Blekota S3 and S4 ROM
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I bring you my personal ROM called Blekota S3 and brand new Blekota S4. I like TouchWiz UI and new JB 4.2.2. so this is combination of them.
This Rom is based on CyanogenMod 10.1 for Galaxy Ace by bieltv.3
This ROM is for Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830 only! Do not flash it on S5830i or other variants of Ace!
If you want to send me a donation or buy a beer to show your appreciation for my work, I’d really appreciate it!
Main Features (Latest build):
1) Based on bieltv.3's latest CM10.1
2) TouchwizUX (Resized to MDPI)
3) Galaxy S4 Weather Widget
4) PhotoWall Live Wallpaper
5) Galaxy S4 Ringtones
6) Galaxy S4 Notifications
7) Galaxy S4 UI sounds
8) Galaxy S4 icons
9) TouchWiz theme (Modded SystemUI and Framework to S4 look)
10) Galaxy S4 Ace boot animation
11) Clock widget
* And some more changes you can see in changelogs...
The same as bieltv.3's Rom
(All builds) Audio routing issue: in some cases audio routes to handset instead of headset
(All builds) Secure wifi AP
(All builds) Compass
(RC1) Bluetooth not working
Screenshots (Blekota S4):
Video review:
(Thanks ArtoymDart)
Mirrors are not allowed and sharing direct rom links too!
If you want to share, only share the link to this thread
Latest Build
RTM Standard Edition - S4 (Mediafire - 138 MB)
RTM Extended Edition - S4 (Mediafire - 138 MB)
Old Builds
RC1 Standard Edition - S4 (Mediafire - 149 MB)
RC1 Extended Edition - S4 (Mediafire - 149 MB)
BETA1 Standard Edition - S4 (Mediafire - 147 MB)
BETA1 Extended Edition - S4 (Mediafire - 147 MB)
ALFA2 Standard Edition - S3 (Mediafire - 130 MB)
ALFA2 Extended Edition - S3 (Mediafire - 130 MB)
ALFA1.1 - S3 (Mediafire - 130 MB)
This is NOT whole ROM but update only!!!
Install this update on BETA 1 ROM only!!!
Flash this update via CWM and reboot. That's all
BETA1 - UPDATE 1 (Mediafire - 5 MB)
ROM Installation process:
1. Wipe data/ factory reset
2. Wipe cache partition
3. Advanced/ wipe dalvik cache
4. Advanced/ wipe battery stats (Optional)
5. Install zip from sdcard/ choose zip from sdcard and select the ROM zip
6. Reboot and enjoy
For Extended Edition you need ext partition on your SD card formatted as ext4 and CLASS 10 SD card is recommended! If you will not have ext partition, you will get bootloop! And if you will use less SD card class than class 10 you should get some lags.
Boot of Extended Edition takes a little longer time than Standard Edition...
Other things to say - This is for ROMs before BETA1 - DON'T use in newer builds, it doesn't work:
If ROM boots for the first time, system theme is set as default. To set TouchWiz theme, go to Settings/Themes and set TouchWiz theme. After theme is set reboot your phone for changing icons. Then you will have S3 looking Galaxy Ace with brand new Android 4.2.2
To set Dandelion Live wallpaper long press on Home screen and select Set background/Live Wallpaper and select Dandelion Live wallpaper (It's the only one there )
bieltv.3 for his amazing Rom
ReNe for S3 TouchWiz launcher
Xami for S3 Weather Widget
Linq'z QIrls'z Chinese for S4 TW Launcher and Weather Widget
Samsung for Galaxy Ace and S3/S4 ROM
Google for Android
If I forgot some one, please tell me via PM
If you like my work press Thanks button
If you want to send me a donation to show your appreciation for my work,
I’d really appreciate it!
Or you can use this banner:
Banner URL:
* Initial Release
* Removed paid theme and added free version
* Added Galaxy S3 calc
* Added New Play store ver.
* Added S3 Memo app
* Added cLock
* Hacked OOM Priority Changer (Better performance and less battery drain)
* 2 version of ROM:
Standard Edition (Same as now)
Extended Edition (Extended memory - sdext script added)
* Some small changes
* ROM renamed to Blekota S4 because of new base and S4 stuff
* Based on CyanogenMod 10.1 JB 4.2.2 RC2 by bieltv.3 (17/04/2013)
* Galaxy S4 Weather Widget
* Galaxy S4 Bootanimation by me
* Galaxy S4 Ringtones
* Galaxy S4 Notifications
* Galaxy S4 Alarm sounds
* Galaxy S4 UI sounds
* CRT-Off animation enabled by default
* Removed Dandelion Live wallpaper
* Added PhotoWall Live wallpaper
* Added Samsung Keyboard
* Removed Touchwiz 5.0 Theme
* Modded SystemUI, Framework and some APKs to S3/S4 look
* Readded DSP Manager
* Some build.prop tweaks
This is NOT whole ROM but update only!!!
* Statusbar clock color changed to white
* New Play Store 4.0.27
* A new base from bieltv.3
* UPDATE1 is now integrated
* Some fixes on overlay (mdpi-common)
* cLock layout fixed (showing weather)
* Init and libaudio improvments on msm7x27 devices
* Added Effem support (FM Radio).
* CM10.1 Sources and androidarmv6 sources updated
* UMS fixed
* Updated S4 Weather Widget (Modded and reduced size)
* Added Apollo Music Player
* Added Post-It Notes
* Added E-Mail (Exchange) support
* Added Samsung Account support
* Bluetooth is NOT working in this update! I'll release fix later...
If you don't use BT, you can flash a new update (RC1).
If you want working BT, you have to stay with the BETA 1 for some time...
* A new base from bieltv.3 (RC4)
* Fixed Bluetooth
* Added Radio app (Effem)
* Working Effem due to Bluetooth Working
* CyanogenMod Source Updated
* Androidarmv6 Sources updated as well.
Add-ons and more:
Samsung Keyboard with T9 support flashable
DON'T flash this zip on my ROM, it's integrated already!
Download: Mediafire (8 MB)
Flash this zip via CWM. You need at least 10 MB free space in System partition before flashing!
Re: [ROM][CM10.1][JB][ALFA1]Blekota S3[22.02.2013]
If you made a rom, please made it maximal. Because its rom same as wayland. Be creative guys!!!:beer:
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Re: [ROM][CM10.1][JB][ALFA1]Blekota S3[22.02.2013]
refazta90 said:
If you made a rom, please made it maximal. Because its rom same as wayland. Be creative guys!!!:beer:
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is first release. More things will be added in next releases
Press Thanks button if I helped you...
Very Lag for me =x
Thread Closed due to warez.
Reopened as warez was removed.
Re: [ROM][CM10.1][JB][ALFA1.1]Blekota S3[23.02.2013]
ROM updated... See 2nd post...
Press Thanks button if I helped you...
Re: [ROM][CM10.1][JB][ALFA1.1]Blekota S3[23.02.2013]
Battery life?
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
Re: [ROM][CM10.1][JB][ALFA1.1]Blekota S3[23.02.2013]
i'll try
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Re: [ROM][CM10.1][JB][ALFA1.1]Blekota S3[23.02.2013]
affineer said:
Battery life?
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Battery life depends how you is using your phone. For me it lasts for about 12-15 hrs.
Press Thanks button if I helped you...
Can you post a screenshot depicting your usage....
I mean battery status...
beacuse For me I cant hold even for three hours....
Re: [ROM][CM10.1][JB][ALFA1.1]Blekota S3[23.02.2013]
My battery usage attached.
I use Wi-Fi a lot (Browser, Xda app, Play store, G-mail sync), some SMS and about 20 mins calls, calendar... GPS is always off and mobile data is off too. Backlight is set to lower intensity.
I have set this in Performance:
Governor: SmartassV2
Max CPU: 800 MHz
Min CPU: 245 Mhz
Installation aborted... weird!
Re: [ROM][CM10.1][JB][TW5][ALFA1.1]Blekota S3[23.02.2013]
BlueZ- said:
Installation aborted... weird!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Have you used CWM5?
Press Thanks button if I helped you...
R: [ROM][CM10.1][JB][TW5][ALFA1.1]Blekota S3[23.02.2013] seems everything ok...this happen only with this rom..
Inviato dal mio GT-S5830 con Tapatalk 2
Re: [ROM][CM10.1][JB][TW5][ALFA1.1]Blekota S3[23.02.2013]
It feels good for our ace to withstand this usage that long. D
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda app-developers app
Extended Edition of my ROM (Extended means Extended memory - sdext script added) in testing now...
Blekota said:
Extended Edition of my ROM (Extended means Extended memory - sdext script added) in testing now...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Waiting for a2sd support...
Re: [ROM][CM10.1][JB][TW5][ALFA1.1]Blekota S3[23.02.2013]
ekache said:
Waiting for a2sd support...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'll probably upload Extended edition this evening
Press Thanks button if I helped you...
SBamboo V2.5(JW1): :
-Replace SystemUI with 2.3.6 version, mod signal, battery, quick setting icon
-Service.jar work better with BLN
-Update lastest sqlite3 bin
SBamboo V2.4(JW1): :
-Based on I9000XWJW1
-Semaphore kernel 2.1.1c
-KG3 Modem
-SuperUser Installed 3.0.7
-Busybox Installed
-Data/App Enable
-Bash Shell Support
-Updated APN list
-ICS theme
-TW3, TW4 ICS themed
-ICS transition animations
-ICS keyboard
-SIP via 3g and wifi
-thunderbolt script 2.2.0
-3G script
-Multi CSC : 82 CSC
-SGS csc selector, use this to change CSC code for your country. (XEV for Vietnam)
-CFRoot v1.3 for ext4 manager
-3D drivers from nexus S
-Market 3.4.4
-Map 6.0.2
-Titanium backup 4.6.5
-MMS no contact limit, sent time, no mms conversion
-BLN support
-2.3.6 Setting
-16 lockscreens
-15 statusbar toogles
-14 power menu options
-Hacked camera (take pictures with battery under 15%)
-Remove SMS, MMS from log
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
SBamboo V2.1(JVZ): :
- ICS animation
- Thunder bolt script 2.1.7
- Fix some bug with extend powe menu, GPS, Music player
- Camera : shutter, low battery
- Phone.apk : no Increasing Ringtone
- Working with BLN
- Updated SQLite3 binaries (v3.7.9)
SBamboo V2.0(JVZ): :
-Based on I9000XWJVZ
-SuperUser Installed
-Busybox Installed
-Data/App Enable
-Bash Shell Support
-Updated APN list
-SIP Support
-Thunderbolt script 2.1.6L ( more smooth and battery )
-Semaphore kernel 2.1.1c
-JVT Modem
-AOSP lockscreen
-14 toggles
-Fix some bug with GPS, GPS fit for asia
-Some tweak for UI smooth & more battery
-CRT'screen off animation
-Extended Power Menu
-Auto Rotating Dialer and Call screen
-Overscroll Glow
-TW4 Launcher
The theme is more stock & deepblue. Screenshot will be update soon.
SBamboo V1.7: :
- Update Thunderbolt script 2.1.6 ( more smooth and battery )
- Semaphore kernel 1.9.1c
- Fix some bug with GPS, swype
- Some tweak for more battery
- Update Thunderbolt script 2.1.3 ( more smooth and battery )
- Dialer key sounds instead of Waterdrop
- Update Gmap 6.0
- Update from 1.5 : Go Recovery mod --> Flash SBamboo V1.6
SBamboo V1.5: :
- Update Thunder bolt script 2.1.2 ( more smooth )
- Semaphore JVT_1.9cap
- Update market 3.3.12, flash player, Youtube, super user app
- Update from 1.4 : Go Recovery mod --> Flash SBamboo V1.5
SBamboo V1.4.1: :
- Update Thunder bolt script 2.1 (more and more battery life and smooth --> hope that )
- Update : Go Recovery mod --> Wipe data/ factory reset --> Install S_Bamboo 1.4 Fullwipe ---> Flash thunder bolt script 2.1
- SBamboo theme by don't work in this version, themes will post laster.
SBamboo V1.4: :
- Thunder bolt script 1.9.4 (more battery life and smooth)
- ICS Transaction animation
- 16 lockscreen (Thanks to DAGr8 )
- 13 toggles
- Add TW4, DNS changer
- Some tweak for UI performance,...
SBamboo V1.1.1:
- Replace HTC KB with ICS Android KB
- Market ICS 3.3.11
- Kernel : Semaphore JVT_1.8.2cap --> more smooth and long battery
- Thunderbolt script to adapted for Semaphore kernel
- Fix synchronise FC error and BLN for SMS
- Remove Rootexplorer
SBamboo V1.0 :
- Base on JVT I9000
- Decoded & Zipalign
- Laucher : TW3 (2.3.5) & Arc laucher
- Add Home feedback for captivate
- MMS with timestamp fix, increased sender limit and no sms to mms auto conversion
- Hacked camera - power button can be used to take photos
- Accurate battery MOD
- Overscroll Glow
- CRT animation
- Browser JVT no lag (User agent + fullscreen mod)
- UI Framework : deep blue
- Kernel : Talon .5.2.3
- Modem : KG3
- Include Thunder bolt script 1.8
- Some tweak for UI smooth and increase battery life
- 10 lockscreen & JKay mod for extend for power menu
- 9 toggles in quick panel - wifi, BT, GPS, Sound, Rotation, Sync, Data, Flight Mode, Vibrate.
- Keyboard: Android KB 2.3.5 From HTC
- Fix GPS config for asia
- Huge APN
- Audio config & music player from KI1 (good sound quality, no reboot with AT&T Boot)
- Add some app 3D, Music 4.0, fonts in folder sdcard/S_Bamboo
- Deleted some app don't need in system --> more free Ram and smooth UI.
How to flash:
1. Must have Gingerbread Bootloaders
2. Flash Talon kernel through Odin to receive CWM
4. Install ROM From SD Card
5. Reboot
6. After the ROM boots up let it settle for about 20 seconds
After flash fullwipe version, go to Recovery mode (CWM) --> install zip file
This rom will work much better in i9000 bootloader which is much lesser in battery consumption.
Use Odin to flash this JVT bootloader here:
Thanks and Credits to:
DAGr8 & Jkay for the 16 lockscreen, 15 statusbar toogles, and extended power menu
eXistZ, Stratosk for the heart of this ROM
xcaliburinhand for building the original reoriented kernel
MikeMike01,watsa for the keep the buttons ON on screen touch mod
Lukiqq for the volume tones mod
Team LOTR Crew for themes of this ROM
nice rom thanks for good job
1st ...10 char
one more i9000 based rom...Nice
EDIT: you have root explorer app pre-installed...I am not sure if you can include paid apps in the rom.....
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
rockosifraldi said:
1st ...10 char
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
LOL... fail
Plz remove the video calls references in phone and contact.
Smooth and fast so far
updated: apps installed after are gone after reboot the device
Been using it for a while now. Its really smooth and I like light dose of themeing.
sent from awesomness
Nice looking rom, gonna give it shot. Thanks for feeding our flashing addiction! Best of luck in ur developing.
viny2cool said:
one more i9000 based rom...Nice
EDIT: you have root explorer app pre-installed...I am not sure if you can include paid apps in the rom.....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks, i will replace it.
Looks very well thought out
Sent from my SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
nice rom and works very smooth so far
Nice job!
Sign Kenvin!
Great job!
Will try this ROM out! Thanks!
Hello I downloaded and installed your rom great rom. Just found one issue with the market I am getting insufficient space titanium backup show plenty of space free is this a rom issue or market place issue. Please advise
Sent from my Samsung Captivate I897
tonyzz said:
Hello I downloaded and installed your rom great rom. Just found one issue with the market I am getting insufficient space titanium backup show plenty of space free is this a rom issue or market place issue. Please advise
Sent from my Samsung Captivate I897
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
May be you install app too large? or free of your sdcard to small
Great job.
Will be testing and reporting if any problem.
Tonyzz, you may need to provide him with more details such as how much your sd card is free, which app you installed or did you try with other apps which are similar in size... so that he can support you.
My sdcard free is 4.6 gig
Extsd 2.5 gig free
System is 85meg free
Dbdata is 95meg free
It may be a Google issue as i read on xda about umount cache and mount cache and it works I will try that later and post back my results
Sent from my Samsung Captivate I897
Ran this from terminal
busybox umount /cache
mkdir /sdcard/cache
busybox mount /sdcard/cache /cache
Have to run this everytime phone is rebooted
I will make a bash script so it will run everytime I reboot my phone
Excellent rom everything else works great thanks
Sent from my Samsung Captivate I897
Before you enter, make sure you have installed Roboto Font...
This is no longer going to be a port. It will be compiled from source starting with the next release by ME
Credit / Thanks:
All other open sourcers that made a contribution to the project:
AndroidUser00110001, rtfpessoa, Bhuvan Goyal, Perka, Faryaab, DerTeuFel (Galaxy S Kernel), TeamHackSung, Team ICSSGS, Team Gummy, romanbb (Android Open Kang Project) Birdman (RootzBoat), imoseyon, CM and BETA TESTERS!
Myself for compiling for you guys...
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Codename Android is a fully open source rom that focuses on speed, usability, and getting every feature that we can get CRAMMED in there .
Our mission is to spread the Open Source Android love to as many people as possible, and get as many people involved as possible. Along with the rom there will be tutorials to get more people involved and learning how to build android step by step.
* Galaxy Nexus (GSM/CDMA) - Released
* Nexus S (GSM/CDMA) - Released
* SGS Series (GSM)- Coming on next release
* Xoom (3G/4G/WiFi) - Scheduled for release
### 1.4.0
*YOU MUST DO A FULL WIPE. Wipe cache & data/factory reset
*Report bugs only after you confirm bug by having nothing else installed besides ROM and GApps. Use the BUG TRACKER.
* common: CNASettings has been merged into settings and has been completely re-writen to work better on both phones and tablets
* common: removed google apps from compile
* common: added the file manager back
* common: wait to lock screen (romanbb)
* common: webos style recents (Zaphod-Beeblebrox)
* common: better rotation control options (Team Eos)
* common: Added CombinedBar Auto Hide (Flemmard)
* common: all lockscreen graphics have been improved and resized (androiduser)
* common: root is now option (cyanogen - in developer options)
* common: faster transition animations in the launcher (nebkat)
* common: Hiding media from folder with .nomedia file. (cyanogen)
* common: all battery and clock customizations now work on tablets
* common: enabled the Notification Power Widget Enable on tablets (TDR)
* common: improved scrolling chache for much smoother scrolling (pawitp)
* common: zRam and Kernel samepage merging (cm - performance -> memory management)
* common: option for always enabling battery percentage on the lock screen (whitehawkx)
* common: improvements made to the lockscreen to work better on both phones and tablets (codenamedroid)
* common: phone target is now replaced with browser when compiled for tablets
* common: camera unlock target is now always accross from the unlock target to emulate the stock android lockscreen layout
* common: Increase Zygote preload GC threshold to half the heapgrowthlimit for faster boot times (Vijay Dandiga)
* common: fully configurable power menu (romanbb for screenshot and codenamedroid for reboot and airplainemode - Interface -> General)
reboot and screenshot options disabled by default to be more in line with stock
* common: made clock on big clock a tab bit smaller: looks nicer and works better on phones with smaller screens
* common: Profiles - Quiet Hours - gives the ability to have certain sounds, vibrations, and notifications to mute a specific times (DvTonder)
* common: fast torch - enable flash light from lockscreen by holding down on the power button while the screen is off (Zaphod-Beeblebrox - Interface -> Lockscreen)
* Galaxy Nexus: increased speaker volume (codenamedroid)
* Galaxy Nexus: update to codename android kernel 1.3.2
* Nexus S (GSM/CDMA): fixed hdpi lockscreen graphics
* Nexus S (CDMA): updated proprietaries and build fingerprint to 4.0.4
Older Changelogs
Online Presence:
Blogs & Tutorials!
Bug & Feature Tracker
IRC Chat / Official Nexus S/Galaxy Nexus
IRC Chat/ Unofficial Galaxy S1
For Samsung Captivate SGH-I897
Google Code
This is an OFFICIAL ROM by me (b-eock), i find this ROM intresting and more cooler than ever, for my excitement.
Donate: (Be kind)
-Codenamedroid - (rom dev) Donate
-AndroidUser00110001 - (rom dev) Donate
-Blueharford - (kernel dev) - Donate
-Link - (GNexus support/All around) - Donate
-GerManiac - (Nexus S support) - Donate
-DaxInfinity (Galaxy S unofficial support) - Donate
-rtfpessoa (Helping up with the fixes) - Donate
-me(compiling and keeping ROM up to date)-
Install Instructions
Must have Root and Clockwork Recovery installed on phone (Best if its on GB Bootloader Rooted)
From ClockWork Recovery:
1) wipe cache & data/factory resest, wipe /system...
2) Flash Latest CNA ROM
3) reboot phone (don’t flash another kernel before this first boot)
4) Then you can go back into recovery and flash a new kernel*cough cough* [URL=""]GLITCH[/URL]
If you are coming from AOSP Team ICSSGS, just wipe and flash over.
**You dont have to flash another kernel as THS v16 kernel is included in ROM, but you are free to flash the latest Glitch Beta(recommended).**
Check THIS post for FAQs and other guides.
Full Build instructions and Source (Source Fully Compatible w/Lion and Ubuntu 11.10)
Build Instructions
Full Source
Full Working Changelog (Watch here for new changes and features as they are posted)
-v1.3.2 sources
--Added Devil Kernel 1.0 BFS
--Fixed RIL Issues (Thanks rtfpessoa)
--Removed Bloatwares
----PlusOne.apk (Google Plus)
----Maps.apk (Google Maps)
----NFC.apk (NFC)
----TagGoogle.apk/Tag.apk (Google Tag)
--Added some tweaks
--System Boost Up
---Ported to GT-i9000
-v1.3.3 sources
--Revert Kernel to Devil 15.1
--Added Codenameandroid Tweaks (So i assume the performance > tweak will work...)
--Added 3G Tweaks (To ON your network faster, press n hold power button and deactivate airplane mode)
--Updated Galaxy S Settings
--Removed zRam aka CompCache
--Updated Gapps
--Fixed TV Output problems (Thanks to rtfposseoa!)
--Fixed emmc problems
--Added DSPManager
--Removed Bloatwares
---Google Wallet
--Audio Tweaked
-v1.3.3 sources
*up to v2
--Kernel Bootscreen updated
--Bootanimation changed to be darker
--Optimized system
--Google Apps updated to 4.0.4 IMM26
--Fixed Tweaking in Performance Settings
--Change new fingerprints
Bugs/ Known Issues:
-- When booted up, Airplane Mode is on
-- Cant change 2G/3G Connection (Not Even using *#*#4636#*#*)
-- Wifi Tethering is not completely on
-- Lockscreen is big and buggy (On Four, Six, Eight) Use centered layout...
--Signals are not shown
b-eock said:
From ClockWork Recovery:
1) wipe cache & data/factory resest
2) flash latest CNA ROM (don’t reboot)
3) reboot phone (don’t flash another kernel before this first boot)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What do you mean by don't reboot in Step 2. Wouldn't you just wipe, flash, reboot?
EDIT: Also, this rom looks awesome and thanks to all the dev who worked on porting this, and building this in the future.
EDIT 2: Flashing now, will report back in the morning.
Links are LIVE!!!
EDIT: So the only way it worked was to flash ICSSGS and then this rom, but it works!
nygfan760 said:
EDIT: So the only way it worked was to flash ICSSGS and then this rom, but it works!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I edited the OP so you didn't have to DL a whole ROM... all you gotta do is flash the I9000 version of glitch kernel, reboot recovery and flash from there!
And I would like to know how it feels for you? Thanks
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
I tried this ROM on my wife's Nexus S and looked good there. I hope it will work out over here also.
gonna be flashing as soon as the d/l finishes over ICSSGS.
30 mins left to download. not complaining, just anxious ;] cant wait to have ics with a decent lockscreen. thanks for the work b-eock, will report
See I am not all bad , just frustrated a lot of the time because of noobiness. My uncle is about to die of throat cancer and kidney failure so it maybe a while if there is an I9000 update for me to do the file changes and stuff...
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
only issue i have so far is the signal strength is innacurate. it shows 0dbm even tho it has full bars, which btw, i never have full bars. everything else is pretty neat.
best of luck with your uncle bro ;///
mbc663 said:
only issue i have so far is the signal strength is innacurate. it shows 0dbm even tho it has full bars, which btw, i never have full bars. everything else is pretty neat.
best of luck with your uncle bro ;///
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Same thing here, which is a known bug so I can live with it. Yeah b-eock, this rom is just as smooth as any ICS I have used combined with Glitch. I love the extra customizations built into the settings. Thanks for the port.
customizeable lockscreen and status bar = ownership. this is so cool!
This ROM is by far the best ICS rom.
This is one awesome ROM!!! I love the lockscreen options. The battery options. Just everything! Thanks for this!! Coming over from CM9 which I used from build 11-15.
Sent from my SGH-I897
Bad news.... :'(( Thank you guys for all your prayers, he went peacefully at least. I am still gonna kelp the thread updated, and I am going to do a mod for it. But it will be later. Again. Thanks guys
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
Bless your heart for giving us this in hard times. I'll be preying for u bro. Hang in there. We don't need an update, this **** kills.
Rate this thread 5 stars guys. This is the hidden secret right now. Not getting much attention.
On par for 6 hours screen time streaming music over wifi. Where's glitch recovery???
Glitch kernel isn't included in the ROM yet, will do that soon. For now just flash the kernel!
Unsure of why i get the glitch boot screen....
Hey Guys, Its Been a While I have been Visiting XDA And Other ROM Sites Searching For the Almost Perfect ROM. And After Seeing all the Marvelous Creations Here i Was Compelled to try to make One!
So here it is! My first 'Moddification'.
Koogly's Mokee. (Download and Changelog in 2nd Post)
I Used a Chinese ROM as Base more specifically This ROM
V3 Uses Apocalypse ROM as Base!! ( Its Quite Faster Now)
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Here is the Video Review!
- Mokee Based - So lot of Options Built In
- Apocalypse As Base
- Moderate Battery Life ( I Wouldn't Want To Keep your Hopes Extremely High and say It's Got Humungus Battery Life- I got 8 Hours on what i would say 6 Hours of ultra usage and rest medium)
- Edited build.prop for More Performance
- Lightweight Keyboard (Multiling Keyboard) - Don't Like it /Have Issues With It, Head to the Third Post!
- Holo Launcher as the Default Launcher (Please Use Holo Locker perfect combination)
- Call Function Works - It has the iPhone styled Dialer and Contact Interface - If you like to change it I Suggest you look at Touchpal Contacts/ DX contacts/exDialer
(V3 Has the Normal Dialer But the contacts manager is a bit messed up)
- Lewa's FM Radio Function
- Dark Blue Mi File Explorer by apoonet
- MiUi Camera
- Colour Notes As default Memo App.
- MoreLocale 2 for eng Language selection
- New Play Music (From JB)
- Quickpic as Default Gallery app
- Mokee Tourch (Doesn't Work But still kept to avoid FC of statusbar when flashlight activated) Default CM Tourch added too.
- Theme Chooser Themes Auro and Mokee ( to use Auro You must have LCD Density changer and change the Screen density to 145 or less)
- Firekernal By Dragonnn
- Deskclock with ICS fonts By DaXmaX
- May Be Some More I May Have Forgot!
Performance Tips:-
You May See that after flash it is really Lagging - Go to setting ---> systems Tab ------> Cyanogenmod settings -------> Perfomance -------> Enable both 16 Bit Transparancy and Allow Purging of Assets...
Use OC....
Other Tips
For those who want Backlight to only stay when screen is on ----- Go to Keyboard Backlight Controller app and select first 2 options... (it doesn't come on while charging IF Enabled)
If youy got any Tip Please share it..
Bugs/Isuues :-
As it was from a Chinese ROM, The Only language available is Chinese ( If you accidently changed the language to chinese just go to morelocale 2 and select language as EN and County as US for English )
Help Needed to Include Language Pack...
Notification Settings are in Chinese
If Any more, Please Notify Me!
Thanks And Credits:-
Lonkay For Forwarding me to the Base ROM
Itasoulas For Giving permission For using His Apocalypse ROM as Base
Dragonnn For FireKernal
Apoonet For Mi File Explorer
Mobint For Holo launcher
Surgmurtazin for helping to modify string values...
PRAVOZ! for Deoxed apps
Creators Of all the apps i Have used!!!!
Mokee creators!
May Have Left Out Some, Please Notify Me!!!!
I Do Not Want to Take Credit for anyone Work, And really appreciate all the devs who put in their heart and souls into every project!
Koogly's Mod v1
Downloads :-
Google Drive:-
Koogly's Mokee V2
Mediafire :-
Google Drive :- Coming Soon
Koogly's Mokee V3
Koogly's Mokee V3.1 (Please also flash firekernel Official CM version to ensure Bluetooth works)
Mediafire :-
Koogly's Mokee V4
Media fire :-
Koogly's Mokee V5
Mediafire :-
Mirrors are welcome!!!
Here are My Incomplete projects and if anyone wishes to complete it! Go ahead!
Mokee 1.10.409 (already ported for Galaxy ace With a Few Bugs)
ZTE Blade :-
ZTE Skate :-
Lezo OS Port :-
Good Luck!
For Multiple Language for V3 and below - Flash this ( Thanks To Boxi) (Mount system Before Flashing)
V1 :- Initial Release
V2 :- Second Release
- Fully Deoxed!
- Settings More accurate (fixed a lot of setting) - Superuser Directs to MokeeSU and CPU Overclock Settings Shows System not Supported (will be fixed Soon)
- Accessibility Setting Now Works
- Keyboard Backlight Controller Added
- a Bit More useless apps Removed!
- ZTE Blade setting added (please confirm if it works)
- Few Tweaks Here and there!
V3 :- Third Release
- Base ROM Changed to Apocalypse
- Dialer And Contacts Changed From iPhone styled. ( Contacts a May seem to be Messed Up But it's Very usable)
- Multiling Keyboard Name in System/apps Changed to LatinIME
- Full CM settings Added, With CPU Overclock support!
- ICS Styled Deskclock ( Not with the ROM But available as a seperate flashable patch - For installation Procedure Move to Third post)
- May Have Forgotten a Few! Please Remind Me If you can!
V3.1 :- Fixed and Updated
-Multiling keayboard changed, Now stock keayboard
-Torch fixed (only from app drawer) - The Problem was because of the Firekernal installed (Official) Now installed Unofficial OC
-MultiLanguage Built In
-Memo Changed to ColorNotes (Now Restoring shouldn't be a Problem)
-Backlights work correctly without any app For me (Its Funny First I flash it, it doesn't work, i flash again it works!!)
V4 :- Fastest Yet!
- A lot Of Frameworks Changes!
- 30 step volume MOD
- Auro Theme Working ( Thansk to sergmurtazin )
- Done With Multiling Keyboard
- Build.prop edits - More Performance
- More performance tweaks
- Kernel Mess up Fixed - Latest Firekernel Official OC! ( torch and Bluetooth works)
- Audio FX Widget app Included! (Beats audio isn't included But Even without it the audio is bass-y with this app)
- May be some More,,,,,,,
V5 :- (My) Final
- Changed MMS app
- Few tweaks
- Other stuff (minor stuff)
Changing Keyboard to Stock GB
The Rom Comes With Multiling Keyboard But many users have issues with it, so those who want to change it may flash any from Here
(After flashing you will have the desired LatinIME, and those who wish to regain The Multiling Keyboard Just go to play store and Donload it!)
OR If you happen to to have LatinIME of your Liking just paste it in the system/apps folder....
ICS DeskClock
-Download this and paste it to SD card
-Go to CWM
-mount system
- Flash the
- Reboot and enjoy ICS deskClock
If you wish to Undo this, just do the same stems With this
Images are dead, please fix
pradctgign said:
Images are dead, please fix
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Click to collapse
cant wait to try this out man!
SiL3nTKiLL said:
cant wait to try this out man!
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Click to collapse
Hope you like it!
Nice rom
Will try later but wat about arabic language
punitsoft said:
Nice rom
Will try later but wat about arabic language
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Click to collapse
In More locale just put in ar (language) and AE(in country)
you'll get most things in arabic!
you do it guys..
why didn't you include holo locker in the flash file?
will try it asap
Woow new rom. Downloading
Sent From XDA Pertamax GT-S5830
pandu15 said:
you do it guys..
why didn't you include holo locker in the flash file?
will try it asap
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Click to collapse
Thanks Dude! I Didn't include holo Launcher because it is still updating, so if a new version comes you still have to Update it....
will include in a future release!!!!
PAROVOZ! said:
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Click to collapse
Chinese Texts Here and there!
Please refer to the first Post!
Hope you can base it on latest cm7 nightly in future updates.
More power.
Thanks for this i want to try it :thumbup::thumbup:
sent via SGS III
Trying it today. Hope u fix the chineese letter in future.
BTW is this rom comes with sd-ext scripts or not.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
gboy2011 said:
Hope you can base it on latest cm7 nightly in future updates.
More power.
Thanks for this i want to try it :thumbup::thumbup:
sent via SGS III
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Click to collapse
I think it is based on nightly, Not sure though!
atishey23 said:
Trying it today. Hope u fix the chineese letter in future.
BTW is this rom comes with sd-ext scripts or not.
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
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Click to collapse
No, i hav'nt included any scripts, you may use link2sd or amarullz script
from ROM reviews to ROM making good work keep going !!:good:
ninad2407 said:
from ROM reviews to ROM making good work keep going !!:good:
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Click to collapse
Thanks! Well I didn't literally Make the ROM i just Modded it into something more usable!
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
The main idea behind SuperNexus is to provide Vanilla Android experience, just like on Google's Nexus devices, to non-nexus devices. SuperNexus is entirely built from Google's AOSP Source. A lot of improvements and optimizations have been done to the Google's Source Code to have the best possible Vanilla Android Experience. SuperNexus is very light too as there are no 3rd party apps (ZERO Bloatware).
Big thanks to TeamHacksung (Donate To Them) as I'm using their Device Tree and SoC related patches in my SuperNexus ROM. Thanks to CyanogenMod Team (CM) and TeamKang (AOKP) as many features are cherry-picked from their source code.
System Details:
Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean (JDQ39E - Android-4.2.2_r1.2)
Latest Semaphore Kernel
All Jelly Bean Features and Apps (Nothing excluded from AOSP)
No Visual Changes!
Stock Jelly Bean Look and Feel
This will turn your Samsung Galaxy S into a Nexus 4
ROM Features:
Fully Deodexed
Zipaligned APKs
Rooted (Super SU)
BusyBox Installed
No 3rd Party App
ZERO Bloatware
Android Source Code vastly improved and optimized (i.e. Bionic, Dalvik, Webkit, Framework, libcore, SQlite etc)
Official Jelly Bean Bootanimation (From Official Galaxy Nexus Android 4.2.1 Factory Image)
Init.d Support
Rsync Support
UserInit Support
Bash & Nano Support
Native SIP/VOIP Support
OpenSSH Support (ssh, sshd, scp, stfp)
HSPA+ Support
OpenVPN Support
Ad-Hoc Network Support
EXT4 File System Optimizations
Large APN & SPN List
Framework Features:
-Extended Power Menu (Reboot, Recovery, Download & Screenshot Options)
-Improved Scrolling Cache
-Tweaked Animation Values Of Progress Spinners (Silky Smooth Loading Spinners)
-Enabled Rotation Lock Tile in Quick Settings for Phones (Previously was only enabled on Tablets)
-Increased Lockscreen Widget limit from 5 to 9
-Enabled Copy/Paste in Gtalk
-Options for switching between USB Mass Storage and MTP/PTP (On Specific Devices)
Camera Features:-
-Burst Shot (Up to 20 Images at once)
-ISO Mode
-Touch Focus Duration
-Power Shutter (Click Power Button To Capture Image/Video)
-Color Effects
-Shutter Timer
-Zero-Shutter Lag (On Specific devices)
-Control Zoom using Volume keys
-Touch-to-focus timeout duration settings
-Exposure and JPEG Quality settings in Video Mode
-HDR (High-dynamic-range imaging)
-Ability to choose storage location (Internal SD Card, External SD Card & USB OTG)
Browser Features:-
-Increased Maximum Tab limit from 16 to 64
-Incognito Tab Option (When long pressed on an URL)
-Option To Close All Tabs With One-Click
-Allowed Any Type Of File To Be Downloaded
-Enabled WebGL (Ultra smooth browsing)
-HTML5 WebSockets
Phone Features:-
-T9 Dialer Support
-Landscape Dialer Support
-Transparency To Incall Screen
-Noise Suppression
Miscellaneous Features:
-Allowed Installation Of Apps From Unknown Sources By Default
-Allowed Any Type Of File To Be Sent/Received Via Bluetooth
-Disabled Data Roaming By Default
-Removed Google's Software Updates Option from Settings
-Enabled Gesture Input By default
-Hardware Information of the device (Settings>About Device>Hardware Information)
Officially Supported Devices:
AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II SGH-I777
Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000
Samsung Galaxy S III GT-I9300
Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100
Samsung Galaxy S II I9100G
Known Issues
Found one ? Report it.
Custom Recovery
Copy Google Apps and SuperNexus ROM to your internal SD Card
Enter Recovery
Do a Wipe/Factory Reset (Necessary if coming from a different a ROM)
Flash SuperNexus ROM
Flash Google Apps
Reboot your device!
Latest Build:
SuperNexus 2.0 CaptivateMTD M1 (02-06-13) MD5: B75B64DAA8D9997DF3EDEE1E134D7B0A
Google Apps:
Google Apps JB 20130301 MD5: B7E53E96E1C8B1A1C4865BF29418C8E0
Source Code:
SuperNexus Source @ Github (I'm willing to add support for other devices so if you are a developer and willing to add support for your device(s), PM me)
CM Kernel Source @ Github
[B]SuperNexus 2.0 Milestone 1 (01-06-13):[/B]
[*]Initial release
CyanogenMod Team
Thanks to all those who donated or thanked
Follow Me On Twitter:
If you like my work please consider a donation as it will help me keep this development alive and expand it to newer/other devices.
SuperNexus Signature Banners:
Reserved 2
What is the diff between this one and hazes' ROM ? Even the name Lol is this one like the official version of it? Sorry for my dumb questions .
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda app-developers app
First !!!
Good work
need screen shots (updated)
Looks like we have an official thread for SuperNexus ROM now.
Awesome, but lack of... you know.. some kind of settings, I wonder some customized bars, notification bar,.. but there no thing for us. Maybe it's Nexus. Anyway, thanks for another smooth rom
video recording is not working
ghoster76 said:
I wonder some customized bars, notification bar,.. but there no thing for us.
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None of those settings and customizations are present in original Nexus ROM. Look somewhere else if you want a full-featured custom ROM.
Question for the ones that have downloaded it, are there any bugs? I use the I777 S2 version and it's very stable, interest in flashing it on my GF captivate
Sent from my SGH-I777
Last reserve!
Sent from my LG-LS970 using xda app-developers app
when you turn on video recording me there is this problem " Unfortunately, Gallery has stopped " pls help my device is captivate i897 at&t
Like this ROM a lot. Very good ram management. Only problem for me is that wallpaper is solid black and cannot be changed.
Thunder22 said:
Like this ROM a lot. Very good ram management. Only problem for me is that wallpaper is solid black and cannot be changed.
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Click to collapse
it can be changed.
i had that problem but i think the fash was not clean.
try again.:fingers-crossed:
Re: video recording
tanevski said:
when you turn on video recording me there is this problem " Unfortunately, Gallery has stopped " pls help my device is captivate i897 at&t
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Click to collapse
Try: Clear the data/cache of your Gallery app. Install the free app Semaphore Manager and in Tweaks tab, make sure Bigmem is not checked. Restart your phone, give it awhile to fully scan your SD card, and try your camera once again after that.
There two versions of semaphore, one is for regular Roms "c" and other for Roms with bigmem patch "sc". If I'm not mistaken this ROM has sc version but doesn't have bigmem patch. So you can either get the patch and flash it or switch to other kernel version.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda app-developers app
samsgun357 said:
There two versions of semaphore, one is for regular Roms "c" and other for Roms with bigmem patch "sc". If I'm not mistaken this ROM has sc version but doesn't have bigmem patch. So you can either get the patch and flash it or switch to other kernel version.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the help i flash it semaphore 2..9.26c for regular roms and now everything is fine.
Dude, this is the best rom for the cappy out there, hands down.
Thank you for your hard work!
Is the big mem patch also the reason I can't play any videos? Youtube and videos I've recorded won't play.
tmusall said:
Is the big mem patch also the reason I can't play any videos? Youtube and videos I've recorded won't play.
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Click to collapse
Well yes that was the problem. Videos play fine with a non-big mem kernel. Maybe next build can include the correct kernel or, better yet, the big mem libraries so the current kernel will work.
Otherwise this is an awesome rom. Thanks dev for putting this together.
TouchWiz UX 5.0
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
- Samsung Galaxy S3 & S4 look
- Based on android 2.3.6
- Spanish language support for almost 100%
- Use XWKTM as based stock rom
- Zip-Aligned, Deodexed & Rooted.
- All-in-1 Mod
- Libs Adreno
- Sounds of Galaxy S3 & S4
- Smooth Scroll Mod
- CRT-OFF animation
- New Samsung font
- Launcher S3 V4.0
- DSP Manager
- Bar brightness [Hide StatusBarGreper]
- DECXAV MusicPlayer
- CM7 Recorder Voice
- ThemeChooser
- SpareParts
- No-Frills CPU Control
- Fully reworked framework
- JB Volume Slider
- JB menu popups for all apps
- TouchWiz Themed Apps
- Modded Samsung Lockcreen
- Jelly Bean [4.1.2] UI Statusbar
- All status bar icons dela resized and fixed
- Working Settings Button in statusbar
- Modded Settings To Look Like TouchWiz
- Modified music player to the appearance of Galaxy S4
- Modified gallery application only files pngs.
- Full android 4.1.2 & 4.2.2 layout
- 20 toggles in notification bar
- Call Screen Like JB
- Galaxy S4 Digital Clock
- ICS/JB Layouts
- Modified the voice recorder application
- Full TouchWiz transition animation.
- Removed some apps in system for free storage.
- Updated Google Play 4.1.6
- Updated GoogleQuickSeacrh
- The following data will be deleted automatically, / system / cache / sdext / and / ext4
- Having CWM5 up
- Download it and copy it to the SD card
- Reboot into CWM
- Select 'install zip from sd card' and then select 'choose zip from sd card'
- Navigate to the downloaded file and select it
- Wait until the installation is complete
- Reboot, set your phone and enjoy
- First boot will take a lot of time, around 3-6 mins or maybe more. Please
be patient and do not think that your ace is bricked.
- If you not have partitioned your SD card, you can remove the 40int2ext script, from the following path system/etc/init.d
- Parasmi By All-in-One
- ImbaWind By Adrenaline Engine
- SpaceCaker By ThemeChooser & guides
- SaM-RoN By Laucher S3
- hpluslabels By MusicPlayer
- LibiSC By Kernel
- dsiXDA
Do not forget to give thanks if you like my work
I must say that this ROM is still under development, although its interface is fully completed, and not had time to find bugs and test their performance every daily.
Currently the download links are not available, even although has ThemeChooser, not yet created any topic, although I will later.
Task Manager
Desk Clock
Music Player
Dialer Activity
Outgoing Call
Fm radio - Muy Files
More Screens
Information and Changelog
Before making absurd comments as if this ROM is a copy of any ROM existing, first waiting that the download links are available and you can decompile my work and verify that is completly originally, all applications have been modified by me, and not have taken applications from other roms.
the images or files pngs are of the official firmware samsung galaxy s3 & s4 and then resized for our device.
thanks for your collaboration
ChangeLog 01/07/2013
- Added Andrenaline Engine
- Edition of layouts of the applications Phone.apk, DialerActivity.apk TaskManager.apk and SystemUI.apk to improve their appearance
ChangeLog 03/07/2013
- Fixed bug with volume of notifications.
- Fixed error when choosing different types of brightness.
- Added new option in notifications, pressing the clock will go alarm.
- Added new option in notifications, pressing the brightness icon will go display settings.
- Fixed the bug with tabs indicator.
- Resizing the space for the creation of SMS and MMS
- Change of the bubbles of talks emerging sms and mms.
- And some other changes I do not remember xD
ChangeLog 10/07/2013
- Fixed bug with volume of notifications.
- Removed Adrenaline Engine
- Fixed problem with changing wallpaper
- Icons Pack Galaxy S4
- Theme Chooser temporarily removed, until to create new themes
- DSPManager hidden, you can be configure it from, sound effects music player.
- Upgrading some images pngs of some applications
- and some changes other minor
Link ROM:
Holo Launcher with appearance Touchwiz:
Install how an application normal.
There is no patch for this update, because to ensure the solution of most of the errors that had, is needed a full install and clean.
All applications containing the ROM have been modified exclusively for only this ROM
so happy to see you back ....will you continue your work with the ics styled stock rom ? had made the new layout statusbar ,but the thread closed
Delta33 said:
so happy to see you back ....will you continue your work with the ics styled stock rom ? had made the new layout statusbar ,but the thread closed
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This is one again completely mine now upload screenshots xD
NaTHaN_GT5830 said:
This is one again completely mine now upload screenshots xD
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Click to collapse
hahah nice ..just provide the download link when ready and we'll test it out !
Looking gr8, I wanna download and try
The lockscreen is sick ! so eager for it !
Was waiting for your Rom from a long time!
Edit:- Please don't use 4.2.2 statusbar! Normal statusbar like S4 is fine!
Ansh1107 said:
Was waiting for your Rom from a long time!
Edit:- Please don't use 4.2.2 statusbar! Normal statusbar like S4 is fine!
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Click to collapse
4.1.2 or 4.2.2 :good:
Awesome, Happy to see you back
NaTHaN_GT5830 said:
4.1.2 or 4.2.2 :good:
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Click to collapse
4.1.2 will be good! :thumbup: 4.2.2 port for stock is not good!
Ansh1107 said:
Was waiting for your Rom from a long time!
Edit:- Please don't use 4.2.2 statusbar! Normal statusbar like S4 is fine!
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Click to collapse
S4 uses 4.2.2 statusbar its also 4.2.2 rom s4 uses
Sent from my S500 using xda app-developers app
Ansh1107 said:
4.1.2 will be good! :thumbup: 4.2.2 port for stock is not good!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
if systemui of 4.2.2 not perfectly working
SpaceCaker said:
S4 uses 4.2.2 statusbar its also 4.2.2 rom s4 uses
Sent from my S500 using xda app-developers app
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Click to collapse
SystemUI of 4.2.2 do not like at all, but I like you more 4.1.2 xD
Added more screenshots...
Looks nice.please use 4.1.2 status bar.If possible add indian languages support.Thanks for your hard work.
Sent from my GT-S5830
Sorry for asking but the download link will take some time. ..?
Looks promising but pls make 4.2.2 statusbar as option i love that thanks
jaganmohans said:
Looks nice.please use 4.1.2 status bar.If possible add indian languages support.Thanks for your hard work.
Sent from my GT-S5830
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I'll try but after releasing the ROM
Ansh1107 said:
Sorry for asking but the download link will take some time. ..?
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Click to collapse
the i'll end no later than the weekend and I'll post on Monday morning xD
fitranger said:
Looks promising but pls make 4.2.2 statusbar as option i love that thanks
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Click to collapse
but later, I have not much free time xD
Enviado desde mi Galaxy Nexus usando Tapatalk 2
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