Temperature problem when wireless charging - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I picked up a wireless charger for my Nexus 4 from here gadgets4geeks.com.au/product/qi_wireless_charger
The problem is that the phone reaches 130 degrees fahrenheit (54 celsius) and stops charging (due to the overheat cutout) before the phone is fully charged.
Once it stops charging, it cools down a little, then starts charging again before it overheats again. This results in the battery level remaining around the same level. It is also annoying at night, as every time it starts charging, the screen turns on (unless I turn on a daydream).
I use a TPU case and it's summer here.
Anyone else have this problem? Any thoughts on how to keep it cool to achieve a full charge? I was thinking about raising the phone above the charger or something like that?
Here are some screenshots of it charging then stopping when it got too hot:
And the temperature:
PS: Apologies, for the non links. I'm a new user and now allowed to post outside links.

In the word, no. Mine never gets much beyond 37°C using the LG charger, but it is Winter here and I never heat the house above 68°F.


Gps drain faster than can charge?

Yesterday I left my house with around 75% battery left to drive 40 minutes or so using the Google Nav app. I also had it charging using the included data cable and a usb conversion plugin.
I was also listening to Pandora as it was navigating with the screen on low brightness. However, when I got to my destination, the battery was at around 45%. I know the converter piece isn't broke as my ipod charges fairly quickly via usb when plugged into that same piece.
Is the data cable that's included really that bad at providing enough power to run the phone, as well as a mild charging?
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Car vs Plug
Your car charger may be outputting at .5 Amp rather than 1 Amp; models exist for both. I do not pretend to know if .5 puts out more or less than GPS+Pandora; but your mileage may vary if you changed over to a 1.
I had a very similar issue this weekend. My problem was with overheating.
I left with my battery at about 60%, setup the GPS for travel. After about 20 minutes i noticed the charging light start flashing orange and green, and i noticed my battery was draining pretty quickly. The end result was that the battery was over heating (very hot to touch) and wouldn't charge because it was too hot, i had to remove the phone from the dock and put it in front of the air conditioner before it would continue to charge. This resulted in me holding the phone in front of the AC for about 2 hours because it could only last about 10-20 minutes before it would over heat again.
The dock is basically useless because the phone over heats, i have no idea if this would work differently if you start at 100%, but with anything lower it definitely fights to charge the battery and power GPS usage causing over heating.
Incase it matters i am using the Motorola P513 Car Charger (http://j.mp/cuOqWH) and the official car dock for the Incredible from Verizon.
That's definitely interesting. I wonder why they released something with that obvious of a fault. Major heat can't be good on the life of the battery.
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I had problem with charging while using GPS and listening to Slacker but that was with this cheap charger I had. Once I used a higher quality charger (dont remember amps) it was able to charge and use GPS and Slacker at the same time no problems. It gets to about 115 degrees though. Battery says 140 is too hot so I figure its ok. If it fries....sending back under warranty.
It's definitely important to charge at 1 amp and not .5 or .75. I fried my battery to the point where it wouldn't hold a charge. Its worth the money for the right charger.
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It's definitely important to charge at 1 amp and not .5 or .75. I fried my battery to the point where it wouldn't hold a charge. Its worth the money for the right charger.
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Thanks for the heads up
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When you guys have the phone in the dock with the gps on are you leaving the screen on as well? If so that could be a big killer of the battery expecially if you have your brightness set way up.
I just got back from a long road trip (22 hours each way) and noticed the phone would get warm if i had the screen on so I could see the map but if I shut the screen off it would stay pretty cool while charging. It will still talk and let you know when you need to turn even if your screen is off. Maybe something for you to try?
Just throwing this out there because of the overheating issues but Proclip will be offering the Incredible package soon. Not only can it be positioned right in front of the A/C but it will come with a charging cable that can be ran to a 12v(?) source cable such as an after market stereo's power cable.
Sounds like, for me, I will be able to get a solid stable charge and have it in front of the A/C for cooling if I get that problem.
Again, just throwing out what I'm planning. I emailed proclip and they said early June for a release date!
money226 said:
It's definitely important to charge at 1 amp and not .5 or .75. I fried my battery to the point where it wouldn't hold a charge. Its worth the money for the right charger.
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Agreed. 9 times out of 10 when using a charger not meant for your device specifically, the charger has the wrong voltage and/or amperage or it doesn't communicate that the battery is full properly.
The wrong charger will either not work at all right away (best case), kill the battery slowly by overcharging it, or cause some immediate overheating issues through overcharging or improper charging (worst case).
tl;dr: buy your chargers from reputable places, specifically for your device! It's worth it!
I am still holding out hope that they will release the same type of car dock that nexus one has. That thing was almost perfect as far as car docks go. At least imo.
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I drove from Mississippi to Florida and never had an issue. In fact, I listened to Pandora without a single interruption the entire way. Thats just awesome that Verizon's network had a data connection through rural parts of Mississippi and Alabama. Most of my trip was off the interstate.
FYI, I was using the rocket fish charger from Best Buy. It didn't have a proper dock, so my phone set in a cup holder. It never over heated but was slightly warm to the touch.
gummehbear said:
I had a very similar issue this weekend. My problem was with overheating.
I left with my battery at about 60%, setup the GPS for travel. After about 20 minutes i noticed the charging light start flashing orange and green, and i noticed my battery was draining pretty quickly. The end result was that the battery was over heating (very hot to touch) and wouldn't charge because it was too hot, i had to remove the phone from the dock and put it in front of the air conditioner before it would continue to charge. This resulted in me holding the phone in front of the AC for about 2 hours because it could only last about 10-20 minutes before it would over heat again.
The dock is basically useless because the phone over heats, i have no idea if this would work differently if you start at 100%, but with anything lower it definitely fights to charge the battery and power GPS usage causing over heating.
Incase it matters i am using the Motorola P513 Car Charger (http://j.mp/cuOqWH) and the official car dock for the Incredible from Verizon.
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gummehbear, I have the same car charger and same problem as you. I tried looking online to see how many amps that charger puts out but I can't tell. So our phone needs a one amp charger?
rkaplins said:
gummehbear, I have the same car charger and same problem as you. I tried looking online to see how many amps that charger puts out but I can't tell. So our phone needs a one amp charger?
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sounds like what ever amperage it is, isn't enough. I have a verizon car charger in one car and one I bought at Radio Shack in the other and they both charge while phone is in use fine
As much as i would like to say its just the charger, i do believe it has something to do with the device trying to charge itself.
Yesterday I used the same setup as i did when i had the overheating issue, but this time i didnt have an issue. The difference was that the phone was at about 94% compared to the previous when it was at about 65%.
Yesterday the phone charged up to 100% before the overheating could become a problem.
I will continue to analyse it the more i use it, i am trying to figure out exactly what the factors are. So far from my experience i believe that if your device is charged up enough, you won't encounter this problem. It seems to be the charging event in conjunction with the GPS drain causing the battery to overheat.
I had the same issues on a trip to the Bay Area, up Highway 1 yesterday. The phone actually came up with a warning message that the charger I was using wasn't able to supply an adequate charge + power for GPS.
I purchased the Official car charger directly from Verizon and I have come across this issue. So the problem is within the phone, not the charger.
Sunlight: heat.
Using the device: Heat
Charging the device: heat
Is it hard to understand why its overheating?

[Q] Charging phone and extreme heat

So I was charging my phone last night and it was under my pillow on airplane mode as usual, because I use it to track my sleep patterns. But this morning I woke up phone was off, with the charging battery icon showing only, and was so hot to the touch I literally couldn't even pick up the phone. I was really surprised it didn't melt or start a fire, that's how hot it was.
Now today after letting the phone cool down, it doesn't seem to be taking charge well at all, I'm having a very hard time getting past 25%, if I use the device while charging it will actually drop charge while in use (and this is with the wall charger).
I'm thinking the battery cells have been damaged by extreme heat. but just wondering if anybody else had the phone get this hot?
Sounds like damage to me! Sorry to hear that man.
Also seems like an irreversible damage to me :/
Some day I accidentaly left my LG GT540 letting it charge under my pillow. It got EXTREMELY hot and I unplugged it swiftly; I was so frightened that the battery (Li-Ion!) might have literally blown up.
To be honest, you should be grateful that your pillow didn't catch on fire together with your head, really... NEVER EVER LEAVE YOUR PHONE CHARGING UNDER ANY PILLOWS!
Well guys funny thing is, seems to be charging ok now.
I believe I'm having a similar problem that a lot of other people are having with the phone getting stuck on USB charging mode even with the wall adapter, so not accepting ACpower. But once I reconnected it a few times now its charing on AC and got back up towards 70%, so I think luckily I might be ok.
But damn this phone gets so much hotter than the galaxy nexus.
My phone never gets hot when charging...ever. I think you might have an issue with your phone

Anyone tried wireless charging ?

Anyone tried wireless charging on DT2 or MXF ? And how was the experience ?
Works, nothing special - overnight charge from 1% to 100%
It works, but many of us have problems with the Qi charger disconnecting charge at 100% and then reconnecting after about 5% has drained. Motorola is looking into it. I may be picky on which Qi charger you use.
Maybe I did not notice this problem - as I put the phone on charge in the evening, until the next morning I take it to work.
I use cheap qi charger from ebay - ~$2.5
Use a ravpower qi charger every night, no issues, phone comes off 100% full, cool to the touch. I know some units I've tried with my Maxx back in the day kept it warm through charging.
007shark said:
It works, but many of us have problems with the Qi charger disconnecting charge at 100% and then reconnecting after about 5% has drained. Motorola is looking into it. I may be picky on which Qi charger you use.
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Hm, I haven't had this issue yet. I use a cheap generic three coil Qi charger. Is the issue just Qi or PMA chargers too? Because I was looking at buying another but this issue would be a little annoying to me.
007shark said:
It works, but many of us have problems with the Qi charger disconnecting charge at 100% and then reconnecting after about 5% has drained. Motorola is looking into it. I may be picky on which Qi charger you use.
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Exactly how it should work to prolong battery life. Keeping any battery (especially lithium) full charger for long period of time will significantly decrease its capacity.
My phone gets very warm wireless charging. I prefer fast charge
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Zeljko1234 said:
Exactly how it should work to prolong battery life. Keeping any battery (especially lithium) full charger for long period of time will significantly decrease its capacity.
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Never had a problem with that in the past even with wired chargers. I don't think in recent phones that there is actual current on the battery at all times past 100% whether charging wirelessly or wired. I'm pretty sure it goes into a maintenance mode, but it will still show charging on the display which is the important part. That is important if you use it on your nightstand as an alarm clock with wireless charging. My Sony Z3v had no problems staying in a charge state even after 100% but my Turbo 2 does not which causes it to disconnect. It will reconnect after it loses about 5%. If I don't have it silenced, it will wake me up when it reconnects. It also affects any tasks you have programmed to happen when it is charging.
From my understanding, the first Turbo did not have this problem. I think it cropped up from the inclusion of the powermat charging or maybe something related to the 810 processor. Anyway, just waiting for a definitive answer from Moto.
---------- Post added at 05:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:48 PM ----------
Xelios029 said:
Hm, I haven't had this issue yet. I use a cheap generic three coil Qi charger. Is the issue just Qi or PMA chargers too? Because I was looking at buying another but this issue would be a little annoying to me.
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Read the thread at the Moto Support Forums. https://forums.motorola.com/posts/215aa2bb51
It doesn't seem to affect everyone which may mean it is more dependent on your charger.
damkol said:
Maybe I did not notice this problem - as I put the phone on charge in the evening, until the next morning I take it to work.
I use cheap qi charger from ebay - ~$2.5
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ahahahahhaha.....it's really cheap !!!:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Use a ravpower qi charger every night, no issues, phone comes off 100% full, cool to the touch. I know some units I've tried with my Maxx back in the day kept it warm through charging.
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Have any Qi charger brand to propose ?
I'm using a Samsung Qi puck - not the newer round plastic one, but the older more squared soft-touch one. Works great, I don't have the 100% disconnect issue.
I use the tylt qi charger the desk top one so my phone is sitting at a 60 degree angle. It works great no issues and every morning my phone is at 100% and cool to the touch
This all sounds encouraging. I think it would be helpful if people could also add a few common notes:
charger / model
any case they have on the phone (or not) when using a Qi charger
whether the phone must be in a certain orientation (e.g., horizontal vs vertical) to charge
whether the phone is at 100% - and stays there after a charge
whether the phone is cool / warm / hot once charged
A cleaned up list developed from this would be a good resource for the user community
Tylt works great phone gets warm. Itian charger is cheap from Amazon but is very finicky.
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Really, Zeljko?
Zeljko1234 said:
Exactly how it should work to prolong battery life. Keeping any battery (especially lithium) full charger for long period of time will significantly decrease its capacity.
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Uhm, that's one of the sillier things I've read today.
If it drains to 5% it's not terribly useful as a charge system regardless.
A charge controller chip is supposed to be designed to PREVENT the problem you just described.
Each charge cycle, regardless of it's form shortens the life of the battery, period. If you charge it up and then let it deplete it like that, you're damaging it as much as if you left it charging.
You kind of need to leave the stupid thing plugged in or in some wireless charge hysteresis loop so that the device isn't drained. In light of the charge system being supposed to keep the battery out of the loop until it needs to charge it again (some threshold below 100%) it shouldn't MATTER if it's "plugged in" and the device won't be pulling from the battery.
madscientist_42 said:
Uhm, that's one of the sillier things I've read today.
If it drains to 5% it's not terribly useful as a charge system regardless.
A charge controller chip is supposed to be designed to PREVENT the problem you just described.
Each charge cycle, regardless of it's form shortens the life of the battery, period. If you charge it up and then let it deplete it like that, you're damaging it as much as if you left it charging.
You kind of need to leave the stupid thing plugged in or in some wireless charge hysteresis loop so that the device isn't drained. In light of the charge system being supposed to keep the battery out of the loop until it needs to charge it again (some threshold below 100%) it shouldn't MATTER if it's "plugged in" and the device won't be pulling from the battery.
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You're talking like battery expert. Well, maybe you're. Then contact those guys and tell them they're wrong
I picked up 3 Samsung qi chargers at 6 quid each on offer on Amazon (UK). They work very well although they are more a convenience thing rather than a method of charging. I use one at work. One in the bedroom and one next to the Xbox great for the work desk to keep the device topped up and frees you up from plugging and unplugging constantly BUT.... It takes absolutely ages to charge so you dont go expecting to be dumping your cabled chargers. I use the work one most of the time as I'm out and about a lot and its very useful to be able to just grab the phone without unplugging and placing back on the pad when at the desk. The turbo charger gets used at home more coz in more likely to plug in to that and jump in the shower knowing that I'll have a nice reserve of power for the pub so yes they work as advertised and work well great as a trickle charge device when you ain't in a rush. If anyone is interested ping me and I'll spend some time on giving more detailed stats such as charge times from 0% and model number of the devices I use. Away for work at the mo so probably the weekend
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I bought the Raynic Orchard I. It charges the phone just fine, but I noticed that if the phone wants to wake up because it senses movement, it detaches and reattaches to the charter, which gets very annoying. I moved the phone to an angle where it couldn't see me (but I could see it; sensors were under my monitor stand but the rest of the phone was sticking out) and everything went smoothly after that.
Verizon QI charge stand, Verizon case, have to charge upside down
To charge our new Turbo Droid 2 in a Verizon QI stand with the Verizon case on it, the phone must be upside down. It's OK if out of the case. We have a car QI 'base' which it won't charge in either; probably exact same issue, whatever that is. Any ideas appreciated!
jdmba said:
I bought the Raynic Orchard I. It charges the phone just fine, but I noticed that if the phone wants to wake up because it senses movement, it detaches and reattaches to the charter, which gets very annoying. I moved the phone to an angle where it couldn't see me (but I could see it; sensors were under my monitor stand but the rest of the phone was sticking out) and everything went smoothly after that.
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Wireless charging can't get to 100%

I have the Samsung official wireless charger that I got with my S7 Edge. Was using it on the S8 fine for a couple days when all of a sudden it won't charge to 100%. Day one it stopped at 84% and this morning it wouldn't go past 76%. The phone is pretty hot when I pick it up and the LED is lit yellow the whole time indicating it's being charged. Did a search on here and it seems like some people are having some problems with wireless charging but not exactly the same as me. Anyone else have this issue?
are you using the original samsung charger plug that came with the phone?
lawrence750 said:
are you using the original samsung charger plug that came with the phone?
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No, it's the original micro USB fast charge plug and wire that came with the S7 wireless charger.
This one
Im using a QI dock myself. Works fine here. 100%
Now I do remember some of the Samsung ones from the S7 were able to support the "Quick Charging" function. Which was designed to get it super fast to "x" % then switch to normal charging. So its possible your issue is something related to this.
It's weird because it would just stop at a random number. Even taking it off and rebooting then recharging doesn't help.
I remember reading on the Chip Binning thread about some people talking about bad chip bins causing battery problems and you may wish to consider getting that exchanged.
Mysticales said:
I remember reading on the Chip Binning thread about some people talking about bad chip bins causing battery problems and you may wish to consider getting that exchanged.
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Well last night it stopped at 87% so in half sleep rage I took off my case and had the bare phone on the charger. Later on it was at 100%. I also have my work keycard in the back of the case which I'm not sure if that makes a difference because I had it in the case of my V10 and S7 Edge and they were able to charge to 100% with the card and case between the phone no problem. The case is just a regular thin case from eBay. Also pretty strange that it would stop at a random number. Gonna do some more testing tonight.
I use a thin gell tpu case on mine, I have a Mikobox QI dock as well.
Now stuff behind the case, that "could" maybe mess with wireless charging. Never tried with stuff inside my case.
I have had this problem too. Wireless charging stopping at a certain percentage.
Worst this morning as I woke up to 8 hours on charge and it was only at 56% still saying it was wireless charging!
Thinking about trying the official Galaxy S8 wireless charger
I'm using the samsung fast wireless charger that i bought from when i had my s6 edge+
I'm using a tpu case on the phone, works perfectly fine
fast charge doesn't work without the genuine samsung charger plug however
Had my regular rubber thin case on with the card inside last night and it charged to 100%. Really don't know what's going on here anymore. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Try an old lower amp wall wart with the non Samsung wireless charging platform. You will not have fast charge, but it will go to 100 percent.
Same issue here. It used to work absolutely fine and got to 100% every evening. Now it stops around the same amount every night. 80% ish
I have only noticed this since the last OTA update and its a nightmare. The phone is super hot and showing as charging wirelessly but it isnt. One thing I did try was to let the phone cool down and turned off "fast" charging wireless. Only when the phone had cooled down did it start to tot up again.
I have also had the odd warning saying that it wont charge any further until the battery cools down, which makes me think this is a "safety feature" that was implemented with the latest OTA rather than a fault, but not all of the time. It seems the message will pop up and then go away quite quickly (probably as to read the message I am knocking the phone off the "sweet spot" that charges it, so it doesn't feel the need to show me the message anymore)
Try letting the phone cool and then put it back on and see if the numbers rise everyone and maybe we can workout together what the problem is. That's my thoughts so far s that the phone is charging fine, heats up too much, stops charging, cools down, starts charging again, heats up etc etc.
Guess the end result of the story is. The S8 doesnt like to be "Quick Charged" via QI pads with the higher volts.
Mysticales said:
Guess the end result of the story is. The S8 doesnt like to be "Quick Charged" via QI pads with the higher volts.
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but it isn't, because a lot of people have fast wireless charging working just fine?
Update on my last post. I have fast charging off and last night I popped it on the charger when going to bed. Woke up about 4am to use the little bits room and there it was stuck on 81% as usual and very warm. Took it off the charger and went back to sleep. Woke up again about 7:30 and the phone had cooled down so put it back on the charger. By 9:45 the phone was at 100%. Looks to me like it is a heating up issue on mine anyway.
I get the problem too, the wireless charge of the original s8 package and use the skin case, when the first charge only up to 84%, after being released and cooled for a while then in charge again can finally be 100%, the possibility of problems in excess heat due to wearing a skin case or indeed a problem from Wireless charger, I do not know yet
Got the same problem here!
until now (about 2 months) im using allmost only Wireless charging (original samsung charger and cable)
untill today the Phone stop at 80% and its says that it still charging.. i took the phone of from the charger for about 30 second and put it back on charge and it charging ok...
Same problem. S8+ Exynos.
I'm using the wireless charger from the starter kit. Wired charging is fine and takes about 1.5+ hours from 5% to 100%. With wireless charging, the estimate is usually 2.5 hours but it stops at 80+% after about that time. Charging continues if I remove the phone and place it back on the charging dock after a few seconds. Having a case doesn't seem to matter.
Just now, it finished charging wirelessly with the phone off. It went to 100% but took 3 hours. I did check after 2.5 hours and it was at 83%. I didn't remove the phone from the dock.
ok so i've had this phone since 20/04/17
it's been perfect charging, until this morning
was quite warm, and stuck at 83% - had been at that level for a couple of hours....
i had fast wireless charging disabled in settings>advanced>accessories - yet when i put the phone back onto the charger it said 'fast wireless charging'
i enabled it, put it back on charger. fast wireless charging again..
disabled it again, put it back on charger.. still said fast wireless charging !!!
so i enabled it again, put it back on the charger, went back to sleep for an hour and then it was at 100%
will keep an eye on how it goes the next few days
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strongylad28 said:
Update on my last post. I have fast charging off and last night I popped it on the charger when going to bed. Woke up about 4am to use the little bits room and there it was stuck on 81% as usual and very warm. Took it off the charger and went back to sleep. Woke up again about 7:30 and the phone had cooled down so put it back on the charger. By 9:45 the phone was at 100%. Looks to me like it is a heating up issue on mine anyway.
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did you disable fast wirelss charging in your settings menu?
my theory being that if that were disabled, but still somehow fast wireless charging, maybe the fan wasn't on but it was still fast charging = excess heat?

I charged my rooted phone in the cold and it went to 97% in the warmth

I went skiing yesterday and charged my phone in the cold with a battery bank to 80% cap since its rooted. I went to go warm up and checked my phone after it warmed up from the cold and it was at 97%. I wish i had the thought to screenshot, i thought it was something that i would have found a post on the internet by now and never bothered, nothing about it on the internet.
I have a gopro i ski with also and lithium ion batteries suck in the cold, they dont produce a strong charge and can seem dead if temps get too low. warm them up a bit and then they are alive again producing charge since the internals are at optimal temps. I frequently rotate a couple of batteries after they freeze. My theory is that my phone was cold, the battery was producing charge but a weak one in the cold so when the phone thought it was at 80% it really was a weak 100 charge but when the phone warmed up, since it wasnt charging and whatever stops it from charging beyond 80 couldnt stop it because there was no current to stop and it reported its true percentage. I'm positive I saw it at 97 and i've never done any fixes or mods to change the 80 problem so Im going to try and reproduce it again.
