely free and no "premium" features
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I tried Blokada Slim (as available on Playstore), but it's not the real ad blocker
Edit: Checking now Blokada Open source edition
zgfg said:
Blokada 'works' - showing green, but it doesn't really block me from ads.
With Dns66 I can define several host sources, with Blokada only one DNS server can be enabled - so which one should I use to get me free of ads and analytics?
Tried AdGiard and AdGuard Family - I see the ads
I want with Blokada (if possible) something to be of the same/similar level of protection like when using Blu or Basic EnergizedPtitection hosts sources with Dns66 (or with AdAway - currently cannot use AdAway since I didn't root my Xiaomi yet):
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Never seen ads with Adguard.
It works like a charm.
giodeluigi said:
Never seen ads with Adguard.
It works like a charm.
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As you cited above, I was talking about using AdGuard DNS server in Blokada Slim (not about using AdGuard apk) - and that didn't block ads
And with Blokada Open Source edition, nothing better than with DNs66 - although I enabled Autostart, I must still manually start Blokada on each reboot and leave it working in the background to get it blocking ads
Seems the real problem is in Xiaomi/MIUI (on Huawei, also Android 9, Dns66 can automatically start its invisible service on reboot, restart after every Airplane, without the need to manually start the app)
zgfg said:
As you cited above, I was talking about using AdGuard DNS server in Blokada Slim (not about using AdGuard apk) - and that didn't block ads
And with Blokada Open Source edition, nothing better than with DNs66 - although I enabled Autostart, I must still manually start Blokada on each reboot and leave it working in the background to get it blocking ads
Seems the real problem is in Xiaomi/MIUI (on Huawei, also Android 9, Dns66 can automatically start its invisible service on reboot, restart after every Airplane, without the need to manually start the app)
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You can also use private Adguard DNS without the need of any third part adblocking app.
giodeluigi said:
You can also use private Adguard DNS without the need of any third part adblocking app.
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Of course
But anyway, thanks for all the tips, unfortunately none of them provides complete solution for what I was asking for.
I will install the good old AdAway.
I would already root, but it takes a week first to unlock Bootloader
In the meantime, @mods please close the thread
Thread closed at op's request.
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