[Q] Unable to see the Clockworkmod folder in windows or on the phone - Nexus 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys.
First of all, sorry if this has been asked before. I googled a lot and searched here and couldn't find this particular problem.
My Nexus 4 is running stock 4.2. Unlocked bootloader, rooted and running ClockworkMod Everything worked perfectly. My only problem right now is, after making a nandroid backup, I cannot see the clockworkmod folder anywhere on the phone when browsing either in windows or with ES File Explorer. I think by now I looked everywhere. Everything else in this regard seems to work fine, I can copy files, the other folders are all correct etc. I can also see and delete/restore the backup in CWM recovery. All I want is to see the folder to get it off the phone. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

You can find it in mnt/shell/emulated it is protected so you will need a file explorer that can give you root access. I use ES File Explorer.

Found it. Thank you very much.

Its also in /data/media/clockworkmod for whatever reason, hope this gets fixed soon.

Is there any way to copy those CWM backup folders to your computer? I tried to use Root Explorer to move the backup folders to the main sdcard/0 folder but I still cannot see it when I move the file Am I doing something wrong or is it not possible to move it to the sdcard/0?

Yeah I'm also still not too sure how to get it off the phone easily.

Chill4xed said:
Yeah I'm also still not too sure how to get it off the phone easily.
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easiest way would probably be to just use the toolkit, unless you're opposed to such things.

Is this why ROM manager can't delte my backups? It seems them but I get an error saying "there was an error deleting your backup"
Edit: new update fixes this issue with ROM manager

man we need to get it move to a pc. i'd like to save some space since its our phone have maximum 12.9gb at our disposal.
btw, i tried Root Browser Lite to move it on sdcard area... operation failed

I had the same problem. My internal SD card just kept getting fuller and fuller with ClockwordMod. And, when I tried to copy the files from /mnt/shell/emulated/clockwork to my comp, and copy them back to the SD card to try and Restore, I ended up with corrupted files.
So, rather than fight it, I decided to wait until Clockwordmod recovery got its storage/mount point issues straightened out, and moved to the TWRP side of things. That has been seamless (once I got used to it).
I hope that they soon figure out the Clockwordmod issues; I liked having ROM Manager installed on past phones.
Btw, as an aside that is a little related, why, pray tell, are there so many mount points for the SD card? It's just weird.

just navigate the clockwordmod folder in your phone and copy it to the root of the internal memory.. connect the phone via usb into the computer and copy it

BY FAR, the easiest way is:
Chill4xed said:
My Nexus 4 is running stock 4.2. Unlocked bootloader, rooted and running ClockworkMod Everything worked perfectly. My only problem right now is, after making a nandroid backup, I cannot see the clockworkmod folder anywhere on the phone when browsing either in windows or with ES File Explorer. I think by now I looked everywhere. Everything else in this regard seems to work fine, I can copy files, the other folders are all correct etc. I can also see and delete/restore the backup in CWM recovery. All I want is to see the folder to get it off the phone. Any ideas?
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BY FAR the easiest way: in ROM Manager, Manage and Restore Backups>Download Backups>Open your desktop browser on the address informed by ROM Manager to download your backup.

Thanks to everyone, going to the directories works and the rom manager app is aware of the new cwm backup folder.


Cant delete CWM backups from internal SD Card

Need some help here:
I need to delete some of the backups I made with CWM recovery. I already have them backed up onto my PC, but need to delete them to make some room. For some reason I cant.
Ive tried root explorer, es file explorer, and my PC. Im unable to change the permissions of the files, and if you look at the pics I attached youll see they have some strange permissions, but I cant change them.
I am able to move the files anywhere else in the sd card folder, rename them, but no matter what I cant delete them. And when I try from my PC it shows them disappear, but they are actually still there.
If there is a way to format the sd card folder I will, but thats not an option in the settings, or CWM. Can someone please help me out here? This is really frustrating me. Thanks
No issues here when I delete backups using ROM Toolbox.
UnknownFearNG said:
No issues here when I delete backups using ROM Toolbox.
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I tried through ROM Toolbox and still couldnt delete them.
Gam3r 4 Life said:
I tried through ROM Toolbox and still couldnt delete them.
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Same, tried with multiple apps too.
I posted this in the other thread, but figured I would do so here in case other people needed the "fix".
Ok, so some good news and some bad news.
The good news is, I was able to put together a flashable zip that WILL DELETE the entire CWM backup directory from the sdcard. It is available here:
You simply need to flash it via CWM. Easy peasy. I confirmed that the directory/files were all removed, AND the storage space is now available for other files (I checked df before and after).
The bad news is, before attempting to delete the directory, I first tried changing the permissions (recursively) to see if that was a better "fix" for this problem. Unfortunately, even with the directory 777 and the files 666, I still could not manually delete them through the system. Which means, whatever bug is causing this problem is much more severe than a file/directory permission thing.
In any case, until the CWM developer can figure out a way to fix this bug, at least we have a way to manually remove the backups and get our storage space back.
The script in the zip is very simple. It just does a recursive delete on /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup.
phonic said:
I posted this in the other thread, but figured I would do so here in case other people needed the "fix".
Ok, so some good news and some bad news.
The good news is, I was able to put together a flashable zip that WILL DELETE the entire CWM backup directory from the sdcard. It is available here:
You simply need to flash it via CWM. Easy peasy. I confirmed that the directory/files were all removed, AND the storage space is now available for other files (I checked df before and after).
The bad news is, before attempting to delete the directory, I first tried changing the permissions (recursively) to see if that was a better "fix" for this problem. Unfortunately, even with the directory 777 and the files 666, I still could not manually delete them through the system. Which means, whatever bug is causing this problem is much more severe than a file/directory permission thing.
In any case, until the CWM developer can figure out a way to fix this bug, at least we have a way to manually remove the backups and get our storage space back.
The script in the zip is very simple. It just does a recursive delete on /sdcard/clockworkmod/backup.
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Just saying thanks for this, I hope they figure a fix out soon. Flash worked perfectly, for some storage space back. :good:

[Q] Old Nandroids Won't Delete No Matter What

Please help, I'm running out of memory fast.
Nexus 7 8GB
Rooted stock 4.1 ROM with GoLauncher
Clockworkmod 6
I started running out of memory and needed to delete about 3 gigs of out dated nandroid backups. They simply won't delete. And none of the programs I've tried to do it agree on why. ROM manager says I need root access, which, of course, I have. Titanium Platinum says delete failed. Most other programs say some variety of "there has been a problem deleting" or "you need permission to"
Tried deleting the files within each nandroid individually, same problem. "Fixed" all the permissions, no help. I successfully renamed them, but they still won't delete. I successfully moved them out of CWM backup to SDcard root, but they still won't delete ... tried to shove them off onto Google Drive but it just copied them even though it said they were moved, tried to delete them from a PC nada ...
Did a full nandroid restore from the latest of the backups but the other backups remained on the drive and still won't delete.
Short of bricking the thing in a rage or reverting to a full stock reinstall (even if that would work) is there any way to get rid of those files ... I keep feeling there's something I'm missing about permissions or administrative authority or something simple, but I've been wrestling with for days and getting nowhere.
My file explorer of chice has always been root explorer, never had an issue with this. Maybe try that (grant read write permissions first though) if that fails why not save important info and the reformat sd? Worse case senerio reformat the whole deal then flash a new rom
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk 2

CWM Recovery Issue

I have been reading about how people (including myself) are having issues mounting the SD card with CWM Recovery 6.x.xx and I was wondering where (if it exists) I can find an earlier version for my Nexus 4. The problem I am having is when my phone is connected to my computer, I cant find the Clockwork Mod file to remove the backup from the device. I have the 8GB N4, so I really want to remove it, put it somewhere safe and not have it take up precious space.
If anyone has any thoughts or other solutions, please let me know. I am also having the same issue with TWRP2 (cant mount while in recovery).
toonhead85 said:
I have been reading about how people (including myself) are having issues mounting the SD card with CWM Recovery 6.x.xx and I was wondering where (if it exists) I can find an earlier version for my Nexus 4. The problem I am having is when my phone is connected to my computer, I cant find the Clockwork Mod file to remove the backup from the device. I have the 8GB N4, so I really want to remove it, put it somewhere safe and not have it take up precious space.
If anyone has any thoughts or other solutions, please let me know. I am also having the same issue with TWRP2 (cant mount while in recovery).
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Just download Astro file manager from the Play Store and find the backup and delete it. You can also delete the backup from in recovery as well.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
scream4cheese said:
Just download Astro file manager from the Play Store and find the backup and delete it. You can also delete the backup from in recovery as well.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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I have Root Explorer and can't find the folder on my /sdcard. If I could, I could take the backup and move it, but it doesn't seem to be visible.
I have been thinking, do I need to be rooted to be able to access the folder, or see it for that matter?
And as a side note, I tried TWRP2 and I can see the folder with backups made.
toonhead85 said:
I have Root Explorer and can't find the folder on my /sdcard. If I could, I could take the backup and move it, but it doesn't seem to be visible.
I have been thinking, do I need to be rooted to be able to access the folder, or see it for that matter?
And as a side note, I tried TWRP2 and I can see the folder with backups made.
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I had this same issue as I'm using CWM For whatever reason, they changed the saved backups location to /data/media/clockworkmod now so you can't access it by plugging in your phone because the backups aren't on the sdcard. That's also the reason you can't find it. To my knowledge, you can do two things to get them to your computer:
1. Use ADB to pull the clockworkmod folder to your computer. I still haven't completely figured out how to do that yet as I don't screw around in ADB shell too much and I'm not sure if you have to mount the filesystem before doing it. I'm sure if you search around, you could find the ADB solution.
2. (This solution sucks but it works...) If you have a file manager (like X-plore) and root access, you can copy the contents of /data/media/clockworkmod folder to the sdcard location on your phone. Once it's there, THEN you can access that copy when it's plugged into your computer. Then just get rid of the .nomedia file in the folder and move it from your sdcard to your PC. Simple but takes forever for the files to copy depending on how many backups your moving and how big your blobs folder is.
If someone knows a better way, I'm definitely all ears. Really don't like how they changed CWM to this new style. Makes it a pain to offload backups from your phone to your PC.
Hatzy said:
I had this same issue as I'm using CWM For whatever reason, they changed the saved backups location to /data/media/clockworkmod now so you can't access it by plugging in your phone because the backups aren't on the sdcard. That's also the reason you can't find it. To my knowledge, you can do two things to get them to your computer:
1. Use ADB to pull the clockworkmod folder to your computer. I still haven't completely figured out how to do that yet as I don't screw around in ADB shell too much and I'm not sure if you have to mount the filesystem before doing it. I'm sure if you search around, you could find the ADB solution.
2. (This solution sucks but it works...) If you have a file manager (like X-plore) and root access, you can copy the contents of /data/media/clockworkmod folder to the sdcard location on your phone. Once it's there, THEN you can access that copy when it's plugged into your computer. Then just get rid of the .nomedia file in the folder and move it from your sdcard to your PC. Simple but takes forever for the files to copy depending on how many backups your moving and how big your blobs folder is.
If someone knows a better way, I'm definitely all ears. Really don't like how they changed CWM to this new style. Makes it a pain to offload backups from your phone to your PC.
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I use ROM manager to connect to the server and download my nand directly to my PC.
Sent From a Freaked out Nexus 4
You have an option in cwm uder the backup menu to remove the backups or unused data. It works for me.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
strapped365 said:
I use ROM manager to connect to the server and download my nand directly to my PC.
Sent From a Freaked out Nexus 4
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Didn't even know you could do that. I always just boot to CWM, never use the ROM manager app. That sounds like a paid feature or is it on the free version?
Edit: Yeah, it's a paid feature but I'm seriously considering going this route since it's so damn handy. If I can't figure out how to ADB it, I may just buy the premium version. Thanks bro.
webdo said:
You have an option in cwm uder the backup menu to remove the backups or unused data. It works for me.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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He wants a copy of the backups on his PC before he removes them.
Sorry for my incomplete answer than. I found mine using a root explorer
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
Thanks for all the great tips/answers/comments. I will see what I can do in terms of finding where the backup is stored on my phone now (since it seems there could be two places).
Hatzy, you can pull the backups using insecure adbd by chainfire [app]. Otherwise, you can only pull sdcard. Or, i believe you can pull via the path /mnt/shell/emulated..
So, after doing some looking... I thiink my best bet is to use Rom Manager's new Download Server feature. I'll give it a try and let everyone know how it works out!!

[Q] How to make EFS backup easily, without TWRP?

I've been lucky not to lose my EFS data so far. But now I really need to back that up.
I've been reading about problems with TWRP, and I allready have CWM, which I really like.
Is there an easy "noobproof" way to make EFS backup?
For Samsung, there is EFS Professional but I don't know if it works with LG G2.
Another way I found is from another Samsung thread: Backup your EFS IMMEDIATELY, but same thing, I don't know if that'll work with G2
Any help, anyone?
Take a look here: EFS Partition Backup and More [All G2 Variants] *Fixed*.
EDIT: I misread, you want to keep CWM...
viking37 said:
Take a look here: EFS Partition Backup and More [All G2 Variants] *Fixed*.
EDIT: I misread, you want to keep CWM...
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I was thinking, I'd install TWRP through goomanager, make EFS backup and go back to CWM.
But if something happens, I should have TWRP installed to restore EFS?
terhiha said:
I was thinking, I'd install TWRP through goomanager, make EFS backup and go back to CWM.
But if something happens, I should have TWRP installed to restore EFS?
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CWM backs them up. The problem is, they only seem accessible/viewable in CWM. I can not get to the folder in a file explorerexplorer, yet can see them in CWM.....?
Steamer86 said:
CWM backs them up. The problem is, they only seem accessible/viewable in CWM. I can not get to the folder in a file explorerexplorer, yet can see them in CWM.....?
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What I've been reading, CWM doesn't backup EFS.
Where did you read it does?
terhiha said:
What I've been reading, CWM doesn't backup EFS.
Where did you read it does?
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I used the zips, and did it in CWM. The folders are present and viewable in recovery, not upon boot. They are created before emulation/0 in CWM. I'm gonna go check if I can somehow move them in CWM... and check files. I'll be back.
Edit: Use the one that makes the zip. CWM shows it created and there, but I can not access it past this to verify it and or it it works and is correct. I am not going to flash it and take that risk.
Steamer86 said:
I used the zips, and did it in CWM. The folders are present and viewable in recovery, not upon boot. They are created before emulation/0 in CWM. I'm gonna go check if I can somehow move them in CWM... and check files. I'll be back.
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I used the efsbackup zips in CWM.
I initially encountered the same problem with not being able to find the files. From memory I was able to get to the by using a file browser with root capabilities (in my case solid explorer) go back to the root directory then Data\Media. In there I found my efs backup files as well as my CWM nandroid backup.
drc13 said:
I used the efsbackup zips in CWM.
I initially encountered the same problem with not being able to find the files. From memory I was able to get to the by using a file browser with root capabilities (in my case solid explorer) go back to the root directory then Data\Media. In there I found my efs backup files as well as my CWM nandroid backup.
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The zip and individual files are there in their respective folders, as well other backup data. You sir, are my hero of the day.
The zip method is extremely smaller than individual files...
Steamer86 said:
The zip and individual files are there in their respective folders, as well other backup data. You sir, are my hero of the day.
The zip method is extremely smaller than individual files...
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That's great news, glad I could help!
I've been wanting to post it in the development thread as a few people had asked something similar but unfortunately I don't meet the post count requirements to help them out!
I quoted your post over there.
I'm not able to move "EFS_backup" anywhere. I try, but moved folder stays empty. It shows "efsbackupflashable.zip", "efs1.img" and "efs2.img"
But they all are 0kb.
I found EFS_backup from data/media, all 3mb large.
Whit root explorer, I copied Efs_backup folder, to another folder in my sdcard, with root explorer I can see it there, but I cant copy it or to my computer.
How do I get it to safe place???
The other zip works too for individual files. I used ZArchiver to zip them up. Sent a copy to my PC with ES File Explorer over lan and uploaded another copy to Google Drive. You should be able to grab anything from SD to PC when plugged in USB. I replaced su with SuperSU a while ago. Actually get prompt permissions now. The OG SU on this phone with root method didn't play well. Also, make sure you show hidden files, PC and Phone explorer.
Steamer86 said:
The other zip works too for individual files. I used ZArchiver to zip them up. Sent a copy to my PC with ES File Explorer over lan and uploaded another copy to Google Drive. You should be able to grab anything from SD to PC when plugged in USB. I replaced su with SuperSU a while ago. Actually get prompt permissions now. The OG SU on this phone with root method didn't play well. Also, make sure you show hidden files, PC and Phone explorer.
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Thanks!! Via Root Explorer I emailed this for me and uploaded to Google drive. Size looks fine.
Now i have my EFS backup and I can continue my search for best ROM for me!
sorry for being dumb but do i use the zip from EFS Partition Backup and More [All G2 Variants] *Fixed* link and just flash it in cwm for the efs backup
And what if I just root my g2, download ES-Explorer then go to the root of the internal and just copy and paste the efs folder?
Shouldn't that work too?
Kalaidos said:
And what if I just root my g2, download ES-Explorer then go to the root of the internal and just copy and paste the efs folder?
Shouldn't that work too?
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stick to proven methods......
Sent from my LG-D802
Ok thank :crying:

[Q] Clockworkmod Backup Location Change?

Hey everyone,
I'm using CWM recovery.
When I make a nandroid backup, it gets saved to /mnt/shell/emulated/clockworkmod.
Is there a way to change this folder location? I would like it to be in sdcard0 so I can access it over USB easily. I know I can use ADB to pull from the existing location, but its more convenient to just plug in a USB cable and be good to go.
It used to be sdcard0 earlier, I'm not sure what changed it exactly. I think it happened when I installed ROM manager. I've uninstalled it since then.
ring_wraith said:
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since 4.2.2, backup is located there (or in data/media)
you can copy it to sdcard0 with a root explorer.
but dont move it from its original directory, to be able to restore it.

