Accidently erased internal storage please help! - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Guys I messed up my nexus 7, I am a complete idiot!. I was trying to install this ROM over my current ROM. I accidently wiped my internal storage and everything else including system and factory reset.. How can I transfer the rom to my internal storage on my n7 ? I'm stuck without a OS .. If anyone can help, please ..

There has been a thousand threads posted on this issue.
I will give you a hint.
Adb push
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus

I'm on the latest twrp and I tried to install the SDK files on my windows computer from one guide then I tried to install the SDK files again via qbkings YouTube guide. I was only able to install the platform tools but not the tools in SDK manager. I don't think I needed the tools installed but maybe I do? I was trying to use the adb side load via twrp but it didn't show any devices connected.. Tried to stop server then restart server unplug and plug back in device with no luck..

I found a thread about it but just to confirm I just download wugs toolkit and flash the stock image correct? Then I would have to root again , please correct me if I'm wrong . dont need any toolkit. all you need is adb, your device, and a freaking rom zip
adb push /sdcard/ or /data/media/0
its really simple

doesnt work. if you could be kind enough to elaborate for a minute id appreciate it.. tried adb push, doesnt work.

skwon said:
doesnt work. if you could be kind enough to elaborate for a minute id appreciate it.. tried adb push, doesnt work.
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Do some research and learn.

skwon said:
doesnt work. if you could be kind enough to elaborate for a minute id appreciate it.. tried adb push, doesnt work.
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If you can't figure out how to push the file, or the device will not let you, flash a factory image back to the device and start over from scratch.
Once you root and install your custom recovery, just restore from your nandroid that I'm sure you made and moved to your computer for safe keeping

What do you mean when you say adb push doesn't work? What error do you get?
Sent from my ViperDNA using Tapatalk 2


[Q] How do you brick your phone?

Okay today I'm finally going to root my phone but I would like to know how people brick their phone so I don't make that mistake and do it.. I've read so many things and watched so many videos and I think I understand how to do it but before I take the chance I want to know how people brick their phone or mess it up so if someone could explain that to me, i'd be nice
dreseansr said:
Okay today I'm finally going to root my phone but I would like to know how people brick their phone so I don't make that mistake and do it.. I've read so many things and watched so many videos and I think I understand how to do it but before I take the chance I want to know how people brick their phone or mess it up so if someone could explain that to me, i'd be nice
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Nexus devices are hard to brick. Just to be on the safe side, just follow the videos, follow instructions and you'll be fine.
"Riddle me this, Riddle me that."
It's importanto to be sure that alla drivers are working correctly and if you are able root manually from the command line ( it's easy ).I'm going to root too,and I'm trying to understand if my drivers are working but with no results
Federico_96 said:
It's importanto to be sure that alla drivers are working correctly and if you are able root manually from the command line ( it's easy ).I'm going to root too,and I'm trying to understand if my drivers are working but with no results
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Just install the WUG's nexus root kit, all needed drivers are included there. Or if you want to do it manually, download the adb and fastboot drivers.
Or you can try this:
"Riddle me this, Riddle me that. Smash an iPhone with a baseball BAT!"
I used wugfresh's toolkit for the n7 and the n4 with absolutely no trouble. Other than not letting the drivers install automatically drivers. Once I let them go on auto it worked like a charm windows xp.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Th3RiddL3r said:
Just install the WUG's nexus root kit, all needed drivers are included there. Or if you want to do it manually, download the adb and fastboot drivers.
Or you can try this:
"Riddle me this, Riddle me that. Smash an iPhone with a baseball BAT!"
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Is there a way to check if adb has been installed correctly? I'm using wugfresh toolkit,i already made the drivers test and it went fine,but i don't know if adb has been included in this test too,and I noticed that even if the drivers test said that all is ok,in my device manager i still see a yellow exclamation mark near to the MTP device...another question,if i plug my device with usb debugging on, should i be able to transfer files in the memory? beacuse i can't see my device
With a command prompt i moved in the adb directory and typed adb devices,it said daemon not running,daemon started running successfully,and it showed a serial number and "offline", is this correct?
dreseansr said:
Okay today I'm finally going to root my phone but I would like to know how people brick their phone so I don't make that mistake and do it.. I've read so many things and watched so many videos and I think I understand how to do it but before I take the chance I want to know how people brick their phone or mess it up so if someone could explain that to me, i'd be nice
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download the 4.2.2 factory images and keep them handy for emergencies, setup and learn fastboot, and never flash anything for another device/not meant for the N4. if you do this, you will never brick it.
Federico_96 said:
Is there a way to check if adb has been installed correctly? I'm using wugfresh toolkit,i already made the drivers test and it went fine,but i don't know if adb has been included in this test too,and I noticed that even if the drivers test said that all is ok,in my device manager i still see a yellow exclamation mark near to the MTP device...another question,if i plug my device with usb debugging on, should i be able to transfer files in the memory? beacuse i can't see my device
With a command prompt i moved in the adb directory and typed adb devices,it said daemon not running,daemon started running successfully,and it showed a serial number and "offline", is this correct?
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You need to update the adb driver if it's showing offline. Try searching the new updated adb driver in google. I think it's also here in the N4 forums, not quite sure where.
"Riddle me this, Riddle me that. Smash an iPhone with a baseball BAT!"
Th3RiddL3r said:
You need to update the adb driver if it's showing offline. Try searching the new updated adb driver in google. I think it's also here in the N4 forums, not quite sure where.
"Riddle me this, Riddle me that. Smash an iPhone with a baseball BAT!"
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OK so now typing adb devices i get a serial number and "device", i suppose that now adb is working,and now i installed mtp drivers using this guide
Th3RiddL3r said:
Just install the WUG's nexus root kit, all needed drivers are included there. Or if you want to do it manually, download the adb and fastboot drivers.
Or you can try this:
"Riddle me this, Riddle me that. Smash an iPhone with a baseball BAT!"
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what's the difference between auto root and manual? which is better?
Questions: 1.Difference between manually rooting and auto-rooting
2. This thing say we can root without unlocking bootloader, is that really legit and if so will our stuff be wiped or no?
3.How to back up my phone? Which program to use?
4.Long does it take to root?
dreseansr said:
what's the difference between auto root and manual? which is better?
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1) Download either Clockwordmod or TWRP recovery image and move the file to the folder that contains adb and fastboot.
2) Open a command prompt in the folder that contains adb and fastboot type fastboot oem unlock and install a custom recovery by typing fastboot flash recovery recovery-image-name.img.
3) Boot into recovery and install downloaded from
4) Reboot your phone, search the Play Store for BusyBox, and install BusyBox.
Now your Nexus 4 is fully rooted. If you intend to flash a custom ROM, superuser and busybox will be included in the ROM.
BobWalker said:
1) Download either Clockwordmod or TWRP recovery image and move the file to the folder that contains adb and fastboot.
2) Open a command prompt in the folder that contains adb and fastboot type fastboot oem unlock and install a custom recovery by typing fastboot flash recovery recovery-image-name.img.
3) Boot into recovery and install downloaded from
4) Reboot your phone, search the Play Store for BusyBox, and install BusyBox.
Now your Nexus 4 is fully rooted. If you intend to flash a custom ROM, superuser and busybox will be included in the ROM.
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Wait I'm confused, Clockwordmod is to backup my stuff?
dreseansr said:
Wait I'm confused, Clockwordmod is to backup my stuff?
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Clockworkmod and TWRP are recovery software. Either can be used to perform nandroid backups of all system files, applications and data, and boot image installed on the phone at the time of the backup. Recovery may also used to flash custom ROMs or kernels and to install some software directly from a zip file and to wipe cache, Dalvik cache, and system before flashing a new ROM.
At a minimum, you should perform a nandroid backup of your phone when you have it rooted and have all essential programs installed so you have an image of your phone in a working state as insurance in case you do something wrong and need to restore your phone to normal operation.
BobWalker said:
Clockworkmod and TWRP are recovery software. Either can be used to perform nandroid backups of all system files, applications and data, and boot image installed on the phone at the time of the backup. Recovery may also used to flash custom ROMs or kernels and to install some software directly from a zip file and to wipe cache, Dalvik cache, and system before flashing a new ROM.
At a minimum, you should perform a nandroid backup of your phone when you have it rooted and have all essential programs installed so you have an image of your phone in a working state as insurance in case you do something wrong and need to restore your phone to normal operation.
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hm ok so is there any video showing the steps of how to back up my phone or using this programs?
You need to do more research on your own all this info u need is on this site and on YouTube please read for yourself
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
dreseansr said:
hm ok so is there any video showing the steps of how to back up my phone or using this programs?
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You Tube videos for using TWRP to perform a nandroid backup and restore and flashing a custom ROM can be found at and at respectively.
You Tube videos for using Clockworkmod to perform a nandroid backup and restore and flashing a custom ROM can be found at and at respectively.
dreseansr said:
Okay today I'm finally going to root my phone but I would like to know how people brick their phone so I don't make that mistake and do it.. I've read so many things and watched so many videos and I think I understand how to do it but before I take the chance I want to know how people brick their phone or mess it up so if someone could explain that to me, i'd be nice
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Well I think there is an forum rule that says we're not supposed to discuss about things such as how to brick your phone. And the most, if not all, of the bricks on the Nexus 4 are recoverable anyways.
That being said, before you flash anything, especially kernel or bootloader, be absolutely sure the file is made for your device
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
nelsonator1982 said:
You need to do more research on your own all this info u need is on this site and on YouTube please read for yourself
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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If you have read the thread you will see that i've done that already but since he/she is informing me on a program that they used, i am simply asking for a video that showed them how to do it so i know everything is legit.
BobWalker said:
You Tube videos for using TWRP to perform a nandroid backup and restore and flashing a custom ROM can be found at and at respectively.
You Tube videos for using Clockworkmod to perform a nandroid backup and restore and flashing a custom ROM can be found at and at respectively.
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Thank you

TWRP not mounting device; trying to install custom ROM

Earlier, I did a wipe of my tablet and wanted to install a ROM through recovery, but using the mount function from TWRP is a no-go.
When I click the Mount button, it takes me to a list of which directories to mount, but nothing else. In the lists of available drives under Computer, my tablet is not listed.
What do?
Unfortunately, I don't know how to push through ADB or do an ADB sideload, so if anyone can walk me through that process, I'd be forever grateful.
Update: Got adb to work, but I can't get my PC to recognize that my device is plugged in.
I know for a fact that the problem lies on the device side rather than the PC side, so how do I fanangle my N7 to get recognized by my comp?
Did you really flashed correct twrp version for your n7?
So, I just did a crash course on how to use ADB and just flashed to stock.
Hopefully, I'll have no problems afterward.
Hexm.xx said:
So, I just did a crash course on how to use ADB and just flashed to stock.
Hopefully, I'll have no problems afterward.
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Otherwise try to get the drivers installed manually just search Google for Nexus 7 fastboot drivers and here is a little help for you installing Roms like ubuntu (touch):

LG G2 Fastboot

Everything I found on this says volume + and power, which kicks me into download mode, not fastboot.
I've gone into adb and typed adb reboot bootloader, but that just restarts the phone and turns in on like normal.
I google the how to enter fastboot mode on LG G2 and can find plenty of post about being stuck in fastboot, but nothing on how to get into fastboot in the first place.
Found a tutorial here about setting up and using fastboot and thought I was set until I got to the part about "and using fastback", where it just says:
Make sure you have android debugging turned on in your phone (not really needed for fastboot but you do need for ADB), plug it into your computer and boot into fastboot mode...
I felt like watching "Much ado about nothing" when Denzel says; "The learned constable is too cunning to be understood"
Any direction is appreciated.
Hmm, I may have written that guide... Just checked and yeah should have been more clear I'll change that up. It should have read the USB debugging was needed for adb (not for fastboot) so when you can issue
adb reboot bootloader
But after that I did mention to check device specific forum for answers on how to get into fastboot/bootloader and being I've never held an lg g2 I took a quick look around.
Unfortunately the only way that I found that people said works every time is to wipe recovery to get into bootloader mode as the recovery you guys currently have disables something due to a patch getting custom recoveries to work
So yeah, I would advice to speak with someone knowledgeable about your specific device before you just wipe recovery
Out of curiosity, is there something specific you need to do with fastboot or are you just curious about your phone?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
demkantor said:
Out of curiosity, is there something specific you need to do with fastboot or are you just curious about your phone?
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the current thing I've been trying to straighten out is that despite being rooted and installing TWRP, I can't install ROMS. I tried CM 11 and Hellfire so that I could put kitkat on, but gave the following:
Error executing updater binary zip.
One of the answers I found said that I had to go back to TWRP 2.3 (I'm using 2.6) and I believe that's where the whole bootloader thing came into play, because it was the way to 'downgrade' -
So then I found Philz touch 6 (as I understand it a mode of CM 11), but here he talked about fastboot and lokifying items. Here's the link:
In the end it still comes back to the "can't load ROMs" issue. Just want a completely stripped down Kitkat that I can add the stuff I want without the bloatware.
Thanks in advance.(and the thanks button was hit on your reply)
For KitKat you should need a newer recovery with SELinux support which I believe is 2.6.x and newer for twrp, 2.3 I doubt would work if there even is one for your phone
But yes fastboot is often the best way to change recoveries but not the only way.
If there is a you could install new recovery from old
If your current ROM supports the flash image binary you can use a terminal emulator
You can use adb to install
Or even apps from the market
I would look for the latest recovery for your device, twrp, cwm, shouldn't matter so long as its new and then find what way works best changing for your phone.
The update-binary issue is often a sign that you need to change recoveries
Unfortunately without having your device I don't know if I can give you the best answers but feel free to ask
Best of luck!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
demkantor said:
Unfortunately without having your device I don't know if I can give you the best answers but feel free to ask
Best of luck!
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Thanks again. I have adb and the script for loading TWRP 2.6.xx. I unrooted and rerooted the phone, because I wasn't sure how to replace the recovery... Now I think I realize that I could just find another recovery image and place it in the same file as the loki flash and that will flash it (At least that's what I understand at present).
If that's the case, then downloading the Philz touch 6 would work... but not wanting to brick it, I'm still asking and reading.
Hello Guys.
I am having a similar issue. I have a new ROM that will not run because of a faulty lg set up wizard that always force closes and I can not get passed it and a nandroid that for some reason is corrupted. So. This fastboot seems to be a dead end it looks like a quick learning curve of ADB is the only viable answer. I have installed all SDK Manager with ADB Tools and also the required Jarva JDK and LG drivers. The phone is turned on (at the beginning of the faulty setup wizard) In CMD my device is found when typing in 'adb devices' So. I am already to push a new ROM over to the phone.
Do either of you guys know the adb command?
Help would be appreciated.
You can't actually flash a new ROM with adb, but you can either push it phone with adb and then flash in recovery. Or if your recovery has an option for adb sideload then use this.
Also setup wizard crashing is usually the fault of wrong gapps or not wiping before flashing a rom
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I found that the best way was to load flashify, that did the trick so I could start trying out ROMs... so no on to the next step - finding a 4.4.2 stripped down stock and the LG stuff I actually like.... thanks again.
demkantor said:
You can't actually flash a new ROM with adb, but you can either push it phone with adb and then flash in recovery. Or if your recovery has an option for adb sideload then use this.
Also setup wizard crashing is usually the fault of wrong gapps or not wiping before flashing a rom
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Thanks for the reply!
I know it's not possible to flash a ROM via ADB. I have everything set up, ADB etc, etc. My phone is turned on and adb is seeing it but I can not work out the command to push. Every time I try to push I just get a long list of ADB instructions (I think they are) but nothing gets pushed. I have read lots of instructions on how to make the command but I still must be doing something wrong.
Here are my parameters;-
adb push/C:\Users\dene\Desktop/
Am I missing some spaces I am not aware of? Are all my slashes the right way round and in the right places? Is my 'sdcard' destination designation correct seeing as there is only internal storage on the G2?
Another problem I am having is that ADB has no problem seeing my sevice EXCEPT when I boot in to recovery (TWRP). When in recovery I lose coms between my device and pc. Hence I can no do TWRP ADB side load (I have tried). I have all the correct LG drivers loaded. Except MTP keeps failing to install? Any ideas?
Not to be mardy about it or hassle you but I am fairly house bound and live out in the country and really require my mobile phone. I have spent many hours trying to figure this out. Any help with the above would be much appreciated?
PS. I did a very thorough wipe, I always do. The gapps are built in to this ROM!
dodge3003 said:
Thanks for the reply!
I know it's not possible to flash a ROM via ADB. I have everything set up, ADB etc, etc. My phone is turned on and adb is seeing it but I can not work out the command to push. Every time I try to push I just get a long list of ADB instructions (I think they are) but nothing gets pushed. I have read lots of instructions on how to make the command but I still must be doing something wrong.
Here are my parameters;-
adb push/C:\Users\dene\Desktop/
Am I missing some spaces I am not aware of? Are all my slashes the right way round and in the right places? Is my 'sdcard' destination designation correct seeing as there is only internal storage on the G2?
Another problem I am having is that ADB has no problem seeing my sevice EXCEPT when I boot in to recovery (TWRP). When in recovery I lose coms between my device and pc. Hence I can no do TWRP ADB side load (I have tried). I have all the correct LG drivers loaded. Except MTP keeps failing to install? Any ideas?
Not to be mardy about it or hassle you but I am fairly house bound and live out in the country and really require my mobile phone. I have spent many hours trying to figure this out. Any help with the above would be much appreciated?
PS. I did a very thorough wipe, I always do. The gapps are built in to this ROM!
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I HAVE SOLVED THE ISSUE! Thanks for your assistance mate but in the end I just went back to stock using this amazing thread:-
in conjunction with this amazing video;-
So! I am now un rooted and back to stock. Time to start the rooting ana ROMing all over
Glad to here!
You need a space after push
But it usually easier not to enter the location of a file while pushing so cd to the directory first like
cd C:\Users.....
Then once there adb push /nameoffile /locationonphone
But if you don't want to cd, I see you have widows, depending on version you can just right click in the folder your file is located and choose open cmd here
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Need Help
As I thought I bought LG G2 D-802, but it was D-800 and I accidentally install the lollipop of D802 and now it's in bootlap.... I can only get into fastboot and whenever I try to flash .img of D-800 or D-802 it just stuck at "writing .img"
What to do to unbrick the phone and bring it back to live. I tired the adb and fastboot cmd method on windows 10 and windows 7 but no success. It's just stuck at writing .img file.

After 10 hours of failing finally side loaded lollipop

I've been trying to sideload the lollipop ota since yesterday and after 10 hours of failing, I've finally got it running. The problems I got during the period including adb driver errors, recovery errors, and my USB ports problem.
Here are some tips for the other if facing a lot of problem sideloading the lollipop ota zip.
-Use Windows if possible. I tried using Ubuntu but adb won't work correctly. Even sometimes it works, fastboot fails. Use Windows and install the drivers needed namely Google USB Driver. It can be found on Android official website.
-Plug your device directly to the motherboard. Etc. back USB port. My desktop defective front USB ports caused me the most time as Windows/Ubuntu won't work correctly with them. Windows shows USB malfunction.
-Custom recoveries won't work. I tried twrp and cwm. They won't work. They show incompatible build fingerprint/user release keys. Flash stock recovery. I tried wugfresh but can't figure out how to use it so I have it up and flash with adb in Windows. Of course you need to install the drivers properly.
-If adb/fastboot can't detect device in os/bootloader/sideload/recovery/whatever mode, most probably drivers aren't installed correctly. Google the problem and you'll find solutions to it. It's out there and you can find it.
-Check the index thread in the general forum for useful tools/image/utilities
-Sideloading is quite easy if you have drivers installed correctly assuming you have no hardware problems (defective USB port)
Those are most of the problems I faced when trying to sideload ota. Hope this helps those who are facing same problem as me.
ImjuzCY said:
I've been trying to sideload the lollipop ota since yesterday and after 10 hours of failing, I've finally got it running. The problems I got during the period including adb driver errors, recovery errors, and my USB ports problem.
Here are some tips for the other if facing a lot of problem sideloading the lollipop ota zip.
-Use Windows if possible. I tried using Ubuntu but adb won't work correctly. Even sometimes it works, fastboot fails. Use Windows and install the drivers needed namely Google USB Driver. It can be found on Android official website.
-Plug your device directly to the motherboard. Etc. back USB port. My desktop defective front USB ports caused me the most time as Windows/Ubuntu won't work correctly with them. Windows shows USB malfunction.
-Custom recoveries won't work. I tried twrp and cwm. They won't work. They show incompatible build fingerprint/user release keys. Flash stock recovery. I tried wugfresh but can't figure out how to use it so I have it up and flash with adb in Windows. Of course you need to install the drivers properly.
-If adb/fastboot can't detect device in os/bootloader/sideload/recovery/whatever mode, most probably drivers aren't installed correctly. Google the problem and you'll find solutions to it. It's out there and you can find it.
-Check the index thread in the general forum for useful tools/image/utilities
-Sideloading is quite easy if you have drivers installed correctly assuming you have no hardware problems (defective USB port)
Those are most of the problems I faced when trying to sideload ota. Hope this helps those who are facing same problem as me.
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Sounds like you need you need to save what every data you can if you can through recovery to maybe an OTG adapter.. Then go ahead and Completely WIPE your Nexus. Follow the instructions and download the Android Lolipop LRX31P image, and all the other files needed to properly root your device.. Flash to Stock+Unroot, then once finished reboot and put in your email and settings, download all your backed up apps.. Then once finished, then go back to the Nexus Toolkit by Wugsfresh, and use the tool to root the device, it will put your device into Booloader/Fastboot, and let it do its thing.. Make sure you have USB debugging selected..
If you have a custom kernel on your current rom, it will not sideload.. if you made any changes, if its rooted it will not OTA.. You need to flash to Stock Android 5.0 and go through the motions.... I was on Carbon Rom 4.4.4, and went through the paces, and gave me no issue.. It just takes about 5 or so mins at first boot.. So if it seems to hang.. don't worry.. Just let it do its thing, put in your email info and there you go.. The tool is dummy proof.. even if you soft brick the device, you can use the Advanced Utilities while manually booting into Fastboot/Bootloader mode..
Edit: also make sure you have the correct ADB drivers.. The took kit has those drivers, just follow the instructions, and you should have ADB, or you can flash manually through fast boot if you select your device as soft bricked.. I had the same problem when I first tried to side load an OTA..
Good luck
Zaphodspeaks said:
Sounds like you need you need to save what every data you can if you can through recovery to maybe an OTG adapter.. Then go ahead and Completely WIPE your Nexus. Follow the instructions and download the Android Lolipop LRX31P image, and all the other files needed to properly root your device.. Flash to Stock+Unroot, then once finished reboot and put in your email and settings, download all your backed up apps.. Then once finished, then go back to the Nexus Toolkit by Wugsfresh, and use the tool to root the device, it will put your device into Booloader/Fastboot, and let it do its thing.. Make sure you have USB debugging selected..
If you have a custom kernel on your current rom, it will not sideload.. if you made any changes, if its rooted it will not OTA.. You need to flash to Stock Android 5.0 and go through the motions.... I was on Carbon Rom 4.4.4, and went through the paces, and gave me no issue.. It just takes about 5 or so mins at first boot.. So if it seems to hang.. don't worry.. Just let it do its thing, put in your email info and there you go.. The tool is dummy proof.. even if you soft brick the device, you can use the Advanced Utilities while manually booting into Fastboot/Bootloader mode..
Edit: also make sure you have the correct ADB drivers.. The took kit has those drivers, just follow the instructions, and you should have ADB, or you can flash manually through fast boot if you select your device as soft bricked.. I had the same problem when I first tried to side load an OTA..
Good luck
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Oops you misunderstood my post. I've done sideloading 5.0 and its running now before i post this thread. This thread i created is meant to give help to those who need it. Everythings running good for me right now. I successfully flashed stock recovery through adb and after that sideloading ran smoothly. Those problem written above is those problems i faced during it and now i already solved the problem and 5.0 is already running without full wipe. Thanks anyway
ImjuzCY said:
Oops you misunderstood my post. I've done sideloading 5.0 and its running now before i post this thread. This thread i created is meant to give help to those who need it. Everythings running good for me right now. I successfully flashed stock recovery through adb and after that sideloading ran smoothly. Those problem written above is those problems i faced during it and now i already solved the problem and 5.0 is already running without full wipe. Thanks anyway
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Because of how Lolipop handles file location, I recommend doing a complete factory reset/wipe..
But if its working for you.. Thats alright.. But Android 5.0 handles the SDcard Location in a different area.. Something to do with the multiple profile ability I believe.
Zaphodspeaks said:
Because of how Lolipop handles file location, I recommend doing a complete factory reset/wipe..
But if its working for you.. Thats alright.. But Android 5.0 handles the SDcard Location in a different area.. Something to do with the multiple profile ability I believe.
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You mean internal storage? I dont think nexus devices have an external microsd slot. Thanks for the suggestion anyway. I will do a factory reset if problems starts to bug me.
ImjuzCY said:
You mean internal storage? I dont think nexus devices have an external microsd slot. Thanks for the suggestion anyway. I will do a factory reset if problems starts to bug me.
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Yes internal storage.. and yes a factory reset would correct that problem..
That just defeats the whole sideload thing, where you could just do a Titanium backup first, restore Data only when needed. Just install the factory image, and restore the Titanium back up... not the app, but the Data becaus the app will crash.. Its the easiest way to save your settings in your Launcher and your apps..
Its too much trouble to sideload when your rooted, with a custom Kernel.... you wasted 10 hours, when it could of taken less than 10 mins
Zaphodspeaks said:
Yes internal storage.. and yes a factory reset would correct that problem..
That just defeats the whole sideload thing, where you could just do a Titanium backup first, restore Data only when needed. Just install the factory image, and restore the Titanium back up... not the app, but the Data becaus the app will crash.. Its the easiest way to save your settings in your Launcher and your apps..
Its too much trouble to sideload when your rooted, with a custom Kernel.... you wasted 10 hours, when it could of taken less than 10 mins
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Luckily i was using stock kernel. Ive disabled root beforehand and the problems i faced was all on the pc side. Evrything should be easy if my pc doesnt show so much problems. And i like to take challenges so i chose to sideload haha

[Q][Answered] Have I screwed up? (Fastboot not seeing the Tablet)

Okay, I bought a Nexus 10 off someone, and they had already rooted the device. Bootloader is unlocked and whatnot. That's where my problems start. I can not for the life of me get fastboot or adb to see this thing.
Here's my info:
Google Nexus 10 (Samsung)
ClockworkMod Recovery
Bootloader Version: MANTALJ12a
Windows 8.1 Pro x64
Full Android SDK
Samsung drivers installed (I rooted my Galaxy Nexus without issue).
USB has a direct connection
Before I decided to format and try to install a stock .zip, I could access the tablet as a media (That's how I got the .zip on the device).
Steps to how I got here:
Flashed Cyanogenmod 10.2 or whatever. Didn't want JB, wanted Lollipop.
Pushed the (what I thought was correct) .zip to /sdcard
Booted into recovery
Formatted /system, /cache, /data, /factory
Reflashed the .zip
Failed. Miserably.
I named the .zip as something simple and just overwrote it. I wouldn't have this issue if it wasn't for that. I know I did a bad there.
But still, nothing I can do will get fastboot/adb to see the device. It makes the sounds that it's connected when I plug it in. I'm using an elevated prompt as well, but it will not pull the device. How do I get myself out of this hole? If I could push a new .zip to somewhere on /sdcard I could at least use the recovery to reflash.
Wrong device ? [emoji14]
Khaon said:
Wrong device ? [emoji14]
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No, I was going to put it in the general help thread, may be better here since this may not be a simple question (Please prove me wrong).
Some additional things I've tried:
The NExus Root Toolkit. Removing all drivers etc. Still getting to fastboot by PWR+ VOL+ + VOL-.
Still nothing. Should I go to my wife's computer and try it there? I might do that anyways.
gothmog1065 said:
Some additional things I've tried:
The NExus Root Toolkit. Removing all drivers etc. Still getting to fastboot by PWR+ VOL+ + VOL-.
Still nothing. Should I go to my wife's computer and try it there? I might do that anyways.
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You don't have access to have os then? How did you push your zip if you don't have access to adb?
I have seen people who couldn't get adb and fastboot working on their windows and switching to another computer solved the issues.
Ok, make sure to make a full clean of your drivers. Wug toolkit explain how to. Then install proper samsung driver and this
If it is not a hardware's problem, you should have access to fastboot & adb. You might try on another computer if possible. A clean one would be the best (i.e. never used any droid devices, etc.).
Another workaround would be to use and otg cable and an usb drive with any zip of your liking.
Another one, I had an issue long time ago, similar, I had to flash through odin in downloading mode to fix my problems.
BUT did you really deleted /factory partition? It contains various proprietary files needed for the device to work. Well concerns more devices with imei and stuff to allow 3g connection and co. Might have no incidence tho on your device's behavior.
Khaon said:
You don't have access to have os then? How did you push your zip if you don't have access to adb?
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Sorry if I wasn't clear on this, I have 100% access to my computer. I have the Android SDK installed, and adb/fastboot commands working in command prompt. They're just not seeing the tablet.
Ok, make sure to make a full clean of your drivers. Wug toolkit explain how to. Then install proper samsung driver and this
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Yeah, that's one of the steps I did. Followed the Wug toolkit and removed everything. Still not seeing the tablet.
If it is not a hardware's problem, you should have access to fastboot & adb. You might try on another computer if possible. A clean one would be the best (i.e. never used any droid devices, etc.).
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Yeah, seems to be doing the same on my wife's computer (Win 7 HP, never had my phone/tablet hooked to it). I get adb/fastboot loaded and working in the command prompt, and it registers when I plug in, but neither command will "see" the tablet.
Another workaround would be to use and otg cable and an usb drive with any zip of your liking.
Another one, I had an issue long time ago, similar, I had to flash through odin in downloading mode to fix my problems.
BUT did you really deleted /factory partition? It contains various proprietary files needed for the device to work. Well concerns more devices with imei and stuff to allow 3g connection and co. Might have no incidence tho on your device's behavior.
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It's a Wifi tablet, no cellular data and IMEI etc.
edit: As a side note, I've been thinking about reformatting my computer, though it'll be a huge pain to get it back to here as I've got to go from 7 - 8.0 - 8.1 on the upgrade paths to get it back here again.
gothmog1065 said:
Sorry if I wasn't clear on this, I have 100% access to my computer. I have the Android SDK installed, and adb/fastboot commands working in command prompt. They're just not seeing the tablet.
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From my own experience, having similar issue with the windows drivers for adb, but eventually I fixed it. I really doubt you are screwed.
adb version output ? 1.0.32 is latest.
Yeah, that's one of the steps I did. Followed the Wug toolkit and removed everything. Still not seeing the tablet.
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Installed universal adb drivers? Nothing shows up in the device manager?
Yeah, seems to be doing the same on my wife's computer (Win 7 HP, never had my phone/tablet hooked to it). I get adb/fastboot loaded and working in the command prompt, and it registers when I plug in, but neither command will "see" the tablet.
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You might try odin.
Usb mtp doesn’t work from recovery?
Khaon said:
From my own experience, having similar issue with the windows drivers for adb, but eventually I fixed it. I really doubt you are screwed.
adb version output ? 1.0.32 is latest.
Installed universal adb drivers? Nothing shows up in the device manager?
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Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.32, yep latest.
I just feel like I'm missing something, maybe something stupid. HOWEVER, I'm now getting my nexus 10 to show up in device manager with a ? on it. Already tried the direct Samsung drivers, the universal drivers in the Wug toolkit.
gothmog1065 said:
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.32, yep latest.
I just feel like I'm missing something, maybe something stupid. HOWEVER, I'm now getting my nexus 10 to show up in device manager with a ? on it. Already tried the direct Samsung drivers, the universal drivers in the Wug toolkit.
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Did you deleted all samsung vendor, etc from the usb program, you know what i am talking about?
You can force to install drivers from device maanger, don't remember how, when installing manually, you must do some step , install from floppy or file, get inf files or so, you will get a prompt telling you it might be harmfull and it will force installation. Might be the solution?
The culprit is definitely software-sided.
Does the mount internal storage (mtp) work?
Would this be easier in Linux? I could pop open my Ubuntu VM and do this if it'd be easier?
Beyond that, are you telling me to try and install the drivers from the driver files created by the Samsung vendor .exe?
I have tried to 'mount USB storage' from recovery, but it doesn't seem to do anything. /system /cache /data /factory are all mounted ATM and nothing is showing.
You've already got more advanced advice than I can offer but when I tried to update to 5.0.1 from 4.4.4, I couldn't get my windows computer to see my device. I was trying the adb fastboot but it I couldn't get it to work.
Wug's toolkit got it all straightened out ([*]. There was an option on his interface that asked whether the device was working properly or not (a!most missed it as a choice). Checked that box and it went through much of the process I had done (installing adb, updating drivers etc). Long story short, it worked.
Where did you see this option? The only thing I see is the Soft Brick/Bootloop option where it will install the factory again. Was it that or somewhere else?
I swear to the Android droid that I tried that before. That seems to be doing what needs to be done, holy crap thanks!
e: I would like to know, however, why fastboot/adp wouldn't work but this would without doing any of the other stuff?
gothmog1065 said:
Where did you see this option? The only thing I see is the Soft Brick/Bootloop option where it will install the factory again. Was it that or somewhere else?
I swear to the Android droid that I tried that before. That seems to be doing what needs to be done, holy crap thanks!
e: I would like to know, however, why fastboot/adp wouldn't work but this would without doing any of the other stuff?
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You're right. I confused the heading but choosing that option got my computer and my Nexus "talking." After installing the factory image I think you can then push a cusom ROM to you Nexus (
gothmog1065 said:
Where did you see this option? The only thing I see is the Soft Brick/Bootloop option where it will install the factory again. Was it that or somewhere else?
I swear to the Android droid that I tried that before. That seems to be doing what needs to be done, holy crap thanks!
e: I would like to know, however, why fastboot/adp wouldn't work but this would without doing any of the other stuff?
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Problem solved ? I always had less issues with fastboot and adb on Linux you can install a ppa that install for you adb and fastboot
Hovewer if you are using you will need 1.0.32 and the ppa includes 1.0.31 so only adb sideload fails.
Sent from my nexus 10
