Return to stock ROM - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Any avid flashers go back to stock ROM and stay there? I flip flop between CM and aospa frequently and I'm considering going back to stock. Id think that Google optimised the stock ROM for the Nexus 4. Any comments. Ive always used custom roms
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I haven't stayed there on the N4, my GN lived on stock for the last couple of months I used it.
That said if CM didn't exist I would have ZERO issues with rocking the stock images. I'd just carefully choose which market apps to fill some of the functionality void.
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When I first got my n4 in November I immediately started flashing ROMs (cm being ROM of choice). But after about a month I went back to 100% stock unrooted and stayed that way. Its nice to know everything will just work, plus after a while I get sick of flashing ROMs all the time. Only thing about stock is it gets kinda boring after a while, which is why I flashed PA yesterday but I'm kinda already thinking about going back to stock lol... Nothing matches its speed & smoothness imo
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How bout battery life? I don't like using custom kernels... To many things to tinker with.
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I wouldn't consider myself an avid flasher but I did try a ROM (AOKP) and ended up going back to stock because I like knowing everything will work on my phone when I need it to. On previous non nexus devices I always flashed ROMs that were as close to AOSP as possible because I think it's smoother (but they'd always have minor issues here and there were functionality didn't quite work all the way). I usually pick a ROM and stick with it. In this particular case I think it will be stock.
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Smallsmx3 said:
How bout battery life? I don't like using custom kernels... To many things to tinker with.
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Same here, never been a huge fan of kernels. But I decided to give Franco a try and I can safely say battery is slightly better than stock. I was getting about 15 hrs + 3screen on with stock, now on PA w/ Franco I'm getting 4hrs screen on time. Only thing I noticed is every once in a while I see a tiny micro-stutter in an animation, but its worth it for an extra hr of SOT lol. Btw I'm running all stock settings on franco
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Current status

Good day, what is the current status for your nexus s self rebooting issue ?
No reboots whatsoever
NSCollab 60 with latest Franco kernel, 110 liveOC with a little undervolting, Deep idle enabled.
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There is a reboot issue?
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DZG said:
Good day, what is the current status for your nexus s self rebooting issue ?
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None... there is no issue. That said if you under volt too much...
Bounced off a tower to a forum near you!
Non existent.. ASOPs ICS running strong
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DZG said:
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DZG said:
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Sorry don't have them
Bounced off a tower to a forum near you!
Perhaps the problem is with ota build. Most here are rooted with custom rom. Are you by chance running a custom rom or the stock one that was sent over the air?
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Bruce lee roy said:
Perhaps the problem is with ota build. Most here are rooted with custom rom. Are you by chance running a custom rom or the stock one that was sent over the air?
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phone is default updated OTA
Then perhaps you can root and install a custom rom. It seems to me when I download a custom rom ota, its more likely to be corrupt. If its stock you want, it's available here. Better yet you might try Pete's Bugless Beast- stock with some additional enhancements. That way you get the stock a stock experience ... but better
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It was the other way round for me, I've only had the rebooting issue on my 9023 when I was using a couple of different cm roms, and it went away when I went back to stock. Have tried some other non cm roms, but not for long enough to show any effects.
No reboot, fortunately
That's an issue with 2.3.1, just update to 2.3.4 ota and it should be gone
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scrapperstoo said:
It was the other way round for me, I've only had the rebooting issue on my 9023 when I was using a couple of different cm roms, and it went away when I went back to stock. Have tried some other non cm roms, but not for long enough to show any effects.
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The CM reboots and sod are know bugs for CM and many have reported the problem stems from the flashing alternative kernel. I've been on GLADOS CFS @ 1.4 for several days now and have had absolutely no problems.
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I've never had any random reboots on my NS4G...nor have I even heard of this being an issue with the NS line, at all. I've been flashing new roms/kernels like crazy for the last 3 months I've been using this phone...the longets I think I've gone without a single flash is probably 4 days....and I've never had a single hardware issue of any kind These phones seem really rock-solid to me!!
They've turned a Samsung hater into a Samsung fan overnight!!! I'd buy a GN in a heartbeat if I hadn't JUST bought my NS4G lol

Good ROM and/or kernel close to 4.2.1 jelly bean on N7

I currently am running android 4.1.2 and everything is factory stock on my 32 GB N7. I want to use 4.2.1 but do not want the battery died ain and charging issues. I wondering if there are any good ROMs and/or kernels to use that would be similar to the stock 4.2.1 but without the battery drain and charging issues. Any suggestions would be great.
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I'm currently using Paranoid Android b9 with m-kernel a25. Right now I can get two full days out of it if I forget to plug it in at night. There are still a few bugs, but the customizability makes it worth it to me.
I was using SmoothROM before, which ran great. If you're looking for something closer to stock, you might take a look at that one.
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Can you use that kernel with the stock ROM
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Smoothrom and Motley kernel is very solid (and smooth)
Reidkins said:
Can you use that kernel with the stock ROM
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You should be able to.
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Rasbean with trinity is a good near stock experience with minor useful mods. As for not wanting to use stock 4.2.1 due to battery issues, I wouldn't worry about it. I ran complete stock unrooted 4.2.1 since I got my 32GB 7 (mid November) until yesterday when I finally rooted and flashed rasbean, and had excellent battery life.
As for charging, people been complaining about it being slow since before 4.2. Mine doesn't take any longer than my g'nex even with 3 times the battery.
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gsw5700 said:
Smoothrom and Motley kernel is very solid (and smooth)
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How is the battery life ?
Have u tried Clemsyn Elite Battery Saver kernel ?
+1 for Rasbeanjelly and Trinity..
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I'm using paranoid android 2.99 and franco kernel. Love the tab ui
rasbean with trinity. close to stock, but better :victory:
I'm on CM10.1 nightly and it has been smooth so far. It feels almost the same as stock, with some great perks.

do kernals effect in the long run???

i understand that uv/oc messes with phones and tablets in the long run but will just flashing a kernel effect it also?
No. Absolutely not.
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If anything, some kernels could probably be better for you.
Thanks allot both of you guys. I've been going from phone to phone flashinshing cynagonmod on almost all of them. Till I finally got a nexus 4 but was not so happy with battery. But will be flashing a new kernel. Also I'm running pacman ROM on it so and vice for kernels??????
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[Q] Bought it, now what?

Hi everyone,
I posted a few months back whether I should buy a Nex 4 or not. Now that I did, I have another Q.
With my old Galaxy S, i HAD to root and install ROMs cuz it was reaaaally slow. Now, with the Nex 4, it's super fast that I'm not even thinking about ROMing it any time soon. However, I was wondering about rooting it. Does rooting affect the speed? it made my GS faster. Will it do the same for the Nexus?
Just rooting won't actually do anything but installing the right apps will. Of course if you overclock it it will get faster, but personally I underclock it to save battery. I'd say it is definitely worth rooting it. You never know you might feel like installing a ROM later so it can't hurt to root now. Basically everything rooting did to your GS it will do to your N4 but the nexus is already fast.
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I'd suggest a kernel change at least. The stock kernel made my phone very hot sometimes and the battery life sucked.
Unlock bootloader, root, start modding and theming, or flash custom rom, have fun, and ignore all the idiot trolls here.
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illhangon said:
I'd suggest a kernel change at least. The stock kernel made my phone very hot sometimes and the battery life sucked.
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I dont agree. Stock rom and stock kernel. Awesome. Provided that if you have not set sync setting for least times.
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Same situation here, from Galaxy S to Nexus 4... well, I've rooted, installed Franko Kernel... and here stops my modding, now enjoying the speed . The only problem is that now every phone I touch, feels slower compared to the nexus
Just rooting won't actually do anything but installing the right apps will. Of course if you overclock it it will get faster, but personally I underclock it to save battery. I'd say it is definitely worth rooting it. You never know you might feel like installing a ROM later so it can't hurt to root now. Basically everything rooting did to your GS it will do to your N4 but the nexus is already fast.
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illhangon said:
I'd suggest a kernel change at least. The stock kernel made my phone very hot sometimes and the battery life sucked.
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fernandezhjr said:
Unlock bootloader, root, start modding and theming, or flash custom rom, have fun, and ignore all the idiot trolls here.
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Thanks guys, I'm thinking of a kernel to save a little more battery and at the same time play some heavy duty games.
Any suggestions?
faddyie said:
I dont agree. Stock rom and stock kernel. Awesome. Provided that if you have not set sync setting for least times.
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true. Still, I wanna try a good kernel just to see if things get better.
Travel_Mate said:
Same situation here, from Galaxy S to Nexus 4... well, I've rooted, installed Franko Kernel... and here stops my modding, now enjoying the speed . The only problem is that now every phone I touch, feels slower compared to the nexus
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A GS mate! :highfive: I totally agree when it comes to any other phone being slow. I'll stop by Franko kernel's thread after root. Thanks :good:
faddyie said:
I dont agree. Stock rom and stock kernel. Awesome. Provided that if you have not set sync setting for least times.
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To each his own.
I rooted my Gnex the first day I got it. Although I plan on staying stock for awhile on the N4 since my favorite custom rom (CM) seems to be a bit glitchly atm.
What I did for an while was run stock-rooted for a bit. I turned ALL animations in Dev Options to .5 and my phone was flying! Quick to menus, opening and closing apps, and saving RAM. Battery life was great considering I'm a stickler when it comes to WiFi and Data toggled. Than I would run either PACman or Paranoid Android. Both were fluid experiences. But nothing beat Stock Rooted speeds.
It just matters what you're looking for. Try ROMs out, there's plenty of them out there! Good luck and happy rooting!
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Honestly I thought exactly like you when I first got this phone but I eventually decided to root and install custom ROMs and I like my phone a lot better. I think you should
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This phone is too good at it makes me bored....

So I sit here bored on a Thursday night and think to myself 'oh I'll just flash a ROM on my moto x' then I realize that if I flash a ROM I will actually lose features that I like instead of gain them. I used to spend a few hours a week flashing Roms but now I don't want to. So what are all the other flash-a-holics doing with their free time now?
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Get a job? A hobby other than flashing Roms? A girlfriend ? Play a sport ? Etc etc etc
Not having to flash ROMs is the reason I got the Moto X.
get root, install xposed installer, install motoxposed and other great modules, enjoy the near stock experience with all the benefits of a good rom.
Buy a Nexus 5 to flash on those nights! I may have retired my GNex but its still got some development life yet!
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I plan on learning how to play the violin, no joke.
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Lol. Reason why I got the X..
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Yo can try installing Kit Kat!!!
no need to flash any custom rom at least while when they port all unique features.
Haha that's my goal this weekend. To try getting a 4.4 ROM to work on the sprint version. Last night I spent the night installing Ubuntu and everything I need to start building roms
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I will say that the Moto X is such a clean stable phone in which I don't have to require much change. The changes I want are simple and easily handled by using the XPosed Installer. This phone has truly cured my need to tweak and mod. It gets great battery life without the need for custom kernels or governors.
I do still have a Nexus 7 (2013) which I am using to enjoy KitKat on, but now I never have to worry about my phone crashing, or bugging out.
BrokenWall said:
I will say that the Moto X is such a clean stable phone in which I don't have to require much change. The changes I want are simple and easily handled by using the XPosed Installer. This phone has truly cured my need to tweak and mod. It gets great battery life without the need for custom kernels or governors.
I do still have a Nexus 7 (2013) which I am using to enjoy KitKat on, but now I never have to worry about my phone crashing, or bugging out.
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It is refreshing, not having to constantly tinker with my phone. I basically run my business from my phone... Can't count how many times a accidentally lost texts, photos, app data etc... Because I was flashing in a hurry or because of a bad nandroid backup. Those days are gone... And I don't miss it.
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theraffman said:
It is refreshing, not having to constantly tinker with my phone. I basically run my business from my phone... Can't count how many times a accidentally lost texts, photos, app data etc... Because I was flashing in a hurry or because of a bad nandroid backup. Those days are gone... And I don't miss it.
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^this x 100000
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