Is there something wrong with my orb? - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Those jagged lines are from the orb. It doesn't slip or anything and I've tried different outlets but the orb still decides to barely charge. Do I have to RMA this thing?
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Try a new orb, or perhaps it is the heat induction coil in the phone, RMA the phone, or the orb see whichever fixes it
Sent from my Nexus 4 @1.67 GHz on Stock 4.2.2

IRX120 said:
Try a new orb, or perhaps it is the heat induction coil in the phone, RMA the phone, or the orb see whichever fixes it
Sent from my Nexus 4 @1.67 GHz on Stock 4.2.2
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The phone is brand new. Someone suggested there's poetically a rogue app sucking my battery at a high rate
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium

This happened with mine just yesterday like it would barely charge my phone I just used the plug for the night and then it was working good again today ... Don't know what's up with it
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monkey hung said:
Those jagged lines are from the orb. It doesn't slip or anything and I've tried different outlets but the orb still decides to barely charge. Do I have to RMA this thing?
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try different position first. I see lots of screen on there you probably used it and pushed it out of charging sweet spot maybe? try leave it there. Don't touch it

monkey hung said:
Those jagged lines are from the orb. It doesn't slip or anything and I've tried different outlets but the orb still decides to barely charge. Do I have to RMA this thing?
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Make sure you are using the charger plug that came with the orb. The one that came with the phone doesn't put out enough juice.
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I'll try that out. I've got a similar issue. My charger is stuck to the wall next to my bed with command strips. I have a full body screen protector on my phone, and its very grippy so it sticks to the charger all night (I can confirm because the phone is still exactly the same distance from the wall as when I went to sleep). Despite all of this, I still wake up to a phone charged to between 80 and 90 percent. My charge history doesn't look as jagged as his though. It'll just stop charging once its fully charged, leaving me with a phone that has been running on battery for a few hours when I wake up.
I can confirm that my cheap qi charger from eBay set up in my car charges just fine, but it had similar issues when using a cord other than the included one. It would cycle charging every 5 seconds or so.
I'll see what switching back to the included lg cord does.
I'll try the included usb cord.


Nexus 7 very slow to charge?

Hello everyone, I have a new nexus 7 and love it, but it seems to take way too long to charge. After a full discharge, my tablet takes more them 24 hours to charge. I have drained my battery twice to the point that my nexus powers off. Then I plug in, some back after more then a nights rest and still not fully charged? Not sure what'd going on, but this does not seem normal....
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criminal666 said:
Hello everyone, I have a new nexus 7 and love it, but it seems to take way too long to charge. After a full discharge, my tablet takes more them 24 hours to charge. I have drained my battery twice to the point that my nexus powers off. Then I plug in, some back after more then a nights rest and still not fully charged? Not sure what'd going on, but this does not seem normal....
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are you plugging it in a usb or a wall charger? usb will take much longer.
I am using the wall charger adapter and cord which came with the nexus...
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criminal666 said:
I am using the wall charger adapter and cord which came with the nexus...
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try a different outlet or a different charger? to make sure its not the n7 that's having an issue.
Great idea! I should have thought of that, now I feel like a
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I'm in the same boat. It makes no sense. I've called Google Play support once already because it randomly died at over 30%. This last time I was using it I was at I assume over 20% since the battery level wasn't red and then it made the noise that battery was low and then turned off. What is the proper way to calibrate a battery since there are 90 million different ways if you search Google. I am running stock, rooted 4.1.1 btw. The last person's suggestion and lols following are not uncommon nowadays on xda, we just need some real solutions, thanks.
I feel my Nexus 7 is slow to charge, but it does do so overnight.
When plugged in to the charger and cord provided by google/asus, under Settings/Battery it says it is charging(AC), though once it did say charging (usb).

Backlight started flickering after being plugged into Motorola charger

I charged the phone in my car for about 10 minutes today with no issues. When I got home and went to bed, I plugged the phone into my charger that I've used forever; a Motorola charger that originally came with my wife's old BlackBerry. I use it because the cord is about 5ft instead of 3 which seems to be the norm these days.
I didn't look at the phone again for about 20 minutes. When I did, I noticed that the backlight was flickering like crazy and that the edges of the screen were bleeding. When I unplugged it to get a closer look, I freaked out. Over the next few minutes, the flickering went away and the bleed disappeared. I couldn't even get a picture or video of it. I got the OEM charger out of the box and am using it now with no issues.
You were using a charger for another phone? Wow man, never do that.
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Do you happen to have daydream on?
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My phone flickers from bright to dim when I use my car charger. Most likely the cord's teeth to hold it in the phone are worn out/flush against the head of the charger. Replace the old cord with a new one and it should be fine.
Motorola Photon 4G
Richieboy67 said:
You were using a charger for another phone? Wow man, never do that.
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I knew that would be the first reply. Typical XDA.
Richieboy67 said:
You were using a charger for another phone? Wow man, never do that.
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I do that with every phone I've had with no problem. I have random chargers plugged in all over my house and I use other people's chargers at work too
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It kind of looked like this but about 5x as intense. Not my photo.
Probably something to do with heat, as you were using a different charger.
Nexus 4 is glass after all, so it generates even more heat.
Well you have been lucky if you just use any charger around unless you are sure they are the correct voltage etc. They are all probably similar though seeing as they use the port that plugs into a USB. Still I wouldn't do it across manufacturers.
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lowrider262 said:
I do that with every phone I've had with no problem. I have random chargers plugged in all over my house and I use other people's chargers at work too
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so do i lol, i had a super long blackberry one but i gave it to a guy when i sold my n9 :/
I am sure they are all close but it is still taking a chance and will void your warranty for sure unless you lie about it..
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I always use different chargers. Mine are a mish mash of all kinds. They all usually output 5v and 1Amp or there abouts.
Living room - Sony charger with blackberry USB cable.
Living room - playbook charger
Bedroom - HTC charger with archos USB cable
Kitchen - Samsung charger
Work - HTC charger with Nokia USB cable
The playbook charger outputs 2Amps and that is fine too.
The only charger I have ever had and issue with on any phone is an LG one I got with an optimus 2x. That used to cause BSOD even on the LG.
Whether it voids your warranty or not, they would never be able to tell what charger you had been using.
Sent by Galaxy Note
imtiax said:
Probably something to do with heat, as you were using a different charger.
Nexus 4 is glass after all, so it generates even more heat.
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glass itself does not generate heat
Same thing happened to me, except on the stock charger but it has something to do with overheating. Mine is recovering, but took a while and is still showing some ghosting.

Using my Nexus S and 7 charger on 4?

Would this be a safe idea it terms of the life of the battery down the road? I also bought a 3rd party car charger.
biggyk said:
Would this be a safe idea it terms of the life of the battery down the road? I also bought a 3rd party car charger.
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I use chargers from various phones. Have used different phone chargers with all my phones. Never had or noticed any problems. I'm sure you will be fine.
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Yes, it's safe. I'm using an old Samsung charger to charge my Nexus. The charger doesn't really matter IMO.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
When using chargers that don’t come with the device, the only difference it can possibly cause is the rate of charging (how fast your device charges).
Just take a look at the milliamp rating on your charger. The N4 comes with a charger that outputs at 1400ma. I found that if I charged my N4 with a charger made for SE Arc, it takes forever to charge which isn’t a surprise since that charger outputs 750ma.
Don’t worry about using a higher milliamp charger on a device that’s rated to charge at a lower rate. The device will only draw what it needs. I’m not sure what’s the maximum ma the N4 will charge at, but let’s assume it will charge at 1400ma maximum. Even if you use a 2A charger, it will still charge at 1400ma.
Even I thot its safe and was using my Nexus 7 charger with the Nexus 4 . everything was fine for a few hours. Then suddenly it froze and the screen started getting weird lines on it .I immediately removed the charger and while the device was rebooting I could notice that the screen had a burn in kinda image on it. It slowly faded away later. Haven't used the Nexus 7 charger since and I've never got the same issue again.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
okay thanks for your answers guys
_KP said:
Even I thot its safe and was using my Nexus 7 charger with the Nexus 4 . everything was fine for a few hours. Then suddenly it froze and the screen started getting weird lines on it .I immediately removed the charger and while the device was rebooting I could notice that the screen had a burn in kinda image on it. It slowly faded away later. Haven't used the Nexus 7 charger since and I've never got the same issue again.
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Did you overheat the phone?
Sfkn2 said:
Did you overheat the phone?
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I don't think so. Cuz I wasn't even using it. It was just lying there most of the time. I switched on the display and was looking at battery monitor widget to check the charging status and then maybe twitter or something and it just froze. Held down the power button for 10seconds then restarted it.
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As a rule of thumb I'd keep then Nexus 4 away from the Nexus 7 charger.
Sent from my Nexus 4
The N7 charger is rated at 2A. I sometimes use it to charge my N4. Most of the time, I use a generic 2A charger. At the office, I use a Samsung 2A charger for my N4. I’ve encountered zero problems.
Truthfully I'm more concerned using a 12v in the car. Any suggestions what I can get?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

Charging Flicker On/Off then Sudden Power Loss, Just a Fluke?

I was charging the phone via the wallport adapter starting around 14%. A few minutes in the charge indicator/icon flicker on and off and I get all these "Low Power" warning spam.
I try to change cables but the phone power level just dropped from about 13% to 0% in less than a minute. After plugging in a different cable the phone is charging fine now.
What exactly happened? My friend mentioned the cable might be damage and something short circuited. Should I be concern about damages to the battery?
Comments are appreciated,
Thank you
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Sounds like your previous charging cable broke.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
I take it you were using the stock charger. It's junk. I replaced mine a few months ago and haven't had an issue.
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Interesting, which adapter are yer using now?
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I had the same problem except my battery percentage never went to 0. The charging would flicker on/off then the battery percentage would slowly go down/stay the same/or charge extremely slowly. I switched to a different charger and haven't had a problem since. The LG one is bad. I'm using the stock LG cable with the new charger now.

[Q] New battery. Nexus still won't turn on :(

Last month I used my tablet, and the next day when I went to use it again it was off, and wouldn't turn back on. I tried every variation of letting it charge, unplugging, replugging, holding button down, etc. I eventually figured it was the battery, so I finally got around to buying a new one. However, it still isn't working. What the heck?! Someone please tell me they know of some fix, or can recommend me something.
Well you are comfortable taking the Nexus apart, so leave it on the charger for 24 hours. Open it up and actually measure the battery voltage. Then report back with your results.
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rmm200 said:
Well you are comfortable taking the Nexus apart, so leave it on the charger for 24 hours. Open it up and actually measure the battery voltage. Then report back with your results.
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Might be a dumb question, but I never measured voltage on anything before. At which points do I take the measurements from?
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Bad assumption on my part. I figured if you would replace the battery yourself, you would have some electronics experience. Don't stick probes into your nexus - you will short something. Unplug your hopefully charged battery and have a friend who is good at this measure the battery voltage while it is disconnected. Also have him check that you also successfully reconnected all those tiny connectors. The nexus 7 is really not good for a first electronics project -it is easy to do far more damage than good. And review the ifixit video again.
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Ah, well, I don't really know anyone who has any electronics experience. But I figured there would just be specific spots to place the probes to get an easy measurement, and that would be it.
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Well if the battery is disconnected, it is a two pin connector. One probe to each hole. I would make more suggestions, except I am afraid you will short them and start a fire. Be careful. And look for a techy friend.
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