Charging question - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Does this phone expend more energy to keep up with charging? When mine is charging and I'm using it, it slowly decreases. Is this normal?
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I've noticed this 2
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Mine too, I find it very strange. However, when I use 2amp car charger, then its all good lol. 1.2amp of stock charger must be not good enough

The phone only draws about 800mA maximum, so a 1.2A charger is more than enough, and a 2A charger will make no difference.
Sent from my Nexus 4

So why is it discharging when its being used and plugged in?

moldovanos said:
So why is it discharging when its being used and plugged in?
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Sounds like there might be something wrong with your charger. Try a different charger if you have one.
Sent from my Nexus 4

Well, its not only me, I've seen bunch of people having the same thing. Lots of defective chargers or perhaps custom roms play role in it?

At times when I leave my phone for charging overnight it stops at a particular percentage and starts discharging. In certain cases with the original charger the phone at times continuously flips between charging and discharging.
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steviewevie said:
The phone only draws about 800mA maximum, so a 1.2A charger is more than enough, and a 2A charger will make no difference.
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I has a similar question about voltages and amperage of chargers and battery degradation posted it here on xda in the nexus 4 forum has to do with this issue of voltages and amps and wireless charging with the official one from google

Tarun95 said:
At times when I leave my phone for charging overnight it stops at a particular percentage and starts discharging. In certain cases with the original charger the phone at times continuously flips between charging and discharging.
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I had the same problem with mine! Stock charger is GARBAGE! Use something else!

Doesn't anything discharge when no electricity is pumping through the battery? The electricity cuts off when its full. So basically I think the power from the charger bypasses the battery but continues through the phone.


Nexus 7 Charger

Sorry if this sounds amateur, but I was wondering if I would be able to use my cell phone charger with the Nexus 7 without it causing damage. Or is the reverse true too?
The output on the Nexus 7 charger is : 5V - 2A
The output on the One S charger is: 5V - 1A
The input on the Nexus 7 charger is 100mA higher.
Now technically this means if I use the Cell charger the tablet would take longer to charge right?
But what if I use the tablet charger for my cell phone? Would it damage my phone?
I'm only wondering because I don't want to have too many cables cluttering my workspace.
Thanks in advance.
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You're right about the charge time. And yes you can use it on your phone. I have a 2A charger for my g2x that's blazing fast.
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It charges super slow on my GNex charger. 10% in an hour
you can use the nexus7 on your phone it will work as a rapid charge, i wouldnt make a habit of it...
Don't quote me on this, but using the 2A charger for your phone should work just fine, as it should have an internal limiter that prevents too much current from being passed through the device, damaging it. I have done that before (with a different charger) with success, so it should be just fine. Also, the N7 *should* charge on the 1A charger, just a LOT slower, and may only charge if you turn it off.
Thanks for all the quick responses guys. I just wanted to make sure I don't do any damage to them.
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Using my Nexus S and 7 charger on 4?

Would this be a safe idea it terms of the life of the battery down the road? I also bought a 3rd party car charger.
biggyk said:
Would this be a safe idea it terms of the life of the battery down the road? I also bought a 3rd party car charger.
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I use chargers from various phones. Have used different phone chargers with all my phones. Never had or noticed any problems. I'm sure you will be fine.
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Yes, it's safe. I'm using an old Samsung charger to charge my Nexus. The charger doesn't really matter IMO.
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When using chargers that don’t come with the device, the only difference it can possibly cause is the rate of charging (how fast your device charges).
Just take a look at the milliamp rating on your charger. The N4 comes with a charger that outputs at 1400ma. I found that if I charged my N4 with a charger made for SE Arc, it takes forever to charge which isn’t a surprise since that charger outputs 750ma.
Don’t worry about using a higher milliamp charger on a device that’s rated to charge at a lower rate. The device will only draw what it needs. I’m not sure what’s the maximum ma the N4 will charge at, but let’s assume it will charge at 1400ma maximum. Even if you use a 2A charger, it will still charge at 1400ma.
Even I thot its safe and was using my Nexus 7 charger with the Nexus 4 . everything was fine for a few hours. Then suddenly it froze and the screen started getting weird lines on it .I immediately removed the charger and while the device was rebooting I could notice that the screen had a burn in kinda image on it. It slowly faded away later. Haven't used the Nexus 7 charger since and I've never got the same issue again.
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okay thanks for your answers guys
_KP said:
Even I thot its safe and was using my Nexus 7 charger with the Nexus 4 . everything was fine for a few hours. Then suddenly it froze and the screen started getting weird lines on it .I immediately removed the charger and while the device was rebooting I could notice that the screen had a burn in kinda image on it. It slowly faded away later. Haven't used the Nexus 7 charger since and I've never got the same issue again.
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Did you overheat the phone?
Sfkn2 said:
Did you overheat the phone?
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I don't think so. Cuz I wasn't even using it. It was just lying there most of the time. I switched on the display and was looking at battery monitor widget to check the charging status and then maybe twitter or something and it just froze. Held down the power button for 10seconds then restarted it.
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As a rule of thumb I'd keep then Nexus 4 away from the Nexus 7 charger.
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The N7 charger is rated at 2A. I sometimes use it to charge my N4. Most of the time, I use a generic 2A charger. At the office, I use a Samsung 2A charger for my N4. I’ve encountered zero problems.
Truthfully I'm more concerned using a 12v in the car. Any suggestions what I can get?
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Okay i had the charger in for like almost 30 mins now and its been on the same percent then went down one percent so i took the charger out let it sit for like a few mins then it went up one percent when i took the charger out it went back down is it something wrong with the charger or the rom or the battery stats?
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Have you rebooted yet?
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casonswag said:
Okay i had the charger in for like almost 30 mins now and its been on the same percent then went down one percent so i took the charger out let it sit for like a few mins then it went up one percent when i took the charger out it went back down is it something wrong with the charger or the rom or the battery stats?
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Go to settings, Battery and see if it says AC charging or USB charging. Plug your phone in, try to play some games for a few mins then go back into the battery and see if its in AC or USB charging and if it has charged of discharged. Basically if the phone is in USB charging it is possible for it to lose charge or not charge at all. I had the same problem with my phone as it would not do AC charging, I tried it with another charger and it worked fine for a few weeks, I called google and they said it was a problem with the battery (not the charger) and they set up an RMA.
shroud27 said:
Go to settings, Battery and see if it says AC charging or USB charging. Plug your phone in, try to play some games for a few mins then go back into the battery and see if its in AC or USB charging and if it has charged of discharged. Basically if the phone is in USB charging it is possible for it to lose charge or not charge at all. I had the same problem with my phone as it would not do AC charging, I tried it with another charger and it worked fine for a few weeks, I called google and they said it was a problem with the battery (not the charger) and they set up an RMA.
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Ohh okay i hope its not a problem with the battery could it be me flashing backing up and things with the charger at the same time come into effects? Cause i did flash while charging i did a reboot but its charging really slow
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Ya bro if your USB charging and using the device it can easily lose some battery its just how it is
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Z-Man™ said:
Ya bro if your USB charging and using the device it can easily lose some battery its just how it is
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Ohh okay dam so i gues ill have to do one or the other for a lil then do both
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I had the same problem
When it's charging, it randomly turn charging - charged - ....
Then i replace Samsung USB cable (only the calbe not the charger) and it fixed :laugh:
huuhuyvn said:
I had the same problem
When it's charging, it randomly turn charging - charged - ....
Then i replace Samsung USB cable (only the calbe not the charger) and it fixed :laugh:
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Maybe the stock charger is cheap i wish i still had my s2 charger i never had probs with it
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Phone discharging even when plugged in?

Anybody else seeing that even if your phone is plugged in it will continue discharging if you are using it?
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Isn't this always the case? My understanding is that the phone is always powered by the battery and not the plug. If your using the phone and using more power than the charger is supplying then the phone will discharge accordingly. Could be wrong but that's always how I thought it worked.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
This is the first phone I've had that discharges when being used and pluhed in....
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
What's your battery life like? You may have some issues with software maxing out the CPU.
Anyway, the One X battery can run out when using navigation software and on car charger (maybe 0.5A).
Gunner86 said:
Anybody else seeing that even if your phone is plugged in it will continue discharging if you are using it?
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What are you using the phone for when it is discharging? Also, are you using stock AC charger or car charger?
Battery life seems fine, i am basically just browsing the web and watching a few yoitube video's, i am usin a 2A car charger.
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
Gunner86 said:
Battery life seems fine, i am basically just browsing the web and watching a few yoitube video's, i am usin a 2A car charger.
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Can you please try and replicate the same problem with the stock charger? 2A seems fine but just to be sure..
Yeah i will try when i get home from work.
Sent from my HTC One using xda premium
I ran into that when I was using a under rated charger or just plugged into a USB port. Official chargers (or equivalent) didn't have that problem it was slower if I was constantly using it while charging, but it did it.
Playing games, navigate, heavy tasks - looses percentage.
Browsing,messaging, mailing,etc - The battery charges.
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Mobile charging.
t0mke11y said:
Isn't this always the case? My understanding is that the phone is always powered by the battery and not the plug. If your using the phone and using more power than the charger is supplying then the phone will discharge accordingly. Could be wrong but that's always how I thought it worked.
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I believe this is correct. Whenever I used my Lumia 920 for gps+music on a cheap car charger, it would always discharge faster than it would charge. This is because 1) 12V-car/usb chargers charge at a slower rate than AC chargers and 2) some cheaper car chargers output even lower than normal USB charging rates.
Shopping for a new mobile/car charging solution for my Asus TF300T (gonna use for GPS.. tethered to my HTC One) and my HTC One, i ended up getting this multi-use charger. Initially, i was going to get this high power charger just for usb (which is the first charger on amazon i've seen to output 18 W / 3.6 A), but wanted a more unified solution that I could plug both my One and TF300t into. Because I'll be using the tablet for GPS+music, I can tuck the phone away charging at a tolerable rate. Oh, a direct 12v car charger to HTC One will charge the fastest if that's what you're looking for.

Pogo pins charging at higher rate.

Recently my wife broke her USB port on her n7, so I decided to just attach some wire to the pogo pins as I know there was a ground and a 5v line. After I installed battery monitor, hers was charging at 1000 to 1300ma. Mine charges at 500-600ma.
Maybe my port is broken too I'm not sure. Can anyone confirm this?
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Hi I use the dock to charge my n7. I have noticed a faster charging rate. However i do not know how to measure this
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rkanwar said:
Hi I use the dock to charge my n7. I have noticed a faster charging rate. However i do not know how to measure this
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Download battery monitor widget from play store. It will display the MV on the top right of the screen.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app
Thanks I will try it out tonight and report my results
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I also charge my nexus from a homemade dock at the 1000-1300 mark compared with my usb port. The usb port is so bad that most of the time I see it discharging while in use!!!
I believe this is a hardware fault as mine used to charge great through usb. at one point my usb socket stopped working altogether, I ran a soldering iron over it and it is at least working again, still slow to charge.
I have also been following a thread about this in the google user forums. One person stated that when they changed the usb board charging rates resumed to normal standards. There is a lot of people in that thread suffering from this. Bad show google.
Have you guys confirmed that the n7 charges faster off the pogo pins?
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It can charge just as fast off USB I know mine does I think the problem seems to be that the ports are easily damaged and it slows the charge rate
Programming is a race between engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
Wicked50 said:
Have you guys confirmed that the n7 charges faster off the pogo pins?
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I have been following a thread on google forums about people suffering from poor charging rates. I can confirm that many users in that thread, myself included, have found that charging through pogo pins charges normally, whilst the usb charging takes forever and even discharges with screen on!!
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joesnose said:
I have been following a thread on google forums about people suffering from poor charging rates. I can confirm that many users in that thread, myself included, have found that charging through pogo pins charges normally, whilst the usb charging takes forever and even discharges with screen on!!
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is that with the provided 2 amp charger?
It is with a third party charger as my charger broke, but it was the same with the original.
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The 5V oem charger output 2000mA. Any charger 2A should fast charge.
Also the pogo pin can charge on 12V 500ma (which is automobile acc. standart)
See more info on Qualcomm FastCharge Standart
There's a chip that identify the power output available. So a charger 1A charger will be identify by the device, therefore it won't fastcharge.

