I somehow deleted all my contacts!
All I can remember is that I installed Skype and next time I opened Contacts it showed only Skype contacts, all other are gone. And no, they're not hidden or something.
Also, I am sure i saved a backup on SD card, but can't find it.
Any ideas on how to restore my contacts?
Check again in Display Option in contacts app
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if u made a backup..then install that app.. go to its settings nd check settings.. search for the folder it saves it backups...
or simply just restore them using that app.
** rooting is new for me,
nd i am a noob to root....**
technosavie said:
Check again in Display Option in contacts app
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I did. Repetedly.
menewtoroot said:
if u made a backup..then install that app.. go to its settings nd check settings.. search for the folder it saves it backups...
or simply just restore them using that app.
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Thanks, this helped me remember: I exported contacts to .vcf file and saved it on /mnt/sdcard, but it's gone too.
Also, i remembered another thing: I have Viber installed. It is common knowledge D) that Viber copies all the contacts to its own address book. But now even Viber's contacts are gone!
gnikolica said:
I did. Repetedly.
Thanks, this helped me remember: I exported contacts to .vcf file and saved it on /mnt/sdcard, but it's gone too.
Also, i remembered another thing: I have Viber installed. It is common knowledge D) that Viber copies all the contacts to its own address book. But now even Viber's contacts are gone!
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dnt knw abt viber... neva used it...
bt i can suggest u this...
*check ur computer if u exported them in ur pc
*check if u made a kies backup
* check if u eva made any nandroid backup
*remeber if u backuped up ur accounts on ur gmail id..
*viber check that again..
** rooting is new for me,
nd i am a noob to root....**
There are two ways to restore phone contacts
1- if you backed up your contact to sd card goto contacts app
Press menu key on phone
Select import/export
Import from sd
Select your backup file from list
2- restore your nandroid backup in cwm (if you have previously created a backup of the rom you are using - restores all system data back to that point)
If you haven't got either of these backups you have just learnt why it's important to have a nandroid backup & other backups
Well that heppened my friends ace but he had backup it solved the problem
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You can ONLY restore yout contacts if you have a BACKUP.
A Backup is made manually, through the Options Menu @ Contacts App.
If you Sync a Google account and Sync Gmail, your contacts can be there! Login to your Googlel account and look for your contacts.
Or, maybe they are just hide, as mentioned above. Go to Contacts App, hit Menu, Viewing Options and Check (v) all the groups of contacts.
Try this.
WebertRLZ said:
You can ONLY restore yout contacts if you have a BACKUP.
A Backup is made manually, through the Options Menu @ Contacts App.
If you Sync a Google account and Sync Gmail, your contacts can be there! Login to your Googlel account and look for your contacts.
Or, maybe they are just hide, as mentioned above. Go to Contacts App, hit Menu, Viewing Options and Check (v) all the groups of contacts.
Try this.
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Above posts are saying the same
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Data recovery software?
Thank you all for your effort. You made good points, but since I can't find my backup, I can't make much use of them
I was thinking data recovery software... Anybodu used any?
Anybody used this Tenorshare Photo Recovery? any-data-recovery.com/topics/mobile-devices/android-recovery.html
Try undelete from market as contacts are saved in internel memory and they dont have FAT32 fornat type you would not be able to recover all your contacts
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technosavie said:
Try undelete from market as contacts are saved in internel memory and they dont have FAT32 fornat type you would not be able to recover all your contacts
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Thanks, but my phone is not rooted
I hoped to recover my backup or Viber's contacts from SD card.
I think I'll give this Photo Recovery a shot...
gnikolica said:
Thanks, but my phone is not rooted
I hoped to recover my backup or Viber's contacts from SD card.
I think I'll give this Photo Recovery a shot...
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I think that also need the root
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One of the biggest time wasters I have when I'm updating my rom to the newest version is going through all my contacts and linking my Gmail contacts with my Facebook ones. Is there a way to restore contacts with fb contacts already merged on nexusone and evo builds. Anyone? Because Google maybe restore 2 but I have to manually do the rest and delete the rest of the fb contacts! Please help someone
I've read about someone first doing a contacts backup to sdcard and then using that backup to restore the contacts on the new build without sync. I don't worry about it since I don't use FB but hope that helps you
thankyou, can u recommend a contact back-up app that back up fb links as well cause some dont
Try this:
In winmo link all your fb contacts. After that you will need
Pim Backup (link: h**p://rapidshare.com/files/191036103/PPCPimBackup2.8__run_from_phone_.exe), a computer with internet access and a Gmail account.
1. Open PIM Backup on your Windows Mobile device. Select the Backup action and unselect everything but contacts, then hit Next.
2. At the "Select backup filename and folder" screen, unselect the "compress backup" and "binary backup" options, then hit Next.
3. Transfer the BACKUP.PIB file that you just made from your phone to your computer. Change the extension from .PIB to .RAR, then extract the file.
4. The extracted file should be BACKUP.CSC. Simply change the extension to .CSV and import the file to your gmail account. All your contacts can now be imported to your phone through gmail - just follow the instructions given in the phone's contact menu.
I did it this way, and my google account has saved the fb links, so when I change builds, after I set up my google account, it syncs the contacts with their fb links.
that is how i originally did it but something in nexusone Google or maybe the native contact manager is braking the Links some how, wat will we do when nand get here, can't just boot to Windows to fix this, there must be other options............
Sorry, like I said I don't use facebook. I remember the guy stating he used the export option on the android contacts app. I'll try it on my gf's phone and report back.
[email protected] said:
that is how i originally did it but something in nexusone Google or maybe the native contact manager is braking the Links some how, wat will we do when nand get here, can't just boot to Windows to fix this, there must be other options............
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i just use pim back up and it always work perfectly, i did read about people using microsoft my phone but never tried it as pim does the job for me.
I've been flashing and enjoying all the different roms. I backed up my phone from a few days ago via clockwork recovery and one version has all of the contacts that I need, but when I restore the data after a new flash, not only do I get the contacts I want, but also other things that I don't want to restore.
So for now, I just want to bring over the contacts file that I backed up, and none of the other data. I tried google sync but it only brings over the email addresses, but not the phone numbers of my contact. I tried Titanium Backup, but it did the same thing. I tried Android Backup app, but it won't restore what I backed up.
Where can I find the specific contacts file and what is the best way to back it up and restore it?
This isn't a direct answer to your question however the simplest and most foolproof way is to go into contacts and export the list. You can take that file and import it into your gmail contacts (the option is there). After that you can move the email addresses to another folder within your gmail contacts. (They'll still be just as easily accessed when emailing) After that when you do gmail sync it will always bring back just the phone numbers. Then it's as easy and adding that acccount within your rom. Hope this helps....
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
worked! Thanks so much.
i copied my sim contacts to the phone and now i have every contact twice!
Is there any way to read contacts ONLY from phone?
From Home screen:
Phone > Menu> People >Menu> View then check whichever directories you want to be displayed.
All apps> People >Menu> View then check whichever directories you want to be displayed.
thanks for answer!
i did it but that's work ONLY for menu>people
If i go menu>phone still shows both sim and phone contacts.. :/
Any help on this?
I deleted contacts on the SIM card.
And now I have every contact only once.
that's risky..
cant find contacts after nandroid backup.
mastershaq1127 said:
cant find contacts after nandroid backup.
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A Nandroid backup removed your contacts???
it's not possible...
i'm doing export to sdcard (vcf file) sometimes. The best way backup contacts - yes i'm syncing to google too, but better safe than sorry
is there any way to imports contacts and apps (mainly contacts) from my stock rom to custom rom? i am a noob so useful links would be helpful
Sync contacts with google or try pc companion.
Use titanium backup for apps.
you can backup you contacts on sd card with stock contacts app and then, after installing new rom, you can import it from sd card back
fifo171 said:
you can backup you contacts on sd card with stock contacts app and then, after installing new rom, you can import it from sd card back
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but i cudnt find the back up app after installing the froyo rom :/ but yeah i did back up the contacts before flashing the rom.
one more thing, after i am done installing the new rom, do i still need to keep the droid rooted and usb debugging mode active? should i unroot the droid?
elmiser420 said:
one more thing, after i am done installing the new rom, do i still need to keep the droid rooted and usb debugging mode active? should i unroot the droid?
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if you unroot your device you will lose many featuers and you cant use xrecovery so id say you dont unroot your device!
(sorry for bad english)
Use go contacts, with this app you can save your contacts to a vcf file.
what about the apps? do i need to download them again? is there any way to back up and restore apps in android?
Use Titanium Backup
Sent from my X8 using Tapatalk
just press the menu button in the contact,there is an import/export function.
u can use my backup pro..
that app u can backup ur sms and contact. but if u have rooted your phone u can backup ur app too .
I wonder how do you guys back up your contacts. Coz I don't feel like back it up all to gmail account. Any alternative easy way?
I always backup contacts by exporting them to SD card. Its an in build feature of every android rom.
I mostly use My Phone Explorer: syncs with windows contacts (but no autosync over network)
Use any of the backup apps. You can backup to sdcard or online..
I used GO backup when going to CM9 and it worked like a charm. Much better than free Titanium backup by the way.
I use wondershare mobilego app from PC and take backups. it takes backups of all android phones , recentcalls missedcalls lists, messages,contacts all backued up in PC
if youre on cm9, you dont need any extra apps to backup your contacts. just go into people>menu>import/export>export to external storage. this will create a file on your sdcard, which you can later use to restore the same way.
sent from my cm9 defy...
God damn...I didn't notice there's export/import feature... That is good enough for me...Thank you guys.
I don't see why it's necessary to install an app to do this.