SGS3 as nfc reader/writer on PC - Galaxy S III General

It is a posibble to use GS3 as nfc reader/writer on Ubuntu PC?
OR Is posibble to run Ubuntu on sgs3 with nfc support?
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filofan1 said:
It is a posibble to use GS3 as nfc reader/writer on Ubuntu PC?
OR Is posibble to run Ubuntu on sgs3 with nfc support?
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in best case you need to make an app for android (client) which can read a NFC tag and send the info to an app in Ubuntu (server) which can use the NFC info.


Nexus 4 updated Qualcoom graphic drivers

Hi guys. Few days ago I saw some info about qualcooms new drivers for adreno 320. Do you know if anyone is working on it?
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Aokp O2 signal drop

Hi guys I have one question, does anybody have signal drops using aokp m1 in O2 network?
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Hello i installed ics on our device and it offer only 30 mins for playing games on off wifi , 2g and screen minimal tell me why. Are there some tweaks to get more battery ?
So what can i do to format the battery. Current rom Aosp 2.3.7 miroslav
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[4.3] Idea how to solve led bug

Please someone who is using 4.1.2 upload com.sonyericsson.illumination.service apk . Maybe replacing it would help us.
Someone with root should make a copy of his files and try to replace it in system/app
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Try this... It is called semc.illumination. services.apk.
Sorry as I am using mobile so can't attache onto xda use copy link
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Here they are !!
Now someone with root should try it. My provider locked my bootloader so I can't
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What LED Bug? Notification?
Work fine for me. Stamina mode on and work fine for me.
LED Bug when listening to music or in album
I'm using the central Europe 266 and the leds work fine in gallery and Walkman, the leds don't seem to pulse as well as they used to, the pulsing isn't as good at following bears, seems to just stay on most of the time
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Did you know...
SemcIlumination on 4.3 apk is beta version
so have bugs...
now to solved this problem...i believe this not apk problem...maybe library...
you mean when playing at volume above 60% the LED pulse always on??
Ya, i got it when playing music in speaker with volume above 60%, the LED not disco anymore, even if that track have slow tempo
Sorry for my bad english

Better battery life?

I have already disabled some crap with BK Package Disabler, disabled background data usage, running on HD+ resolution, what can I do more?
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Monnq said:
I have already disabled some crap with BK Package Disabler, disabled background data usage, running on HD+ resolution, what can I do more?
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I guess the first question is what's​ the battery life you are currently getting? What may be acceptable to you may not be to others and vice versa.
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theprfct10 said:
I guess the first question is what's​ the battery life you are currently getting? What may be acceptable to you may not be to others and vice versa.
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It's about 4 hours of SoT with random draining, not sure whether it may be from Chrome or Samsung Browser
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Monnq said:
It's about 4 hours of SoT with random draining, not sure whether it may be from Chrome or Samsung Browser
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Mine is not too much different than yours honestly if I can get through the day with the few hours of screen on time and then stick it on the charger at night before I go to bed I'm a happy camper
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