Rooted NST and multiple MAC addresses? - Nook Touch General

I have a NST firmware 1.2.1 which I rooted with NookManager. While everything is working fine, I was upgrading the security of my home WIFI network yesterday and noticed some strange devices and MAC addressed being reported as connected to my router (NetGear WNR2000v2) when my Nook is connected.
With only my cell phone connected, the "Attached devices" are reported as follows:
Wireless Devices (Wireless intruders also show up here)
# IP Address Device Name MAC Address
After I connect my Nook, I get the following:
Wireless Devices (Wireless intruders also show up here)
# IP Address Device Name MAC Address
1 ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 0], 7 , -68087693?y??X? d = ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 1], YY:YY:YY:YY:YY:YY <-- This is really the Nook.
2 -- -- XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX <-- This is the cell phone.
3 0742520); b = hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 2], 23, -995338651); 2C:20:61:2C:20:62
4 a, x[i+ 2], 23, -995338651); a = ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 0], 6 , -1986 69:69:28:63:2C:20
5 a = ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 0], 6 , -198630844); d = ii 64:20:61:6C:69:67
6 ], 6 , -198630844); d = ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 7], 10, 1126891415); 31:3A:35:42:3A:35
7 (d, a, b, c, x[i+ 7], 10, 1126891415); c = ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+14], 70:61:6E:3E:3C:2F
Any ideas what is causing this and is it something I should be worried about? When I disconnect the Nook, these "other" devices/MAC addresses go away also.

Weird. All those IP's are from outside your local network. Perhaps your Nook is opening connections with keep-alive and your router is reporting the external sites you're connected to. The sites are ATT,, Comcast Boston, an unregistered IP address and

The real bizarre thing is not the IP addresses, but that multiple MAC addresses.
FYI: I can have multiple firefox browser windows open on any wire connection, or my phone and the IP and MAC addresses of the remote computers don't show up in this list. So, my only conclusion is that the NOOK is broadcasting those MAC addresses.


[UPDATE 18/05/13][GUIDE] Spoof WIFI Mac address in Android

[UPDATE 18/05/13]
UPDATE 18/05/2013
App (4.0 and above only ) :
App (4.0 and above only ) :
It is based on the command: busybox ifconfig*eth0/wlan0* hw ether
Thanx to hotsync for this app !
3) Terminal App
:busybox iplink show eth0
:busybox ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55
:busybox iplink show eth0
Why would you want to do this?
On some routers you can limit connections to only allow specific mac addresses - this would let you connect without needing to add permissions. possibly at work or a friend's house?
Im not familiar with any use unless you're using backtrack, but that's a whole different topic
I am getting no such device....
mustafaayubkhan said:
I am getting no such device....
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Same problem
Any solution to this? I am running optimus 2 X with cm7
the 0 in eth0 is zero, maybe thats the issue
busybox ifconfig will list your devices, i didnt have eth0 (ethernet 0) i had wlan0 (wireless lan 0)
busybox ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55
Thanks, I was looking for this..
On GS2 it changes my MAC, however I can’t connect to any wifi network! It always say that the password is wrong.
Can I ask you what rom are you using?
Thanks in advance.
I had the same problem, but then i realized that the router was the issue. I found out that this works with router without password and frequency b and g , n does not support
Hope this helped !
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
I see, I was suspecting something like that.
Thanks mate.
could anyone explain how do you get the wifi password out of the ip address? i am a newb to this thing, and i would love to use school network or public
There is a software for PC called backtrack where you can get the password from the router
But hacking with phone will be difficult, because the phone needs the suitable WIFI adapter for cracking the router!!
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
lol there is a file in /efs/imei/bt.txt
I think thats the Bluethoot mac address !!
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
with last CM7 it doesn't work!
In terminal it change but when I connect to my wifi, in my router I see the old MAC :-(
I just wanted to say thanks and offer some insight for anyone having trouble with this.
I was able to do this on my g2 and checking in the ActionTec router to verify. However, it would crash my ActionTec if I didn't time things very good.
Open Terminal.
Type "busybox ifconfig"
I was given results for rmnet0, I assume this is my phone's MAC, not my Wireless MAC. I turned Wi-Fi on and did ifconfig again.
I was given results for eth0.
I then set the eth0 with the method in the first post.
busybox ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55
Then, during an attempt to see these changes in my router, I was no longer able to access my router from my pc. (or from any device)
Then, I went back to wi-fi and it set my eth0 back to default again.
So, I turned wi-fi off, waited in emulator (until my router was fine again) and this time I :
had busybox ifconfig eth0 hw ether :etc: typed out but didn't press enter.
I turned wi-fi on and I kept pressing enter on my terminal until it stopped showing an error for "No such device"
This error exactly in terminal was:
ifconfig:STOCSIFHWADDR: No such device
As soon as my wi-fi actually opened and tried to get an IP, it set it at the perfect time. I was able to see my results in the devices table of my router as well as in ifconfig.
I'm sure there's a better way to do this for my situation/device but for now, I know this works for me.
Came back with more info for this method. It's not 100% by any means. Closer to 4/10 times it works.
I've tried a lot of testing with it so far on my home network.
I open terminal, su and type this in so it's ready:
busybox ifconfig eth0 hw ether 11:22:33:44:dd:ee
i submit it so I can track-pad up and get it easily.
I get the same error (no such device)
Then, i turn on wifi and immediately go back into terminal and press enter.
Then, up enter, up enter, up enter 5 times. It doesn't error after the 2nd or 3rd time but I do it a few more times because it seems to work better that way.
Then, I check the table and it shows connection type as network instead of wireless but I still have full internet access with the spoof'd mac.
Next test I cloned my gf's wifi mac while she was browsing on her phone.
I took control of the MAC and her device was no longer able to view websites.
I turned my wifi off and her device picked up where it left off, right away.
I will be doing some further testing throughout the week and try to report anything new/helpful.
Tested on HTC thunderbolt for Verizon and working!
I got it to do the commands but as soon as it changes the mac address it disconnects from the wifi and when it reconnects it changed my mac address back to normal.
Does not work
After doing this, my mac was changed successfully.
I turned of / on wifi.
Followed the steps without being connected to any router/modem.
After my mac was changed, I tried to connect to my modem, but it kept scanning/connecting/disconnecting over and over again.
So when my mac is changed, I can't connect.
Any one knows a good way to fix this?
I am using a Droid Razr and I found that to access the wifi mac i had to type
busybox iplink set tiwlan0
instead of wlan0 or eth0. BUT here is the next issue i came across. When I changed the mac it said
either "dev" is duplicate, or "00:00:00:00:00:00" is garbage
Ive tried searching for a solution but so far nothing
I don't want to permanently change my wifi mac just temp. Anyone else run into this?
btw im using android version 2.3.6 if it matters.
Thanks for any help at all! Its driving me crazy lol

10.1 VIRGINMEDIA no connection ,with MI-FI it has

Hi GTab wouldn't go on the internet, try as i might it wouldn't go, so i went and FACTORY DATA RESET it, when it came back I signed in with my VIRGINMEDIA password that enabled me to get on the Internet but it wouldn't go it just sat there(i have had it since JAN 2012) so i thought ill try the MI-FI one that ive got and it worked (But i don't want to use that all the time).Now ill try the GTab 7 ive got ( with virginmedia) and that worked ok. So the problem must be with the 10.1 and virginmedia, have you got any ideas wait it could be??
Devices Connected
See which wired and wireless devices are connected to your Super Hub and the amount of time they've been connected.
Wired Devices
MAC Address IP Address Device Name Time Connected
00:18:37:01:90:e5 roy-901bb8c797b 0days 3hrs 22mins 25s
Wireless Devices
MAC Address IP Address Device Name Time Connected
98:0c:82:57:c4:ae 0days 20hrs 37mins 9s (samsung phone)
bc:47:60:ff:12:24 android_75e045c65cef0aa 0days 0hrs 41mins 32s (GTab 10.1 )
it's a SUPER HUB virginmedia is my PC is my 10.1 is my 7.0 is my GT-PHONE
were do i find the Mobile networks and Access Point Names ?
WIRELESS & NETWORK seems the same, diff. mac address and ip address
Ive just noticed the 10.1 has been on since 9.00am but only recorded 2hrs 4secs shouldnt it be the same as time were 3hrs 35mine at the moment?
MAC Address IP Address Device Name Time Connected
bc:47:60:f0:58:50 0days 1hrs 22mins 21s
98:0c:82:57:c4:ae 0days 1hrs 33mins 31s
bc:47:60:ff:12:24 android_75e045c65cef0aa 0days 0hrs 33mins 11s
Any body got any ideas??
Sign into the hub ( or ( default log in is admin and changeme, go to wireless settings put the mode to 145mbps and channel off auto to say 7 and make sure its on 2.4ghz not 5, try that
IVE done that no diiffernt
wireless settings
channel 7
802.11 mode up to 145Mbps
802.11 n band 2.4Ghz
WI-FI WORKS WITH MY Gtab 7" on virginmedia though
go into services and uncheck everything hit apply if that dunt work hold a pin in the reset thing for 30 secs n try again
you mean the router?
that's done it thanks a lot now ive got Gtab 10.1 and Gtab 7 both working thank you again
no probs

jelly bean 16 vs 24 bit routers

Ok I need some help I have a jelly bean tablet that will dchp timeout while obtaining IP address on my school network. This only happens while trying to connect to 16 bit routers. Even though it works on all the 24 bit routers with the exact same settings and protocols running off the same network. I've rooted, checked all the dhcp runhook permissions, and even flashed a different rom. Please offer whatever advice you might have. Thanks
I have no idea what you are talking about in 16 vs 24 bit. Do you mean IPv4 vs. IPv6?
address classes
Well I men the address classes, like class A (8 bit), class B (16 bit), or class C (24 bit)
Maybe the school uses class c.
Sent from my XT862 using xda app-developers app
No the school uses both class b and class c routers. Both of which are connected to the same network and there is no difference between them besides the fact that they are different classes. I can connect to the class c but not the 16 bit class b.
Well do some troubleshooting. Does it work at home (switch your DHCP lease IP range to 172.16.xx.xx with a subnet mask of If it does, then your school is doing that on purpose and you'll have to talk to the IT person. Does it happen on earlier versions of Android? If not then your device is doing it...which would be strange indeed.
There is no physical difference between the routers in this instance, you're referring to subnetting. This is just the process used to manage IP address allocation. Perhaps it's a congestion issue, as a /16 network is pretty big for DHCP.
Does anyone else you know has the same kind of problem ?
If someone else has the same problem, the router might have an issue with the DHCP lease or have a DHCP conflict (some routers have the bad habit to store every address they give, and not deleting their cache afterwards, so they can't give an address twice, but it would take some time for a router giving addresses on a /16 network).
You told us that the IT is using both /24 and /16 network, are they using the same kind of network (both with 172.16.x.x for instance), or are they separated networks ?

How do I assign a permanent static IP address to hotspot in Android 10

I would like to assign a permanent static IP address to hotspot in Android 10 (Unofficial LineageOS 17.1 for Natrium by LuK1337, rooted with Magisk v20.3 and updated to Jan 11, 2020 build).
Now whenever I turn on the hotspot, it assigns a different IP to hotspot, (this will be the gateway IP to other devices that connects to this hotspot).
Note: For simplicity, instead of connecting other devices to this hotspot, I'm just gonna find hotspot IP by running "ip r" on the phone itself.
On the phone, when I open Termux (have tried other Terminal app with the same results), and run, "ip r" and "ip a", I get:
:/ $ ip r dev wlan0 proto kernel scope link [B]src[/B]
:/ $
:/ $ ip a
25: wlan0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 3000
link/ether 78:02:f8:f0:4d:87 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet 192.168.43.[B]100[/B]/24 brd scope global wlan0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::7a02:f8ff:fef0:4d87/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
:/ $
Now this "src" will be different (e.g:, etc) everytime I turn hotspot on and off... and I would like to assign a permanent static IP like ".100"
In LineageOS 16 I used the following workaround, which is no longer working in Android 10 (Unofficial LineageOS 17.1):
In the Termux (have tried other Terminal app with the same results):
mount -o rw,remount /vendor
nano /vendor/etc/init/
and add:
on property:init.svc.hostapd=running
exec - -- /system/bin/sleep 2
exec u:r:magisk:s0 -- /system/bin/ip address add 192.168.43.[B]100[/B]/24 dev wlan0
Save the file.
mount -o ro,remount /vendor
mount -o rw,remount /
nano /etc/dnsmasq.conf
and add:
Save the file.
Then set the permissions:
chown 0.0 /etc/dnsmasq.conf
chmod 0644 /etc/dnsmasq.conf
chcon u:object_r:system_file:s0 /etc/dnsmasq.conf
magiskpolicy "allow dnsmasq system_file file { read getattr open }"
magiskpolicy "allow dnsmasq system_file dir { search }"
mount -o ro,remount /
Any help is greatly appreciated, many thanks in advance.
I've got the same problem with my Pixel 3 running Android 10, also using Termux.
My use case is SSHing into the phone from my iPad to use VIM.
Previously, I used PDANet for its hotspot functionality, but it doesn't work anymore on my Pixel. Depending on your phone, you could give that a shot.
Unfortunately, starting with Android 9, the gateway is always set randomly. You cannot change it without editing the source code and building the firmware, but you can assign an additional static IP address through which you can connect to the phone. I'm not sure that this will help you, but you can see here three methods to solve this problem:
Personally, I use the first method and it is enough for my needs.
It got even worse. I'm not sure this is a thing since Android 11, but whenever I turn my Hotspot off and on again, it changes the last two segments of my gateway IP, so it's always 192.168.x.x. This sucks even twice, because now all static IPs of all clients need to be updated to get in the right scope for the subnet mask that is still
Pretty ****ty move by Google. I wish there was a solution to this nonsense. I want a static gateway IP without root ... (I know, impossible)
Cis# said:
It got even worse. I'm not sure this is a thing since Android 11, but whenever I turn my Hotspot off and on again, it changes the last two segments of my gateway IP, so it's always 192.168.x.x. This sucks even twice, because now all static IPs of all clients need to be updated to get in the right scope for the subnet mask that is still
Pretty ****ty move by Google. I wish there was a solution to this nonsense. I want a static gateway IP without root ... (I know, impossible)
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You said without root it's impossible but can we do something with root so that we don't have to update gateway ip everytime hotspot is restarted?
Cis# said:
It got even worse. I'm not sure this is a thing since Android 11, but whenever I turn my Hotspot off and on again, it changes the last two segments of my gateway IP, so it's always 192.168.x.x. This sucks even twice, because now all static IPs of all clients need to be updated to get in the right scope for the subnet mask that is still
Pretty ****ty move by Google. I wish there was a solution to this nonsense. I want a static gateway IP without root ... (I know, impossible)
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Faced the same problem after my mobile got an update to Android 11.
Please let me know if you found any solution.
byquip said:
Faced the same problem after my mobile got an update to Android 11.
Please let me know if you found any solution.
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legendofrj10 said:
You said without root it's impossible but can we do something with root so that we don't have to update gateway ip everytime hotspot is restarted?
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I got close...used MacroDroid with root (Magisk) and I was able to create a macro that started the hotspot and then used secure settings to set the wlan0 IP to what I wanted using ifconfig. Using both ifconfig and a network scanner I confirmed the hotspot had the ip I wanted, but I was not able to actually use it for a stable connection - clients constantly dropped the connection.
I'm still on Android 8.1 beacause of this random hotspot IP address issue.
Is there any recent phone or ROM with a static IP address for its hotspot?
Not really THE solution, but I've had pretty good results serving data thru the phones hotspot to an old dd wrt router (set up as a "repeater bridge"). The router/repeater handles all traffic on a local network then looks to the hotspot for data. Basically, just like your home wifi, but swap your modem with the phone.
Behind the router, it functions like a "real" connection. All apps function, push notices come thru, smart TVs, and even Chromecast works! You can assign static IP on the virtual network.
Devices don't seem to notice the random IP changes between the hotspot and router. At the most, you may lose data for a second or two while it .. switches stuff? Idk... but other than a quick lag in chat, if that, you won't even notice anything happened.
A couple sidebars:
The old wifi b/g routers with ddwrt are cheap on ebay. Although, router throughput could be a limiting factor on network speeds. Not just the older wifi protocols, but running repeater mode sets router to half duplex.
With a lot of the older routers, a USB-to-5v cable works to power it from any USB port (charger, battery pack, accessory port). Ideal for hotel/dorm, work, rural or mobile living. Wherever you need a private, fully functional wifi connection.
In dd wrt setup, follow tutorials for repeater bridge setup, but leave the gateway and dns ip blank (all zeros).
Naturally, speed and ping depends on the cellphones signal strength.
I don’t have an Android phone any more, but I noticed on my family’s Pixels, PDANet gave gives out a consistent 192.168.1.XXX address. PDANet hotspots work like regular hotspots as far as I know, so it might be worth a shot for when you’re on the go without a router to use.
DMechnikov said:
I don’t have an Android phone any more, but I noticed on my family’s Pixels, PDANet gave gives out a consistent 192.168.1.XXX address. PDANet hotspots work like regular hotspots as far as I know, so it might be worth a shot for when you’re on the go without a router to use.
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Good to know. I didn't even know pdanet was still around. I'll have to mess with it sometime and see what's up. It would be nice to have a static IP coming from the phone, just cause.
Are you talking about the free or a paid version (if there are still two versions)??
Right now I'm using a rooted Umidigi A7 Pro with a 'hotspot unlock' magisk module, coupled with the VPN Hotspot app. This setup allows me to have unlimited hotspot data, I believe stops reporting of hotspot activity back to the ISP, while tunneling the hotspot data thru my phone's VPN connection.
I live waaay out in the sticks of West Virginia. My only ISP option at this time is Hughesnet satellite, which is just THE worst connection on the face of the planet, not to mention pricey. Speeds is so slow, and ping so high, you can't stream media, play games, or use it for voice or FaceTime chats. Instead, I use the phone setup mentioned above.
Luckily, there is a sprint tower (now T-Mobile) near enough to get a bar or two in the window. I picked up an 850mhz band5 cell booster / repeater (actually on band 26, which is a subsection if band 5). Got it set up, now can use the device in-hand throughout my home and out on the porches. Also helped improve speeds, reduce ping, and stabilize jitter on the LAN.
Call of duty mobile pings around 60-80ms
My Metro by T-Mobile plan is $40 per month, no data caps, but no hotspot allotment either. With the rooted device, I routinely use 200+ gb per month of hotspot data on devices connected via the router/repeater in my home.
I've been running this setup for nearly a year now and not had any problems from my ISP.
OP, you might want to look at this solution.
Still having the same issue in 2023 on LineageOS 18.1 (Android 11).
Can't find out which of these classes in sources is responsible for address allocation.
cilyrik said:
OP, you might want to look at this solution.
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After two days of trouble, (and multiples flahing operations, and many other concerns, I found a compromise with the solutions given in your link. Only the first one worked on my rooted smartphone (magisk + rom stock doogee s86pro). I did not manage to remount in rw my partitions to modify the file. So I decided to use the automation (MacroDroid in my case) of the first solution. It works perfectly with 2 macros :
macro #1
trigger = hospot on
action = ip address add dev wlan0
macro #2
trigger = hospot off
action = ip address del dev wlan0
That's all. ^^
* rooted phone required *

script to send magic packet based on port access

I have a server that I run that uses roughly 150w. I'd like to be able to get one of my Android TV boxes to send a magic packet to boot the server based on a port access. I can send the specific port to 2 different IPs in my router. Based on that specific port activity I'd like for it to send a magic packet to boot the server, I have WOL enabled by the server and have tested sending a magic packet to boot the server that works fine.
I'd just like some lower power device to do this for me. I'm using an Asus AXE11000 router. It can also send a magic packet but its a manual process and there doesn't seem to be a way to create a trigger to cause the WOL.
I have firestick/nvidia shield/and chromecast devices that could be potentially used for this.
Please clarify your question.
You want to send a wol packet from (what kind of device, which os)
And you would like to do that internaly on your lan? internaly across subnets?
Externally from internet to internal device ?
So lets assume this is a web server that responds on port 80 to make the discussion easy. (its not a web server)
lets say web server is at
low power TV client is at
I have a bunch of android TV devices that are always on and low power. I am hoping one could by loaded with a script to do this. So the OS is Android which ever one is the most convenient to do this on I would use.
The flow would be:
1. Someone external from the LAN would try to make an access to port 80. So WAN access from port 80
port 80 would get forwarded to both and via the router
2. is powered down so wont respond. will be listening to port 80
It will see a port 80 access and then will issue a magic packet for WOL to to wake up
3. powers on and responds to future request to port 80.
So I am trying to use a low powered always on device to automatically wake up the higher powered, powered down device. The server is running Ubuntu 22.10
again , why are you trying to do this from external lan (i assume the internet)
need to clarify that situation. as everything gets allot more complicated
with wol if done from outside the subnet/network
1. (no the same as wake on lan)
On server you need to check if it has wake by ethernet capability in bios ( some devices have that )
It is like wake up by mouse or keyboard except by ethernet ( unlike sending a wol packet to a mac address)
but more like any network activity directed at the the device ( this will be the simplest if server can do that)
sending wol usually requires root (etherwake)
Etherwake | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
Wake computers on the same network
sometimes you can use non root (wakeonlan) but does not work in all cases
if doing this across subnets or from outside (things are harder)
wol packets are not standard tcp connections but layer 2 broadcast based frame with mac address.
they will not be routed by the router , even with port forwarding.
simplest solution to that would be sending an 'etherwake 12:12:23:aa:bb:cc'
over ssh ( ssh [email protected] 'etherwake 12:12:23:aa:bb:cc' )
harder solutions would involve custom configs in the router/firewall
fwknop(single packet authorization)
is a port knocking tool that can be configured to execute
external commands , besides opening/forwarding ports in
linux firewall, nothing to hack if everything is closed.
can be done with having another old low power router
running openwrt/ddwrt/advanced-tomato firmwares
i keep old routers for such purposes wrt54g(s) e1500 etc...
Get a newer server , i have some that idle at 10-15w
intel i5 based , ramp up when needed.
or mini desktop pc, (lenovo m92p tiny) can be had for $50-60 on ebay
and pack a punch for such a small machine (only one ssd drive though)
but many usb ports
dandudikof said:
again , why are you trying to do this from external lan (i assume the internet)
need to clarify that situation. as everything gets allot more complicated
with wol if done from outside the subnet/network
1. (no the same as wake on lan)
On server you need to check if it has wake by ethernet capability in bios ( some devices have that )
It is like wake up by mouse or keyboard except by ethernet ( unlike sending a wol packet to a mac address)
but more like any network activity directed at the the device ( this will be the simplest if server can do that)
sending wol usually requires root (etherwake)
Etherwake | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository
Wake computers on the same network
sometimes you can use non root (wakeonlan) but does not work in all cases
if doing this across subnets or from outside (things are harder)
wol packets are not standard tcp connections but layer 2 broadcast based frame with mac address.
they will not be routed by the router , even with port forwarding.
simplest solution to that would be sending an 'etherwake 12:12:23:aa:bb:cc'
over ssh ( ssh [email protected] 'etherwake 12:12:23:aa:bb:cc' )
harder solutions would involve custom configs in the router/firewall
fwknop(single packet authorization)
is a port knocking tool that can be configured to execute
external commands , besides opening/forwarding ports in
linux firewall, nothing to hack if everything is closed.
can be done with having another old low power router
running openwrt/ddwrt/advanced-tomato firmwares
i keep old routers for such purposes wrt54g(s) e1500 etc...
Get a newer server , i have some that idle at 10-15w
intel i5 based , ramp up when needed.
or mini desktop pc, (lenovo m92p tiny) can be had for $50-60 on ebay
and pack a punch for such a small machine (only one ssd drive though)
but many usb ports
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1. My device supports pumbg
wol p|u|m|b|a|g|s|d...
Set Wake-on-LAN options. Not all devices support this. The
argument to this option is a string of characters specifying
which options to enable.
p Wake on phy activity
u Wake on unicast messages
m Wake on multicast messages
b Wake on broadcast messages
a Wake on ARP
g Wake on MagicPacket(tm)
s Enable SecureOn(tm) password for MagicPacket(tm)
d Disable (wake on nothing). This option clears all previous
I tried setting up wake on lan unicast messages and I though it worked at first but its not. The machine starts up just like wake on phy activity. Not sure who is sending unicast messages to wake but its waking up almost immediately after being shut down.
I'm not trying to send the magic packet from the WAN. The request for service lets say port 80 comes from the WAN. I want a local internal device to trigger on the port 80 access from the WAN and have a local device send the WOL on the LAN.
3. I tried to figure out a way to get my asus router to trigger on the port access and send the WOL but doesnt seem possible.
4. I have an older Asus 66u I could potentially load tomato
5. This is new........its a 13900 problem is ubuntu is not correctly supporting C-states and causes the machine to crash after being Idle. So I have to shut C-states off to prevent the thing from crashing I suspect the intel_idle driver needs to be updated for 13th gen. With C-states enable it idles around 30w and that's with 3 20TB drives spinning. But wont go a full day without crashing unless C-States are disabled.
Again you did not answer the most important question !
Why does this need to happen from the internet or other subnet,
please explain, as that would determine the correct course of action.
regular wol usually uses g-type as it is most specific and would not be misunderstood
for anything else.
what does the current router run ? (stock firmwares , basicaly useless in custom scenarios like this)
but can be configure to port forward something to another device to listen to and react.
have the first router device port forward say 4422 port to 22 on the secondary
router (which is not really a router anymore), and configure secondary router with paswordless ssh login .
that ways you can just execure a single command trough ssh without
any interaction. just a script that calls ( ssh [email protected] 'etherwake 11:22:33:aa:bb:cc')
manual port knock
would involve configuring iptables/nftables to log a certain packet.
having some script watching the log for a certain key phrase to trigger an action
i highly recommend openwrt firmware if possible with fwknop as the most secure approach
to trigger a command to ( very secure , but highly techical config)
but can also set up custom firewall rulles for forwarding only from the device that requested
it in the first place( so firewall remains closed to everyone else)
Wake-On-Lan - Behind Two Routers
So here is my current network setup: There is a central 'Cisco' router for the apartment. I connect wirelessly using an old router of mine (WRT54Gv2) with DD-WRT installed as a client to the central
0. I dont think you are getting it even though I have stated it multiple times. The WOL is NOT coming from the internet, zip, nada, do not pass go. Do not know how else to make that any clearer. The WOL will only be issued from the local network by a device that lives inside the local network.
A port access to a service that would be running on the server would come from internet. Obviously if the server is shut off that access would fail. However if a local device sees that same access it also does not respond to that request but it would issue a WOL to the server that would then handle additional requests.
I dont think anyone has custom firmware for the Asus AXE11000 yet so it has stock firmware.
i understand that you want to send the wol from a local device .
a secondary device could not possibly get the same request forwarded
to it on the same port as that port is already being forwarded to the primary server device
(at least with ipv4 )(without involving extra rule based port forwarding)
again , easiest would be to get an ssh connection to a device on the inside
or router itself , and issue a wol trough ssh.
otherwise you are looking at custom sollutions
