Can someone please port or release Windows Phone 7/8 ROMS for Galaxy Y duos? Plzzzzzzzz....
@Moderator : Sorry, for posting this elsewhere, I am bit confused where to post, its my 1st time! Forgive me..
You could just try launcher 7 from the play store
Hit THANKS you ungrateful bastard...plz
any cyanogenmod developer here to port CM9 or CM10 roms to galaxy y
I search the most thread and found that galaxy mini same specification as the galaxy y has CM9 (ICS) or CM10 (Jelly Bean) roms ported
and there is no CM roms for galaxy y
please if any developer read this ,,,, I request him to please port these rom for galaxy y
I am dying to use these roms on my galaxy y....
press thanks it cost you nothing
damn the n00bs these days...(i'm one too )
see the Android Development Section... and be active enough to read all the posts in the thread(at least try the one posted by the author)...
search it... the devs are already making progress in CM7 & CM9...
but they cannot get some drivers from our phone's GPU product maker...
u can still download the beta versions.... and read the things working and also the bugs and things not working... search the forum before starting a new thread....
moderator please close the thread....
not working
hdulani said:
damn the n00bs these days...(i'm one too )
see the Android Development Section... and be active enough to read all the posts in the thread(at least try the one posted by the author)...
search it... the devs are already making progress in CM7 & CM9...
but they cannot get some drivers from our phone's GPU product maker...
u can still download the beta versions.... and read the things working and also the bugs and things not working... search the forum before starting a new thread....
moderator please close the thread....
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i had already tried beta version but it is not working yet
whenever i flashed that rom my old roms starts up....
and i already search for that so please if you have any than link me......
its very rude to ask things like that,
we already have people working on it,
so its either you wait or get another phone
do some research too,
SGmini is nothing like SGY except that it is an LDPI device,
did you really think we would'nt have a CM if we have same specs are mini?
be lucky someone else is doing the porting for you and its free,
so wait
GALAXY MINI has open source of there GPU DRIVER= adreno 200
Gamer R=CM 10
MasterKEy and NANO surfer=cm7
just like deathnotice says get another phone(high end or mid) or wait.. and be lucky because they're doint it for free
Hi all I come to my question is a bit silly but I have a question My question is
Intellipatch 2000 is for Samsung Galaxy Y (GT-S5360) or is for Duos. is that forum appears Intellipatch 2000 forum and forum duos Gt-S5360 also then when I went to post and it appears
Q1.What is Intellipatch?
A1.Intellipatch is a feature expanson pack for the galaxy y duos
So if in the Forum'''' Gt-S5360 that is said to Dous t?
Sorry for my question for my bad English I speak Spanish Thanks
That patch just contains some apps and other things, which are supported by both phones.
**Men have become the tools of their tools**
Would It be possible to put the OS of Galaxy Young (new one) in sgy duos by extracting it by some means???
I mean the JellyBean of that phone in our poor sgy duos... :v
Just wanted to know.... :silly:
PS. I'm too lazy to go through 101 pages to check whether someone already posted about this.... :silly:
No - totally different phone - totally different hardware
The reason why we don't have unofficial working ICS or JB is due to broadcom not releasing the drivers for this device
please search before posting - It really isn't that hard and avoids spam threads like this
I wanna ask how to install dual bbm in Samsung Galaxy Y GT-S5360..
If this Thread is repost please tell me the link....
I envy with android 4.0 + + that can install two or more BBM in a device...
Thanks.. :good:
Axell Gun said:
I wanna ask how to install dual bbm in Samsung Galaxy Y GT-S5360..
If this Thread is repost please tell me the link....
I envy with android 4.0 + + that can install two or more BBM in a device...
Thanks.. :good:
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i dont know, but i think it will laggy.. 1 BBM can takes up to 100MB ram
i now how to port a custom rom to galaxy y
please help me i want to port chocobread from galaxy mini
simokb1996 said:
i now how to port a custom rom to galaxy y
please help me i want to port chocobread from galaxy mini
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There are numerous guides on porting ROMs on XDA. Search and choose one.
BTW please post Q&A threads in the Galaxy Y GT-S5360 Q&A, Help and Troubleshooting section.