Wifi Problems and Factory Reset - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

My phone has been working great. Last night though, my phone just wouldn't connect to my wifi. I rebooted the phone a few times, along with the router, but it still would't connect.
I did a factory reset to see if that solved it. It didn't. My phone was plugged in on charge at the time, and when I tried to set it up, it just hung on the wifi part, when it was supposedly connecting. This happened again after a few more factory resets. About 1am this morning it managed to connect so I could set up my phone, though it took forever to connect. When I tried to sign into Gmail that took ages as well.
I lost all my MMS and data settings. I need to input them manually - cheap network provider - and to input them, I needed to get the settings online. Low and behold my internet died. It's working now, but I won't have time to input them - gotta head to work.
So at the moment I have a phone with no apps installed, no antivirus, no data settings, but I need to take it with me to stay in touch with people.
So my questions are these. Performing numerous factory resets in a row - whilst the phone is on charge - won't have damaged the phone at all right? I was just a bit hesitant performing so many resets, but needed to resolve the problem.
Second of all, taking my phone out with no antivirus - but having data turned off - shouldn't be a problem should it?
I'll have to set it all up when I get home, but for now I just need a phone.

antivirus ? :\



got a htc phone and my phone keeps freezeing i need to take the battery out then put it bk in to get my phone it keeps happening alot. took it to a shop and they say they reflashed but it didnt work any body got any ideas thanks
First of all, while the phone is working.. BACKUP all data.
Then try this...
Hardreset (I don't see any other solution).. then RESTORE data.
If the above post doesn't work, then maybe you should have that unit replaced while it's still under warranty (I assume)...
I also experienced the same a while ago. All of a sudden, after 2 weeks of using, it hung. The only thing I did was having it a day connected to the internet and loading 150 emails into the newly created account. I experienced a slower operating system, though, and the hanging of the Jade could be linked to this full inbox.
Btw. no additional software installed or tweaks. At that time, I only had NoData installed and TomTom.
For some reason, when the backlight went off, the wake up hard button on the Jade didn't function either, so I had to take out the battery every time to make a call. Rediculous...
The solution for me was indeed to hard reset. Soft resets or configuration chagnes didn't work. After the hard reset, no problems anymore...

G2x Data Connection Only Works While Tethering!??

1) Bill (TMobile) is past due. for about 3 weeks ive been using wifi only in my house to stay connected, working just fine.
2) for about 3 months, ive been USB tethering to my desktop since it doesnt have a wireless card. now it takes my home wifi signal to the phone, thru usb, to the computer. all drivers are full up-to-date.
3) two nights ago i installed the new 2.3 Gingerbread update from LG's site, went without a hitch.
4) ever since then, my data has been freezing at downloads, browser instantly jumps to page not available, "Data Error, Retry" popup, only when im NOT tethering though. normally id blame the update, but there are plentyyyy of people without this problem.
5) yes, you heard right. when my phone is plugged in usb, it wont connect, but when i enable usb tether, the data to the phone works. its almost as if its my COMPUTER giving signal to the PHONE. this is ridiculous. when i unplug, the data continues to work for about 1 minute, then nothing.
im completely stock 2.3 with not a single new app downloaded. so i factory reset and wiped everything, loaded back in as if it was out-of-the-box, same results.
ive tried switching my WiFi off policy to never go to data (shouldnt matter, i did this for weeks without changing that, so i set it back to the standard option) i also know in 2.3 if your screen goes off it switches to data, so i set my screen to stay awake while plugged in.
needless to say... HELP.

[Q] Galaxy Note 3 Wifi stuck on "activating"

Hi guys,
I own a Galaxy Note 3 and in these last months the Wifi connection has been acting strangely, at first the Wifi would deactivate itself and I needed to reactivate it everytime, then it started to not activate normally, it would remain stuck on "Activating" in the settings options. At this moment I can't even turn the WiFi on anymore in any way.
Here a list of the things I already tried:
Reboot the phone
Take out the battery for a couple of minutes and rebooting
Turning off "WiFi Power Save Mode" via the dialer *#0011#
And at last factory reset. (When I reset it the first time the wifi seemed to work again but after some updates and a reboot the wifi won't turn on anymore)
P.S: No carriers and never rooted
A friend of mine had this issue with GS2. He went for a replacement finally.
I see the same on my N9002. I consider this a hardware issue. It started with occasional WiFi shut down. I was able to restore WiFi after opening the device playing around with the connectors or removing the screws. The outages became more frequent. Now WiFi and Bluetooth are both dead.
I did everything software to fix it. Several resets, several different ROMs, updates - with no effect.
I am on the way to a repair store now to see what they come up with.

WiFi unable to turn on

So this morning my WiFi was working just as usual. But after that I went out so I turned it off and when I return home, my WiFi isnt working anymore. Its not that it wont work completely, but it keeps connect and disconnect. I just can't use it. After an hour I'm going out again so I turned off the WiFi. I was so annoyed by what happened so I decided to play with the WiFi toggle. Guess what, it wont turn on. When I tapped on the toggle it slides to the right remained greyed out, and stucks there. It will not turn on. I rebooted it many times, it worked for about a second then it stops working again. I tried to find out if it was software problem or what, I rebooted several times, disabled root, reflashed ROM, cleared cache, but it still wont work. I even factory reset it by clearing data and caches and reflashed my ROM but it still wont turn on.
Then just now I did a few Google and found out it may be hardware problem and many solved the issue by whacking it at the back. I tried it it worked for a second and the problem comes back again. Then I suddenly remembered that I heard some shaky sound from the upper part of the phone when I shake it. I noticed the sound long time ago but I didnt bother. And I did some sports this morning with my phone in my pocket so I think its the wifi antenna contacts.
Okay assuming it wasn't a hardware problem, is there anything I can try to be more sure that it's a software fault? I did factory reset from recovery. And is that shaky sound a hardware bug or it's normal?
Update: I can't turn on Bluetooth too so it's definitely a hardware problem since they share the same antenna. More over I saw this line in logcat thus making me more sure it's the antenna
06-27 23:10:14.776 E/wpa_supplicant(19055): Could not read interface wlan0 flags: No such device
Yes it's hardware.

Bluetooth broken since last software update

After this last weekend, I've noticed that Bluetooth no longer works. Specifically, it is off, and when I tap to turn it on from any menu, it grays out and never turns on. I've tried rebooting several times, turning airplane mode on and off, clearing the cache and data from the Bluetooth app and force stopping it, and even booting into safe mode where it still does the same thing. As of last week Bluetooth was working fine and I used it daily for audio streaming and syncing with my smartwatch.
This issue coincides with a software update a few days ago (G950U1UEU1AQH3). I wonder if it has anything to do with that.
I want to avoid a factory reset if at all possible.
my bluetooth works fine after upgrading to AQH3, probably a bad update, im afraid outside of a factory reset not sure how else you can fix it.
Got a fix - I went to "Reset" in Settings and reset all network information. It reset wifi as well, but right after I did that Bluetooth started working. No idea what happened, but at least I avoided a factory reset...

