[Q] How to install standalone Play store? - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi everyone,
After flashing a new ROM for my Nexus7 (CM, PA, etc) I want to avoid installing the standard gapps zip with all the Google software, but instead I only want the Play store.
I have searched the XDA forums and I struggle to find anything that precisely solve this issue. It seems that the general consensus when it comes to minimal systems is to install everything first and only then remove the bloat either directly from the shell or via TB, sometimes proceeding with trial and error.
Is there any way, or anyone willing to detail the exact dependencies needed for the Play store apk to work when installed on its own?

What's the problem in manually deleting the unneeded Google apps that you are not going to use and live happily ever after?
Of vourse if you change ROMs often - that might be a trouble, but if you intend to stay with one and only ROM - then I guess it shouldn't be that hard, right?

Fatal1ty_18_RUS said:
What's the problem in manually deleting the unneeded Google apps that you are not going to use and live happily ever after?
Of vourse if you change ROMs often - that might be a trouble, but if you intend to stay with one and only ROM - then I guess it shouldn't be that hard, right?
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Not so much of a problem in the sense that it is blocking me, there are however some points that motivate me in knowing how to do it properly, namely:
I have a general Interest in how the interdependencies between the OS and Google apps is actually working. I've been using GNU/Linux for more than 15 years and I grew the habit to like to know what I am installing on my machines.
Frequent ROM updates make manual removal of items quite inefficient. Maybe a backup app could help here but that feels clunky and has the risk to introduce quite some mess when the system receives major updates that would break the backup.
The time to go through manual removal though trial and error is possibly the same that it takes to start this thread, bump it and hopefully gather enough interests so that more people will benefit from it.

I also reacted in other topic. Somehowe i could not react here but now it does.
Not my own idea, but it did work for me on my desire s. Open up the zip and read the next:
I have made a minimal install sufficient to get Contacts and Calendar sync + Google Play.
Then copy with a root explorer and set permissions to 644 of:
Later installed as a regular apk Gmail2 and GenieWidget
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app

Auke11 said:
I also reacted in other topic. Somehowe i could not react here but now it does.
Not my own idea, but it did work for me on my desire s. Open up the zip and read the next:
I have made a minimal install sufficient to get Contacts and Calendar sync + Google Play.
Then copy with a root explorer and set permissions to 644 of:
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Thanks for the hint!
To get the Play store working I only had to install Phonesky, GoogleServicesFramework and GoogleLoginService.
Now I am trying to figure out what is needed to get the quick settings menu. The latter only appears when the gapps are installed.

ugrnm said:
Thanks for the hint!
To get the Play store working I only had to install Phonesky, GoogleServicesFramework and GoogleLoginService.
Now I am trying to figure out what is needed to get the quick settings menu. The latter only appears when the gapps are installed.
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Could you mention the details of how you got the store working? Eg, where did you download the service files from and where did you copy them in your phone.

lovethenexus said:
Could you mention the details of how you got the store working? Eg, where did you download the service files from and where did you copy them in your phone.
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As instructed, you download the gapps zip, remove the unwanted apks, and then flash in recovery.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD

I have a PA 3.1 ROM that shows the quick settings without GApps. However, the settings don't appear using a swipe down or through the button in the navigation area. They appear specifically in the expanded desktop mode only. Not sure why, but it doesn't look like an issue related to GApps. Let me know if you were able to validate the link between GApps and quick settings though.
ugrnm said:
Thanks for the hint!
To get the Play store working I only had to install Phonesky, GoogleServicesFramework and GoogleLoginService.
Now I am trying to figure out what is needed to get the quick settings menu. The latter only appears when the gapps are installed.
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ugrnm said:
Thanks for the hint!
To get the Play store working I only had to install Phonesky, GoogleServicesFramework and GoogleLoginService.
Now I am trying to figure out what is needed to get the quick settings menu. The latter only appears when the gapps are installed.
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I had been wondering why I had not been able to get the quick settings (the tiles in the status bar) to appear.
Btw, I'm using Rootbox on my Galaxy S3 (GT-i9300).
Your comment above told me that something from was gapps missing, so I installed the full gapps package and the quick settings work.
I reset/wiped my phone for further testing...
Long story short, I discovered Google's Setup Wizard was the culprit. Once I had rebooted and completed Google's setup wizard my quick settings tiles started working. I have no idea why this affects the tiles
GoogleLoginService was required for SetupWizard. I removed both afterwards with no problems.
Sorry for bumping an old thread, I was searching for info on the play store when I found this thread. Doubt I would have found this info otherwise.

Thanks for the bump, I gave up eventually, but what you found out is great. I'll give it a try!
These days I'm also trying to figure out how painful/feasible it would be to simply not use any of the gapps and just rely on alternative repos such as F-droid.

ugrnm said:
Thanks for the bump, I gave up eventually, but what you found out is great. I'll give it a try!
These days I'm also trying to figure out how painful/feasible it would be to simply not use any of the gapps and just rely on alternative repos such as F-droid.
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Sorry to dig up old threads, hopefully one of you is still around,
I've put Cynogenmod on my xperia, but forgot to install google play, I installed it from an apk using the terminal but it crashes, obviously needs some other google services to work. I have a the google apps zip file but the app names are very different...
I only want google Play and gmail, I have flashed Cyanogenmod mainly to "ungoogle" my phone but I do want an easy way to install new apps.
Any ideas on what the equivolent to Phonesky will be in the list above?

Phonesky, GoogleServicesFramework and GoogleLoginService were enough for < cm 10.2
But with android 4.4 cm11 , it doesn't work anymore.
'there was a problem communicating with google servers'
any tried a standalone market install on kitkat?
---------- Post added at 04:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:50 PM ----------
whitenight639 said:
Sorry to dig up old threads, hopefully one of you is still around,
I've put Cynogenmod on my xperia, but forgot to install google play, I installed it from an apk using the terminal but it crashes, obviously needs some other google services to work. I have a the google apps zip file but the app names are very different...
I only want google Play and gmail, I have flashed Cyanogenmod mainly to "ungoogle" my phone but I do want an easy way to install new apps.
Any ideas on what the equivolent to Phonesky will be in the list above?
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Vending = market = phonesky

Stand Alone Play Store Installation
ugrnm said:
Hi everyone,
After flashing a new ROM for my Nexus7 (CM, PA, etc) I want to avoid installing the standard gapps zip with all the Google software, but instead I only want the Play store.
I have searched the XDA forums and I struggle to find anything that precisely solve this issue. It seems that the general consensus when it comes to minimal systems is to install everything first and only then remove the bloat either directly from the shell or via TB, sometimes proceeding with trial and error.
Is there any way, or anyone willing to detail the exact dependencies needed for the Play store apk to work when installed on its own?
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Hi, im just a newbie here but i just want to share my experience in installing playstore.apk and you're right. Its trial and error.
At 1st, i zip signed the playstore.apk and tried to install it in cwm recovery. Yes it was installed but when i reboot my system, it pops up a toast that playstore stopped. i pressed ok and it pops again everytime. 1st failure
2nd, i tried to put the playstore.apk directly in the device/system/priv-app folder then install it normally. it was installed again but when i reboot my system, it crashes again. 2nd failure.
then here is the 3rd and final one and i said to myself that if this will not work again, maybe playstore.apk isnt a stand alone app. so here is what i did. i put the playstore.apk file again in the device/system/priv-app folder and this time i renamed it as "Phonesky" just like in stock roms. i just leave it there exit the file explorer then reboot system. And suddenly, it works and till now, it still works. Maybe it was luck but i'm just sharing my experiences. Im not saying that it will work 100% but maybe give it a try then. But make sure that you already back up everything. Thanks and God bless.

Hi guys,
I have installed Cyanogen 12 on my Wiko Darkmoon do set myself free from Google and I am happy with that... But unfortunately I still need to used Google Calendar (because my wife does not want to change so far and we are using shared calendar big time).
I don't want to install gapps but I am ok to install the minimum apk to have Google calendar sync working on my phone. Based on what I red on that topic, I came to install (may be not in this order) :
Unfortunately, when trying to register a Google account, I get the following message (translated from French, maybe inaccurate sorry) : " Impossible to connect. A communication problem with Google servers occurred. Please try later." with a next button leading always to the same message.
I cannot figured out if something is missing neither if it is possible to do so. I used adb logcat to get some log but I am not familiar at all with it but maybe the answer is in this part :
I/Timeline( 9816): Timeline: Activity_idle id: [email protected] time:46061804
I/ActivityManager( 535): Displayed com.google.android.gsf.login/.LoginActivityTask: +244ms
I/Timeline( 535): Timeline: Activity_windows_visible id: ActivityRecord{44c1813 u0 com.google.android.gsf.login/.LoginActivity t218} time:4
V/GLSActivity( 9816): Error in
V/GLSActivity( 9816): java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'java.util.Iterator java.util.List.iterator()' on a
V/GLSActivity( 9816): at com.google.android.gms.auth.firstparty.dataservice.GoogleAccountDataServiceClient.c(Unknown Source)
V/GLSActivity( 9816): at com.google.android.gms.auth.firstparty.dataservice.GoogleAccountDataServiceClient.a(Unknown Source)
V/GLSActivity( 9816): at com.google.android.gms.auth.firstparty.dataservice.GoogleAccountDataServiceClient.signIn(Unknown Source)
V/GLSActivity( 9816): at com.google.android.gsf.loginservice.GLSHelper.blockingAddWithPassword(GLSHelper.java:281)
V/GLSActivity( 9816): at com.google.android.gsf.login.LoginActivityTask$1.runInBackground(LoginActivityTask.java:147)
V/GLSActivity( 9816): at com.google.android.gsf.login.CancelableCallbackThread.run(CancelableCallbackThread.java:37)
I/Timeline( 9816): Timeline: Activity_launch_request id:com.google.android.gsf.login time:46061909
I/ActivityManager( 535): START u0 {cmp=com.google.android.gsf.login/.ShowErrorActivity (has extras)} from uid 10079 on display 0
V/WindowManager( 535): addAppToken: AppWindowToken{1d261f3f token=Token{21b7cf5e ActivityRecord{445c099 u0 com.google.android.gsf.login/.Sh
I/art ( 9816): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 14973(933KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(32KB) LOS objects, 18% free, 3MB/4MB,
I/MaliEGL ( 886): [Mali]window_type=1, is_framebuffer=0, errnum = 0
I/MaliEGL ( 886): [Mali]surface->num_buffers=4, surface->num_frames=3, win_min_undequeued=1
I/MaliEGL ( 886): [Mali]max_allowed_dequeued_buffers=3
May be this is not the right topic to post that but this is the closer I have find.


[CM7] How to run OneTimeInitializer.apk a second time?

After the first boot into CM7, this OneTimeInitializer.apk was launched and I could choose what Google Apps to install. I noticed, that I had an error during the install of one app and just realised that Gmail is missing, so I assume, it somehow failed to download this app.
So I need to run the OneTimeInitializer a second time - how can I do it?
I'm not sure about how to make it run again, but it is unnecessary since it is just a link to the Android market. Just search for 'gmail' in the market and install it that way, since that is all that apk would do anyway.
Thanks, I used MarketEnabler to grab it from the market as its seems to be available only to US ppl.
Oh, I wasn't aware that it wouldn't display for all. Glad I could help though.
I downloaded it and install via adb
But I got error:
k1337Ultra said:
After the first boot into CM7, this OneTimeInitializer.apk was launched and I could choose what Google Apps to install. I noticed, that I had an error during the install of one app and just realised that Gmail is missing, so I assume, it somehow failed to download this app.
So I need to run the OneTimeInitializer a second time - how can I do it?
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[Google Apps] Without Rooting Kindle Fire 6.2.1

It is totally possible to sideload google apps without Rooting on version 6.2.1. It is a fairly simple process but needs to be done in the correct order.
1.Open Settings
2. Select Device
3. Turn on Allow Installation of Applications from Unknown Sources
4. Download GoogleServicesFramework.apk and install. You need to download the correct version or it will not install. I apologize for not having the version number but currently it can be found @ www.mediafire.com/?4ykd6rdikmz5l8c
6.Download books.apk - Do Not Open
7. Reboot
8. Open Books and add google account. This even works with multiple accounts.
9. Shortly after you should have a notification requesting permission of your google account. Click allow.
10. Sideload Google apps of your choice. See below for options.
Google Apps that work
Google Music
Google +
Google Books
Sideloading Google Apps
1.Sideloading Google app of your choice
1a.Find on filesharing website i.e. 4shared.com, filestube.com, etc.
1b. Backup from another device and use drop box to access
1c. Transferring apk via USB
2. Open .apk file and click install
This will work flawlessly if done in the right order. Remember GoogleServicesFramework.apk install, books.apk, reboot , open books , add account, and voila.
If I have helped you please thank me.
Thanks, that's great news since I'm getting one for Christmas and I just read Amazon is forcing that update :/
Will this also work with 6.2?
install lookoutsecurity before installing apps from third party warez sites............or just root it and use android market
This is fantastic. Once I have books installed and my gmail account synced, will I be able to just grab a Market apk to sideload and then get everything I want from the Market?
I've been back and forth between the Nook Tablet and the Kindle Fire as my cheap tablet to buy, and the Nook Tablet took a big hit when they disabled sideloading. I think the Kindle Fire is popular enough that it will also be a target for an official CM9 release as the CM9 project gains steam.
Cannot install GoogleServicesFramework.apk
mtorres said:
Cannot install GoogleServicesFramework.apk
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The subject of the thread is wrong Misleading.
You can't install the GoogleServicesFramework.apk into /system/app where it needs to be in order for it to work without having root access.
You need that GoogleServicesFramework.apk to do things like Android Market, Gmail etc...
You can only install a few google apps without root access. The Market Place requires root access, which you can't get with the latest version of the kindle software (6.2.1)
If you are rooted and have Market already installed, will today's update make Market stop working?
If you have GoogleServicesFramework.apk installed, will that cease to function?
Will it break the wallpaper change fix?
leebo said:
If you are rooted and have Market already installed, will today's update make Market stop working?
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Depends how you installed/updated it. All files in /system/app get replaced. If you installed the market place and it has since updated itself (installing to a different location that doesn't get cleared with the update) then you should be okay. Had a fresh install of the Market Place following online guides to copy it into /system/app then a good chance it will stop working.
leebo said:
If you have GoogleServicesFramework.apk installed, will that cease to function?
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Mine still works, because my gmail still works which requires it.
leebo said:
Will it break the wallpaper change fix?
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I don't think so
Install this, just like a regular app. Fixes broken already installed Google apps, including market. http://db.tt/FAexFhgV
Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
patrickem said:
Install this, just like a regular app. Fixes broken already installed Google apps, including market. http://db.tt/FAexFhgV
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Really? I doubt it. (will test later..)
wacckkoo1 said:
This will work flawlessly if done in the right order. Remember GoogleServicesFramework.apk install, books.apk, reboot , open books , add account, and voila.
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where do i get books.apk ?
patrickem said:
Install this, just like a regular app. Fixes broken already installed Google apps, including market. http://db.tt/FAexFhgV
Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
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OK I tried. This is just the googleservices.apk and installing it won't get your Market working if it was broken from the update to 6.2.1.
bus_ter said:
OK I tried. This is just the googleservices.apk and installing it won't get your Market working if it was broken from the update to 6.2.1.
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It worked fine for me.
Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
Google Currents
I lost root and Google Currents after 6.2.1 update. I still have a functional Android market and Gmail. Google Currents won't install now. I get an error stating missing Google library.
Any suggestions how to reinstall Currents. BTW, I was able to install Google Books successfully. Thanks.
patrickem said:
It worked fine for me.
Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
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I reinstalled the 'GoogleServicesFramework.apk' (the version I had installed previously, not the one linked above). It installed fine but I get The application Market has stopped unexpectedly Force Close when I boot the Kindle, and also when I try to run the Market place and Install an app.
Until I ran the GoogleServicesFramework.apk I didn't get the bootup error. I ran the installer from the sdcard, previously (with root access) I was able to copy and run it from '/system/app' which I think makes all the difference.
---------- Post added at 11:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 PM ----------
lstern said:
I lost root and Google Currents after 6.2.1 update. I still have a functional Android market and Gmail. Google Currents won't install now. I get an error stating missing Google library.
Any suggestions how to reinstall Currents. BTW, I was able to install Google Books successfully. Thanks.
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Does your Gmail still update itself and show new email notifications without you having to open gmail and manually refresh? I think though Gmail still runs the service that runs in the background has stopped post update.
bus_ter said:
I reinstalled the 'GoogleServicesFramework.apk' (the version I had installed previously, not the one linked above). It installed fine but I get The application Market has stopped unexpectedly Force Close when I boot the Kindle, and also when I try to run the Market place and Install an app.
Until I ran the GoogleServicesFramework.apk I didn't get the bootup error. I ran the installer from the sdcard, previously (with root access) I was able to copy and run it from '/system/app' which I think makes all the difference.
---------- Post added at 11:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:40 PM ----------
Does your Gmail still update itself and show new email notifications without you having to open gmail and manually refresh? I think though Gmail still runs the service that runs in the background has stopped post update.
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Your correct. Gmail no longer auto updates. When opened it shows "no conversations." Thanks for your reply.
I had 6.2 rooted but got updated to 6.2.1 even I amended the hosts file and rename the Silent apk to bak, also with TWRP 2.0 installed. Anyway, I re-install the GoogleServicesFramework.apk, and I can access the Android Market again.
I tried to use the GoogleServicesFramework.apk link provided in this thread, but it didn't work. The original one worked, so I am happy to be able to access the Android Market again.
didnt work for me
Very important! it now works, u must have the right google frameworks, if it installs u have right one. Then dont use the vending apk, i use the apk that said market apk and it worked perfectly, market now works.

[Q] Unable to install Googleservicesframework and Vending

I just used Kindle Water to root and installed Root explorer. When I moved Vending.apk and googleservicesframework.apk to system app, changed permissions, and installed, they both say, "package not installed". I have rebooted and the same thing happens. Anyone know why this is happening and what I can do about it?
Try to install them, moving the installed apks to system/app, uninstalling, then installing again from system/app where you placed the copied installed versions and see if that might work for you
Thanks....still not working.
BluesHawk said:
Try to install them, moving the installed apks to system/app, uninstalling, then installing again from system/app where you placed the copied installed versions and see if that might work for you
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Thank you for taking the time to respond to me. That did not work either. I am able to download android apps from the app market on my computer, as for some reason it now reads my Kindle in the list of options of where to install, so I have most everything I need. Google Talk still won't install and Google Music won't function properly either There's no link to the market directly on the Kindle, but like I said, it will now let me install from the computer so I guess it's ok. Thanks again for the advice.
If anyone else has any suggestions, please let me know. I would like to be able to access the market directly form the Kindle and have apps like Google Talk and Google Music work.
Thanks to northmendo, Jcase, and ST3_P2 for building KindleWater which allowed me to root my Kindle in the first place!
Give this thread a look and see if that might give you some insight. Also you might have downloaded a bad googleservicesframework.apk or vending.apk so make sure to get the ones from this post. When I first installed Market I had issues with it working until I installed the files from the post I linked.
Other times users have had Market install but it is not visible until signing into google services through settings > accounts & sync. Give that a try if all else fails.
Good luck!
maybe you looking for this one:

How to fix crashing Google Play services

A recent update to the Google Play services makes it crash, regardless of Android version. This is how i fixed it:
A root file explorer
Google Play services APK (make sure to select right Android version and use arm + nodpi): http://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/google-play-services/google-play-services-10-0-84-release/
System app remover: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jumobile.manager.systemapp
Disable WiFi.
Use System app remover to uninstall Google Play services, this will make it revert to the factory supplied version.
Install the Google Play services apk. The 10.0.84 is the latest working version accordning to my tests.
Create two folders in \data\app and name them com.google.android.gms-1.apk and com.google.android.gms-2.apk. This will stop Google Play services from auto updating. You should be able to create at least one. Do not overwrite any existing file.
Restart and enable WiFi.
ConnCarl: https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/help/delete-disable-downgrade-prevent-update-t3091832
Some additional steps to the above.
If Google Play is broken, like it was on mine, you can't download the System app remover. I got it from http://www.apkmirror.com/apk/jumobi...-root-3-6-2019-android-apk-download/download/
(I do not know if that site is safe.)
Download APK to PC, transfer it over USB, and install it with Terminal Emulator.
Also, if you cannot download a File Explorer since Google Play is broken, try some APK like http://www.apkmirror.com/apk/es-glo...-manager-4-1-6-android-apk-download/download/
(again, no idea if that site is safe.)
and install it via Terminal...
Then finally you can click the Google Play services APK. (Or just install it via terminal since by now you know how to...)
NOTE: if you have TF101 with KatKiss 4.4.4 you can't use the one marked Android 4.4W+, it fails and you will wasting hours of your time like I did - use the Android 2.3 version.
---------- Post added at 02:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:53 AM ----------
After spending 3 hours of figuring out all the above details, I still got the "has stopped" popups, because I had created the file names in terminal as gsm instead of gms. Details are important...
I should add that I did get it working, with my manual installations etc. Thanks!
Works for hours, then PlayServices autoupdate... try 2 times.
Im using katkiss 6.0
My problem is that while trying to flash KK6.0 again it gets stuck on the "Checking connection" step and it continuously prompts the famous "Unfortunately, Google Play services has stopped". I have flashed old gapps (1st Feb) but problem persists.
I know there is a general issue about a gplay/gservices version but I am not sure how to proceed now....
This is my solution for Transformer TF101 on firmware KatKiss 4.4.4:
Install Lucky Patcher from here: dl1.revdownload.com/dl1/1701/Lucky_Patcher_v6.4.5__5557_Revdl.com.apk
Open Lucky Patcher, select "Search", type "Google"
Uninstall "Google Play", "Google Play Services" (I also uninstalled "Google App" forever cause I needn't it)
Download open gapps on 2017-07-31 from here: github.com/opengapps/arm/releases/download/20160731/open_gapps-arm-4.4-pico-20160731.zip
Disable Wi-fi
Reboot to TWRP recovery
Flash gapps, wipe cache/dalvik.
Now boot and create 2 folders in /data/app - com.google.android.gms-1.apk and com.google.android.gms-2.apk
Now you can turn on your Wi-fi
Here's my solution about installing right version of Youtube for this gapps and prevent Youtube app from updating. There's ZipSigner app which changes a certificate and "detaches" the app from Google Play. For Youtube app this method causes failure on startup with a security exception. Luckily, I've found another solution:
The latest working version is 11.41.56 on October 28, 2016. Download Youtube app from here: apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/youtube/youtube-11-41-56-release/youtube-11-41-56-21-android-apk-download/download
Disable Wi-fi
Uninstall current Youtube using Lucky Patcher
Now install downloaded version of Youtube
Create a folder com.google.android.youtube-2.apk in /data/app. There should be 1 file com.google.android.youtube-1.apk and 1 folder com.google.android.youtube-2.apk.
This solution should prevent a Youtube app from being updated by Google Play: it begins to update but at the end dialog shown which says there's insufficient storage space.
By the way, you can prevent auto-update for another Google app like Google Drive. Open Lucky Patcher, click on the app and select "App Info" and you'll see a detailed info. All you need to do is to create a folder with name like apk but "-1.apk" has to be replaced with "-2.apk"
Turn on Wi-fi
Phew, good to know it wasn't only me. I've been having this Services issue for some time now on the old 4.4.4 KatKiss, googling for it, updated to 6.0.1 but the problem starts as soon as I even try to install Google Play Services in any way (either flashing GAPPS or installing afterwards with an apk). The device works fine without the Services, but then I can't use Google Play...
So is it yet known who are affected? Is this only a TF101 problem, or are other devices (also non-ASUS ones) also affected? Or is this a KatKiss issue? Or what?
I don't feel like blocking Google from updating the services, that sounds like a stopgap solution that probably makes Services unusable in the long run. Hoping that e.g. Google fixes this problem with a new update...
Solution to my problem... But still need to wait until mr. Google decides to solve it
timppu said:
So is it yet known who are affected? Is this only a TF101 problem, or are other devices (also non-ASUS ones) also affected? Or is this a KatKiss issue? Or what?
I don't feel like blocking Google from updating the services, that sounds like a stopgap solution that probably makes Services unusable in the long run. Hoping that e.g. Google fixes this problem with a new update...
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Yes, there are a lot of devices which faced with this issue. The reason why Google Services stopped working is so-called NEON instruction set for ARM chips. Our tablet has Nvidia Tegra 2 chip which does not support such command set! And no, that will not be fixed!
Here's a quote from the forum (bit.ly/2luHVwu):
If this started on or about the 9th it is due to Google putting ARM neon code into the last update. Older ARM chips do not have neon code functionality and are therefore screwed.
My 6 year old Asus TF101 with a Tegra 2 processor was still running like a champ with android 6.0.1 until last week.
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Forget Google, I am on AmazonApp now Shame on you, Google. Also set my search engine back on old Yahoo
ignasigh said:
My problem is that while trying to flash KK6.0 again it gets stuck on the "Checking connection" step and it continuously prompts the famous "Unfortunately, Google Play services has stopped". I have flashed old gapps (1st Feb) but problem persists.
I know there is a general issue about a gplay/gservices version but I am not sure how to proceed now....
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I was having it stop at the "Checking Connection" step too, realized I was using the 2017 gapps package instead of the 2016 one. Check to see if you're using the correct one. However, I'm still having the "Google Services" issue.
dape16 said:
A recent update to the Google Play services makes it crash, regardless of Android version. This is how i fixed it:
A root file explorer
Google Play services APK (make sure to select right Android version and use arm + nodpi): http://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/google-play-services/google-play-services-10-0-84-release/
System app remover: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jumobile.manager.systemapp
Disable WiFi.
Use System app remover to uninstall Google Play services, this will make it revert to the factory supplied version.
Install the Google Play services apk. The 10.0.84 is the latest working version accordning to my tests.
Create two folders in \data\app and name them com.google.android.gms-1.apk and com.google.android.gms-2.apk. This will stop Google Play services from auto updating. You should be able to create at least one. Do not overwrite any existing file.
Restart and enable WiFi.
ConnCarl: https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/help/delete-disable-downgrade-prevent-update-t3091832
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I was finally able to get it to work but had to omit the .apk part of the two folder names. UPDATE: sorry, that actually didn't work, in fact, at the moment, no matter what I try, I cannot stop it from updating at some point and having to start all over again...
I rolled back to ASUS 4.0.3 original firmware.
It is working fine for the last 5 days, as long you do not update any of Google apps. The original firmware still has Google Talk pre-installed.
The original firmware is so so slow, when compared with KatKiss 6.0.1 or KatKiss 4.4.4, but at least it is working fine. No FCs at all.
Please note that there are some recent apps that do not work with Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0.3).
Version Matters
kenpoh said:
I was finally able to get it to work but had to omit the .apk part of the two folder names.
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Kenpoh, what version of KatKiss?
I found the format of the info in the /data/apps folder different from 4.4.4 to 5.1 to 6.0. I was unable to get things to work with fresh 5.1 ROM flashes so went to 4.4.4 and creating the folder with the "-2.apk" worked in 4.4.4. I think the bottom line is you have to create a folder name that is the same name as the .apk file (with a -2) to "confuse" the auto-update.
Now that I know I can get 4.4.4 to work, I'll see if I can get 5.1 and/or 6.0 to work and share my findings.
OK - I gave up 6.0 required setup a WiFi connection before fully booting. 5.1 wouldn't let me load ES File Explorer from the terminal (failure uri something or other).
For 4.4.4, I:
- Downloaded ROM, SU, GAPPS, Google Play Services 10.0.84 from apkmirror.com
- Did a clean flash
- booted up installed ES File Explorer from terminal
- installed GPS 10.0.84
- reboot
- create folder using the "-2"
- reboot
All is well. I let everything update (including Google Play Games) and everything is running just fine.
Exterminator13 said:
This is my solution for Transformer TF101 on firmware KatKiss 4.4.4:
Install Lucky Patcher from here: dl1.revdownload.com/dl1/1701/Lucky_Patcher_v6.4.5__5557_Revdl.com.apk
Open Lucky Patcher, select "Search", type "Google"
Uninstall "Google Play", "Google Play Services" (I also uninstalled "Google App" forever cause I needn't it)
Download open gapps on 2017-07-31 from here: github.com/opengapps/arm/releases/download/20160731/open_gapps-arm-4.4-pico-20160731.zip
Disable Wi-fi
Reboot to TWRP recovery
Flash gapps, wipe cache/dalvik.
Now boot and create 2 folders in /data/app - com.google.android.gms-1.apk and com.google.android.gms-2.apk
Now you can turn on your Wi-fi
Here's my solution about installing right version of Youtube for this gapps and prevent Youtube app from updating. There's ZipSigner app which changes a certificate and "detaches" the app from Google Play. For Youtube app this method causes failure on startup with a security exception. Luckily, I've found another solution:
The latest working version is 11.41.56 on October 28, 2016. Download Youtube app from here: apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/youtube/youtube-11-41-56-release/youtube-11-41-56-21-android-apk-download/download
Disable Wi-fi
Uninstall current Youtube using Lucky Patcher
Now install downloaded version of Youtube
Create a folder com.google.android.youtube-2.apk in /data/app. There should be 1 file com.google.android.youtube-1.apk and 1 folder com.google.android.youtube-2.apk.
This solution should prevent a Youtube app from being updated by Google Play: it begins to update but at the end dialog shown which says there's insufficient storage space.
By the way, you can prevent auto-update for another Google app like Google Drive. Open Lucky Patcher, click on the app and select "App Info" and you'll see a detailed info. All you need to do is to create a folder with name like apk but "-1.apk" has to be replaced with "-2.apk"
Turn on Wi-fi
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Thank you very much for your post. It worked flawlessly!!!
I have a Moto Xoom which is also a Tegra 2 Non-Neon device that is experiencing this Google Play Services issue -
I just had a one-on-one chat with Google support. Since I am running a rooted Moto Xoom (Omni 4.4.4), the only advice Google one-on-one support could provide was to unroot and revert back to Stock (which is 4.1.2. on the Xoom) and/or contact Motorola for support. Google seems to be unwilling to investigate fixes unless folks that are running UNROOTED Tegra2 Non-Neon devices are also experiencing the same issue.
So, if you are running a non-rooted Tegra2 device (like your ASUS TF101's) and are having this issue, please contact Google one-on-one support and let them know via https://support.google.com/googlepla...l=en#contact=1
Apaco said:
OK - I gave up 6.0 required setup a WiFi connection before fully booting. 5.1 wouldn't let me load ES File Explorer from the terminal (failure uri something or other).
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For 6.0, I rebooted after first boot, then the "Skip >" option showed up during the wifi connection setup screen.
Google Maps not working
---------- Post added at 09:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 PM ----------
Everybody please post here, maybe Google will read:
Alvera said:
Everybody please post here, maybe Google will read:
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Things may escalate faster if you try their one-on-one support via https://support.google.com/googlepla...l=en#contact=1
This worked! Thanks OP. As a bonus tip you can also do this from TWRP: Use the TWRP terminal emulator, switch to /data/app/ and mkdir the aformentioned gms-1 and gms-2 apk dummies.

No need for GApps install--tested and confirmed

*I spoke too soon, perhaps! See here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/nook-touch/development/nst-g-updating-ntgappsattack-t3875957 for a new approach to GApps with working sync--but Google Books is dead.*
I've recently received a second NST and decided to start some tests which I didn't want to mess up my regular device doing.
My first item is GApps. UNLESS you absolutely MUST have Google Books (1.2.2 is the only working version w/sync--but no purchase ability), there is no need to install GApps. All of my apps which will run on the NST are perfectly happy without GApps, including many whose current versions (like MX Player and the NPR app) balk at running without GFS (Google Framework Services) on newer devices. I guess the old versions just predate all that.
Edit: I've come across an exception: Tasker and any apps generated from Tasker/App Factory (that includes my own USB one-touch toggles, Current Bookcover Screensaver, and Screenshot). It turns out that Tasker and its daughter apps have a built in dependency on two Google Maps library files. You don't get these by installing Maps (tried that...). Instead they are a part of GApps installation. But you can place these two files yourself to solve this issue (attached below--the xml file is zipped so you can actually download it instead of view it). Copy the files into these locations (you will need to mount /system as RW temporarily):
Set permissions for both files to rw-r--r-- and reboot.
NONE of the apps in the GApps install package work any longer except for the rudimentary sync/account files that are needed for Google Books, and those must be set via GMail (which otherwise does not work). OK, Calculator works But you don't need GApps to run it. You also cannot sign in to Google or access the Market any more with the apps in the package. But installing GApps will clog your system with a bunch of apps churning away in the background, eating up your battery.
Realistically there is not much in the PlayStore for our devices and most useful apps need to be found elsewhere and sideloaded. However, if you have your heart set on PlayStore access, I recommend the Yalp Store (FDroid). It works well on the NST (I just used it to install MX Player), but you do have to update it from time to time when Google has made some sort of api change, and you cannot purchase apps this way.
Disclaimer: my test of apps is not exhaustive, of course. You may have the exception to my proposed rule. But I doubt it.
You are right, wish there was an easy way of returning back to stock. I lost my backup.
velayo said:
You are right, wish there was an easy way of returning back to stock. I lost my backup.
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The easiest way is to use the Factory restore option of Nook Manager. That will trigger a reimage with whatever the device left the factory. On my recent acquisition that was 1.0.0! You can use the 1.2.1 update zip from the B&N website to get back to current ( barring the 1.2.2 update which I think is pushing out early Pacific Time on weekends--still have to check that).
