[Q] My Nexus 4 doesn't like being plugged into my PC - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all
Finally got my lovely Nexus 4
Rooted it to jellybean 4.2.1 and then started installing a few bits.
I've run into some problems with the usb connection though. It will frequently appear as if there's no internal memory, or it'll let me in the memory and won't let me do anything. For example, I was putting some files over onto it and the box in Windows popped up as usual with 'copying xyz to internal memory' but just hung, didn't make any progress. Similarly deleting files is troublesome and rarely works, I have to resort to rebooting my machine, reinstalling the Nexus 4 drivers and constantly unplugging and replugging the device.
I had the last straw this morning when I tried to move some photos from the device to my PC which aren't opening, giving me the error 'Windows Photo Viewer can't open this picture because the file appears to be damaged, corrupted or too large'. They are normal photos at ~2.5mb in size and work perfectly on the phone.
Any help would be appreciated as it's very annoying now!


Are you transferring a large amount of files? The new mtp protocol seems to have trouble with that, at least on windows. I haven't seen the "no internal memory" error you mention but I have had constant corrupted files and crashes while trying to transfer +1000 photos for instance (I'm using stock, unrooted), to the point of making it impossible to finish. See also this bug report here. What you describe may or may not be this issue, but if it is I have no idea what the fix is; I've personally given up.


Hermes screws up memory card

I've been having an issue with my device. Once every week or so, something happens to my 16 GB SanDisk memory card. Exactly what happens I can't tell you, but it can be stuff from Media Player not beeing able to add files to the library (but plays them fine if you open them manually), to the phone freezing after entering PIN upon start-up. Sometimes it freezes randomly, and I have to remove the SD-card. Whenever this happen, using my card reader and running Vistas error-checking sorta helps it, or if I can isolate a file that causes a problem (not a program, any kind of file) and delete it, it usually works.
But, why does this happen? I never take the card out of the phone, except when trying to fix the errors. I sync over Bluetooth and USB, I've used different ROMs (I think, I've flashed quite a few recently so can't tell for sure), I've used diffrent line-up of programs, but it stills keep acting weird. Any clues? It's quite annoying. I didn't search the forums, since I honestly don't know what to search for. Any clues or search strings are most welcome! Thanks!
Forgot to mention, I'm currently running CRC's latest stable, but, as I said, I don't think that's the problem.
same thiong happened to me
My mem card started showing up files with some weird names, other files were unaccesible, programs stopped responding and the phone would freeze until I took out the mem card. What I id to fix the issue was, took out all the vital info (keep it minimal cuz there might be a corrupted file and we dont want to transfer that one to the phone again. format your memory card using a "low level" format application http://lmgtfy.com/?q=low+level+format+freeware+download+sd&l=1 then pop it back in again and the phome will format it, and transfer your old data back. This happened to me a while back and havnt had a single issue sience the low level thingie. Hopes this helps
I'm afraid this is a common enough problem and has been written about many times. Causes vary from software errors, switching off before all data is written or even physical contacts between phone and card (some evn say different brands of card work better).
If it happens that you see corrupt file names do not continue using the device or open programs or trying to delete data. Imediately perform a soft reset, this can recover (sometimes) the corrupt FAT file and save data.
The inability to save Media Player files to the library is an un-related issue and is a known software issue. You can overcome the issue by deleting the msmetadata file (search this forum for more info). Unfortunately it's something you may have to do fairly regularly.

[Q] USB file copy errors after rooting

New to the N7 - only had it for a few days and in the early days it was fine copying stuff to/from PC.
Now, after rooting, the xfer speed is much reduced (on multiple PCs) and quite often the copy process with timeout part way through.
Before rooting I quite happily copied 8GB onto the N7 but now I'm having trouble copying 20MB - sometimes it will copy, sometimes it won't. Just hangs. Need to remove USB cable and re-insert and copy in small chunks waiting for it to happen again.
Never seen this on my (rooted) One-X or Desire in the past.
I would ask if this was an artefact of MTP storage but it was fine before rooting. Rooting method was Wug's without installing a custom recovery.
Anything I can change or do to get this working reliably again?
vfrvulcan said:
New to the N7 - only had it for a few days and in the early days it was fine copying stuff to/from PC.
Now, after rooting, the xfer speed is much reduced (on multiple PCs) and quite often the copy process with timeout part way through.
Before rooting I quite happily copied 8GB onto the N7 but now I'm having trouble copying 20MB - sometimes it will copy, sometimes it won't. Just hangs. Need to remove USB cable and re-insert and copy in small chunks waiting for it to happen again.
Never seen this on my (rooted) One-X or Desire in the past.
I would ask if this was an artefact of MTP storage but it was fine before rooting. Rooting method was Wug's without installing a custom recovery.
Anything I can change or do to get this working reliably again?
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i dont think its related to rooting try to wait for a bit when transferring like 10-15 mins mine also gets stuck at the last part and i hust wait for about 5 mins then its done
ngoralph said:
i dont think its related to rooting try to wait for a bit when transferring like 10-15 mins mine also gets stuck at the last part and i hust wait for about 5 mins then its done
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Pre-rooting I could xfer 8GB with no problem. Filename currently being copied shows in the Windows Explorer diaglog box as it rattles through them.
Copying the same set of files and you can see it hang on a single filename for what seems like ages and then get a Windows 'device has timed-out error, skip or retry'. Both options fail.
It's not a case of leaving it 10-15 mins because it *fails*
I'm rooted with the stock rom at 4.2.1 and my Usb transfers are every bit as speedy as before rooting. Big files, little files, lots of files, doesn't matter. I get very fast transfers. I did do an fdr after the latest update.

[Q] A500 strange behavior, please help

Good morning XDA, I've come to you this morning because of some ongoing issues with my A500. It all started a few months back when I decided to try out utorrent on my tablet, everything was running smoothly and the speeds were around 1MB/s down so no complaints there. Then suddenly my speeds drop off to almost nothing and nothing I tried short of a reboot fixed it...temporarily. Then I started noticing other things that just didn't make sense such as file downloads from the browser finishing incredibly fast only to find out the file was only partially downloaded. I've also noticed when I transfer files to the external SD or to a USB drive that sometimes the file copy/cut/paste/delete says unsuccessful using ES File Manager. Sometimes the file will transfer incredibly fast but when I look it's only partially transferred, sometimes when a file transfer fails on a copy the source file vanishes from my internal SD. Every so often when I put files on the micro SD and even a USB drive when I put it into my PC to tranfer files that way windows wants me to scan for errors. I notice when my tablet is showing these symptoms it's also quite laggy and it appears to happen after long periods of being on even if it's been asleep most of that time.
I did a factory reset and it seemed to help but only temporarily and I have no idea what's going on. I'm running stock ICS and I am not rooted. It's just strange that I can fix all the symptoms temporarily with a reboot but a few hours later it all comes back and I have to reboot again. Thinking maybe my micro SD was faulty I put all my music on my internal SD via USB but some of my music files have been corrupted with noise and random skipping through the tracks. When I transfer large files or even large amounts of files over USB to my PC it also makes my PC BSOD but that's a whole other can of worms.
Any help would be much appreciated, anything you need from me to help diagnose the problem will be provided, thanks in advance.
92 views and nobody even has any suggestions?

MTP-Mode is killing my nerves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WTF is this BS forced MTP.
I have to plug/unplug the phone like 100 times to actually get things working, this mtp sucks so bad.
Only upside is to be able to use adb and mtp together so that you can use the stuff you copy onto the phone right away.
Are there any tricks or tipps on how to use mtp? Do i just need to wait if things get "stuck" again? Like if I want to copy over files sometimes it takes ages before it even starts. OR when I rename files etc, the update takes ages...
--- or this sh!t is not noticed at all.. even unlocked and everything it disappears from the drives list over and over..........
I want my usb storage mode back so badly... arggggghhhhhh
Switch MTP mode off?
Try *#0808#
or *#7284# //I don't think this one works on S4 and Note3
starting from yesterday my note 3 stopped to be recognized from pc, it always fails in installing the mtp driver for the pc,
ive tried alot of ways to solve(unistalling drivers, regedit, etc..), but with no luck
is it possible that i hibernated or freezed something, which leads to the driver installation failure
have been thinking of upgrading my S2 for the 20th time now, but every, single, time when I explore my S2 and compare with the newer kitkat phones,
this is the biggest mistake Google has ever done to Android... I just, can't, and won't ever, accept this stupid change.
Exploring DCIM via USB Storage on Windows:
(thumbnails blurred for privacy reasons)
Exploring DCIM via MTP on Windows:
Other most annoying differences:
In USB mode, I could play the videos I recorded immediately, and play any mp3's immediately.
In MTP mode, not only can I not see a thumbnail preview in Explorer, double clicking it forces Windows to copy the entire file to desktop before it can be played! (both video and mp3s)
I am hugging my legacy S2 more tightly than ever.
Mass storage mode (MSC) is removed on Android 4.3 (or 4.2.2) and later
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

Is it Possible to Recover a 5min Video From Your DCIM You Deleted?

Hi. I recently tried to transfer a video from my Galaxy S5 to my PC but for some reason, the piece of scrap decided to lag and fail the transfer. From there it gets glitchy. I unplug and replug the phone to see if that fixes it, and I still have trouble accessing it to transfer the video. Eventually after 3 or so replugs I am able to get in the DCIM file and try to transfer and it asks me if I want to replace the file (200MB with 490MB) so I assume it failed to transfer 100% so I hit yes. Thinking it was successful without testing if it worked or not, like an idiot, I deleted it from my folder using the PC. Most people delete their files by mistake on their phones, but I deleted it through the USB. The next day I tried to open the video, only to find that it is only 4KB... somehow the transfer mucked up even more that it isn't even a partial file. I'm pretty furious as I recorded some once in a lifetime events so I've wasted a lot of time and money on some programs to try to recover that single video but so far have proven fruitless. I just recover garbage files that I have never seen before, either from ads or facebook... none of them from my phone's camera.
So long story short, a transfer failed, I deleted the file on my phone using the PC, Dr Fone, EaseUS, Recuva, Diskdigger have all failed to recover even older videos from my phone, is it even possible to recover it at this point or am I wasting my time? :crying:
