smooth browser scrolling? Not Firefox - Nexus 10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have the Dolphin and Firefox browsers. When scrolling up and down pages (such as this forum), Dolphin is smooth, but Firefox is really jerky.
Has anyone else seen this? Is there a cure?

alan sh said:
I have the Dolphin and Firefox browsers. When scrolling up and down pages (such as this forum), Dolphin is smooth, but Firefox is really jerky.
Has anyone else seen this? Is there a cure?
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For me, scrolling in every browser is laggy, including Dolphin, except the AOSP browser.

check out the apps and themes section here for a copy of the all new Opera beta.
All the old opera browsers for android were crap, but this new version
is the best browser hands down that I have tried on the N10!
super smooth, FAST!!!!!!!!!, and stable.

Lightning browser aosp browser naked browser or chrome beta
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Just installed Opera beta. Looks nice, but not sure if it supports flash. I'll test it.
No, it doesnt.

Same here Firefox is jerky as hell. I also use Boat and it's pretty smooth as is Chrome but that has other issues. Another thing with Firefox I find is odd behaviour with SwiftKey, when typing into a Web page and accepting suggested words when I click accept or enter on the dialogue the text entered with suggestions just disappears. I don't see this happen with other browsers.
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I've been using ocean browser since getting my n10.
Really speedy and smooth. I especially like the quick controls.

Sleipner browser is really fast and smooth

Ocean seems really nice and supports flash.

Harbor npossat
it's an open bug, go to bugzilla.mozilla and search 845944 " Large 'janky' slowdown in panning on the Samsung Nexus 10"
Maybe somebody knows what changed with 4.2.2 on nexus 10 and can write on bugzilla.
here there is a possible solution: bugzilla.mozilla 815862 "Increase max allowed acceleration for high-res devices (e.g. Nexus 10)" but in my case didn't work. If someone tries and posts the results (here and on bugzilla) will be appreciated :good:

First check " force GPU rendering " in developer options
Naked browser - super fast and smooth scrolling
AOKP browser - super fast and smooth scrolling
Opera - laggy slow child interface
Dolphin - fast solid but too bulky turns it to slow
Chrome - wtf Google shame on you .... Slow not so slow with the new updates but still
Chrome beta - laggy and stops with the new update
UCL browser - strange fast but stays on when not use it and eats resources
Boat - fast but nothing special when you have AOKP browser ( maybe because of plugins but ... I don't use them )
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get rid of the scrolling lag
4years later the answer is finally there
The following settings on firefox browser/android have to be changed to get get a smooth experience when scrolling through web pages. To access, tap in the url bar " about:config " and change the values of the following:
ui.scrolling.friction_fast :
ui.scrolling.friction_slow :
ui.scrolling.max_event_acceleration :
ui.scrolling.min_scrollable_distance :
ui.scrolling.overscroll_decel_rate :

Thanks cecedo! Indeed, scrolling is much smoother with your settings. But it is not as smooth as with chrome or -surprise- Opera! I really ask myself why those settings are wrong by default. And why does even do opera such a much better job???


Why do all browsers suck?

All the browsers I've been using for my phone are slow, laggy especially in forums and typing is a pain. Why?
Miren; is slow on forums and loading pages. Scrolling is choppy and typing on forums is so bad. Loading massive pictures on forums is a pain.
Dolphin HD; is the same as above, but not as bad. Still an issue.
Skyfire; not as bad on forums, but not as good as say iPhone or Opera mini browser on forums.
Opera Mini; awesome scrolling, but no pinch to zoom, no link detection on forums, typing on forums is good. Website compatibility issues, like my bank for example.
Opera 10 beta; website compatibility... I can't remember what else I didn't like about it. *** edit *** oh I remember no flash support as of now, same with mini
Stock; Tabs suck, scrolling suck, forum typing sucks, can't exit program without task killer or hitting back 1000000000 times.
All the browsers suck at scrolling, but the one that is good there's a whole new set of issues. Why? is it my ROM (Team Whiskey) not being fully compatible or something to do with android in general?
I'm still on JI6 2.1~1 update but rooted but didn't modify anything browser wise and stock browser as well as opera both scroll and pinch to zoom fast with no lag or stutter so I dunno.
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OP did you try disabling flash? My broswer works fine using bionix V. Try using JFD or JI6. Browser in 2.1 is waaay faster than 2.2
I dunno what would cause bad performance like that, maybe clear your cache data. I actually prefer the stock and Opera browsers better than their desktop versions for reading blogs and forums...maybe cause I can do it laying down and one handed thanks to swype.
Sent from my Vibrant using XDA app, Bionix-v 1.21
You could try flashing that 2.2.1 ROM. The browser in 2.2.1 is supposed to be faster, right?
All the browsers suck in froyo for using forums. I cant even see what im typing atm due to the way they got rid of text editing box. The only browser ive found that still has it is opera mini and that has silly refresh issues that end up deleting your post before you can submit it.
Also lol at the captcha on this site. Was bloody hard to do on mobile. Especially for a forum about mobile development...
Have you tried Dolphin Mini? Its not perfect either, but I've tried all the browsers you listed as well, and this one has been my favorite so far.
firefox is ok, its has smooth scrolling, but it takes a while to start up and its a resource hog.
I happen to like Miren Browser from the market. Its free and gets the job done and often times allows me to DL attachments and such not normally accessible.

Best Android Browser [POLL]

hi all, i decided to start this thread so users can poll for their favourite browser and also discuss the pros and cons of each browser
the aim of this is to hopefully help other users, who have trouble on deciding which browser to go for - to make up their mind
all input and feedback would be much appreciated. thanks
ill get the ball rolling here. my fav browser is dolphin 5.0. yes, they have finally gotten 5.0 out of the beta, and its now public and official, effective june 1st. apart from the dozens of add ons and themes, what really won me over is how all these add ons never seem to slow the performance (or at least none that i have noticed).
in addition, i noticed that every time i click the home soft key while my facebook mobile page is open in the stock browser, the next time i open the stock browser, it forces a close; a problem i have never experienced with Dolphin thus far. i also like how the bookmarks slide out almost instantaneously compared to a black screen before u see thumbnails on the stock browser.
in my opinion, i have used opera, stock browser, firefox 4 and dolphin HD, and if the others are pairs or 3 of a kind or straights in a game of cards, this would be the royal flush nuff said
In my WinMo times I prefered SkyFire...Of course, stock was more than unusable...But now it IS stock browser. It's fast! It's easy to control and without unnecessary add ons. My choice!
Dolphin HD is the most complete (addons, themes, Desktop U.A.)
but stock browser is the fastest
patton82 said:
but stock browser is the fastest
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i have to agree that the stock browser is fast, but unfortunately what put me off was the force close every time i leave it running in the background with facebook mobile as one of the pages. the only way to stop this from happening is if i close the facebook tab and then leave the browser running in the background. does anybody else have this issue or is it just me?
apart from that, sad to say, its very annoying the way you have to alternate between tabs (by pressing the menu button > windows) or even to open a new tab for that matter.
Opera, the best.
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no opera mini ?
waigx said:
no opera mini ?
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oops it seems i might have left that out. i suppose you can put ur vote under opera mobile sorry about that
Dolphin Browser HD. Definitely
[email protected] said:
Dolphin Browser HD. Definitely
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I've tried them all, but none of them seems to satify my needs. So currently, I;m using Stock Browser. Need something similar and clean.
My thoughts:
Stock Browser -> No exit button, always have to close window then close browser so it doesn't open my last opened page
Opera Mobile/Opera Mini -> Force closes on me sometimes, I do not know what the cause is.
Dolphin Browser HD -> Heavy ram usage, slow to load pages and the add-ons load it down.
Firefox -> No flash.
Skyfire -> Too much clutter on user interface. Dislike the useful functions on the bottom bar which I will probably never use.
Miren -> Bad reviews make for a bad product.
xScope -> No moneyz.
Maxthon -> IE? No way.
Others -> Unknown and never tried.
Conclusion: Help me.
Solution: Opera
Sent from my A953 using XDA Premium App
boat browser
simple and faster than stock
MegaBubbletea said:
Dolphin Browser HD -> Heavy ram usage, slow to load pages and the add-ons load it down.
Conclusion: Help me.
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Dolphin Browser Mini -> Light, fast, the same as Dolphin Browser but without crapping addons. It`s my favourite.
Boat browser was ok. I liked it but the UI was a bit unpleasant. Ill give Dolphin Browser Mini a go. I hope it will support flash.
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I use Firefox for android because there is the synchronisation with computer but it is so slow ... well, as much as on the computer.
When Firefox is too laggy. I use stock one, so cool, so fast.
For me the best browser is Opera Mini because it is faster and it uses little ram.
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Dolphin HD has lots of features, but is usually slower than the rest, good if you want a browser with lots of extensions.
Opera Mini is very good for people with slow service/capped data because the webpages are compressed through Opera's servers.
The stock browser is good enough for me because it's moderately fast and just works fine, I've never had it crash.
The only complaint I have on the stock browser is that it has windows, not tabs. If there were tabs at the top of to switch instead of having to go through 2 menus to get to windows, I'd like it a lot more.
I would say Dolphin Browser HD is something like the Firefox on PC?
Smooth, great, unless with tons of addons.
My personal favorite after trying out all. Can't deny Opera is good too, for Android.
Used it on Symbian on my previous phone and was the best browser then.
From all the Browser i try i like the Firefox most because its clean and easy and it syncs with my desktop Browser.
But after i see the results of the Poll i might give the stock Browser a shot.
I prefer opera over the rest.. though firefox team has made vast improvement over past few months, still it can't surpass the experience you get in desktop version, in fact its awesome for me, with lots of plugins and innovative ideas keep popping out.. I usually export the bookmarks then import into phone via opera link then con't browsing on the phone.. on the other hand, opera has made its name in handheld device.. though its not the fastest but it renders it well to fit my personal preference.. I like the tabbed browsing very much..

Best Browser

Im finding Opera to be the smoothest browser experience, over Dolphin and the built in one.
Especially on a page with very wide content, maybe a picture to (craigs list) where you must slide the page way to the side to see pic.
+1 for Opera Mobile, fantastic browser.
Opera did some strange stuff on my a500. No keyboard, black screen...
maxthon for tablet for me
I've pretty much tried them all! I still go back to stock browser. Only take a little time to load flash images.
Been a Dolphin fan, they all seem to work but I am currently using "Dolphin for Pad" it's a beta
Dolphin browser mini is best I've used
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gramps50 said:
Been a Dolphin fan, they all seem to work but I am currently using "Dolphin for Pad" it's a beta
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going to give this ago thanks!
maxthon for tablet for me
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Maxthon mobile for 10" is a real good browser and quick also.
I've been using Dolphin for pad and it seems pretty good. I'm wondering how maxthon measures up to it.
is it just me or the browsers seems not so responsive...
like the stock browser when i type something, there is a delay from the moment i hit the key to it showing up on the screen...
then other browsers like dolphin, opera loads the screen fairly slow compared to my phone on the same wifi connection.
also, anyone else having trouble with flash videos playing poorly? when I skip ahead on a flash video, the picture freezes a while
Ive tried opera, dolphin as well as the less than useful stock browser..
personally so far MX has been by far the best, mouse gestures and speed have the others licked..
Dolphin Tab beta has been pretty good so far!
I prefer the stock browser:
I don't like Opera because it works in mobile mode and I can't get it to work in desktop mode (I even used custom user agent but it didn't work).
I don't like Maxthon because it shows google results on or whatever is the chinese google webpage. I hate it.
Dolphin Tab is ok but I feel like it's slower than all the rest.
I tried a lot of browsers and I'd really like to switch to another but so far every single browser had some problems or issues.
i stick with stock browser
But I admit - typing in a text forum depending on how the software is set up was painful when i first bought my Iconia - 3.01 had some serious lag.
3.1 helped a lot - i find the browser to be a lot faster and more stable, but still the text lag was a little annoying. Once I learned how to over clock and run at 1.54GhZ when using the browser, I am finally happy with stock.
mystik. said:
maxthon for tablet for me
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Awesome browser, thanks for your suggestion.
maxthon got a great UI but it is slow.
Opera doesn't save movie links.
Dolphin makes bookmarks very inaccesible.
Not true, dolphin has your bookmarks very accessible.
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Really.are they one click accessible like on the native browser? If so then I never found the button.
best browser?
I haven't tried maxthon...
I use Firefox, Opera, and Stock...
Firefox... only because I can synch my bookmarks and passwords with my desktop (very useful) but flash sites don't always work and flash videos never works.
Opera - strongly considering this as my favorite... but occasionally some sites don't work right, flash works very well and I like the UI
Stock - only use it for certain flash sites.
All-in-all at the end of the way if I had to dump two I would keep Opera

Anyone else having Chrome browser issues?

First thing I did was go to engadget on the Chrome browser.. and instantly disappointed. Page slow at rendering and scrolling not working .. ok a little but it goes a little.. then does nothing .. unresponsive . I'm assuming it's gotta be my tablet since I see no other complaints on this but it's not just a little slow ..there's something wrong. Of course I tried Mozilla and ICS+ Browser and neither work because this IS NOT a pure google experience. Not that I'm bitter after waiting weeks for this to disappoint me
Me too, and is your tablet lagging? Cause mine is too and when I look at YouTube videos it is smooth but mine and apparently yours too seem to lag, I too am disappointed though just use dolphin, dolphin is super smooth
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tri0xinn said:
First thing I did was go to engadget on the Chrome browser.. and instantly disappointed. Page slow at rendering and scrolling not working .. ok a little but it goes a little.. then does nothing .. unresponsive . I'm assuming it's gotta be my tablet since I see no other complaints on this but it's not just a little slow ..there's something wrong. Of course I tried Mozilla and ICS+ Browser and neither work because this IS NOT a pure google experience. Not that I'm bitter after waiting weeks for this to disappoint me
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Yep, I'm having a Chrome browser issue...dang! Same thing, scrolling is definitely not butter smooth! Also, on Droid Life, when I try to reply to make a comment, the text box disappears, or drops down so that I cannot see what I am typing? Very weird...and I'm thinking it's the browser, since the scrolling stutters...its gotta be a bug in Chrome? My N7 is still completely stock.
Chrome browser issue follow up
pumah350 said:
Yep, I'm having a Chrome browser issue...dang! Same thing, scrolling is definitely not butter smooth! Also, on Droid Life, when I try to reply to make a comment, the text box disappears, or drops down so that I cannot see what I am typing? Very weird...and I'm thinking it's the browser, since the scrolling stutters...its gotta be a bug in Chrome? My N7 is still completely stock.
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OK...last night I did a factory reset and the lag in Chrome is gone! Cleared cache as well. Now its Buttery smooth yiippeeee!
Occasionally, when scrolling web pages (which do not scroll buttery smooth!), The page will zoom in very quickly! Sometimes if I continue to scroll, it will zoom back out and then jump back in. It's very annoying when it happens. I haven't found anyone else posting about this particular issue.
I've been having issues as well recently. It has been locking up and not responding. The weird thing is that it affects other Google apps as well. Specifically, gmail wouldn't load emails or respond, wallet wouldn't initialize, YouTube wouldn't load videos or respond, etc. Then when I uninstall chrome, all of the apps work fine. I've uninstalled and reinstalled a few times, and it still happens. Has this happened to anyone else?

Web browsing is choppy with Javascript enabled

I have a problem with any website that use Java script. The website will be very choppy when scrolling and i don't know what is causing the problem.
Example website
You will notice its very choppy until you disable java script from the settings.
Anyone know a fix for it?
I have tried and think it normal
Maybe you should clear your browser data
What browser are you using. I used to use dolphin on my note 3 and it was fluid. But on note 4 the default browser is less chopy. If you check here, I had more or less the same issue as you and you can see what others are using
honhan0904 said:
I have tried and think it normal
Maybe you should clear your browser data
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marvi0 said:
What browser are you using. I used to use dolphin on my note 3 and it was fluid. But on note 4 the default browser is less chopy. If you check here, I had more or less the same issue as you and you can see what others are using
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Thanks for your inputs.
Yes the default browser is the fastest for me between chrome, firefox and dolphin. I noticed how choppy my scrolling is when I tried to compare my note 4 to my brother IP6+. The browsing experience on the IP6+ is very smooth however when I try to scroll and flick my finger fast it will only move like 2 pages max while if i do that on my note 4 it will go to the end of the website. Every phone has its procs and cons i guess.
But another problem i'm having is with, When I try to zoom in the layout of the website increase in site and covers what I want to see. Same problem on
If there is any workaround this issue I would appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.

