[Q] Need screenshot - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm designing a site for android and my nexus 4 still hasn't arrived. Can someone please take a screenshot of yahoo.com in stock browser and upload?

Here you go
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Lol..he said yahoo.com
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Ooppss sorry here you go again
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Looks like xda compres, need it it in full resolution
btw, what timing , I asked this and i got my tracking number

Yahoo! Mobile
Yahoo! Desktop Site


(REQ)New sky go apk

I'm looking for the new sky go apk 2.1 ,if anyone could share it I would really appreciate it .
Sent from my HTC One S using xda premium
OK I got it
If anyone needs it .
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
I cant get sky go to launch it fc,'s
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Are u rooted ,it only works on unrooted devices .
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
is it UK only ?
At launch it searches a data point. It suggests to turn on wifi plan even it's already on
Works on my one s ,can't try my nexus 7 as its rooted.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium

Google magazines

Where are the mags stored ? Anyway if they are accessible can you take the photos out ?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
You can download the content and store it locally. While in the viewer you have the choice to see the magazine as it was printed or in a text-only version. You can switch back and forth easily while reading.
I have already downloaded 3 mags offline ,my question was where are they stored ? The google mag folder only has one file
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
They are probably downloaded to a folder within the app and in a format that is unreadable by any other app. They could also be hidden to prevent you from sharing them with others.
When I want a picture from a magazine, I simply go into the magazine & then screen shot it. Easy peasy.
One thing I have noticed they are huge files, I don't think you can access them anywhere within the tablet
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The screen capture works fine if not a little fiderly
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Screen shot is probably your only option as you are dealing with copyrighted content that the publisher likely wants to prevent people from using as they please.
BTW, if that's you in your avatar you are smoking hot. Just sayin'.
That's Phillipa forester and not me lolo
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dgattenb said:
That's Phillipa forester and not me lolo
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Anyone under the age of 25 wont know her haha
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Can't use Google search HELP!!!

Every time I use it Chrome shows me a message that says that my phone is sending automated queries can some one help me with these ?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
devildog25pr said:
Every time I use it Chrome shows me a message that says that my phone is sending automated queries can some one help me with these ?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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Your phone is now being tracked by extraterrestrial beings. Good luck!
devildog25pr said:
Every time I use it Chrome shows me a message that says that my phone is sending automated queries can some one help me with these ?
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Click to collapse
Post a screen shot.
It is happening in every browser ...
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Try clearing app data, and see if it still does it?
Edit: Settings --> App --> All --> Chrome --> clear data.
Nope still not working
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That's odd, I've never seen anything like that before. And the copyright is 2009, so it obviously hasn't been used in quite awhile.
Have you tried visiting Google help, like it says?
Sent from my Paranoid Nexus 4 using Tapatalk²
Yes I did still waiting for an answer
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium

.edu email

Has any of you guys been able to login in their university email account using the email app that comes with stock rom?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Underground_XI said:
Has any of you guys been able to login in their university email account using the email app that comes with stock rom?
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Depends on the university but I got university of Phoenix to work
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jonapunk said:
Depends on the university but I got university of Phoenix to work
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Did you simply enter your email address and password or you did manual setup?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
University of Phoenix uses Google servers so you add it like a Gmail account just change the at Gmail to at phoenix. Edu
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
For my university I did manual set up because you have to put the custom incoming and outgoing servers. If you don't know these you can find out from your universities IT department
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I'm from Temple and they use a form of Gmail so it works fine.
If you want help. I can help you say it up. Just post what school you go to and I'll look on their site for the appropriate server instructions.
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Pm me and I'll help get the setting for you
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Like Warbuff said you usually need all that info from your IT department and then maybe your device isnt even allowed to access their server.
For me the other alternative I use, because I definitely dont want IT touching my device, is I use the web browser email version. Your school may have that, IT would know that address as well. Ex: exchange.<school name>.edu

[Q] Help - How to change background color of call options

Good morning everyone, I am new user and just purchase the Nexus 4 ...
I would like to make one question ...
When I get calls a black bar appears with the answer options ... how make to that bar stay transparent? Is there any MOD?
Because I leave most of the contacts with photos in high resolution and then it covers the whole picture.
Thank you
Ha! You read my mind. I was going to ask that question also. Unfortunately I don't have an answer for you, Lu. But if anyone is reading this, and knows of a solution, please answer in this thread
Sent from my Nexus 4 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
No option but to use a custom ROM or full screen caller id like apps.
Stock ROM is still having this bug.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
got it
Until now this was the only thing that bothered me was that Stock ROM 4.3 ..
Anyone else?
Is it custom ROM specific? Don't recall seeing full screen caller ID on Cyanogen or AOKP
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Quiksilver78 said:
Is it custom ROM specific? Don't recall seeing full screen caller ID on Cyanogen or AOKP
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It is in Stock 4.3
How can I solve this?
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Anyone else
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