So, I rooted the phone and have tried open garden wifi tether and wifi tether for root users and one just gives me an error that tethering cannot be started and the other doesn't broadcast the network. I am reading that tmobile is blocking third party tethering, but I thought rooting would allow me to bypass that. Any solutions to this problem? Should I just download a custom ROM because it seems people are getting to work on non stock ROMs.
What phone is it?
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app
---------- Post added at 08:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:46 PM ----------
I think they finally blocked it you might need to run a custom ROM for it to work. :/
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app
Rooting? Its a Nexus 4 right? I just used the built-in wireless tethering, its not a carrier phone so there is no "blocking" on the software.
If T-Mobile were to block it they would be blocking it from the data side, by blocking the UAString or looking for packets with an extra node. But to my knowledge they arent, I used the built in Android tethering option when I was on T-Mobile without issues (no root and no 3rd party stuff).
You have to have a ssh server
Then download the SSHtunnel app then use WiFi tether
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
unknownz_1 said:
So, I rooted the phone and have tried open garden wifi tether and wifi tether for root users and one just gives me an error that tethering cannot be started and the other doesn't broadcast the network. I am reading that tmobile is blocking third party tethering, but I thought rooting would allow me to bypass that. Any solutions to this problem? Should I just download a custom ROM because it seems people are getting to work on non stock ROMs.
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I am stock un-rooted and the built in tethering works just fine. If you are on a data plan the does not allow tethering, the may catch you based on your browsers "User Agent" and redirect your browser to an up sell page.
Anyone using barnacle wifi on mytouch and able to actually tether? I know about wifi tether built into the phone or the wireless tether app. Those work fine, I want to use barnacle because of its open NAT. So no critics please. I just need someone that got it to work because my device can see it, but barnacle won't show me its connected or that its a client
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
I have it installed and configured, but can't get anything to connect to it. The SSID broadcasts, but it shows up as an available "device" vs. a wifi network. I try to connect by with and without WEP (Barnacle says it failed to parse WEP if security enabled), and it appears to connect, but Barnacle shows no client connections and no access from the other device.
Just using the android wifi tether app instead...
Sent from my ROOTED HTC Glacier using XDA App
Hope it's not a (too) stupid question - with a rooted device, can I use the Wi-Fi Tether bundled app w/o the tethering option in my plan (read: for free)?
Hi there
I use Wifi tether for root users, looks and works better than Barnacle
Which version have are you using?
None of them specify MT4G.
I have a rooted Mytouch 4g running 2.2 and was able to get "Android-wifi-tether" working using the version for the Samsung Fascinate 2.x. Its the last option at the link h4xdaplanet provided.
I cant provide a direct link since I have a new account, sorry.
I actually got this one to work a while ago but forgot to update
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
ranshe said:
Hope it's not a (too) stupid question - with a rooted device, can I use the Wi-Fi Tether bundled app w/o the tethering option in my plan (read: for free)?
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I am using to built in hot spot with no issues at all, before and after root. Not a stupid question. As long as you have the data plan, afaik, there is no current extra cost for using wired or wireless tethering. Hope this helps.
It doesn't prompt me about the 20$ a month I can just tether right off the back, is this really free or what. 3g mobile hotspot is not activated as a feature on my account
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
juanzr1 said:
It doesn't prompt me about the 20$ a month I can just tether right off the back, is this really free or what. 3g mobile hotspot is not activated as a feature on my account
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
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not free. its better to call your carrier to get more info about this.
You can always use a tethering app such as Wireless Tether for Root Users.
I still don't understand why this feature isn't free. Anyway use Wireless Tether, just google it, since it's no longer in the market.
I am using the droid x leak .573 w/ root that came out from TBH and I just found out I can USB tether without any issues.
Verizon Gingerbread OTA blocks wifi hotspot apps
Lofi Goosh said:
You can always use a tethering app such as Wireless Tether for Root Users.
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I've read on several sites that the Gingerbread update from Verizon has an added blocking software that disables non-Verizon wifi hotspot apps. I've seen this first hand (and am waiting for a fix) on both Barnacle Wireless Tether and Wireless Tether for Root.
[Edit] Nevermind. I figured it out after reading Wug's entire post (link to that post in the other thread here titled "wireless tether") and saw that I am supposed to use the beta Wireless Tether that is part of the patch (yellow icon) instead of the released Wireless Tether for Root (green icon) I already had installed. So it works great now.
Does anyone know how to get wireless tether to work on liberty v.08 gb
Look in PM
Was trying to find something about this for you, but I found that you got help on another forum. Do us a favor (not me specifically) and post the fix here.
Thank u works great
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA Premium App
Not sure if I'm allowed to post this link. If not, my appologies.
Nice find
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
Couldn't get it to work.
I tried this but couldn't get it to work for me. What am I doing wrong? I booted into recovery and flashed the patch then rebooted. After the phone came back up I tried Barnacle Wireless Tether and Wireless Tether for Root and with both apps when I started them the Verizon WiFi Hotspot app came up so it was like 2 WiFi hotspot apps were running and conflicted with each other. Both Barnacle and Wireless for Root showed errors saying either the network was unavailable or "DHCP: Could not bind to DHCP port: Address already in use."
Am I confused about how to use this patch? After the patch am I supposed to use the official Verizon WiFi app (and it doesn't charge me extra) instead of the other hotspot apps I mentioned?
[Edit] Nevermind. I figured it out after reading Wug's entire post and seeing that I am supposed to use the beta Wireless Tether that is part of the patch (yellow icon) instead of the released Wireless Tether for Root (green icon) I already had installed. So it works great now.
*Problem solved, see Verizon Development thread
Has anyone had success editing sqlite database to allow native tether or find a working a third party app...beside foxfi (haven't tried it yet). I tried all my usual options on wifi tether and couldn't get it going. Someone with more knowledge of sqlite could probably get native tether working pretty easily.
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 4
I have foxfi and usb tether works but I can't get Wi-Fi tether to work. No combination of trev mod had worked for me
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 4
hoola20055 said:
I have foxfi and usb tether works but I can't get Wi-Fi tether to work. No combination of trev mod had worked for me
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 4
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Same here, i found some things in sqlite that look like they might do it, but without a custom recovery and a backup...not going to try
heffzilla said:
Same here, i found some things in sqlite that look like they might do it, but without a custom recovery and a backup...not going to try
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I thought "ES File explorer" helps. Tools --> Net Manger--> Create a hotspot Network.
Please let me know if it doesn't.
Mine just says turning just sits there with no activity
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 4
I also cannot get any 3rd party wireless tether apps to work.
I've tried multiple settings as well with Google's hotspot. No avail. My G2 has been rooted
same here. No luck with anything. VZW verison. I had also started a thread but I guess i'll close it down since there's more activity here.
This is pretty interesting because VZW lost the lawsuit and the loss meant they werent allowed to block third party tether apps.
Has anyone tried Barnacle?
chrisexv6 said:
This is pretty interesting because VZW lost the lawsuit and the loss meant they werent allowed to block third party tether apps.
Has anyone tried Barnacle?
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I tried barnacle and got this message:
"WIFI: Could not set ad-hoc mode of wlan0: Operation not supported on trasnport endpoint
Could not connect to NAT, will retry later
but nothing happens. It doesn't even broadcast a signal.
Did you guys get the message that "wifi is in control shutting down" on wifi tether
Or something to that effect
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 4
i can usually get the google android tether app to work on most rooted phones, just play around with the settings and try changing the phone model under the settings tab.
superhtchd2 said:
i can usually get the google android tether app to work on most rooted phones, just play around with the settings and try changing the phone model under the settings tab.
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It fails to run. On the log error under "Setting ad-hoc" it shows as failed, which is the same problem barnicle is having
Did you guys do a couple of things required on the Razr HD to get it to work.
You need to do the sqlite entitlement database modification. ->
Did those of you trying to use WiFi Tether change the profile???
Also you can backup the sqlite database, just in case you are worried about changing anything.
I don't have the phone yet, but plan to get one.
Has anyone had any luck??
i tried with my tmobile and the same. cant get wifi tether to work with a 3rd party app.
Tried USB tether with Foxfi on my Verizon G2 and it worked flawlessly but I kept hitting the usage cap since its a free version . pretty much useless for me.
WIshed Wifi tether worked.
Man, I was thinking about getting the g2 but not so sure if I can't get wifi tether to work! Definitely staying tuned. Anyone try hotspot control?
If I can't tether with this, back to the store it goes.
Give it time guys, the phone just came out a couple days ago. I'm surprised we have root already, it took the Moto X/ULTRA/MAXX weeks to get rooted.
As far as tethering, I tried using Portable WiFi Hotspot which is just a toggle to the built in tethering, which works on my Note 2, but didn't do anything on the G2. Then I downloaded Wireless Tether for Root Users and it looks like it works, it shows it started and I see 0.6Kb of data being sent but it never actually creates a wireless network.
Does anyone of a non root or root wifi tether app that works with the Nexus 5?
I plan to root the phone but I'm still not sure if I want to install another ROM since it is snappy already. ( I usually root to OC and use Wifi Tether )
WiFi hotspot is built into the phone as is. There is no need to install an app.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Not necessary as this is built in to stock.
Thanks guys! Yeah I was just wondering...
I don't want AT&T finding out and then charging me the hotspot fee.
is built in tether 100% secure like other apps? i read that built in tether has many security problems!
Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
mafiaboy01 said:
WiFi hotspot is built into the phone as is. There is no need to install an app.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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***Does Not Work on Sprint unless you pay extra***
Where is the icon for it? Or how do I launch it? not seeing it anywhere......
Settings>More>Teathering & portable hotspot.
I`ve tried different roms and my hotspot is not working, is sending me to the t-mobile upsell page.
I have unlimited data with T-Mobile with 2.5 gbs included of hotspot. I already past my hotspot data but still running it. I noticed if I have my APN Protocol IPv4 it let's me use my phone data as a hotspot even after I used up my provided hotspot data. If I switch it to IPv6, it bans me from using my data as a hotspot
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Okay so pretty much using the built in tether app is a no go. I'm not going to pay for hotspot. If anyone knows of a WiFi tether app that works with nexus 5 let everyone know. (I'm on AT&T). Will be receiving phone first week in Dec.
Sent from my TouchPad using xda app-developers app
The built in one doesn't work because it tags all packets with a "hotspot" data tag which is then being denied by your carrier because it's hotspot data which you didn't pay for. Either the internal program needs to be modified to not tag the data, or another app which doesn't tag data should be used to get a free wireless hotspot.
Stonebot said:
The built in one doesn't work because it tags all packets with a "hotspot" data tag which is then being denied by your carrier because it's hotspot data which you didn't pay for. Either the internal program needs to be modified to not tag the data, or another app which doesn't tag data should be used to get a free wireless hotspot.
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Exactly - this is true for ALL Android handsets running Android 4.3 and above.
Previously, we've been able to get away with it unless your phone was running a carrier-specific ROM with the packet tagging enabled - but now it's part of the Android subsystem.
If your carrier is setup to track this, they now can.
I'm lucky with mine - they seem to only care if I tether a laptop to my phone. If I tether a tablet or another phone, it's fine.. Different traffic I guess! So I just use a VPN on my laptop, and it goes undetected.
Here's a workaround for the uninitiated ones.... Should work on most mobile devices. You'll probably need a VPN if you want to tether a laptop.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Jeeeenx said:
Here's a workaround for the uninitiated ones.... Should work on most mobile devices. You'll probably need a VPN if you want to tether a laptop.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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I've tried to add the line but this is what I got:
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk 2
Make sure to follow directions closely.
I used a program called SQLite Editor which can be found at the play store. (YOUR PHONE MUST BE ROOTED)
Open SQLite Editor.
Navigate to /data/data/
Edit settings.db by adding a line "tether_dun_required" and set the value to "0".
Also make sure your APN settings use IPV4.
I've rebooted my phone after doing this and the edit stuck and tethering worked.
Best of luck!
Excellent man, it worked like a charm, thanks
I solved with this app: WiFi Tether Router
on Google Play store
the developer has done a compatible update
I contacted the developer via email and he told me after a few hours
the developer advised me to select these settings
Interface wlan0
Method 0 - Auto
works also with
Interface wlan0
Method 2
this one seems to work for me.. wifi works but i choose to usb tether
also paid version is better then free
I would really like to bypass the T-Mobile 2.5GB limit.