Coming from Xperia to Samsung - Anyone? - Galaxy Note II General

Hi Guys,
I am coming from Xperia Range and was using Xperia smart phones since X10 and I am really missing some of the apps/widgets from Xperia line up. Note 2 is awesome device with great power, really wanna know if anyone already tried to port Xperia apps/widgets to Galaxy Note 2??
Need suggestions !!
I have tried following apps/widget and they are working absolutely fine on Note 2.
1. Album Gallery from Xperia S
2. Digital Clock from Xperia S

i´m a happy xperis s owner and now a really happy gt-n7100 owner
can´t say I miss anything cause I was using Cyanogenmod
Looking forward to be installing all the roms and kernels
best regards,

Gallery and walkman are ok for AOSP. The rest is just bad.
Anyway, Note 2 apps from the stock rom are a lot better anyway.
I'm comparing with Xperia T.


About Xperia Arc Lockscreen

Today, I just lay my hand on my friend's Xperia Arc S and I had noticed that the lockscreen is really smooth than my AOSP lockscreen. My friend just bought it and on stockrom.
Did anyone that has experience on Xperia Arc notice as me ?
My point is, some request, if anyone can port the lockscreen for us that would be great.

Incredible! Arc very fast with Xperia S apps.

Hello, I write to you all Arc owners because you have to know the truth!
With the last ics (and also gingerbread some apps) the phone is really slow opening simple apps like the gallery, the telephone dialer, and more things you perfectly know. The incredible comes now! I installed the xperia S ics apps, launcher etc, and incredibly all works like a charm. The gallery is incredibly fast, the telephone dialer opens very quickly, the launcher don´t have lag etc....
This is a Sony strategy to make us think that the arc is outdated and buy a new´s a shame! Sony do the things right with 2011 xperias!!!!!!!!!!
we will need more feed back on this! cause its really getting very annoying to wait every time you want to dial a number!
for me it takes around 3 days after a restart when the dialer starts to i used to restart the phone every 3-4 days to make everything smooth again ..anyways xperia s ICS apps looks promising
Strange, my phone became slower once I installed the Xperia S ICS apps. Especially the dialer.
can i have the post from where to install the apps for Xperia S.
and a tutorial will also be appreciated !
philansel7 said:
can i have the post from where to install the apps for Xperia S.
and a tutorial will also be appreciated !
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Click to collapse - Here is the post mate. Just flash the zip through recovery.
madasalizard said: - Here is the post mate. Just flash the zip through recovery.
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Man this is F**king crazy. just installed it and now i can say that my ARC ICS is as smooth as gingerbread. How come that this made my ICS experience so good. its so smooth and no lag. I've have rooted my arc and i've deleted all the bloatware but it was still laggy.. now it's like ice on water.. so f**cking smooth.. try it and you wont regret it.
the album gallery, phone apps, contact apps and messaging apps is just great.
It is true, the Xperia S ICS launcher makes it much smoother now on old lovely Arc (LT15i), so I recommend everyone to try it. It is not just wishful thinking it really makes a difference. :good::good:
But I have a bug when I receive a call, the screen goes black for 3 seconds before I can answer the call, but I dont know why yet (Stock .431 firmware with Trinity kernel and Xperia S ICS launcher). :crying:
Letter to sonymobile:
I´m an angry Xperia Arc user. Like other users i have been here giving feedback, requesting new things, but i see arc is laggy, slow, have and old kernel, etc. What happen with the galery? It´s pathetically slow, and the same for the music player when it have to load the covers, the launcher is not fluid and not to talk about the ics telephone dialer.
What makes me laugh is that yesterday I install in my arc the xperia s ICS apps, and what surprise! the gallery works super fast, launcher with no lag, walkman with equializer, mega bass, more and beautiful widgets, the phone dialer opens instantly and many other features.
Sony this is the promise of been updated 18 months? What Xperia arc users have done to deserve this?
Why the xperia S software works better on a 2011 telephone? Very bad sony!
Why don´t you install the new software in the 2011 phones by default, you have it already created!!! But no, you have to give us very bad optimized software, yes I understand this is an strategy to make us buying a new phone....this is the time to take note sony! Give us what whe want.
Would love to see reply from Sony!
Sent from my LT15i using Tapatalk 2
Sony is playing their cards really well.making us believe that our ARC \ S is outdated & our hardware cannot handle ICS.The Xperia S ICS apps work really fast & with efficiency on our ARC \ S.Lets say for example Sony's latest models Xperia Miro , Tipo.these handsets r running 800mhz processor & Adreno 200.& to think these r getting the ICS out of the is that possible ??? & seeing this i think the X10 community will be in a RIOT(i just moved from X10).
Our Handsets r more than capable of running ICS.
Sony disappointed me for sure.I think they did not even put in decent effort to build ICS for Xperia 2011 line up.they want us to think our phones r outdated & want us to buy their new "SONY" branded handsets..
Shame on u SONY !!!
Marketing strategy dude!! the dirty strategy!
jlmcr87 said:
Letter to sonymobile:
I´m an angry Xperia Arc user. Like other users i have been here giving feedback, requesting new things, but i see arc is laggy, slow, have and old kernel, etc. What happen with the galery? It´s pathetically slow, and the same for the music player when it have to load the covers, the launcher is not fluid and not to talk about the ics telephone dialer.
What makes me laugh is that yesterday I install in my arc the xperia s ICS apps, and what surprise! the gallery works super fast, launcher with no lag, walkman with equializer, mega bass, more and beautiful widgets, the phone dialer opens instantly and many other features.
Sony this is the promise of been updated 18 months? What Xperia arc users have done to deserve this?
Why the xperia S software works better on a 2011 telephone? Very bad sony!
Why don´t you install the new software in the 2011 phones by default, you have it already created!!! But no, you have to give us very bad optimized software, yes I understand this is an strategy to make us buying a new phone....this is the time to take note sony! Give us what whe want.
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how did you get megabass ?? i have only the equilizer
philansel7 said:
how did you get megabass ?? i have only the equilizer
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I think he ment ClearBass ...
arpith.fbi said:
Marketing strategy dude!! the dirty strategy!
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I feel played, the phone wasn't cheap
redskilldough said:
I feel played, the phone wasn't cheap
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its ok long as we have good developers we shouldnt worry about anything.
Be happy that you have world's most best looking phone
noim said:
I think he ment ClearBass ...
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yeah LOL clearbass !! got it from another post and flash it via CWN and now i have surround, equilizer and ClearBass.
Can someone please tell me if the camera can shoot repeated shots now with ICS?
And also, is this build stable? Cause i've seen some people saying that the phone lags with ICS.
mojo22 said:
Can someone please tell me if the camera can shoot repeated shots now with ICS?
And also, is this build stable? Cause i've seen some people saying that the phone lags with ICS.
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No it does not shoot repeated shots, buy you can download the app called fast burst camera lite from the market that does. Also if you flash Arconium 4.0 and Trinity kernel V1.6, then flash the Xperia S apps you will have a nice fast and stable ICS.
jlmcr87 said:
Letter to sonymobile:
I´m an angry Xperia Arc user. Like other users i have been here giving feedback, requesting new things, but i see arc is laggy, slow, have and old kernel, etc. What happen with the galery? It´s pathetically slow, and the same for the music player when it have to load the covers, the launcher is not fluid and not to talk about the ics telephone dialer.
What makes me laugh is that yesterday I install in my arc the xperia s ICS apps, and what surprise! the gallery works super fast, launcher with no lag, walkman with equializer, mega bass, more and beautiful widgets, the phone dialer opens instantly and many other features.
Sony this is the promise of been updated 18 months? What Xperia arc users have done to deserve this?
Why the xperia S software works better on a 2011 telephone? Very bad sony!
Why don´t you install the new software in the 2011 phones by default, you have it already created!!! But no, you have to give us very bad optimized software, yes I understand this is an strategy to make us buying a new phone....this is the time to take note sony! Give us what whe want.
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it's a marketing strategy
if all 2011 xperia phones get the same software as those 2012 xperia phones
then there will be no selling points for those 2012 xperia phones
marketing is not just only about giving what customer wants, but also making customer wants.
but now it seems that sony just p*** us off by just porting some of the xperia S apps on gingerbread to ICS without optimizing them (while those news phones have new apps, e.g. dialer, walkman), some stock apps remains the same except a polished icon (like the stock alarm, music player, etc) i bet the xperia S apps on ICS are optimized for ICS
it's not the first time that sony p*** users off, everything marketing campaign (all early birds receive almost no promotional offer), releasing arc S at the same price of arc ~6 months after arc was released. sony makes beautiful phone but doesn't do beautiful marketing

[Request] Xperia Z ROM

I love the whole Xperia Z rom and it would be great if someone can create a Xperia Z rom for the I9505.
(lockscreen, launcher, appdrawer, notificatin center, quick toggles, menu, applications etc)
I know there a few things from the Z, like launcher and media apps and I use them, but there a still a few things left for a Z feeling! (especially lockscreen and notification bar/toggles)
The only thing I need from the Z is location-based wifi, the rest is pretty much already ported.
robogo1982 said:
The only thing I need from the Z is location-based wifi, the rest is pretty much already ported.
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Sure? Can you show me working lockscreen for the I9505?

[COMPARISON] Stock Android 4.4 KitKat UI vs. New Sony Xperia UI

I made a comparison between the stock Android 4.4 (KitKat) user interface and the new Sony Xperia user interface (since Android 4.3 for Xperia Z).
Left = stock Android 4.4 (KitKat) interface
Right = new Sony Xperia interface
Which one do you prefer?
Lock screen
App drawer
Change homescreen
Phone app
Compose email & keyboard
Settings app
Camera app
Music player
Lockscreen: Sony
App drawer: Sony
Homescreen: Sony
Phone app: Kitkat
Email/keyboard: Sony
Settings: -
Camera: Sony
Alarm: Sony
Time: Sony
Stopwatch: Kitkat
Timer: Sony
Music: Sony
I realy like the sony UI but some kitkat things look better
Sent from my C6603 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Prefer the Sony interface but prefer the dark theme of kitkat
Sent from my C6603 using xda app-developers app
Lockscreen: Stock
App drawer: Sony
Homescreen: Sony
Phone app: Kitkat
Email/keyboard: Kitkat
Settings: Sony
Camera: Sony
Alarm: Sony
Time: KitKat
Stopwatch: Kitkat
Timer: KitKat
Music: Sony
For me: all SONY
Some little things I like on Kitkat, but basically I do not like the stock android UI.
u can't do this comparison in this way , it should be stock 4.3 and sony 4.3
or wait for sony 4.4 kitkat and then do the comparison between them ,
totally not fair
elias234 said:
u can't do this comparison in this way , it should be stock 4.3 and sony 4.3
or wait for sony 4.4 kitkat and then do the comparison between them ,
totally not fair
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The main idea was to do a comparison 'Google Nexus vs. Sony Xperia'.
Currently, Nexus devices are on Android 4.4 and Xperia devices are on 4.3.
Anyway, do you think that Sony will change its interface a lot for Android 4.4?
Wen sony comes out with their official kitkat, m sure it'll be unique... That time it'll be best to compare with Google Nexus KK vs Sony Xperia KK
~ Zapped Using X-Zed ~
I would also prefer SONY´s existing UI in Android 4.3 as well as I get used to it since weeks.
Let´s wait and see, what 4.4 brings us next when SONY releases Kitkat. As of now, I´m totally pleased with 4.3 SONY UI.
And as for my opinion on comparison, its
SONY SONY SONY all the way....:thumbup:
~ Zapped Using X-Zed ~
am using pacman rom 4.3 + install kitkat 4.4 rom theme cm same as pic on left side
no any fc battery life great 4hr sot
i like sony ui but after unlocked the bootloader i didnt save drm keys so miracast screen mirroring isnt working on 4.2.2,4.3 tried on both
but on custom rom pacman,:good: cm11 there is working miracast wireless display...
i wana go back to 4.3 sony stock rom ... am missing sony stock camera i tried many camera port but didnt same as stock .... am not downgrade to sony stock rom just because of wireless display
tried theme of sony works great but didt get camera ,album,walkman,......and much more
Sent from my C6603 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Of course sony ui is the best(in my opinion). I always like sonys style. Different, simple, elegant and unique.
Sony Xperia Z & Tapatalk 2
After CM 11 and Omni also back to Sony 4.3. The Sony UI is way Better than CM or Omni and the camera is out of discussion. The Sony camera is so much better that you cannot compare it. I also missed FM Radio....
Back to 4.3 and hapy here
Gesendet von meinem SGP321 mit Tapatalk
Stock Android UI looks so cheap...
and i can say SONY one reason i like is because i like their UI.
I really needed this comparison! thank you..
The winner is SONY for me so i'll stick to sony firmware
When I had my S3 there was nothing to compare with ugly touchwiz
Sent from my C6603 using Tapatalk
mtayabkk said:
am using pacman rom 4.3 + install kitkat 4.4 rom theme cm same as pic on left side
no any fc battery life great 4hr sot
i like sony ui but after unlocked the bootloader i didnt save drm keys so miracast screen mirroring isnt working on 4.2.2,4.3 tried on both
but on custom rom pacman,:good: cm11 there is working miracast wireless display...
i wana go back to 4.3 sony stock rom ... am missing sony stock camera i tried many camera port but didnt same as stock .... am not downgrade to sony stock rom just because of wireless display
tried theme of sony works great but didt get camera ,album,walkman,......and much more
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you can install xperia home apk if running android 4.2.2 or above, and album, walkman, movies apk can be installed on any device lol. my mom's galaxy S4 using walkman and album app
Jambu95 said:
you can install xperia home apk if running android 4.2.2 or above, and album, walkman, movies apk can be installed on any device lol. my mom's galaxy S4 using walkman and album app
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installed xperia home :good:album and walkman tooo.
but i need sony xperia z official camera app ??

Turn your Redmi Note 3 into Xperia X! (Works on all ROM's like Nitrogen OS , Lineage)

Sony’s XPERIA UI is really awesome and everybody loves it. I mean what is there not to like? It’s smooth, looks cool and elegant, and performs really well. But the main thing that I find attractive in the XPERIA UI (Sirius UI) are the Sony Apps that come preloaded with the OS. The best one among all the apps and my favourite is the Walkman. But getting to know the feel of these apps was not possible if you didn’t own a Xperia device.
The time has changed now, everything is possible on the Android devices. Here we bring some of the latest and updated Sony Apps for any android device. Why should you do it when you have custom ROMs based on this OS? It’s simple, because of rooting, flashing, repair IMEI if lost is a lot of pain. But installing the Sony Apps manually isn’t that hard. Just install the particular apps that you like and uninstall if it didn’t satisfy you, simple as that.
Advantages of Installing Sony Apps
No BUGS in any apps as these are directly ported from Xperia Devices.
Ported almost all the apps required, from the Xperia devices.
Supported on devices with android OS 4.4+
Mainly, no root and flashing required.
Screenshots are available on the link below!
Excited? Download all Apps from link below!
Unfortunately I forgot to add link. The direct link is given in the comment below!
#3 comment.
Please Hit that Thumbs Up button!
Where is the link?
Thanks mate! Downloading
Album gallery app can't delete pictures on micro SD. Anyone confirm? When opening file explorer files are there even when they have been deleted in Sony app
