GS3 VS Droid Razr HD - RAZR HD General

Hi- I currently have the Galaxy S III on Verizon and have grown to hate it with a passion. The reception is horrid no matter where I go and it's the same story no matter what. When I first got the phone, it wasn't a problem. Somehow, even with three replacements, it's the same issues over and over. I've tried changing radios, etc. and it never fixes it. The phone cannot be kept in my pocket.
Verizon offered allow me to swap the GS3 for a Droid Razr HD and I said okay. It hasn't gotten here yet, but I'm already a little cautious. I'm willing to go back to a locked bootloader if it means having a phone that works, but.... I just noticed it only has 1Gb of RAM.
How smooth is the phone? Is battery life acceptible even without a removable battery on the HD?
Anybody go from a GS3 to a Razr HD? I'm sure Motorola makes a perfectly decent phone, but I'm wondering if I would have been better selling the GS3 outright and buying something else. The rep tried to swap it out for an OG Razr and I laughed in his face. Seems the HD is the best they can do... not even the Maxx HD. Errrrr.

If your having reception issues the the RAZR HD is your best choice,Motorola is known for having really good data connection.I to went from an s3 to a RAZR HD and you can't even notice a difference.RAZR HD is still as smooth,even better the battery life can last for at least a full day or day in a half depending how its used maybe even longer I've seen screenshots posted on here from ppl getting 2-3 days without a charge. The only thing I kinda miss while having the s3 is the dev community/ROMs.the RAZR HD has a locked boot loader making the ROMs for this phone harder and slower,this only about 5 ROMs that you can use for this phone

Thanks for the 411! I'm trying to stay optimistic.
I've never owned a Motorola, but if the reception is as good as everybody says, I think I'll be content.

I've had the s3,iPhone5,note2 and now the RAZR HD . Thank god for Motorola phones it easily has the best build quality signal strength and screen out of all android phones and it beats the iPhone 5 well because iOS is very stale. Mine is rooted and I'm using stock jrllybean browser instead of chrome and stock camera and gallery instead of moto's loving this phone.

I was on an airplane two nights ago with my RAZR HD and switched it out of Airplane mode while in flight 20 minutes after takeoff... I got signal, even EVDO at one point.
Of course we were flying a Dash 8, not a jet. Still, it was between two and full bars of signal. :laugh:

Silly22 said:
I was on an airplane two nights ago with my RAZR HD and switched it out of Airplane mode while in flight 20 minutes after takeoff... I got signal, even EVDO at one point.
Of course we were flying a Dash 8, not a jet. Still, it was between two and full bars of signal. :laugh:
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The S3 has more RAM but the Razr HD has a bigger battery and way better design and build quality IMO. People say reception is better with Motorola as well. With the S3 you get better custom ROMs though and a bigger screen with more usable area due to the on-screen keys on the Razr HD.
A friend of mine has the S3 and I personally much preferred my Razr HD after comparing the two side-by-side. I really don't like the "button" on the front of the S3 and it just felt too junky to be a high end phone.

They accidentally sent me another S3 so now I won't get the Razr HD until Monday. Luckily, when I called they allowed me to switch the color from white to black. The first rep would only send white. Yuck.
bL33d said:
I've had the s3,iPhone5,note2 and now the RAZR HD . Thank god for Motorola phones it easily has the best build quality signal strength and screen out of all android phones and it beats the iPhone 5 well because iOS is very stale. Mine is rooted and I'm using stock jrllybean browser instead of chrome and stock camera and gallery instead of moto's loving this phone.
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I def. want to use the stock browser instead of chrome. I plan on rooting, but I'm rather over custom ROMs for the most part. I'll just need to find me something as an alternative to Allshare Play. I like having one app for dlna and remote access that offers the privacy of not having to share everything with my entire network.

Razr HD from S3
bbeelzebub said:
They accidentally sent me another S3 so now I won't get the Razr HD until Monday. Luckily, when I called they allowed me to switch the color from white to black. The first rep would only send white. Yuck.
I def. want to use the stock browser instead of chrome. I plan on rooting, but I'm rather over custom ROMs for the most part. I'll just need to find me something as an alternative to Allshare Play. I like having one app for dlna and remote access that offers the privacy of not having to share everything with my entire network.
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I have had an Atrix, Razr, and now the Razr HD. Love them all. Just got the HD to replace an S3 so far i really like it. Great speed and reception. its only been a day so battery life, while good so far today we've only just begun.

I got my Droid Razr HD today and well.... So far, the reception in my house is a bit better. I'll have to do some real world tests tomorrow and see if it keeps reception going in and around town where the GS3 fails.
I must say though, it's on ICS still, but it does lag a tad. Hmmmmmm. I'll have to update and then check it out.
I must say, hot holy hell, the build quality of this phone though. Freakin' amazing! It actually feels like I'm holding a well made item in my hands. This is no comparison to any other Samsung or HTC products I've had. Also, the camera doesn't really seem that bad. I'm not a fan of stock Android.... so this may take some getting used to or some creative changes, but I can definitely see tons of appeal for this product.

bbeelzebub said:
I got my Droid Razr HD today and well.... So far, the reception in my house is a bit better. I'll have to do some real world tests tomorrow and see if it keeps reception going in and around town where the GS3 fails.
I must say though, it's on ICS still, but it does lag a tad. Hmmmmmm. I'll have to update and then check it out.
I must say, hot holy hell, the build quality of this phone though. Freakin' amazing! It actually feels like I'm holding a well made item in my hands. This is no comparison to any other Samsung or HTC products I've had. Also, the camera doesn't really seem that bad. I'm not a fan of stock Android.... so this may take some getting used to or some creative changes, but I can definitely see tons of appeal for this product.
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The build quality, reception and battery life are leaps and bounds above the rest. I really like where Motorola is heading with their phones. I'm also coming from 2 previous Samsung phones with horrible reception aka Verizon galaxy nexus.

Thread closed. Please make one thread to compare phones.
Thank you.


From Gnex to Maxx HD...

Thinking about picking up a Maxx HD because I am starting to dislike the Gnex battery life. Its a tough decision since I would have to buy the Maxx HD off contract. Has anyone done this? Do they feel like they have given anything up (besides the ROMS). I feel with the JB leak and forthcoming official OTA it seems like the software is catching up. I know 4.2 is out there but it seems like the changes are more modular (Google Now being an update to Google Search, keyboard can be updated with root, camera can be updated with root, etc.) and am not sure 4.2 will be that critical. It seems the under the hood improvements are done in 4.1. So anyone have any thoughts on if its worth it to spend that much for the battery?
Well, I didn't come directly from Gnex to Maxx HD, but after 6 replacement Gnexes VzW let me swap out my Gnex for a Maxx. Loved the Gnex as a device, but for me it fell way short as a phone... I had constant call quality issues. I had been running mostly stock ROM's on my Gnex anyway, so flashing and modding weren't high on my priority list - I just wanted a phone that worked as a PHONE!
Right away I loved the Maxx - far superior call quality and, of course, insane batter life. All I wanted was call quality as charging my Gnex never really bothered me. That is until I got spoiled by the Maxx LOL. Not having to constantly monitor your usage in order to preserve battery was a (great) added benefit of making the switch.
Anyway, I decided to go ahead and get the Maxx HD at full retail. As much as I loved my Maxx I really missed my on screen navigation keys (as silly as that sounds). I thought I would return after the 14 days cuz $650 for on screen keys is crazy LOL. Well, today is day 15! This device is truly amazing IMO ... JB will make it that much better (so tempting to flash that leak, but I am trying to hold out for OTA).
My advice is this: if you got the cash and are on the market for a new device I'd definitely recommend the MAXX HD! Great battery, build and radios.
~~ Tapped from the 7th dimension~~
Thanks for the advice. What really is putting me over the edge is I had this Android night class a couple of weeks ago. I would go into the 3.5 hour class with 100% battery or maybe less since it was at the end of the day. The room killed my reception, I had maybe a bar if I pointed it the right direction. I kid you not, the battery would be done by the end of that 3.5 hours. And I maybe sent a text or two or checked an ebay auction but it was basically unusable without the signal. So its not really about the radio, its more about the battery. Now I have times where I let it sit over night then wake up with maybe 90% if i am lucky and then its a while till I get to a power source. At work I can have it plugged in all the time if I want and in the car I can plug it it. But its starting to become a "wired" device instead of wireless since I have it plugged in all the time so I have 100% when I go somewhere. I hate having to turn this and that off to get a days worth of a charge.
I hear ya... I am not a heavy user (by my definition of the phrase), but I have been averaging about 1 day / 15 to 17 hours on my MAXX HD. Around 2-3 hours screen time, 1.5 - 2 hours of calls, about an hour or so on Pandora and sometimes there's GPS in the mix as well on a single charge.
Bad reception will kill any phone's battery, but at least with the Maxx you've got a big reservoir ...
~~ Tapped from the 7th dimension~~
Coming from an Inc4G to the Maxx HD its like night and day. While I did like the Inc this phone blows it out of the water in pretty much every department, and seeing as this is my first Moto phone I am very impressed with the quality. As everyone's saying once JB comes and perhaps we get a few good devs supporting this new Razr line (read: roms and mods lol), this phone will be a BEAST
sent from my Razr Maxx HD via XDA app
I also went from gnex to HD Maxx. Got it first weekend of release.
I love it. It's really in a different class in terms of build quality, design, and audio. It's got the best speakerphone that I've ever heard in a cell. The battery of course is great and with our extended post-Sandy outage it's been very useful.
I had the giant extended battery on the gnex and the HD Max gets longer life.
Sure it's a drag with no JB at launch, but the leak is already out and hopefully the dev community will latch on to the phone. The HD is a serious device with a pro-quality feel to it. I haven't looked back.
If you have to buy off contract check out the HD dev edition.. It is unlockable just like the Gnex. I get over a days worth of battery with moderate use.
GoClifGo05 said:
If you have to buy off contract check out the HD dev edition.. It is unlockable just like the Gnex. I get over a days worth of battery with moderate use.
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I thought about that but I would love to just have so much battery I don't know what to do with it. I am kind of tired of turning all this stuff off in regards to saving battery. I am kind of done with ROMS, I hate flashing over and over, I just like to keep my set up. And with ICS and JB, Android is at a pretty sweet spot with Google Now being the one thing that is missing from the Razr HD a the moment. But with a leak or officially soon that will be fixed. I am getting bored with the hardware now, and I think from what I have read, the radios and call quality might be better than the Gnex. I had a Bionic for a short time and liked it.
There is a general consensus on the build quality and radios of the Moto phones... hard to beat.
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk 2
I am in the exact same boat. Using a Verizon Gnex with unlimited data plan, means I have to buy at full retail to keep it. I was set to to switch to TMO when the Nexus 4 was announced, but I found its tiny storage and no LTE underwhelming. And the Gnex/JB battery life is atrocious. ~5hrs with heavy use and moderate signal strength. And thats with the ext battery.
The HD Maxx is about the only Vzw phone I can consider though.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
this is the perfect pick for you, unbeatable battery life, even on the RazrHD, the MaxxHD is in its own league. Plus awesome build, and aosp inspired moto ui
check this out, from the other day... my Gnex couldn't touch it, so glad I switched
sent from my Razr Maxx HD via XDA app
Bateluer said:
I am in the exact same boat. Using a Verizon Gnex with unlimited data plan, means I have to buy at full retail to keep it. I was set to to switch to TMO when the Nexus 4 was announced, but I found its tiny storage and no LTE underwhelming. And the Gnex/JB battery life is atrocious. ~5hrs with heavy use and moderate signal strength. And thats with the ext battery.
The HD Maxx is about the only Vzw phone I can consider though.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
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5 hours with extended battery!?!? that is insane
I came from a vzw gnex. Battery life was just too horrible for me to mess with anymore. My razr maxx hd is averaging 1 day 17 hours with 4.5 hrs on screen time. My gnex never got 2hrs on screen time. For these reasons im glad i switched.
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using xda premium
PA212 said:
5 hours with extended battery!?!? that is insane
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OEM extended battery was only 2100mah. :-/ Hardly worthy of the name.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
Also with Team Maxx HD
I have the Maxx HD too. Signed a two year contract to get it. But all of you guys boasting about the battery, i'll need some advice. I havent really noticed the rave. i mean it's better than my epic but not by a lot. I heard after the first few charges of any new battery it reaches it's potential..Could that be it??? Also ive been using it every day for pretty much of the day but no heavy use...could that be it as well??
Last question is i wanted to put the JB leak but was afraid since it's not official from Verizon i could start seeing battery drainage..Has anyone else considered putting the JB leak on their phone?
I've had the Verizon g nex, SGSIII, Rezound, dinc 2, Droid X (lol) and the iPhone 4s. Now I have the Maxx HD and this phone smokes all of them IMO. My wife and daughter both have the SGSIII and my son has the Razr Maxx. I've done side by side with all of them and the Maxx HD wins in every department.
Some of you may say "well of course chef is gonna say this he owns a Maxx HD now!". I've had em all (except the Note 2 ) and this phone is my personal favorite.
The Note 2 is around the corner too. So maybe wait a couple weeks and play with the Maxx HD and note 2 and see which you like better if you're going to pay off contract pricing. I'm hearing reports that the Note 2 has great battery life also.
Hope that info helps ya.
Sent from my SCH-I815 using xda premium
The Max HD is hands down my favorite android device. Here is how I came upon owning one.
First and foremost, I am an att customer. I have been on my family plan for years and I am always trying out new phones,whether they are att released phones or internationally released phones. I like apple's products and currently own an iPhone 5 and an iPad. I also really like a lot of thibgs about android devices and feel they are coming closer and closer to the polish that ios carries. I most recently tested out an international note 2 (good device).
For work my company uses Verizon and I have a company provided blackberry to handle my work emails and calls etc.
Anyway I live in the suburbs of new jersey, outside of art lte coverage, so lte has never really been an important feature for me. Sure I could hop on it when I work in new York city but for the most part I'm on hspa+
When hurricane sandy hit, we lost power and basically all att service. Our phones would not call out,receive calls, send texts,emails, NOTHING. on the other hand, my Verizon blackberry was our window to the world phone call wise- at this time the blackberry screen decided to **** the bed.
Then our devices (my current iPhone 5) began dying. All and all the situation was extremely frustrating. Having no cell or data service at a time where there is nothing else to do but sit in the dark and drink was a huge bummer.
This week, I caught up with one of our office administrators to discuss how we were going to replace my broken blackberry. During our discussion she brought up how it is an option to buy your own phone, and use it as one business/personal device since our service is unlimited (and it was definitely annoying to have to carry around two phones at all times)
So here I am. I walked into Verizon yesterday and purchased the Max HD. I have unlimited late everywhere I have gone so far (I have yet to see the 3g symbol). I am pulling down speeds averaging around 18mbps, and have yet to even switch wifi on. The phone is plenty snappy for everyday usage and then some. Call quality and reception are phenominal thanks to motos awesome radios
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
---------- Post added at 11:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:55 AM ----------
Last night I downloaded an episode of a show I had missed via torrents. That is simply stuff you just can't do in iOS.
Tldr :
I love this phone. Build quality and performance as well as practicality and use ability as a phone is second to none.
The note 2 does have a big battery,but then again I was using the GSM international version. I haven't paid attention to any reviews of the us lte version. The quad core does run some higher end games better than the Max, but that is nit important to me. I don't have the time or the energy to play games other than casual stuff like scramble, doodle jump and rayman jungle run - all of which run fine on the Max. If you're a power user this probably is your better bet. I however am a casual user, that uses their phone heavily. This device is perfect for that. Also, motos skin is much nicer than touchwiz. The build quality is also much nicer.
Max HD, best phone you could get, and paired with my iPad for tablet use, graphically intensive games and couch use, it is the best of both worlds. I'm siked on my current setup.
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
I am currently a Verizon GNex User. However after a rash of replacements I am now approved for a "Replacement Device" after comparing all the features of the Gnex I am pushing for a Maxx HD as it offers the battery life and storage capacity I am looking for plus the option for a micro SD has me excited. I have been using JB for a while so to downgrade back down to ICS will be a challenge however I know of the JB Leak and as long as it's Stock and preforms I am going to be very happy I believe. I am currently awaiting the call back from VZW Tech Support to give me the recommended replacement options. It should be noted I bought the extended life battery and Otterbox. I will be happy to toss the otterbox.
I will update when I "hopefully" get the good news.
Update ** -- They offered a Original RAZR - I indicated that I use NFC and have 32GB of storage and have an extended batter with a 4.7 inch screen. I paid 400.00 with a 2 year at launch so I would not accept anything less then a RAZR HD 16GB.
2nd Update ** -- They have now offered me a Galaxy S3 with Extended Life Battery. The Razr HD is not on the table because it is a "Iconic" premotional device.But at least I will get a great replacement with data now.
DeadPhoenix said:
I am currently a Verizon GNex User. However after a rash of replacements I am now approved for a "Replacement Device" after comparing all the features of the Gnex I am pushing for a Maxx HD as it offers the battery life and storage capacity I am looking for plus the option for a micro SD has me excited. I have been using JB for a while so to downgrade back down to ICS will be a challenge however I know of the JB Leak and as long as it's Stock and preforms I am going to be very happy I believe. I am currently awaiting the call back from VZW Tech Support to give me the recommended replacement options. It should be noted I bought the extended life battery and Otterbox. I will be happy to toss the otterbox.
I will update when I "hopefully" get the good news.
Update ** -- They offered a Original RAZR - I indicated that I use NFC and have 32GB of storage and have an extended batter with a 4.7 inch screen. I paid 400.00 with a 2 year at launch so I would not accept anything less then a RAZR HD 16GB.
2nd Update ** -- They have now offered me a Galaxy S3 with Extended Life Battery. The Razr HD is not on the table because it is a "Iconic" premotional device.But at least I will get a great replacement with data now.
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Iconic promotional device? Or do they just have a bunch if gs3 refurbs laying around? Are they giving you a new phone?
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2

Thinking of trading iPhone 5 for HD Maxx

OK, so, I've been an android fan for a while, since back when I ran Android on the SD card in my HD2. Tried a few different Android phones since most recently Verizon's GNex...which I still have. I thought I'd TRY the new iPhone out just to give it a chance and found that I dont really like it, except for its battery lasts much longer than any of my previous phones. I was looking for a GNote 2 or HD Maxx since battery life on both are supposed to be amazing (I'm in the Army and sometimes away from power sources to recharge my phone) so posted on Craigslist and someone with a HD Maxx is willing to trade for the iPhone 5. What are your opinions on the trade? Should I go for the HD Maxx or wait for a GNote 2? I have heard that the HD Maxx has locked boot loader so there arent many ROMs for it...just curious. Also, what about the camera...also heard the camera isnt that great. '
BTW, I guess I shoudl explain what I do with my phone. I tether my N7 to it while in the car, read news from Pulse newsreader, txt a lot for work, phone to talk to son, and camera for occassional photo op (havent used my regular digital camera in a long time).
Thanks for your input
get the note 2, you'll use your n7 waaay less, and based on your occupation having that big a screen on a phone may prove convenient.
Note 2 will also have waaaay better dev support than the maxx, and the Samsung sensor it has is superiors' to the maxx's
if your going to do a direct trade for a gnote 2 its worth it, but a trade for a Maxx I think requires some cash on top from the other guy
The maxx is a great phone. The build quality is second to none as is the radio and battery life. There is work being done on the dev front too. Some aosp roms are out there and kexec is getting worked on. Once thats done development will take off. Honestly the camera isnt bad but samsungs is better. I dont have any issues with it tho.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
This is all about value. Whatever phone you prefer is a personal choice. The camera isn't bad in the HD Maxx, but certainly not as good as the iphone5. I'm not an expert on the note 2 in any way. I have HD Maxx, and wife has iphone5. I love them both. If ROMs are your thing, go for the note 2. Either way, I'd get some cash back on the deal. The iphone5, regardless of whether you happen to like apple or not, has a higher value. Look at Ebay and Craigslist. People are selling their iphone5s for more than any other phone its age. I would say get at least 100 bucks back if you go for the HD Maxx or 50 bucks back if you go for the note 2. No way would I make that trade straight up. (Keep in mind any accessories each party has, as that could change the trade).
jeebugorn said:
OK, so, I've been an android fan for a while, since back when I ran Android on the SD card in my HD2. Tried a few different Android phones since most recently Verizon's GNex...which I still have. I thought I'd TRY the new iPhone out just to give it a chance and found that I dont really like it, except for its battery lasts much longer than any of my previous phones. I was looking for a GNote 2 or HD Maxx since battery life on both are supposed to be amazing (I'm in the Army and sometimes away from power sources to recharge my phone) so posted on Craigslist and someone with a HD Maxx is willing to trade for the iPhone 5. What are your opinions on the trade? Should I go for the HD Maxx or wait for a GNote 2? I have heard that the HD Maxx has locked boot loader so there arent many ROMs for it...just curious. Also, what about the camera...also heard the camera isnt that great. '
BTW, I guess I shoudl explain what I do with my phone. I tether my N7 to it while in the car, read news from Pulse newsreader, txt a lot for work, phone to talk to son, and camera for occassional photo op (havent used my regular digital camera in a long time).
Thanks for your input
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I was in your same position a few weeks ago and trust me I only regret I didn't use my upgrade on the Max HD instead of the iphone because its a way better phone in my opinion I came from the og droid and decided to give the iPhone 5 a go but after 3 months of usage i grew very bored of it and hated it very closed iOS its battery was good but the Max is leaps ahead of it and the WiFi issue was a breaking point for me that of which I've yet to ex price on the max hd

Thinking of moving to a RAZR M from a Droid X. Help?

So, I have a Droid X that is now about 2 years old. I run a custom ROM on it (Vortex) with the extended battery. I rarely hit under 60% each day because i don't really use my phone all that much unless I am out of town. I use a car dock with the DX so being charged on trips is also not a huge deal (and I use it as my GPS).
I guess my question is this: is the RAZR M a good follow up to a DX? I likely won't update again for 2 years, so this is always a huge decision for me. I see that they are both 4.3in screens, but that the M is actually a bit smaller, which I welcome. I find my DX to be the upper limit of size for me, so the HD/MAXX HD are out.
Anyways, any advice is welcome. Anyone else move from a DX to a Razr M?
Coronado is dead said:
So, I have a Droid X that is now about 2 years old. I run a custom ROM on it (Vortex) with the extended battery. I rarely hit under 60% each day because i don't really use my phone all that much unless I am out of town. I use a car dock with the DX so being charged on trips is also not a huge deal (and I use it as my GPS).
I guess my question is this: is the RAZR M a good follow up to a DX? I likely won't update again for 2 years, so this is always a huge decision for me. I see that they are both 4.3in screens, but that the M is actually a bit smaller, which I welcome. I find my DX to be the upper limit of size for me, so the HD/MAXX HD are out.
Anyways, any advice is welcome. Anyone else move from a DX to a Razr M?
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You will miss the level of development for it. Other than that it's a great phone.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
jamminjon82 said:
You will miss the level of development for it. Other than that it's a great phone.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
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Well, I only really ran customs on my Droid X because it ran terribly on the stock rom. The Razr M does not seem to have that issue. Though I am concerned about background hiss in headphones that I am reading about.
Coronado is dead said:
Well, I only really ran customs on my Droid X because it ran terribly on the stock rom. The Razr M does not seem to have that issue. Though I am concerned about background hiss in headphones that I am reading about.
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I went from a galaxy S 3 to the M and I'm completely happy. Ya there's a million roms for the sgs 3 but you can only run one at a time (think I flashed most of the at one time or another). I'm running bhm (or whatever the initials are) rom and it's awesome, I also loaded the modified framework to hide just the navi bar so my phone is completely gesture based with gmd its cool as hell. I have a few pairs of high end iems at home I'll plug them in and listen for any hiss when I get off work. I think some people flashed beats audio and are having mixed success with it accepting the change. But for the people its worked for I think it solved their hiss issue.
Sent from my SCH-I815 using Tapatalk HD
I use my klipsch in ear ones every day and my music is crisp. I'm a bit of an audiophile and this phone does just fine for me
Sent from my XT907 using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2
brycekerr said:
I use my klipsch in ear ones every day and my music is crisp. I'm a bit of an audiophile and this phone does just fine for me
Sent from my XT907 using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2
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Interesting, I don't now which Klipsch set you use, but I have heard someone mention that brand in their complain about background hiss.
So you don't get any at all in quiet parts of songs? Do you mind me asking when you got your phone? I honestly don't plan on using this phone for music a lot (use an iPod Touch + FiiO amp for that), but I will for podcasts very often, and they have a lot of silence between speakers.
Coronado is dead said:
So, I have a Droid X that is now about 2 years old.
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I had the DX, it was a good phone but I wasn't happy with it after the update. I then bought the RAZR Maxx, a very good phone. Now I have the M which I've had since launch day and its probably the best phone I've owned. I like the size, its built very well, sounds clear and loud, the battery lasts me all day with about 90 minutes of talk time but I had to stop Latitude reporting my location as that killed battery life. The screen size is a bit deceiving as the soft buttons take up a portion of the screen so it's more like the 4" screen of the D3 rather than the 4.3" screen of the DX, you'll notice the difference.
Overall, I like the size of the phone more than the full size RAZRs. Negatives, there are complaints that it isn't as good in getting and holding a signal as the RAZR or RAZR HD phones. I don't monitor the signal strength but I do notice my phone tends to be on 3G more than I remember it on my other phones. I've also seen a few complaints about static or poor sound quality from the headphone jack; I don't have this problem.
I don't play games or watch movies on my phone. These are the last phones that Motorola developed without Google and we're expecting to see some new phones soon. There's a trade show coming up at the end of February so you may want to wait and see what's going to be available soon.
mgerbasio said:
I had the DX, it was a good phone but I wasn't happy with it after the update. I then bought the RAZR Maxx, a very good phone. Now I have the M which I've had since launch day and its probably the best phone I've owned. I like the size, its built very well, sounds clear and loud, the battery lasts me all day with about 90 minutes of talk time but I had to stop Latitude reporting my location as that killed battery life. The screen size is a bit deceiving as the soft buttons take up a portion of the screen so it's more like the 4" screen of the D3 rather than the 4.3" screen of the DX, you'll notice the difference.
Overall, I like the size of the phone more than the full size RAZRs. Negatives, there are complaints that it isn't as good in getting and holding a signal as the RAZR or RAZR HD phones. I don't monitor the signal strength but I do notice my phone tends to be on 3G more than I remember it on my other phones. I've also seen a few complaints about static or poor sound quality from the headphone jack; I don't have this problem.
I don't play games or watch movies on my phone. These are the last phones that Motorola developed without Google and we're expecting to see some new phones soon. There's a trade show coming up at the end of February so you may want to wait and see what's going to be available soon.
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Can i ask you one thing: do you lose anything by disabling latitude aside from check-ins and the like? Does it limit Google Now in any way?
You will notice a large decline in camera performance. I'm using my dad's old DX as an extra video baby monitor and I've been messing around with the camera and it's hard to believe how much better the pictures turn out compared to the M. Other than the camera the M is the best phone I've had compared to the Tbolt, Spectrum, Rezound, Bionic, and Nexus.
bolt_of_thunder said:
You will notice a large decline in camera performance. I'm using my dad's old DX as an extra video baby monitor and I've been messing around with the camera and it's hard to believe how much better the pictures turn out compared to the M. Other than the camera the M is the best phone I've had compared to the Tbolt, Spectrum, Rezound, Bionic, and Nexus.
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Odd, I actually got the M yesterday and find the camera better, if only a tiny bit.
Anyway, thanks all, thread complete
It seems to be a mixed bag. I can't get the thing to focus worth a crap even if I use the touch to focus. Macro pictures seem to be non-existent also. I love the physical shutter button on the DX. Oh well, always have my wife's bionic to take quality pictures... Not! lol

Honest opinion about the Razr HD Maxx

I currently own a GS3, I do enjoy using it and it's been good to me so far, which is a first among Samsung devices. However, I'm currently entering into a career in law enforcement and I am going to need a reliable, dependable and above all... durable device. Most of Samsung's phones are made for show, and the GS3 is no exception. A buddy of mine in my academy has the old GZ'one Commando and he said it's survived almost everything at his last agency before he transferred to our current agency, and he mentioned that a 4G version was coming out but I can't find anything on it.
Anyway, I've owned several Motorola DROID devices and they've all been reliable, with the exception of the Bionic. What really interests me is the long battery life on the HD Maxx, especially if I need to use the GPS while responding to calls for service in different areas. I've always had good luck with Motorola's radios in the phones, especially being down in tunnels. The Razr models seem pretty tough, and as much as I like the GS3's screen, it's a little too big for me to use one-handed. I just don't want to get into a "use of force" situation on the street with a suspect and my GS3 falls to the ground and shatters, which is common from what I've heard. Also, comparing the sizes, the HD Maxx is smaller in almost every dimension except for thickness, which is fine with me knowing it has that huge battery.
However, I would be sacrificing a beautiful screen and 2GB of RAM, as well as an unlocked bootloader. Honestly, other than the warm tone of the Razr HD's screen, I still like the screen on it, and I'm sure the RAM isn't a big deal as I don't run a bunch of things at one time. The unlocked bootloader isn't a huge deal, I've kind of grown out of the heavy customization of my devices... as long as I have it running reliably and it's pretty fast, I'm happy.
So, what's your honest opinion about the Razr HD and/or HD Maxx? Is it worth the "downgrade" from the GS3 and is it as tough as it's advertised to be? Any major faults other than the camera quality?
I love my Maxx HD. The battery life is unbelievably long. Full charge to dead, using GPS, Pandora, a few others and the screen at 50% brightness... it last better than a full day. Durable is about a 7 out of 10 and if you want to raise that to a 9, get an Otter Box for it. Not real happy with the GPS it has, if you use the preloaded GPS apps you s/b fine but any custom ones like Waze have a difficult time connecting or staying connected to the GPS even with the suggestions of turning off wifi or the Google location services. Over all, its one of the best and durable phns I have had. I would like to see a 4g version of the Commando with a batt life like this has. Good luck.
Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX HD ~ Dreamweavn
I would hardly call it a downgrade. I've have to lucky opportunity to get to play with many phones, including the SGIII that being said the Maxx HD is by far the most solid built phone I used and no plans on ever getting rid of it anytime soon. Some people get caught up in stats and and how awesome the phone looks etc. The Maxx HD feels right, not a 17" monitor in my hand trying to compensate for my short comings. This phone is snappy with nova launcher installed. I hear some frustration about the GPS but I've yet to have any issues with it what so ever.
I use this phone non stop at work and I work 12 hour shifts and come home with 40%+. With all that being said, I was in law enforcement for 10 years and never once dropped a phone nor radio, those that do are just not aware of there devices and how to properly protect them as they would there weapon or any of there gear for that matter.
I'm really looking at picking up a Maxx as well. I currently have a Nexus 4 but I have the opportunity to get a Verizon phone through work (and let's face it, AT&T and T-Mobile in my are have fairly bad service). I've been eyeballing the Maxx for a while and despite really liking my Nexus 4 I think the network and battery life overall will make up for the shortcomings with the locked bootloader and battery life.
The other option would be an SGS 3 on Verizon (I'd be installing an AOSP based ROM). Other than the network though I don't think the phone offers anything valuable over the Nexus 4 and would seem like a downgrade.
Opinions are definitely welcome
Well I bit the bullet yesterday afternoon and got the Maxx HD. Unfortunately, my experience has already been poor. The first phone had major network connection issues, to the point where it would cut all signal during the middle of a phone call. After sitting at the Verizon store for over an hour and testing two more SIM cards, they replaced the phone. Now, this second one has a distinct yellowish tint and it's super slow. Not only that, the earpiece is not loud at all on the highest setting and that's a no-go, especially in the areas where I'll be working, and my S3 for some reason still gets a better data connectoin. So it looks like the Maxx is a no-go for me, back to the GS3. Very disappointed with Motorola in the past year and a half with the Bionic and the Razr models.
I also wanted a great battery experience but the phone is not working in India . It is blocked for some reasons
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
triton302 said:
Well I bit the bullet yesterday afternoon and got the Maxx HD. Unfortunately, my experience has already been poor. The first phone had major network connection issues, to the point where it would cut all signal during the middle of a phone call. After sitting at the Verizon store for over an hour and testing two more SIM cards, they replaced the phone. Now, this second one has a distinct yellowish tint and it's super slow. Not only that, the earpiece is not loud at all on the highest setting and that's a no-go, especially in the areas where I'll be working, and my S3 for some reason still gets a better data connectoin. So it looks like the Maxx is a no-go for me, back to the GS3. Very disappointed with Motorola in the past year and a half with the Bionic and the Razr models.
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That's unfortunate. I don't experience any of those problems you listed. Maybe you got 2 bad ones? Long shot but still.
triton302 said:
Well I bit the bullet yesterday afternoon and got the Maxx HD. Unfortunately, my experience has already been poor. The first phone had major network connection issues, to the point where it would cut all signal during the middle of a phone call. After sitting at the Verizon store for over an hour and testing two more SIM cards, they replaced the phone. Now, this second one has a distinct yellowish tint and it's super slow. Not only that, the earpiece is not loud at all on the highest setting and that's a no-go, especially in the areas where I'll be working, and my S3 for some reason still gets a better data connectoin. So it looks like the Maxx is a no-go for me, back to the GS3. Very disappointed with Motorola in the past year and a half with the Bionic and the Razr models.
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Sry to hear that. I love Moto and IDK what was wrong with Ur Bionic but last year in July when I got ICS on it, it became a beast. Over clocked and really turned out to be a awesome phone. What hurt the Bionic was the software issues in the beginning of its life that turned a lot of people away. I still have mine and its solid.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda premium
Man, I'm so up in the air. I was in love with the DNA until I realized no SD and moderate battery life. I spend a lot of time in the woods and need a solid battery.
I was ready to buy the Maxx but then Verizon doesn't sell it anymore. I guess I can go to Wal-Mart. They still sell the Maxx HD. I haven't had a Moto since my old flip phone. Seems like everything has its compromises. Hope your experience improves.
JaxDroidGuy said:
Man, I'm so up in the air. I was in love with the DNA until I realized no SD and moderate battery life. I spend a lot of time in the woods and need a solid battery.
I was ready to buy the Maxx but then Verizon doesn't sell it anymore. I guess I can go to Wal-Mart. They still sell the Maxx HD. I haven't had a Moto since my old flip phone. Seems like everything has its compromises. Hope your experience improves.
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Try Best Buy. 2 weeks ago wife and I got some Maxx HD's at Best Buy and they had the regular Maxx there. Best Buy also price matched Amazon Wireless, so we got them for $160 each (with re upping on the contract). Maxx HD is awesome phone. Snappy, nice screen, I think I preferred my DX screen to this amoled one, and the battery life is phenomenal. It's almost like having battery life on the old not smart phone. what would kill my DX in one day goes 3 days on this beast. My wife is not a power user by any means and she can get 4 almost 5 days on hers.

Questions about Razr M

I apologize for bothering you all but i am so annoyed at the moment.
I have posted this around a bit because I am a bit frustrated so much over a phone that is not even mine.
My mother broker her OG Droid Razr maxx last week from dropping it so since I am the tech guy at home she wanted my help to get a new phone...
Friday she added a line to her account....and got a GS3....She loved the phone and the colors(eye roll) but the phone had horrible reception which Samsung is known for. Call Quality was awful and she was willing to settle for it. Of course she'll settle now but i refuse to deal with her calling me for the next 2 years complaining about her i convinced her to take it back.
Monday We got a Droid DNA by HTC.....again she loved the way it looks and the colors and the sense animations(eye roll again)....Except once again she had crappy is better than the GS3 in the sense it doesn't drop calls but the call quality is crap...People can't hear her and she can't hear them.
We've already exchanged the phone I am praying Best buy will let us exchange it one last time...I know they are sick of my face and I am sick of being there in best buy.
My mother is not a power user...this is partially my fault. Her droid razr maxx seem to perform well and i rarely heard her complain about it...But i wanted my mom to have a good phone that is going to be supported hence me choosing the GS3 and DNA since they were newer...but both were crap.
So it is obvious that Motorola is our best bet since where she lives it is extremely rural...trees surround the back of the house....
I have a Nokia Lumia 920 on ATT and i only get 1 bar of service but I never drop calls.....
The Droid RAZR series is what i am looking at...
I have been doing research on the Razr M(been spendign the past few hours on google)
1. There is an Iphone like antennagate thing where you hold it at the can lose reception
2. Screen turns purple
3. Signal reception is flakier compared to the Original Droid Razr(1st gen) and the newer big brothers(the HD generation)
What issues are there with the Droid RAZR M that have yet to be fixed?
Again my mother is NOT a power should i just get her this or pay the 50 bucks and get her the Droid HD? Not cheap or anything but i rather not waste money on a phone that she likely won't even use to it's full extent but if the RAZR m has issues with reception/signal, i guess i'll have to.
1. If you hold any phone to talk you lose some signal, that being said is it anything like the iphone 4? No. You can death grip about any phone but I've never had a problem with it..
2. I've never heard of this issue, if anything I think the screen is on the warm side.
3. Reception is not as good as the og droid because the snap dragon cpu had the antenna built into the chip (same as the US GS3) but it was about 10 db better than my SGS3 was side by side. Any phone with a snap dragon cpu will have similar reception.
I switched from a GS3 to the M and I find I have better call quality, better build, and better use of space. I was a flashahaulic on my GS3 as well and I still love this phone quite a bit more.
Hope this helps a little
Also the battery life on my M is WAY better. I get about 5-6 hours of screen on time and over 24 hours unplugged. My GS3 was lucky to get 2-3 hours of screen on time and 12 hours unplugged.
Sent from my XT907 using Tapatalk 2
Micah Luca said:
I apologize for bothering you all but i am so annoyed at the moment.
I have posted this around a bit because I am a bit frustrated so much over a phone that is not even mine.
My mother broker her OG Droid Razr maxx last week from dropping it so since I am the tech guy at home she wanted my help to get a new phone...
Friday she added a line to her account....and got a GS3....She loved the phone and the colors(eye roll) but the phone had horrible reception which Samsung is known for. Call Quality was awful and she was willing to settle for it. Of course she'll settle now but i refuse to deal with her calling me for the next 2 years complaining about her i convinced her to take it back.
Monday We got a Droid DNA by HTC.....again she loved the way it looks and the colors and the sense animations(eye roll again)....Except once again she had crappy is better than the GS3 in the sense it doesn't drop calls but the call quality is crap...People can't hear her and she can't hear them.
We've already exchanged the phone I am praying Best buy will let us exchange it one last time...I know they are sick of my face and I am sick of being there in best buy.
My mother is not a power user...this is partially my fault. Her droid razr maxx seem to perform well and i rarely heard her complain about it...But i wanted my mom to have a good phone that is going to be supported hence me choosing the GS3 and DNA since they were newer...but both were crap.
So it is obvious that Motorola is our best bet since where she lives it is extremely rural...trees surround the back of the house....
I have a Nokia Lumia 920 on ATT and i only get 1 bar of service but I never drop calls.....
The Droid RAZR series is what i am looking at...
I have been doing research on the Razr M(been spendign the past few hours on google)
1. There is an Iphone like antennagate thing where you hold it at the can lose reception
2. Screen turns purple
3. Signal reception is flakier compared to the Original Droid Razr(1st gen) and the newer big brothers(the HD generation)
What issues are there with the Droid RAZR M that have yet to be fixed?
Again my mother is NOT a power should i just get her this or pay the 50 bucks and get her the Droid HD? Not cheap or anything but i rather not waste money on a phone that she likely won't even use to it's full extent but if the RAZR m has issues with reception/signal, i guess i'll have to.
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if you don't your women to complain about their phones to you, get them iPhones - ha! the lone drawback to the M thus far is the internal storage (I can only store about 50 apps right - still haven't figured out how to move apps to the sdcard). but she'll be fine and happy with the M. especially if she only has to plug it once a day.
lol she isn't my "Woman" as she is my mom and i am gay haha
but i get the sentiment lol..
she had an iphone 4S before her razr and it dropped calls like crazy.
jco23 said:
if you don't your women to complain about their phones to you, get them iPhones - ha! the lone drawback to the M thus far is the internal storage (I can only store about 50 apps right - still haven't figured out how to move apps to the sdcard). but she'll be fine and happy with the M. especially if she only has to plug it once a day.
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Micah Luca said:
lol she isn't my "Woman" as she is my mom and i am gay haha
but i get the sentiment lol..
she had an iphone 4S before her razr and it dropped calls like crazy.
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was she on AT&T then?
The best phone that I had for reception was the HTC Rezound, by far. You could probably pick one up on the cheap @ craigslidt or swappa. That being said I like the RAZR m better for other reasons. Mainly battery, but also its compact size.
Also, for being qhd pentile screen I actually really like it. Coming from a 720 screen I thought I would be dissapointed but I am not. Colors are nice and bright I have no purple issues.
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
willdo7474 said:
The best phone that I had for reception was the HTC Rezound, by far. You could probably pick one up on the cheap @ craigslidt or swappa. That being said I like the RAZR m better for other reasons. Mainly battery, but also its compact size.
Also, for being qhd pentile screen I actually really like it. Coming from a 720 screen I thought I would be dissapointed but I am not. Colors are nice and bright I have no purple issues.
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
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on that note, one another big downer is that Scrabble does not currently support this phone's resolution. so if she plays scrabble, then do NOT get this phone for her.
I love the Razr M, but I must say that where I live it does often drop calls and gets roughly one bar less than my old Droid Pro used to get. Hoping that when I move my problem with reception will be over.
Sent from my XT907 using xda app-developers app
