Pdroid? - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Reading about pdroid and from what I gather, you can't use it with our stock ROM even if you have root. Any devs or more knowledgeable people who can tell me how to compile a stock rooted ROM that includes pdroid?
Just looking for advice or anyone with experience in this area
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

or... for that matter, why is it that none of the roms seem to be integrating pdroid/openpdroid?
I have tried the autopatcher on several different roms, and none have patched properly.
I feel like this is a very good feature, but I am starting to feel as if I am in the minority.
Have I missed any roms with pdroid in them?

Maybe its still too buggy to be integrated into a ROM - regardless, I'm going to see if I can get something going tonight when I have a few hours. I've never compiled Roms before tho so I doubt I'll be successful. If I am I'll find a way to share it :beer:
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

shultz11588 said:
Reading about pdroid and from what I gather, you can't use it with our stock ROM even if you have root. Any devs or more knowledgeable people who can tell me how to compile a stock rooted ROM that includes pdroid?
Just looking for advice or anyone with experience in this area
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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I have patched Primerunner rom, PA rom and Steve's PUB rom with OpenPdroid and Autopatcher through ApG
Don.t think Collegedev has pushed Pdroid to 4.2.1 in Autopatcher yet but am sure openpdroid and pdroid are now interacting on how to move it forward...
Steve's Pub rom 5th Feb..fully patched no errors.....Primefrunner and PA.2.99 patched with 1 or 2 error fixes but successfully patched..
I'm running Steve's Pub rom patched with Openpdroid and this is an Antutu score for reference ...running very smooth

Uploaded Patches
Above is link for rom use Krait version
Here is the patches for Steve's pub rom
You will also need Pdroid manager apk to control and monitor..
Remember YOU do this because YOU want to
It's working perfect for me

So it wouldn't be possible to patch stock rooted 4.2.1? Or the upcoming 4.2.2? Only aokp and aosp?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

i looked for a few threads about pdroid and i still don't get how i make this thing work on cm10.1 or paranoid android or other roms.

I'm also interested in integrating openpdroid or pdroid, does anyone have opinion between the two projects?
Also in the same vein, the fugumod kernel on Galaxy Nexus looks really good. A similar hardened kernel would be nice to see on Nexus 4, unless one exists already?

thebazman said:
Above is link for rom use Krait version
Here is the patches for Steve's pub rom
You will also need Pdroid manager apk to control and monitor..
Remember YOU do this because YOU want to
It's working perfect for me
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OK, I made it and it works!
1) Download mako rom from link above.
2) Download gapps.
3) Download those 2 attached files.
4) Move all files to phone storage.
5) Make a nandroid backup.
6) Full wipe.
7) Flash by this order:
* Rom
* Gapps
* ....restore.zip (attached file)
* ...update.zip (attached file)
8) Wipe dalvik cache
9) Reboot
10) Install from play store the PDroid Manager
That's is.

thebazman said:
I have patched Primerunner rom, PA rom and Steve's PUB rom with OpenPdroid and Autopatcher through ApG
Don.t think Collegedev has pushed Pdroid to 4.2.1 in Autopatcher yet but am sure openpdroid and pdroid are now interacting on how to move it forward...
Steve's Pub rom 5th Feb..fully patched no errors.....Primefrunner and PA.2.99 patched with 1 or 2 error fixes but successfully patched..
I'm running Steve's Pub rom patched with Openpdroid and this is an Antutu score for reference ...running very smooth
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Great info. I am curious if their is a specific way you did it? I had tried that specific build, and got patching failed from apg.
shultz11588 said:
So it wouldn't be possible to patch stock rooted 4.2.1? Or the upcoming 4.2.2? Only aokp and aosp?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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THIS. very interested in 4.2.2. I am using the mysterious aokp 4.2.2 right now, and I LOVED pub, but I don't like downgrading. As frustrating as that may be sometimes... case in point, DANG I really miss AVRCP. driving around and my jvc head unit always says 'no name'
I guess my main question is why are more developers not integrating this into their roms? Seems like a valuable security enhancement.
(Please, don't get me wrong. I am not complaining, and I love and appreciate the work that goes into development. I am genuinely curious if their is some reason preventing integration.)

Finally got open pdroid to patch successfully on both mysterious aokp 4.2.2 2/19 release, and on pa 3.0. happy happy camper. Facebook messenger now says I am most definitely not at another girl's house when I message my girlfriend. jk of course.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

How do I run auto patcher on Win 7 without the ApG tool
I downloaded the latest ApG tool from here: forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=31648393&postcount=690
I had already installed the latest JDK/JRE along with Cygwin on my PC (with some help from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=28196231&postcount=104).
However, when I run ApG, it insists on downloading Java and Cygwin once again! The total download it wants to make is some 250 MB. While the size of the download is not an issue, I do want to know why ApG is insisting on downloading something that has already been installed. Is there some mistake with my installation? Or has the ApG team missed out on this basic error check?
Apart from this, if I want to auto patch a ROM using auto patcher on Win 7 (WITHOUT ApG), how do I go about it? Like I said, I already have Java and Cygwin installed on my machine.
Would appreciate any help or guidance on this topic.
Thanks in advance!

Does anyone know of any other thread on this topic? I've not been able to find other threads in Q&A related to openpdroid.
lovethenexus said:
I downloaded the latest ApG tool from here: forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=31648393&postcount=690
I had already installed the latest JDK/JRE along with Cygwin on my PC (with some help from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=28196231&postcount=104).
However, when I run ApG, it insists on downloading Java and Cygwin once again! The total download it wants to make is some 250 MB. While the size of the download is not an issue, I do want to know why ApG is insisting on downloading something that has already been installed. Is there some mistake with my installation? Or has the ApG team missed out on this basic error check?
Apart from this, if I want to auto patch a ROM using auto patcher on Win 7 (WITHOUT ApG), how do I go about it? Like I said, I already have Java and Cygwin installed on my machine.
Would appreciate any help or guidance on this topic.
Thanks in advance!
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I think the reason the Apg tool downloads it's own copy of Java and cgwin is because it was designed to be a stand alone solution. I've been using it since it started supporting 4.2 based roms and it works great. Sorry I can't help with patching a rom without using the tool. It would probably be easier to install Ubuntu in a virtual machine than to figure it out using cgwin.
There is an openpdroid thread in the main android section of these forums. Sorry i cant get you a link right now as I'm on my phone and searching isn't really practical from the xda app.

I guess I'll just have to go ahead and let the app do its magic the way it wants . Thanks anyways for your response. I did think about the VM solution, but that seemed not worth the effort. I'll post a better solution if I find one (on installation without the tool).
linelock said:
I think the reason the Apg tool downloads it's own copy of Java and cgwin is because it was designed to be a stand alone solution. I've been using it since it started supporting 4.2 based roms and it works great. Sorry I can't help with patching a rom without using the tool. It would probably be easier to install Ubuntu in a virtual machine than to figure it out using cgwin.
There is an openpdroid thread in the main android section of these forums. Sorry i cant get you a link right now as I'm on my phone and searching isn't really practical from the xda app.
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[ROM] OaT's Light n Tasty: DISCONTINUED

As a bit of background, I publicly posted ROMs on PPCGeeks for the HTC Touch w/WinMo several years ago. Since then, I continue to develop ROMs primarily for family and friends on the EVO4G, LG Optimus, Acer A500, and of course the HP TouchPad. After an initial testing period by a group of volunteers here at XDA (thank you, thank you, thank you), I have decided to publicly release this ROM. I hope you enjoy it.
Philosophy and Acknowledgements
My emphasis has always been on a very light and fast ROM that leaves plenty of room for one's own apps and customizations. My HP TouchPad ROM is based on a very stripped down KANG of the latest CM9 version (big thanks to Dalingrin, JCSullins, and all the other TPad devs that have brought this capability to us) that supports HW Video (meaning Netflix and HD YouTube) and all the other goodies you have come to know and love.
In addition there are also a few other treats thrown in, primarily,
the recently released QualComm adreno 2xx drivers,
the init.d tweaks published by Rohan,
the new ath6kl wifi drivers being incorporated into the 3.0 kernel,
the new HD Tablet launcher by the "Go" folks.
Big thanks to all the folks associated with these for their generosity in publicly providing these tweaks. Finally, I also employ a very stripped down version of the latest version of GApps that I will also link to. You can use the full version of GApps found elsewhere, but that will then somewhat defeat the intent of this ROM. The attached pics will give you some idea of what to expect. The benchmarks are all "typical" of the results I get on a non-overclocked CPU running at ~1.2GHz.
In terms of updates, I actually build the ROM and the kernel almost on a daily basis so my older AMD quadcore isn't tortured with having to handle an extraordinary number of new commits. But that doesn't mean I flash almost daily. It all depends on what looks significant, if I really want to try something new, or if I'm just bored . You can find out what's new in the below "News" section of this OP to find out what's the latest on my front.
Flashing and .apk's
Of course, all the standard cautions about doing the necessary backups (nandroids, titanium, or my backup) and the requirement for a complete set of wipes/formats (data, cache, system, dalvik) apply. Actually, I only find it necessary to wipe cache and dalvik between flashes of my own ROM. I also flash Gapps anew after each ROM flash. If you like experimenting with the other available ROMs, I advise a complete set of wipes and formats. And of course, you are flashing at your own risk.
Any .apk's included below need to be placed in the system/app directory with a rooted file manager, e.g. es file explorer, ensuring the permissions are the same as other .apk's in that directory, followed by a reboot. Unless, otherwise noted.
OaT's "Light n Tasty" GApps:
OaT's "Light n Tasty" ROMs:
I'm interested in your rom.
Reserved for furter test.
And maybe you can check out for this wifi driver.
First my sincere thanks to those who have already responded. Next, the ROM and Gapps are uploading now. I will be sending out the links as soon as the upload is complete. So that you can check your downloads, here are the MD5s that you can verify against.
ROM: fd3520fd207bfbab74eeaac04f964d1c
GApps: a70b46b81730846bafdb4174a013c09f
Edit: The ROM and GApps are finished uploading. Those who responded via PM, should be getting a reply PM with the links. If you don't receive, LMK, and I will send again.
I remember from the touchpeo days! Good to see you. I'm interested in testing of you need more. Take care OTA
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
O.a.T. said:
I'm considering publicly posting the ROM I build for family and friends, but I would like some additional feedback before deciding whether to go forward or not. As a bit of background, I publicly posted ROMs on PPCGeeks for the HTC Touch w/WinMo several years ago. Since then, I continue to develop ROMs primarily for family and friends on the EVO4G, LG Optimus, Acer A500, and of course the HP TouchPad. My emphasis has always been on a very light and fast ROM that leaves plenty of room for one's own apps and customizations.
My HP TouchPad ROM is based on a very stripped down KANG of the latest CM9 version that supports HW Video. In addition there are also a few other goodies thrown in including the recently released QualComm adreno 2xx drivers, the init.d tweaks published by Rohan, the new HD Tablet launcher by the "Go" folks, and some other stuff that I've undoubtedly forgotten to mention, but will with full credit if I do go forward with this publicly. I also employ a very stripped down version of the latest version of gapps that I will also link to. You can use the full version of gapps found elsewhere, but that will then somewhat defeat the intent of this ROM. The attached pics will give you some idea of what to expect.
I am only going to open this up to a "few" testers who might be interested in this kind of light ROM approach. If you are interested, PM me and I will get back to you with the links asap. Of course, all the standard cautions about doing the necessary backups (nandroids, titanium, or my backup) and the requirement for a complete set of wipes/formats (data, cache, system, dalvik) apply.
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but whats new in this build
can you use bricked-kernal in your rom or overclock gpu please
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
I'd be happy to test if you still need people.
Sent from my Desire Saga using xda premium
sahhar1993 said:
but whats new in this build
can you use bricked-kernal in your rom or overclock gpu please
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
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Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
I'm interested in this rom. I'd contribute also for it.
Please include a file manager for us folks that can' t get wifi to connect. It comes in handy to install apps Thanks
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
sahhar1993 said:
but whats new in this build
can you use bricked-kernal in your rom or overclock gpu please
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
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Krunk_Kracker said:
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
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As I said in the OP, the emphasis is on lite that allows your favorite apps and customizations, not mine. In that vein, if bricked-kernal can be used on CM9, than it should be applicable to this ROM.
sonjohn1 said:
Please include a file manager for us folks that can' t get wifi to connect. It comes in handy to install apps Thanks
Sent from my MB855 using xda premium
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Wow! No wifi at all, ever? Have you tried adb'ing files from your computer into your tablet? Guess I could include a file explorer as an app that could be uninstalled, but this seems a rather extreme situation. Any others facing this dilemma?
All: At this point I feel I have a good number of testers so I am closing the open call for volunteer testing.
Testers: For those who got a PM from me with the download links, please download the files as soon as possible as I will be removing the files from the server later today. Finally, my sincerest thanks to all my volunteers and a gentle reminder to please provide some feedback when you are able.
Awesome rom bro it runs really good to :thumbup:
Sent from my cm_tenderloin using xda premium
O.a.T. said:
As I said in the OP, the emphasis is on lite that allows your favorite apps and customizations, not mine. In that vein, if bricked-kernal can be used on CM9, than it should be applicable to this ROM.
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Hey oat. First, hope to see you publish this to everyone, second, if you are compiling from source you can fork the file explorer from me/US if you want. It has such a small footprint on the Rom and would help those who need it.
Questions let me know. Thanks and BTW, if you need anything we certainly will help with what ever.
Good luck.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
Beta Test
Still beta testing O.A.T.?
Leoisright said:
Hey oat. First, hope to see you publish this to everyone, second, if you are compiling from source you can fork the file explorer from me/US if you want. It has such a small footprint on the Rom and would help those who need it.
Questions let me know. Thanks and BTW, if you need anything we certainly will help with what ever.
Good luck.
Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
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Thanks for the encouraging words and thanks for the offer. I do build from source and early on included a file manager. I haven't lately as the taste for file managers among myself, friends and family changes routinely. I would only need to update that file and reactivate a few lines in the build script to get it back in.
babcocca said:
Still beta testing O.A.T.?
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Yes, in the sense of waiting for feedback from the testers.
I'd absolutely love a ROM like this. I've been wanting something light and speedy.
Sent from my ADR6425LVW using xda premium
so, i installed this rom this morning, came from [RC1.2] CM9 with Cornerstone, wiped cache and davlik, didn't wipe data or anything, everything carried over perfectly, and so far so good, youtube works hd also, the games i play work perfectly, been running smooth all day.
only hic-upsi had was videos on youtube site didn't load in chrome browser, and my wifi froze for literally 5 seconds. either than that, i've had no problems.
i'll report on how battery life is tomorrow, and which if any apps give me trouble, cause i like using a new rom all day, and see how battery life compares to a fresh recharge
can you add supercharger v6 ics to your rom please
it will be awesome
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium

[POLL] PDroid Permission Management: do you want it?

First, for those who haven't heard about it:
PDroid ICS Port
At this point, as far as I can tell, PDroid is only available as a patchset, not in any rom.
It looks like it is a lot more powerful than CM Permission Management.
The purpose of this poll is so Vibrant users can show interest in a rom with PDroid built in, hopefully motivating rom devs to add it.
I'll check this out tonight - looks interesting.
jellette said:
I'll check this out tonight - looks interesting.
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I'm not set up to develop at present, but I'll try any CM or ICS open-source rom that has this built-in, or an open-source zip to hot-patch it into said roms.
Yeah pdroid looks awesome! I asked about this in slim forum and cm forum somewhere around here but got no love lol... its really awesome permission management and if they add a firewall it would be a must need app that I would love to buy... you can use it with droidwall but it has leaks and allows access before it loads up on reboot... pdroid could block that from the start if it had a firewall incorporated tho... I look forward to the development of this awesome app.
Looks like we might get a try ourselves with an ics patcher in the not so far off future
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA
An ICS patch does appear to be in the works.
As for CM, you're right, it will never have PDroid, and I'm really beginning to wonder if they will even bring any permission management into CM9. If you look at the PDroid patch, it's not a huge amount of code, meaning if Google wanted android to allow privacy, they would have added it long ago. But the frankly rather seedy business model of Google and many "free" app writers and Facebook is the harvesting and selling of personal information, and they apparently threatened to cut CM off from Market access if they added strong privacy.
Clearly the long-term solution is Google-free phones running Debian or Ubuntu, but until then, there's PDroid.
Pdroid Linux patcher ported and working for aokp and cm9
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA
c-pimp said:
Pdroid Linux patcher ported and working for aokp and cm9
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Nice. Where?
Pdroid working for AOKP and CM9
PDroid is finally available for AOKP and CM9 on T959 Vibrant via botbrew. Follow instructions at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=24934484&postcount=123 big thanks to mateorod for porting it over.
Hey guys-
UPDATE 6-5-12
I haven't had any requests for updated packages except for AOKP, so I can only confirm that AOKP Build 40 and CM7rc2 are currently supported! Any other ROMS are at your own risk! If you would like a ROM for vibrant or any other device to be supported, please post a request.
Okay, this is directions for PDroid support through Botbrew. Installing these packages over your nightlies will get PDroid working each time you flash, without having to patch every time. This way you can update your rom whenever you want.
Here is the XDA frontpage article about this exact process!
IMPORTANT: Eventually, the source code for these ROMs will change to a large enough degree that the packages won't work anymore! Just reflash the ROM and come report here at the thread. I will update the package as soon as possible (usually pretty damn soon, if I do say so myself...)
Install Botbrew from Google Play
Botbrew will bootstrap some packages necessary for its operation.
Install package repository-mateorod and press the refresh button.
There are three packages available at the moment for the Vibrant. Install the package that matches the ROM you are using.
For Cyanogen9 ROMs
For AOKP Milestone builds
For Team Gummy AOSP builds
For CM7.2 Final!
YOU MUST install the package that corresponds with your ROM, or it will result in bootloops!
Launch PDroid and configure.
That's it!
Note: You won't see any of the packages if you look while running CM7 due to an inconsistency in the cm7 build.prop.
If you have any questions about Botbrew or the process, here is a Q&A I have at the thread for my packages I host for the Nook Color.
If you have any questions about PDroid and the port to ICS, here is pastime1971's thread on the process. Thanks pastime!
Also thanks to c-pimp for the Team Gummy files! Also to svyat for PDroid and inportb for Botbrew!
cashmundy- could you maybe put a note in the OP about this being here? If you think I should start a new thread, I will. Thanks!
I confirm this is working with the 5-12 CM9 nightly. Thanks to mateorod and everyone he thanks in the post above!
Thanks, cashmundy. The problem was that cm9 has a weird naming convention for just your device, at least unique as far as I have seen.
I just changed the package to reflect your arch.conf.
So thanks very much for testing and finding the problem. I am pretty sure everything is OK now, but let me know!
Still on CM9. Did a reset, installed botbrew and your repo, and I now have no pdroid package.
As expected, botbrew fetched the CM9 props on install
, except that it down-cased the model to "sgh-t959".
arch all 10
arch any 20
arch noarch 30
arch armeabi 100
arch armeabi-v7a 110
arch sgh-t959 120
Okay man. I took out the sgh-t959 package because I thought you said cm9 had vibranttmd as arch.
Are you saying that it changes whether or not you install cm9 as an update? Cause I don't see how that would be.
I am going to make it so Botbrew has cm9 packages for sgh-t959 and vibrantmtd. We'll sort it out for good later tonight when I have some time.
Thanks for your time and effort testing this stuff!
CM7 has vibrantmtd as ....device and SGH-T959 as ....model. CM9 has SGH-T959 as both model and device, as does AOKP. If you (or BotBrew) could use model instead of device, it might work well.
What happened before was I tried CM9 over CM7 without a reset. BotBrew didn't catch the upgrade, and so kept the conf from CM7. When I reset and then installed BotBrew, it found the new props and configured accordingly. A hook in BotBrew to check the current rom on startup and reconfigure itself on flashes would be a good thing.
I'm currently showing all three packages, version -9.
One minor note: somewhere you specify the BotBrew refresh button as being on the top right. On my phone it is always on the bottom left. Maybe more vibrant weirdness.
Final random thought: I'm not very impressed with CM9. It has some real drawbacks (the keyboard for example).
CM7 is still overall a lot better (to me) and if PDroid ever makes it there, I'll test it.
Well, I am still considering about cm7. Let me see.
Botbrew does has services you can turn on to configure at boot, as well as several ways it detects flashes, although most of those are centered around packages or the terminal.
But thanks for those tips, there is definitely some weirdness going on with the vibrant that I haven't seen elsewhere, but is good to know about because it could resurface in other devices.
But yeah, for instance, you could use light pad to turn your sdcard into a web server, and host websites off of it, so that's one of the services options.
There is honestly a world of stuff in the repo already, and he's about to add debian INSIDE android.
Crazy. Thanks, cashmundy. I will look into cm7.
Very cool.
I think I'll try AOKP again when a new build is out, and test the patch there.
One thing that would be useful would be a white-hat app which would request all permissions, gather all possible data, and display it. As it stands, we have to take it on faith that pdroid, droidwall etc actually work.
For the long term, I am very much hoping for Debian instead of android.
mateorod said:
Hey guys-
Most everyone in this thread I already know from the port thread. I was looking for a good place to put out this info. Glad I didn't start another thread already!
Okay, this is directions for PDroid support through Botbrew. Installing these packages over your nightlies will get PDroid working each time you flash, without having to patch every time. This way you can update your rom whenever you want.
Here is the XDA frontpage article about this exact process!
IMPORTANT: Eventually, the source code for these ROMs will change to a large enough degree that the packages won't work anymore! Just reflash the ROM and come report here at the thread. I will update the package as soon as possible (usually pretty damn soon, if I do say so myself...)
Install Botbrew from Google Play
Botbrew will bootstrap some packages necessary for its operation.
Install package repository-mateorod and press the refresh button at top right!
There are three packages available at the moment for the Vibrant. Install the package that matches the ROM you are using.
For Cyanogen9 ROMs
For AOKP Milestone builds
For Team Gummy AOSP builds
YOU MUST install the package that corresponds with your ROM, or it will result in bootloops!
Launch PDroid and configure.
That's it!
Note: You won't see any of the packages if you look while running CM7 due to an inconsistency in the cm7 build.prop.
If you have any questions about Botbrew or the process, here is a Q&A I have at the thread for my packages I host for the Nook Color.
If you have any questions about PDroid and the port to ICS, here is pastime1971's thread on the process. Thanks pastime!
Also thanks to c-pimp for the Team Gummy files! Also to svyat for PDroid and inportb for Botbrew!
cashmundy- could you maybe put a note in the OP about this being here? If you think I should start a new thread, I will. Thanks!
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Ok, at the risk of annoying someone (due to my noobness) I wanted to ask if I could do the above for my kindle (which i just flashed with AOKP milestone 5) or is the above strictly for the sammy vib?
gaikokujinkyofusho said:
Ok, at the risk of annoying someone (due to my noobness) I wanted to ask if I could do the above for my kindle (which i just flashed with AOKP milestone 5) or is the above strictly for the sammy vib?
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The Vibrant is I think the most recent device, and the BandN Nook is supported,
so I expect the Kindle will be someday.
gaikokujinkyofusho said:
Ok, at the risk of annoying someone (due to my noobness) I wanted to ask if I could do the above for my kindle (which i just flashed with AOKP milestone 5) or is the above strictly for the sammy vib?
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If you run cm9 or aokp, I can take care of you.
Post your services, core, and services.jar plus build.prop at my packages thread so we keep this vibrant only.
Thanks for your interest.

FirefoxOS ported to Samsung Galaxy S2 (JellyBean 4.3)

I've finally opened the new official thread for this port:
I've been working on supporting GT-I9100 for FirefoxOS with JellyBean 4.3. This is going to be the near-future for next FirefoxOS releases so thanks to the previous work done by CyanogenMod on porting this device to JB4.3, I could ported it to FirefoxOS.
I don't have "privileges" to create a new thread on i9100 development forum and announce there all the work I've done, so in the meantime I thought that someone here could be interested in testing it and helping
Right now, the only way to have an image and installing it on you device is building it by yourself, just follow these instructions: plus.google.com/117885749590235128300/posts/cH2qU1hcLEC
I'm working on providing a precompiled image installable via CWM and hope to have those precompiled images for the weekend so stay tunned
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I've currently no time to try compiling (and i had to uninstall my linux recently...) But I will definitely keep an eye on this thread and be happy to test when you succeed to provide a precompiled image (or when I get a little time to compile it myself)
That might be a silly question but is there any chance that it works white other aosp based rom like Paranoid Android ?
Thanks for your work !
papemor said:
I've currently no time to try compiling (and i had to uninstall my linux recently...) But I will definitely keep an eye on this thread and be happy to test when you succeed to provide a precompiled image (or when I get a little time to compile it myself)
That might be a silly question but is there any chance that it works white other aosp based rom like Paranoid Android ?
Thanks for your work !
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Well, the dual boot can be extended to add other ROMs easily but it will take a lot of time to test them all so for now I'd stick with Cyanogenmod 10.2. Anyway, all my work is shared via github.com/atilag so any collaboration will be appreciated
I already provided a CWM installable .zip that you can find here: https : //mega.co.nz/#!0NUwEAxK!AQXMXzjmkQRiMvn6auQEEkN3sL8eOn0GFFXSRyXzdvE
ROM question
_AtilA_ said:
Well, the dual boot can be extended to add other ROMs easily but it will take a lot of time to test them all so for now I'd stick with Cyanogenmod 10.2. Anyway, all my work is shared via github.com/atilag so any collaboration will be appreciated
I already provided a CWM installable .zip that you can find here: https : //mega.co.nz/#!0NUwEAxK!AQXMXzjmkQRiMvn6auQEEkN3sL8eOn0GFFXSRyXzdvE
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Can you tell us what are the steps for installing this rom? Flash it via CWM? Is this a dual boot rom will it have JB in it, or do you have to flash it on top of JB? What features are functioning in Firefox? Calls, sms, WIFI?
alien4friend said:
Can you tell us what are the steps for installing this rom? Flash it via CWM? Is this a dual boot rom will it have JB in it, or do you have to flash it on top of JB? What features are functioning in Firefox? Calls, sms, WIFI?
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Yes, this is a CWM installable .zip.
It is dual-boot in case you have installed CM10.2 on it. If you don't, you won't be able to dual-boot.
I wanted to reach the necessary post count to create an official thread on developers forums fot this port, so I just used this one as a preview... this is the reason cause there's no much more information about the port in this thread
Anyway, visit the link to my G+ post and you will have further instructions, I cannot post links yet, so build it yoursefl: plus.google.com/117885749590235128300/posts/cH2qU1hcLEC
What doesn't work:
* Graphic issues (some laggy)
* No mobile-data (it connects to 3G/HSDP networks but don't transmit data)
* No Camera
* No Bluetooth
I'm working on building a new version these days, so a new release would be available soon.
Wifi works? Just making sure, great work!
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Not in i777 (i don't have the driver), but works fine in i9100
LeJolly said:
Wifi works? Just making sure, great work!
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Will this rom be ported to the i9100g?
Sent from my GT-I9100G using xda app-developers app
how to boot back into android
Hi Juan,
First of all thanks for the effort of porting Firefox to SGS2, I have successfully installed the zip file that you have posted and I have booted into Firefox. Like you mentioned no mobile data, no camera, no bluetooth. Voice call function ok. I have not managed to connect to a wireless yet. Can you tell me how to boot into android instead of firefox? I have installed the zip on top om CM 10.2 so dual boot should work.
alien4friend said:
Hi Juan,
First of all thanks for the effort of porting Firefox to SGS2, I have successfully installed the zip file that you have posted and I have booted into Firefox. Like you mentioned no mobile data, no camera, no bluetooth. Voice call function ok. I have not managed to connect to a wireless yet. Can you tell me how to boot into android instead of firefox? I have installed the zip on top om CM 10.2 so dual boot should work.
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Hi, first of all, I opened a new ROM thread (and thus the official) for this port: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2612940
If you want to boot into CM10.2, you have to use adb this way:
adb shell cr.sh 1
This will reboot the phone in this very moment, and will boot into CM10.2.
I can't write on the official thread yet, you know how that is. Curious if anyone has tried the i727 skyrocket yet and what results. Thanks in advance.
thank you

[Q] Nexus 4 4.3 Factory Image with openpdroid

Hi all,
This is probably my first post so before I go ahead I'd like to thank all developers on this site. It's got a wealth of information that helped me a lot.
Unfortunatey I haven't found a way to do this yet, so I'm posting and asking for help with this issue I'm having...
I used to run CM10.1 on my Nexus 4, I always patched that rom with autopatcher to apply openpdroid so I could set privacy stuff using the Pdroid Manager app.
I decided to go back to the stock rom due to issues I was having (my phone actually got bricked and I managed to fix it following excellent instructions that I found here).
Now I can't apply the openpdroid patch to the stock ROM because autopatcher only accepts zip files and I'm sure that it needs the structure of the ROM.zip to work. The Google factory image is a ROM.tgz file and upon extracting a zip and the factory image, I noticed that the structure is completely different. I have no idea how to create a zip file out of the stock rom.
I'm wondering if anybody could do this? I'm not sure if autopatcher requires deodexing... All I need is a stock 4.3 mako image in the form of a zip file that works like the CM roms, so I can patch it with openpdroid via autopatcher.
Is this possible? Could someone here do it, please?
I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.
Thanks all for reading!
Welcome to the great xda-developers forums
Well you should search the Forum with the forum search for a tutorial to zipalign your stock rom, there are many out there i think.
I think i even saw a rom kitchen for that.
That thread belongs to Q&A by the way
(Just a tip on the side)
272 2589539
Thank you, as you can see I'm new here I tried to search for something but I'm not sure if I was using the right terms, so I decided to ask. I didn't even know about this zipalign or rom kitchen stuff, but now that you mentioned it I will research. Thanks!
Kartoffelrudi said:
Welcome to the great xda-developers forums
Well you should search the Forum with the forum search for a tutorial to zipalign your stock rom, there are many out there i think.
I think i even saw a rom kitchen for that.
That thread belongs to Q&A by the way
(Just a tip on the side)
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hithereperson said:
Thank you, as you can see I'm new here I tried to search for something but I'm not sure if I was using the right terms, so I decided to ask. I didn't even know about this zipalign or rom kitchen stuff, but now that you mentioned it I will research. Thanks!
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Just my opinion but I think it would be better to find a stock, 4.3 deodex ROM in a flashable zip. I'm dead sure there's a few floating around in android or original android development. That would make it easier to patch
Edit: this should do, stock 4.3 zip:
Enjoy :thumbup:
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

Galaxy Exhibits / Galaxy Ace 2 E General Discussion [T599 | T599N | T599V | T599X]

This is the thread for the T599x variants (not the S3 mini).
We have the following ROMs available:
The following have ceased development:
CM 10.1 (09/20) Build by Unjustified Dev
CM-10.2 by Unjustified Dev
Pac Rom by Unjustified Dev
BeanStalk 4.4 by Meticulus (Still good to try out!)
CM-11 by Unjustified Dev + Exothermic
The following have active development:
AOKP4.4 by dadacup
Carbon 4.4 by Meticulus
CM-11 by dadacup
Omni 4.4 by Exothermic
VanirAOSP 4.4 by Unjustified Dev
We also have the following recoveries available:
CWM Touch Recovery
TWRP Touch Recovery
Philz Recovery
Check the links of the 4.4 based roms for more current recoveries!
Also check out this guide on how to increase space (enables link2sd) : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2596290
All credits to tys0n (for index of stock roms) and Unjustified Dev (for CM10.1, CM10.2, CM11, VanirAOSP, and his initial work on our devicies), Meticulus for (CWM, BeanStalk and Carbon, and for his continued work on our device), dadacup (for his work on AOKP and CM11) and morepr for creating the guide to enable link2sd)
Use this thread as a general discussion thread.
I'll help maybe this weekend. I am busy for the week.
So I installed CM 10.1 on my phone and now it says it can't find any contacts on my SIM card. Is this just an issue with CM 10.1, or did installing it delete the contacts?
ClaireVoyant94 said:
So I installed CM 10.1 on my phone and now it says it can't find any contacts on my SIM card. Is this just an issue with CM 10.1, or did installing it delete the contacts?
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Apparently it's an issue with jellybean rather then CM0.1; some fixes might be try inserting your sim card into a spare phone that uses a lower version of android (gingerbread/froyo/ics) or a different os and save the contacts there, and send them over text or bluetooth.
So I found another problem with CM 10.1: I can't use my SD card. It gets recognized under Settings -> Storage, but I can't play music from it, and I can't view files in it from the file browser. Is this a known issue (one that other people are experiencing) with the 9/20 build of CM 10.1 for this phone, and if so, is there a later build that fixes it?
It's not a big deal since all of my music is on an iPod I carry with me (usually), and I don't do anything else on my phone that needs more than a few MBs of space, but it's annoying.
ClaireVoyant94 said:
So I found another problem with CM 10.1: I can't use my SD card. It gets recognized under Settings -> Storage, but I can't play music from it, and I can't view files in it from the file browser. Is this a known issue (one that other people are experiencing) with the 9/20 build of CM 10.1 for this phone, and if so, is there a later build that fixes it?
It's not a big deal since all of my music is on an iPod I carry with me (usually), and I don't do anything else on my phone that needs more than a few MBs of space, but it's annoying.
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I'm on the 09/20 build and SD card works fine. Perhaps you need to format your sd card so that its compatible with android; I believe it should be formatted to FAT32, and try using Root browser (free from play store) and go to extSdCard and the files should be there given that the sd-card is working. There are more builds after 09/20 but since the original dev has not reuploaded them to goo (or goo has deleted them by accident) we're stuck with 09/20 until I can build a version of cm myself (I'm somewhat close to it).
I have a few of these phones and they are great, I cant believe we don't have more devs on these for a clean unbloated rom. Let us know if you come up with something. :_)
Just a quick update; I'm done exams which means I could start my attempts at porting over CM10.2 again. I had some issues applying a patch needed to enable STE Hardware, so I just manualIly downloaded the files to the correct places for the time being (which should get help me get past the build-error I was seeing before). I'm compiling a build now, and hopefully I don't run into any build errors and can test in on my phone.
Exothermic said:
Just a quick update; I'm done exams which means I could start my attempts at porting over CM10.2 again. I had some issues applying a patch needed to enable STE Hardware, so I just manualIly downloaded the files to the correct places for the time being (which should get help me get past the build-error I was seeing before). I'm compiling a build now, and hopefully I don't run into any build errors and can test in on my phone.
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Cool! Looking forward! Thanks for the update.
Sent from my SGH-T599N using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Is pac the only legit rom available for this phone? I'd really like to see a stock version of jelly bean...
DevilDogg said:
Is pac the only legit rom available for this phone? I'd really like to see a stock version of jelly bean...
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There is stock firmware, unless you mean an AOSP version? I don't think any of the U8500 based phones have AOSP built, so porting it over would be difficult. There's also CM10.1 available for the phone with working camera (no video camera), issues with audio at times (which requires a reboot). I'm working on CM10.2, but running into some kernel issues, so I yet have to see to how that goes.
Exothermic said:
There is stock firmware, unless you mean an AOSP version? I don't think any of the U8500 based phones have AOSP built, so porting it over would be difficult. There's also CM10.1 available for the phone with working camera (no video camera), issues with audio at times (which requires a reboot). I'm working on CM10.2, but running into some kernel issues, so I yet have to see to how that goes.
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I managed to find an odin flashable rom somewhere that includes su so that's what I'm running in the mean time. I tried both the roms in the o.p.
Pac was pretty close to what I like in a rom but it's abandoned so there's no chance of the bugs getting fixed.
This is such a great little phone and now that metro is giving them away for free I assumed xda would be blowing up with development but I guess not...
I'll be checking this thread everyday and I'll test out any thing you come up with. really looking forward to your rom.
I managed to compile CM10.2 and it did indeed boot. I'm not yet releasing it because camera is missing. But other then that everything seems fine, does require more testing, and I've been working non-stop for a couple of hours now (it's 4am here, lol).
- initial build of CM10.2
- SmartAss v2 governor (should help with battery life) (unjust already had this there, and I could add in other governors in future)
List of Current Bugs:
- missing camera (have an idea on how to fix it )
- random boot logo appears (i believe this was on pac as well, will look into it)
- torch not working (dependent on camera working as well but since camera isn't working, torch isn't working as well)
- sound issues (like CM10.1 most likely)
I'll make a new thread for this rom, once camera is working, and we could start from there. I've yet to test out calling and bluetooth.
Just a reminder; I'm learning how to dev as I'm going so please don't expect nightlies (slow upload rate + lack of free time + lack of knowledge) and fixes to be posted suddenly.
Excellent. and thanks for not adding another half baked ROM to the list.
DevilDogg said:
Excellent. and thanks for not adding another half baked ROM to the list.
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SWisaiahAG said:
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nice job @Exothermic
Camera and what not is easy haha your missing more than you know
add me on hangouts [email protected]
I'll add you to teamcanjica they work on ste devices.
Unjustified Dev said:
nice job @Exothermic
Camera and what not is easy haha your missing more than you know
add me on hangouts [email protected]
I'll add you to teamcanjica they work on ste devices.
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Thanks, and aha, yeah I figured. Originally one of the patches for multimedia didn't go through, so I figured that was the culprit, but now that I applied and recompiling, I'm running into more build errors, but I'll get through them.
I just messaged you,
Unjustified Dev said:
nice job @Exothermic
Camera and what not is easy haha your missing more than you know
add me on hangouts [email protected]
I'll add you to teamcanjica they work on ste devices.
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@Unjustified Dev Thanks for helping @Exothermic. I'm sure he and the whole T599 community would highly appreciate your support on getting an updated CM ROM with less bugs. Thank you again. As always if you need help with testing I'm here for you.
Sent from my SGH-T599N using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
DJVargas said:
@Unjustified Dev Thanks for helping @Exothermic. I'm sure he and the whole T599 community would highly appreciate your support on getting an updated CM ROM with less bugs. Thank you again. As always if you need help with testing I'm here for you.
Sent from my SGH-T599N using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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If anyone is interested: I still have a copy of the cm-10.1-20130925-UNOFFICIAL-codinamtrgapps-jb-20130812-signed.zip with gapps files. This wast the last build i believe unjustdev was working on before he moved to PAC...this build has a functioning camera, but no video and the sound issues. I would be happy to upload, let me know.
If u have the out of space issue I created this quick tutorial that it might help some of you guys if it does please click thanks
Sent from my SGH-T599N using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

