Maps GPS at the top of battery drain?? Insight needed* - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

My N4 hasn't had good battery life compared to my GNex and its noticeable. I used Google now on the Gnex and I got like close to 3 hours or more of screen on give or take with the 2000mah extended battery depending on what i was doing with 25% brightness most of the time. But on my N4 with Google now I got like barely 2 hours at like 20% brightness which doesn't' make much sense seeing that the battery in the N4 is larger. So I decided to turn off Google now since I don't really use it and now I get a little over 2 and a half hours sometimes more. I'm guessing that's cause Google now isn't updating and all that cause I turned off all the location services and GPS except the "wifi &mobile network location" for certain apps or widgets and stuff. This is all leading up to my question. How or why maps is at the top of my battery usage and why it says its using GPS when I have it off? It never was at the top before the android OS or screen was there. Now I get better battery life but still the screen isn't the top drainer which is odd. Does anyone have any insight? Cause I can only imagine the battery life I could get out of this if everything worked properly. Cause idk if its a bad code thing or hardware.
And here are pics thanks guy's
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Turn off WiFi under location access

But then I wont get any location data for certain apps or widgets. And that was never a problem on th GNex. Is that really the only option i would have?

If you have not done so, signin to navigation at least once.
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BruceCLin said:
If you have not done so, signin to navigation at least once.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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Ok I did cause i haven't yet and i had to turn on GPS to do so. But now im back out i turned off GPS. What would doing that do exactly? If you dont mind elaborating?

If you never went through that step, some apps that request location will never get it and will keep sending requests draining the battery.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

I have signed in but google maps is still my top battery drain even when I haven't used it at all. Anything else that could be causing this?

Could be some widget or app that put location data like any weather widget for example.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

BruceCLin said:
If you have not done so, signin to navigation at least once.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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Is this a documented fact or something you came up with on your own? I am just wondering because Google Now does not work properly on my phone but it worked great on my Gnex.

Well I guess maps has a bug or its badly coded because like you guys said you still get the battery drain even when you seem to turn location stuff off. Well i did the same I have no Google now activated and it was a little better but id still get maps and it would even say the GPS was on for like hours in it on the GSam battery app So I just decided to force close Maps and since then I have no issue maps isnt even on the GSam radar and my battery life is much better I Can get 3 hours screen time with 15% brightness pretty easy and more if im not doing intensive stuff. Im hoping better code for Jellybeen or maps will come out soon to even make this higher or actually let me use maps and google now without such the drain.
Also I found that when I went to use Maps for directions the GPS getting "stuck" issue would come back so id have to force close to get that to stop and it seems that some apps that use GPS get stuck even though I switch it off like Gas Buddy which looks for gas around your location I tried it and turned on GPS then off when i was done and when i checked GSam it was at the top of my list because the GPS was stuck on and even force closing the app wouldnt shut it off so I had to uninstall and reinstall to stop it. I think it was just that it wasnt coded for 4.1.2 well so hopefully all those bugs will get worked out in the future. Hope this helps someone!

Not documented, but I have personally have 3 n4s map battery drain fixed this way. I heard here on xda, tried, and worked. So there are at least 4 people fixed this way. Of course, this is probably not the only battery bug/optimization issue in 4.2.1.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

Make sure you're not signed in to Latitude, it's a killer.

Go to Google Maps > Settings > Location, and disable "Location reporting".

drumist said:
Go to Google Maps > Settings > Location, and disable "Location reporting".
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what they said. this is a huge + for why maps is being used. wished google disabled this from the start so people wouldnt mistaken the phone for having 'poor battery life'

same issue! battery usage as GPS
I'm actually having the same issue (i know this is old)
All my settings are correct, even with force closing the app (GPS and Facebook sometimes) the battery usage will be #1, and the GPS on time under details will be constantly ticking. As I refresh the battery usage, the GPS timer will continue to go up.
Only way I figured to solve this is to reboot my phone.. anyone else experiencing similar issues?

I did! I just noticed this problem in the last 2 days and I found this post.
Does google know about this problem? Will there any patch release for this bug?

I can confirm the same thing with this gps issue.
There's a bug report filed. Vote for it to make it more visible to devs.

Experiencing it both on Google stock 4.3 Galaxy Nexus and Slim Bean 4.3 Nexus 4. Battery stats show GPS running under Google maps after switching GPS off using quick settings tile, after switching off location services in phone settings and even after switching off location in Google settings app. Only reboot stops good usage in battery stats.
This is very annoying. Have anybody fixed it? Any advice appreciated.

Nocturnal86 said:
Well I guess maps has a bug or its badly coded because like you guys said you still get the battery drain even when you seem to turn location stuff off. Well i did the same I have no Google now activated and it was a little better but id still get maps and it would even say the GPS was on for like hours in it on the GSam battery app So I just decided to force close Maps and since then I have no issue maps isnt even on the GSam radar and my battery life is much better I Can get 3 hours screen time with 15% brightness pretty easy and more if im not doing intensive stuff. Im hoping better code for Jellybeen or maps will come out soon to even make this higher or actually let me use maps and google now without such the drain.
Also I found that when I went to use Maps for directions the GPS getting "stuck" issue would come back so id have to force close to get that to stop and it seems that some apps that use GPS get stuck even though I switch it off like Gas Buddy which looks for gas around your location I tried it and turned on GPS then off when i was done and when i checked GSam it was at the top of my list because the GPS was stuck on and even force closing the app wouldnt shut it off so I had to uninstall and reinstall to stop it. I think it was just that it wasnt coded for 4.1.2 well so hopefully all those bugs will get worked out in the future. Hope this helps someone!
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You have exactly the same finding of mine (although I may have better punctuation)
The GPS is stuck on even when you killed the map and turn OFF the GPS in the settings already.
And you are right, every app that use the GPS can have this "bug". (I used Yelp a lot and battery status always shows that its GPS usage is on even after I turned off GPS)
In GSAM battery monitor it does not show a high usage though, I guess it does not actually drain battery.
And this issue is still appearing in Android 4.3 with Google map 7.2.0


Google Maps is Killing Battery - Just Started

In the last few days, my battery has been eaten alive. And when I checked the culprit, the phone says it's Maps (Google Maps). This behavior just started a few days ago. I have GPS turned off and as far as I can tell, Maps is inactive. Has anyone else experienced this and is there a fix?
oooh...i have this problem too. it started a few days ago and google maps is showing usage as high as 85% and my battery is getting eaten up so fast. it never did that before...i wonder if it's from the update (I'm pretty sure i loaded an update just before it started but i can't remember)
anyone know how to fix this? I LOVE google maps and can't stop using it but i don't like my diminished battery, especially after finally getting great life out of it!
Spot on--I also did an update, but can't recall exactly when. If you go to the Manage Applications option and select Maps, there is an option for uninstalling the update. I did that and I'm going to see what effect that has.
By the way, another way this problem manifests itself is that it takes about twice as long to charge the phone as it did just a few days ago. So whatever is eating the battery (I still think its Maps) continues to draw lots of power when the phone is trying to charge.
pixelpop said:
By the way, another way this problem manifests itself is that it takes about twice as long to charge the phone as it did just a few days ago. So whatever is eating the battery (I still think its Maps) continues to draw lots of power when the phone is trying to charge.
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I can confirm that Google Map = battery killer.
Same battery eating symptoms, I also uninstalled updates and am gonna see what the effects are.
Sent from my HTC Evo 4G using the XDA App
This issue is getting a lot of user group exposure--wonder why no one here has commented on it? Rather than post a bunch of links, just Google "google maps android battery" and read up on it. Bottom line: apparently a reboot fixes the issue until you use Maps again. Then you have to reboot again. Sure hope Google is on top of this one!
I uninstalled the upgrade. What it does after the upgrade, is that if you kill it, it comes back in less than a second. It's there again. And it will never go away. At least with this app we have the option of uninstalling the upgrade. It's taking a lot of resources, and I seldom use it.... not worth it
Dunno if this is related, but when Yelp had an update a little while ago it was eating my battery up similarly, under battery use "Maps" would be in the 70-90% range of use.
They fixed this in a update a few days later, I'm sure this could also be taken care of.
By the way, I have done the froyo update and did a download of the latest maps and haven't noticed anything unusual in the battery use relating to maps, and I used the map app to find a few things.
Google Maps just received a significant update a few days ago with integration of Google Places directory...Looking in System Panel I see that there's a MapsBackgroundService...Dunno if that's been there I only just got System Panel 2 days ago.
I just uninstalled the maps update and noticed that the size of the program decreased from 8mb to about 2.5mb. I have also noticed a huge difference in my battery life as well since installing the update. Hopefully uninstalling it helps.
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firemedic624 said:
I just uninstalled the maps update and noticed that the size of the program decreased from 8mb to about 2.5mb. I have also noticed a huge difference in my battery life as well since installing the update. Hopefully uninstalling it helps.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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If you check Maps 4.4.0 reviews on Market, some others users have reported this problem.
Way to go Google Maps Android team!
Thought I was the only one having this problem. I actually just checked and its is up to 93%. They need to have it so you can quit it like you can navigation.
Sokesleezy said:
Thought I was the only one having this problem. I actually just checked and its is up to 93%. They need to have it so you can quit it like you can navigation.
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Settings >> Applications >> Manage Applications >> Running tab >> Maps >> Force Quit
Having same issue, I guess this was occurring months ago too. It didn't do this originally, now it just runs and runs. If you do a reboot it stops it completely...but that sucks. Hopefully we'll see an update SOON. I feel bad for people that don't really know about this or are very technical. They just say, oh my EVO sucks on battery life.
I had unistalled the update and reboot the phone and the battery life seems to be back to where it was (not great, but manageable). I just turned my phone on and had a notice that an update is available for Googler Maps. Does anyone know if this update was the one that was killing my battery or maybe, perhaps, I hope this update fixes the battery problem?
pixelpop said:
I had unistalled the update and reboot the phone and the battery life seems to be back to where it was (not great, but manageable). I just turned my phone on and had a notice that an update is available for Googler Maps. Does anyone know if this update was the one that was killing my battery or maybe, perhaps, I hope this update fixes the battery problem?
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Nope, checked the market. Last update was 5 days ago.
This was happening to me occasionally, before the update. It happened almost every time I used google navigation (still shows up as "maps" in the battery screen). I found that I have to go to menu, exit on navigation to close it. Clicking the "back" button on the phone doesn't seem to properly exit it.
I haven't noticed it happening any more often since the update.
Google maps eating battery power solved!?
Have 7" Samsung tab and Galaxy S phone, both on Gingerbread and both with google maps 5.9.0. Tab's power usage was 2%. phone 20%!
Uninstalled google maps updates on the phone and power usage was so small it did not register on usage menu. Reinstalled updates and - hey presto - power usage just 2%, the same as the tab. Reckon its update piled on update that caused corruption and the massive increase in battery usage.
Try it. It only takes a few minutes!

Reducing idle battery drain on Froyo ROMS

I've been investigating how to get rid of that pesky background idle battery drain on 2.2. The biggest improvement I've found is from disabling Google location services. With this disabled, my background drain is about 1% per hour. Enabled I see 4-8% per hour. This drain mainly seems to kick in when not connected to wifi AP.
This observation holds true for stock ED01 and sc 2.9.2. GPS still seems to work reasonably well with Google location services disabled, bit it may impact you.
Let me know if anyone else sees the same. Thanks!
Scrappy1 said:
I've been investigating how to get rid of that pesky background idle battery drain on 2.2. The biggest improvement I've found is from disabling Google location services. With this disabled, my background drain is about 1% per hour. Enabled I see 4-8% per hour. This drain mainly seems to kick in when not connected to wifi AP.
This observation holds true for stock ED01 and sc 2.9.2. GPS still seems to work reasonably well with Google location services disabled, bit it may impact you.
Let me know if anyone else sees the same. Thanks!
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I always leave Google location services on and have NEVER lost 4-8% per hour
Doubtful that it would do that
I can't recall losing that much either.. *shrugs*
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
Wouldn't and doesn't make any diff.
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chrisp304 said:
Wouldn't and doesn't make any diff.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
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Lots of people have commented on worse battery life with froyo. If you're one of those, and its idle drain, then try this out.
If not, mind your own buisness. It definately makes a difference for me. Tested / confirmed multiple times!
Google Location Services does not do anything on its own, until an applications calls for it.
Disabling Google Location Services is like draining your gas tank because it has a hole in it.
Sure, it won't leak anymore, but not only can you not use it, you also will have the problem the next time you fill up.
Fix the problem, don't hide it, imo. You have an app thats draining you if turning off Google LBS fixes your issue.
adrynalyne said:
Google Location Services does not do anything on its own, until an applications calls for it.
Disabling Google Location Services is like draining your gas tank because it has a hole in it.
Sure, it won't leak anymore, but not only can you not use it, you also will have the problem the next time you fill up.
Fix the problem, don't hide it, imo. You have an app thats draining you if turning off Google LBS fixes your issue.
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Ohhhhh.. In yo face @op
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
I get about 4%/hr battery loss regardless *shrugs* its acceptable for me...
Tapatalked from my rooted/rom'd/themed Fascinate snacking on FROYO
adrynalyne said:
Google Location Services does not do anything on its own, until an applications calls for it.
Disabling Google Location Services is like draining your gas tank because it has a hole in it.
Sure, it won't leak anymore, but not only can you not use it, you also will have the problem the next time you fill up.
Fix the problem, don't hide it, imo. You have an app thats draining you if turning off Google LBS fixes your issue.
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A constructive comment! Thank you. Before disabling Google location services on stock ED01, I killed every background service that would stay killed, and turned off all widgets and updates. I still had the high idle drain. If what you say is true, it appears there is something systemic in stock 2.2 ROMS abusing Google location services.
Watching cpu usage over time with system pannel and battery state didn't show any suspicious usage.
When using sc 2.9.2, I'm fairly certain the idle drain / location services is only an issue when Google latitude is enabled.
This certainly can't be indicative of ed01 roms or everyone would be screaming to high hell about it...I leave Google location services on all the time and am completely fine battery wise
Sounds like you have a app installed that is using the Google Location service installed, sounds like you need to a factory reset and run a day or so with no apps installed, right now I am running on stock self debloated ED01, and I always have GPS and Google location services turned on, and I have gotten the best battery life I have ever seen on this phone. Not sure if you use Google Latitude, but I have seen that cause some drain on phones.
Its one of the big double edged swords of Android, the ability to have true multitasking can really hinder your battery and this is proof, especially when it comes to a service like Google location services.
Just a thought, maybe if you quit checking your battery usage so much, it might get better.
heffzilla said:
Just a thought, maybe if you quit checking your battery usage so much, it might get better.
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Come on now, dudes having a problem and trying to help. Just because he is wrong doesn't mean the thread has to go this direction. Instead perhaps it can be used top help him find the true cause, aswell as any one else with similar findings.
Oh and only quoted you cause I thought it was pretty damn funny.
After more testing, I have some interresting findings.
The idle drain I described earlier along with dependence on Google location services holds true while I'm at work. This is a location where I get 0-1 bars of cell signal, and android reports about 60% time without signal. When I'm at home and in good signal area, I can leave Google location services on all the time without high idle drain. Now I know why most people weren't agreeing with my observation.
Now then, to the root of my problem when I'm at work. I know everyone says Google location services is mostly passive and only consumes power when an app is polling for location. However, I'm starting to wonder if this is true for the cell tower portion of location services. Could android be doing some extra background tracking of towers when location services enabled? Or could the phone radio be put in a more aggressive "find a freeking tower at all costs" mode? My experiments at low signal level would seem to suggest so.
Anyone with info or similar test results please let me know. Thanks!
heffzilla said:
Just a thought, maybe if you quit checking your battery usage so much, it might get better.
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maybe if you stopped checking xda so much our threads may get better...just a thought.
Do you have a WiFi connection when at work (and it setup!), or are you using 3G only? If so, that could be your cause. Google Location Services periodically does send data to Google (read the agreement!), so if it's trying to send off data when you've got pretty much no connection, it could very well explain why it'd be causing such a huge drain on your battery (causing the radio to power up to full power, and continually fail to send your location data off, forcing retries).
KitsuneKnight said:
Do you have a WiFi connection when at work (and it setup!), or are you using 3G only? If so, that could be your cause. Google Location Services periodically does send data to Google (read the agreement!), so if it's trying to send off data when you've got pretty much no connection, it could very well explain why it'd be causing such a huge drain on your battery (causing the radio to power up to full power, and continually fail to send your location data off, forcing retries).
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KitsuneKnight said:
Do you have a WiFi connection when at work (and it setup!), or are you using 3G only? If so, that could be your cause. Google Location Services periodically does send data to Google (read the agreement!), so if it's trying to send off data when you've got pretty much no connection, it could very well explain why it'd be causing such a huge drain on your battery (causing the radio to power up to full power, and continually fail to send your location data off, forcing retries).
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Yea, I suppose that's possible. I don't have a wifi connection at work currently. At home I do have wifi, but my wifi sleep policy is set for screen off. To test I did disable wifi alltogether at both home and work, and it doesn't change my idle drain issue. The theory that Google location services is desperately trying to send data over a partially working cell connection does make some sense.
What I've found so far with ed01 froyo has been vastly improved in most regards including battery. My idle drain is almost nonexistant with the comm.rom 1.2 & nemesis' 1.3 kernel with uv/oc to 1.3ghz. It only eats battery when I'm actively using it & there it is more aggressive than eclair depending on what I'm doing. I have google services & standalone gps always on & never use wifi only 3g and easily get 16+ hrs on a charge.
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After upgrading to Evilfascinate 3.x, I found if I left my WiFi on and my 3g my battery would barely make it through the day... Now I only turn them on when needed and I am running a couple of days before I put it back on the Charger...
I have done the same with GPS, only turn it on when I need to know where I am or where I am heading...

Weird battery drain: Google services

I received my nexus on Monday and so far I've only noticed one problem: there's a mysterious "Google services" process draining my battery. Just from leaving the phone unplugged over night the battery is already half drained. Looking at the battery stats I get this data, which I really can't understand. With this wake and cpu times, it makes no sense at all that this is draining the battert, does it? What's going on?
Edit: Don't know how to use thumbnail so I'm just gonna put the raw links
I have the exact same thing google services has taken 43% but battery life had been ok not great not bad but just ok
I've had that.
Fixed by disabling location history.
Are you using Google currents. When the nexus 7 came out many had issues with drain when they had Google currents installed. For me it didn't even master if I had it synced. I uninstalled it and problem solved. Since I don't have mine yet that's the only thing I can recommend.
sent from my perfect 32GB Nexus 7
Disabled Google Currents (can't be uninstalled) and unchecked Location Reporting and Location History from the maps app. Will report later this night
hallucynogenyc said:
Disabled Google Currents (can't be uninstalled) and unchecked Location Reporting and Location History from the maps app. Will report later this night
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Any news?
None. I've moved to the wierd wakelock thread to discuss the battery problems btw
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
not fully related, but on my N7, I was getting crazy battery drain from google wallet after updating it. Reverting wallet back to the stock version that came on the N7 fixed it. (even stranger was that I never setup wallet for NFC to begin with, and I keep NFC off)
disable sync from your gg account. gg services include gg book, magazine, music, map, chorme, gmail...
Having the same issue. Didn't start draining till about 4 hours off the charger...
I am also having this issue. Google Service is the number 1 battery eater. Right now it is at 56%.
Did anyone find the cure?
I'm having this problem. Cleared all data, installed a new kernel etc. A ton of Google stuff disabled, currents included. Only sync I have to both my connected Google accounts are gmail to my knowledge.
Disable Location Services, especially the Wifi one.
ace7196 said:
Disable Location Services, especially the Wifi one.
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Both are off and have been off.
Also having the same problem - after doing a quick search, seems to be affecting a lot of people. Has anyone found a solution?
I am NOT rooted, completely stock. Had phone about a week, and today was the first day I noticed significant battery drain (down to <10% in 8 hours) under very minimal use at work (sat in desk drawer most of the day)
Sorry, can't post direct link to image since i'm under 10 posts. Remove the space in "www" and "https"
ht tps://w
chopstxnrice said:
Also having the same problem - after doing a quick search, seems to be affecting a lot of people. Has anyone found a solution?
I am NOT rooted, completely stock. Had phone about a week, and today was the first day I noticed significant battery drain (down to <10% in 8 hours) under very minimal use at work (sat in desk drawer most of the day)
Sorry, can't post direct link to image since i'm under 10 posts. Remove the space in "www" and "https"
ht tps://w
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I have the same problem, I dont know when it started, I think after updating from 4.1.2 to 4.2.x. Anyone found a solution?
I'm just now having the same issue here even after trying turning off those different things. There doesn't seen to be anything definitive out there online when I searched. It's probably something Google will have to fix, or will fix hopefully.
Same here. I went through all of the google settings and switched off everything (Contacts and Calendar were the only things I left ticked). Nothing seems to work...
I uninstalled Maps entirely and made sure none of Google's features were enabled but for some reason, Google Services is still eating its way through my battery.
and its not only on nexus.iam suffering the same drain with my xperia T too
I noticed this after the Google Services Update which includes a lot of new API's.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

google maps high usage when not using?

Just got my att s4. First things first. No lag here... but more to my question. Are any of you getting high gmaps usage in batter screen? Also I force stop it and it re-opens. 5 minutes later.... any suggestions?
Google maps is always running.... do you have GPS on? or that family map thing?
Not sure about family map... idk what that is but yes all location services are on. Found this usage odd as I came from a gnex and it didnt have. It
That is pretty high utlization..... and abnormal actually... try rebooting and charge to full and then monitor again
ive always noticed gmapps tends to run alot on its own, even with gps off. i typically just disable it in application manager, then simply enable it if its ever needed.
I always frezze goggle maps and use waze for gps
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2
Its google now. Disable it (and turn off automatic location updates in maps) and you will be good.
Same thing here, turned GPS off and usage goes away.
Questions and help issues go in Q&A
Thread moved

Google Services draining battery?

So, I'm rooted on VZW with no OTA and suddenly had abnormal battery drain today. Any idea why this may be happening?
Mine is kinda high today as well. I saw something about Google having issues today with email and other applications. This could be related, or phones can't connect to Google so it just keeps on trying.
Sounds nice but don't know if it's true or not.
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 4
Install Greenify. Hibernate all the APPs that you don't want notification from first. This app doesn't allow APPs to Wakelock you're phone. Once you find which offending account is the issue you'll be ok. I found that Facebook woke up my phone thousands of times and I have up notifications. Best choice ever ?
This app requires root and free in the app store.
Sent from my VS980 4G using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Greenify can't touch system apps to my knowledge but yes, it is an excellent solution for rogue apps that take up resources when they shouldn't. :good:
As far as the google services battery drain, I eliminated that by simply turning off google location services. The actual GPS is so quick to lock that I haven't run into a scenario yet where I'd absolutely need to turn it back on.
My location services are off. Doesnt seem to help me much. I also bought donation greenify and greenfied Google Play services and Google Play Store
sent from the galaxy via tapping and talking
With 15:34 for time on, and 1:45 of screen on time, I'm currently at exactly 50% battery. I feel it was something awry with Google Services yesterday and an isolated issue. Location services were off today, but I did nothing with Greenify, yet at least.
nismology said:
Greenify can't touch system apps to my knowledge but yes, it is an excellent solution for rogue apps that take up resources when they shouldn't. :good:
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Donate version is able to greenify system apps.
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 4
Yeah I had the same problem, yesterday. I was having Google services use ~60% of battery life. Surprisingly I still got all day battery life.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
heffzilla said:
Donate version is able to greenify system apps.
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 4
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Didn't know that but knowledge is good! :good:
shekinahsmoke said:
My location services are off. Doesnt seem to help me much. I also bought donation greenify and greenfied Google Play services and Google Play Store
sent from the galaxy via tapping and talking
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How is that working? Considering doing the same as I've already tried removing the sytem app and replacing with Play Services from the play store. That seemed to work for a few days but the nip wake locks are worse than ever right now. Killing the otherwise stellar battery.
iowabowtech said:
How is that working? Considering doing the same as I've already tried removing the sytem app and replacing with Play Services from the play store. That seemed to work for a few days but the nip wake locks are worse than ever right now. Killing the otherwise stellar battery.
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works great today..... google services error has gone away today and my battery life seems longer. :good:
I just froze google play services and will look at the battery stats later to report the difference. What apps are affected by freezing this though? It seems Hangouts is one.
I don't know why, but all my days are pretty much exactly the same location-wise and some days have huge wakelocks, others don't.
Aside from installing the play store services which seemed to help quite a bit, I've also noticed a nice drop in wakelocks since I went on to Google's Location History dashboard ( and deleted all my history so maybe it could re-create it.
One thing I've noticed is that on high-wakelock days, my GPS is going nutso. My point markers on that dashboard will have me moving ALL OVER the place, even while I'm just sitting at my desk at work.
This leads me to the conclusion that signal plays a huge role, and I do have bad signal at work (1 bar, and can't get a good GPS lock at my desk).
Also, you can minimize these wakelocks without the use of Greenify by simply turning off Location Reporting and Location Using WiFi and Mobile Networks. This dropped my wakelocks to pretty much 0, immediately. But you'll lose things like weather widget geolocation and some Google Now features. On the other hand, this is a more viable option than freezing services which can cause you to lose push notifications for GMail among other things.
I've been messing with this throughout the day today and the problem is high NIP wakelocks originating from Google Services...specifically the Network Location process. So the fix for me appears to be disabling newtork location while leaving GPS location enabled. This is usally the reverse of how I do things but for this phone, it may be the better solution. Google Now is still working for me, as is maps/navigation. There may be some casualties of disabling newtwork location but I haven't run across them yet. I've always viewed these two options as coarse (network) vs.fine (gps) location. So I'm hoping GPS picks up the slack and I don't lose any functionality. What I could see happening is that it just takes longer for location to be confirmed because network location is faster. I'll take that in lieu of battery drain however.
Still need to run like this for a couple days to see how things go but I was getting hundreds and even thousands of NIP wakelocks in a run cycle prior to disabling network location. I'm now getting zero.
iowabowtech said:
I've been messing with this throughout the day today and the problem is high NIP wakelocks originating from Google Services...specifically the Network Location process. So the fix for me appears to be disabling newtork location while leaving GPS location enabled. This is usally the reverse of how I do things but for this phone, it may be the better solution. Google Now is still working for me, as is maps/navigation. There may be some casualties of disabling newtwork location but I haven't run across them yet. I've always viewed these two options as coarse (network) vs.fine (gps) location. So I'm hoping GPS picks up the slack and I don't lose any functionality. What I could see happening is that it just takes longer for location to be confirmed because network location is faster. I'll take that in lieu of battery drain however.
Still need to run like this for a couple days to see how things go but I was getting hundreds and even thousands of NIP wakelocks in a run cycle prior to disabling network location. I'm now getting zero.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I believe disabling network location will disable Google Now location cards, such as weather or places.
cheami said:
I believe disabling network location will disable Google Now location cards, such as weather or places.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You are correct, there's the first casualty confirmed. I'm going to run like this for a few days and see what gives. I don't use the cards anyway so no issue there. If anyone knows of other functionality loss, please speak up.
Like some of you have said, I don't rely on Google Now cards, and I don't leave the city I'm in, so for things like weather, I am find with the hourly syncing of my weather app. If I do need GPS/location services, it's not hard to toggle and battery life is incredible. I feel it was just something going rogue the other day. Today, with locaiton off, I've been off the charger for 15:34 with 1:24 screen on time and I'm at 58%. I spent a good portion of today in a sub-basement on airplane mode, with wifi active in the background though. Walking around campus, I used Songza via 4G due to some wifi weak spots. I can't be happier with this phone, as my GNex would have long since been dead, even on airplane mode.
EDIT: Holy ****, 15:34 sounded familiar, checked my post from yesterday, I responded then at the same time off the charger...
Okay so I may have fixed it on my phone.
I forced closed "Google Play Services" and "Google Devices Framework" then rebooted.
Google services was using it 50% of battery consistently through the day and now its down to using 2% of battery. I'll come back at the end of the day with battery stats.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
this night was a pain.... the phone was on 83 and when i wake it was on 76..... google services was draining all my battery, who could fix this?
