Stability Test: Scaling - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

When running the scaling stability test my CPU always stays at 1512 MHz (occasionally drops to 1188 MHZ and then right back up to 1512 MHz) instead of scaling throughout all the frequencies, according to the cpu speed in the top left. Is it just me?


Undervolting Thread

This thread has been created to share Undervolting Settings (UV).
Undervolting makes CPU/GPU/Modem to consume less power, thus extend battery life. This is allowed by flashing modified kernels that allow UV (Thanks to raspdeep's work). One can use Voltage Control to change settings (Thanks to xan).
Setting format is -x mV for a given CPU clock as used in xan's app: [1200Mhz] [1000Mhz] [800Mhz] [400Mhz] [200Mhz] [100Mhz]
What are your settings?
PS: Please edit your very first post with settings instead of reposting. Thank you!
Stable: 50 50 75 100 100 100
1200 max: 50
1000 max: 50
800 max: 75
I am currently running 50 50 50 75 100 100 with no stability problems. It has made 4 back-to-back quadrant runs and a couple days of general usage without any crashes so far.
Undervolting doesn't work well with my phone the same with overclocking. I can't undervolt 1000Mhz and above because it causes much stability issues here. I can only undervolt 100-800Mhz with settings < 100mV.
TheVisitorX said:
Undervolting doesn't work well with my phone the same with overclocking. I can't undervolt 1000Mhz and above because it causes much stability issues here. I can only undervolt 100-800Mhz with settings < 100mV.
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My system hangs in sleep mode when I have setCPU or Superpower with sidekick on.
I have the max cpu capped at 800mhz using SetCpu.
Undervolted -50 for 800mhz 600 400 200 and 100 each.Phone was at 50% last night and 6 hours later it's dead.Battery was completely discharged.All i did was set everything at 50Mvs less.Correct ? i think i'm missing something.Do help.thanks.
hey guys
im new to oc and uv
im currenlty using ramads gb jvh with hardcores speedmod kernel
ive got tegraks ultimate app and have oc'd it to 1100 as anything above reboots my phone
everything else is the same as standard
i was wondering if anyone else can help me with what i should change
i have no clue,
so far
frequency 1100
core 1275mv
internel 1100
cpu level 1
frequency 800
core 1200
internel 1100
cpu level 2
frequency 400
core 1050
internal 1100
cpu level 3
frequency 200
core 950
internal 1100
cpu level 4
frequency 100
core 950
internal 1000
these values are all stock, i havent touched them
im wanting to know what i should change them to
forgot to add, my battery life is really bad, i use hsdpa and wifi frequently
i have cm7 #19 with the (latest) glitch v10b-VC oc, bu uv
100mhz -50,200mhz -50,400mhz -50, 800mhz -25 and 1000mhz @stock
What is the negative effects of UV?
My current values starting at 1000mhz is:
hackeron said:
What is the negative effects of UV?
My current values starting at 1000mhz is:
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Negative effects come in the form of stability issues and random reboots. Is doesn't physically damage the processor. By lowering the core voltage supplied to the CPU, you also decrease the noise margin for the CPU to properly differentiate between logic 1 and logic 0. This is why -75, for example, works for some and not for others because processors are not 100% identical. The obvious benefit UV is lower power consumption.
gtda said:
hey guys
im new to oc and uv
im currenlty using ramads gb jvh with hardcores speedmod kernel
ive got tegraks ultimate app and have oc'd it to 1100 as anything above reboots my phone
everything else is the same as standard
i was wondering if anyone else can help me with what i should change
i have no clue,
so far
frequency 1100
core 1275mv
internel 1100
cpu level 1
frequency 800
core 1200
internel 1100
cpu level 2
frequency 400
core 1050
internal 1100
cpu level 3
frequency 200
core 950
internal 1100
cpu level 4
frequency 100
core 950
internal 1000
these values are all stock, i havent touched them
im wanting to know what i should change them to
forgot to add, my battery life is really bad, i use hsdpa and wifi frequently
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I'm also using Tegrak's overclock apk for some time now (from beginning) and it's really good!
Just lower the core voltage (start with cpu level 0) until it's unstable (random reboots), then add a few mv (+5) to make it stable again (no reboots). do this for every core frequency (only one at the time, so you know witch one is making the system unstable). I never touch the internal frequency... Undervolting will NOT damage your CPU (overclocking can if you're not carefull)
Don't be stupid testing just a few hours, test (stress test) for days. Only then you are sure it's stable
These are my settings:
(rock stable after a few weeks => playing asphalt6, running quadrant and smartbench hours a day for a few weeks,...)
cpu level 0
frequency 1000
core 1205mv (-70) => could get it stable at 1200 but had one reboot after one week, so I added +5
internel 1100
cpu level 1
frequency 800
core 1105 (-95) => could get it stable at 1100 but had one reboot after one week, so I added +5
internel 1100
cpu level 2
frequency 400
core 950 (-100)
internal 1100
cpu level 3
frequency 200
core 825 (-125)
internal 1100
cpu level 4
frequency 100
core 825 (-125)
internal 1100
Now I know what my lowest core voltage is, I can start overclocking (not for now).
I'm on stock deodexed JVP 2.3.4 with Hardcore (latest) Speedmod (partition EXT4), Tegrack Overclock Ultimate and Voodoo Control Plus (holy combo => Quadrant 2400+ (no OC, just UV) and wow, what a great battery life!
edit: yes, I need to update my signature
SamHaLeKe said:
cpu level 4
frequency 100
core 825 (-125)
internal 1100
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^ Typo??????????
internal voltage @ 100Mhz is 1000mV by default, so you are overvolting.
kiwijunglist said:
^ Typo??????????
internal voltage @ 100Mhz is 1000mV by default, so you are overvolting.
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Default value is 950mV on my phone according to pimpmycpu. According to SamHaLeKe's post, he's reducing his by -125 so 825mV is correct
I'm new to UV, and just experimenting. My current values are
1200 = -50mV
800 = -50mV
400 = -100mV
200 = -100mV
100 = -150mV
Seems ok so far, more aggressive cutting gave me reboots
The most i could get from my phone w/o stability issues
1500 - 50
1400 - 50
1300 - 50
1200 - 50
1000 - 50
800 - 75
400 - 100
200 - 125
100 - 150
Starting from 1000MHz, I'm using these values :
-50 [1000]
-75 [800]
-100 [400]
-125 [200]
-150 [100]
No stability issues since then !
Mine are;
1000 : 50
800 : 50
400 : 75
200 : 75
100 : 100
Works great for me
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
swaakx said:
Starting from 1000MHz, I'm using these values :
-50 [1000]
-75 [800]
-100 [400]
-125 [200]
-150 [100]
No stability issues since then !
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i have the same!
my phone now cold as ice. and greatly stable
I'm a noob at this UV stuff but I'm quite interesting about that.
I tried with Control Freak, should I set first a low voltage on 100Mhz and try to stress the cpu only with this change on 100MHZ? or should I set all voltages and test?
thx for help
i'm on jvq darkyrom
using tegrak overclock ultimate
1200mhz 1255 (-20)
800mhz 1105 (-95)
400mhz 950 (-100)
200mhz 850 (-100)
100mhz 810 (-140)

Post your Undervolt Settings here

Ok I did this for my Xoom and got much better battery, so I also applied this to my wife's Galaxy S2. Here we go.
Governor: Smartass2
Clock Speeds:
1400mhz - 1275
1200mhz - 1175
1000mhz - 1075
800mhz - 1025
500mhz - 850
200mhz - 800
This is where I am at so far on my settings stable. Post what you have and maybe we can find a happy medium with these chips to help battery life out for our phones and roms.
I can also upload the SetCPU saved voltage settings also if requested.
Governor: ondemand
Clock Speeds:
1400mhz - 1275
1200mhz - 1175
1000mhz - 1075
800mhz - 975
500mhz - 875
200mhz - 825
If I try to decrease the last 2 clock voltages 25mv more it crashes.
Might help if you post what kernel and ROM your currently using!
Im trying to find some nice voltages for Stock 2.3.5 and Siyah 1.7.7 kernel
I use stock rom MUGKG2 2.3.3 (Canada rom) and Ragemod U1 v1.1b kernel.
my phone sometimes crashes also but I don't care much since my battery life is very good. I achieve 20h average battery life.

Post your voltage settings and your experience ...

Hi @all,
everyone is invited to post
1. ROM
2. Kernel
3. Kernel settings
4. UV settings
independently of ROM or Kernel used.
It might be a good starting point to compare other user´s experience.
Before using the settings postet in this thread please keep in mind that each device is different. Good settings for device A might produce freezes on device B.
So share your and enjoy other´s experience´s ...
here are my stable settings:
ROM: CheckROM RevoHD v6
Kernel: N.E.A.K. 1.4x
CPU Gorvernor: conservative (with all tweaks over CWM recovery enabled)
I/O Sched: sio
200 Mhz - 1200 Mhz
100 Mhz - 850 mV (... can´t go lower for testing with voltage control )
200 Mhz - 850 mV (... can´t go lower for testing with voltage control )
500 Mhz - 875 mV
800 Mhz - 975 mV
1000 Mhz - 1075 mV
1200 Mhz - 1175 mv
GPU settings:
Low: 133 Mhz - 800 mV
High: 133 Mhz - 800 mV
I am not a gamer and this settings are solid stable for my device. I use the phone mainly for (heavy) phone call´s (I know its old fashion ) and @home for surfing via WIFI. I enable my mobile data connection only when I need it.
This setting´s give me 3 - 4 days battery life.
I use lulzactive governor and vr I/O sched before and I feel NO difference in performance compared with the above settings (regarding scrolling through menus, starting apps ...), but the above settings gives me better battery.
Update: I have to mention that I have the 2000 mAh Samsung battery.
OROM: Stock 2.3.5
Kernel: N.E.A.K 1.3.3.x
Voltage controls: All default.
Lulzactive, VR
I usually get 1 & a half days battery, with an average of 7 hours screen time. The phone still runs beautifully while playing games and such so I have no problems in that category.
Wifi on 80% of the time, a few hours of XDA. Skype on 100% while wifi is on. A few hours of games (dolphin, mc3, cut the rope, etc.), hours of Internet browsing, etc.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
A last note:
Posting your settings and your battery charge cycle, please also mention the way you using your phone during the day to make your post more comparable ...
have fun
Using Checkrom V6, lulzactive gov. NEAK Kernel
1200mhz @ 1150mV
1000 @ 1050
800 @ 975
500 @ 875
200 @ 850
100 @ 825 (min freq is 200mhz anyway, so this freq is not used at all)
Rock solid, never a kernel panic/crash
My battery last 2 days with push Exchange connectivity, gmail pushing too, some gaming (no more than 1h x day), 1h voice calls x day, normal texting activity (30-50 daily text messages) and automatic brightness customized to be darker than default.
Battery last longer if you do not let fully discharge it (plug it at night if you can, no matter the charge left).
I usually don´t let the battery go down below 15% - 20%, then I start a new charge ... I break this rule only in case on an emergency when no charger is near by me
I´ll try your 1000 MHz and 1200 MHz voltage setting´s, will post back if they work on my phone
ROM:Custom Made DXKL3
Kernel:SiyahKernel 2.6.13
100 Mhz - 800 mV
200 Mhz - 850 mV
500 Mhz - 900 mV (default)
800 Mhz - 950 mV
1000 Mhz - 1050 mV
1200 Mhz - 1150 mv
1400 Mhz - 1250 mV
1600 Mhz - 1350 mV
GPU settings:
1: 133 Mhz - 800 mV
2: 266 Mhz - 950 mV
3: 400 Mhz - 1100mV
battery life around 2 days with light usage, 8 hours for heavy usage.
at present 44% after 32 hours, with 2:15 hours display on, wifi on, 3G off
KERNEL: Siyah, NEAK and Redpill
SCHEDULER: Usually I keep it unchaged
GOVERNOR: ondemand or conservative
FREQUENCY: 200MHz- 800 or 1000 or 1200MHz
200MHz - 800 mV
500MHz - 850 mV
800MHz - 950 mV
1200MHz-1150 mV
FYI, I always use this cpu uv settings from 6 months ago -- since the first time I got my SGS2 undervolted while using ninphetamine kernel, to be exact. It always stable on my SGS2.
133 MHz - 800 MHz
267 MHz - 950 MHz
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
New voltages ...
Hi @all,
here are my settings after new tests. The stability was testet by three sequential cycles of the N.E.A.K tester in each (fix) frequency:
100 Mhz - 850 mV
200 Mhz - 850 mV
500 Mhz - 850 mV
800 Mhz - 950 mV
1000 Mhz - 1050 mV
1200 Mhz - 1150 mv
Will test in next bettery cycle if they are stable in daily use, and report. Fell quite secure cause i´m not a heavy user...
Will test the settings starting tomorrow with the new N.E.A.K 1.4.1x kernel (simone told in his thread that the kernel should be released this afternoon).
ROM: Fatal1ty Extreme Edition (XWLA4)
Kernel: Red Pill 1.3
CPU Gorvernor: conservative
I/O Sched: sio
200 Mhz - 1200 Mhz
100 Mhz - 825 mV (Stable but not in use as it tends to lag a bit)
200 Mhz - 825 mV
500 Mhz - 875 mV
800 Mhz - 950 mV
1000 Mhz - 1025 mV
1200 Mhz - 1125 mv
1400 Mhz - 1225 mv (Stable but not in use as don't need it)
1500 Mhz - 1350 mv (Stable but not in use as don't need it)
GPU settings:
Low: 114 Mhz - 800 mV
High: 267 Mhz - 950 mV
I have 2 Exchange accounts on push, Gmail Push, hotmail every hour, and moderate use. Screen time Usually between 2-4 hours. Used to get 2 days, but getting epic wakelocks from google services since the Google Play update. so im trying work that out. at the moment of about 14 hours i have 2hours screen time and 34% battery left.
Red pill rules
ROM: Checkrom revo hd V6 (XWLA4)
Kernel: Red Pill 1.3
CPU Gorvernor: Hyper
I/O Sched: N/A
200 Mhz - 1200 Mhz
100 Mhz - 900 mV
200 Mhz - 900 mV
500 Mhz - 950 mV
800 Mhz - 1000 mV
1000 Mhz - 1100 mV
1200 Mhz - 1200 mv
1400 Mhz - N/A
1500 Mhz - N/A
did a test for each freq and volt with STABILITY TEST app.
ROM: cognition 1.51
Kernel: Siyah 2.6.14
I/O Schrduler: sio
CPU Gorvernor: smartassV2
100 Mhz - 1600 Mhz
100 Mhz - 850 mV
200 Mhz - 850 mV
500 Mhz - 875 mV
800 Mhz - 950 mV
1000 Mhz - 1050 mV
1200 Mhz - 1200 mv
1400 Mhz - 1275
1600 Mhz - 1400 mv
normally working from 100mhz-800mhz.
i managed to get lower mv for the cpu and stable but it was the limit. so i added 25mv more for more stable results.
Who dares trying my extreme UV values ? ​
My UV stable table (Mhz/mA) :
1200 (1125) | 1000 (1025) | 800 (950) | 500 (850) | 200 (800) | 100 (800)
Noop + On demand.
Thanks to NEAK for its magic on my S2
Kernel: NEAK 2.0.2x
I/O Schrduler: vr
CPU Gorvernor: ondemand
200 Mhz - 1000 Mhz
200 Mhz - 850 mV
500 Mhz - 900 mV
800 Mhz - 950 mV
1000 Mhz - 1050 mV
Works perfect for me. Always heavy usage and get nearly 24hours with standard battery. Screen on time 4 hours. With siyah I had nearly the half of the uptime.
Wifi always on. Sync on. I mean this is what it was made for
-sent from sgs2 tapatalk

Undervolting discussion

I have read very conflicting things about undervolting; some say it doesn't do much at all, others say it's worth the effort. What most can agree on though, is that it depends on the phone, so I want to get some input to see if people have had success with it on the Fascinate. I tried a mild undervolt today and while I didn't notice much change with the screen on (while using it) I did notice it held a lot better charge while in stand-by. My settings as of right now are:
1200 MHz - 1300mV (-50)
1000 MHz - 1225mV (-50)
800 MHz - 1150mV (-50)
400 MHz - 950mV (-100)
200 MHz - 850mV (-100)
100 MHz - 850mV (-100)
I have been running the over / under volts for a while on different test builds with really good results...
I did do a live o/c for a while but have settled on normal o/c
My over / under settings as of right now are:
1200 mhz O/C
100 mhz minimum
1200 MHz - 1400mV (+50)
1000 MHz - 1325mV (+50)
800 MHz - 1250mV (+50)
400 MHz - 1025mV (-25)
200 MHz - 900mV (-50)
100 MHz - 875mV (-75)
But i have been wanting to test some other stuff too
I figured i would test this::
And see how it runs
1200 MHz - 1350mV (+00)
1000 MHz - 1275mV (+00)
800 MHz - 1200mV (+00)
400 MHz - 1000mV (-50)
200 MHz - 850mV (-100)
100 MHz - 850mV (-100)
sent from my swagger
aokp 10/22 test / devil kernel
Just curious, but what was your reasoning to raise the voltage? It seems like that would just be a battery drain because at those steps the stock voltage should be more than enough for stability.
I also don't Live OC but that's only because my phone will crash at 110% Live OC so I don't see the point in doing 105% Live OC... so I just do what you do and have 1200 MHz regular OC now
Crawshayi said:
Just curious, but what was your reasoning to raise the voltage? It seems like that would just be a battery drain because at those steps the stock voltage should be more than enough for stability.
I also don't Live OC but that's only because my phone will crash at 110% Live OC so I don't see the point in doing 105% Live OC... so I just do what you do and have 1200 MHz regular OC now
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Just came from all the reading in the original devil ics thread...
Somebody 'Crack' ran these settings...
It has so many great answers and Such great info,,, just realized i need to go back and read some more,,,
Think ... devil idle .... :thumbup:
sent from my swagger
aokp 10/22 test / devil kernel
From all the roms/kernels I ever ran on my fascinate undervolting did help slightly. It seems if I remember correctly that pulling -50uv across the board helped with battery life without decreasing stability. Anymore than that is when the random reboots started. Also disabling the 100mhz step made a big difference with SOD's and reboots.
Crawshayi said:
Just curious, but what was your reasoning to raise the voltage? It seems like that would just be a battery drain because at those steps the stock voltage should be more than enough for stability.
I also don't Live OC but that's only because my phone will crash at 110% Live OC so I don't see the point in doing 105% Live OC... so I just do what you do and have 1200 MHz regular OC now
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You can do both a live oc (fsb overclock), and a regular overclock (multiplier overclock) at the same time. I use 110 live oc and a 200 mhz regular overclock giving me a total of 1320mhz. Set your live oc then use rom controlor whatever to do your regular overclock on top of it.

Nexus 7 won't run at 1300 MHz when benchmarking

I'm doing some benchmarking with a stock 4.2 and I'm setting cpu_freq_max and cpu_freq_min at 1300 MHz but when I check cpuspy it shows 1200 MHz and nothing for 1300 MHz. I set the frequencies with No-frills CPU Control and verify them in cpu_freq_max and cpu_freq_min. If I let the frequencies scale then 1300 MHz is used along with the other frequencies.
Have I missed a setting somewhere or is this normal for a stock 4.2?

