[Q] Nexus 7 - Please help me choose a good one... :) - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys, i had my nexus 7 for about a2 weeks and i love it.
But a i have a doubt and i would be very help me if you could advise me...
FIrst of all i am portuguese, so if i dont express myself correctly don't be afraid to as what the hell am i saying... XD
So here's the thing... Tomorrow is the last day for me to return or trade my nexus 7 on the store i bought it (15 day trial).
I am about to keep it but the is only one thing that is bugging me... On the right side i portrait mode the bezel is a little higher than the screen, but on the right side the scrren and the bezel are equal. The screen does not make noises, it does not goes down when i press it and all seems fine. Sould i worry about the left side of the screen being the same with the bezel? Is it possible for me to get the feared screen lift issue?
Also is it my nexus 7 from a good batch? My SN says CAOKBC172**** ... This serial number indicates something good or bad? I am asking this because i saw people on the forum claiming that the ones above the c70 batch were the good ones...
Please help me so i can make sure if i can stick with my nexus or since tomorrow is my last day to trade it should i exchange it.
Thank u all.....

Hi. There is no such thing as good S/N. At least no with N7. You tablet looks fine. I got a CBOK that looks perfect, but i will not search for micro faults. So my advice is enjoy your N7.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium


Things to check when my google nexus 7 arrives to make sure everything is fine in it?

I'm new on here , so please be easy on me with my question :angel: . I recently purchased Google nexus 7 tablet from some local website who asks the customers to report any defect with in one day, only then they will ship new product :crying: , So I'll get one day for checking . Since Google hasn't launched Google nexus 7 tablet here (India) officially, so I'm getting the imported one, website support peoples even ain't aware of how to get warranty if product gets turned in to black box .
I saw some q/a here and I found many peoples having problem with product (related hardware ones) . I'd be thankful if you guys could list some basic things to check pertaining to hardware of product to make sure everything is fine
Hi, I'm on my 5th replacement and everyone had a different fault!
First you want to check round the edge of the screen to make sure the glass is flush with the case and not raised up so you can push it down with your finger, If anywhere the problem is normally down the left side. (DON'T TRY TO REPAIR IT YOURSELF WITH THE SCREW FIX TUTORIALS!) In most cases the fix is just temporary and the problem returns. This is a defect!
The next thing you want to do is check for dead pixels & white light bleed out around the edge of the screen. This app is perfect for the job.
Next you want to check the speakers by cranking them up to 100% and play several video or audio files to check for crackling/distortion/popping.
It's well known that the speakers are very cheap but they should still be crystal clear with the volume at it's highest.
Now you want to check the touch screens response. There is an issue with the screen not responding after heavy processing/game play where the screen becomes unresponsive down one half of the screen and only locking/unlocking the screen solves the problem.
First I would advise hammering the N7 with a game that is Tegra 3 supported for example Dead Trigger or Shadow Gun to get it nice and hot if at any time the screen becomes unresponsive then you have the same issue.
To double check run this app, you should quite easily be able to detect all ten fingers on the screen at all times.
The last thing I would check is the connectivity through Wi-Fi & Bluetooth, this is the least common fault as far as I know. Just check you have nice strong signals with no drop outs.
So after all that if you have managed to put a tick in all the boxes I reckon you have a sweet device!
I hope this helps you and any one else out there and that you have more luck than I had finally getting a perfect working N7.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Great question (although I don't know if it's a dupe). Thanks for all the info mr_tris. That sucks you're having so many issues. I haven't noticed anything wrong with mine since I got it yesterday, but I'll check all the things you mentioned when I have the tablet in front of me.
@mr_tris jeez!! 5 replacement means something and very horrible so to speak . I really appreciate help and advises you posted. I'll make sure to check them out .
The only problem I'll have if found any problem in device is that I'll have to wait another 20 days since the new product will be imported by website peoples for me to make replacement
One other thing to check: the gyro.
Does the screen rotate normally or do you have to turn the device so the screen is practically vertical (assuming you choose to unlock rotation via the notification panel).
If you are into gaming, try a driving game or something to make sure the cars don't veer left or right.
I had this trouble on my second one and have read of quite a few other people having the same problem.
The only real issue I've heard about is the screen raising above the bevel some. Yea this is a defect as the screws are too long and pushes the screen out. Returning it 50 times isn't going to fix it. Only by chance may you get one where the screw is slightly smaller (1mm). The solution is to make a little washer out of some plastic and put it under the screw. It doesn't need much to fix it. The cover pops off just like a regular battery cover and the screws are right there. If it is a problem for you, why NOT try to spend 2 min and just fix it yourself?
You wouldn't even notice unless someone pointed it out. You literally have to turn the N7 and look across the screen to even notice it. Hardly anything to freak out about.
Some people have blown their speakers already too. Most have been after a long session of movie watching or music. I suggest to not blow your speakers out (using at Max volume for extended periods) right out of the box. Let the speakers break in first. Honestly the speakers are so loud anyway that I normally have it at 50% volume Max. Probably not an issue either but its good usage practice.
I've also heard of one or two screens fritzing out with lines and fades. Probably nothing to concern yourself with.
I haven't heard of anything else but I guess it would always be best to check it out thoroughly.
I do recommend unlocking first thing because it wipes all data including storage and saves. I'm using EOS rom and its heavenly. Trinity kernel is also awesome because he tweaks the colors of the screen to pop more.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
shaneydroid said:
One other thing to check: the gyro.
Does the screen rotate normally or do you have to turn the device so the screen is practically vertical (assuming you choose to unlock rotation via the notification panel).
If you are into gaming, try a driving game or something to make sure the cars don't veer left or right.
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Well I just installed Puddle and Riptide and my gyroscope is offset by 11% to the right. I can calibrate it with the compass app but it goes back to normal when you reboot it!
RMA form is completed and Replacement No.6 is on its way! :-/
Sent from my Galaxy S2 using xda app-developers app
My nexus 7 arrived today and I must say it's flawless so far I checked . No screen separation, no dead pixel, tested touch with app, played games , voice etc . The SSN starts with C60
mr_tris said:
Well I just installed Puddle and Riptide and...
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Wait... what? I don't see anything (relevent) in the Play Store with those names. Gotta link please?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Beamon said:
I'm new on here , so please be easy on me with my question :angel: . I recently purchased Google nexus 7 tablet from some local website who asks the customers to report any defect with in one day, only then they will ship new product :crying: , So I'll get one day for checking . Since Google hasn't launched Google nexus 7 tablet here (India) officially, so I'm getting the imported one, website support peoples even ain't aware of how to get warranty if product gets turned in to black box .
I saw some q/a here and I found many peoples having problem with product (related hardware ones) . I'd be thankful if you guys could list some basic things to check pertaining to hardware of product to make sure everything is fine
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Most important things are:
Screen - check viewing angles and color reproduction in the dark. Best reference is to use a site like GSMARENA for high res photos and screen reviews.
Body - Look for cracks or scratches, especially around ports and the headphone jack.
Things to disregard:
Slow system - this is just something you will have to deal with in an android environment.
Warm after prolonged use - again, normal.
JeepFreak said:
Wait... what? I don't see anything (relevent) in the Play Store with those names. Gotta link please?
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You need to install Tegra Zone from Play Store then you'll find them there.
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player911 said:
The only real issue I've heard about is the screen raising above the bevel some. Yea this is a defect as the screws are too long and pushes the screen out. Returning it 50 times isn't going to fix it. Only by chance may you get one where the screw is slightly smaller (1mm). The solution is to make a little washer out of some plastic and put it under the screw. It doesn't need much to fix it. The cover pops off just like a regular battery cover and the screws are right there. If it is a problem for you, why NOT try to spend 2 min and just fix it yourself?
You wouldn't even notice unless someone pointed it out. You literally have to turn the N7 and look across the screen to even notice it. Hardly anything to freak out about.
Some people have blown their speakers already too. Most have been after a long session of movie watching or music. I suggest to not blow your speakers out (using at Max volume for extended periods) right out of the box. Let the speakers break in first. Honestly the speakers are so loud anyway that I normally have it at 50% volume Max. Probably not an issue either but its good usage practice.
I've also heard of one or two screens fritzing out with lines and fades. Probably nothing to concern yourself with.
I haven't heard of anything else but I guess it would always be best to check it out thoroughly.
I do recommend unlocking first thing because it wipes all data including storage and saves. I'm using EOS rom and its heavenly. Trinity kernel is also awesome because he tweaks the colors of the screen to pop more.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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what Trinity kernel does the color tweaks?? i am on CM10 M-Series with Trinity V111, i dont see the tweaks any where??
I just gave a Nexus 7 to my wife for her Birthday yesterday. I must be working fine since her was on it all day yesterday and for the last several hours this evening. If anything was wrong with it, she would of discovered it by now.
When it arrives turn it on, set it up and enjoy it. Don't make urself miserable looking for flaws. If you don't notice anything out of the box don't go looking for issues. Trust me....
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
SPreston2001 said:
If you don't notice anything out of the box don't go looking for issues. Trust me....
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I wish I could have that attitude about my electronic devices. It would be a shame for someone to find a defect after the 15 day return grace period just because their device might be OK and they never bothered checking it. You must have spare money to burn. :what:
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mr_tris said:
I wish I could have that attitude about my electronic devices. It would be a shame for someone to find a defect after the 15 day return grace period just because their device might be OK and they never bothered checking it. You must have spare money to burn. :what:
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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No I don't have money to burn lol but I just don't think its worth the stress of over examining for defects. If you look hard enough you will see that something isn't 100% straight or a tiny spec of plastic is sticking out or whatever and then it will stand out like a sore thumb once you've noticed it lol. Give it a glance over and if it looks good to you then enjoy your tablet.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
I have flawless c80 here, no raising lcd, no others failures here.. You gotta have some luck sometimes.

[Q] Should I return my N7 32gb? (Screen lift)

Hi all
I bought the new nexus 7(c90) 32gb a few days ago from PC world along with the 2 year guarantee. Out of the box it was working perfectly and I began setting it up as you do .
Anyways after around 10 mins of using it a tiny flake of the silver plastic bezel felt loose and then fell off so I have this 4mm black "scrape" on the corner of my N7's bezel but as this is so small (I will try to include a pic) I am just putting it down as wear and tear
However here is my bigger issue. After reading how many 8gb/16gb N7's had the dreadful screen lift I decided to check mine. It seems that the middle of the left side of the screen is higher than the right side and does not sit flush with the bezel however it's barely sitting a width of a hair above it. I can run my nail from the middle of the screen to the right and feel the bezel is higher than the screen however when I do the same to the left side my nail simply falls off. If I hold my N7 horizontally and look down at it , the left side is higher than the right as the bezel cannot be seen towards the middle of the screen. If you look at the left side you can sort of see the screen bulging out by the smallest amount and if you push on the screen you can see a very very small amount of screen flex.
I would really appreciate any advice. I asked my parents to buy this as a Bday present me as these N7's are really good value for money and this being my first proper tab I really wanted to flash roms ect but due to the screen lift/bezel issue im not sure what to do. PC world claim to refund or replace any item that develops a fault within 21 days. Spoke to my parents and they tell me if it's that small of an issue I’m just better off leaving it. Yesterday I want to a large shopping centre and tested out some N7's(not sure on gb's) and 2 of the 3 displayed a similar issue however due to the rush I’m not 100% sure. Also tested Tesco’s 16gb and there was no screen lift.
I'm worried that after a while the screen issue may get worse. After some reading last night I read that 32gb's are excluded from this design flaw so Is there a possibility of me owning a faulty one? . Do you think PC world would accept these as "faults?" . If I'd never seen the thread on screen lift then I most likely would have never noticed anything. .
Hope all this makes sense, any questions please ask!
I bought one yesterday mate from Currys and I didn't think mine was bad until I compared it against the display model in store today. Mine had a lot of screen lift and I could easily get my finger nail between the screen and the bezel, the quality was poor to say the least.
I took it back today and had a really good chat with the guys at Currys and they were mega helpful. I ended up exchanging it for a new unit and its near on perfect so I'm chuffed to bits.
You won't get close to getting a tablet of this spec for the money. Take it back and get another one.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
crash_194 said:
I bought one yesterday mate from Currys and I didn't think mine was bad until I compared it against the display model in store today. Mine had a lot of screen lift and I could easily get my finger nail between the screen and the bezel, the quality was poor to say the least.
I took it back today and had a really good chat with the guys at Currys and they were mega helpful. I ended up exchanging it for a new unit and its near on perfect so I'm chuffed to bits.
You won't get close to getting a tablet of this spec for the money. Take it back and get another one.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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thanks for the reply. I'm also able to wedge my nail in the gap between the bezel and left side of the screen. I am strongly considering returning it back in the next few days however I'm not sure if they will accept it as the screen lift isn't that noticible initially . Also how did the exchange process go?, did you just get a new boxed replacement or did you ask them to open up a few?.
Sent from my Windows Phone
Definitely get it replaced.
-Brought to you by Marino's Nexus 7-
Mine was quite noticeable because even though I hadn't had the tablet a full 24hrs there was already dust and bits gathering down one side of the screen which made it stand out even more. The screen lift was something I could only see getting worse. I actually took the back off for a nosey before I exchanged it and I could see there were missing screws down the side of the bezel which I believe is how Asus are trying to combat the screen lift.
The two guys I spoke with at Currys were obviously in to their gadgets as well and were aware of the quality issues with these tablets and said if I wasn't happy I could have my money back or exchange it for something else, or they said I could try another one and see how I got on. I personally didn't suggest opening them until I found one I was happy with as I appreciate they wouldn't be able to sell them then.
I'm happy with my new one though and I'm really glad I exchanged it.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
I took 2 back to tesco both within 48hrs, both suffering screen lift, my 3rd has it ever so slightly, less than 0.25mm but as it's in a case it hasn't got any worse so I'm happy to live with it as is.
So yes take it back as it is a known fault.
Transmitted via Nexus7
I bought one from Staples and after couple of days of use I too found the screen lift on the left side. I finally returned it yesterday morning. Then in the evening I got a new one from Office Depot. So far its free from any defect. I hope it stays that way. Also my new one starts with serial no. CA0K. The one was defective was C90K.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Yes even though there are known issues and we've had bad experiences, don't get clouded in to thinking this isn't a good tablet because it is and I personally think it's well worth the perseverance. I've now got it in an official Asus neoprene flip case and a zagg invisible shield screen protector, looks the dogs
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Mine was bought in July and I have just noticed screen lift. I bought it from PC world, what shall I do
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Thanks for all the replies!
I will be going in for a replacement tommorrow, I just hope that they will accept it. Like I said before, the screen lift is not very apparent however it is there. If the staff disagree and kick up a fuss that there is no screen lift or the screen lift has no negitive effects then what's the best course of action?
Since buying the N7 and discovering it had screen lift + chipped bezel I don't have the satisfaction of it being "mine",really wanted to flash roms and experiment but the confusion in returning it or not kept me stock :crying: . The N7 I have does not have any light bleed,ghosting and I'm pretty sure the colours of the screen are normal. Should I check this on my replacement N7 when I get it?
Also I'm looking at a N7 starting with C90 right?
Another thought is getting a refund and saving up for a 32gb nexus 10 . Also A N10 would cost me around £200 extra . I initaily went with a nexus7 as it was cheap for the high specs, In my budget and as it is my first android device & tablet allows me to learn & tinker with it with no regret compared to a almost half grand N10. I have also heard on here that many users downsized from a 10" to a 7" . Could anyone shed their opinion?
P.s: I have attached some images
I'm returing mine for black lines , the only thing is I can't find the warranty card . Do I need it ?
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I'm so shocked that Google hasn't stepped in to improve the quality on the 32 gig models after all the problems with the 8 and 16. I love Google products but quality must come first not quantity. I used to work for Sony and this would've been totally unacceptable.
Return it and open the replacement right in the store and continue to do that until you get a good one.
Return it right away. The more tablets that get returned because of this "screen lift" the better. Maybe next time they will not repeat the same mistake.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Just an update
Went in and was able to get a replacement N7, Checked this one in the store and it had pretty much no screen lift apart from a very very very slight lift from the left towards the bottom. We also checked another one inc a display model and they were much worse. I also went snooping in various shops to look at the N7 and all of them had some sort of screen lift.
Overall I'm quite happy with the new one, my only complaint is that there is a small amount of backlight bleeding in the bottom left corner if the brightness is set at 100%. If the brightness is on auto or below 50% you cannot really see it unless you are actively looking for it.
I've heard much worse issues with the N7 so I'm happy with this one. Am I right the LED's are only located on the left side of the tablet?
I'd return it again. I've returned 3 and my newest is flawless. there are good units out there, you will find one!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
I applied a minimal amount of crazy glue to the affected area months ago, and it's been perfect ever since. Asus sucks, but if you want a 7" Nexus, what can you do?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app

Is it worth the risk ?

Hey guys...this is my first post in here, so please go easy on me. So, i have been in love with The nexus 7 since the day it was released. I have seen all kind of videos/reviews and thought that it is a perfect fit for me. But what i'm scared about is the durability of Nexus 7's screen. I have been hovering over Xda and specially in the Nexus 7 forum and found a lot of criticism regarding its screen cracks and poor build quality.
The thing is I live in Bangladesh, where i wont be able to enjoy any warranties or guarantees(actually I will get a one-day replacement warranty and that's it). Also, it is highly likely that i wont find the necessary equipment to fix it myself. I found only a single case cover for the Nexus which is the poetic brand slimline(Is that any good ? ). Nexus 7 16Gb version costs around $320 here
All this makes me doubt to purchase the awesome gadget and rather settle for the sub-standard Galaxy tab 2 7.0 3G which costs around the same.
But then again...i feel like I wont be able to happily enjoy any other set as i have been in love with Nexus 7 for the last 6 months. So, as u guys can seen that i'm real in pickle. So any advice will go a long way for me. Is Nexus 7 really worth the risk ?
Just don't drop it, any screen can crack that way. Also get a screen protector, the glass does scratch relatively easy.
Fun story. I got an 8gb nexus from the first batch that were made. But I don't currently live in the US, so I ran a huge gamble by ordering one and having my family send it out to me in Asia. Worked *perfectly* until I went back to the US for Thanksgiving. Then, somehow, I blew out the speaker. I was able to get in touch with Google and get it swapped out in under a week, returned to Asia with my new 8GB (no magic upgrade, drat) and we've been happy ever since.
I don't think it's really any risk. The majority who complain about the nexus are a minority of the owners.
Also keep in mind you will hear more horror stories from pissed off owners than stories of folks reporting zero issues
Sent from my SHV-E160L using xda premium
nisamtetreb said:
Just don't drop it, any screen can crack that way. Also get a screen protector, the glass does scratch relatively easy.
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Well...yeah i do know that but still scared to find cracked screen appearing without any reason.
Sharpen3d said:
Fun story. I got an 8gb nexus from the first batch that were made. But I don't currently live in the US, so I ran a huge gamble by ordering one and having my family send it out to me in Asia. Worked *perfectly* until I went back to the US for Thanksgiving. Then, somehow, I blew out the speaker. I was able to get in touch with Google and get it swapped out in under a week, returned to Asia with my new 8GB (no magic upgrade, drat) and we've been happy ever since.
I don't think it's really any risk. The majority who complain about the nexus are a minority of the owners.
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Aah how I wish I could have that opportunity of returning it, if any problem arises. Thank for sharing your story
magiconthetire said:
Also keep in mind you will hear more horror stories from pissed off owners than stories of folks reporting zero issues
Sent from my SHV-E160L using xda premium
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Well that is true and reassuring.
I'd say go for it. As for screen cracking for "no reason", I always wonder just how much truth there is to those stories. I've been perfectly happy with my nexus 7, and it has none of the "so common" problems.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
95Z28 said:
I'd say go for it. As for screen cracking for "no reason", I always wonder just how much truth there is to those stories. I've been perfectly happy with my nexus 7, and it has none of the "so common" problems.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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My friend got his 16gig N7 the day it came out and has had zero hardware issues with it. Gotta give credit to magiconthetire as well, he hit the nail on the head. When things go wrong it's the end of the world. But when things go right, you won't even know anything is happening at all.
Also I picked up the Poetic Slim case you mentioned and I really like it. The only draw back is how close the case comes to the bezel on the edges of the screen; if you have big hands or don't hit the bottom navigation bar or top notification bar at the right angle...the case sort of gets in the way. My solution to that is using a stylus for more accurate precision. The stylus also makes typing significantly easier, especially if you use gesture typing such as Swype, SwiftKey Flow, etc.
OP if you know someone you trust in Europe, USA, or even Australia. Get them to buy the tablet for you and ship it out to you. Even with shipping it will be a lot less than $320, if it breaks for something that is under warranty send it back to them and they can return it for repairs.
Cheers Danny
Vepaot said:
My friend got his 16gig N7 the day it came out and has had zero hardware issues with it. Gotta give credit to magiconthetire as well, he hit the nail on the head. When things go wrong it's the end of the world. But when things go right, you won't even know anything is happening at all.
Also I picked up the Poetic Slim case you mentioned and I really like it. The only draw back is how close the case comes to the bezel on the edges of the screen; if you have big hands or don't hit the bottom navigation bar or top notification bar at the right angle...the case sort of gets in the way. My solution to that is using a stylus for more accurate precision. The stylus also makes typing significantly easier, especially if you use gesture typing such as Swype, SwiftKey Flow, etc.
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Thanks. Could u tell me a bit more about the case. I have read some reviews and found out that their cover wears a bit after a couple of weeks. Is that true and about the stylus.....could u kindly recommend me one ? Thanks again
toidimaet said:
OP if you know someone you trust in Europe, USA, or even Australia. Get them to buy the tablet for you and ship it out to you. Even with shipping it will be a lot less than $320, if it breaks for something that is under warranty send it back to them and they can return it for repairs.
Cheers Danny
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Sadly, not a single person is willing to take that minute hassle.
Excellent protection: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1970566
Farhad1909 said:
Thanks. Could u tell me a bit more about the case. I have read some reviews and found out that their cover wears a bit after a couple of weeks. Is that true and about the stylus.....could u kindly recommend me one ? Thanks again
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I've only had mine for a couple of weeks and so far no issues here. This is under pretty heavy use as well, as I take my Nexus 7 with me everywhere that I go. The case works really well though, it has a snug fit on the N7 so it doesn't move around inside of it at all, the smart cover that turns the screen on when you open the flap back has worked flawlessly, the hand strap for the back is really nice for using it in portrait mode while laying in bed or for just holding it up during prolonged periods, and the landscape stand is a little tricky to figure out at fist...but works just fine once you figure it out. I'd recommend some kind of sound toggle app for your notification bar as well, because the case does make it a bit of a pain to reach the physical buttons. But that's not really Poetic's fault, the way the buttons angle down with the curve of the backside of the tablet makes them kind of annoying for any case that doesn't have the same slope on it.
As far as stylus' go, I heard good things about this one and it was still fairly cheap...I just got it in the mail a couple of days ago but so far, so good:
Visa Declined said:
Excellent protection: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1970566
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The thing is i need to wait for 3-4 months to receive any accessories for the nexus 7. So, meanwhile i need to live with the poetic brand as its the only one around.
Vepaot said:
I've only had mine for a couple of weeks and so far no issues here. This is under pretty heavy use as well, as I take my Nexus 7 with me everywhere that I go. The case works really well though, it has a snug fit on the N7 so it doesn't move around inside of it at all, the smart cover that turns the screen on when you open the flap back has worked flawlessly, the hand strap for the back is really nice for using it in portrait mode while laying in bed or for just holding it up during prolonged periods, and the landscape stand is a little tricky to figure out at fist...but works just fine once you figure it out. I'd recommend some kind of sound toggle app for your notification bar as well, because the case does make it a bit of a pain to reach the physical buttons. But that's not really Poetic's fault, the way the buttons angle down with the curve of the backside of the tablet makes them kind of annoying for any case that doesn't have the same slope on it.
As far as stylus' go, I heard good things about this one and it was still fairly cheap...I just got it in the mail a couple of days ago but so far, so good:
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Wow that was more then helpful. Thanks a lot.
This is the case I purchased. Sounds about the same as the poetic, but also includes a good screen protector.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
I have dropped mine a few times from different heights on different surfaces and its fine. But if you drop it right it will probably shatter, just get a case. Something like this if you are really clumsy.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Asus have international warranty for it.
Beamed from my Maguro.
If you ever want to buy a case throughout the internet I'd be more than happy to help a fellow owner out and re-ship to you!
I don't want to persuade you not to get one because I love the n7 and think everyone should have one, but i just broke my second one. My daughter dropped the first one and the corner of the screen shattered. I didn't have insurance because I've never dropped or lost a phone or laptop or anything, so it cost full price to replace it.
I had the second one in my back pocket, bent down, and screwed up the screen. My pants aren't tight but my butt put a little bit of leverage on the middle of the screen and broke it. When I turned it on later, the screen has a discolored line through it and a pattern of random lines on each side and no normal picture. The screen glass didn't crack, but the screen internals must have. I paid $50 for insurance so I hope it will be replaced with no hassle.
Long story short, I'll never use an n7 without a protective case again, and I've never used a case on any device.
Thanks a lot guys....I have taken all the advice into consideration and have found a satisfying solution. Gonna wait three months and buy through a friend in US.
Edit : How can I close the thread ?
Farhad1909 said:
Thanks a lot guys....I have taken all the advice into consideration and have found a satisfying solution. Gonna wait three months and buy through a friend in US.
Edit : How can I close the thread ?
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The thread will close its self or help some one else ..
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium

Tablet build quality issue with rear plastic

First of all, hello to everyone, glad to join and be a part of this great community. I just opened up my tablet today (32gb in black I ordered from abt.com) and the first thing I noticed was that the back of the tablet is not flat. The plastic has about 8 bumps (4 on top 4 on bottom), like something is sticking out from inside. They are not very large bumps but definitely visible, and looks bad especially for a $600 tablet. I just wanted to check if others have noticed this, just to verify if this is something common, or if maybe if it's just my device. I took a photo with my nexus 4 but the camera is not that great and didn't show the problem very well. I will try to get a photo with my brothers dslr and post it later today.
no problem here. And I did check mine tablet with microscope I am not kidding, I am super picky about build quality.
The only thing I don't like is very minor light bleed which was not present in original Note 10.1 2012 edition. But it's not that bad as Nexus 10, I went through 4 of those and finally give up on that model. Where is your tablet made?
Nothing like that here. That's something worth exchanging for.
John Francis
Mine has a little play in the back left side like it can be pushed in and clank off the guts of the tablet. Will be exchanging it again....
Dmac1984 said:
Mine has a little play in the back left side like it can be pushed in and clank off the guts of the tablet. Will be exchanging it again....
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Mine has the same issue but it is not bad enough to exchange. It is just something I noticed. Hope you get a better one. Loving this tablet so far.
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk 4
fbrn said:
Hope you get a better one. Loving this tablet so far.
Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk 4
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*Crosses Fingers*
Thanks for the words man!
If this was the only issue, I MIGHT think about keeping it, but it isn't, I listed the others in the build quality thread ... and my black plastic clunks/pops pretty loud, especially since I'm right handed so its always in my left hand. I would feel different if this had some age to it, but right out the box its got all sorts of clunks/pops/creaks ... what about 3 months or 6 months from now? or out of warranty? is this thing gonna **** the bed on me or fall apart? I'd rather start off on a solid foundation and any wear on this tablet is by me ya know?
Welp! Here's to the 3rd try hopefully being the last try to get the tablet I paid for lol

Why is it so hard to find a good Nexus 7???

Returned my fourth Nexus 7 today.
First one had: multitouch issue, dust under the screen, bad buttons. July batch.
Second one had: very bad multitouch issue. Buttons were good. August batch.
Third one had: multitouch issue (fixed by TS10 file), a lot of dust under the screen. Buttons were good. August batch.
Fourth had: multitouch issue, dust under the screen, bad buttons. Didnt even try the TS files because I knew I was gonna return it. July batch.
My conclusions: all Nexus 7 have multitouch issue, but mostly minor and fixable by the TS files. Even if you think your Nexus 7 is perfect it's not. You just dont know how to look for the problem or dont think you have it because it's so minor it seems normal.
More conclusions: Asus quality sucks. There's dust under the screen in most of the Nexus 7s. Probably because they are so cheap that they dont bother in making them right.
Last conclusion: all July devices have the hardware buttons stuck or badly placed. The ones in August are perfect.
Does someone know a way to take the dust under the screen? Even if I have to open it.
Now Im waiting for the 32GB versions to arrive in my city. There are no more currently. Waiting for my fifth one. I love this tablet. It's perfect for me. I just want one WITHOUT dust under the screen!!!!
i would have stopped after the second. got mine launch days, and have not experienced any of those issues. So NO, not all nexus 7 have these issues. Why even order a 5th one, if you dont like the quality? Get something else. I'm sure you will find a reason to return the next one.
Where are you ordering them from? Got mine off of amazon and its fine. No problems
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
I have the touch issues, but my 32G, made in July, has no hardware button problems at all. :beer:
Wow this thread is starting to resemble the whining that went on in the asus transformer tablet threads. I owned a 1st gen Nexus 7, then I bought the second gen Nexus 7 the week it came out. Never had any issues at all. Especially not any multitouch issues...I have no idea what anyone is talking about with the mulitouch thing. Since the Aug when I got the second gen nexus 7 I have had a chance to use and modify two more. Both of these (one for my mom and one for my dad) had no trouble whatsoever. The only issue was the 2nd gen nexus 7 I got when they first came out wouldn't charge wirelessly, but since I noticed it like right away I returned it to the store I got it from and got it replaced with a new one. I'm starting to think people are just way too damn sensitive.
---------- Post added at 03:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:34 PM ----------
Maybe the moderators can be a little more strict about closing down useless threads like these where the person just wants to complain and isn't really seeking information.
Not whining at all. Just explaining my situation.
Im gonna keep buying it until I get a good one. For me there's no alternative. No other android tablet is as good as an option. No full hd screen, stock android with updates, great performance, no skin that bugs down the OS, etc.
It's this or nothing. So no, I'm not whining, because this tablet is great. It's just the quality control that's bad, and that's Asus fault.
If someone knows if sending it to Asus makes it come back with more dust under the screen please tell me.
Dude idk where your getting your tablet from. But I got mine at Walmart close to launch day. And I seem to think its flawless. I got the 32gb and I love it. Other than a small gripe I have about the hardware button placement, I think its an amazing little tablet for the price. And I Dont have the dust issue your experiencing.
As far as a multi touch issue... I don't think I have it. If its really minor then I might have not noticed it. How can I check for it?
Hope you finally get a good one sometime soon!
Sent from my Nexus 5 using xda app-developers app
Dunno, I was lucky. First time, all good.
Mind can't even be fixed by ts after 4.4. Gonna send it for repair again to see if I can get one ts works.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
No issues here either. I have owned a 16 gb, returned it for a deal to get a 32 GB for 10 dollars cheaper. Both were/are great. Walmart for the 16gb and Staples for the 32.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
It is like meeting your wife or husband. Often can't just take the first one. Got to check lots of them out before you find the right one. Some people do experience love at first sight though.
No problem with my tablet. 16GB version, got it the day it released. Bought from Staples.
Mine is 100% perfect. I asked the seller to check it before sending.
datallboy said:
No problem with my tablet. 16GB version, got it the day it released. Bought from Staples.
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Same here day 1 from staples 16gb. No build issues expect the speakers crackle on some tones at high volume but its a small issue.
I have dead pixel issue. I tested 4 devices at the shop but still need to live with it. I might replace one again before 10 days free replacement policy.
ASUS quility sucks. If the next Nexus 7 is made by them again, I am not buying it.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Sensamic said:
Returned my fourth Nexus 7 today.
First one had: multitouch issue, dust under the screen, bad buttons. July batch.
Second one had: very bad multitouch issue. Buttons were good. August batch.
Third one had: multitouch issue (fixed by TS10 file), a lot of dust under the screen. Buttons were good. August batch.
Fourth had: multitouch issue, dust under the screen, bad buttons. Didnt even try the TS files because I knew I was gonna return it. July batch.
My conclusions: all Nexus 7 have multitouch issue, but mostly minor and fixable by the TS files. Even if you think your Nexus 7 is perfect it's not. You just dont know how to look for the problem or dont think you have it because it's so minor it seems normal.
More conclusions: Asus quality sucks. There's dust under the screen in most of the Nexus 7s. Probably because they are so cheap that they dont bother in making them right.
Last conclusion: all July devices have the hardware buttons stuck or badly placed. The ones in August are perfect.
Does someone know a way to take the dust under the screen? Even if I have to open it.
Now Im waiting for the 32GB versions to arrive in my city. There are no more currently. Waiting for my fifth one. I love this tablet. It's perfect for me. I just want one WITHOUT dust under the screen!!!!
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I hear ya. I know it's impossible to know the real percentage of "bad" units without working at Asus, but it certainly feels high when I keep getting bad units one after another. I've given up and I'm just going to wait for a non-Asus nexus tablet.
Mine is soo good man, it really had no problems and never EVER experienced any touch issues.
i have only 1 nano dead pixel (it's so small and it's so at the bottom that you could'nt find it if you were looking trying to find it for atleast 10 minutes in a black screen)
ya im crazy, it took me like 20 mins to realise there was a stuck pixel. (i know i have a lot of free time)
No probs with mine neither bought it a couple of weeks ago, it was a launch 32Gb version aswell even had wacked firmware on it that wouldn't update, until i manually flashed it that is, now it perfect no dead pixels, no touch issues, no light bleed everything spot on with it.
Got mine at Walmart months ago, been all good since day one. :thumbup:
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
Me and many friends got the 32GB LTE 4G version and all are perfect (touch wood). It seems the LTE 4G version has higher QC standard or something because most complaints are for the WiFi only version.
However I will sell mine and get an iPad Mini Retina 32GB 4G LTE next January because Android is not for me, Apple hardware quality is better and 4G LTE coverage is way better as it will work in my country when 4G LTE is available as the Nexus 7 is a US model and it is not compatible.
