hi guys
i have two windows mobile PPCs one is Wizard and the other is Magician
i want to synchronize both the phones on one PC and keep their respective contacts to themselves is it possible ? like nokia PC Suite allows to select a folder while synchronizing or may be something like Sync Profile
please help needed urgently
Thanks in Advance
Sashin Shah
([email protected])
Same here... Athena and TyTynII
The Athena was a pain to get to work with vista mobile device center. Once i got the drivers for Athena installed, the tilt no longer works.
Is this do-able? 2phones->1PC?
Right now I have the incredibly cumbersome work-around of copying my PST file to another PC and syncing the other phone with that PC. Obviously not very smooth process .
I have a brand new Vista PC with Outlook, but no contacts. I also have HTC HD with a bunch of contacts on it. I am trying to synchronize those two in such a way that HTC contacts are imported onto PC. It seems it only works one way - PC to HTC. At least Vista is telling me contacts are successfully synched, but I see nothing in outlook. What am I doing wrong?
Hmmm....I came acrosss this option somewhere...have a look in ActiveSync (when your device is connected, otherwise everything will be greyed out), tools->options. See if you can't find 'synchronise' instead of 'overwrite' (or something similar) in a drop down box somewhere.
Or try rightclicking on 'contacts' in the lower part of the ActiveSync panel.
Activsync doesn't work with Vista. Download Windows Mobile Device Center from here....
Anfloyd said:
Activsync doesn't work with Vista. Download Windows Mobile Device Center from here....
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That is what I am using.
Have you tried clicking on 'more' in mobile device center and going to 'manage a partnership'?
do you have outlook installed??
i had to install it to pass the contacts from nokia to blackstone
pc sync works on vista. it actualy comes with it so no instalation is required
michael_r said:
I have a brand new Vista PC with Outlook, but no contacts. I also have HTC HD with a bunch of contacts on it. I am trying to synchronize those two in such a way that HTC contacts are imported onto PC. It seems it only works one way - PC to HTC. At least Vista is telling me contacts are successfully synched, but I see nothing in outlook. What am I doing wrong?
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There is an optional setting for this. When syncing either you replace on the desktop, or on the device. I think you have to change from PC>>DEVICE to DEVICE>>PC.
How to change that option??
is there any other good email sync prog for syncing emails from a laptop - outlook to windows mobile 6.1 ??
Im in on this one.
i have a sony vaio notebook, and for some reason there is no way for activesync to work on this thing. i install it at work. *plop* and it works. done
i tried everything at home here. but still for example when installing hardspl or simply just wanting to backup my data or sync my tasks i want to use this
is there any alternative? or an expert on activesync whos up for the challenge?
I am really fed up with ActiveSync / Windows Mobile Device Center!
I just can't stand it anymore.
Are there serious and good replacement for it? For WM 6.5.5 and Win7 x64?
Since 2007 I am experiencing these 3 major issues, with any subsequent versions of ActiveSync (which is now called Windows Mobile Device Center, on my Win7 Ultimate x64 system)
1st issue:
After a restore on one of my 3 WM devices (two HD2 and one HD1 blackstone), I had to full resync each time: sometimes it takes 30 min, sometimes 5-6 hours: I ALWAYS AND ONLY include contacts, task and calendar, with default sync settings (no emails)
2nd issue
Apparently, without warning, any 3-5 days a message appears saying:
A change to the server requires full re-sync.
I do and sometimes all is fine, sometimes ALL MY CONTACT ARE REPLICATED on both my PC and my for today I got 6,000 contacts! (they should be around 1,500)...And I am forced to go through my contacts and remove manually all the duplicates.
3rd issue: sync is completed BUT CHANGES are NOT reflected on DEVICES!
Suppose I change contact/notes on one of my 3 devices and then sync. My laptop might or may not take in the change. But invariably I get the message Device connected, Sync completed!
Viceversa: I change the email field of a contact on my laptop: the changes are reflected on device 1 but NOT on device 2 and yes on device 3! Very random behavior...
Yesterday I have edited the notes (it is a field) of a contacts on my 2nd device. On PC and on my 1st device the changes were synced. On the last device NOT....sync was completed all 3 times, WITHOUT ERRORS but changes are not there!
This is irritating.
Please help and suggest a substitute to ActiveSync alias WMDC for WM 6.5.5
Is there any tool, even if it an expensive one, to replace it?
I'm not talking about IntelliSync, PocketMirror, etc which are
not replacing, just extending its functionalities...
I don't want any more trace of activesync on my laptop, I wish to have
a professional product installed.
Thank you
I read on interenet about SyncML and another solution called DevilsPGD.
Any feedback about it? Is there a off-line version? I dislile the idea of having my data on a web server.
Thank you
I forgot to mention that my main goas are to sync PIM data (Outlook data) e.g.:
- Contacts
- tasks
- calendar
Through the years it has always baffled me how so many people have had issues with AS and MDC. I can honestly say that I have had, maybe 5 ot 6 errors with it, and all were solved with a simple reboot of both devices. After that it would go for like a year or two without an issue.
I have been using WM devices since the dell axim was introduced (changing both computers and PDA/Smartphones as time progressed) and have always read of people having massive issues with it. I also consider myself a pretty heavy user of AS/MDC: PIM syncing, Office doc syncing, Note syncing, music and photo syncing (yes with windows media player), Pocket Quicken syncing, Mysportstraining and mypersonaldiet syncing, ewallet syncing, Quickbook syncing, Mylifeorganized syncing, Checklist syncing, and a customized program I had built that syncs my loan files with an industry software I use called Point.
With all of this crap being transferred to and from my various computers and my PDA/Smartphones I would have thought, based on reading other peoples' issues, I would have experienced more problems. But as I said, it has pretty much always been a painless experience. Even the issues I had were minor (one record wouldnt sync, or one conduit would not sync, but everything else did) and as I said, rebooting both devices fixed it everytime.
What is everyone else doing differently?
I use Jeyo Mobile Companion, and I am really happy with this program. Works well on Windows 7 with a lot of features.
Compatible with all Windows Mobile Smartphones and Pocket PC Phone Edition devices
Send, receive and search SMS messages from a Windows PC
Syncs new SMSs automatically
Sync user-created SMS subfolders
Chat over SMS using an instant messaging-style UI
View sync'd SMS messages in threaded mode.
Organize contacts in a Windows Mobile device's memory or on a SIM card
Universal contacts import
Powerful new data export capabilities
Manage call history
Backup and restore SMS messages, contacts and call history
Supports flexible XML export file format
Install applications and homescreen themes on a device
Customize your device's theme settings from your PC
Set device ringtones and audio notifications from your PC
Take screenshots of your device
View a device's system information
Manage running applications and processes on a device
Dial your phone from your PC
Support multiple-language UI
15 day free trial
Lifetime email support with purchase
Free upgrades to all dot releases with purchase
Dear Cirrob
I also use pocket PCs since 1998. 12 years. and always been with Active Sync.
But now I cannot accept that a sync is completed, no errors and in fact the new updated phone or cell phone is not there, on my device!
Also I edit some NOTES (notes field, within a contact) and these changes are not reflected on my PC.
I get no error messages! I have checked that the right couple (WindowPC - Device) are selected... a new contact is corrected sync, a old one, if edit, I have 70% chance is correctly synced and 30% chances it remain unchanged, either on PC or on Device...
Sure enough, if I make a hard reset, these issues are solved, the sync is perfect...But I do no want to make an hard reset every month.
Does Jeyo Mobile Companion rely on Active Sync (like Intellsync or Pocket Mirror)?
Or is it a real replacement?
Forget Activsync
I have used PDAs heavily in my business. Before wm phones I had to carry two devices. I have also used a blackberry which has an excellent interface with any computer, it is faster and more accurate, It is realy a shame that MS stuff always seems so counter-intuitive. In my opinion the best solution is to not use activesync at all. You can do that if you have an exchange account, then you can sync all PIM over wireless, with 3G it is effortless. One caveat is that you cannot sync notes unless you activsync with outlook configured to exchange.
By the way "TrineFix" is a utility I downloaded somewhere here, when installed on your phone it will remove duplicates from your contacts, it works extremely well, and you don't have to edit duplicates by hand.
hallo researchm
Can you please expand on exchange server? Is it possible to subscribe to it for a private person like me? I mean is exchange available for personal usage?
Do you khow to start an exchange account?
Is this process something similar to syncing to a website and then connect my HD2 to the web to complete the sync?
Thank you and waiting.
saulo866 said:
Does Jeyo Mobile Companion rely on Active Sync (like Intellsync or Pocket Mirror)?
Or is it a real replacement?
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It requires ActiveSync 3.7 or above
SyncML (and a provider, which supports it!). Supports WiFi!
How about microsoft my phone its syncs everything apart from email. There is one thing it can be slow sometimes to download, but uploading is fine. I was reading that they are working on fixing the download speed.
I use MyPhone. It's good, it has also a duplicate item eraser, but it does not sync with PC, as far as I know.
Did you ever heard about Funambol ?
woaloo said:
Did you ever heard about Funambol ?
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That's SyncML posted above!
MyPhone just backups but doesn't sync Outlook, SyncML does.
S-Line said:
SyncML (and a provider, which supports it!). Supports WiFi!
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woaloo said:
Did you ever heard about Funambol ?
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S-Line said:
That's SyncML posted above!
MyPhone just backups but doesn't sync Outlook, SyncML does.
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When I did a search for SyncML, it brought me to the Funambol site.
Looks like they have "cloud" sync options as well. Interesting.
Have you guys tried it?
I too have had problems with WMDC and Activesync. I have found a solution that works for me so I don't get the error messages:
1. Delete ALL items you want to sync from your mobile.
2. Delete ALL partnerships from your mobile.
3. Sync with XP PC (which in my case has all of the correct appointments and contacts which is all I want to sync).
4. Delete ALL partnerships from your Vista PC.
5. Delete ALL items you want to sync from Vista PC.
5. Sync mobile with Vista PC - make sure the device name the Vista PC suggests is the same as the XP PC.
Then hopefully you can sync either PC without any activesync errors. I have over 2000 appointments and over 400 contacts, so there is quite a bit of info. Each sync in 3 and 5 takes about 30 minutes. Each second sync only takes 30 seconds.
Trident said:
When I did a search for SyncML, it brought me to the Funambol site.
Looks like they have "cloud" sync options as well. Interesting.
Have you guys tried it?
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Yes, working fine (using it via my provider, which offers a special version of syncml).
I've owned Asus MyPal A639, HTC Touch HD and now - Leo. Never had any of these problems that you mention except that ActiveSync really drives me mad for one particular thing - its virus-like auto-start behavior on both desktop and PPC. Its like sync , sync, sync... a-a-and.... sync, sync, sync. Even disabled it rewrites its entries in the registry every time you start it. Its a pest! On the other side it does what it does - sync(!) and you can use many 3-rd party programs on top of it. I use Jeyo Mobile Companion and MobilEdit! but they rely on ActiveSync. Unfortunately there's no real alternative to ActiveSync and its derivatives (WMDC).
saulo866 said:
I am really fed up with ActiveSync / Windows Mobile Device Center!
I just can't stand it anymore.
Are there serious and good replacement for it? For WM 6.5.5 and Win7 x64?
Since 2007 I am experiencing these 3 major issues, with any subsequent versions of ActiveSync (which is now called Windows Mobile Device Center, on my Win7 Ultimate x64 system)
1st issue:
After a restore on one of my 3 WM devices (two HD2 and one HD1 blackstone), I had to full resync each time: sometimes it takes 30 min, sometimes 5-6 hours: I ALWAYS AND ONLY include contacts, task and calendar, with default sync settings (no emails)
2nd issue
Apparently, without warning, any 3-5 days a message appears saying:
A change to the server requires full re-sync.
I do and sometimes all is fine, sometimes ALL MY CONTACT ARE REPLICATED on both my PC and my for today I got 6,000 contacts! (they should be around 1,500)...And I am forced to go through my contacts and remove manually all the duplicates.
3rd issue: sync is completed BUT CHANGES are NOT reflected on DEVICES!
Suppose I change contact/notes on one of my 3 devices and then sync. My laptop might or may not take in the change. But invariably I get the message Device connected, Sync completed!
Viceversa: I change the email field of a contact on my laptop: the changes are reflected on device 1 but NOT on device 2 and yes on device 3! Very random behavior...
Yesterday I have edited the notes (it is a field) of a contacts on my 2nd device. On PC and on my 1st device the changes were synced. On the last device NOT....sync was completed all 3 times, WITHOUT ERRORS but changes are not there!
This is irritating.
Please help and suggest a substitute to ActiveSync alias WMDC for WM 6.5.5
Is there any tool, even if it an expensive one, to replace it?
I'm not talking about IntelliSync, PocketMirror, etc which are
not replacing, just extending its functionalities...
I don't want any more trace of activesync on my laptop, I wish to have
a professional product installed.
Thank you
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.And I am forced to go through my contacts and remove manually all the duplicates.
Why? There is software out there for your phone that will delete duplicate contacts from your device. Then all you need to do is resync back with outlook.
As it says just in-case you haven't seen it yet, but be warned it is based on Nero 10 with a bit of Dell stuff thrown in, anyways heres the direct download link
Hmmm, 140+mb install you can tell it was made by Nero
/edit and it's trying to spam me with toolbars, another Nero habit.
Tested it last night.. Seems like an unfinished version, it asks me to purchase the full version to be able to sync, not just import :s
And furthermore, dell update screen specifies that this should also have outlook sync capabilities.. I don't understand how that will be possible though.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
Agree with the comments above. I also found that after downloading and installing it, it then told me that there were updates available! And of course it requires a reboot each time (why on earth should the installation of a PDA sync program require an operating system reboot?!)
The lack of Outlook synchronisation is a disaster for me. I don't do GMail, and all my contacts/diary/to dos/notes are in Outlook. Windows Mobile Device Centre may have had its problems, but at least it let me synchronise my WinMo phones with Outlook.
Surely Dell can't remove this functionality with the roll-out of 2.2?
Philip said:
Agree with the comments above. I also found that after downloading and installing it, it then told me that there were updates available! And of course it requires a reboot each time (why on earth should the installation of a PDA sync program require an operating system reboot?!)
The lack of Outlook synchronisation is a disaster for me. I don't do GMail, and all my contacts/diary/to dos/notes are in Outlook. Windows Mobile Device Centre may have had its problems, but at least it let me synchronise my WinMo phones with Outlook.
Surely Dell can't remove this functionality with the roll-out of 2.2?
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From what i have read it will do all the outlook stuff but onlly when 2.2 is on board
its an office 2010 64bit problem, its not an android problem.
ONLY Apple with itunes has made a fix for it, for what i know.
00roberto00 said:
its an office 2010 64bit problem, its not an android problem.
ONLY Apple with itunes has made a fix for it, for what i know.
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Why in the world would Dell go to a sync program with 64 bit issues when by default, ALL Dell laptops come with 64 bit Win7 installed????
it is not an office 2010 problem. it is a activesync problem. activesync has no 64 bit support. running office 2010 32 bit on 64 bit windows works fine. the activesync thus also the dell sync program work fine as they rely on activesync.
btw if you look in the market and search for dell you will find the dell (nero) backup program. while you wait for the update to come next week , one can make a backup allready
pappyfire said:
Why in the world would Dell go to a sync program with 64 bit issues when by default, ALL Dell laptops come with 64 bit Win7 installed????
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cause it works with 32 bit office.
furthermore there is a windows phone 7 sync software which runs 64 bit.
hopefully this will be used instead of activesync.
Works for me with Windows 7 64 bit. First I deleted ADB interface in device manager and restarted. That may not be necessary. After the ADB interface has been reinstalled by Windows I started the new mobile sync manager and it recognized the Streak quickly under devices. After removing the USB connection it may take 1 or 2 tries reseating the USB plug in the computer before the Streak is being recognized again. A little fickle, but it works.
HansTWN said:
Works for me with Windows 7 64 bit.
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Can you tell me what works? Backup/Restore or Synchronise with Outlook.
.. And with 1.6 Streak or 2.1 / 2.2?
BTW: I can also get it recognized in Dell Mobile Sync software, but only if i select "Copy media files to/from your computer(MTP)" mode on the streak
On Dell Sync Manager it works in "Charge only" mode..
if you have office 2010 64 bit there is NO WAY to directly sync outlook contacts (and so on) with ANY device EXCEPT iphone DOT
HansTWN said:
Works for me with Windows 7 64 bit. First I deleted ADB interface in device manager and restarted. That may not be necessary. After the ADB interface has been reinstalled by Windows I started the new mobile sync manager and it recognized the Streak quickly under devices. After removing the USB connection it may take 1 or 2 tries reseating the USB plug in the computer before the Streak is being recognized again. A little fickle, but it works.
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Where exactly is the ADB interface? I went to control panel/system/device manager and looked through all of the entries, nothing labeled ADB interface was there.
pappyfire said:
Where exactly is the ADB interface? I went to control panel/system/device manager and looked through all of the entries, nothing labeled ADB interface was there.
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It is a subsection of Android phone. If you have no Android phone listed, then try a different USB port, etc.
Philip said:
Can you tell me what works? Backup/Restore or Synchronise with Outlook.
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Backup/Restore AND synchronize with Outlook both work. A disclaimer here, I use 64 bit Windows 7 Ultimate, but still use 32-bit Office 2007, and Outlook is still version 2003.
The first time I tried synchronize the Dell Mobile software crashed. However, after upgrading it works fine now. Remember, to sync you have to have "USB connected" set to "off".
By the way, reconnecting to Dell Mobile Sync always seems to take a few tries of plugging in and re-plugging the USB cable.
Godo_PPL said:
.. And with 1.6 Streak or 2.1 / 2.2?
BTW: I can also get it recognized in Dell Mobile Sync software, but only if i select "Copy media files to/from your computer(MTP)" mode on the streak
On Dell Sync Manager it works in "Charge only" mode..
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The Dell Mobile Sync will only work if you have the "Dell Sync" app on your Streak. It did come with Steve's 2.2 version 1.2 (what I am using now) and, presumably, will be included in the official Froyo. To sync 1.6 or 2.1 you can use the original Dell software.
Other Outlook Sync Methods
For those who cannot sync because they use Outlook 2010 64 bit or are having other problems, there are other solutions to sync Outlook with the Streak. lists most of them in a chart. Cross reference the software with what you want to sync (calendar, contacts, notes, tasks), how you want to sync (wireless, wi-fi, usb), and your Outlook version to get your solutions. Many of them are free.
Slightly off topic but is there anyway of stopping the Dell Sync app from appearing on my phone when I connect it to my PC as I now just sync with google contract and google calendar and have no need for Dell Sync?
What exactly is included with the new sync software?
According to this site, the new (Nero) version of Dell Mobile Sync will only synchronise Contacts from Outlook, and will not synchronise Calendar, Tasks or Notes. It also says that Dell are removing their Tasks and Notes applications from the 2.2 build.
Can anybody who has upgraded to 2.2 please confirm that this is the case?