i bought an HTC blackstone 3 months ago and it came with an operator ROM (SFR France). All works perfectly but i'm looking for a trick to change the colour of TF3D. The SFR Rom TF3D colour scheme is red/white, but i prefer the offical black colour.
Is there a way to do this without flashing and without totaly replace the TF3D ?
Perhaps just change a registry key or editing a config file ?
Thanks for you answers.
Edit :
Here you can see the actual SFR (vodafone) colours : http://www.vodafone.com/etc/medialib/media_images_autumn.Par.59561.Image.o.gif (it's not the Blackstone.. just an example )
(Sorry for my bad english, i'm french )
Does anyone have a solution for my question ?
Have you tried installing a new theme?
Hum no. But that's why I ask how to do this "setting" without installed a theme or completely remove the actual.
There is no way to change a registry value, for example, maniala color : red --> to black ?
osmaster said:
Hum no. But that's why I ask how to do this "setting" without installed a theme or completely remove the actual.
There is no way to change a registry value, for example, maniala color : red --> to black ?
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Not as far as I know. You'd have to alter the manila files i.e. install a new theme
I'm not the most knowledgeable though, so I'd be tempted to wait for someone to confirm what I said
Mind you, if it was me, I'd install a new ROM altogether to get rid of all the crap that comes with an operator-altered ROM
No chance. You have to use a theme
osmaster said:
Hum no. But that's why I ask how to do this "setting" without installed a theme or completely remove the actual.
There is no way to change a registry value, for example, maniala color : red --> to black ?
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Thanks for your answers.
Last questions:
Where can i find the original HTC HD theme (full original without modifications or custom parameters) ?
Is the original theme linked with the language, for example : i've a french rom, if i change the theme with an original HTC hd theme (english rom) (if someone can tell me where i can find it ) , may somes bugs appeared and my original language altered ?
Hi all. I'm new here and new user for Ideos X5. I have setup last miui rom but i wanna something.
How can i use this lockscreen... I have found but not like original. I wanna original on stock rom...
Meanwhile so sory for my bad english..
sorry. you can watch video on youtube...
Install miui rom it has that stock.
i have setup miui rom and i'm still use. i've to say, i found this lockscreen but not like original... i wanna in original stock rom lockscreen.
the links are inactive,so i cann't see what you mean exactly,but as I understand your problem,all miui roms unlock the screen from up to downinot from left to right.
This's miui,it was stock,enjoy!!
Settings > Personal > Display > Screen on animation -> on
Settings > Personal > Display > Screen off animation -> on
If I understand correctly you want the lock/unlock CRT like effect on your Ideos X5.
This effect in the video is from 2.3 version of Android. The original stock ROM is 2.2 and doesn't have this effect.
[DFT Freedom ROM] 7740 V3 Mozart DFT freedom ROM
DFT freedom ROM see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1205369
This version of the ROM support 22 languages, which are:
1.USA_CHT_CHS English_Simplified Chinese_Traditional Chinese
2.USA_ENG_FRA_ITA_GER_ESN_NLD_DAN_FIN_NOR_SVE_PTB_PTG_RUS_ELL_HUN_CSY_PLK English_Britain_France_Italy_Germany_Spain_Poland_Czech_Hungary_Denmark_Finland_Netherlands_Sweden_Norway_Brazil_Portuguese_Greece_Russia_Traditional Chinese_Simplified Chinese_Japanese_Korean 22 in one
Updates from V2:
Replace the native part of the 7740 code
Replace HTC HUB 2.2 (build 2119.36274)
Replace Connection setup 1.12 (build 18323)
Replace Location 1.1 (build 2119.32213)
Replace Connection Media 1.1 (build 2119.23307
Replace AttentivePhone 1.14
Replace Sound Enhancer 2.1
The first boot screen image update DFT
Reg tweaks of Volume changed from 0-30 to 60-100
Beijing time zone the default boot time zone (no SIM card)
USA_CHT_CHS version adds
HTC Watch (build 2119.26297)
Flashlight 1.2 (build 2118.36274)
Photo Enhancer 1.5 (build 2118.40242)
Note 1.6 (build 2118.41307)
Dock mode 1.1(build 2119.33256)
Compass 1.1 (build 2120.17141)
UC mango version of browser
DFT_DC (DFT Download Center)
Important Note
1. Before doing anything, make sure you have more than 50% battery!
2. You must have RSPL / HSPL installed on your device, download RSPL / HSPL see this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1195647
3. Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.
This ROM is free of charge, at your own risk. We do not have any conflict, fault, or damage caused by the process of responsibility. Implied or otherwise, if you agree that any use of the product warranty. Did not find the problem, several different devices simultaneously to test this product, your experience may vary.
Products used for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited, and prohibited xda.cn forum, coolxap froum, nduoo Forum reproduced and used
For the protection of the DFT our official website and XDA-developers.com, it is not allowed within 5 days reproduced in this ROM, after five days free reproduced, reprinted, be sure to indicate the DFT produced the original post and add links
22 langs
Download link 1
Download link 2
Download link 1
Download link 2
Thanks downloading now
fix volume problem
DFT ROM V3 - change a search engine???
Great work!!! Thx....
I have a small question. It possible to change a search engine from the BING to the GOOGLE? Now I use the DFT ROM V2. In this ROM with APP Advance config. I can't do it, it's blocked.
I´m sorry for my english.
mwang said:
fix volume problem
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I am unable to set the registry values it gives me error saying can't write registry values
Unable to set the registry values!!!????
mwang said:
fix volume problem
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Click to collapse
Error "unable to set the registry values" for changing!!!!!!!!
is very bad.
Adjusted as follows:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
reboot! finish
great job
is it possible to change my predicting keyboard from chines to english
it is my only problem on this rom so far
Thanks for this one !!!
i was searching but i can`t find clear information. Can i update my dft v1 to dft v3 without loosing contacts, photos, vids, app etc. ?
I was searching a good backup app but i can`t find any suitable.
Can you answer me ?
no you cant
Is anybody see the color banding problem when open HTC Hub? And I think the touch focus function camera is not appeared in V3, I saw this function in V2.
yugiohhh said:
Is anybody see the color banding problem when open HTC Hub? And I think the touch focus function camera is not appeared in V3, I saw this function in V2.
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Modify your registry as follows (quoted from DFT China Forum, by Mwang)..
then reboot. U'll find the color smoother.
For the touch focus function, which appeared in V2, was not perfect. You can touch the point to activate the focus frame but it wasn't effective. so it was removed in V3. it will be added again when running perfectly in future versions.
dft v3 runs perfectly smooth. thx!
can you implement burst shoot and panorama in the future versions? this would be cool.
Hi, For everybody .... Can you change search engine BING to GOOGLE in V3?? I have V2 + Advence Config., and in this version is impossible to do it
Sorry for my bad English...
EmpTea said:
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This registry edit brings back the same color distortion.
You can check that in HTC Hub easily...
I want to remind that it's "Nodo fix 16 bit colour banding". Keyword is NoDo!!! We don't need to apply it anymore because it's fixed in the system by default.
The default meanings - 10 (hex) for all three parameters - work perfectly on latest 7740.
Low Signal Strength
message deleted due to wrong forum
AndrewSh said:
This registry edit brings back the same color distortion.
You can check that in HTC Hub easily...
I want to remind that it's "Nodo fix 16 bit colour banding". Keyword is NoDo!!! We don't need to apply it anymore because it's fixed in the system by default.
The default meanings - 10 (hex) for all three parameters - work perfectly on latest 7740.
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EmpTea is right, you should test this rom with MOZART before you say that. May be this issue is not the colour banding problem. However, before I change the registry value like EmpTea, the gradient background in HTC Hub is not smooth.
yugiohhh said:
EmpTea is right, you should test this rom with MOZART before you say that. May be this issue is not the colour banding problem. However, before I change the registry value like EmpTea, the gradient background in HTC Hub is not smooth.
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Are you kidding me? You wanna tell me what should I test? I don't use DFT rom V3 because:
1. it's pretty buggy (comparing to V2)
2. I use only my own roms
But believe me - I tested both V2 & V3.
I also tested that color **** on 3 different Mozarts. If the system is normally made 7740 - the Nodo color banding - just useless, even it makes it worse.
AndrewSh said:
Are you kidding me? You wanna tell me what should I test? I don't use DFT rom V3 because:
1. it's pretty buggy (comparing to V2)
2. I use only my own roms
But believe me - I tested both V2 & V3.
I also tested that color **** on 3 different Mozarts. If the system is normally made 7740 - the Nodo color banding - just useless, even it makes it worse.
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What should you test?
1. Flash DFT V3
2. After flashing, open the HTC Hub and look at the blue gradient background. Is it smooth?
3. Edit the registry value like EmpTea's post
4. Reboot and open the HTC Hub again, look at the blue gradient background anf you will see the difference. Is it smoother?
If you don't want to do this test, I will show you some evidence pictures later. Anyway, I don't say that this issue is colour banding problem, may be it's another problem and my question in the post #12 above is wrong (in the post #12, I want to expland that the bg in HTC Hub is not smooth, sorry because I thought it is colour banding problem, sorry for my miss understanding). However, the registry fix in EmpTea's post is affective.
I'm not using DFT V3 like you because I like unlocked roms based on lastest ship rom without any tweaks for stability. But the EmpTea's solution works well, it's useful for people who want to use this rom.
Ok i try a chinese rom for the defy, this rom have a blur component and defy+ kernel, specificly a 2.3.4, here link of the thread
Everithing is fine, is nice and very stable.
but i have idea, using a ms2giger rom base, aply the miui patchrom and VOILA! miui whith 720p and better hardware accelerations (In the actual miui rom we cant have a animated wallpaper)
But after i'm diffs a files, and tried to modify a twice stuff, no works i have a nice bootloop... and softbrick xD.
Here my question is posible to do that?
Because i wanted a some stuff from ms2giger and the chinese rom.
The USB menu, have 2 options more thetering and mediasync, the motorola dlna aplication and mediashare, can use animated wallpaper.
in the chinese rom i love the miui notifications clear, chage the buttons clear for the X in the top and have a date, that clear is better for the slide to delete notification.
Sorry for my bad inglish.
Have a nice day.