I already have DZO's latest aurora update.
But how can i unlock pink screen in Aurora, i mean when i plug in my usb, pc dont see my phone..
Install USB drivers. There in the u8800 gourmet somewhere. Look it up.
Sent from my Desire HD using xda premium
Im nooby so can u please help me....
where should i find these drivers?
All I can help
Sent from my Desire HD using xda premium
Somcom3X said:
All I can help
Sent from my Desire HD using xda premium
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Thank You!
Could some1 pls help?
here u go.use root browser
move this file into
Thanks a lot!!
Will it work on ics stunner?
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app
nightfox11 said:
Will it work on ics stunner?
Sent from my GT-P7510 using XDA Premium HD app
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I can't get it to work on stunner 5.0
Hey, I don't own a nexus s and am most active in the salsa boards but my friend wants to root his nexus s on 4.0.4, possible?
Sent from my HTC C510e using xda premium
use the su i attached its the most recent
Haha thanks man, I told him this forum was legendary!
Sent from my HTC C510e using xda premium
Thanks bro much appreciated
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
That's him
Sent from my HTC C510e using xda premium
iericlee said:
Thanks bro much appreciated
Sent from my Nexus S using xda premium
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no problem
Ok now he thinks there is no point in rooting :/
Sent from my HTC C510e using xda premium
any non-destructive root for 4.0.4 yet?
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
iCaal said:
Ok now he thinks there is no point in rooting :/
Sent from my HTC C510e using xda premium
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Android Rooting is not about installing games or ****...
Is to make our Android phones better in Customization, Performance and alot of 1000 features you can do...
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
nolook said:
any non-destructive root for 4.0.4 yet?
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
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Best ROM for me!
How come I can update android 1.0 driver I installed the Samsung drivers
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
I was able to unlock, root using this method and install superuser but none of the recoveries will stick. I have tried TWRP, Clockwork regular and touch and they will work once and then if I try to go back I just get the dead android guy? Is this a 4.0.4 problem?
Edit- I found the solution. I renamed the /system/recovery-from-boot.p to /system/recovery-from-boot.p-bak with root explorer and it fixed it.
I had the same problem and open the one click root script and found this line
adb shell mv /system/etc/install-recovery.sh /system/etc/install-recovery.k-lined.sh
It worked for me.
Hi guy i found this tuto to get aroma installer working with ldpi:
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
I guess the same method can be done with aroma filemanager too? Thanks for sharing!
Sent from my iBrick
Justice™ said:
I guess the same method can be done with aroma filemanager too? Thanks for sharing!
Sent from my iBrick
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I don't know but i think in the next relase that should work.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
KoolSavas95 said:
I tried a similar tut some time ago. I didnt manage to get it work.
Sent from my monster: the LG Optimus 2x using xda premium
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I don't know i haven't try yet.But the guy who create this tuto say that should work on all ldpi armv6 androids.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
It will not work with this
The problem is the frame buffer
i tried many update.zip files by recovery mod "+volume-menu-power" and non had worked
some showed that update complete but when reboot i dont find any super user app
is there any other way to root it !!?
thanx 4 help
regards to all
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using XDA
Search 'universal gingerbread root'
Press thnx if i helped you
at least u replyed my dear...am gonna search for that and tell u the result... thanx
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using XDA
it worked ... thaaanx man u r my savior ^^
Sent from my HTC Desire HD using XDA
Sent from my GT-S5360 using xda premium
Odin doesn't recognize the phone when in download mode can someone please help need to flash a custom Rom to fix two problems on the phone
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda premium
Need more info, which model, android version, what problems you are having, which rom you are on, etc.
metalfan78 said:
Need more info, which model, android version, what problems you are having, which rom you are on, etc.
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stock rom and its 2.3.6
What 2.3.6??You smoke somthing before posted this???
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda app-developers app
muhamet said:
What 2.3.6??You smoke somthing before posted this???
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda app-developers app
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wrong forum obviously
Lol, best thread in a while!
Odin? HTC
Does not compute
@Op this is the Galaxy S4 forum, not Galaxy S 4G forum. Mods please close this thread.
Sent from my Xperia Arc S using xda premium
This kind of threads suck so much
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium