Does anyone know anything about these apps and widgets that are supposed to control mobile data? I mean apps like APNdroid, Switchpro etc.
Most of them it seems are unreliable, the ones Ive looked at anyway, but the common theme for them is to change the APN. For example if I use extended controls widget to control mobile data, it changes the APN to orangeinternet[extendedcontrols] when the widget is off by default. However, when I long press on the power button, it seems mobile data is on...
I was really wondering about the impact to battery as I assume my phone is searching for a non-existant APN, if you see what I mean?
I am hoping for some expert knowledge on this, as I am using Launcherpro Plus and so cant use the sense widget, and before anyone says to long press on power button, I thik its clumsy and one click too many!
Thanks in advance!
Have you tried switch pro? It's like the power control widget but you can select what options you want,... give it a go.
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
ddotpatel said:
Have you tried switch pro? It's like the power control widget but you can select what options you want,... give it a go.
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App
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Yeah Ive tried it thanks, but again, it wasn't reliable enough for me and it changed the APN, iirc. I'm currently trying Data on Demand from the market, which you can set to turn off data when the phone sleeps, or schedule your own profile for data use.
I've been trying to get a juicy theme going on but I'm having real trouble finding a switch to allow direct access to allow me to switch mobile data on and off.
SwitchPro doesn't allow me to do it, both "Data Connection" and "2g 3g" only switch it off for a few seconds and then it pops back up. If I then go into settings, Wireless, Mobile network shows as being ticked, yet says "Connection failed" - It is of course connected and functional.
Extended Controls 2g/3g and Data Network do exactly the same.
There is, of course, the native Sense UI how hard can it be if you don't want to use Sense?
Is there a widget out there that will allow me to directly switch Mobile Network (data) on and off from the homescreen?
Currently on latest Mocado R8 custom bake.
i had that problem before as well..what i did is remove the defualt apn and add them back manually..and the problem solve..u can try on this method..
Try APNDroid:
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
benman27 said:
Try APNDroid:
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
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you can change switch pro's settings to make it do the same thing as APNDroid too.
Lennyuk said:
you can change switch pro's settings to make it do the same thing as APNDroid too.
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Could you give me a quick step-by-step?
Will try apnDroid too, thanks guys.
EDIT - apndroid simply disables it for a few seconds, it then reconnects.
widget didnt do anything.
I need one because you have to press and hold the power button and it seems a bit rough on it and we all know that these little buttons always go bad so a widget would be great for relieving the burdon on the power button.
any other suggestions, for a rooted evo?
sorry for the noob question i did try a search & read the wiki trouble is my question is "what is this" so rather hard to search, when the question is what is it!!!
on the start home screen there's a 5 item widget/toolbar that has
- wifi
- blueTh
- ?
- ?
- screen brightness
What are the 2 items that i only have question marks for, i've pressed them but what do they do (other than nothing obvious)?
Thanks in advance....
I'm pretty sure one is to enable data on mobile networks, the 2nd is to enable apps (eg gmail, maps etc) to sync using data on mobile networks or wifi.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
not sure though....
the 3rd & 4th buttons really dont seem to do anything even when plugged into the pc, what happens when you press them on yours?
thanks again
wifi, bluetooth, gps, sync, brightness
is there any way to edit those functions? or add/take away our own?
i'd love to swap a data connection on/off for that sync button.
krrrk said:
is there any way to edit those functions? or add/take away our own?
i'd love to swap a data connection on/off for that sync button.
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Noooooo not on a Stock rom mate
yeah, I looked around a little today. Looks like the OS doesn't allow access to turning data on/off from anywhere but the settings menu. I found an app that just created a shortcut to the data menu. Works for me.
I found 2g/3g in the market that links directly to the data menu & placed it on my homescreen
elegant? no - does the job? yes
I am trying to use Waze on my phone, but the app won't open as it keeps saying screen overlay detected. I have gone into my settings and turned off the overlay for all the apps apart from the system apps. But it is still not working.
I have tried searching on Google, and don't have any of the apps installed like twilight, luxe or Facebook which are supposed to be causing the problem.
Any other suggestions on how to fix it?
Do you have a display colour app running?
drummerman said:
Do you have a display colour app running?
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Not that I am aware of unless it is a stock app? Do you have any examples of the apps?
TheRedIndian said:
Not that I am aware of unless it is a stock app? Do you have any examples of the apps?
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Are you using swipe home, if so deactivate and enable the other app and then enable swipe home.
drummerman said:
Do you have a display colour app running?
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Not unless it is a stock app
amar95353 said:
Are you using swipe home, if so deactivate and enable the other app and then enable swipe home.
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Not sure what swipe home is? It's not listed under apps, I usually press the middle button to get to the home screen
TheRedIndian said:
Not unless it is a stock app
Not sure what swipe home is? It's not listed under apps, I usually press the middle button to get to the home screen
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Screen Balance (which adjusts screen colour balance/tint) and which I recommended in another thread creates an overlay.
Certain apps will not function properly unless SB is turned off.
TheRedIndian said:
Not unless it is a stock app
Not sure what swipe home is? It's not listed under apps, I usually press the middle button to get to the home screen
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It's not a stock app it's a downloaded app from the play store.
I usually turn off off all the apps using it and turn it on after... It's a frustrating issue but what are you going to do.
If it's bothering you find a good Rom, for example Superman Rom, Overlays was removed as it's too much if s hassle
Sent from my SM-G935F using XDA Premium HD app
TheRedIndian said:
I am trying to use Waze on my phone, but the app won't open as it keeps saying screen overlay detected. I have gone into my settings and turned off the overlay for all the apps apart from the system apps. But it is still not working.
I have tried searching on Google, and don't have any of the apps installed like twilight, luxe or Facebook which are supposed to be causing the problem.
Any other suggestions on how to fix it?
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It has nothing to do with any of that, it's Google's fault. You can flash a fix which is in Phoenix rom thread or go back to a previous stock rom
drummerman said:
Screen Balance (which adjusts screen colour balance/tint) and which I recommended in another thread creates an overlay.
Certain apps will not function properly unless SB is turned off.
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Tried setting the screen display to basic, but that didn't work
TheRedIndian said:
Tried setting the screen display to basic, but that didn't work
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Sorry, I didn't make myself very clear. Screen Balance is an app, separate to the UI's adjustments.
I had the same overlay issue,what I did that Ive disabled all the apps altogether,and switched them on back one by one,discovered that an application called Swipe Home Button Ive installed was responsible,so I have uninstalled after which everything was normal.
Is it safe to turn off the overlay for the system installed apps? I have turned off the overlay for all other apps that I have installed
The app that was causing me this problem after this weekend's AT&T software update was Bing. I Uninstalled it and all was fine.
How I finally fixed the "Screen Overlay" problem on my S7 edge.
The easiest fix, only full fix, I have found is as follows. When the screen overlay screen opens in settings, just turn everything marked on to off. Which by the way is the only thing you can do on this screen. Since I did all my apps, even the ones that weren't working, are working as they should. Hope this helps someone.
As Richie and Monigote stated, flash the screen overlay fix from Phoenix ROM. LoL pay attention please
even when I tried to turn overlay off for all apps mine still was going wrong and I couldn´t use some apps...the only way I got this fixed was making a reset (from the configs options it self) from all my configurations, just configurations, not all data in the phone, it works fine for now...
now I´m with problem with my mobile data connection, I don´t know if it´s from my brand or my phone...
TheRedIndian said:
I am trying to use Waze on my phone, but the app won't open as it keeps saying screen overlay detected. I have gone into my settings and turned off the overlay for all the apps apart from the system apps. But it is still not working.
I have tried searching on Google, and don't have any of the apps installed like twilight, luxe or Facebook which are supposed to be causing the problem.
Any other suggestions on how to fix it?
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The message about overlay detected i have seen and experienced a number of times.
BUT the only time this has occurred is when i was using SideSync
i.e. I am using it to Remote control the device using my PC
or am using my PC to display my Phone within my PC screen (So i can use my phone while using the PC)
The warning was being presented by some apps because SideSync was overlaying the screen to mirror it to my PC screen)
As soon as i disconnected this message stopped.
Not am not saying your using SideSync, But any other app you have installed that can mirror / allow remote access or displaying your phone screen on another device like PC may be causing the problem
TheRedIndian said:
I am trying to use Waze on my phone, but the app won't open as it keeps saying screen overlay detected. I have gone into my settings and turned off the overlay for all the apps apart from the system apps. But it is still not working.
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Did Pokemon enable the game overlay?
Small controller icon that comes up when games like Pokemon are playing - that could be your issue.
Settings / Advanced Features / Games / Games Tools = disable
I don't know about anyone else, but this is my first MIUI phone.
I thought it would be useful to start a thread regarding MIUI notes/tips/etc that are specific to MIUI.
The first big one of course - how to fix push notifications:
I was about to start this very thread
I found a cool feature
You can select several photos for deleting by simply gliding your fingers over the photos
Another cool feature
You can orient that device do that it's upside
The top bezel-less becomes downwards.
The phone is also programmed to rotate it to the standard orientation during a phone call because of Mic location.
One thing I quite like is how specific WIFI connects can be disabled without having to remove them.
Our work WIFI blocks certain things, so it's nice to be able to disable it but not have
to totally remove it (and then reenter all the passwords when I re-enter it).
ChodTheWacko said:
One thing I quite like is how specific WIFI connects can be disabled without having to remove them.
Our work WIFI blocks certain things, so it's nice to be able to disable it but not have
to totally remove it (and then reenter all the passwords when I re-enter it).
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What do you mean
CorruptedSanity said:
What do you mean
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For each WIFI connection, there is a little > to the right of it.
If you touch that you go into another menu, and one option is 'auto connect on/off'.
Turning off autoconnect helps in situations where there are multiple WIFI signals, but you only want it autoconnecting to a specific one.
- Frank
Expand Notifications
2 finger swipe on notifications displays their details (or what is called Peek)
ChodTheWacko said:
For each WIFI connection, there is a little > to the right of it.
If you touch that you go into another menu, and one option is 'auto connect on/off'.
Turning off autoconnect helps in situations where there are multiple WIFI signals, but you only want it autoconnecting to a specific one.
- Frank
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Thanks for clarifying.
What if I'm in the range of two networks that I've saved the passwords for.
Which does the mi mix connect to when I enter range?
Looks like the last one I've connected to.
saurabhsun said:
2 finger swipe on notifications displays their details (or what is called Peek)
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That's actually a primitive way of doing it.
Samsung did it better by letting you 'peek' one-handedly with a simple swipe down of the notification.
With mi mix, I have to use two hands. I can do it with one hand but it's tough.
CorruptedSanity said:
That's actually a primitive way of doing it.
Samsung did it better by letting you 'peek' one-handedly with a simple swipe down of the notification.
With mi mix, I have to use two hands. I can do it with one hand but it's tough.
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And just found out, we can't "swipe away" the notifications from the lockscreen directly. Need to pull down the shade and clear from there. Would this not be considered a stupid decision?!
saurabhsun said:
And just found out, we can't "swipe away" the notifications from the lockscreen directly. Need to pull down the shade and clear from there. Would this not be considered a stupid decision?!
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Perhaps there's a solution if you root/install Xposed & a module is available for lockscreen options.
I'm rooted,but, haven't used Xposed in ages, considering trying it again......
On Samsung devices,(non-root) Ad Blocking apps have a persistent notification on the lockscreen that cannot be swiped away,.The only remedy for this was to turn off the ad blocking.
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How to always have mobile data allow to download app from playstore ? Have disable only wifi in playstore settings but always prompt to have wifi
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mobile88 said:
How to always have mobile data allow to download app from playstore ? Have disable only wifi in playstore settings but always prompt to have wifi
Sent from my MIX using XDA-Developers mobile app
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Open Downloads app, Triple Dot, Settings, Set unlimited download limit for mobile. This resolves that issue.
TQ very much for that tip
Sent from my MIX using XDA-Developers mobile app
youtube /watch?v=NG7GmbVGBlA
A guide to uninstall a few of the system apps such as Chinese Keyboard, Messaging app etc.
saurabhsun said:
youtube /watch?v=NG7GmbVGBlA
A guide to uninstall a few of the system apps such as Chinese Keyboard, Messaging app etc.
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I followed all the steps.
I understood that there are several instances of settings and installed apps.
I went through all of them but still could not disable or uninstall pre-loaded apps like Mi Credit, Mi Cloud and all those Mi nonsense apps.
CorruptedSanity said:
I followed all the steps.
I understood that there are several instances of settings and installed apps.
I went through all of them but still could not disable or uninstall pre-loaded apps like Mi Credit, Mi Cloud and all those Mi nonsense apps.
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Those are uninstallable I guess (as Mi earns from these apps and not selling the phone), few rubbish were uninstalled using this method.
I should be able to disable them though
Apparently not
Some more MIUI notes:
menu + volume down = screenshot
hardware test: dial *#*#6484#*#*
More phone info: dial *#*#4636#*#*
There is a toggle to disable the navigation buttons (double tap them to re-enable)
handy if you keep accidentally hitting them.
in 'buttons' can auto disable for any particular app (games)
In accessibility there is a magnification mode - triple tap to allow/disable zooming of screen. (EDIT: it's bugged - it isn't supposed to trigger during keyboard typing,but it does, effectively making it useless)
wake with volume buttons is in lockscreen menu, not "button"
There are some apps that just won't stay uninstalled. Anyone got idea how to remove them? PPTV for example
Kildras said:
There are some apps that just won't stay uninstalled. Anyone got idea how to remove them? PPTV for example
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Needs to be rooted to remove system app